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Subject File 1791-1995

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, mimeographs, typescripts, catalogs, bulletins, bibliographic publications, flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, clippings, press releases, newspaper issues, posters, and miscellany printed material, arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by subject
box 1

Bicentennial of the Polish Third of May Consitution 1791-1991, English translation of the 1791 constitution published by the Polish Embassy in Washington D.C. 1991

box 121

Facsimile of the 1791 Polish constitution

box 1

Socialist movements 1864-1918

box 1

20th century. Okhrana. English translations of office correspondence and instructions 1908


Revolution of 1905

box 1


box 1

Calls for strikes


World War I 1914-1918


Austrian occupation 1915-1918

box 1

Pilsudzki, Jozef

box 1

Polish Legions


German occupation 1914-1918

box 1


box 1

German soldiers, Appeals to

box 1

Polish military formations

box 1


box 1

Sikorski, Wladyslaw. Speech on voluntary enlistment 1917

box 1

Russian occupation. Jewish problem



box 1




box 1


box 1

Polska Organizacja Wojskowa

box 1

Wojsko Polskie


Labor unions, workers associations. Includes communist anti-state agitation

box 1


box 1

Narodowy Zwiazek Robotniczy


Rady Delegatow Robotniczych

box 1


box 1


box 1

Zaglebie Dabrowskie i Sosnowiec

box 1

Zwiazek Robotnikow Miejskich s.m. Warszawy

box 1

Zwiazek Zawodowy Robotnikow Rolnych







box 1




box 1


box 1


box 1



Political-Nationalist, pre-independence

box 1

Centralny Demokratyczny Komitet Wyborczy

box 1

Klub Panstwowcow Polskich

box 1

Konfederacja Narodowa

box 1

Liga Panstwowosci Polskiej

box 1

Miedzypartyjne Kolo Polityczne

box 1

Zjednoczenie Narodowe

box 1

Zwiazek Budowy Panstwa Polskiego

box 1


box 1



Political parties. Includes some material from 1917

box 2


box 2


box 2

Komunistyczna Partia Robotnicza Polski

box 2

Narodowy Zwiazek Robotniczy

box 2

Polska Partia Socjalistyczna

box 2

Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe

box 2

Polskie Zjednoczenie Ludowe


Socjaldemokracja Krolestwa Polskiego i Litwy



box 2

Hebrew publications: "Zum Kampf", "Die Kontrrevolutionare Rolle" 1918

box 2




box 2


box 2

Southern Poland

box 2


box 2

Zarzad Glowny

box 2

Stronnictwo Niezawislosci Narodowej

box 2

Zjednoczone Stronnictwa Niepodleglosciowe

box 2

Zjednoczenie Stronnictw Demokratycznych

box 2

Zwiazek Demokracji Polskiej

box 2

Pretender to Polish throne, Archduke Karol Stefan

box 2

Provisional government. Rada Stanu Krolestwa Polskiego


Wars of 1918-1921

box 3

Polish-Soviet war 1920-1921

box 3

"K.B.P. Referat Prasowy. Referat z prasy polskiej w sprawie kresow wschodnich, od 1-go do 15-go czerwca r." 1920




Polish. Addressed to

box 3

Polish soldiers

box 3

Soviet soldiers

box 3


box 3

Proclamations, Polish

box 3

Rady Zolnierskie

box 3

Territorial questions



box 3

General. Patriotic flyers relating to May 3 celebrations, death of Marshall Jozef Pilsudzki, religious holidays 1930-1939

box 3

Elections. Sejm Ustawodawczy (Constituent Assembly), Original copies of ballots 1919 January.


Plebiscites 1919

box 3

East Prussia

box 3

Spiz and Orawa

box 3

Teschen Silesia

box 3

Upper Silesia. Maps on coal production and appeals to Polish workers


Political conditions

box 4



Political parties

box 4

Komunistyczna Partia Gornego Slaska


Komunistyczna Partia Robotnicza Polski

box 4


box 4

Komitet Centralny

box 4

Komitet Organizujacy

box 4

Komitet Warszawski

box 4

Komitety lokalne


Polska Partia Socjalistyczna



box 4


box 4

Centralny Komitet Robotniczy

box 4

Rada Naczelna

box 4

Warszawski Komitet Robotniczy


Polska Partia Socjalistyczna-Lewica

box 4

Komitety Prowincjonalne

box 4

Komitet Robotniczy

box 4

Warszawski Komitet Robotniczy

box 4

Polska Partia Socjalistyczna Opozycja

box 4

Polska Partia Socyalno-Demokratyczna

box 4

Socjaldemokracja Krolestwa Polskiego i Litwy i Polska Partia Socjalistyczna-Lewica


Coup d'etat 1926

box 4


box 4



Occupation 1939-1945


Government in Exile

box 4




box 5

"Digest of Polish press September 1943"

box 5

"Przeglad prasy podziemnej, czerwiec-sierpien, Government quarterly bulletin. Issue devoted mostly to death of General Wladyslaw Sikorski 1943"

box 5

Memorandum of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Foreign Ministers Summit in 1959



box 5


box 5


box 5

British Commonwealth

box 5

Central European Federation

box 5


box 5


box 5

Foreign relations

box 5


box 5

Government, Policies of

box 5


box 5

Legal system

box 5


box 5

Poles abroad

box 5

Political satire

box 5

Post-war programs

box 6

Regions of Poland and border conflicts

box 6

Religion and Vatican's policy toward Poland

box 6

Social issues

box 6


box 6

World War II developments

box 6

Katyn Forest massacre. Polish Air Force Veterans Association. "Katyn Memorial 1940-1990". Publication on 50th anniversary of Katyn. In Polish

box 6

Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom, Warsaw Aleja Szucha. Brochure




Emigre publications



box 6

Catholic Poland, by Alexander Tomsky 1982

box 6

Idee spoleczne encykliki: Mater et magistra, by Jan Sliwa n.d.

box 6

Encyklika o nowych zagadnieniach spolecznych: Mater et magistra, by Pope John XXIII 1961

box 6

Stolica sw. w obronie praw polskich katolikow, w Rzeszy i w Polsce pod okupacja niemiecka, n.a. 1946

box 6

The Millenium of Poland, by P. Siekanowicz 1966


Communist Poland

box 6

Amnestia: Dokumenty i objasnienia, n.a. 1956

box 6

For the Freedom of Poland and Central-Eastern Europe: Documents 1946-1947, by Council of Polish Political Parties 1948

box 6

Forced Labor and Confinement without Trial in Poland, by Stafan Rosada, Jozef Gwozdz 1952

box 6

Freedom of the Press in Poland, by M. E. Rojek 1946

box 6

Ideologiczne troski komunistow w swietle XIII plenum Komitetu Centralnego PZPR, by Stefan Mekarski 1963

box 6

Poland 1964: A Study in Lost Hopes, by Jerzy Lozowski, (?) 1965

box 6

Poland Today as Seen by Foreign Observers, ed. by M. K. Dziewanowski 1946

box 6

Polish Elections: The Background, by Duchess of Atholl 1947

box 6

The Polish Elections, 19th January, 1947, by British Joint Committee for Polish Affairs 1947

box 6

Soviet-Polish Relations: A Collection of Official Documents and Press Extracts, 1944-1946, by Soviet News 1946

box 6

Struggle for Democracy in Poland, by L. Stachow 1979

box 6

La Verita ai Lavoratori, by Wladyslaw Gomulka 1956

box 6

Who's Who of the Regime in Poland, by Scottish League for European Freedom 1947


Culture and ideology

box 7

Jednostka w ustroju sowieckim, by Mateusz Skiba 1948

box 7

Kalendarz Dziennika Polskiego na rok panski 1950 1950

box 7

Marksizm w swietle nauki i faktow, by Leon Kownacki 1954

box 7

O Freudzie i Einsteinie jako oszustach w nauce, by Z. J. Daszewski 1955

box 7

Przewrot obcy w kulturze polskiej, by Stefan Mekarski 1952

box 7

Trzy ksiazki G. Orwella, Cz. Milosza, W. Gombrowicza, by Z. Daszewski 1954


Eastern Europe

box 7

Is this the New Europe, by Stanislaw Stronski n.d.

box 7

Kryzys emigracji: Problemy federacji srodkowo-wschodniej Europy, by Stanislaw Olszewski 1955

box 7

The Soviet Conquest in Central and Eastern Europe, by Stefan Lochtin 1954

box 7

Events of 1956. Narod Polski w walce o wolnosc i niepodleglosc, 1956-1957, by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk 1957


Government and politics in exile

box 7

Akt zjednoczenia, by Jan Kord 1954

box 7

British-Polish Alliance, Its Origin and Meaning, by Edward Raczynski 1948

box 7

Dzieje grzechu czyli od Jalty do przesilenia, by Adam Pragier 1947

box 7

Kryzys prezydencki i droga wyjscia, by Zdzislaw Stahl 1954

box 7

Od kleski do nadziei, w trzechlecie powstania Skarbu Narodowego, by Wieslaw Wohnout 1953

box 7

Polski rzad na wygnaniu i jego misja, by Tomasz Kolakowski n.d.


Organization of Captive Nations 1955

box 7

Nadzwyczjana sesja Organizacji Narodow Ujarzmionych Europy a Strasburgu od 1 do 5 lipca 1955, report by Polski Narodowy Komitet Demokratyczny 1955

box 7

Estonia. Map of Estonian liberation war, New York 1919 1939


Poles abroad

box 7

Kraj i emigracja, by Wojciech Laryssa 1947

box 7

Polska emigracja polityczna po 20 latach: Jej alternatywy i przyszlosc, by Jerzy Hauptman 1965

box 7

Poradnik prawny dla Polakow w Niemczech: Legal Aid Manual for Poles in Germany, 1952

box 7

Sprawozdanie z dzialalnosci Funduszu Pomocy Polakom za okres od 1943 do marca 1961, by Fundusz Pomocy Polakom 1961


Polish history

box 7

Bez Boga, honoru, ojczyzny: Ostatnie dni II Marszalka Polski i min. J. Becka (z raportow dyplomatow), by Witold Benedykt Kuk 1953

box 7

Konstytucja 3 maja 1791 na tle porownawczym, by Waclaw Komarnicki 1951

box 7

Polska w pamietnikach gen. de Gaulle'a. Wybor tekstow z przedmowa Kajetana Morawskiego, by Kajetan Morawski n.d.

box 7

Szymon Budny: Der groesste Haeretiker Litauens im 16. Jahrhundert, by Stanislaw Kot 1956


Political parties abroad

box 7

Cel i droga: Dwa dokumenty: 1. Deklaracja: Cele i zadania PPS, 2. Alternatywa Socjalistyczna w krajach Srodkowo - Wschodniej Europy, by Zygmunt Zaremba 1963

box 7

Demokratyczne ustroje panstwowe, by Leon Kownacki 1952

box 7

Polish National Democratic Committee, Third Session, 1955, by Polish National Democratic Committee 1955

box 7

Polityka Polskiej Demokracji: III kongres Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego we Francji w dniach 24-25 lutego 1952, n.a. 1952

box 7

Polskie stronnictwa i ich doktryny, by Testis 1953

box 7

Przeciw zdradzie socjalizmu i demokracji: P.P.S., by Henryk Polowiec 1954

box 7

To sie dawno zaczelo: Stronnictwo Ludowe, by Wojciech Piechota 1948

box 7

Wytyczne polityki Polskiej Demokracji na wygnaniu: Druga sesja Polskiego Narodowego Komitetu Demokratycznego, n.a. 1953


Post-war western border

box 7

Bronmy granicy na Odrze i Nysie, by Marian Seyda 1948

box 7

Hopes and Fears of German Unification, by Jerzy Hauptman 1965

box 7

Najwazniejsza dzis dla Polakow sprawa, by Komitet Obrony Zachodnich Kresow Polski 1947

box 7

Sprawa granicy zachodniej to dla Polakow byc albo nie byc, by Leon T. Walkowicz 1947

box 7

Zagadnienia gospodarcze ziem odzyskanych, by Zbigniew M. Fallenbuchl 1956

box 7

Pre-war politics. Idea niepodleglosci i sily u Jozefa Pilsudzkiego, by Zdzislaw Stahl 1952



box 8

Censorship. "Noty Biograficzne". Biographical dictionary of Polish emigres published by Central Press Office, Publications and Performance Controll 1971


Communist party, Formation and apparatus of


General. Pamphlets. In Polish



box 8


box 8

Formation of party apparatus

box 8

Army propaganda

box 8

Culture and education

box 8


box 8

Educational system

box 8

History. World War I, interwar period 1914-1918

box 8

Legal and political system

box 8

Opposition, as viewed by party ideologues. Includes material on Kultura (Paris), Polish emigre circles

box 9

Peasant political movement

box 9

Territories regained after World War II

box 9

Youth movement

box 9

World War 1939-1945

box 9

Unification congress, autograph book of attendees 1948 December.

box 9

Concentration camp prisoners, Testimonies of former. Polski Instytut Zrodlowy w Lund inIn Polish and English 1945-1946.

box 9

Spain - History - Civil War, Poles, former participants as prisoners of war in France, Germany, Spain 1936-1939. 1939-1945

box 9

"Zwiazek Patriotow Polskich. Biuletyn Zarzadu Obwodowego ZPP w Molotowie. Polak na Uralu" No. 1 1945 November


Uprising 1956



box 10

Khrushchev, Nikita. Interview for CBS in Polish 1957 May 28.

box 10

Stalin, Joseph. Obituary issue of Express Wieczorny in Polish 1953 March 9.


Newspapers issues relating to political situation and dialogue

box 10

Glos Koszalinski

box 10

Glos Szczecinski

box 10

Nowa Kultura

box 10

Po Prostu

box 10

Przeglad Kulturalny

box 10


box 10

Trybuna Ludu

box 10

Ziemia i Morze

box 10

Zycie Literackie



box 10

Elections, Voting ballot for Sejm with Wojciech Jaruzelski leading list of candidates 1976.

box 10

Gierek, Edward, speech delivered to shipyard workers in (?) 1980


Political opposition 1976-1980



box 10

Catholic groups. Includes material on John Paul II visit to Poland and official releases of episcopate 1979

box 11

Peasant organizations

box 11

Student organizations. Includes material on position of official government organizations


Komitet Obrony Robotnikow

box 11


box 11




box 11


box 11




box 12


box 12




box 12


box 12

Communist party, Official literature on

box 12

Strike folklore. Poems and ballads. Includes material from later period

box 12

Komitet Porozumienia na Rzecz Samostanowienia Narodu 1980

box 12

Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej 1978-1980


N.S.Z.Z. Solidarnosc





box 12


box 12




box 12

Gdansk region

box 12

Warsaw region

box 12


box 12


box 13


box 13


box 13

Ruch Obrony Praw Czlowieka i Obywatela 1978-1980

box 13

Ruch Wolnych Demokratow 1978-1980



box 14

General. Calendars commemorating 20th century events and historic figures


Communist party

box 14

Central Committee. "Przyczyny, przebieg i skutki kryzysow spolecznych w dziejach PRL", (?). Political analysis on causes of social unrests in post-war communist Poland. Copy of typescript 1982




Political pamphlets 1982-1987

box 14

Catholic church

box 14

Foreign relations

box 14

Internal developments

box 14

Official party program

box 14

Opposition, Internal and foreign

box 14

Press review bulletins, In Polish and English 1981 February-April.



box 14

Matejko, Alexander. Curriculum vitae and list of publications 1971

box 14

Milosz, Czeslaw. Speech delivered at Nobel Prize Ceremony

box 14

Popieluszko, Jerzy


Pruszynski, Aleksander. Correspondence with

box 14

Stefan Bratkowski, Jan Rulewski, Danuta and Lech Walesa, Roman Zambrowski 1981-1989

box 14

Vysotskii, Vladimir. Transcript of his performance in Poland March 1981


NSZZ Solidarnosc


Bibliographies of underground publications. General

box 15

"Katalog prasy podziemnej w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryzu" n.d.


"Katalog zawartosci polskiej prasy niezaleznej: Contents of the Polish underground press" by Kontakt 1986

box 15

Part I

box 15

Part II


NSZZ Solidarnosc collection. University of Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

box 15

General. General guide


Finding aids. Period files

box 15

Martial law

box 15

Post-martial law

box 15


box 15

Solidarity legal



box 16

General, alphabetical

box 16

Independent publishers

box 16

Uncensored books

box 16

Uncensored periodicals

box 16

"Polish Independent Publications 1976+", Solidarity Bibliographic Center, Harvard University n.d.


Office issuances. Contains some material of other opposition groups and associations related ideologically to Solidarity





box 16


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17


box 17



Komisja Zakladowa Kombinatu Dzwigow Osobowych "Zreb", Warszawa. Protocols

box 18


box 18


box 18




box 18


box 18


box 18


box 18


box 19


box 19


box 19

Memoirs. Authors unknown n.d.

box 19

Publications 1985-1986


Representatives abroad file 1980-1989

box 20


box 20


box 20


box 20


box 20


box 20


box 20


box 20

Great Britain

box 20


box 20


box 20


box 21


box 21


box 21

United States

box 22

Pomaranczowa Alternatywa 1987-1988


Round table talks 1989 February 6 -April 5

box 22


box 22

"Komitet organizacyjny przy Lechu Walesie d.s. Okraglego stolu", nos. 38-40

box 22

"Okragly stol. Kto jest kim. Opozycja" 1989

box 22

"Porozumienia okraglego stolu". Final report

box 22

Solidarnosc Walczaca, Kornel Morawiecki 1987-1988

box 22

Zwiazek Literatow Polskich. Directory 1981



box 23

American Studies Center in Warsaw 1991-1992

box 23

Constitution. Programs of various political groups 1990-1993


Economic reform

box 23

General. Business periodicals 1990-1993

box 23

Centrum Adama Smitha. Statute

box 23

Fundacja Rataja. Pamphlets



box 23

Municipal 1994 June 19

os_folder 1

Municipal election poster 1994



box 23

Posters and flyers 1989.


1991 October



box 23


box 23

Labor unions

box 23

Left oriented groups

box 24


box 24

Tygodnik Wyborczy August-October

box 24

Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej

box 24

Kongres Liberalno Demokratyczny

box 24

Partia Konserwatywno Liberalna

box 24

Partia Wolnosci

box 24

Partia X

box 24

Polska Wspolnota Narodowa

box 24

Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe

box 24

Porozumienie Ludowe


Porozumienie Obywatelskie Centrum

box 24


box 24

"Serwis Informacyjny"

box 24

Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej

box 24

Solidarnosc and Solidarnosc Pracy

box 24

Stronnictwo Demokratyczne

box 24

Stronnictwo Sprawiedliwosci Spolecznej

box 24

Unia Demokratyczna

box 24

Unia Polityki Realnej

box 24

Victoria, Polaczone Sztaby Wyborcze Lecha Walesy

box 24

Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko Narodowe





box 25


box 25

Merkuriusz partii i ugrupowan politycznych, nos. 1-15 1993

box 25

Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform


Katolicki Komitet Wyborczy "Ojczyzna" Koalicja dla Rzeczpospolitej

box 25


box 25

Partia Wolnosci

box 25

Political program

box 25

Klub Zachowawczo Monarchistyczny

box 25

Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej


Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny

box 25


box 25


box 26

Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy "Solidarnosc"

box 26

Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe

box 26

Porozumienie Centrum. Zjednoczenie Polskie

box 26



Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej

box 27


box 27

Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet

box 27

Stronnictwo Sprawiedliwosci Spolecznej


Unia Demokratyczna

box 27

Lists of candidates

box 27

Political program

box 27

Unia Polityki Realnej

box 27

Unia Pracy

box 27

Wspolnota Narodowa

box 27

Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko Narodowe





box 27

Bartoszcze, Roman

box 27

Cimoszewicz, Wlodzimierz

box 27

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

box 27

Tyminski, Stanislaw

box 27

Walesa, Lech



box 39

Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Hanna

box 39

Kwasniewski, Aleksander

box 39

Kuron, Jacek

box 39

Moczulski, Leszek

box 39

Walesa, Lech

box 28

Green card lottery. Flyer distributed in Poland 1992

box 28

McDonald, Warsaw


NSZZ Solidarnosc

box 28

General 1989-1992


Rada Krajowa

box 28

General. Biuletyn Informacyjny 1990-1993

box 28

Office issuances, resolutions 1989-1992

box 28

Solidarnosc Rolnicza 1989-1992


Political parties 1990-1994



box 29


box 29

Guides 1991

box 29

Forum Pro-Amerykanskie (Unia Amerykansko-Polska)


Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej

box 29


os_folder 1

KPN poster, Kristof Krol undated


Political program

box 29

General. Pamphlets

box 30

Biuletyn Informacyjny 1992-1993

box 30

Gazeta Polska 1992-1993


Prasa o KPN

box 30


box 31



Kongres Liberalno Demokratyczny

box 31


box 31


box 31

Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy "Solidarnosc"


Polska Wspolnota Narodowa

box 32

Mysl Narodowa Polska 1990-1991

box 32



Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe

box 32

Klub Parlamentarny P.S.L. Biuletyn, nos. 8-14 1992-1993

box 33

Porozumienie Ludowe

box 33

Ruch dla Rzeczypospolitej

box 33

Socjaldemokracja Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej


Unia Demokratyczna

box 33


box 33

Biuletyn Informacyjny 1990 1992-1993

box 33

Unia Pracy

box 33

Unia Wolnosci. Statute


Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko Narodowe

box 33



Political program

box 33


box 33

Biuletyn 1992-1993

box 34

Ruch Chrzescijansko Narodowy, Akcja Polska

box 34

Sejm. Publications 1991-1994

box 34

Senate. Publications 1992-

box 34

Social conditions


Oversize Material 1931-1941

box 34

Oversize material

box 35

The English Atlas. Volume I, Containing Description of Poland. Facsimile of 1680 publication

box 35

Marszalek Pilsudzki w 13 karykaturach Zdzislawa zermanskiego, Paris, Portfolio 1931.

box 35

Poland Today: Some of the Principal Matters in the Everyday Life of Poland, Government bulletin on vital statistics 1939.

box 35

The port of Gdynia. Map published by Urzad Morski 1930s

box 35

Zolnierz w Polu, vol. 1:2, Publication of Polish Airforce staff in England. Mimeographed serial 1941.

box 38

Pamphlets, leaflets and printed matter 1870s-1980s


Audio-Visual Material 1980-1992

Scope and Contents

Microfilm reel, videotape cassettes, phonotape cassettes, and phonotapes
microfilm Cabinet

1 microfilm reel on Polish political parties

tape Cabinet

3 video tapes cassettes (nos. 1-3) of radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials


Sound cassettes

onsite digital

Radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials (nos. 4-10) 1980 August 26-31

Physical Description: 7.0 sound_cassettes
Language of Material: Polish.


Radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials, Gdansk Shipyard, 31 August 1980, use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009686, xx747_a_0009691
Radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials, Gdansk Shipyard, 26 August 1980, use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009687, xx747_a_0009688
Radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials, Gdansk Shipyard, 31 August 1980, use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009692
Radio broadcast negotiations between leaders of 1980 General strike and government officials, Gdansk Shipyard, undated, use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009695
onsite digital

Radio programs by Solidarity labor union relating to the state of Solidarity and conditions in Poland in general. Includes a conversation with Lech Walesa (nos. 11-14) 1980-1981

Physical Description: 4.0 sound_cassettes


Radio program by Solidarity labor union, number 04, use copy number: xx747_a_0009696 Radio program by Solidarity labor union, number 05, use copy number: xx747_a_0009706 Radio program by Solidarity labor union, number 09, use copy number: xx747_a_0009707 Radio program by Solidarity labor union, unnumbered, use copy number: xx747_a_0009710
onsite digital

Telephone conversations between Aleksander Pruszynski in Toronto and Maciej Madejski of the Warsaw branch of Solidarity, relating to the state of Solidarity and conditions in Poland in general. Includes a conversation with Lech Walesa (nos. 15-22)

Physical Description: 8.0 sound_cassettes
Language of Material: Polish.


Use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009711
onsite digital

Sermon of Jerzy Popieluszko, martyred priest and Solidarity supporter (no. 23)

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette
Language of Material: Polish.


Use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009727
onsite digital

Political cabaret (no. 24) 1988

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette
Language of Material: Polish.


Use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009728
onsite digital

Proceedings of three economic and political debates held in Presidential residence, Belweder (nos. 25-39) 1991

Physical Description: 15.0 sound_cassettes
Language of Material: Polish.

Scope and Contents note

Obrady Gospodarcze
(Names may be misspelled.)
Part 1, 17 May 1991: 1032 Prezydent RP 1037 Pnerwa 1039 ...... 1039 Boilcerowicz 1059 Kurowski 1118
Part 2, 17 May 1991: 1118 Kurowski 1124 Ginedu 1153 Pnerwa 1210 Grusiedu 1220
Part 3, 17 May 1991: 1220 Gruszecki 1225 Janowski 1241 Buycj 1302 Kucyzski 1303 Bungaj 1306 Wiuiecki 1307
Part 4, 17 May 1991: 1307 Winiedu 1310 Beksick 1316 Manicki 1322 Borszcick 1328 Wiluynski 1333 Chrostowski 1358 Kaleta 1342 Jsolraszcyk 1348 Bozyk 1352 Boilcerowicz 1352
Part 5, 17 May 1991: 1352 Belcerowicz 1400 Pnerma 1515 Eysymont 1531 Misiek 1539 Goc-Kozierkiewicz 1547 Wcycyk 1554
Part 6, 17 May 1991: 1554 Woyczyk 1557 Rasilowski 1606 Kaleta 1612 Soblech 1618 Ryblewski 1627 Ryz 1634 Gomotka 1639
Part 7, 17 May 1991: 1639 Goumutka 1642 Pnerma 1651 Kurowslu 1652 Rybuynslr 1700 Leopold 1704 Doiucq 1710 Dybrowski 1717 Noisitowski 1720 Winiedu 1724 Bretkowski 1728 Nojtowicz 1734
Part 8, 17 May 1991: 1739 Woytowicz 1740 Welicz 1744 Jolefiak 1748 Wyrzynkiewicz 1755 Podsiadlo 1803 Misiaig 1809 Eysymont 1813 Konieczny 1817 Trzeciakowski 1819
Part 9, 17 May 1991: 1819 Trzeciakowski
Part 9, 18 May 1991: 830 Lewandowski 851 Yedraszczyk 908 Krawczyk 915
Part 10, 18 May 1991: 915 Krawczyk 916 Arguszewski 929 Wyrzynkiewicz 932 Grobnon 941 Przetrzewski 949 Kuczynski 953 Przewodniczacy 955 Kowieczny 1000
Part 11, 18 May 1991: 1000 Konieczny 1001 Yelczuk 1008 Gruszecki 1013 Przerwa 1026 Bozyk 1033 Fornalczyk 1038 Lewandowski 1046 Yedrasczyk 1049 Stankiewicz 1054 Dabrowsu 1057
Part 12, 18 May 1991: 1057 Dabrowski 1059 Bugay 1105 Winecki 1112 Kaleta 1117 Leopold 1121 Wilczynski 1126 Misiak 1130 Rybczynski 1133 Palka 1137 Fornalczyk 1139 Borszozak 1142
Part 13, 18 May 1991: 1142 Borszcick 1149 Winedu 1150 Buguj 1151 Kaleta 1152 Dyskusje 1153 Jgolveszczyk 1154 Pnerwa 1315 Tymowslu 1335 Kamalel 1338 Aulejtner 1347
Part 14, 18 May 1991: 1347 Auleytner 1353 Slubert 1411 Kantecki 1413 Manicki 1417 Yanowski 1421 Kawalec 1426 Krawczyk 1430 Kurowjki 1432 SL 15A 7B
Part 15, 18 May 1991: 1432 Kurowski 1435 Pryu...? 1439 ... 1444 Winiecki 1449 Arkuszewski 1453 Boni 1501 Sidorowicz 1505 Bugay 1507 Sidorowicz 1508 Przepna 1525 Przewodniczacz 1526 Winiecki 1534
Part 16, 18 May 1991: 1534 Wisniecki 1546 Premier 1554 Przewodniczpycu
Part 17, 18 May 1991: Press conference


Use copy reference number: xx747_a_0009733

Videotape cassettes on Polish history and politics, In Polish and English 1986-1989

tape cabinet

"Pomost: Pierwszy zjazd," Chicago (nos. 40-41) 1983

tape cabinet

"Moczulski w Chicago" (no. 42) 1987

tape cabinet

"O nas i za nas" (no. 43) n.d.

tape cabinet

"Zbrodnia katynska" (no. 44) n.d.

tape cabinet

"Bo wolnosc krzyzami sie mierzy: General Anders i jego zolnierze" (no. 45) undated

tape cabinet

"Solidarnosc: The Hope from Gdansk" (no. 46) undated

onsite digital

The Battle for Warsaw videorecording 1978

Scope and Contents note

Documentary by Shanachie about the Battle for Warsaw and guerrilla activities in Poland during World War II. Copyright Peter Batty Productions Ltd. In English. Video transfer from film. Sound. Color and black and white. Duration 48:58.


Use copy available on-site for immediate use. Use copy reference number: xx747_v_0008558.

Phonotape cassettes of martial law period 1981 December 13


American and Canadian broadcasting station reports on developments and issues relevant to the political crisis in Poland

tape cabinet

1981 December 15(?)-18(?)

box 36

1981 December 21-23

box 36

1981 December 23-27

box 36

1981 December 29 - 1982 January 3

box 36

1982 January 5-12

box 36

"Let Poland Be Poland," United States International Communication Agency production aired on public television in Includes speeches of heads of Western governments 1982

box 37

Przetakiewicz. "Przetakiewicz for Slowo December 13 or 14, 1981"


Phonotape cassettes on Solidarity period 1980-1981

box 37

Madejski, Maciej. "Maciej Madejski, 1981, Maria Moczulska, A. Bisping ucieczka z Polski 'How I got out of Urzad Bezpieczenstwa', Bielski, Prawnik(?), Maria Moczulska May 1981. April 1981"

box 37

Polskie Radio Wroclaw. Side 1: Interview with Karol Modzelewski and Krzysztof(?) Turkowski on origins of Solidarity movement and social context of 1980 upheaval, recollections of students on August 1981, songs from strike folklore. Recorded on the 1st anniversary of August 1980. Side 2: Ending part of the tape PTV News broadcast on the day of attempt on Pope John Paul II's life, mass at the Wroclaw cathedral on the same evening

box 37

Radio Free Europe. Side 1: "Migawki z dwoch manifestacji w listopadzie 1/ W Nowym Jorku 21 listopada, 2/ W Warszawie i innych miastach, 11 listopada". Side 2: "Zbrodnie nieujawnione: Poprawka, Szwecja" 1980


Phonotape cassettes of post martial law period 1983-1988

box 37

Bratkowski, Stefan. "Gazeta dzwiekowa, no. 7, Uroczystosci pogrzebowe ksiedza Popieluszki" 1984-1985

box 36

Bujak, Zbigniew. "Rozmowa z Z. Bujakiem, 2 XII" 1986

box 37

Cyran. "Wywiad Cyran I, Gwiazda rozmowa III" undated

box 37

Chojecki, Miroslaw. "Kongres Polonii Amerykanskiej, Illinois Division, Komitet Spraw Polskich. Spotkanie z Miroslawem Chojeckim, 7 maja 'State of Affairs in Poland'. Nagranie Radio 'Victoria', Chicago" 1983

box 37

Czestochowa, Mass and sermon at Jasna Gora (Popieluszko ?). Humor of the streets. Accidently interviewed people telling their joke of the day and sharing their daily concerns 1984

box 37

Frasyniuk, Wladyslaw. "Rozmowa z Frasyniukiem" undated

box 37

Glemp, Cardinal. "Cardinal Glemp of Poland, Arrival in Detroit. Press conference(?) in church by Archbishop Szoka. Sermons in two churches in Detroit" 1985 September 21-22


Gwiazda, Andrzej

box 36

"Andrzej Gwiazda 11 XI" 1986

box 37

"Andrzej Gwiazda. Poczatek muzycy z Zawiszy Czarnego. Rozmowa P. Kesik na radiostacji, sierpien Rozmowy o Afryce Poludniowej" 1984

box 37

"Rozmowa z Andrzejem Gwiazda 18 V" 1986

box 37

"Gwiazda, Frasyniuk, Rulewski, Po podwyzkach w Polsce" 1987 April

box 37

"Gwiazda, Frasyniuk, Hanzlik 5 III" 1987

box 37

"Gwiazda, Frasyniuk, 30 IX" 1987

box 37

"Joanna Gwiazda, Jan Rulewski, Bydgoszcz 21 IX. Rozmowy Interview with opposition leaders" 1985 September 20

box 36

"Andrzej Gwiazda" 1987 February 28

box 37

"Talk with Andrzej Gwiazda" 1985 May

box 37

"Andrzej Gwiazda, Zjazd Solidarnosci(?) 22 May, 1987" 1987

box 36

"Andrzej i Joanna Gwiazda" 1986 February 9

box 36

"Conversation by phone with Andrzej Gwiazda" 1984 August 7

box 37

"Andrzej Gwiazda, Interview by phone with Aleksander Pruszynski from Toronto" 1987 September 9

box 37

Hanzlik. "Gwiazda, Frasyniuk, Hanzlik 5 III" 1987


John Paul II


Voice of America - Pope's trip to Poland in 1983

box 36

Pope's sermon at Jagiellonian University; interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski

box 36

Katowice, Wroclaw 1983 June 19-20

box 37

"J. Rozalski from Radio Polish Variete in Detroit speaks on the Papal tour of USA in In Polish" 1987

box 37

"Jan Pawel II, Detroit Przemowienie do Polonii po polsku i angielsku, Detroit - Hamtramck" 1987 September 18

box 36

Kocon, Waldemar. "Wlademar Kocon, Detroit, wrzesien 1985. Emigre singer after trip to Australia" 1985 September

box 36

Kopacsi, Alexander, Colonel. "Hungary, Colonel Kopacsi" 1985 November

box 36

Krol, Maciej. "Marcin Krol, Editor of independent newspaper Respublica" 1987 July

box 37

Kropiwnicki, Jerzy Janusz. "Kropiwnicki, 2 XI(?)"


Lenyk, Zygmunt

box 36

"A. Lenyk, KPN Krakow, A. Gwiazda" 1986 May

box 36

"Rozmowa Zygmunt Lenyk, Krakow, KPN, Interview with Mrs. Poray about Polish-Jewish relations, on Poles who helped the Jews survive during the years 1939-1945" 1985 March

box 36

"Lenyk Zygmunt, 1 II" 1986

box 36

"Lenyk - Rulewski" 1986 October 22

box 37

Lis, Bohdan. "Bohdan Lis 9 XII, Andrzej Gwiazda 12 XII (?)"

box 36

Malkowski, Ksiadz. "1: X Malkowski from Warsaw, the most radical priest in Poland. Easter sermon and interview published in Hutnik in Warsaw, by phone 2: Conversations before Easter 1986 with Andrzej Gwiazda, Gdansk; Maria Moczulska, Warszawa; Jan Rulewski, Bydgoszcz; Zygmunt Lenyk, KPN, Krakow" 1986 March 21


Moczulski, Leszek

box 36

"Moczulski's first interview after liberation, same day he had a press conference" 1986 September 22

box 37

"Moczulski, grudzien Telephone conversation after death of Father Popieluszko" 1984

box 36

"Moczulski i Gwiazda, 11 luty" 1987

box 36

"Moczulski-Gwiazda, 13 IV" 1987

box 37

"Moczulski, I i II, 8-10 IX" 1984

box 36

"Moczulski(?) about Podkowa, at Lesna Podkowa" 1985 February

box 36

"Leszek Moczulski z Londynu 9 i 17 stycznia" 1987


Moczulska, Maria

box 37

"Moczulska, Gwiazda, Lenyk, Rulewski" undated

box 37

"Moczulska. B. dzialacz S Bydgoszcz podejrzany o prace dla SB". Side A: "Conversation with Mrs. Maria Moczulska, wife of leader of Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej, conversation with Mr. Jerzy Pozorski, former member of Solidarity leadership, who allegedly started working for the Polish police" 1986 March -April 5

box 37

"Moczulska, Maria" 1986 Spring

box 36

"Moczulska, Maria, Pilgrimage to Czestochowa" 1986 September

box 36

Mroczek Family. "Lot do wolnosci: Wspomnienia rodziny Mroczek, co uciekla samolotem AN 2 z Polski do Szwecji"

box 37

Palka, G. "G. Palka, Interview by phone with one of the top leaders from Lodz, member of Prezydium Komisji Krajowej Solidarnosci" 1987 October 16

box 36

Polish Parliament in Exile, Chicago. "Session of the Polish Parliament in Exile" 1986 May


Romaszewski, Zbigniew

box 37

"Romaszewski, Warszawa. Nowak and Gil Krakow" 1985 February

box 37

"Romaszewski, Warszawa, (also "Kopia rozmowy z Rulewskim")" 1985 February

box 37

"Romaszewski and Hanzlik on Pope's trip to Poland, 10 VI Papiez w Polsce" 1987


"Rozmowa z Romaszewskim z Warszawy i Hanzlikiem z Krakowa" 1987 May 10


Rulewski, Jan

box 36

"Rulewski 25 I Slawikowski, Torun, 28 I 1986"

box 37

"Rulewski, 14 X Interview for Polish Express (Toronto)" 1987

box 37

"Jan Rulewski, Bydgoszcz, Joanna Gwiazda, Gdansk. Rozmowy 20 wrzesnia 1985. Interviews with leaders of opposition" 1985 September 21

box 36

Sabat, Prezydent. "Prezydent Sabat, 10 XI" 1986

box 37

Slowik, Andrzej. "Andrzej Slowik, leader of Solidarnosc' in Lodz, now member of Grupa Robocza, Krajowa Komisja Solidarnosci: Gwiazda - Slowik, 30 X" 1987

box 36

Tambo, Oliver. "Tambo, Oliver, leader of the African National Congress. Press conference, Ottawa" 1987 September

box 37

Walesa, Lech. "Walesa, Paryz, 12 XI Press conference in Paris" 1988

box 36

Worthington, Peter. "Canadian journalist Peter Worthington after visit to Angola. Interview for Polish Express, Toronto" 1985 October


Phonotape cassettes 1989 and after

box 36

"Spiewnik dla Bezrobotnych" undated


Memorabilia 1980-1993

Scope and Contents

Buttons, stickers, lapel pins, propaganda material, T-shirts, election balloons, uniform of Interior Minister
box 39

Lapel pins from General strike, buttons, elections; T-shirts 1980 1993

box 40

Uniform of General Czeslaw Kiszczak, Poland's last Communist Minister of Interior and earlier, head of military intelligence


Incremental Materials

box 41, folder 1

Presidential Elections - Aleksander Kwasniewski 1995

box 41, folder 2

Presidential Elections - Lech Walesa 1995

box 41, folder 3

Presidential Elections - Jacek Kuron 1995

box 41, folder 4

Presidential Elections - Waldemar Pawlak 1995

box 41, folder 5

Presidential Elections - Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz 1995

box 41, folder 6

Presidential Elections - Other Candidates 1995

Scope and Contents note

Tadeusz Kozluk, Adam Strzembosz, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Kazimierz Piotrowicz, Tadeusz Zielinski, Marek Markiewicz, Jan Olszewski, Jan Pietrzak, Lech Kaczynski, Leszek Moczulski, Stanislaw Tyminski
box 41, folder 7

Newspapers - originals and photocopies 1992-1995

box 41, folder 8

Party Materials - Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 1993-1995

box 41, folder 9

Party Materials - Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko-Narodowe 1992-1993

box 41, folder 10

Other Election Materials 1995

Scope and Contents note

Cartoon of G. Bush and L. Brezhnev, pisma protestu, "Kto naprawde rzadzi Polska"
box 42, folder 1

Election Materials 1995

Scope and Contents note

Jacek Kuron "Raport o stanie Panstwa"
box 42, folder 2

Election Materials 1995-1996

box 42, folder 3

Party Materials 1993-1995

Scope and Contents note

ZChN, Unia Polityki Realnej
box 42, folder 4-5

Polish-German Relations - Print Publications 1993-1995

Scope and Contents note

In Polish and German
box 42, folder 6

Polish-German Relations - Print Publications 1995

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlets, Newspapers
box 42, folder 7

Political Print Materials 1993-1995

Scope and Contents note

Joke books, cartoon of Jaruzelski, poster
box 43, folder 1

Solidarity Poems, Songs and Prayers 1980-1989

Scope and Contents note

Some poems by Czeslaw Milosz
box 43, folder 2

Solidarity Pocket Calendars 1983-1987

box 43, folder 3

Solidarity Flyers - Small Size 1980-1985

box 43, folder 4

Solidarity Flyers - Small Size 1980-1989

box 43, folder 5

Solidarity Flyers - Medium Size 1982-1987

box 43, folder 6

Solidarity Flyers - Pocket Size 1984-1985

box 43, folder 7

Solidarity Posters, Flyers and Bookmarks 1980-1989

box 43, folder 8

Solidarity Postcards 1983-1985

box 43, folder 9

Solidarity Postcards 1983-1989

box 43, folder 10

Solidarity Photographs 1980-1989

box 43, folder 11

John Paul II - trip to Poland 1983

box 43, folder 12

Komitet Oporu Spolecznego (KOS) Transparencies 1983

box 43, folder 13

Jerzy Popieluszko 1984

Scope and Contents note

Proces sprawcow
box 44, folder 1

Solidarity Pamphlets 1981-1982

box 44, folder 2

Solidarity Pamphlets 1983-1984

box 44, folder 3

Solidarity Pamphlets 1985

box 44, folder 4

Solidarity Pamphlets 1986-1987

box 44, folder 5

Solidarity Pamphlets 1988-1989

box 44, folder 6

Solidarity Pamphlets Undated

box 44, folder 7-14

Solidarity Documents 1980-1987

box 44, folder 14

Solidarity Documents Undated

box 45, folder 1-2

Parliamentary Elections - Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny 1991-1993

box 45, folder 3

Parliamentary Elections - N.S.Z.Z. Solidarnosc 1993

box 45, folder 4

Parliamentary Elections - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej 1993

box 45, folder 5

Parliamentary Elections - Porozumienie Centrum 1993

box 45, folder 6

Parliamentary Elections - Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform 1992-1993

box 45, folder 7

Parliamentary Elections - Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 1993

box 45, folder 8

Parliamentary Elections - Other Materials 1992-1993

box 46, folder 1

Parliamentary Elections - KPN 1991-1993

box 46, folder 2

Parliamentary Elections - KPN 1991-1993

box 46, folder 3

Parliamentary Elections - Unia Demokratyczna 1991-1993

box 46, folder 4

Parliamentary Elections - Unia Demokratyczna 1991-1993

box 46, folder 5

Parilamentary Elections - Other Parties 1993

Scope and Contents note

Katolicki Komitet Wyborczy "Ojczyzna", Unia Pracy, Samoobrona
box 46, folder 6

Parliamentary Elections - Other Parties 1993

Scope and Contents note

Koalicja dla Rzeczpospolitej, Unia Polityki Realnej, Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko-Narodowe, Zwiazek Nauczycielski Polskich, Polska Partia Przyjaciol Piwa, Partia "X", Stronnictwo Ludowo-Chrzescijanskie
box 47, folder 1

Stefan Bratkowski 1984-1986

Scope and Contents note

9 cassettes
box 47, folder 2

Niezalezna Oficyna Wydawnicza 1983-1987

Scope and Contents note

7 cassettes
box 47, folder 3

Kora Kraj. X. 1981 1981

Scope and Contents note

8 cassettes
box 47, folder 4

Neo-Nazi Groups 1988-1989

Scope and Contents note

3 cassettes
box 47, folder 5

Testament ksiedza Jerzego, Ks. J. Polpieluszko undated

Scope and Contents note

2 cassettes
box 47, folder 6

Czerwiec 56 1984-1985

Scope and Contents note

2 cassettes
box 47, folder 7

Jan Pawel II undated

Scope and Contents note

2 cassettes
box 47, folder 8

W Marszu do Niepodleglosci 1920-1995

Scope and Contents note

3 cassettes
box 48, folder 1

Pomaranczowa Alternatywa - Waldemar Fydrych 1983-1988

box 48, folder 2

Pomaranczowa Alternatywa - Pamphlets and Photographs of the happening 1982-1988

box 48, folder 3

Pomaranczowa Alternatywa - Posters and Graphics 1982-1988

box 48, folder 4

Pomaranczowa Alternatywa - Press and Other Materials 1981-1988

box 48, folder 5

Solidarity in Germany - German Bulletin 1983

box 48, folder 6

Solidarity - Foreign Publications 1985

box 48, folder 7

List of Holdings of Underground Publications at the Polish Library in Paris 1982-1989

box 48, folder 8

Indictment of the leadership of Solidarity 1981

box 48, folder 9

Letter by Jan Rulewski 1987

box 48, folder 10

Jerzy Popieluszko 1984-1985

box 48, folder 11

Ration Coupons 1983-1989

box 49, folder 1

Solidarity Calendars 1981-1990

box 49, folder 2

Solidarity Pin Buttons and Stickers 1981-1990

box 49, folder 3

Solidarity Posters 1981-1990

box 49, folder 4

Solidarity Pamphlets 1981-1990

box 49, folder 5

Solidarity Announcements 1981-1990

box 49, folder 6

Opposition Election Posters 1989-1990

box 49, folder 7

Opposition Documents 1978-1990

Scope and Contents note

Solidarity, KPN, Przelom Narodowy, Ruch Wolnosc I Pokoj
box 49, folder 8

Opposition Documents 1978-1990

box 50, folder 1

Master Mimeograph Plates used for Underground Publishing 1988

box 50, folder 2

Solidarity Poems and Songs 1981-1989

box 50, folder 3

Solidarity Posters, Pamphlets and Calendars 1980-1989

box 50, folder 4

Opposition by the Church 1980-1989

box 50, folder 5

Underground Publications 1980-1981

box 50, folder 6

Underground Publications 1981-1985

box 50, folder 7

Underground Publications 1981-1985

box 51, folder 1

Ruch Obrony Praw Czlowieka I Obywatela 1976-1978

box 51, folder 2

Opposition Posters 1980-1981

box 51, folder 3

Opposition Posters 1988-1995

Scope and Contents note

Solidarity election posters
box 51, folder 4

Opposition Materials 1978-1991

box 51, folder 5

Opposition Materials 1980-1981

Scope and Contents note

Labelled "Unique"
box 51, folder 6

Solidarity Pamphlets 1980-1991

box 52, folder 1

Mysl Demokratyczna 1989

box 52, folder 2

Election Materials 1989-1991

box 52, folder 3

Opposition - Foreign Publications 1988-1995

box 52, folder 4

Comparative Law - Foreign Publications 1992-1995

box 52, folder 5

Comparative Law - Foreign Publications 1992-1995

box 52, folder 6

Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection in the Republic of Poland - Reports 1992-1994

box 52, folder 7

Publications on Transformation and Consolidation 1995-1996

box 53, folder 1

Polish flag signed by Lech Walesa

box 65

VHS Tapes

box 65, folder 1

Wroclaw at the turn of the 19th Century and today

box 65, folder 2

Wroclaw - Przelom XIX I XX wieku oraz dzisiaj (English)

box 65, folder 3

Lech Walesa at Stanford May 31, 1996 1996

box 65, folder 4

Lech Walesa at Stanford University May 31, 1996 1996

box 65, folder 5

American Experts about Poland

box 65, folder 6

"Pani Henryka to I tamto" Henryka Krzywonos-Strycharska - Eureka Films 1996 1996

box 65, folder 7

"Druga Emigracja Stanislawa Mikolajczyka" "Poznanczycy. Wspomnienia o Powstaniu Wielkopolskim" 1996

box 65, folder 8

"Z Chlopa Prezes Witold Hatka" 1996

box 65, folder 9

John Paul II - trip to Cuba 1998

box 65, folder 10

John Paul II - trip to Cuba 1998

box 65, folder 11

John Paul II Undated

box 65, folder 12

Dziennik - John Paul II Undated

box 65, folder 13

John Paul II - trip to Cuba 1998

box 65, folder 14

John Paul II - trip to Cuba 1998

Scope and Contents note

Havana Mass - "A lighy for the nations" documentary
box 65, folder 15

Powodz w Polsce - Apel do Serc 1997

box 66, folder 1

Polish-German Relations 1969-1986

box 66, folder 2

Communist Party Political Line 1971-1986

box 66, folder 3

Communist Party Political Line 1971-1986

box 66, folder 4

Communist Party Political Line 1971-1986

box 66, folder 5

Solidarity Message 1981

Scope and Contents note

Message of the Solidarity Convention of the Workers of Eastern Europe in Gdansk
box 66, folder 6

Coalition Parties - Documents 1981

box 66, folder 7

Scouts Movement 1981

Scope and Contents note

Statut Zwiazku Harcerskiego
box 66, folder 8

Reform of Government Administration 1981-1989

box 66, folder 9

"Aktualnosci" Communist Party Warsaw Committee 1982

Scope and Contents note

Komitet Warszawski PZPR
box 66, folder 10

Daily Reports of the Warsaw Party Information Center 1982

box 66, folder 11

Counterrevolution in Hungary and Poland 1982

box 66, folder 12

Bulletin of the Communist Party Warsaw Committee 1982

box 66, folder 13

Church Doctrine 1982-1985

box 66, folder 14

Labor Unions 1982-1985

box 66, folder 15

Ticket Prices 1984

Scope and Contents note

PKP I PKS nowe ceny biletow
box 66, folder 16

Health Care 1985

box 66, folder 17

Non-Proletarian Protest Movements in Capitalist Countries 1985

box 66, folder 18

Culture 1985

box 66, folder 19

Revolution in Ethiopia 1985

box 66, folder 20

Bulletin of the Communist Party Szczecin Committee 1985-1986

box 66, folder 21

Polish Army 1986

box 66, folder 22

Polish-Soviet Trade 1986

box 66, folder 23

Trybuna Ludu 1987

box 66, folder 24

Elections 1989

box 66, folder 25

Wroclas Breslau Undated

box 67, folder 1

Marian Gliwa - Polish notebook 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

School notebook for the Polish language
box 67, folder 2

Marian Gliwa - Polish notebooks 1946-1947

box 67, folder 3

Marian Gliwa - notebooks 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

English composition and Polish essays
box 67, folder 4

Marian Gliwa - notebook 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Zeszyt ksiazek przeczytanych
box 67, folder 5

Economic Reform 1980-1982

box 67, folder 6

Economic Reform 1986-1987

box 67, folder 7

Sikorski's Funeral 1993

Scope and Contents note

Press publications on the funeral of General Wladyslaw Sikorski - Dziennik Polski, Czas Krakowski, Echo Krakowa
box 67, folder 8

Szymborska - Nobel 1996

Scope and Contents note

Press publications on Wislawa Szymborska winning the Nobel Prize
box 67, folder 9

Polish Army 1997

box 68, folder 1-4

John Paul II in Poland - Gazeta Wyborcza 1997

box 68, folder 5-6

John Paul II in Poland - Slowo Polskie 1997

box 68, folder 7

John Paul II in Poland - Wieczor Wroclawia 1997

box 68, folder 8

John Paul II in Poland - Gazeta Wroclawska 1997

box 68, folder 9

John Paul II in Poland - Other Newspapers 1997

box 69, folder 1-2

John Paul II in Poland - Catholic Newspapers 1997

box 69, folder 3-4

John Paul II in Poland - Catholic Periodicals 1997

box 69, folder 5-6

John Paul II in Poland - Other Press Materials 1997

box 69, folder 8

John Paul II in Poland - Promotional Materials 1997

box 69, folder 9

John Paul II in Poland - Foreign Press 1997

Scope and Contents note

Press Materials, Promotional Materials, Flyers
box 70, folder 1-6

46th Eucharistic Congress - Publications 1997

box 70, folder 7-8

46th Eucharistic Congress - Promotional Materials 1997

box 71, folder 1-4

Election Materials 1995-1997

box 71, folder 5

Periodicals - Ziemia Klodzka 1997

box 71, folder 6

Foreign Newspapers 1997

box 71, folder 7

Newspapers - Gazeta Wroclawska 1997

box 71, folder 8

Newspapers - Other 1997

box 71, folder 9

Newspapers - Press Review 1997

box 71, folder 10

Newspapers - Slowo Polskie 1997

box 71, folder 11

Newspapers - Wieczor Wroclawski 1997

box 71, folder 12

Newspapers - Wieczor Wroclawski 1997

box 72, folder 1

Topography - Map - Geologiczna Karta Polsko-Szlazkiego Zaglebia Weglowego 1893

box 72, folder 2

Topography - Map of Gory Swietokrzyskie 1919

box 72, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 1919-1937

Scope and Contents note

Kupony na Chleb, "Wybuch Pokoju", "This Was Warsaw"
box 72, folder 4

Pamphlets - Upper Silesia Plebiscite 1921

box 72, folder 5

Polish Constitution - French 1921

box 72, folder 6

Topography - Map of Bitkow Oil Region 1923

box 72, folder 7

Topography - Russian Report in Polish 1928

box 72, folder 8

Nationalization - Documents 1930-1949

Scope and Contents note

Akta Glownej Komisji do Spraw Upanstwowienia Przedsiebiorstw - Spolka Akcyjna do Eksploatacji Panstwowego Monopolu Zapalczanego
box 72, folder 9

Nationalization - Documents 1930-1949

Scope and Contents note

Akta Glownej Komisji do Spraw Upanstwowienia Przedsiebiorstw - Spolka Akcyjna do Eksploatacji Panstwowego Monopolu Zapalczanego
box 72, folder 10

Ministerstwo Spraw Wojskowych - Regulations 1931

box 72, folder 11

Press Materials - Armia Krajowa 1944

Scope and Contents note

box 72, folder 12

Polish Constitution - Addresses in House of Representatives 1945

Scope and Contents note

79th Congress - Polish Constitution Day - One hundred fifty-fourth anniversary of the independence of Poland
box 72, folder 13

Nationalization - Documents 1950-1954

Scope and Contents note

Protokol Zdawczo-Odbiorczy - Centralny Zarzad Przemyslu Drzewnego - Piskie Zaklady Przemyslu Drzewnego
box 72, folder 14

Nationalization - Fabryka "Alva" 1950-1962

Scope and Contents note

Fabryka "Alva" w Brodach Malych
box 73, folder 1

Jungdeutsche Partei fur Polen - Documents 1936-1937

box 73, folder 2

Sikorski Institute 1945

Scope and Contents note

Instytut Historyczny im. Generala Sikorskiego - Umowa, protokol
box 73, folder 3

Trybuna Dolnoslaska 1948

box 73, folder 4

Trybuna Dolnoslaska 1948

box 73, folder 5

Trybuna Dolnoslaska 1948

box 73, folder 6

Trybuna Wolnosci - Dodatek 1948-1956

Scope and Contents note

"Na czym polega istota odchylenia prawicowego I nacjonalistycznego w naszej partii"
box 73, folder 7

Boleslaw Bierut 1952

box 73, folder 8

Boleslaw Bierut 1953

box 73, folder 9

Trybuna Ludu 1955

box 73, folder 10

Catechisms and Notebook 1957-1992

box 73, folder 11

Warszawki Zwiazek Literatow Polskich 1968

Scope and Contents note

Stenogram z nadzwyczajnego walnego zebrania oddzialu warszawskiego zwiazku literatow polskich
box 73, folder 12

Polish United Workers' Party Policy Outline 1974

Scope and Contents note

Polish United Workers Party Central Committee ; 30 Anniversary of Polish People's Republic, Outline of the party's policies
box 73, folder 13

Spolem we Wroclawiu 1980

Scope and Contents note

Kompleksowy system sterowania jakoscia pracy
box 73, folder 14

Miscellaneous Publications 1990-1997

box 73, folder 15

Postcards 1992

box 73, folder 16

Konkordat Polska - Stolica Apostolska 1998

box 74, folder 1

Biala Ksiega 1981

Scope and Contents note

Fakty, Informacje, Wypowiedzi, Cytaty dotyczace dzialanosci NSZZ "Solidarnosc"
box 74, folder 2

Biala Ksiega 1981

Scope and Contents note

Fakty, Informacje, Wypowiedzi, Cytaty dotyczace dzialanosci NSZZ "Solidarnosc"
box 74, folder 3

Biezaca Informacja Polityczna 1981

Scope and Contents note

Wydzial Pracy Ideowo-Wychowawczej KC PZPR
box 74, folder 4

List of detainees 1981-1982

Scope and Contents note

Letter to Committee in Support of Solidarity
box 74, folder 5

List of detainees 1981-1982

Scope and Contents note

Letter to Committee in Support of Solidarity
box 74, folder 6

Spoleczne przeglady warunkow pracy 1988

Scope and Contents note

Teczka Aktowa
box 74, folder 7

Spoleczne przeglady warunkow pracy 1988

Scope and Contents note

Teczka Aktowa
box 74, folder 8

Periodicals - Edukacja 1989-1991

Scope and Contents note

Solidarity Teachers Union ; Wroclaw Regional newspaper from the transition period
box 74, folder 9

Periodicals - Glos Uniwesytetu 1990

Scope and Contents note

Wroclaw University student publication
box 74, folder 10

Monitor Polski 1997

box 74, folder 11

Polish emblem 1997

Scope and Contents note

Found in the building of the Ministry of Defence
box 74, folder 12

Constitution of Poland 1997

box 74, folder 13

Constitution of Poland 1997

box 74, folder 14

Constitution of Poland - Bulletin 1997

box 74, folder 15

Constitution of Poland - Referendum Materials 1997

box 75, folder 1

Elections - Jaworzno 1997

box 75, folder 2

Elections - Katowice 1997

box 75, folder 3

Election Materials 1997

box 75, folder 4

Election Materials 1997

box 75, folder 5

Election Materials - Online 1997

box 75, folder 6

Election Materials - Online 1997

box 75, folder 7

Election Materials - Sejm 1997

box 75, folder 8

Election Materials - Sejm 1997

box 75, folder 9

Elections - Krakow 1997

box 75, folder 10

Elections - Krakow 1997

box 75, folder 11

Elections - Warsaw 1997

box 75, folder 12

Elections - Lublin 1997

box 76, folder 1

Publications - Biala Ksiega 1980-81

Scope and Contents note

Book for professional use by the Warsaw military containing information about the development of Solidarity as a political movement
box 76, folder 2

Publications - Informacja 1981

Scope and Contents note

Report on a Solidarity document (Kierunki dzialania Zwiazku w obecnej sytuacji kraju), pre-report and report form the department of propaganda of the Polish military on the I Convention of Delegates of Solidarity
box 76, folder 3

Newspapers - Express Wieczorny 1981

box 76, folder 4

Publications - Przeciwko Narodowi 1982

Scope and Contents note

Selection of articles about the activity of antisocialist forces in Poland part 2, volume 2
box 76, folder 5

Newspapers - Kongres Intelektualistow 1983

box 76, folder 6

Publications - Przeglad dzialanosci kosciola 1988

Scope and Contents note

Report on the activities of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland - for the ideological department of the PZPR
box 76, folder 7

Newspapers - Express Wieczorny 1989

box 76, folder 8

Newspapers - Express Wieczorny 1989

box 76, folder 9

Newspapers - Gazeta Wyborcza 1989

box 76, folder 10

Newspapers - Gazeta Wyborcza 1989

box 77, folder 1

Newspapers - Konfrontacje 1989

box 77, folder 2

Newspapers - Perspektywy 1989

box 77, folder 3

Newspapers - Trybuna Ludu 1989

box 77, folder 4

Newspapers - Zmiany 1989

box 77, folder 5

Newspapers - Others 1989-1990

Scope and Contents note

Czas!, Czas Krakowski, Gazeta Gdanska, Gazeta Krakowska, Gazeta Samordzadowa, Inaczej, Kurier Polski, Nowo-Stara Gazeta (przed) Wyborcza, Satyrykon
box 77, folder 6

Newspapers - Reporter 1989-1990

box 78, folder 1

Newspapers - Zycie Warszawy 1989-1990

box 78, folder 2

Newspapers - Gazeta International 1990

box 78, folder 3

Newspapers - Konfrontacje 1990

box 78, folder 4

Newspapers - Po Prostu 1990

box 78, folder 5

Election Materials - General Materials 1998

Scope and Contents note

Local elections in Poland - wybory samorzadowe
box 78, folder 6

Local Elections - Akcja Wyborcza Solidarnosc (AWS) 1998

box 78, folder 7

Local Elections - Akcja Wyborcza Solidarnosc (AWS) 1998

box 78, folder 8

Local Elections - Other Parties 1998

Scope and Contents note

Independent candidates, MRS, others
box 78, folder 9

Local Elections - Przymierze Spoleczne 1998

box 78, folder 10

Local Elections - Rodzina Polska 1998

box 78, folder 11

Local Elections - Ruch Patriotyczny Ojczyzna 1998

box 78, folder 12

Local Elections - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) 1998

box 78, folder 13

Local Elections - Unia Wolnosci 1998

box 79, folder 1

NATO - Publications 1995-1997

box 79, folder 2

NATO - E-mails with publications 01-02.1997

box 79, folder 3

NATO - E-mails with publications 3.1997

box 79, folder 4

NATO - E-mails with publications 3.1997

box 79, folder 5

NATO - E-mails with publications 4.1997

box 79, folder 6

NATO - E-mails with publications 4.1997

box 79, folder 7

NATO - E-mails with publications 5.1997

box 79, folder 8

NATO - E-mails with publications 6.1997

box 79, folder 9

NATO - E-mails with publications 6.1996

box 80, folder 1

NATO - E-mails with publications 7.1997

box 80, folder 2

NATO - E-mails with publications 7.1997

box 80, folder 3

NATO - E-mails with publications 8.1997

box 80, folder 4

NATO - E-mails with publications 9.1997

box 80, folder 5

NATO - E-mails with publications 9.1997

box 80, folder 6

NATO - E-mails with publications 10.1997

box 80, folder 7

NATO - E-mails with publications 11.1997

box 80, folder 8

NATO - E-mails with publications 12.1997

box 80, folder 9

NATO - Official Publications 1997

box 80, folder 10

NATO - Polish American Congress 1997

box 80, folder 11

NATO - E-mails with publications 1.1998

box 80, folder 12

NATO - Publications 01-02.1998

box 80, folder 13

NATO - E-mails with publications 2.1998

box 80, folder 14

NATO - E-mails with publications 3.1998

box 80, folder 15

NATO - E-mails with publications 3.1998

box 81, folder 1

NATO - Publications 03-04.1998

box 81, folder 2

NATO - E-mails with publications 4.1998

box 81, folder 3

NATO - E-mails with publications 5.1998

box 81, folder 4

NATO - Publications 05-08.1998

box 81, folder 5

NATO - E-mails with publications 6.1998

box 81, folder 6

NATO - E-mails with publications 7.1998

box 81, folder 7

NATO - E-mails with publications 8.1998

box 81, folder 8

NATO - E-mails with publications 09-10.1998

box 81, folder 9

NATO - Publications 09-12.1998

box 81, folder 10

NATO - E-mails with publications 11-12.1998

box 81, folder 11

NATO - Protocols 1998

box 81, folder 12

NATO - E-mails with publications 01-02.1999

box 81, folder 13

NATO - E-mails with publications 3.1999

box 81, folder 14

NATO - E-mails with publications 4.1999

box 81, folder 15

NATO - E-mails with publications 05-12.1999

box 82, folder 1

IX Nadzwyczajny Zjazd PZPR - Book 1981

Scope and Contents note

Nowe Drogi
box 82, folder 2

Economic Reform - Narodowy Plan Spoleczno-Gospodarczy 1983

Scope and Contents note

National Socio-Economic Plan 1983-1985
box 82, folder 3

Economic Reform - Report 1987

Scope and Contents note

Kadra Kierownicza Przedsiebiorstw Wobec Reformy
box 82, folder 4

W Marszu do Niepodleglosci - Lyrics 1995

box 82, folder 5

NATO - Publications 1999

box 82, folder 6

Presidential Elections - Kalinowski, Jaroslaw 2000

box 82, folder 7

Presidential Elections - Kwasniewski, Aleksander 2000

box 82, folder 8

Presidential Elections - Olechowski, Andrzej 2000

box 82, folder 9

Presidential Elections - Other Candidates 2000

box 82, folder 10

Presidential Elections - Walesa, Lech 2000

box 82, folder 11

Katyn - Memoirs 2000

Scope and Contents note

Janina Szestakowska
box 82, folder 12

Polish-German Relations - Application 2000

Scope and Contents note

Fundacja "Polsko-Niemieckie Pojednanie"
box 82, folder 13

NATO - Publications Undated

box 82, folder 14

NATO - Publications Undated

box 83, folder 1

Diplomacy - Book 1929

Scope and Contents note

"Dyplomacja Dawnej Polski" - ilustracja archiwalna w dziale MSZ na Powszechnej Wystawie Krajowej
box 83, folder 2

Diplomacy - Book 1932

Scope and Contents note

"Deutschland, Polen und der 'Korridor'"
box 83, folder 3

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1932

Scope and Contents note

"Le Travail Des Eclaireuses Polonaises"
box 83, folder 4

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1935

Scope and Contents note

"Antek Cwaniak Ksiazka o Zuchach" Aleksander Kaminski
box 83, folder 5

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1938

Scope and Contents note

"Skauting dla chlopcow" Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell
box 83, folder 6

Diplomacy - Wiadomosci Sportowe 1939

box 83, folder 7

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1947

Scope and Contents note

"Ksiega Harcow" Tom 11
box 83, folder 8

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1961

Scope and Contents note

"Ognie I ogniska : Drogi I przemiany harcerstwa polskiego" Kazimierz Kozniewski
box 83, folder 9

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1966

Scope and Contents note

"Gawedy z Druzynowym" Henryk Glass
box 83, folder 10

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1972

Scope and Contents note

"Harcerka w Mundurze" Irma Paluchowa
box 83, folder 11

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1972

Scope and Contents note

"Organizacja Harcerek"
box 83, folder 12

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1973

Scope and Contents note

"Zycie Radosne : Gawedy obozowe o prawie harcerskim" Henryk Glass
box 83, folder 13

Harcerstwo/Boy scouts - Book 1974

Scope and Contents note

"O Metodzie Harcerskiej I Jej Stosowaniu" Ewa Grodecka
box 83, folder 14

Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych - Poetry 1985

Scope and Contents note

Zarzad Polityczno-Wychowawczy MSW, wiersze pracownikow

VHS Tapes

box 84, folder 1

From Archipelago Gulag to America 1991

Scope and Contents note

Part I and Part II, 4 tapes, Part 3, 1 tape
box 84, folder 2

John Paul II - John Paul II and Children 1992

box 84, folder 3

John Paul II - The Pope and Youth 1992

box 84, folder 4

John Paul II - Pope John Paul II and the Family 1992

box 84, folder 5

John Paul II - A Journalist Looks at John Paul II 1992

box 84, folder 6

John Paul II - The Pope and Other Faiths 1992

box 84, folder 7

John Paul II - A Pilgrim Pope at Marian Shrines 1992

box 84, folder 8

John Paul II - The Pope and Historic Events in the East 1992

box 84, folder 9

John Paul II - The Pope on Human Rights 1992

box 84, folder 10

John Paul II - The Pope and the Working World 1992

box 84, folder 11

John Paul II - A Day with John Paul II 1992

box 85, folder 1

Dziesieciolecie Polski Niedpodleglej 1989-1999 - Book 1999

box 85, folder 2

Lech Kaczynski - Mug

box 86, folder 1

Milicja Cap

box 86, folder 1

Milicja Helmet

box 87, folder 1

Milicja Shield

box 87, folder 2

Milicja Baton

box 92, folder 1

Periodicals - Dla Polski 1915-1922

box 92, folder 2

Periodicals - Do Broni 1915-1922

box 92, folder 3

Periodicals - Dziennik Urzedowy 1915-1922

box 92, folder 4

Periodicals - Dziennik Urzedowy 1915-1922

box 92, folder 5

Periodicals - Iskierka 1915-1922

box 92, folder 6

Miscellaneous - Publications 1917

box 92, folder 7

Peace of Riga - Treaty 1920

Scope and Contents note

Preliminarja Pokojowe I Ustawa o Rozejmie
box 92, folder 8

Anti-Bolshevism - Poster 1920

box 92, folder 9

Wielki Lwow - Book 1920

Scope and Contents note

Lwow w cyfrach
box 92, folder 10

Identity Cards 1938-1948

box 92, folder 11

Statistical Information on Poland - Publications 1939

box 92, folder 17

Le Service d'Information a Teheran - Publications 1944-1945

box 92, folder 18

Ministerstwo Informacji I Dokumentacji - Publications 1945

box 92, folder 19

Newspapers - Moscow News 1945

box 93, folder 1

Periodicals - Przeglad Prasowy 1947

box 93, folder 2

Periodicals - Service Civil International 1953

box 93, folder 3

Newspapers - Rzeczpospolita (dodatek) 1955

box 93, folder 4

Socialist Economies - Publications 1982

Scope and Contents note

Jan Winiecki "Cykle inwestycyjne a inflacja popytowa w gospodarce planowej"
box 93, folder 5

Socialist Economies - Notes 1983

Scope and Contents note

Jerzy Hausner "Outlines of lecture on Polish Economic Reform - Contradictions and Consequences"
box 93, folder 6

Socialist Economies - Publications 1984

Scope and Contents note

Jerzy Hausner "Socio-Political nd Economic Conditions of the Activity of the Workers Self-Management in Poland in the Period 1981-1984"
box 93, folder 7

Socialist Economies - Publications 1984

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript of "Wewnetrzne Uwarunkowania Ekonomiczne Ksztaltowania sie Sytuacji Politycznej w Polsce w 1984"
box 93, folder 8

Socialist Economies - Publications 1986

Scope and Contents note

Jan Winiecki "Why Economic Reforms Fail in the Soviet System - a Property Rights-Based Approach" manuscript
box 93, folder 9

Socialist Economies - Publications 1986

Scope and Contents note

Jan Winiecki "Why Economic Reforms Fail in the Soviet System - a Property Rights-Based Approach"
box 93, folder 10

Socialist Economies - Publications 1987

Scope and Contents note

Jan Winiecki "Soviet-Type Economies and Reform Failures: A Touch of the Socialist Midas"
box 93, folder 11

Socialist Economies - Publications 1988

Scope and Contents note

Grzegorz W. Kolodko "Economic Reforms in Socialism"
box 93, folder 12

Socialist Economies - Publications 1988

Scope and Contents note

Leszek Balcerowicz "The Soviet Type Economic System and Inovativeness"
box 93, folder 13-17

Socialism - Publications 1989

Scope and Contents note

Jadwiga Staniszkis "Ontologia Socjalizmu" manuscript and final
box 94, folder 1

Periodicals - Szczerbiec 1992-1995

box 94, folder 2

Newspapers 1995

box 94, folder 3

Warsaw Uprising - Questionnaires 2001

Scope and Contents note

Questionnaires in Bay Area
box 94, folder 4

Art Auction - Catalogue 2002

box 94, folder 5

Local Elections - General Materials

box 94, folder 6

Local Elections - Platforma Obywatelska 2002

box 94, folder 7

Local Elections - Prawo I Sprawiedliwosc (PiS) 2002

box 94, folder 8

Local Elections - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) 2002

box 94, folder 9

Local Elections - Other Parties 2002

box 94, folder 10-11

Local Elections - Newspapers 2002

box 94, folder 14

Miscellaneous - Map of Poland circa 1920

box 94, folder 15

Miscellaneous - Marie Curie Museum Undated

box 94, folder 16

Miscellaneous - Post Cards Undated

box 94, folder 17

Popieluszko - Dollar Bill

box 95, folder 1

W Marszu do Niepodleglosci - Lyrics

box 95, folder 2

Instytut Pamieci Narodowej - Radio Free Europe 2002

box 95, folder 3

EU Referendum - Newspapers

box 95, folder 4

EU Referendum - Other Materials

box 95, folder 5

EU Referendum - Pamphlets

box 95, folder 6-7

EU Referendum - Posters

box 95, folder 8

EU Referendum - Publications

box 95, folder 9

EU Referendum - Publications

box 96, folder 1

Parliamentary Elections - Platforma Obywatelska 2005

box 96, folder 2

Parliamentary Elections - Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej ( SLD) 2005

box 96, folder 3

Parliamentary Elections - Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (PiS) 2005

box 96, folder 4

Parliamentary Elections - Samoobrona RP 2005

box 96, folder 5

Parliamentary Elections - Liga Polskich Rodzin (LPR) 2005

Scope and Contents note

CD "Dokad idziesz Polsko?" - Wisniewski, Lagwa, Swiatczak
box 96, folder 6

Presidential Elections - Kaczynski, Lech 2005

box 96, folder 7

Presidential Elections - Tusk, Donald 2005

box 96, folder 8

Presidential Elections - Cimoszewicz, Wlodzimierz 2005

box 96, folder 9

Parliamentary Elections - Newspapers 2005

box 96, folder 10

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2005

Scope and Contents note

Michal Kubiak "Podroz mojego zycia", book
box 96, folder 11

Parliamentary Elections - Magazines 2005

box 96, folder 12

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2005

box 97, folder 1

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2005

box 97, folder 2

The Polish Embassy Post 2001

box 97, folder 3

The Price of Freedom - Interview with Lech Walesa 2002

Scope and Contents note

Email with publication
box 97, folder 4

Miscellaneous - Polska, Ukraina, Solidarnosc 2004

Scope and Contents note

Wybory prezydenckie na Ukrainie, 26 grudnia 2004; Vademecum obserwatora miedzynarodowego.
box 97, folder 5

Miscellaneous Publications 2007

Scope and Contents note

"Nad Odra", Apel Antygony - List otwary w sprawie dabrowszczakow.
box 97, folder 6-8

Periodicals - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Newsweek, Angora, Wysokie Obcasy, Polityka, Forum, Wprost, Viva!, Gala, Zycie na Goraco, Przeglad, Claudia, Naj
box 98, folder 1

Newspapers - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Zycie Warszawy, Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Wyborcza
box 99, folder 1

Periodicals - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Newsweek, Paris Match, Bunte, Time, L'Express,
box 99, folder 2

Periodicals - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Wiadomosci KAI, Wojska Ladowe, Przekroj,
box 99, folder 3

Publications - John Paul II 2005

box 99, folder 4

Periodicals - Benedict XVI 2005

Scope and Contents note

Przekroj, Newsweek, U.S.News
box 99, folder 5

Miscellaneous Publications 1988

Scope and Contents note

On Gogol Boulevard - Exlusive Reports on Poland
box 99, folder 6

Miscellaneous Publications 2005

Scope and Contents note

Wprost - Polska - Rosja
box 100, folder 1

Miscellaneous newspapers - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Death of John Paul II, and election of Pope Benedict XVI
box 101, folder 1

Miscellaneous newspapers - John Paul II 2005

Scope and Contents note

Death of John Paul II, and election of Pope Benedict XVI
box 102, folder 1

PZPR - Internal Publications 1980

box 102, folder 2

PZPR - Internal Publications 1981

box 102, folder 3-5

PZPR - Internal Publications 1982

Scope and Contents note

Prawda o Polskiej Kontrrewolucji, NSZZ "Solidarnosc" wobec kryzysu gospodarki, Od grudnia do grudnia - Bilans dokonan w okresie stanu wojennego
box 102, folder 6

PZPR - Internal Publications 1983

Scope and Contents note

Zeszyty dokumentacji politycznej, XIII Plenum KC PZPR
box 102, folder 7

PZPR - Internal Publications 1984-85

Scope and Contents note

Zeszyty dokumentacji politycznej, Koncepcje programowe podziemia politycznego.
box 103, folder 1

Miscellaneous Publications 1981-1985

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn. Wydawany przez KW PZPR w Toruniu
box 103, folder 2

Miscellaneous Publications 1977

Scope and Contents note

Sprawozdanie na XVI Konferencje Sprawozdawczo-Wyborcza 1977 PZPR.
box 103, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 1979

Scope and Contents note

Informator prawniczy dowodcy z zakresu prawa karnego i przepisow wykonawczych
box 103, folder 4

Miscellaneous Publications 1971

Scope and Contents note

Wytyczne Episkopatu Polski
box 103, folder 5

Miscellaneous Publications 1988

Scope and Contents note

Wydarzenia marcowe 1968r. Geneza, przebieg, nastepstwa.
box 103, folder 6

Miscellaneous Publications 1984

Scope and Contents note

Informujemy. Wydzial Organizacyjny ZG ZSMP
box 103, folder 7

Miscellaneous Publications 1988

Scope and Contents note

Wytyczne w sprawie poznawania i analizowania nastrojow w Ochotniczych Hufcach Pracy.
box 103, folder 8

Miscellaneous Publications 1987

Scope and Contents note

Problem tzw. Mniejszosci niemieckiej w Polsce Ludowej.
box 103, folder 9

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

Wybory Samorzadowe
box 103, folder 10

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

Platforma dla Warszawy 2006-2010. Program samorzadowy Platformy Obywatelskiej
box 103, folder 11

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

Zeszyt Historyczny nr 11(dodatek "Newsweek"), "Wprost i Kultura"
box 103, folder 12

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

Jozef Gorski "Na przelomie dziejow" - 2 books
box 104, folder 1

Miscellaneous Publications 1987

Scope and Contents note

Pope John Paul II in the American Press
box 104, folder 2

Miscellaneous Publications 2005

Scope and Contents note

"Newsweek" nr 16 i nr 19
box 104, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

Wybory Samorzadowe
box 104, folder 4

Miscellaneous Newspapers 2005

Scope and Contents note

Los Angeles Time, San Jose Mercury News (JP II and Benedict XVI)
box 110, folder 1

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlets, Posters (Ruch 10 kwietnia)
box 110, folder 2

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Flyers, Pamphlets (Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 110, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Flyers, Pamphlets (Wybory Prezydenckie)
box 110, folder 4

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlets, Posters, local newspapers (wybory Samorzadowe)
box 110, folder 5

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Fyers, Poster, (Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 110, folder 6

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Election Legislation, Lists of candidates (Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 111, folder 1

Miscellaneous Publications 2010

Scope and Contents note

Election Legislation, Pamphlets, Banners (Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 111, folder 2

Miscellaneous Publications 2004

Scope and Contents note

European Parliament
box 111, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 2007

Scope and Contents note

Flyers, Pamphlets, Posters,( Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 111, folder 4

Miscellaneous Publications 2007

Scope and Contents note

Election Legislation, Lists of candidates, local newspapers (Wybory Samorzadowe).
box 112, folder 1-2

Miscellaneous Publications 2002 - 2004

Scope and Contents note

European Union - Pamphlets, Flyers, Posters.
box 112, folder 3

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

J. Oleksy tapes transcript.
box 112, folder 4

Miscellaneous Publications 2007

Scope and Contents note

Rydzyk tapes transcript. + CD
box 112, folder 5

Miscellaneous Publications 2006

Scope and Contents note

IX Zjazd Zwiazku Polakow na Litwie - projekt.
box 112, folder 6

Miscellaneous Publications 2002

Scope and Contents note

Radio Free Europe - Polish Section.
box 112, folder 7

Miscellaneous Publications 2007

Scope and Contents note

Twarze Katowickiej Bezpieki
box 112, folder 8

Miscellaneous Publications 1971

Scope and Contents note

Antoni Gorczewski /Zarys zycia i dzialnosci politycznej w szeregach KPP/.
box 113, folder 1

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Flyers - PiS
box 113, folder 2

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Flyers - Platforma Obywatelska
box 113, folder 3

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Flyers - PSL
box 113, folder 4

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Flyers - SLD
box 113, folder 5

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous flyers and posters
box 113, folder 6

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

Election Legislation, Lists of candidates (Wybory Samorzadowe)
box 113, folder 7

Parliamentary Elections - Publications 2014

Scope and Contents note

box 113, folder 8

Miscellaneous 2005

Scope and Contents note

The Lilpop sisters and their passions - CD
box 113, folder 9

Miscellaneous 2007

Scope and Contents note

Santa Rosa Camp for women and children - CD (1939-1940)
box 113, folder 10

Miscellaneous 1918-1945

Scope and Contents note

Two-headed Dragon. Story of the Mid-war Period in Upper Silesia. CD
box 113, folder 11

Miscellaneous 1989

Scope and Contents note

Two flyers. (Zawodowy Zwiazek Federacyjny, Wolnosc i Pokoj)
box 113, folder 12

Miscellaneous 1990

Scope and Contents note

Stanislaw Tyminski. Flyer
box 120, folder 1

Smolensk crash 2010

box 120, folder 2-5

Publications regarding Katyn forest massacre 2011-2012

box 120, folder 6

Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny paper flags undated

box 120, folder 7

2018 flyers, .N Koalicja Obywatelska 2018

box 120, folder 8

2018 election flyers, PiS 2018

box 120, folder 9

2 Lata Czarna Księga Rządów PiS 2018

box 120, folder 10

4 Lata Polityki: Wincenty Elsner w rozmowie z Łukaszem Perzyna 2015

box 120, folder 11

Election materials from assorted parties 2018

box 120, folder 12

Program Nowoczesna Polska dla Każdego 2018

os_folder 1

6 Election posters 2018

box OCM9

PSW muslin tote bag 2018


May not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Cassettes and CDs


Original audiovisual materials are not available until they have been reformatted. If interested in accessing these materials, please contact us for more information.
box 114, folder 1

An Unknown Odyssey of Polish Jews undated

box 114, folder 2

The Legacy of Jedwabne 2005-2006

box 114, folder 3

Bitwa o Warszawe '44 undated

Scope and Contents note

Discovery Channel
box 114, folder 4

Eurowybory 2009 2009

box 114, folder 5

Legiony i poczatki wojska II Rzeczypospolitej undated

Scope and Contents note

Polish and English Version
box 114, folder 6

Ostatni Polkownik czyli sprawiedliwi. 1968

Scope and Contents note

box 114, folder 7

Bayer Full - PSL undated

Scope and Contents note

box 114, folder 8

14 cassettes - concerts, independent radio broadcasts, Adam Michnik at Hoover, etc. 1956-1999



box 115, folder 1

The Journey to America 1995

Scope and Contents note

The Pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to the United States
box 115, folder 2

"Bomba w samolocie", "Katastrofa w Dorval" undated

box 115, folder 3

"Nocna zmiana". Odwolanie Rzadu Olszewskiego. Czerwiec 1992 1992

box 115, folder 4

Burning Questions 1999

Scope and Contents note

The story of Christian Poles in the Holocaust
box 115, folder 5

Ojciec sw. na Podhalu 1997

box 115, folder 6

Powodz. Historia katastrofy. 1997

box 115, folder 7

Ostatni "polkownik" czyli sprawiedliwi 1968

box 115, folder 8

Rescued from Death in Siberia 2001

box 115, folder 9

Interview with Edward Z. Mroz. 1994

box 115, folder 10

Walczymy z powodzia. Hoover Institution Archives 2008

box 115, folder 11

V Pielgrzymka Papieza do Polski 1995

box 115, folder 12

C.O.P. Hoover Institution Archives 1980

box 122

Chair banner with the Solidarity graphic 1989 November

Conditions Governing Access

Box 122 may not be used without permission of the Archivist

Scope and Contents

Lech Wałęsa "Solidarity" chair banner. The satin chair banner, with the Solidarity graphic on it, was made by David Demarest and staff of President George H. W. Bush, to celebrate the awarding of the Medal of Freedom to Lech Wałęsa in November 1989. The chair the banner was draped across, while not a part of Hoover Library and Archives, also had significance. Wałęsa was honored many times while leading Solidarity, but the regime would not allow him to leave the country to receive any of those tributes, and so the organizations that honored him had an empty chair to represent him. When the Iron Curtain fell, he was allowed to come to the White House in November of 1989, and President Bush told the story of the chairs: "For eight years, these empty chairs and the American people have waited for you to come. We waited because we believe in freedom. We waited because we believe in Poland. And we waited because we believe in you. And today the waiting is over. Lech Wałęsa, on behalf of the people of the United States, I am proud to say to you: Take your place in this house of freedom. Take your place in the empty chair." Lech Wałęsa (born 29 September 1943) is a Polish statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the President of Poland between 1990 and 1995.

Władysław Chojnacki Collection

Biographical note

Władysław Chojnacki was born on June 22nd, 1920 in Warsaw. He was best known as a notable historian, bibliographer, and an author of various books, articles, and conspiratorial publications. During World War II he attended the secret Uniwersytet Ziem Zachodnich (Uniwersytet Poznański), where he also received his doctorate in 1951. He was also actively involved as an officer in the Polish National Armed Forces.
In 1953 he was working as a librarian at the Instytutu Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, and later, in 1965, became the head of the department of Bibliografii Retrospektywnej XIX i XX wieku (Retrospective Bibliography of 19th and 20th century). He was awarded the Gold Corss of Merit in 1960, for his service to country and society. Chojnacki went on to receive his habilitation in 1967 from the Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
Władysław Chojnacki contributed extensively to the Polish Collections at Hoover Archives: he was a major supplier of Polish independent publications between 1976 and 1990, helping the archives build the most complete collection outside of Poland.

Scope and Contents

The Chojnacki collection is composed of World War II era Polish underground publications. Materials represent mostly the anti-Soviet and anti-communist underground between 1944 and 1953, both in Poland-proper and in the Soviet-occupied Eastern Poland. The great majority of these imprints are in Polish, with a few in Ukrainian. Additionally the collection includes the publications of the Warsaw Uprising of August to September, 1944.

Anti-Soviet and Anti-Communist underground

Scope and Contents

These materials represent mostly the anti-Soviet and anti-communist underground during 1944-1953, both in Poland-proper and in the Soviet-occupied Eastern Poland. The great majority of these imprints are in Polish, with a few in Ukrainian
box 54, folder 1

Political Brochures A-C 1944-1946

box 54, folder 2

Political Brochures D-F 1944-1946

box 54, folder 3

Political Brochures G-I 1944-1946

box 54, folder 4

Political Brochures J-L 1944-1946

box 54, folder 5

Political Brochures M-N 1944-1946

box 54, folder 6

Political Brochures O 1944-1946

box 54, folder 7

Political Brochures P 1944-1946

box 54, folder 8

Political Brochures R 1944-1946

box 54, folder 9

Political Brochures S-U 1944-1946

box 54, folder 10

Political Brochures W 1944-1946

box 54, folder 11

Political Brochures W 1944-1946

box 54, folder 12

Political Brochures Z 1944-1946

Scope and Contents note

Two booklets in Russian; Collection of photographs of press clippings
box 55, folder 1

Political Flyers A 1944-1947

box 55, folder 2

Political Flyers B 1944-1947

box 55, folder 3

Political Flyers C-D 1944-1947

box 55, folder 4

Political Flyers D 1944-1947

box 55, folder 5

Political Flyers E-I 1944-1947

box 55, folder 6

Political Flyers J-K 1944-1947

box 55, folder 7

Political Flyers L-M 1944-1947

box 55, folder 8

Political Flyers N 1944-1947

box 55, folder 9

Political Flyers O 1944-1947

box 55, folder 10

Political Flyers O 1944-1947

box 55, folder 11

Political Flyers P 1944-1947

box 55, folder 12

Political Flyers P 1944-1947

box 55, folder 13

Political Flyers Polacy 1944-1947

box 55, folder 14

Political Flyers Polacy 1944-1947

box 56, folder 1

Political Flyers R 1944-1947

box 56, folder 2

Political Flyers S-T 1944-1947

box 56, folder 3

Political Flyers U 1944-1947

box 56, folder 4

Political Flyers W 1944-1947

box 56, folder 5

Political Flyers Z 1944-1947

box 56, folder 6

Periodicals - Agencja Prasowa 1944-1945

box 56, folder 7

Periodicals - Agencja Prasowa 1944-1945

box 56, folder 8

Periodicals - A (Others) 1944-1945

box 56, folder 9

Periodicals - Antybolszewik 1953

Scope and Contents note

Agencja Spoleczno-Polityczna
box 56, folder 10

Periodicals - ASP 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

Alarm, Agencja Informacyjna, Agencja Rownosc, Agencja Bialostocka
box 56, folder 11

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny 1943-1947

box 56, folder 12

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny dla Duchowienstwa 1945

box 56, folder 13

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjno-Ideowy 1944

box 56, folder 14

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny Opracowany na Podstawie Audycji Stacji Zachodnich 1951-1952

box 56, folder 15

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny Ziemi Bialostockiej 1945

box 56, folder 16

Periodicals - Biuletyn Kresowy 1945-1946

box 56, folder 17

Periodicals - Biuletyn Prasy 1945

box 56, folder 18

Periodicals - Biuletyn Radia Brytyjskiego 1945

box 57, folder 1

Periodicals - Biuletyn Wewnetrzny 1945

box 57, folder 2

Periodicals - Biuletyn Wewnetrzny Kresowiakow 1945-1946

box 57, folder 3

Periodicals - Biuro Informacji Polskich 1945

box 57, folder 4

Periodicals - Bojownik 1948

box 57, folder 5

Periodicals - Bomba 1945

box 57, folder 6

Periodicals - Cele Rewolucji

box 57, folder 7

Periodicals - Codzienne Wiadomosci 1944

box 57, folder 8

Periodicals - Co Slychac 1944

box 57, folder 9

Periodicals - Czarne na Bialym 1944

box 57, folder 10

Periodicals - Czyn 1944-1950

box 57, folder 11

Periodicals - Dawnym Szlakiem 1945

box 57, folder 12

Periodicals - Dokumenty Chwili 1945-1947

box 57, folder 13

Periodicals - Do Potegi Polski 1944

box 57, folder 14

Periodicals - Drogowskaz 1945

box 57, folder 15

Periodicals - Dzien Polski 1944

box 57, folder 16

Periodicals - Dziennik Radiowy 1944

box 57, folder 17

Periodicals - Echa Lesne 1944-1946

box 57, folder 18

Periodicals - Echo 1944

box 57, folder 19

Periodicals - Echo Baltyckie 1947

box 57, folder 20

Periodicals - Echo Lubelskie 1944

box 57, folder 21

Periodicals - Ekspres Podolski 1945

box 58, folder 1

Periodicals - Gazeta Malopolska 1944

box 58, folder 2

Periodicals - Gazetka dla Wszystkich 1948

box 58, folder 3

Periodicals - Gazetka Scienna A.K. 1945

box 58, folder 4

Periodicals - Glos 1944-1945

box 58, folder 5

Periodicals - Glos Jednosci Polskiej 1945-1947

box 58, folder 6

Periodicals - Glos Opozycji 1946

box 58, folder 7

Periodicals - Glos o Wolnosc 1948

box 58, folder 8

Periodicals - Glos Podziemi 1945

box 58, folder 9

Periodicals - Glos Podziemia 1947

box 58, folder 10

Periodicals - Glos Polski 1945

box 58, folder 11

Periodicals - Glos Prawdy 1945

box 58, folder 12

Periodicals - Glos Prawdy Polskiej 1945

box 58, folder 13

Periodicals - Glos Robotniczy 1945

box 58, folder 14

Periodicals - Glos spod Ziemi 1945

box 58, folder 15

Periodicals - Glos Wolnosci 1945

box 58, folder 16

Periodicals - Glos Wolny 1945

box 58, folder 17

Periodicals - Glos Wsi 1945

box 58, folder 18

Periodicals - Glos Ziemi Bialostockiej 1944

box 58, folder 19

Periodicals - Glos z nad Narwi 1945-1946

box 58, folder 20

Periodicals - Glos z Podziemia 1947

box 58, folder 21

Periodicals - Honor I Ojczyzna 1945-1946

box 58, folder 22

Periodicals - Informacja Lwowska 1944-1945

box 58, folder 23

Periodicals - Informacje Polityczne 1945

box 58, folder 24

Periodicals - Informacje Polskie 1944

box 58, folder 25

Periodicals - Informator 1945-1946

box 58, folder 26

Periodicals - Informator Podolski 1945

box 58, folder 27

Periodicals - Informator Wsi 1946

box 58, folder 28

Periodicals - Iskierki 1945

box 58, folder 29

Periodicals - Iskra 1945

box 59, folder 1

Periodicals - Jednosc 1945

box 59, folder 2

Periodicals - Jestem Polakiem 1945

box 59, folder 3

Periodicals - Knieja 1945

box 59, folder 4

Periodicals - Komitet Inicjatyw Spolecznych (K.I.S.) 1945

box 59, folder 5

Periodicals - Komunikat 1944-1945

box 59, folder 6

Periodicals - Komunikat Codzienny 1944

box 59, folder 7

Periodicals - Komunikat Informacyjno-Instruktazowy 1945

box 59, folder 8

Periodicals - Komunikat Informacyjny 1947

box 59, folder 9

Periodicals - Komunikat Polityczny 1945

box 59, folder 10

Periodicals - Komunikat Prasowy 1945

box 59, folder 11

Periodicals - Komunikat Radiowy 1944

box 59, folder 12

Periodicals - Komunikat Specjalny 1945

box 59, folder 13

Periodicals - Konspekt Propagandowy 1945

box 59, folder 14

Periodicals - Kraj 1945

box 59, folder 15

Periodicals - Kresowy Komunikat 1945

box 59, folder 16

Periodicals - Kresowy Zew 1944

box 59, folder 17

Periodicals - Krotkie Wiadomosci Zolnierskie 1945

box 59, folder 18

Periodicals - Kruszymy Kajdany 1946

box 59, folder 19

Periodicals - Ku Wolnosci 1946-1947

box 59, folder 20

Periodicals - Ku Zwyciestwu 1946

box 59, folder 21

Periodicals - Lubelska Agencja Informacyjna 1944

box 59, folder 22

Periodicals - Lubelski Biuletyn Radiowy 1944

box 59, folder 23

Periodicals - Lubelskie Wiadomosci Codzienne 1944

box 59, folder 24

Periodicals - Materialy dla Terenu 1945

box 59, folder 25

Periodicals - Mazowiecki Biuletyn Informacyjny 1945

box 59, folder 26

Periodicals - Miecz Chrobrego 1944

box 59, folder 27

Periodicals - Mloda Polska 1945-1946

box 59, folder 28

Periodicals - Mlody Ludowiec

box 59, folder 29

Periodicals - Monitor Bialostocki 1944-1945

box 59, folder 30

Periodicals - Mysl Polska 1946

box 59, folder 31

Periodicals - Mysl Niezalezna 1945

box 60, folder 1

Periodicals - Naboj 1944

box 60, folder 2

Periodicals - Na Czasie 1944

box 60, folder 3

Periodicals - Na Posterunku 1944

box 60, folder 4

Periodicals - Narodowiec 1945-1950

box 60, folder 5

Periodicals - Narodowy Ruch Antybolszewicki Undated

box 60, folder 6

Periodicals - Narod Mowi 1945

box 60, folder 7

Periodicals - Narod w Walce 1945

box 60, folder 8

Periodicals - Na Strazy 1944-1945

box 60, folder 9

Periodicals - Nasza Sprawa 1946

box 60, folder 10

Periodicals - Nasz Biuletyn 1946

box 60, folder 11

Periodicals - Nasz Czyn 1945

box 60, folder 12

Periodicals - Niepodleglosc 1946

box 60, folder 13

Periodicals - Nowe Informacje Polskie 1945

box 60, folder 14

Periodicals - Nowiny 1945

box 60, folder 15

Periodicals - Nowy Zew 1945

box 60, folder 16

Periodicals - Nurt 1945

box 60, folder 17

Periodicals - O Demokratyczna Polske 1945

box 60, folder 18

Periodicals - Ogniwo 1940-1945

box 60, folder 19

Periodicals - Okregowy Biuletyn Wenetrzny 1945

box 60, folder 20

Periodicals - Orzel Bialy 1946

box 60, folder 21

Periodicals - Ostatnie Wiadomosci 1945

box 61, folder 1

Periodicals - Patria 1946

box 61, folder 2

Periodicals - Plomien 1944-1945

box 61, folder 3

Periodicals - Pobudka

box 61, folder 4

Periodicals - Pochodnia Zwyciestwa 1945

box 61, folder 5

Periodicals - Podziemne Informacje Radiowe P.I.R. 1945

box 61, folder 6

Periodicals - Pogadanka Zolnierska 1945

box 61, folder 7

Periodicals - Polak 1945

box 61, folder 8

Periodicals - Polonia 1945

box 61, folder 9

Periodicals - Polowka 1945

box 61, folder 10

Periodicals - Polska 1945

box 61, folder 11

Periodicals - Polska Informacja Polityczna 1945

box 61, folder 12

Periodicals - Polska Informacja Tygodniowa 1945

box 61, folder 13

Periodicals - Polska I Swiat 1945

box 61, folder 14

Periodicals - Polska Niezalezna 1945

box 61, folder 15

Periodicals - Polska Niezawisla 1945

box 61, folder 16

Periodicals - Polska Solidarna 1945

box 61, folder 17

Periodicals - Polska Walczaca 1946

box 61, folder 18

Periodicals - Polska Walczy 1945-1946

box 61, folder 19

Periodicals - Polskie Slowo 1946

box 61, folder 20

Periodicals - Prawda 1944

box 61, folder 21

Periodicals - Przedswit 1944-1945

box 61, folder 22

Periodicals - Przeglad 1944

box 61, folder 23

Periodicals - Przeglad Polityczny 1946-1947

box 61, folder 24

Periodicals - Przeglad Prasowy 1946-1947

box 61, folder 25

Periodicals - Przeglad Wewnetrznej Sytuacji Politycznej 1946

box 61, folder 26

Periodicals - Przeglad Wydarzen 1944-1945

box 61, folder 27

Periodicals - Puszcza Szumi 1946

box 61, folder 28

Periodicals - Reduta 1944-1945

box 61, folder 29

Periodicals - Rzeczpospolita Polska 1945

box 61, folder 30

Periodicals - Serwis Specjalny Inki 1945

box 61, folder 31

Periodicals - Sfinx 1948

box 61, folder 32

Periodicals - Slowo Polskie 1944-1946

box 61, folder 33

Periodicals - Sluzba Publiczna 1945

box 61, folder 34

Periodicals - Sluzba Radiowa 1944

box 61, folder 35

Periodicals - Sojusznik 1945

box 61, folder 36

Periodicals - Sprawy Polskie 1945

box 61, folder 37

Periodicals - Sprawy Polskie w Swiecie 1945

box 62, folder 1

Periodicals - Straznica Kresowa 1945-1946

box 62, folder 2

Periodicals - Straznica Podziemi 1946

box 62, folder 3

Periodicals - Straznica Sumienia 1945

box 62, folder 4

Periodicals - Sygnal 1945

box 62, folder 5

Periodicals - Szydlo 1946

box 62, folder 6

Periodicals - Tu Mowi Londyn 1944

box 62, folder 7

Periodicals - Tygodnik 1945

box 62, folder 8

Periodicals - Uwagi Na Czasie 1945

box 62, folder 9

Periodicals - Untitled 1940

box 62, folder 10

Periodicals - Untitled 1944

box 62, folder 11

Periodicals - Untitled 1945

box 62, folder 12

Periodicals - Untitled 1945

box 62, folder 13

Periodicals - Untitled 1946

box 62, folder 14

Periodicals - Untitled 1946

box 62, folder 15

Periodicals - Untitled 1946

box 62, folder 16

Periodicals - Untitled 1946

box 62, folder 17

Periodicals - Walka 1941-1947

box 62, folder 18

Periodicals - Walka 1945

box 62, folder 19

Periodicals - Walka Narodu 1945-1947

box 62, folder 20

Periodicals - Walka Swiatopogladowa 1945

box 62, folder 21

Periodicals - Warszawa Niepodlegla 1945

box 62, folder 22

Periodicals - Wesoly Posterunek

box 63, folder 1

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Biezace 1944-1946

box 63, folder 2

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Informacyjne 1945

box 63, folder 3

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Londynu 1945

box 63, folder 4

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Londynu 1945

box 63, folder 5

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Radiowe 1944-1945

box 63, folder 6

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Radiowe I Informator 1945

box 63, folder 7

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Radiowe Polaka 1945

box 63, folder 8

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Robotnicze-Czestochowa 1945

box 63, folder 9

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Robotniczo-Chlopskie 1945

box 63, folder 10

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Tygodniowe 1945

box 63, folder 11

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Z Dnia 1945

box 63, folder 12

Periodicals - Wiadomosci ze Swiata 1951

box 63, folder 13

Periodicals - Wiadomosci z Frontow 1944

box 63, folder 14

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Zolnierskie 1945

box 63, folder 15

Periodicals - Wiesci 1944-1945

box 63, folder 16

Periodicals - W Ogniu Walki 1944

box 63, folder 17

Periodicals - Wola Narodu 1944

box 63, folder 18

Periodicals - Wolna Polska 1946

box 63, folder 19

Periodicals - Wolne Slowo 1945

box 63, folder 20

Periodicals - Wolnosc 1946

box 63, folder 21

Periodicals - Wolnosc 1951

box 63, folder 22

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Demokracja 1944

box 63, folder 23

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Niepodleglosc 1946

box 63, folder 24

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Niezawislosc 1946

box 63, folder 25

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Prawda 1945

box 63, folder 26

Periodicals - Wolnosci Zew 1946

box 63, folder 27

Periodicals - Wolnosc Slowa 1945-1946

box 63, folder 28

Periodicals - Wschod 1945

box 63, folder 29

Periodicals - W Sluzbie Ojczyzny 1946

box 63, folder 30

Periodicals - W Swietle Prawdy 1945-1946

box 64, folder 1

Periodicals - Wydawnictwo Polski Niezawislej 1945

box 64, folder 2

Periodicals - Wytrwamy 1944-1945

box 64, folder 3

Periodicals - Wytrwamy 1944-1945

box 64, folder 4

Periodicals - Wyzwolenie 1945

box 64, folder 5

Periodicals - Zamojska Agencja Informacyjna 1944

box 64, folder 6

Periodicals - Zarzewie 1950

box 64, folder 7

Periodicals - Z Chwili 1945

box 64, folder 8

Periodicals - Zerwijmy Peta 1945

box 64, folder 9

Periodicals - Ze Swiata 1944

box 64, folder 10

Periodicals - Zew 1945

box 64, folder 11

Periodicals - Zew Podziemi 1945

box 64, folder 12

Periodicals - Znaleziono Przy Mnie 1946

box 64, folder 13

Periodicals - Z Nami Wszyscy 1946

box 64, folder 14

Periodicals - Znicz 1946

box 64, folder 15

Periodicals - Z Podziemi 1945

box 64, folder 16

Periodicals - Z Polski I Swiata 1945

box 64, folder 17

Periodicals - Zwyciestwo 1945

box 64, folder 18

Periodicals - Zolnierz Obywatel 1944

box 64, folder 19

Periodicals - Zywia I Bronia 1945

box 64, folder 20

Foreign Publications about Poland 1944

box 64, folder 21

Przewodnik Terenowy - zbior inz. L. Kummanta 1945-1946

Scope and Contents note

Periodicals: Honor I Ojczyzna, Glos, Informator, Echa Lesne, Do Potegi Polski, Sojusznik, Ku Wolnosci, Narod w Walce, Mysl Niezalezna, Nasz Biuletyn, Reduta, Niepodleglosc, Polskie Slowo, Wiesci, Orzel Bialy, Wolnosc I Niezawislosc, Wytrwamy, Mloda Polska, Zolnierz Wielkiej Polski
box 64, folder 22

Przewodnik Terenowy - zbior inz. L. Kummanta 1945-1946

Scope and Contents note

Booklets and Posters
box 64, folder 23

Przewodnik Terenowy - zbior inz. L. Kummanta 1945-1946

Scope and Contents note

Periodicals: Serwis Informacyjno-Propagandowy, Slowo Polskie, Sojusznik, Walka, Informacja Chrzescijanska, Zrab
box 88, folder 1

Periodicals - Index

box 88, folder 2

Periodicals - ABC Mlodych 1944-1950

box 88, folder 3

Periodicals - AK Gazetka Scienna 1944-1950

box 88, folder 4

Periodicals - Agencja Prasowa 1944-1950

box 88, folder 5

Periodicals - Agencja Socjalistyczna 1944-1950

box 88, folder 6

Periodicals - Agencja Spoleczno-Polityczna 1944-1950

box 88, folder 7

Periodicals - Alarm 1944-1950

box 88, folder 8

Periodicals - Baszta 1944-1950

box 88, folder 9

Periodicals - Biel I Czerwien 1944-1950

box 88, folder 10

Periodicals - Biuletyn 1944-1950

box 88, folder 11

Periodicals - Biuletyn "C" 1944-1950

box 88, folder 12

Periodicals - Biuletyn Harcerskiego Ruchu Antykomunistycznego 1944-1950

box 88, folder 13

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny 1944-1950

box 88, folder 14

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny 1944-1950

box 88, folder 15

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny 1944-1950

box 88, folder 16

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny dla Duchowienstwa 1944-1950

box 88, folder 17

Periodicals - Biuletyn Informacyjny Ziemi Bialostockiej 1944-1950

box 88, folder 18

Periodicals - Biuletyn Wewnetrzny 1944-1950

box 88, folder 19

Periodicals - CBW 1944-1950

box 88, folder 20

Periodicals - Czas Wyzwolenia 1944-1950

box 88, folder 21

Periodicals - Czyn 1944-1950

box 88, folder 22

Periodicals - Dawnym Szlakiem 1944-1950

box 88, folder 23

Periodicals - Dokumenty Programowe AK 1944-1950

box 88, folder 24

Periodicals - Echa Lesne 1944-1950

box 88, folder 25

Periodicals - Gazeta Malopolska 1944-1950

box 88, folder 26

Periodicals - Glos Jednosci Polskiej 1944-1950

box 88, folder 27

Periodicals - Glos Opozycji 1944-1950

box 88, folder 28

Periodicals - Glos Podziemia 1944-1950

box 88, folder 29

Periodicals - Glos Prawdy 1944-1950

box 88, folder 30

Periodicals - Glos spod Ziemi 1944-1950

box 88, folder 31

Periodicals - Glos Ziemi Bialostockiej 1944-1950

box 88, folder 32

Periodicals - Glos z nad Narwi 1944-1950

box 88, folder 33

Periodicals - Grupa Dywersyjna AK "Blyskawica" 1944-1950

box 88, folder 34

Periodicals - Informacje Polskie 1944-1950

box 88, folder 35

Periodicals - Informator 1944-1950

box 88, folder 36

Periodicals - Informator 1944-1950

box 88, folder 37

Periodicals - Jestem Polakiem 1944-1950

box 89, folder 1

Periodicals - Komunikat Informacyjny 1944-1950

box 89, folder 2

Periodicals - Konspekt Propagandowy 1944-1950

box 89, folder 3

Periodicals - Ku Wolnosci 1944-1950

box 89, folder 4

Periodicals - Ku Zwyciestwu 1944-1950

box 89, folder 5

Periodicals - List z Lasu 1944-1950

box 89, folder 6

Periodicals - Lubelska Agencja Informacyjna 1944-1950

box 89, folder 7

Periodicals - Lubelski Biuletyn Radiowy 1944-1950

box 89, folder 8

Periodicals - Materialy dla Terenu 1944-1950

box 89, folder 9

Periodicals - Monitor Bialostocki 1944-1950

box 89, folder 10

Periodicals - Mysl Niezalezna 1944-1950

box 89, folder 11

Periodicals - Na Strazy 1944-1950

box 89, folder 12

Periodicals - Narodowy Ruch Antybolszewicki 1944-1950

box 89, folder 13

Periodicals - Narod w Walce 1944-1950

box 89, folder 14

Periodicals - Narod w Walce 1944-1950

box 89, folder 15

Periodicals - Nasluch Radiowy 1944-1950

box 89, folder 16

Periodicals - Nasz Biuletyn 1944-1950

box 89, folder 17

Periodicals - Niepodleglosc 1944-1950

box 89, folder 18

Periodicals - Niezawislosc 1944-1950

box 89, folder 19

Periodicals - Nowy Zew 1944-1950

box 89, folder 20

Periodicals - Odwet 1944-1950

box 89, folder 21

Periodicals - Ojczyzna Krucjata 1944-1950

box 89, folder 22

Periodicals - Orleta 1944-1950

box 89, folder 23

Periodicals - Orzel Bialy 1944-1950

box 89, folder 24

Periodicals - Patria 1944-1950

box 89, folder 25

Periodicals - P.I.R. 1944-1950

box 89, folder 26

Periodicals - Plomien 1944-1950

box 89, folder 27

Periodicals - Pochodnia Zwyciestwa 1944-1950

box 89, folder 28

Periodicals - Pogadanka Zolnierska 1944-1950

box 89, folder 29

Periodicals - Polonia 1944-1950

box 89, folder 30

Periodicals - Polska Informacja Polityczna 1944-1950

box 89, folder 31

Periodicals - Polska I Swiat 1944-1950

box 89, folder 32

Periodicals - Polska Niezawisla 1944-1950

box 89, folder 33

Periodicals - Polska Niezawisla 1944-1950

box 89, folder 34

Periodicals - Polska Walczaca 1944-1950

box 90, folder 1

Periodicals - Polskie Slowo 1944-1950

box 90, folder 2

Periodicals - Prawda 1944-1950

box 90, folder 3

Periodicals - Przeglad Krajowy 1944-1950

box 90, folder 4

Periodicals - Przeglad Krajowy 1944-1950

box 90, folder 5

Periodicals - Przeglad Polityczny 1944-1950

box 90, folder 6

Periodicals - Przeglad Prasowy 1944-1950

box 90, folder 7

Periodicals - Przeglad Zagraniczny 1944-1950

box 90, folder 8

Periodicals - Puszcza Szumi 1944-1950

box 90, folder 9

Periodicals - Reduta 1944-1950

box 90, folder 10

Periodicals - Samoobrona 1944-1950

box 90, folder 11

Periodicals - Serwis Informacyjny Inki 1944-1950

box 90, folder 12

Periodicals - Serwis Informacyjny Inki dla Prasy 1944-1950

box 90, folder 13

Periodicals - Serwis Informacyjny Inki dla Wladz 1944-1950

box 90, folder 14

Periodicals - Serwis Specjalny Inki 1944-1950

box 90, folder 15

Periodicals - Slowo Polskie 1944-1950

box 90, folder 16

Periodicals - Slowo Polskie 1944-1950

box 90, folder 17

Periodicals - Slowo Polskie 1944-1950

box 90, folder 18

Periodicals - Sowizdrzal 1944-1950

box 90, folder 19

Periodicals - Straznica Podziemi 1944-1950

box 90, folder 20

Periodicals - Straznica Sumienia 1944-1950

box 90, folder 21

Periodicals - Sygnal 1944-1950

box 90, folder 22

Periodicals - Szydlo 1944-1950

box 90, folder 23

Periodicals - Teka 1944-1950

box 91, folder 1

Periodicals - Uwagi Na Czasie 1944-1950

box 91, folder 2

Periodicals - W Swietle Prawdy 1944-1950

box 91, folder 3

Periodicals - Walka 1944-1950

box 91, folder 4

Periodicals - Walka 1944-1950

box 91, folder 5

Periodicals - Walka o Przewage Ducha 1944-1950

box 91, folder 6

Periodicals - Warszawski Glos Narodowy 1944-1950

box 91, folder 7

Periodicals - Wiadomosci 1944-1950

box 91, folder 8

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Biezace 1944-1950

box 91, folder 9

Periodicals - Wiadomosci Radiowe 1944-1950

box 91, folder 10

Periodicals - Wolnosc 1944-1950

box 91, folder 11

Periodicals - Wolnosc 1944-1950

box 91, folder 12

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Demokracja 1944-1950

box 91, folder 13

Periodicals - Wolnosc I Niezawislosc 1944-1950

box 91, folder 14

Periodicals - Wolnosc Slowa 1944-1950

box 91, folder 15

Periodicals - Wolnosc Slowa 1944-1950

box 91, folder 16

Periodicals - Wolnosc Slowa 1944-1950

box 91, folder 17

Periodicals - WP Lwow 1944-1950

box 91, folder 18

Periodicals - Wschod 1944-1950

box 91, folder 19

Periodicals - Wszechpolak 1944-1950

box 91, folder 20

Periodicals - Wytrwamy 1944-1950

box 91, folder 21

Periodicals - Z Nami Wszyscy 1944-1950

box 91, folder 22

Periodicals - Z Podziemi 1944-1950

box 91, folder 23

Periodicals - Zolnierz Obywatel 1944-1950

box 91, folder 24

Periodicals - Zolnierz Wielkiej Polski 1944-1950

box 92, folder 12

Armia Krajowa (Home Army) - Publications 1944

box 92, folder 13-14

Armia Krajowa (Home Army) - Flyers 1944-1945

box 92, folder 15-16

Narodowe Sily Zbrojne (National Armed Forces) - Publications 1944-1945

box 94, folder 12

Miscellaneous - Edward Brydak "Wspomnienia" Undated

box 94, folder 13

Miscellaneous - Ludwika Kownacka "Ryciny" Undated


Publications of the Warsaw Uprising

Scope and Contents

These materials are the publications of the Warsaw Uprising.
box 105, folder 1

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Armia Ludowa", No. 10, 22, 23, 25-31, 34, 35
box 105, folder 2

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Barykada", pismo III rejonu A.K. daily issue No.1-25, evening issue 11-14, 16-20; suplement: Informacja Radiowa: No.1, 3-6, 10-11.
box 105, folder 3

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Barykada Powisla" No. 4-23, 25-26
box 105, folder 4

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Barykada. Warszawa Walczy" No. 26-32, 34, 36-42, 44-46, 48-49, 51.
box 105, folder 5

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Barykada Wolnosci" Organ Robotniczej Partii Polskich Socjalistow. No. 142-145, 150, 152, 154-155.
box 105, folder 6

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn No.7
box 105, folder 7

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn Centralnego Komitetu Ludowego, No. 2-8, 11-14, 16-20.
box 105, folder 8-9

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn Informacyjny. Wydanie Codzienne, No. 35/242 - 72/280, 74/283, 76/284, 78/286 - 81/289, 83/291-85/293, 87/295 - 97/305, 99/307-102/310; Dodatek Ilustrowany, No.1
box 105, folder 10

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

13, 20, 31, 34, 72, 78, 79, 82, 87, 95.
box 105, folder 11

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn Okregu IV PPS Warszawa - Polnoc, No.13
box 105, folder 12

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Biuletyn Podokregu Nr. 2 Armii Ludowej, No. 46, 51, 53.
box 105, folder 13

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Brzask". Pismo Harcerskich Oddzialow Armii Krajowej, No. 11/38.
box 105, folder 14

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Czerniakow w Walce". Pismo Codzienne. No. 3, 5, 13, 14.
box 105, folder 15

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Komunikat radiofoniczny". No. 11, 12, 14, 31, 37, 144.
box 105, folder 16

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Biuletyn radiowy" No. 23
box 105, folder 17

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Komunikat informacyjny
box 106, folder 1

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Warszawski Glos Narodowy". No.25-30, 33, special issue
box 106, folder 2

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Wielka Polska" No. 20-25, 31-32, 35, 12 sierpnia 1944
box 106, folder 3

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Wiadomosci Powstancze", No.40-42.
box 106, folder 4

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Wiadomosci Radiowe", No. 24, 27, 28, 32, 34.
box 106, folder 5

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Wojsko Polskie", No. 1-3, 5-9.
box 106, folder 6

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Wolna Polska, No. 115-116.
box 106, folder 7

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Z Pierwszej Linii Frontu", Aug. 10-26.
box 106, folder 8

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Zbrojne Wyzwolenie", No. 241.
box 106, folder 9

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Zryw", No. 37-39.
box 106, folder 10

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Zywia i Bronia", No. 10, 12-13, 15-18, 20-23.
box 106, folder 11

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

box 106, folder 12-14

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Wiadomosci z Miasta i Wiadomosci Radiowe", No. 9-10, 13-16, 19, 23, 29-37, 39-40, 43, 46-52, 54, 56-59, 61-64, 71, 74, 76, 78, 80-83, 86-92, 94-96, 98-99, 101, 103-104, 107, 111.
box 107, folder 1

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Demokrata:codzienne pismo ilustrowane", No. 169/292, 171/294-185/308, 190/312-194/316, 205/327.
box 107, folder 2

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Dziennik Obwieszczen Rejonowego delegata Rzadu Warszawa-Poludnie". No. 1-7.
box 107, folder 3

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Dziennik Radiowy", No. 3, 37, 43-46, 49-59.
box 107, folder 4

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Czesc III", No. 1-2.
box 107, folder 5

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Dzien Warszawy. Popoludniowe Pismo Codzienne", No. 1005-1006, 1009, 1011-1013, 1016-1027, 1029, 1031, 1033, 1037, 1039, 1041.
box 107, folder 6

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Dzien Warszawy. Wydanie Poranne". No. 1028-1056, 1059-1060, 1061-1064.
box 107, folder 7

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Glos Starego Miasta", No. 6.
box 107, folder 9

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Glos Warszawy, No. 65/158, 67/170
box 107, folder 8

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

"Glos Demokracji", No. 1-3.
box 107, folder 10

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Gazeta Polowa, No. 1.
box 107, folder 11

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Komunikat Informacyjny, No. 17, 20.
box 107, folder 12

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Komunikat Organizacyjny Polskiego Zwiazku Wolnosci, No. 11.
box 107, folder 13

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Jednodniowka Katolicka
box 107, folder 14

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Glos Warszawy. Wydawnictwo Polskiej Partii Robotniczej, No. 167-168, 170, 173-178, 180-182.
box 107, folder 15

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Iskra.Zwiazek Syndykalistow Polskich, No. 9-11, 59.
box 107, folder 16

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Kobieta na Barykadzie, No. 1-4.
box 107, folder 17

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Komunikat Informacyjny. Komenda Placu Odcinka Mokotow, No. 17, 22, 25-28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46.
box 107, folder 18

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Narod Walczy, No. 903
box 107, folder 19

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Na dzien 26 sierpnia. W swieto Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej.
box 107, folder 20

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Nowy Dzien, No. 905-908, 910-915.
box 107, folder 21

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Nowy Swiat, No. 1-9, 11-12, 14-19.
box 107, folder 22

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Polska Ilustrowana,No. 3.
box 107, folder 23

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Polska Zwyciezy, No. 1-6.
box 107, folder 24

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Prawda. Pismo Polskich Katolikow Swieckich.
box 108, folder 1-3

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Kurier Stoleczny, No. 1-22, 24, 30-31, 33-35, 36-39, 41-42, Kurier Stoleczny. Organ Stronnictwa Pracy. Wydanie Staromiejskie, No. 16-17.
box 108, folder 4

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Rejonowka, No. 14-59
box 108, folder 5-6

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Robotnik. Centralny Organ P.P.S., No. 10-42, 44-70
box 108, folder 7

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Robotnik. Centralny Organ P.P.S. Lewica, No. 163, 167
box 108, folder 8

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Rzeczpospolita Polska, No. 16-46, 50-52, 60, 62-64, 66-78
box 108, folder 9

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Sprawa, No.106-107
box 108, folder 10

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Syndykalista, No. 1.
box 108, folder 11

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Syndykalista. Syndykalistyczne Porozumienie Powstancze. No. 5, 7-8, 11-14, 16.
box 108, folder 12

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Tydzien, No. 69-70.
box 108, folder 13

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Szaniec, No. 12, 14, 16-20, 22-28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 49.
box 109, folder 1

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

W walce. No. 33-35, 37.
box 109, folder 2

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

WIP, No. 16, 18, 23, 26-27, 29-32, 36-37.
box 109, folder 3-4

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Walka. Wydanie Srodmiescia. No. 62-80; Walka, No. 53, 55, 75-83.
box 109, folder 5

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Walka. Warszawski Glos Narodowy. No. 37-42, 44, 46-48, 50-51
box 109, folder 6

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Walka o Wolnosc, No. 6.
box 109, folder 7-8

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Warszawa Walczy, No. 3, 5, 15, 17-20, 22, 24-27, 29-31, 33-35, 37-50, 51-55.
box 109, folder 9

Polish Underground Press during World War II 1944

Scope and Contents note

Warszawianka.Wydawnictwo Warszawskiego O.K.R.P.P.S. No. 2, 10, 22.
box 116

Material not yet described.

box 117

Material not yet described.

box 118

Material not yet described.

box 119

Material not yet described.

box 123, folder 1

Paper puzzle image of Polish General Józef Haller 1920s

box 123, folder 8

Photocopies of other documents produced by the Polish Ministry of National Defense 1950s-1980s

Scope and Contents

Several hundred photocopied pages of plans, reports, meeting minutes, organizational charts and other documents produced by the Polish Ministry of National Defense in their interactions with the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces. The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed in May 1955 between the Soviet Union and seven other signatories, including Poland. Commonly referred to as the Warsaw Pact, this collective defense organization was a response to NATO.
box 124, folder 1-6

Photocopies of other documents produced by the Polish Ministry of National Defense 1950s-1980s

Scope and Contents

Several hundred photocopied pages of plans, reports, meeting minutes, organizational charts and other documents produced by the Polish Ministry of National Defense in their interactions with the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces. The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed in May 1955 between the Soviet Union and seven other signatories, including Poland. Commonly referred to as the Warsaw Pact, this collective defense organization was a response to NATO.
box 123, folder 2-7

Photocopies of "Korweta" documents WWII

Scope and Contents

Approximately 900 photocopied pages of reports and analyses. Department 999, codename "Korweta", was an intelligence-gathering element of the underground Polish Home Army tasked with monitoring the situation on the political left, especially in the communist movement during World War II. The department was led by Stanisław Ostoja-Chrostowski.