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Biographical File 1896-1948

box 1

Personal documents, personal data sheets, recommendations and newspaper clippings

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Juris doctor diploma 1896 May 16


Correspondence 1890-1948


Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
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Unidentified 1938-1948

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Alexander, Abraham (Princeton, New Jersey) 1938

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Abraham, Dezsoe (Budapest, Hungary) 1948

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Alth, (first name not given) (Connecticut) 1948

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American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, Inc. (New York) 1941

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American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. (New York) 1943

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Auer, Pál (Budapest, Hungary) 1945

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Aufbau/Reconstruction (New York) 1947

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Bán, Antal (Zuerich) 1947

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Benn, Captain (first name not given) (n.p.) 1922

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Boehm, Paul (Solna, Sweden) 1948

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British Embassy (Washington, D. C.) 1947

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British Information Service (New York) 1941-1946

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British Liaison Office with the United Nations (New York) 1943-1945

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British Political Representative (Bucharest, Romania) 1946

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Carp, Betty (New York) 1942

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Carr, E. H. (London) 1947

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Chicago Daily News (Chicago) 1939

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Clark, Tom C., Attorney General (Washington, D. C.) 1948

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Columbia Broadcasting System (New York) 1943

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Columbia University (New York) 1940

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Commentary, a Jewish Review (New York) 1946

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Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count Richard N. (New York) 1942

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Crosby, Helen (New York) 1943

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Csornoky, Viktor (Budapest, Hungary) 1946

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Czechoslovak Consul General (New York) 1945

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Czechoslovak Legation (Washington, D. C.) 1939

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Czechoslovak Minister (Washington, D. C.) undated

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Desmond, Thomas C. (Albany, N. Y.) 1946

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Faludi, Gyoergy (n.p.) undated

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Finzi, Marcello (New York) 1941

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Flexner, Abraham (Princeton, New Jersey) 1939

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Foreign Economic Administration (Washington, D. C.) 1944

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Fry, Varian (New York) 1940

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Fueloep-Miller, Rene (Croton-on-Hudson, New York) 1941

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Gavrilovic, Stojan (New York) 1944

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Graustein and Kormendi (New York) 1946

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Greenbaum, Wolf and Ernst (New York) 1948

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Haász, Istvánné and Sváb, Miklósné (Budapest, Hungary) 1945

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Halasi, Bela (Chicago) 1948

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Hall, Donald (New York) 1941-1943

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Halmos, Irene (Chicago) 1939

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Haraszti, (first name not given) (n.p.) 1948

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Harriman, J. Borden, Mrs. (New York) 1945

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Henry, Charles (New York) 1948

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Howard, Harry N. (Arlington, Virginia) 1946

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Hungarian Social-democratic Party, secretariat (Budapest, Hungary) 1939

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Hungary, Legation (Washington, D. C.) 1946-1948

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Hungary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Budapest, Hungary) 1947

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International Committee for Political Prisoners (New York) 1938-1941

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Irwing, (first name not given) (n.p.) 1890

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Jelinek, Vl. (Lake Succes, N. Y.) 1947

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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (Evanston, Illinois) 1940

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Károlyi, Count Mihaly (Paris) 1948

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Kepecs, Milton (New York) 1948

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Kéthly, Anna (New York) 1946

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Kobb, Marian (New York) undated

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Kormendi, Ladislas (New York) 1946

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Kosanovic, Sava N. (New York) 1946

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Krutch, Joseph Wood (New York) 1943

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Labour Party (London) 1939

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La Follette, Philip F. (Madison, Wisconsin) 1940

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London School of Economics and Political Science (London) 1947

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Ludwig, Emil (Pacific Palisades, California) 1942

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Marley, Lord (New Court, Middle Temple, E.C.4.) 1938

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Masaryk, Jan (London) 1941

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Massachusetts League of Women Voters (Boston) 1940

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Miller, Herbert A. (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) 1938

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Minkoff, J. M. (New York) undated

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Molnár, Erik (Budapest, Hungary) 1948

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Montogmery, John Flournoy (Princeton, New Jersey) 1942

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National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc. (Louisville, Kentucky) 1948

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New School for Social Research (New York) 1939-1940

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New York Public Library (New York) 1940-1941

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News (New York) 1941

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Nógrádi, Béla (Cleveland, Ohio) undated

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PM Daily (New York) 1948

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Phillips, Natalie K. (Washington, D. C.) 1948

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Reményik, Zs. (New York) 1939

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Rockefeller Foundation (New York) 1940-1947

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Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) 1947

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Ryan, Phillis (Washington, D. C.) 1948

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Salvemini, Gaetano (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1942

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Schapiro, J. Salwyn (New York) 1938

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Segrave, J. C. (Budapest, Hungary) 1938

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Sforza, (first name not given) (Cleveland, Ohio, New York) 1941

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Steinmetz, Charles (n.p.) 1940

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Stern, J. David (Philadelphia, Ohio) 1941

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Stumer, Alfred M. (Copenhagen) 1938

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Szent-Iványi, Alexander (Boston, Massachusetts) 1947

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Trahan, Marcel (Montreal, Canada) 1944

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United Nations (Lake Success, N. Y.) 1947

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U.S. Courts, Administrative Officer of (Washington, D. C.) 1942

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U.S. Department of State (Washington, D. C.) 1941-1947

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U.S. Office of Strategic Services (New York) 1940-1941

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U.S. Office of War Information (New York) 1941-1944

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U.S. Treasury Department (Washington, D. C.) 1942-1943

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University of California, Department of History (Berkeley) 1939

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University of California, International House (Berkeley) 1939

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University of California (Los Angeles) 1940

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University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois) 1942

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University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin) 1942

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Vince, Alexander (Chicago) 1941

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Wrong, George M. (Toronto, Canada) 1940


Speeches and Writings 1890-1948

Scope and Contents

Handwritten and typewritten writings, lectures, speeches, book reviews, and letters to editors, arranged by type of document and thereunder alphabetically by either subject or title.
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Untitled writings

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Good and evil

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Danube Valley, Politics and government

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Del Vayo

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Europe, Politics

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Hungary, History

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Hungary, History, Uprising 1848-1849

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Hungary, History 20th century

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Hungary, Politics and government

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Hungary, Politics and government 1918-1945

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Jews, Hungary

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Juvenile delinquency

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box 2

Minorities, Central Europe

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Philosophy, miscellanea

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Race awarness

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Social history

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Truthfulness and falsehood


Titled writings

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Agrarian problem in Southeastern Europe, extracts from a lecture given at the Philadelphia Ethical Society, typewritten 1944

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Akiket nem érdekel sem Ady sem Ignotus (Those, who are not interested either in Ady, or Ingnotus), draft, in Hungarian, typewritten undated

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And after Horthy what? a draft of an article for the newspaper Harc ( Fight), undated

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Angol boertoen reform ( British prison reform), published article, Az Est ( Evening), in Hungarian July 11, 1923

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Angol buentetoejog ( British criminal law), draft, in Hungarian, handwritten

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Angol koezvélemény és a halálbuentetés (British public opinion and the capital punishment), published article, Világ (World), in Hungarian January 20, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Vambéry Rusztem az angol választások mérlegéroel (Rusztem Vambéry, about the election results of England), published article, Világ (World), in Hungarian November 15, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Apai oeroekségem; Deák Ferenc ( Paternal heritage; Francis Deák), published article, Magyar Forum ( Hungarian Forum), in Hungarian July 1943

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Ártatlan vér kiáltása ( Scream of the innocent blood), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian August 28, 1927

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Ausnahmsrecht - Ausnahmsgewalt ( Exceptional right - exceptional authority), published article, Volksstimme ( People's Voice), in German May 19, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Aussenpolitik der Labour Party (Foreign policy of the Labour Party), published article, Pester Lloyd (Lloyd of Pest), in German January 3, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Balkezes jobboldal ( Lefthanded Rightwing), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian December 25, 1936

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Béke útja ( Way of peace), published article, Kortárs (Contemporary), in Hungarian November 20, 1929

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Benes és a halálbuentetés ( Benes and the capital punishment), published article, Reggel ( Morning), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Boertoenuegy toerténete ( Prison history), unpublished, in Hungarian, handwritten undated

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Boertoenuegyi koerut Észak-Amerikában ( Prison system study trip in North-America), published article, Budapesti Hirlap ( Budapest News), in Hungarian October 20, 1910

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Buentetoenovella, I-IV ( Penal code revision), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian May 23, 27, 28, 1924 June 5, 1924,

General Physical Description note: Clippings.
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Buentetoejog, II. ( Criminal law, II.), published article, Budapest, Grill Károly, 189 p., in Hungarian 1918

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Buentetoejogi visszaesés szabályozása tárgyában; vélemény és tervezet ( Repeating in criminal law; opinion and draft), published article, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Cena jedinecneho characteru ( Standard price characteristics), published article, Lidove Noviny ( People's News), in Czech September 13, 1937

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Cenzura (Censurship), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian October 13, 1918

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Cimbitorlás ( Title abuse), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian December 25, 1935

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Crime, the criminal and society, unpublished, course draft, handwritten undated

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Criminals and war criminals, published article, Nation undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Criminology and behaviorism, published article, The Journal of criminal law and criminology, printed copy and original handwritten manuscript July-August 1941

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Csak becsueletes amnesztia segíthet! A béke paragrafus a buentetoe novellában, published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian June 8, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Danubian peace, published article, Central European Affairs, April 1, 1943

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Dat Galenus opes? published article, Orvosi Napló ( Medical Diary), in Hungarian October 25, 1934

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Demokrácia válsága ( The crisis in democracy), published article, Kassai Napló ( Kassa Diary), in Hungarian Clipping Also in Bácsmegyei Napló ( Bács county diary), in Hungarian undated, November 25, 1923,

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 3

Demokrácia úgynevezett válsága ( The so-called crisis of democracy), published article, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Dilettáns toerveny faragás ( Diletant law making), published article, Kereskedoe Joga ( Right of the Merchant), in Hungarian October 15, 1921

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 3

Éles politika és csorba buentetés ( Sharp politics and dull punishment), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian June 21, 1925

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Elfogultság ( Bias), unpublished, in Hungarian, typewritten undated

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Elméleti és gyakorlati hazafisag ( Theoretical and practical patriotism), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian January 27, 1932

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Oe gyuemoelcseikroel esmeritek meg oeket ( You recognize them from their fruits), published, article, Esti Kurir ( Evening Courier), in Hungarian December 16, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Englische Finanzen ( English finances), published article, Pester Lloyd (Lloyd of Pest), in German August 7, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Enigme hongroise? ( Hungarian enigme), published, article, France Amerique ( French American), in French April 16, 1944

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Erkoelcs válsága ( Crisis of morale), published article, Est ( Evening), in Hungarian August 9, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Eskuedtszék a másvilágon (Jury in the world beyond), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian, Clipping December 25, 1925

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Europaeische Rivalitaet in Persien und die deutsche Bagdadbahn ( European rivalries in Persien and the German Bagdad railroad), published article, Deutsche Rundschau ( German review), May 1900

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Extradition treaties, Budapest, Atheneum 1908

General Physical Description note: 20 p.
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Fachbildung der Gefaengnisbeamten ( Training of prison officials), published article, Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Strafrecht, ( Austrain Journal for penal law), in German 1911

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Failure of a mission and mission of a failure, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Fayer László ( László Fayer), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian December 2, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Fél-igazságok ( Half-truth), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian June 4, 1933,

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Feleloeségre kell vonni azokat is, akik a szellemi ekrazitot gyártják ( Those too shall be held responsible, who manufacture the intellectual expolsives), published article, Esti Kurir ( Evening Courier), in Hungarian January 9, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 3

Fiatalkoruak buenvádi eljárására vonatkozó kuelfoeldi toervények, toervényjavaslatok és vélemények (Foreign laws, bills and opinions relative to the criminal procedure of juvenile deliquents), published article, Budapest, Franklin 1911

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 3

Foeltámadás ( Resurrection), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian April 5, 1935

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 3

`Free Hungary' Movement in the US; new group against Horthy Regime LIberation from Nazism not enough, published article, Voice of Freedom, in Hungarian December 1941?

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Freihandelskonferenz ( Free Trade Conference), published article, Pester Lloyd ( Lloyd of Pest), in German October 16, 1922

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Fruits of the Berlin-Budapest marriage, published article, source unknown undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Gazdasági demokrácia ( Economic democracy), published article, Gyoeri Lloyd ( Lloyd of Gyoer), in Hungarian May 23, 1926

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Genocide, unpublished, draft, typewritten undated

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Gondolat bilincsei ( Chains of thought), published article, source unknown, in Hungarian

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Háboru a jog és az igazság ellen ( War against the law and the truth), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian June 22, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Háboru és jog, (War and law), Budapest, Franklin, 1933, in Hungarian Printed copy Also included in the folder: Háboru és jog ( War and law), published, Jogi Napló, in Hungarian May 25, 1933

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Hadifogság ( War captivity), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian December 25, 1914

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Halálbuentetés ( Capital punishment), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian February 26, 1928

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Harmadik egyetem ( The third university) published article, Szeged és vidéke ( Szeged and it's region), in Hungarian December 25, 1906

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Heidelbergi kongresszus ( Congress of Heidelberg), published article, source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Horogkeresztre feszitett jog ( Law, crucified upon the swastika), published article, Ujság ( News), in Hungarian June 7, 1934

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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How to fight antisemitism, unpublished, draft, typewritten undated

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Hungarian problem, New York, 47 p., published pamphlet. Also included in the folder, book reviews in German and Hungarian 1942

General Physical Description note: Clippings.
box 4

Igazi turánizmus diadal ( Triumph of genuine Turanism), published article, Esti Kurir ( Evening Courier), in Hungarian July 4, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Igy is lehet Istent szolgálni, ( This way too can God be served), published article Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian June 25, 1926

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Is liberalism doomed? unpublished, handwritten undated

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Dr Isidor Baumgarten, published article, Pester Lloyd ( Lloyd of Pest), in German October 1, 1914

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Jó ember és a rossz ember ( Good man and bad man), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian February 22, 1931

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Joevoe boertoenrendszere ( Future prisonsystem), Budapest, Pallas, Published pamphlet, in Hungarian 1914

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Jog, forrandalom és népbiróság ( Law, revolution and people's court), published article, Bérmunkas naptár ( Wage Laborer Calendar), in Hungarian 1947

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Jókai politikai csillaga ( Jókai's political star), published speech, Világ ( World), in Hungarian February 22, 1925

General Physical Description note: Clippings.
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Jubilálunk ( Celebrating our jubilee), published article, Ember ( The Man), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Kereskedelem és kriminalitás ( Commerce and delinquency), published article, unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Kereskedoe becsuelete ( Merchant's honor), published article, source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Kereszt ( Cross), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian April 12, 1925

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Két emigrácio ( Two emigrations), published article, Tárogató ( Clarinet), in Hungarian October 1940

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Koez- és jogrend ( Public- and legal order), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian July 19, 1936

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Komor esperes ( Stern churchman), published, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian November 13, 1927

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Konstantinápolyi benyomások ( Impressions about Constantinople), published article, Ujság ( News), in Hugarian November 12, 1916

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Kostgeldwucher ( Costusury), published article, Pester Lloyd ( Lloyd of Pest), in German March 6, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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A kriminalistanak nincs oka arra, hogy az utolsó tíz év eredményeire túl bueszke legyen ( The criminalist has no reason to be too proud of the last ten years' achievements), published article, Esti Kurir ( Evening Courier), in Hungarian December 25, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Kriminalpszichologia ( Criminalpsychology), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian December 25, 1913

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Kriminologia ( Criminology), published article, source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Kukák ( Dumbs), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian December 25, 1931

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Kultúra és igazság ( Culture and truth), published article, Uj fény ( New light), in Hungarian October 1941

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Labour Party választási kuezdelme ( Labour Party's election campaign), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian October 29, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Law and legalism, published article, Nation, December 1, 1945

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Law of the tribunal, published article Nation, October 12, 1946

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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`Legesleghatályosabb' ( `Strongest' ), published article Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian January 15, 1928

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Levéltitok megsértés? ( Letter intercepting?), published article, Posta ( Mail), in Hungarian June 15, 1916

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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`Libro e moschetto' ( `Book and musket' ), source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Lombroso, published article, source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Madarsko a Ceskoslovensko; staci jen styky hospodarske? ( Hungary and Czecholovakia; stops and economic contacts), published article, Democraticki stred ( Democratic step)?, in Czech 1937

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Magyar gyermekvédelem, (Hungarian child care), published article, source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Magyarország, Európa és a trianoni béke reviziója ( Hungary, Europe and the revision of the Treaty of Trianon), published article, Pesti Naplo ( Diary of Pest), in Hungarian December 20, 1927

General Physical Description note: Clipping
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Magyarország hat esztendoe eloett kinai fallal vette magát koeruel (Hungary encircled herself by a Chinese wall, six years ago), published article, Esti Kurie (Evening Courier), in Hungarian December 25, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Magyarság feltámadasa ( Resurrection of Hungarians), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian March 27, 1932

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Memo on Hungarian democracy, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Memorandum on Hungary, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Memorandum on the prerequisites of a Danubian and/or a Balkan Federation, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Mit tett az angol munkáskormány? ( What did the British Labour Government do?), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian August 24, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Das Mitteleuropa der Juristen ( The Central-Europe of jurists), published article, Berliner Tagblatt ( Berlin Daily), in German April 7, 1916

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Mors juris imperator, published article, Pesti Napló (Diary of Pest), in Hungarian December 25, 1913

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Mult és joevoe ( Past and future), published article, Egyetemi lapok (University Bulletin), in Hungarain February 20, 1919

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Nádosy és - Kossuth ( Nádosy and - Kossuth), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian August 22, 1926

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Nagy Emil jobbágyai (Cerfs of Emil Nagy), published article, Esti Kurir (Evening Courier), in Hungarian January 20, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Ne védjétek meg a nemzetet - a nemzet ellen ( Don't save the nation - from the nation), published, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian December 25, 1936

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Negyven év és huszonnégy óra ( Forty years and twenty-four hours), published speech, Világ ( World), in Hungarian November 2, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Német Btk reviziója; I Alapelv és buentetési rendszer ( Revision of the German Penal Code; I Principles and penal system), published pamphlet, Budapest, Franklin, 91 p, in Hungarian, printed copy 1903

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Német demokrácia és a magyar Papenek ( German democracy and Hungarian Papens), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian August 7, 1932

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Nemi ragályozas veszélyének buentethetoesége ( Punishability of the possible danger arisen from inflicting veneral diseases), published speech, in Hungarian 1917

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Népszoevetség, vagy a Népek Szoevetsége (Nation League or the League of Nations), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian May 1, 1936

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Népszoevetség koezgyuelése után ( After the Session of the League of Nations), published article, Szocializmus (Socialism), in Hungarian November 1922

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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Neueste Strafrechtsliterature in Ungarn ( Most recent criminal law literature in Hungary), published article, Mitteilungen der Internationalen kriminalistischen Vereinigung, Berlin, J Guttentag, in German undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
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New York 1910-1940, published article, Ember ( Man), in Hungarian April 29, 1939

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
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Notes for foreign policy Association speech, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Nureremberg law, unpublished, typewritten undated

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Numerus clausus ország ( Land of numerus clausus), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian November 20, 1927

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Óda a hatalomhoz ( Ode to the might), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian December 22, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Oengyilkosság a buentetoejogban ( Suicide in criminal law), published article, unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Oereg emigránsok és fiatal Sarlósok ( Old emigrants and young sickle carriers), published article Reggel ( Morning), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Oeroek erkoelcs ( Eternal ethics), published article, Reggel ( Morning), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Oesterreich und Ungarn ( Austria and Hungary), source unknown, in German undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping
box 5

Of peace and sovereignty, published article, Nation, galley proof September 10, 1946

box 5

Oktober 31 ( October 31) published article, Ember ( Man), in Hungarian November 4, 1939

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Oktober, a szoekevény, ( October, the refugee), published article, Nepszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian February 12, 1928

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Orvosi titok (és a magzatelhajtás) ( Medical secret (and abortus)), published article, Gyógyászat ( Healing), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Outline of a pamphlet on Central and Eastern Europe, unpublished, typewritten undated

box 5

Panamarol (About corruption) , published speech, Budapest, Magyar Cobden Szoevetség, in Hungarian January 27, 1922

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Párbaj ( Duel), published article, Jogtudományi Koezloeny ( Law Gazette), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Párbaj mint kultúrintézmény ( Duel as cultural institution), source unknown, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Pazifistische Vorschlaege einer Kriminologen ( Pacifistic suggestions of a criminologist), published article, Wahrheit ( Truth), in German September 1922

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Peace, is it possible? Unpublished, handwritten undated

box 5

Pénzbuentetés mint mellékbuentetés ( Fine as added penalty), published article, special issue, Jogtudomanyi Koezloeny (Law Gazette), in Hungarian 1905

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Philosemitic Nazis and antisemitic Jews; What is happening in Hungary, unpublished, handwritten undated

box 5

Politikai erkoelcs ( Political ethic), published, article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian December 25, 1930

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Problems of Central Europe, unpublished, handwritten and partly typewritten undated

box 5

Radikalizmus karácsonyi párbaj, vívja: Vambéry Rusztem ( Radicalism Christmas duel, fought by Rusztem Vambéry), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Rakoczi, unpublished, in Hungarian, typewritten undated

box 5

Ramsay Mac Donald, published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian December 1, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Regierungsplaene zur Schaffung vin Freiheits-Legionen; drei Nationen - eine Meinung ( Government plans to establish Freedom Legions: three nations - same meaning), published article, Aufbau ( Reconstruction), in German March 13, 1942

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Rendes és rendkivueli ( Ordinary and extraordinary), published article, Világ ( World), in Hungarian June 22, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Rendjavaslat jogboelcselete ( Jurisprudence of order proposal), published, Világ ( World), in Hungarian December 19, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Roevid kitanitas a hazafiságról és a pacifizmusról (Short lecture on patriotism and pacifism), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian January 6, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Sajtobilincsek es sajtorabszolgak ( Chains of the press, and slaves of the press), published, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian 1927

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Sajtószabadság, de... ( Freedom of the press, but...), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian October 30, 1932

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Sajtószabadság és békerevizió ( Freedom of the Press and peace revision), published article, Népszava ( People's Voice), in Hungarian October 9, 1927

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 5

Schaechter Miksa, mint jogász ( Miksa Schaechter, as a jurist), published article, Gyógyászat ( Healing), in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Schwurgerichtsreform in Ungarn (Jury court reform in Hungary), published article, Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Strafrecht, special issue, in German 1913

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Secret Memorandum on Hungary, unpublished, typewritten undated

box 5

Strafrecht Die Strafgesetzgebung in Ungarn seit 1900 ( Penal law Penal law legislation in Hungary since 1900), published article, source unknown, in German undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 5

Synopsis of lectures, unpublished, typewritten undated


Synthesis of American and European criminology, unpublished book undated


Chapter headings

box 5

Table of contents

General Physical Description note: Typewritten.
box 5

American and European prison systems

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 5

Analysis of crime as a social phenomenon

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Capital punishment

General Physical Description note: Typewritten.
box 5

Civilization and crime Progress of civilization and crime

General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5

Corporal punishment

General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5

Crime and criminal

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Crime and literature

General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5

Crime, misery and socialism

General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5

Crimanal law and morality

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Criminological empiricism and the science of criminology

General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5


General Physical Description note: Handwritten and typewritten.
box 5

Curbing the habitual offender

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Education and crime

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Future of the prison, and the prison of the future

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Heredity and cirme

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 5

How imprisonment was born

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 5

How society reacts to crime

General Physical Description note: Typewritten.
box 5

Juvenile delinquents

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 5

Our faith in deterrence

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 6

Penological survivals

General Physical Description note: Handwritten
box 6

Prison education and labor

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 6

Prison labor

General Physical Description note: Handwritten
box 6

Prison organization

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 6

Race and crime

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 6

Psychology of the criminal

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 6

Substitutes for imprisonment

General Physical Description note: Handwritten.
box 6

On the term `Criminology'

General Physical Description note: Typewritten.

Early draft copies

box 6

Section A, parts I-XV. Drafts, typewritten

box 6

Section B, parts, I-XVI. Drafts, typewritten

box 6

Miscellaneous drafts and notes

General Physical Description note: Hand- and typewritten.
box 7

Szabadság és fueggetlenség ( Freedom and independence), published article, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 7

Szabadság határai ( Limitations of freedom), published article, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 7

Szegény ember toervénykoenyve ( Poor man's law book), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian March 4?

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Szegény káptalan és a gazdag Népszava (Poor monastery and the rich Népszava), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian August 12, 1926

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Szellemi élet szabadságáról (About the freedom of intellectual life), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian January 1, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Tanszabadság ( Freedom of teaching), published article, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 7

Tanszabadság ( Freedom of teaching), published article, Egyetemi lapok (Universiti Bulletin), in Hungarian September 7, 1890

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Tapasztalatok az Ujvilágban ( Experience in the New World), published article, Budapest, in Hungarian November 9, 1910

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Tekintély (Prestige), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian October 9, 1932

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Tekintély és presztizs ( Authority and prestige), published article, Polgár (Citizen), in Hungarian May 22, 1926

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Terminology, unpublished, handwritten undated

box 7

Tilos az oengyilkosság ( Suicide banned), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian April 29, 1928

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Toward peace on the Danube, published article, Nation, Clipping October 3, 1942

box 7

Unabhaengige Richter ( Independent judge), published article, Pester Lloyd (Lloyd of Pest), in German January 9, 1922

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Ungarische Jugendgerichtsentwurf ( Hungarian adolescent court project), published article, Monatschrift fuer Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform, Special issue 1913-1914

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 7

Ungarisches Strafgesetzbuch und der deutsche Kommissionsentwurf ( Hungarian Penal Code and the German Commission project), published article, Jogállam; Rechtsstaat (Constitutional state), special issue, in German 1916

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 7

Ungarisches Staatsrecht in Deutschland ( Hungarian constitutional law in Germany), published article, Pester Lloyd (Lloyd of Pest), in German June 7, 1917

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Választási benyomások (Election impressions), published article, Világ (World), in German October 25, 1924

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Vambéry Rusztem beszél problemáról ( Rusztem Vambéry talks about the refugee problem), published article Igazság (Justice), in Hungarian December 1, 1939

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Vedoe és a morál ( Defender and the morale), published article, Pesti Napló (Diary of Pest), in Hungarian February 10, 1928

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Védvámos választás ( Election with tariff protection), published, Világ (World), in Hungarian November 25, 1923

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

War crimes and criminals, unpublished, handwritten undated

box 7

What is this war about? first and final drafts, typewritten undated

box 7

What price peace? unpublished, hand- and typewritten undated

box 7

Why `Totalitarian'? published article, Ember (Man), in Hungarian June 15, 1940

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Zsákutca és a Dunai Konfoederacio ( Dead end, and the Danubian Confederation), published article, Népszava (People's Voice), in Hungarian December 13, 1931

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Zur Frage der Strafrechtseinheit in Deutschland, Oesterreich, and Ungarn ( About the uniformity of criminal law in Germany, Austria, and Hungary), published article, Pester Lloyd (Lloyd of Pest), in German September 10, 1916

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Zur Vereinheitlichung des Strafsrechts; ein Widerhall in Ungarn ( About the standardization of penal law; an echo from Hungary), published article, Deutsche Strafrechtszeitung (German Penal law bulletin), in German May-June 1916

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.

Book reviews

box 7

By R. Vambéry, a number of book reviews published in The Nation

General Physical Description note: Clippings.

By others about R. Vambéry, writings

box 7

Buentetoejog (Criminal law), Budapest, Grill 1913

box 7

Buenvadi perrendtartás roevid tankoenyve (Short textbook of criminal procedure), Budapest, Grill 1909

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

Hungary to be or not to be, New York, F. Ungar, in English and Hungarian 1947

General Physical Description note: Clippings.


box 7

`Bajtársi szoevetség' és a háborús uszítók, Vambéry Rusztem dr. ( `Fraternity' and warmongers, Rusztem Vambéry dr.)

box 7

Beszélgetésuenk Vambéry Rusztemmel a londoni útról (Our discussion with Rusztem Vambéry about his trip to London)

box 7

Hadisegély csalások ( War relief corruptions)

box 7

Hogyan kepzeli Vambéry a román-magyar koezeledés meg... ( How does Vambéry immagine the Roumanian-Hungarian approachment?)

box 7

Rusztem nyilatkozat ( Rusztem statement)

box 7

Vambéry Rusztem Magyarországról ( Rusztem Vambéry about Hungary)

box 7

Vambéry Rusztem a toeroekoekroel ( Rusztem Vambéry about the Turks)

box 7

Vámbery Rusztem kritikája az igazságugyministerroel ( Rusztem Vambéry's criticism of the Minister of Justice)


Letters to the editor

box 7

General 1941-1948

box 7

Central European Observer,typewritten undated

box 7

Gloucester Daily Times,typewritten 1947

box 7

Gyógyászat, (Healing), in Hungarian 1915?

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 7

New York Times,handwritten, typewritten, and printed copies 1939-1945

box 7

Szózat, 1924, Vambéry Rusztem as informator (Rusztem Vambéry the informer) in Hungarian

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 8

Miscellaneous drafts and notes


Subject File 1887-1947

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, lists, notes, printed matter, etc., arranged alphabetically by either subject or title
box 8

American Council for Judaism, Inc. 1946

box 8

Budapesti Koezloeny (Budapest Bulletin) July 26, 1914

box 8

Counterfeits and counterfeiting, Hungary 1925

box 8

Criminal law 1933

box 8

Demokratidus Magyarok Amerikai Szoevetsége (American Federation of Democratic Hungarians)

box 8

Dinnyés, Prime Minister, Lajos 1947

box 8

Eckhardt, Tibor 1941

box 8

Emigránsok és újarcú emberek, ( Emigrants and people with new faces), Nap (Sun), in Hungarian April 6, 1930

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 8

Faludi, Gyoergy, Manhattan szigetén, ( On Manhattan Island), and two poems, in Hungarian undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 8

Fényes, Lászlo 1944

box 8

`Fueggetlen Magyarorszaget' mozgalom és az US politikája, ( `For an independent Hungary' movement, and the US politics), Népszava (People's Voice) in Hungarian January 3, 1942

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 8

Hapsburg, Pretender Otto von December 1, 1943

box 8

Hatvany, Lajos, Kedves Vambéry Rusztem! Hét (Week), in Hungarian January 7, 1932

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 8

Horthy, Regent of Hungary Miklós 1947

box 8

Hotel Van Cortland dispute 1946-1947



box 8

Foreign relations, Romania 1928

box 8


box 8

Politics and government 1944-1947

box 8

Social life and customs

box 8

Igazsaguegyminisztérium Buentetoejogi Bizottság (Hungarian Ministry of Justice Committee on criminology), Minutes of the Session, In Hungarian, mimeographed copy May 12, 1947

box 8

International law

box 8

Jászi, Oszkár 1944-1948

box 8

Jogtudományi Koezloeny (Law Gazette), in Hungarian January 31, 1946

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 8

Kárólyi, Count Mihály, letter to Oszkár Jászi, in Hungarian. Typewritten. Also clippings in English and Hungarian 1942-1946, August 6, 1946

box 9

Kemény, Gyoergy undated

box 9

Koezi-Horváth, József, Halál szolgálatában, ( Death service), Nemzeti Ujság (National News), in Hungarian September 2, 1934

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 9

Kolnai, Aurél, Danubia: a survey of plans of solution, published, Journal of Central European Affairs, Vol. 3, No. 4 January 1944

General Physical Description note: Reprint.
box 9

Mi toerténjen az uralkodó osztállyal? ( What shall happen to the ruling class?), Munkás (Worker), Vol. 34, No. 5, in Hungarian January 30, 1943

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 9

Morris, William, News from nowhere, 1890?

General Physical Description note: typewritten copy.
box 9

Nagy, Prime Minister Ferenc, How the Russians grabbed my government, Saturday Evening Post, and other clippings August 23, 30, 1947

box 9

Paris, Treaty of, Bill submitted to the Parliament of Hungary, in Russian, English and Hungarian February 10, 1947

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 9

Petoefi, Sándor, poems in Hungarian published in Szabadság (Liberty), undated

General Physical Description note: Clippings.
box 9

Rajk, László, Minister of the Interior. Hungary installs virtual dictator undated

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 9

Schoenfeld, H.F. Arthur, Soviet imperialism in Hungary,printed copy undated

box 9

Századunk; társadalmi szemle (Our Century; sociological review), Year 14, Nos. 4-5, in Hungarian May 20, 1939

box 9

Szekfue, Gyula, Valahol utat vesztettuenk ( Somewhere we have lost direction), Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation), in Hungarian January 16, 1944?

General Physical Description note: Photocopy of a newspaper article.
box 9

Szombati, Alexander, Lettre a Monsieur Ferenc Nagy ancien premier ministre de Hongrie ( Letter to Mr Ferenc Nagy, ex prime minister of Hungary), Volonte, in French November 15, 1947

General Physical Description note: Printed copy.
box 9

Teleki, Count Pál. Teleki Pál beszéde a bécsi doentés uegyében a Magyar Képviseloe Házban, 1940 dec. 4-en. ( Speech of Pál Teleki, Prime Minister of Hungary, concerning the Vienna Decision relative to Transylvania, delivered at the Hungarian Parliament, on September 4, 1940 ), quoted from the Kueluegyi Szemle (Foreign Affairs review), In Hungarian, quoted in handwriting November 1940

box 9

Tildy, Zoltán, President of Hungary, Tildy is pictured as critic of Nagy, New York Times, Clipping June 14, 1947

box 9

Transylvania, History Wellesley -on the Balkans, unpublished writing of unknown authorship, typewritten undated

box 9

UNESCO. General Conference, 2d Session, Minutes, in French October 29, 1947

General Physical Description note: Mimeographed copy.
box 9

Vambéry, Armin. Clippings, in Hungarian and German, containing biographical data, relative to Armin Vambéry, the father of Rusztem Vambéry 1887-1947

box 9

Vambéry Rusztemektoel Macdonaldig a revizio koeruel ( From the Rusztem Vambérys to Macdonald around the revision), published article, Magyarság (Hungarians), in Hungarian July 4, 1929

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 9

World War, Territorial questions, Hungary Szabadság és a régi magyar határok ( Freedom and the old Hungarian frontiers), Amerikai magyar népszava (American Hungarian People's Voice), in Hungairan 1941-1945 undated

General Physical Description note: Clippings.
box 9

Zionists. Political Zionists exploit untruth about Palestine, New York Herald Tribune, May 2, 1946

General Physical Description note: Clipping.
box 9

Zoltán, Mirjam, typewritten letter, in Hungarian undated


Miscellaneous Clippings 1911-1948

box 9

Miscellaneous Clippings