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Photographic Documentation of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Sites and Rats in Los Angeles, 1924
BANC PIC 1988.052--PIC  
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Trapping Districts, Rats Caught, Human Cases. No. 1-3

box 1, volume 1

Trapping districts to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:001--PIC


Showing rats trapped to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:002--PIC


Showing human cases to Nov. 30, 1924. BANC PIC 1988.052:003--PIC


Personnel - Crews. No. 4-19

box 1, volume 1

Executive heads - Rodent Extermination Department, under Supervision of State Board of Health. BANC PIC 1988.052:004--PIC


Same as above. BANC PIC 1988.052:005--PIC


Rat-proofing inspectors - Plague Campaign, Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:006--PIC


Wrecking crew and equipment - Rodent Extermination Department. BANC PIC 1988.052:007--PIC


Wrecking crews and equipment. BANC PIC 1988.052:008--PIC


Disinfecting crew with spray machine at oil tank. BANC PIC 1988.052:009--PIC


Disinfecting crew and transportation. BANC PIC 1988.052:010--PIC


Disinfecting crew - spray machine and transportation equipment. BANC PIC 1988.052:011--PIC


Poison distributors with cans of poison rat baits.


BANC PIC 1988.052:012--PIC


Poison distributors with cans of poison rat baits. BANC PIC 1988.052:013--PIC


Foreman Treat's sub-station crew - 4412 So. Vermont St. BANC PIC 1988.052:014--PIC


Foreman W. H. King's sub-station crew - Chinatown crew - Apaplasa and So. Alameda Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:015--PIC


O'Conner's sub-station crew - 1520 West 23rd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:016--PIC


Foreman Smith's sub-station crew - 1010 West 3rd. St. BANC PIC 1988.052:017--PIC


Squirrel hunters with one day's bag of 178 ground squirrels. BANC PIC 1988.052:018--PIC


Same as 18. BANC PIC 1988.052:019--PIC


Church Laboratory. No. 20-21

box 1, volume 1

Church used as emergency laboratory. Bauchet and Avila Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:020--PIC


Same as 20. BANC PIC 1988.052:021--PIC


8th Street Laboratory. No. 22-31

box 1, volume 1

Looking down Bauchet Street from church laboratory. BANC PIC 1988.052:022--PIC


New laboratory at 1015 East Eighth Street, Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:023--PIC


Interior of laboratory at 1015 East Eighth Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:024--PIC


Rats nailed to boards, ready for skinning. BANC PIC 1988.052:025--PIC


Inoculated guinea pigs kept in screened cans. BANC PIC 1988.052:026--PIC


Preparing poison baits at rear of laboratory.


Preparing poison baits at rear of laboratory. BANC PIC 1988.052:027--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:028--PIC


Rat-trapper, with spring traps and rat container.


Rat-trapper, with spring traps and rat container. BANC PIC 1988.052:029--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:030--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:031--PIC


Rats - Various. No. 32-45

box 1, volume 1

Norway rat and ten young. BANC PIC 1988.052:032--PIC


Norway rat and ten young in nest. BANC PIC 1988.052:033--PIC


Mother and six live young Norway rats caught at 916 Temple Street Poultry Market, plague foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:034--PIC


Three young rats caught in one trap. BANC PIC 1988.052:035--PIC


Black rat. Rattus rattus. Showing characteristic big ears and long tapered tail. BANC PIC 1988.052:036--PIC


Tumor on Norway rat - open beneath and exceeding in weight the animal's body. Taken in the heart of Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:037--PIC


Live Norway rat. The most destructive animal in North America. BANC PIC 1988.052:038--PIC


Tumor on Norway Rat. Open beneath and exceeding in weight the animal's body. Taken in the heart of Los Angeles. BANC PIC 1988.052:039--PIC


Placing spring trap in rat burrow. BANC PIC 1988.052:040--PIC


Rat holes. BANC PIC 1988.052:041--PIC


Rat burrows. BANC PIC 1988.052:042--PIC


Rat-run on girders. BANC PIC 1988.052:043--PIC


Removing base siding from rat-infested premises. BANC PIC 1988.052:044--PIC


The enemy, specially posed after death. BANC PIC 1988.052:045--PIC


742 Clara Street, Focus of Outbreak - Foci. No. 46-62

box 1, volume 1

742 Clara Street. Focus of outbreak. BANC PIC 1988.052:046--PIC


741 Clara St. Two pneumonic cases in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:047--PIC


741 Clara St. backyard. 2 cases pneumonic here. BANC PIC 1988.052:048--PIC


741 Clara St. Base siding removed. BANC PIC 1988.052:049--PIC


742 Clara St., packing plant in rear where plague-infected rats were found. BANC PIC 1988.052:050--PIC


730 Date St. Two cases pneumonic in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:051--PIC


338 Bauchet Street. One case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:052--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. Case in rear shack. BANC PIC 1988.052:053--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. General conditions in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:054--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. In rear of premises. BANC PIC 1988.052:055--PIC


Rear of 1806 and 1804 Pomeroy St. showing barn and rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:056--PIC


237 Mariana St. Three pneumonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:057--PIC


247 Mariana St. BANC PIC 1988.052:058--PIC


Rear of 247 Mariana St. BANC PIC 1988.052:059--PIC


1617 Marengo St. Two pneumonic and one bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:060--PIC


1804 Pomeroy St. One pneumonic case here. Rear view. BANC PIC 1988.052:061--PIC


343 Carmelita St. Three pneumonic plague cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:062--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. - Bubonic Case [i.e. Cases]. No. 63-75

box 1, volume 1

5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic plague case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:063--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here.


BANC PIC 1988.052:064--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:065--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:066--PIC


Vicinity of 5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:067--PIC


5725 Brooklyn Ave. Bubonic case here.


BANC PIC 1988.052:068--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:069--PIC


2039 East Seventh St. Foci house on left. BANC PIC 1988.052:070--PIC


2039 East Seventh St. Foci, house in middle. BANC PIC 1988.052:071--PIC


234 N. Anderson St., showing rear, before wrecking of cabins, also showing part of 232 N. Anderson. BANC PIC 1988.052:072--PIC


Rear of 234 N. Anderson St. One bubonic case here. BANC PIC 1988.052:073--PIC


Rear of 234 N. Anderson St. Bubonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:074--PIC


Rear 234 N. Anderson St. Bubonic cases here. BANC PIC 1988.052:075--PIC


Grocery Where First Plague Rat Found. No. 76-78

box 1, volume 1

Grocery near Clara St. where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:076--PIC


Grocery, as above, near Clara St. where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:077--PIC


Grocery near Clara Street where first plague-infected rat was found. BANC PIC 1988.052:078--PIC


136 N. San Pedro. No. 79-89

box 1, volume 1

136 N. San Pedro St. Five infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:079--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. Jap. [Japanese] Restaurant. Five plague-infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:080--PIC


Same as 80. BANC PIC 1988.052:081--PIC

box 1, volume 2

Rear of 136 N. San Pedro, where 5 infected rats were found. BANC PIC 1988.052:082--PIC


Building out rats at 136 N. San Pedro (rear) BANC PIC 1988.052:083--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. Cement walk - ventilators - screen covered - brick foundations. BANC PIC 1988.052:084--PIC


136 N. San Pedro St. after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:085--PIC


136 N. San Pedro, after the clean-up, cement walks, ventilators screened, and brick foundation. BANC PIC 1988.052:086--PIC


Cement floor in storeroom in rear of 136 N. San Pedro. BANC PIC 1988.052:087--PIC


Cement floor - rear of kitchen, continuous through kitchen, at 136 N. San Pedro. BANC PIC 1988.052:088--PIC


136 N. San Pedro (rear) letting the sunlight in after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:089--PIC


[Packing Plant, N. Main St.] No. 90-101

box 1, volume 2

Packing plant. Three plague infected rats found here. BANC PIC 1988.052:090--PIC


Same as 90. BANC PIC 1988.052:091--PIC


1400 Block, N. Main St. New cement floors in old dwelling. BANC PIC 1988.052:092--PIC


1400 Block North Main. Screen flooring work. BANC PIC 1988.052:093--PIC


1400 Block on North Main St. Screened foundation work.


BANC PIC 1988.052:094--PIC


1400 Block on North Main St. Screened foundation work. BANC PIC 1988.052:095--PIC


1009 N. Main - Johnson's Foundry. BANC PIC 1988.052:096--PIC


1009 N. Main. Johnson's Foundry from rear, showing iron piles used as rat harbors. BANC PIC 1988.052:097--PIC


1009 N. Main. North view of plant - Johnson's Foundry. BANC PIC 1988.052:098--PIC


1009 N. Main St., front, showing rat runs under floors. BANC PIC 1988.052:099--PIC


1009 N. Main St. Rat runs under floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:100--PIC


1009 N. Main St. Johnson Foundry, pig iron rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:101--PIC


1500 [and 1501] E. 4th St. No. 102-116

box 1, volume 2

1500 East Fourth St. BANC PIC 1988.052:102--PIC


1500 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:103--PIC


1500 and 1501 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:104--PIC


Rear view of 1500 East 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:105--PIC


1500 E. 4th. Interior of store room. BANC PIC 1988.052:106--PIC


1500 E. 4th St. Rubbish in storeroom and opening under grocery. BANC PIC 1988.052:107--PIC


1500 E. 4th St. Rat holes under floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:108--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at 1500 E. 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:109--PIC


Restaurant at 1501 E. 4th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:110--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rear entrance. BANC PIC 1988.052:111--PIC


1501 - E. 4th. Rat harbors under eating house, rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:112--PIC


1501 E. 4th. Rat harbors under eating house. Rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:113--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs, rear corner. BANC PIC 1988.052:114--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs, east side of restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:115--PIC


1501 E. 4th St. Rat-runs in front of building. BANC PIC 1988.052:116--PIC


[First St., Central Ave., S. Main St.] No. 117-132

box 1, volume 2

Looking west on First St. BANC PIC 1988.052:117--PIC


First St. and Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:118--PIC


Showing frontage on First St. looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:119--PIC


Corner East First and Central from elevation, looking northwest. BANC PIC 1988.052:120--PIC


East First St. and Central Ave. from elevated view. BANC PIC 1988.052:121--PIC


Frontage on Central Avenue looking south. BANC PIC 1988.052:122--PIC


Frontage of shacks at East 1st and Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:123--PIC


Elevation view on Central Ave. and E. 1st. looking south. BANC PIC 1988.052:124--PIC


464 South Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:125--PIC


643 S. Main St. L. A. Market. BANC PIC 1988.052:126--PIC


643 S. Main St. in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:127--PIC


651 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:128--PIC


652 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:129--PIC


652 S. Main, alley in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:130--PIC


Block of 651-653 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:131--PIC


Alley in rear of 652 S. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:132--PIC


City Dump. No. 133-140

box 1, volume 2

City Dump Ground, from 26th Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:133--PIC


Gleaning food from city dump. BANC PIC 1988.052:134--PIC


City dump - showing living conditions. BANC PIC 1988.052:135--PIC


City Dump at Los Angeles River edge, showing living conditions. BANC PIC 1988.052:136--PIC


City Dump Ground, with negro living quarters. BANC PIC 1988.052:137--PIC


City Dump Ground with negro shack in foreground. BANC PIC 1988.052:138--PIC


City Dump Ground, 26th and Los Angeles River. BANC PIC 1988.052:139--PIC


Crap game in operation at City Dump Ground. BANC PIC 1988.052:140--PIC


[N. Broadway, Hauser Packing Co.] No. 141-152

box 1, volume 2

904 N. Broadway, College Inn Cafe. BANC PIC 1988.052:141--PIC


904 N. Broadway, in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:142--PIC


904 N. Broadway, rear of restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:143--PIC


901 N. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:144--PIC


901 N. Broadway, in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:145--PIC


901 N. Broadway, side view. BANC PIC 1988.052:146--PIC


Alley view of 901 N. Broadway, with 904 N. Broadway across the street. BANC PIC 1988.052:147--PIC


Dwellings in rear of 901 N. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:148--PIC


2300 E. 9th. Hauser Packing Co. BANC PIC 1988.052:149--PIC


Rear of Hauser Packing Co. 2300 E. 9th St.


Rear of Hauser Packing Co. 2300 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:150--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:151--PIC


Distant view of Hauser Packing Co. - showing built-up neighborhood. BANC PIC 1988.052:152--PIC


Stables and Gravel Pit. No. 153-155

box 1, volume 2

Stables and gravel pit. 9th and Porter Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:153--PIC


Stables and Gravel Pit, 9th and Porter Sts.

box 1, volume 3

BANC PIC 1988.052:154--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:155--PIC


[Hunter St.] No. 156-162

box 1, volume 3

Spraying with coal oil emulsion to kill fleas. BANC PIC 1988.052:156--PIC


2416 Hunter Street. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:157--PIC


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse.


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse. BANC PIC 1988.052:158--PIC


2416 Hunter St. Interior of grain warehouse. BANC PIC 1988.052:159--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:160--PIC


Alley from R. R. Tracks leading to rear of grain warehouse at 2416 Hunter Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:161--PIC


Rear of grain warehouse at 2416 Hunter St. BANC PIC 1988.052:162--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch. No. 163-172

box 1, volume 3

San Pedro Hog Ranch.


San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:163--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:164--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch, Feeding platforms, removed. BANC PIC 1988.052:165--PIC


San Pedro Hog Ranch - Health Department crew. BANC PIC 1988.052:166--PIC


Same as above. BANC PIC 1988.052:167--PIC


Health Department crew at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:168--PIC


Health Department crew at work at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:169--PIC


Wrecking San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:170--PIC


Wrecking crew at work at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:171--PIC


Wrecking crew at San Pedro Hog Ranch. BANC PIC 1988.052:172--PIC


E. 6th and 7th, Imperial. No. 173-188

box 1, volume 3

West side of Imperial Street between E. 6th and E. 7th. BANC PIC 1988.052:173--PIC


East side of Imperial St. between E. 6th and E. 7th Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:174--PIC


Looking west on E. 6th. St. from Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:175--PIC


Improvements at E. 6th St., near Imperial St. BANC PIC 1988.052:176--PIC


Back yard view in block at E. 6th St., Imperial St. and Santa Fe Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:177--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at E. 6th St. and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:178--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work at E. 6th and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:179--PIC


Starting foundation work in rear of dwellings in E. 6th St. and Imperial Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:180--PIC


Imperial Street looking south to 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:181--PIC


E. 7th St. and Imperial looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:182--PIC


S. E. corner Imperial and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:183--PIC


After wrecking northwest corner of E. 7th and Imperial. BANC PIC 1988.052:184--PIC


7th Street and Imperial looking north. BANC PIC 1988.052:185--PIC


Near corner of E. 7th and Imperial St. BANC PIC 1988.052:186--PIC


Houses to be wrecked at Imperial and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:187--PIC


West side of Imperial St. at E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:188--PIC


E. 7th and Santa Fe, (Foci). No. 189-196

box 1, volume 3

Negro shack at 7th and Santa Fe Avenue. Near 2039 East 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:189--PIC


Negro shack in business section, near 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:190--PIC


Wrecking negro shack, 7th and Santa Fe Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:191--PIC


Negro shack removed from Santa Fe and E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:192--PIC


Clean-up at E. 7th and Santa Fe St. BANC PIC 1988.052:193--PIC


Wrecking condemned buildings at E. 7th and Santa Fe. BANC PIC 1988.052:194--PIC


Clean-up at E. 7th and Santa Fe. BANC PIC 1988.052:195--PIC


Rat harbors in block E. 7th, Santa Fe and Imperial Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:196--PIC


2039 E. 7th, (Foci). No. 197-226

box 1, volume 3

Imperial St. looking towards rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:197--PIC


2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:198--PIC


Location of 2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:199--PIC


Business section near 2039 E. 7th St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:200--PIC


Street scene opposite 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:201--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:202--PIC


Shacks in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:203--PIC


Back yards in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:204--PIC


Back yard, rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:205--PIC


Inspectors planning wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:206--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:207--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:208--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:209--PIC


Yard in the rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:210--PIC


Back yards in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:211--PIC


Back of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:212--PIC


Rear lot of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:213--PIC


Rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:214--PIC


Disinfecting crew in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:215--PIC


Disinfecting crew at work in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:216--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:217--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:218--PIC


Wrecking operations in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:219--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:220--PIC


Cleaning up in rear of 2039 E. 7th St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:221--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:222--PIC


Baseboards removed in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:223--PIC

box 1, volume 4

Base boards removed in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:224--PIC


Foundation work started in rear of 2039 E. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:225--PIC


New concrete floor in bank building corner E. 7th and Mateo. BANC PIC 1988.052:226--PIC


115 E. 2nd St. No. 227-233

box 1, volume 4

115 E. 2nd St. Restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:227--PIC


115 E. 2nd St. "Frank's Restaurant." BANC PIC 1988.052:228--PIC


Rear of restaurant at 115 E. 2nd St.


Rear of restaurant at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:229--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:230--PIC


Laying screen floors at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:231--PIC


Detail of screen floor construction at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:232--PIC


Laying screen floor at 115 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:233--PIC


[135-136 E. 2nd St., N. Main St.] No. 234-246

box 1, volume 4

135 E. 2nd St. Second-hand store. BANC PIC 1988.052:234--PIC


135 E. 2nd St. 2nd and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:235--PIC


2nd story, rear of 135 E. 2nd St. BANC PIC 1988.052:236--PIC


Toilet in rear of 136 E. 2nd St. Barber shop. BANC PIC 1988.052:237--PIC


Small dark room in rear of 135 E. 2nd St. Rat holes in floor and walls. BANC PIC 1988.052:238--PIC


Block on Main, showing No. 1319 at end. BANC PIC 1988.052:239--PIC


1319 N. Main, Grocery. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:240--PIC


1319 N. Main, grocery on corner - from West Ann St. BANC PIC 1988.052:241--PIC


1319 N. Main. Grocery - rear yard. BANC PIC 1988.052:242--PIC


Yard adjoining rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:243--PIC


Dwelling walk-way in rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:244--PIC


Back yards in rear of 139 [1319?] N. Main, and 149 W. Elmyra. BANC PIC 1988.052:245--PIC


Fence in rear of 1319 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:246--PIC


Elmyra Street District. No. 247-270

box 1, volume 4

1625 Cardinal Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:247--PIC


Interior house in rear of 1625 Cardinal St. Occupied for many years by an old lady. Abundant rat evidence found in bed and floor. BANC PIC 1988.052:248--PIC


Rear house at 1625 Cardinal St. Used as a residence. BANC PIC 1988.052:249--PIC


Rear conditions at 1625 Cardinal St. BANC PIC 1988.052:250--PIC


149 W. Elmyra St. Foci.


149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:251--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:252--PIC


West Elmyra Street looking east, No. 149 in center. BANC PIC 1988.052:253--PIC


Back porch of 149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:254--PIC


Back yards in rear of 149 W. Elmyra St. BANC PIC 1988.052:255--PIC


Shacks in rear of 149 W. Elmyra St. Foci. R. BANC PIC 1988.052:256--PIC


Back yards in rear of 149 W. Elmyra. BANC PIC 1988.052:257--PIC


Weyse Street, Elmyra District, cleaned up. BANC PIC 1988.052:258--PIC


West Elmyra Street looking west. BANC PIC 1988.052:259--PIC


New Iron warehouse construction work, Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:260--PIC


Weyse Street, Elmyra District.


Weyse Street, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:261--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:262--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:263--PIC


Loading wreckage, Elmyra District.


BANC PIC 1988.052:264--PIC


Loading wreckage, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:265--PIC


Three old buildings removed from West Ann St. Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:266--PIC


Concrete construction work, Weyse Street, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:267--PIC


Rat-proof floors, Elmyra District. BANC PIC 1988.052:268--PIC


Concrete construction work. Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:269--PIC


Properly screened concrete ventilator to basement. Elmyra Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:270--PIC


Katahatas [i.e. Kahataha] Hog Ranch. No. 271-278

box 1, volume 4

Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey.


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:271--PIC


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:272--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:273--PIC


Kahataha Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:274--PIC


New Kahahata Hog Ranch. Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:275--PIC


Kahahata Hog Ranch, after the clean-up.


Kahahata Hog Ranch, after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:276--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:277--PIC


New Kahahata Hog Ranch, Del Rey. BANC PIC 1988.052:278--PIC


752 S. Hill Street. No. 279-281

box 1, volume 4

752 S. Hill St. BANC PIC 1988.052:279--PIC


752 S. Hill St. and vicinity. BANC PIC 1988.052:280--PIC


Basement with hole through brick walls to rat harbors, 752 S. Hill Street, shoe store. BANC PIC 1988.052:281--PIC


E. 1st and Central Ave. District. No. 282-292

box 1, volume 4

E. 1st and Central Avenue district, looking north. BANC PIC 1988.052:282--PIC


Rat infested restaurants, at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:283--PIC


E. 1st and Central, "Olive Flats." BANC PIC 1988.052:284--PIC


Rat holes in restaurant walls. E. 1st St. and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:285--PIC


Health inspectors supervising work at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:286--PIC


Wrecking dwellings at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:287--PIC


Wrecking operations at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:288--PIC


Oriental restaurant being wrecked, at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:289--PIC


Wrecking dwelling at E. 1st and Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:290--PIC


Wrecking corner at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:291--PIC


Wrecking operations at E. 1st and Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:292--PIC


Jackson and San Pedro. No. 293-307

box 1, volume 4

335-345 N. Jackson St. Jap [Japanese] shops. BANC PIC 1988.052:293--PIC


Rear of 335-345 N. Jackson. Jap [Japanese] shops. BANC PIC 1988.052:294--PIC


Jap [Japanese] section, Central and Jackson Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:295--PIC

box 2, volume 5

Jap [Japanese] section, Jackson and San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:296--PIC


Shack to be wrecked, Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:297--PIC


Permanent improvements under way at Jackson and North San Pedro Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:298--PIC


Wrecking operations at Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:299--PIC


Shacks removed from corner Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:300--PIC


Hauling away debris from Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:301--PIC


A train load of old shacks from Jackson and North San Pedro Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:302--PIC


Detail new foundation work, Jackson and N. San Pedro Sts. [photo lacking] BANC PIC 1988.052:303--PIC


Wrecking old buildings at N. Alameda and Jackson Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:304--PIC


Corner N. Alameda and Jackson after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:305--PIC


224-228 E. Jackson after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:306--PIC


Jap [Japanese] section, Central and E. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:307--PIC


801 S. Olive St. No. 308-313

box 2, volume 5

801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:308--PIC


Back door steps, 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:309--PIC


Upper floor porch, 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:310--PIC


Open kitchen, rear of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:311--PIC


Looking down on rear of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:312--PIC


Rear view of 801 S. Olive St. BANC PIC 1988.052:313--PIC


105 W. 7th St. No. 314-315

box 2, volume 5

105 W. 7th St. Restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:314--PIC


Rear of 105 W. 7th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:315--PIC


[512-514 W. 8th St.] No. 316-320

box 2, volume 5

[Lacking] BANC PIC 1988.052:316--PIC


512-514 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:317--PIC


Back yard - 512 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:318--PIC


Back yard at 514 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:319--PIC


Rat holes in rear of 512 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:320--PIC


North First and Rio Sts. No. 321-326

box 2, volume 5

First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:321--PIC


Stable yard, North First and Rio Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:322--PIC


Stable, North First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:323--PIC


Stable front, North First and Rio Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:324--PIC


Wrecking old stables, North First and Rio Streets. BANC PIC 1988.052:325--PIC


Old stables removed from East 1st and Rio Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:326--PIC


North Utah St. District - Anderson St. No. 327-355a

box 2, volume 5

207 N. Utah St. BANC PIC 1988.052:327--PIC


North Utah Street from No. 207. BANC PIC 1988.052:328--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:329--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah St. BANC PIC 1988.052:330--PIC


Wrecking rear of 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:331--PIC


Wrecking rear of 207 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:332--PIC


After wrecking 207-209 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:333--PIC


Rear 207-209 N. Utah St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:334--PIC


Utah Street district. Barrel yard on Rio St. BANC PIC 1988.052:335--PIC


New barrel racks, N. Utah and Anderson Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:336--PIC


Rear conditions, N. Utah and Anderson Street block. BANC PIC 1988.052:337--PIC


N. Utah-Anderson Street district after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:337a--PIC


Rear shacks, N. Utah Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:338--PIC


Rear condition, N. Utah Street district. BANC PIC 1988.052:339--PIC


255 N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:340--PIC


Rear shacks, N. Utah-Anderson St. Block. BANC PIC 1988.052:341--PIC


Back yards, N. Utah Street District.


Back yards, N. Utah Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:342--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:343--PIC


Wrecking buildings, N. Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:344--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, Utah and Kearney Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:345--PIC


Wrecking on Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:346--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, N. Utah and Kearney Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:347--PIC


Wrecking rear shacks, Utah Street District. BANC PIC 1988.052:348--PIC


Wrecking on Utah Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:349--PIC




BANC PIC 1988.052:350--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:351--PIC


Clean-up operations, N. Utah Street and Kearney St. BANC PIC 1988.052:352--PIC


252 N. Utah Street. New foundation work. BANC PIC 1988.052:353--PIC


N. Utah, Anderson St. block, after wrecking operations. BANC PIC 1988.052:354--PIC


Utah Street after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:355--PIC


Utah St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:355a--PIC


Banning Street District. No. 356-365

box 2, volume 5

526-528 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:356--PIC


Rear view - 526-528 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:357--PIC


526-528 Banning St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:358--PIC


537 Banning St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:359--PIC


537 Banning St. BANC PIC 1988.052:360--PIC


Rear - 537 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:361--PIC


655 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:362--PIC


708-710 Banning St. near Virges St. BANC PIC 1988.052:363--PIC


120-124 Virges St., corner Banning. BANC PIC 1988.052:364--PIC


1720-24-26-28-30-32-38-40-44 Banning Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:365--PIC


[Turner St.] No. 366-368

box 2, volume 5

Rear 416 Turner Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:366--PIC


416 Turner St. BANC PIC 1988.052:367--PIC


420-422 Turner St. BANC PIC 1988.052:368--PIC


626 N. Main St. No. 369-370

box 2, volume 5

626 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:369--PIC


Rear 626 N. Main Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:370--PIC


[N. Main St.] No. 371-378

box 2, volume 5

200 N. Main Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:371--PIC


Basement at 200 N. Main, to be made rat-proof with cement. BANC PIC 1988.052:372--PIC


Rat evidence in old basement at 200 N. Main, to be laid in cement. BANC PIC 1988.052:373--PIC


411 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:374--PIC


427 N. Main St. BANC PIC 1988.052:375--PIC


Rear 427 N. Main St. Chinese restaurant. BANC PIC 1988.052:376--PIC

box 2, volume 6

Rear 427 N. Main. Walk leading to Chinese restaurant. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:377--PIC


427 N. Main. 2nd story, rear view. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:378--PIC


South Alameda St. No. 379-384

box 2, volume 6

330 So. Alameda St. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:379--PIC


Rear 330 So. Alameda St. [Located after #416 in album] BANC PIC 1988.052:380--PIC


Rear of 330 So. Alameda Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:381--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 330 So. Alameda St. BANC PIC 1988.052:382--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 330 So. Alameda Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:383--PIC


344 So. Alameda St. BANC PIC 1988.052:384--PIC


[Hewett St., S. Broadway] No. 385-390

box 2, volume 6

323 Hewett Street, before clean-up. [Item number lacking.] BANC PIC 1988.052:385--PIC


323 Hewett St. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:386--PIC


315 So. Broadway, Grand Central Public Market.


BANC PIC 1988.052:387--PIC


315 So. Broadway, Grand Central Public Market. BANC PIC 1988.052:388--PIC


Interior Grand Central Public Market, 315 So. Broadway.


Interior Grand Central Public Market, 315 So. Broadway. BANC PIC 1988.052:389--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:390--PIC


Gladys Ave. District. No. 391-397

box 2, volume 6

547 Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:391--PIC


Rear of 547 Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:392--PIC


Open fruit stand, 812 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:393--PIC


Rear of open fruit stand, 812 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:394--PIC


Rear Chinese laundry, 813 E. 5th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:395--PIC


450-452 Gladys Ave., N. BANC PIC 1988.052:396--PIC


Gladys Ave., after clean-up. [Item number lacking.] BANC PIC 1988.052:397--PIC


Southern Pacific Railway Deport [i.e. Depot] District. No. 398-435

box 2, volume 6

Negro dwellings, 1010-1024 Wilde St., near S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:398--PIC


Rear of negro dwellings, 1010-24 Wilde St. BANC PIC 1988.052:399--PIC


Old buildings without foundations, on Ceres St. between 4th and 5th, 1/2 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:400--PIC


Rear conditions, Wilde and So. Central Ave., two blocks from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:401--PIC


Rear 523 Ceres Ave. looking toward S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing over house tops. BANC PIC 1988.052:402--PIC


Back yard at 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:403--PIC


South Central Avenue, and 5th looking towards S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, one- half block away. BANC PIC 1988.052:404--PIC


Old store at 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] railway depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:405--PIC


Old buildings in vicinity of So. Central and 6th St. near S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:406--PIC


Rear of 562 So. Central, next to S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:407--PIC


562-576- So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:408--PIC


Shacks at 568 So. Central, adjoining S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot grounds, S. P. depot, in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:409--PIC


Rear 568 So. Central, next to S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:410--PIC


Entrance to bed-rooms, rear of 568 S. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:411--PIC


Old shacks at 576 So. Central adjoining S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:412--PIC


Rear 576 So. Central, one-half block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:413--PIC


So. Central Ave. from 6th St. looking towards S. P. Ry. [Southern Pacific Railway] depot, in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:414--PIC


Ceres Ave. and 5th St. looking towards S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, at foot of street. BANC PIC 1988.052:415--PIC


Old dwellings in Ceres St. and 5th, near S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot, showing in background. BANC PIC 1988.052:416--PIC


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot.


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:417--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:418--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:419--PIC


Rear house, Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:420--PIC


Rear conditions at 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:421--PIC


Rear shacks at 558 Ceres Ave., one block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:422--PIC


Rear of dwelling facing Central from rear of 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:423--PIC


Rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:424--PIC


In rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:425--PIC


Bed-room, rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:426--PIC


Upstairs living room, 558 Ceres Ave., Chinese laundry, 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:427--PIC


Living room, Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave. 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:428--PIC


Kitchen, house in rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:429--PIC


Interior of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:430--PIC


Interior rooms, over shack in rear of Chinese laundry. 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:431--PIC


Living-room, rear of Chinese laundry, at 558 Ceres Ave., 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:432--PIC


Underpinning of rear of Chinese laundry, 558 Ceres Ave. 3/4 block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:433--PIC


Back yards in rear of 523 Ceres Ave., block from S. P. [Southern Pacific] Depot. BANC PIC 1988.052:434--PIC


So. 7th and Central Ave., after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:435--PIC


2112 So. Central. No. 436

box 2, volume 6

Rear, 2112 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:436--PIC


[E. 5th, E. 6th, E. 8th, S. Central Ave., Kolster St.] No. 437-446

box 2, volume 6

1203 E. 6th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:437--PIC


Cement floor construction in restaurant, at 800 E. 5th, corner Gladys Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:438--PIC


Cement foundation and floor detail, 819 E. 5th. BANC PIC 1988.052:439--PIC


New cement floor in restaurant, 800 E. 5th. BANC PIC 1988.052:440--PIC


N. W. corner of E. 8th and Santa Fe, lattice work foundations. BANC PIC 1988.052:441--PIC


New cement floor work in restaurant at 527 So. Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:442--PIC


Foundation detail, 575 So. Central Ave. BANC PIC 1988.052:443--PIC


Foundation detail, 575 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:444--PIC


Foundation detail at 573 So. Central Avenue. BANC PIC 1988.052:445--PIC


Rear of Kolster and So. Pecan Sts. after clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:446--PIC


Vernon District. No. 447-483

box 2, volume 6

L. A. Ry. [Los Angeles Railway] section headquarters, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:447--PIC


Milk house of Jap [Japanese] dairy, 26th and J. Dela Dorre Road, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:448--PIC


"Mexican Home." 26th and Dela Dorre Road, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:449--PIC


Jap [Japanese] Dairy, 26th and Dela Dorre Road, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:450--PIC


Shacks in Dela Dorre Road, near Stauffer Chemical Co. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:451--PIC


Shacks on 39th St., near Stauffer Chemical Co. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:452--PIC


Shacks near Stauffer Chemical Co., 39th - Vernon.


BANC PIC 1988.052:453--PIC


Shacks near Stauffer Chemical Co., 39th - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:454--PIC


Rear of 3097 - 39th St. - Vernon.


BANC PIC 1988.052:455--PIC


Rear of 3097 - 39th St. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:456--PIC

box 2, volume 7

Shacks in rear of 3103 - 39th St. - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:457--PIC


Rear of 3103 - 39th St., Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:458--PIC


Shacks in rear of 3103 - 39th St. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:459--PIC


3109 - 3112 - 39th St. - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:460--PIC


Group of shacks near Patton-Davis Lumber Co. - 26th and Boyle, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:461--PIC


Row of Mexican shacks near 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:462--PIC


Shacks near 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:463--PIC


Shacks at 26th and Boyle, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:464--PIC


Rear, 26th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:465--PIC


Abandoned Mexican home, 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:466--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:467--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:468--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:469--PIC


Burning Mexican Village - 26th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:470--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:471--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:472--PIC


General view of Mexican Village, 27th and Boyle - Vernon, from negro owner's premises - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:473--PIC


Living quarters, Mexican village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:474--PIC


Outer edge of Mexican village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:475--PIC


Mexican shack town, 27th and Boyle, Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:476--PIC


Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:477--PIC


Homes in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:478--PIC


Home in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. Note dirt floor, with rat harbor. BANC PIC 1988.052:479--PIC


Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:480--PIC


Shack in Mexican Village - 27th and Boyle - Vernon BANC PIC 1988.052:481--PIC


Kitchen, dining room and bath, Mexican Village, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon. BANC PIC 1988.052:482--PIC


Interior of Mexican shack, 27th and Boyle, - Vernon. Child on left, lying on box bed, sick with infantile paralysis. BANC PIC 1988.052:483--PIC


Hemlock, E. 9th, Bush District. No. 484-486

box 2, volume 7

951 Hemlock St. BANC PIC 1988.052:484--PIC


Rear 951 Hemlock St. BANC PIC 1988.052:485--PIC


Alley between Naomi and Bush, at E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:486--PIC


813 S. Central, Foci. No. 487-516

box 2, volume 7

813 So. Central. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:487--PIC


Rear of 813 So. Central. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:488--PIC


Shacks in the rear of 910 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:489--PIC


Alley at E. 9th and So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:490--PIC


1010-14 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:491--PIC


Rear of 1010-14 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:492--PIC


1020-1102 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:493--PIC


Rear of 1020-1102 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:494--PIC


1102 So. Central. Ramona Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:495--PIC


1167-71 E. 12th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:496--PIC


Rear of 1167-71 E. 12th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:497--PIC


Rear of 1142 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:498--PIC


Rear 1142 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:499--PIC


1214 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:500--PIC


1220 So. Central. Junk yard in rear. BANC PIC 1988.052:501--PIC


1223-27 So. Central, after the clean-up. BANC PIC 1988.052:502--PIC


Wrecking at 1223-27 So. Central.


Wrecking at 1223-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:503--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:504--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:505--PIC


A "Sign of Improvement," at 14th and So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:506--PIC


1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:507--PIC


Rear conditions at 1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:508--PIC


1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:509--PIC


Rear 1523-27 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:510--PIC


So. Central from 1523 to 1527. BANC PIC 1988.052:511--PIC


Rear 1531-33 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:512--PIC


1450-1456 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:513--PIC


Rear 1450-1456 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:514--PIC


Shilli stand, 1325 1/2 So. Central. BANC PIC 1988.052:515--PIC


16th and So. Central. 1547-to 1523. BANC PIC 1988.052:516--PIC


219 S. Hill. No. 517-519

box 2, volume 7

219 So. Hill St. BANC PIC 1988.052:517--PIC


219 So. Hill St. after wrecking. BANC PIC 1988.052:518--PIC


333 So. Hill St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:519--PIC


521-523 W. 1st St. No. 520-522

box 2, volume 7

521 W. 1st St. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:520--PIC


Rear of 521 W. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:521--PIC


Rear of 523 W. 1st St. BANC PIC 1988.052:522--PIC


501 New High St. No. 523-527

box 2, volume 7

501 New High St. BANC PIC 1988.052:523--PIC


"Cliff Dwellers" rear of 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:524--PIC


Hillside view, rear 501 New High St. BANC PIC 1988.052:525--PIC


Flooded basement, 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:526--PIC


Rear conditions - 501 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:527--PIC


[New High St., Temple St., Diamond St., Sacramento St., Wilson St., E. 8th, E. 9th, Santa Fe Ave., Stables] No. 528-566

box 2, volume 7

719 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:528--PIC


722 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:529--PIC


Rear of 724 New High Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:530--PIC


Wrecking at New High Street and Alpine St. BANC PIC 1988.052:531--PIC


916 Temple Street. Poultry Market. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:532--PIC


916 Temple St. Poultry Market. Foci. BANC PIC 1988.052:533--PIC


911 Diamond St. Occidental Hotel. BANC PIC 1988.052:534--PIC


New cement floor work in basement. BANC PIC 1988.052:535--PIC


New cement basement floors. BANC PIC 1988.052:536--PIC

box 2, volume 8

1724 Sacramento Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:537--PIC


1730 to 1834 Sacramento St. BANC PIC 1988.052:538--PIC


Rear 1730 to 1834 Sacramento Street. BANC PIC 1988.052:539--PIC


Rear Sacramento and 9th St. Shacks. BANC PIC 1988.052:540--PIC


1829 Sacramento St. BANC PIC 1988.052:541--PIC


1136-1138 Wilson St., near Sacramento. BANC PIC 1988.052:542--PIC


1333 Wilson St. BANC PIC 1988.052:543--PIC


Rear 1333 Wilson St.


BANC PIC 1988.052:544--PIC


Rear 1333 Wilson St. BANC PIC 1988.052:545--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:546--PIC


2207-13 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:547--PIC


Rear 2207-13 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:548--PIC


2207-13 E. 9th St. Rear alley. BANC PIC 1988.052:549--PIC


2322 W. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:550--PIC


Rear 2322 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:551--PIC


2456 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:552--PIC


Rear 2456 E. 8th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:553--PIC


1504-06 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:554--PIC


1500-6 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:555--PIC


Rear 1506 E. 9th. BANC PIC 1988.052:556--PIC


Alley in rear of 1500-6 E. 9th St. BANC PIC 1988.052:557--PIC


Junk yard, 8th and San Julian Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:558--PIC


Junk yard at E. 8th and San Julian Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:559--PIC


Junk yard at 2121 Santa Fe Avenue, adjoining new public school. BANC PIC 1988.052:560--PIC


Jewell Stables. 721 Lyons. BANC PIC 1988.052:561--PIC


Martin Stables, 743 Lyons St. BANC PIC 1988.052:562--PIC


747 Lyons St. Mule Yard. BANC PIC 1988.052:563--PIC


747-785 Lyons St. Murphy Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:564--PIC


Rear of Murphy's stables. 747-87 Lyon St. BANC PIC 1988.052:565--PIC


Rear of Murphy's stables. 747-85 Lyon St. BANC PIC 1988.052:566--PIC


No. Alameda and Aliso Sts. No. 567-617

box 2, volume 8

Corner Aliso and No. Alameda Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:567--PIC


Shacks at triangle - Aliso and North Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:568--PIC


Wrecking triangle at Aliso and North Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:569--PIC


Wrecking brick building at North Alameda and Aliso. BANC PIC 1988.052:570--PIC


Noodle factory, 414-418 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:571--PIC


Chinese noodle factory, 414-418 N. Alameda. As above. BANC PIC 1988.052:572--PIC


612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:573--PIC


Mexican tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:574--PIC


Dining room of tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:575--PIC


Mexican shack in rear of tortilla factory, at 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:576--PIC


Rear rooms of tortilla factory, 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:577--PIC


Rear of 612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:578--PIC


Wrecking in rear of 612-614 N. Alameda.


Wrecking in rear of 612-614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:579--PIC


BANC PIC 1988.052:580--PIC


Living quarters, up-stairs over 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:581--PIC


Kitchen of restaurant at 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:582--PIC


Rear of 614 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:583--PIC


326-332 Aliso St. Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:584--PIC


Stables at 407 Aliso St. corner Lyons. BANC PIC 1988.052:585--PIC


Rear, row of stables, Aliso and Lyons St. BANC PIC 1988.052:586--PIC


355 Aliso St., U. S. Stables. BANC PIC 1988.052:587--PIC


Alley next to U. S. Stables, Aliso St. BANC PIC 1988.052:588--PIC


Old stables at N. Alameda and Commercial Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:589--PIC


Old buildings at N. Alameda and Commercial Sts., looking towards 612 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:590--PIC


Old stables at N. Alameda and Commercial. BANC PIC 1988.052:591--PIC


Avila and Romerig Sts. looking west. BANC PIC 1988.052:592--PIC


Corner Avila and Romerig Sts. looking east. BANC PIC 1988.052:593--PIC


Rear shacks at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:594--PIC


Back yards at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:595--PIC


Rear yards at Avila and Romerig Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:596--PIC


An "Apartment" in Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:597--PIC


Chinatown tenements. BANC PIC 1988.052:598--PIC


Rear of Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:599--PIC


Chicken-coop in Chinatown living quarters. No light or ventilation. BANC PIC 1988.052:600--PIC


Chinatown at 749-763 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:601--PIC


Chinatown, 763-749 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:602--PIC


Chinese shacks rear of So. Alameda, at Apaplasa St. showing new Hall of Justice in distance. BANC PIC 1988.052:603--PIC


Chinese shacks - rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:604--PIC


Chinese shacks - dove cots, duck pens, etc. in rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:605--PIC


Chinese shacks, rear of So. Alameda at Apaplasa St. BANC PIC 1988.052:606--PIC


Chinese quarters, 751 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:607--PIC


Rear views in Chinatown, 749-753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:608--PIC


Crowded living quarters, Chinatown, 749-753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:609--PIC


Dirty basements in Chinese quarters, 753 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:610--PIC


Chinatown, at 739-742 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:611--PIC


Living quarters, rear courts of Chinatown, 739-742 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:612--PIC


Cleaning up rear quarters of Chinatown, 739 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:613--PIC


Wrecking Chinatown, rear conditions, 739 N. Alameda. BANC PIC 1988.052:614--PIC


Wrecking operations in Chinatown. BANC PIC 1988.052:615--PIC


S. W. corner of 1st and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:616--PIC


Rear S. W. corner of 1st and Los Angeles Sts. BANC PIC 1988.052:617--PIC