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Box 642: 7

Schumacher, Ernest - Appropriate Technologies, Tape U-34, 4 Sept. 1974

Box 642: 8-12

Conference on the Changing Role of Religion in Contemporary Culture (José Argüelles, Harry Ashmore, Jerald Brauer, Walter Capps, Paul Carter, Alex Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, Steve Hay, Frank Kelly, Richard Lambert, Sidney Mead, Robert Michaelsen, Malcolm Moos, Joseph Schwab, James Sellers, Milton Singer, Melford Spiro, Charles Tart, Rexford Tugwell, Zwi Werblowsky, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes W-36, X-36, Y-36, Z-36, A-37, 11-13 Sept. 1974

Box 642: 13

McCarthy, Eugene - On the Politics of Inflation, Tape C-37, 17 Sept. 1974

Box 643: 1

Keyseling, Leon - Inflation, Recession, and a New Approach to Both, Tape V-36, 1 Oct. 1974

Box 643: 2

Wheeler, Harvey - University Project - Part I, Tape I-37, 25 Oct. 1974

Box 643: 3

Some Ideas Concerning the Meaning of Life (Harry Ashmore, Elisabeth Borgese, Alex Comfort, Charles Hartshorne, Frank Kelly, Joseph Schwab, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), 15 Nov. 1974

Box 643: 4

Zimmer, Jules - University Project, Tape K-37, 15 Nov. 1974

Box 643: 5

Hutchins, Robert M. - Public Interest in Education - Constitutional Aspects, 20 Nov. 1974

Box 643: 6

Eisdorfer, Carl - Gerontological Society Conference, Tape X-37, 16 Dec. 1974

Box 643: 7

Ashmore, Harry S. - Excerpts from the Gerontological Society Conference, Tape X-37, 16 Dec. 1974

Box 643: 8

Harvey, Mary Kersey - The Right to Die, Tape S-37, 18 Dec. 1974

Box 643: 9

Kuhn, Maggie - Interview by Donald McDonald, 18 Dec. 1974

Box 643: 10

Carter, James - Meeting, Tape U-38, 20 Mar. 1975

Box 643: 11-12

Conference on Developing Science Policy: The Case of Weather - Climate Modification (Harry Ashmore, Eugene Bollay, Reid Bryson, Gary Cadenhead, Clifton Fadiman, Bernard Haber, Robert Hutchins, Frank Kelly, Malcolm Moos, Brooke Mordy, Wendell Mordy, John Pierce, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Daniel Sisson, Bertram Thomas, Rexford Tugwell, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Tapes W-38, X-38, 27-28 Mar. 1975

Box 643: 13-14

Wilkinson, Frank - The Fragile State of Our Bill of Rights, Tapes E-39, D-39, 14 July 1975

Box 643: 15

Lyford, Joseph P. - The Second American Civil War, Tape F-39, 23 July 1975

Box 643: 16

Mayer, Milton - Who Needs Community? Tape G-39, 23 July 1975

Box 643: 17

Ashmore, Harry S. - Electoral Reform, Tape L-39, 19 Aug. 1975

Box 644: 1

Ashmore, Harry S. - Electoral Reform, Tapes K-39, N-39, 19 Aug. 1975

Box 644: 2

McCarthy, Eugene - Interview by Mary Harvey, 20 Aug. 1975

Box 644: 3

Anderson, Stanley V. - Prison and Ombudsmen, Tape O-39, 22 Aug. 1975

Box 644: 4

Lippit, Victor D. - Japanese Planning and Its Implications for the United States, 16 Oct. 1975


Wingspread Conference on the Problems of the Least Developed Countries

Box 644: 5

I - (Leonard Berry, David Campbell, Mahmoud Diallo, Norton Ginsburg, Rudy Goodman, Denis Goulet, John Harbeson, Gerald Helleiner, Robert Kates, Manning Nash, Leslie Paffrath, John Powelson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ann Seidman, Mohamed Sukkar, and Tamas Szentes), 20 Oct. 1975

Box 644: 6-10

II - (Leonard Berry, Marshall Carter, Mahmoud Diallo, Norton Ginsburg, Denis Goulet, Sixten Haraldson, John Harbeson, Gerald Helleiner, Bert Hoselitz, James Howe, Roberts Kates, Steve Klien, Mark Mujwahuzi, Manning Nash, [?] Parker, John Powelson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ann Seidman, Mohamed Sukkar, and Tamas Szentes), 20-21 Oct. 1975

Box 645: 1-5

III - (Leonard Berry, Marshall Carter, Mahmoud Diallo, Norton Ginsburg, Denis Goulet, Sixten Haraldson, John Harbeson, Gerald Helleiner, Bert Hoselitz, James Howe, Roberts Kates, Steve Klien, Mark Mujwahuzi, Manning Nash, [?] Parker, John Powelson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ann Seidman, Mohamed Sukkar, and Tamas Szentes), 20-22 Oct. 1975

Box 645: 6-9

Where Shall We Live? Tapes Z-39, A-40, B-40, C-40, 7-8 Nov. 1975

Box 645: 10

Thompson, William - Mysticism vs. Mechanism in the Evolution of World Order, Tape G-40, 25 Nov. 1975

Box 646: 1-7

Pacem in Terris IV (Eqbal Ahmad, John Anderson, Robert Anderson, Harry Ashmore, Les Aspin, Howard Baker, Richard Barnet, Cyril Black, Elisabeth Borgese, John Brademas, Tom Bradley, Joel Brooke, Frank Church, Blair Clark, Joseph Clark, Inis Claude, N. Colby, William Colby, Donald Fraser, Otis Graham, James Grant, Roberto Guyer, Morton Halperin, Robert Hutchins, Neil Jacoby, Jacob Javits, Philip Jessup, Vernon Jordan, George Kennan, Edward Kennedy, Ed Lamb, Gene LaRocque, Morris Levinson, Mike Mansfield, Carl Marcy, Frances McAllister, Eugene McCarthy, Seymour Melman, Charles Morgan, Edward Morgan, Hans Morgenthau, Stuart Mott, Daniel Moynihan, Fred Neal, Robert Osgood, Gerald Parsky, Claiborne Pell, Lord Ritchie-Calder, James Schlesinger, William Simon, Maurice Strong, Kenneth Thompson, Audrey Topping, Ralph Tyler, Willard Wirtz, Herbert York, Charles Yost, Andrew Young, and Elmo Zumwalt), Tapes I-40, J-40, K-40, 2-4 Dec. 1975

Box 646: 8

Forman, Jim - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 646: 9

Aspin, Les - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 646: 10

Johnson, Nicholas - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 646: 11-12

Controlling Corporate Behavior: Where Do We Go From Here? Tapes O-40, P-40, 15 Dec. 1975

Box 647: 1

Ginsburg, Eli - National Manpower Policy, Tape Q-40, 8 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 2

Ginsburg, Eli, Rexford G. Tugwell, and Otis Graham - Conversation, 8 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 3-4

The Population Problem: Key Issues in Food, Population, Development (Harry Ashmore, David Brokensha, Hoard Carter, Alain De Janvry, Barry Edmonston, Clifton Fadiman, William Felstiner, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Garrett Hardin, Mary Harvey, Robert Hutchins, Bruce Johnston, Eulah Laucks, Michael Lofchie, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, William Murdoch, Allan Oaten, Bernard Riley, Joseph Schwab, and Rexford Tugwell), 9 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 5

Conference on Critical Issues on Alcoholism (Clifton Fadiman, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Mary Harvey, Leighton Huey, William Madsen, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, Mary Pendery, David Pittman, Florette Pomeroy, Jokichi Takemine, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape N-41, 12 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 6

Conference on Self Help Health Groups (Gary Albrecht, Leonard Borman, Cathrine Carey, Gene Durman, Robert Farwell, Norton Ginsburg, Zachary Gussow, Stanley Hallett, Joyce Lashof, Leon Levy, Morton Leiberman, Jack Martin, John McKnight, Robert Mendelsohn, Robert Menges, O. Hobart Mowrer, Ralph Tyler, and Donald Warren), Tape K-41, 29 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 7

Cohen, Stephen - Economic Planning, Tape S-40, 30 Jan. 1976

Box 647: 8

Library Conversation: Terrorism [portion] (Harry Ashmore, Otis Graham, and Brian Jenkins), Tape G-41, 4 Feb. 1976

Box 647: 9

Conference on Critical Issues in Alcoholism (Clifton Fadiman, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Mary Harvey, Leighton Huey, William Madsen, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, Mary Pendery, David Pittman, Florette Pomeroy, Jokichi Takemine, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape O-41, 13 Mar. 1976

Box 647: 10

A Retrospective Look at the Radicalism of the 60s: Where Did We Come Out? ([?] Burns, [?] Cornford, [?] Dancis, Richard Flacks, David Goines, Otis Graham, Alfred Kazin, Donald McDonald, Fred Neal, Joseph Schwab, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape P-41, 19 Mar. 1976

Box 647: 11

Goines, David, Donald McDonald, and Joe Schwab - Library Conversation, Tape Q-41, 19 Mar. 1976

Box 647: 12

Conference on Critical Issues in Alcoholism (Clifton Fadiman, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Mary Harvey, Leighton Huey, William Madsen, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, Mary Pendery, David Pittman, Florette Pomeroy, Jokichi Takemine, and Rexford Tugwell), Tape M-41, 26 Mar. 1976

Box 648: 1

Harrington, Michael - Crisis in Capitalism, Tape C-42, 22 Apr. 1976

Box 648: 2

Stephen Toulmin on "The Protection of Human Research Subjects", Tape E-42, 27 Apr. 1976

Box 648: 3

Cunliffe, Marcus - Private Property and American Ideology, Tape H-42, 30 Apr. 1976

Box 648: 4-5

Chicago Meeting on "Interpretations of Chinese Developments," 7 May 1976

Box 648: 6-9

Conference on "Where Shall We Live II: Who Shall Decide" (Harry Ashmore, Richard Babcock, Ronald Collins, William Colman, Clifton Fadiman, Harold Fleming, Herbert Franklin, James Gibson, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Donald Hagman, Mary Harvey, Ira Heyman, Robert Hutchins, Eulah Laucks, Arthur Levin, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, Alexander Polikoff, Roselyn Rosenfeld, Maruine Rothschild, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Robert Weaver, and William Wheaton), Tapes I-42, J-42, E-42, K-42, 7-8 May 1976

Box 648: 10

Bettelheim, Bruno - The Modern Family: Conflicts between Expectations and Reality (Chicago), 12 May 1976

Box 648: 11

Fairlee, Henry - The Nation and the President Campaign 1976, Tape M-42, 18 May 1976

Box 648: 12

Adler, Mortimer Jerome - After Dinner Speech, Tape N-42, 21 May 1976

Box 649: 1

Adler, Mortimer, William Gorman; and Robert Hutchins - Democracy and Socialism: The Declaration of Independence and the Communist Manifesto, Tape O-42, 22 May 1976

Box 649: 2

Jackson, Gabriel - Current Political Prospects in Spain, Tape V-32, 7 June 1976

Box 649: 3

Knox, Joseph B. - Man's Impact on His Global Environment, Tape Z-32, 9 July 1976

Box 649: 4

Fingarette, Herbert - Addiction and Criminal Responsibility, Tape Z-42, 14 July 1976

Box 649: 5

Schwab, Joseph - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tapes B-43, C-43, 9 Aug. 1976

Box 649: 6

Anderson, Judith - Interview by Clifton Fadiman, Tape D-43, 10 Aug. 1976

Box 649: 7

Strong, Maurice F. - Interview by Mary K. Harvey and Wendell A. Mordy, Tape F-43, 24 Aug. 1976

Box 649: 8

Hoffman, Lois - Social Change, the Family, and Sex Differences, 29 Sept. 1976

Box 649: 9

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The Real Test of Our Achievements: The 1976 Growth Report, Tape K-43, 21 Sept. 1976

Box 649: 10

Levine, Irving M, and Joseph Giordano - On Ethnic Diversity and Family Policy, 19 Oct. 1976

Box 649: 11

McDonald, Donald - The Media's Conflict of Interest, Tape W-43, 22 Nov. 1976

Box 649: 12

Fadiman, Clifton - The Prospect before Us: A Techno Society, Tape X-43, 23 Nov. 1976

Box 650: 1

Capps, Walter H. - The New Interest in Monastic Religion, Tape W-43, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 650: 2-3

Douvan, Elizabeth - Our Nation's Family Policy: Does It Promote Loving Care? Tapes Z-43, X-43, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 650: 4

Mayer, Milton Sanford; and Joseph Jackson Schwab - Dialogue on the Dialogues, Tape Y-43, 20 Dec. 1976

Box 650: 5

Botstein, Leonard - Library Interview by Noah benShea, Tape G-44, 12 Jan. 1977

Box 650: 6

Johnson, David S. - Uses and Future Uses of Satellites, Tape E-44, 12 Jan. 1977

Box 650: 7

Fairbank, John K. - The Future of American-Chinese Relations, Tape E-44, 19 Jan. 1977

Box 650: 8

Davidson, Samai - Stanford Medical Center Interview by Noah benShea, 24 Jan. 1977

Box 650: 9

Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude - Interview by Noah benShea, Tape P-44, 22 Feb. 1977

Box 650: 10-12

Conference: Is There a Soviet Threat? (Abe Becker, [?] Caldwell, [?] Carey, [?] Digby, James Douglas, [?] Greene, Bernard Haber, Nancy Heer, Michael Intrilligator, [?] Jabber, Robert Jervis, George Keegan, Kolkowicz, Andrzej Korbonski, Luttwak, Fred Neal, [?] Orbach, Earl Ravenal, [?] Snider, and [?] Yakevee), Tapes R-44, Q-44, S-44, 25 Feb. 1977

Box 650: 13

Gillam, Richard - The Neoconservative Mood: The Intellectuals Use of Power and Vice Versa, Tape T-44, 4 Mar. 1977

Box 650: 14

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape U-44, 8 Mar. 1977

Box 650: 15

Windfalls for Wipeouts [background materials], 10 Mar. 1977

Box 651: 1

Appropriate Technology and Full Employment [background materials], 16 Mar. 1977

Box 651: 2

Hills, Howard - The Rights of the Mentally Ill, Tape U-44, 24 Mar. 1977

Box 651: 3-5

Illegal Immigration and National Policy (Manuel Carlos, Leonel Castillo, Donald Cressey, James Douglas, Walter Fogel, Mario Garcia, Juan Gomez-Quiñones, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Garrett Hardin, Michael Harpold, Mary Harvey, Laurence Hewes, Alberto Juarez, John Kendall, Lucy Killea, Donald McDonald, Robert Miller, Wendell Mordy, Michael Nava, A. Wells Peterson, Antonio Rodriguez, Gary Schons, Joseph Schwab, Cesar Sereseres, Joseph Sureck, Rexford Tugwell, Vic Vallalpando, and Melanie Wirkin), Tapes A-45, B-45, 25 Mar. 1977

Box 651: 6

Fadiman, Clifton - Interview by Noah benShea, Tape C-45, 29 Mar. 1977

Box 651: 7

The Future of Socialism [background materials], 11 Apr. 1977

Box 651: 8-10

Conference on the Philosophy of Education (Harry Ashmore, Noah benShea, Leon Botstein, Donald Cressey, James Douglas, Clifton Fadiman, Gary Fenstermacher, Seymour Fox, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Thomas Green, Mary Harvey, Laurence Hewes, Eulah Laucks, Morris Levinson, Avishai Margalit, Frances McAllister, Donald McDonald, Wendell Mordy, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Nathan Rotenstreich, Maurine Rothschild, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, Ralph Tyler, and Decker Walker), Tapes E-45, D-45, F-45, 14 Apr. 1977

Box 652: 1

Mazlish, Bruce - Personality and Politics, Tape H-45, 25 Apr. 1977

Box 652: 2

Moore, Victor - The Public Control of Land Use: An Anglophile's View, Tape G-45, 29 Apr. 1977

Box 652: 3

Mason, Edward S. - Authoritarianism and Democracy: Economic versus Political Development, Tape R-45, 10 May 1977

Box 652: 4

Schorr, Daniel - What the Citizen Knows: The Responsibility of Government to a Free Press, Tape R-45, 11 May 1977

Box 652: 5

Morgenthau, Hans J. - The Pathology of American Power, Tape W-45, 20 May 1977

Box 652: 6

Stone, Christopher, and Jack McNamara - The Energy Crisis, if There Is One: Where We Are and What Should Be Done, Tape X-45, 2 June 1977

Box 652: 7

Layfield, Frank - Financing Subnational Governance, Tape Y-45, 8 June 1977

Box 652: 8

Goldbeck, Willis B. - National Health Care Costs and Policy, Tape Z-45, 20 June 1977

Box 652: 9

Allsopp, W. Herbert - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 11 July 1977

Box 652: 10

The United States, Russia, and the Cold War: What if Franklin Roosevelt Had Lived? 13 July 1977

Box 652: 11

Conference on the Law of the Sea (Elisabeth Borgese, Clifton Fadiman, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Bernard Haber, Laurence Hewes, Donald McDonald, John Moore, Joseph Schwab, Rexford Tugwell, and Walter Capps), Tape E-46, 19 July 1977

Box 652: 12

Jencks, Christopher - Schools, and What They Ought To Do, 29 July 1977

Box 652: 13

Why Businessmen Mistrust Their State: The Political Consciousness of American Corporate Executives [background material], 15 Aug. 1977

Box 652: 14

Young, James - Interviewed by Noah benShea, Tape O-46, 24 Aug. 1977

Box 653: 1

Stenberg, Carl - ACIR's Research Agenda, Tape M-46, 24 Aug. 1977

Box 653: 2

Mayer, Milton - Cold Pogrom in Carmel, Tape P-46, 12 Sept. 1977

Box 653: 3

Conference on Contemporary Constitutional Issues (Harry Ashmore, Scott Bice, Ronald Collins, Henry Geller, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Laurence Hewes, Vesta Hutchins, Eulah Laucks, Donald McDonald, Constance Motley, Louis Pollak, Arnold Paul, Herman Pritchett, Bernard Schwartz, John Shattuck, Rexford Tugwell, and David Wise), Tape R-46, 16 Sept. 1977

Box 653: 4

Shields, Geoffrey - An Overview of Multinational Corporations, 13 Oct. 1977


Conference: Alcoholism - Policies and Priorities

Box 653: 5-10

I - (Harry Ashmore, George Dimas, David Duran, William Hathaway, Peter Herman, Laurence Hewes, Mark Keller, Hary Kitano, Jan Lewis, William Maden, Marty Mann, Hank McCullough, Maria Nameth, Ernest Noble, Nancy Olson, Mary Pendery, David Pittman, John Pixley, Joseph Pursch, Riley Regan, Baxter Rice, Rita Saenz, Arthur Schultz, Paul Sherman, Keith Simpson, A. J. Sullivan, Jokichi Takemine, Russell Tyler, and Kay Webb), Tapes W-46, X-46, Y-46, Z-46, 14-15 Oct. 1977

Box 654: 1-4

II - (Harry Ashmore, George Dimas, David Duran, William Hathaway, Peter Herman, Laurence Hewes, Mark Keller, Hary Kitano, Jan Lewis, William Maden, Marty Mann, Hank McCullough, Maria Nameth, Ernest Noble, Nancy Olson, Mary Pendery, David Pittman, John Pixley, Joseph Pursch, Riley Regan, Baxter Rice, Rita Saenz, Arthur Schultz, Paul Sherman, Keith Simpson, A. J. Sullivan, Jokichi Takemine, Russell Tyler, and Kay Webb), Tapes A-47, B-47, 16 Oct. 1977

Box 654: 5

Tollett, Kenneth - The Media Assault on Affirmative Action: Subjective Hostility or Objective Insensitivity, Tape D-47, 24 Oct. 1977

Box 654: 6

Krug, Mark M. - Definitions in the History of Immigration and Cultural Pluralism, Tape H-47, 26 Oct. 1977

Box 654: 7

Clark, Ramsey - Constitutional Liberty and the Rule of Law, Tape G-47, 7 Nov. 1977

Box 654: 8

Clark, Ramsey - The Meaning and Effect of Government Secrecy, Tape F-47, 7 Nov. 1977

Box 654: 9

Allen, Steve - Meeting of Minds, Tape L-47, 17 Nov. 1977

Box 655: 1

Adler, Mortimer - Philosophy of Education, Tape P-47, 21 Nov. 1977

Box 655: 2

Cousins, Norman - International World Order, Tape Q-47, 28 Nov. 1977

Box 655: 3

Ashmore, Harry S. - Beyond Bakke, Tape R-47, 1 Dec. 1977

Box 655: 4

Strick, Anne - Injustice For All, Tape S-47, 6 Dec. 1977

Box 655: 5-7

The Ethics of Exclusion: The Crisis of U.S. Immigration Policy: The Ethical Case for Minimum Restriction (Richard Arellano, Harry Ashmore, Jorge Bustamante, Walter Capps, Donald Cressey, Walter Fogel, Mario Garcia, Robert Gillespie, Otis Graham, Ronald Green, Bernard Haber, Garrett Hardin, David Heer, John Higham, Vesta Hutchins, Alberto Juarez, Harry Kitano, Eulah Laucks, Michael Lewis, Donald McDonald, Doris Meissner, Ezra Mishan, Paul Newman, Marcos Suarez, I. M. Timonin, Luis Velarde, Richard Wasserstrom, James Wilkie, and Melanie Wirken), Tapes S-47, T-47, U-47, 9-10 Dec. 1977

Box 655: 8

Mitchell, Maurice - Meeting with Center Staff, 19-20 Dec. 1977

Box 655: 9

Mitchell, Maurice - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape Y-47, 20 Dec. 1977

Box 655: 10

Neal, Fred Warner - The Carter Foreign Policy: Toward a Cool War? Tape Z-47, 12 Jan. 1978

Box 655: 11

Mayer, Milton - Interviewing Students in Kyoto, Japan: The Japanese Character, 18 Jan. 1978

Box 656: 1

Kazin, Alfred - Power and Imagination: The Case of Henry Adams, Tape Z-47, 25 Jan. 1978

Box 656: 2

Wise, David - Marching toward an Official Secrets Act, Tape B-48, 30 Jan. 1978

Box 656: 3

Mayer, Milton - Japanese Interview II: Woman and Children Last, ca. Jan. 1978

Box 656: 4

Wells, Samuel F., Jr. - The Future of Arms Control, Tape C-48, 7 Feb. 1978

Box 656: 5

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - An American in Post-Indira India, Tape D-48, 9 Feb. 1978

Box 656: 6

Poster, Mark - The Emotional Structure of the Family, Tape D-48, 24 Feb. 1978

Box 656: 7

de Jouvenel, Bertrand - Is the United States Turning Away from Europe? Tape E-48, 28 Feb. 1978

Box 656: 8

Brandon, Robert - Taxation and Human Values Conference, Tape K-48, 3 Mar. 1978

Box 656: 9

Kelley, Brian - Taxation and Human Values, Tapes J-48, K-48, M-48, 3 Mar. 1978

Box 657: 1

Nader, Laura - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Mar. 1978

Box 657: 2

Capps, Walter, and Harry S. Ashmore - The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensitivities, Tape O-48, 28 Mar. 1978

Box 657: 3

Jencks, Christopher - Why Are Scores Going Down? Tape O-48, 28 Mar. 1978

Box 657: 4-5

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Reappraisal of the White House Conference on National Growth and Economic Balance, Tapes Q-48, R-48, 12 Apr. 1978

Box 657: 6

Jackson, Jesse - Interview by Harry S. Ashmore, 21 Apr. 1978

Box 657: 7

McPherson, James M. - Comparison of Firsthand Second Reconstruction, Tape T-48, 3 May 1978

Box 657: 8

Mansbridge, Jane J. - Unitary and Adversary Democracy, Tape U-48, 4 May 1978

Box 657: 9

Mitchell, Maurice B. - Is There a Cure for Higher Education? Tape T-48, 5 May 1978

Box 657: 10

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Suggestions for Procedures for Planning in a Democracy, Tape U-48, 15 May 1978

Box 658: 1

Goldstücker, Edward, and Milton Mayer, 19 May 1978

Box 658: 2

Milgram, Morris - The Re-Segregation of America, 22 May 1978

Box 658: 3

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape X-48, 26 May 1978

Box 658: 4

Lichtman, Richard - Mental Health Services for the Unemployed, Tape Y-48, 31 May 1978

Box 658: 5

Killick, Sir John - Library Interview by Donald McDonald and Otis L. Graham, Jr., Tape Y-48, 6 June 1978

Box 658: 6

Lovins, Amory B. - Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken, Tape B-49, 7 June 1978

Box 658: 7

Jencks, Christopher - The Social Basis of Unselfishness, Tape C-49, 12 June 1978

Box 658: 8

Coons, John F., and Stephen D. Sugarman - Education by Choice, D-49, 14 June 1978

Box 658: 9

Cronin, Thomas - Electing Presidents: The Direct Vote and the Electoral College: The Case for Meshing Things Up (comments by Curtis Gans), Tape F-49, 26 June 1978

Box 658: 10

Ashmore, Harry S. - Equity and Civil Rights, Tape H-49, 19 July 1978

Box 658: 11

Bender, Gerald - Superpower Competition in Africa, Tape I-49, 21 July 1978

Box 658: 12

Mitchell, Maurice B. - Successfully Desegregating Schools: The Denver Experience, Tape H-49, 24 July 1978

Box 658: 13

Krieger, David - A Report on the U.N. Special Session on Disarmament, Tape J-49, 31 July 1978

Box 658: 14

Neal, Fred Warner - Problems of the Eastern Pacific: Impressions of a Recent Traveler, Tape K-49, 2 Aug. 1978

Box 658: 15

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The Emerging Trends in State and Local Government: From the Firing Line, Tapes K-49, L-49, 15 Aug. 1978

Box 659: 1

McDonald, Donald - Journalism Seminar, Tape M-49, 17 Aug. 1978

Box 659: 2

Johnston, Denis F. - Federal Social Indicator Reports: A Critique and Plans for the Future, Tape L-49, 18 Aug. 1978

Box 659: 3

Bernstein, Barton - The Current State of Radical Perspectives and Politics in the United States, Tape O-49, 22 Aug. 1978

Box 659: 4

The California Tax Revolt: Who Did What to Whom and Why? Tape P-49, 24 Aug. 1978

Box 659: 5

Norris, William A. - Why Jarvis-Gann Is Unconstitutional: The Boundaries of the Direct Democracy Feature in the American Governmental System, Tape Q-49, 1 Sept. 1978

Box 659: 6

Wilson C. Riles to Receive Robert Maynard Hutchins Award, Tape R-49, 11 Sept. 1978

Box 659: 7

Borgese, Elisabeth - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape U-49, 28 Sept. 1978

Box 659: 8

von Weizsacker, Carl Friedrich - Interview by Milton Mayer, Tape B-50, Oct. 1978

Box 659: 9

Hughes, H. Stuart - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape Y-49, 31 Oct. 1978

Box 659: 10

Hughes, H. Stuart - Italian Eurocommunism: A Unique Case, Tape Z-49, 31 Oct. 1978

Box 659: 11

Tugwell, Franklin - Statement, 3 Nov. 1978

Box 659: 12

Tugwell, Franklin - Energy: Managing the Transition, Tape Y-49, 3 Nov. 1978

Box 659: 13

Glenny, Lyman A. - Demographics and Issues for Higher Education in the 1980s, Tape Z-49, 17 Nov. 1978

Box 659: 14-16

Douglas, William O. - Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom, Tapes G-50, H-50, I-50, 7 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 1

Douglas, William O. - Inquiry IV: Freedom and New Property, Tape J-50, ca. Dec. 1978

Box 660: 2

Douglas, William O. - Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom: Freedom, the Courts and the Media, Tape K-50, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 3

Douglas, William O., and Kenneth Boulding - Additions and Insertions to Typed Speech, Tape D-50, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 4

Boulding, Kenneth - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape C-50, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 5

McKay, Robert B. - Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape D-50, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 6

Shattuck, John H. F. - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape E-50, 8 Dec. 1978

Box 660: 7

Spiegel, Steven L. - Camp David: Model or Muddle? Tape L-50, 10 Jan. 1979

Box 660: 8

Richter, Irving - A Political Survey of American Labor, Tape L-50, 22 Jan. 1979

Box 660: 9

Lipset, Seymour Martin - Politics of Unreason: Right Wing Extremism in the United States, 1790-1977, Tape N-50, 23 Feb. 1979

Box 660: 10

Milgrim, Morris - For Socially Significant Housing Moves, Tape O-50, 26 Feb. 1979

Box 660: 11

Lowenstein, Allard - Human Rights: The Global Problem and the Administration Policy, Tape N-50, 5 Mar. 1979

Box 660: 12

Lowenstein, Allard - A Sixties Retrospective: Vietnam and Civil Rights, Tape P-50, 12 Mar. 1979

Box 661: 1

Pritchett, C. Herman - Constitutional Amendment by Convention, Tape Q-50, 26 Mar. 1979

Box 661: 2

The Budget Balancing Controversy: Constitutional Amendment by Convention, 28 Mar. 1979

Box 661: 3-7

Capps, Walter H. - The Impact of Vietnam, Tapes T-50, U-50, V-50, W-50, X-50, 5-7 Apr. 1979

Box 661: 8

Graham, Fred - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape R-50, 7 April 1979

Box 661: 9

Fogel, Walter A. - Getting Society's Dirty Work Done: A Discussion of Guest Worker Programs and Other Remedies for the "Americans Won't Take the Jobs" Problem, Tape Y-50, 20 Apr. 1979

Box 661: 10

Pritchett, C. Herman - Constitutional Amendment by Convention, Tape Q-50, 29 Apr. 1979

Box 661: 11

Neustadt, Richard E. - Is the Presidency Possible? Tape Z-50, 30 Apr. 1979

Box 662: 1

Heckscher, Gunnar - Sweden Welfare Statistics, Tape Z-50, 14 May 1979

Box 662: 2

O'Toole, James - The Tenure Issue in Higher Education, Tape A-51, 18 May 1979

Box 662: 3

Can the First Amendment Survive the Hydrogen Bomb? 22 May 1979

Box 662: 4

Stockwell, John - The CIA: Why We Should Close It Down, Tape B-51, 24 May 1979

Box 662: 5

Bjornsen, Bjorn - Crime and Punishment in Scandinavia, Tape F-51, 29 May 1979

Box 662: 6

Fagan, Brian - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, Tape G-51, 9 July 1979

Box 662: 7

Tugwell, Rexford Guy - Memorial Service, Tape I-51, 15 July 1979

Box 662: 8

Sindler, Allan P. - The Argument over Pro-Minority Racial Classifications: Defunis to Weber, Tape G-51, 23 July 1979

Box 662: 9-11

Conference on Encouraging Industrial Innovation: Decision Making in the American Corporation, Tapes J-51, K-51, 30 July 1979

Box 662: 12

Fingarette, Herbert - Punishment and Suffering, Tape L-51, 11 Sept. 1979

Box 663: 1

Solmon, Lewis - Forty-One Solutions to the Humanities Ph.D. Job Crisis, Tape L-51, 26 Sept. 1979

Box 663: 2

Scheff, Thomas - Toward a Theory of Mourning, Tape M-51, 28 Sept. 1979

Box 663: 3

Cahn, Robert - Environmental Considerations in Corporate Decision-Making, Tape M-51, 3 Oct. 1979

Box 663: 4-6

Planning Conference, Tapes N-51, O-51, P-51, Q-51, R-51, 15-16 Oct. 1979

Box 663: 7

Laucks, Eulah C. - The Meaning of Children in Contemporary America, Tape S-51, 22 Oct. 1979

Box 663: 8

Brown, E. Richard - American Medicine and Corporate Capitalism, Tape T-51, 23 Oct. 1979

Box 663: 9

Berger, Bennett - Ideological Work, Tape V-51, 12 Nov. 1979

Box 663: 10

Bohannan, Paul J. - You Can't Do Nothing, Tape W-51, 16 Nov. 1979

Box 663: 11

Lyford, Joseph P. - The Berkeley Experience, Tape X-51, 26 Nov. 1979

Box 663: 12

Rochlin, Gene - Nuclear Fuel Cycle Internationalization: The Uncertain Political Concept, Tape U-51, 30 Nov. 1979

Box 664: 1

Myerhoff, Barbara - Myths of Storytelling and Narration Among Elderly Jews, 13 Dec. 1979

Box 664: 2

The View from Kathmandu, Tape B-52, 21 Jan. 1980

Box 664: 3

Religion and Politics in Iran Today, Tape C-52, 24 Jan. 1980

Box 664: 4

The Harvard Plan: General Education in the Nineteen-Eighties, Tape D-52, 30 Jan. 1980

Box 664: 5

The Politics of Sports: The Olympic Boycott, Tape F-52, 13 Feb. 1980

Box 664: 6

Ten Years as Ombudsman: Reflections and Suggestions, Tape G-52, 19 February 1980

Box 664: 7

Bethe, Hans - The Problem of Energy in Nuclear Power, 21 Feb. 1980

Box 664: 8

Merton, Thomas M. - Monasticism and Western Culture, Tape I-52, 26 February 1980

Box 664: 9

Perspectives and Images in Afro-American History: Black San Francisco, Tape J-52, 4 Mar. 1980

Box 664: 10

Hans Bethe Interview, 5 Mar. 1980

Box 664: 11

Is Narcissism an Accurate Description of the Nation's Mood, Tape L-52, 18 Mar. 1980

Box 664: 12

Priorities in Domestic Policy, Tape M-52, 10 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 13

Leadership, 11 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 14

Jews, Honesty and Israel, Tape P-52, 15 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 15

New Wine and Old Skins: The Gnostic Gospels, Tape R-52, 24 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 16

Europe: The Release from Greatness, Tape R-52, 25 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 17

Soft Energy in California, Tape T-52, 28 Apr. 1980

Box 664: 18

New Perspectives in Mexican-American History, 30 Apr. 1980

Box 665: 1

From Hero to Anti-Hero: The Transformation of the Warrior (Jeff Bass, Paul Bohannan, David Chidester, Robert Christino, W. Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Bernard Haber, Phillip Hammond, Wayne Isham, Robert Kelly, Edward Linenthal, Robert Livingston, Edward Loomis, James McNamara, Dennis Nupdal, Deborah Sills, Gary Weimer, and Lawrence Willson), Tape V-52, 7 May 1980

Box 665: 2

Toward a Rough Calculus of Book Publishing (Michael Crandell, Buzz Erickson, Dennis Lynds, Graham Mackintosh, Betty McDermott, Donald McDonald, Judyl Mudfood, Sasha Newborn, Daniel Poynter, Max Schott, Deborah Sills, James Wood, and Noel Young), 8 May 1980

Box 665: 3

Achievable Cities (Marvin Adelson, Gilbert Barry, Wayne Boucher, M. Gerald Bradford, Walter Capps, Yvonne Chen, Patricia Cohen, Michael Crandell, Donald Cressey, Robert Easton, Edward Loomis, Marc McGinnes, Michael Montoya, Debora Sills, Ninian Smart, John Sullivan, James Tremaine, and James Wood), Tape Z-52, 20 May 1980

Box 665: 4

Jimmy Carter and Human Rights (Stanley Anderson, Mort Andron, M. Gerald Bradford, Walter Capps, Carnzu Clark, Michael Crandell, Lynn Curtright, Thomas Dunlop, Steven Dunlop, Herbert Fingarette, Michael Gordon, Garrett Hardin, Peter Haslund, David Kristofferson, Eulah Laucks, Thomas Schrock, Deborah Sills, and Stephen Weatherford), Tape A-53, 21 May 1980

Box 665: 5

Silence and Guilt: Remembering Vietnam (Noah benShea, M. Gerald Bradford, Walter Capps, Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, David Gold, Michael Gordon, Robert Livingston, Peter Marin, Leonard Marsak, Donald McDonald, Peter Merkl, Shad Meshad, Dennis Nupdal, Anthony Perrino, Steven Schlah, Herbert Schneidau, Deborah Sills, and Gary Weimer), Tape B-53, 22 May 1980

Box 665: 6

Miranda vs. Arizona: Past and Present Developments (Stanley Anderson, Kenneth Brown, Walter Capps, Ronald Collins, W. Richard Comstock, Donald Cressey, Herbert Fingarette, Gerald Franklin, Robert Gerstein, Mark Hart, Donald McDonald, Glen Mowrer, C. Herman Pritchett, Thomas Schrock, Deborah Sills, and Robert Welsh), Tape H-53, 24 June 1980

Box 665: 7

Is There a Crisis in Literacy? (Sheridan Blau, Paul Bohannan, Rexford Brown, Charles Cooper, Michael Crandell, Carol Dixon, Richard Dodge, David Gold, William Marks, Donald McDonald, J. Sears McGee, James Moffett, Miles Myers, George Nemetz, Rae Jeane Popham, Deborah Sills, Irene Thomas, Owen Thomas, Edward White, John Wiemann, Ross Winterowd, and Don Zimmerman), Tapes M-53, N-53, O-53, 25 July 1980

Box 665: 8

Women's Work in Science (Sarah Berk, Kathy Bycel, Walter Capps, Patricia Cohen, Michael Crandell, Douglas Daniels, John Ernest, Donald Fitzgerald, Nancy Gallagher, Bettina Huber, Betty McDermott, Mattison Mines, Donald McDonald, Carroll Pursell, Margaret Rossiter, Deborah Sills, and Beatrice Sweeney), Tape D-53, 27 May 1980

Box 665: 9

Torn Asunder: Women and Divorce in a Decade of Reform (Noah benShea, Paul Bohannan, Benjamin Bycel, Kathy Bycel, Walter Capps, Michael Crandell, Josephine Gottsdanker, Marilyn Jordan, Linda Kaufman, Melodie Kleiman, Barbara Lindemann, Linda Lynn, Donald McDonald, Alice Merenbach, Lois Phillips, Gail Rappaport, Jane Scheff, Joan Selman, Deborah Sills, and Jules Zimmer), Tape P-53, 5 Aug. 1980

Box 665: 10

Adversarialism in America (Noah benShea, Robert Cameron, Walter Capps, W. Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Haruhiro Fukui, Leonard Marsak, William May, Marc McGinnes, John Moore, Deborah Sills, Geoffrey Wallace, and Edward Wheat), Tape Q-53, 11 Aug. 1980

Box 665: 11

Talking Back to the TV [portion] (Hubert Jessup), Tape R-53, 14 Aug. 1980

Box 665: 12-13

Agriculture in California (George Ballis, Frank Cancian, Walter Capps, Harold Carter, Michael Crandell, Samuel Edwards, Margaret Fitzsimmons, Del Gardner, Ron Gilman, Hunter Johnson, Philip Martin, Donald McDonald, William Monning, Patricia Reig, David Sanchez, Marian Standish, Jack Stone, Hewett Tysdal, and Edward Yeary), Tapes S-53, T-53, U-53, 29 Aug. 1980

Box 665: 14

Cousins, Norman - Prospecting the Future, 8 Oct. 1980

Box 665: 15

Duffen, Joseph - Dedication Year Address, 8 Oct. 1980


Liberalism Conference

Box 665: 16-17

Sessions I-II (Larry Adams, Gordon Baker, Barton Bernstein, Gail Binion, M. Gerald Bradford, Benjamin Bycel, Walter Capps, Patricia Cohen, Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Mario Garcia, Don Gevirtz, Richard Gillam, David Gold, Peter Goldschmidt, William Gorman, Otis Graham, Michael Harrington, Thomas Hines, Eulah Laucks, Peter Marin, Donald McDonald, John Moore, Ralph Peterson, Carroll Pursell, Al Stern, Philip Wain, and Charles Winquist), 9 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 1-2

Sessions III-IV (Larry Adams, Noah benShea, Barton Bernstein, M. Gerald Bradford, Walter Capps, Patricia Cohen, Richard Flacks, Mario Garcia, Don Gevirtz, Richard Gillam, David Gold, Peter Goldschmidt, Otis Graham, Philip Hammond, Thomas Hines, Vesta Hutchins, Peter Marin, Leonard Marsak, Donald McDonald, Ralph Peterson, C. Herman Pritchett, Carroll Pursell, Al Stern, Philip Wain, and Charles Winquist), 9 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 3

Mayer, Milton - Interviews Bourdet, Claude, 16 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 4

Bonhoeffer, Walter - Interviewed by Milton Mayer, 16 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 5

California's Constitutional Rights of Privacy (Stanley Anderson, Walter Capps, Robert Gerstein, William Gorman, Donald Kerson, Glen Mowrer, Keir Nash, C. Herman Pritchett, S.W. Ray, Jane Rubin, Thomas Schrock, Steven Shiffrin, Deborah Sills, Leo Snowiss, and James Wood), Tape A-54, 20 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 6

Baden, John A. - Land Use Planning and the Management of Wildlife, 28 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 7

Bainton, Roland - War and Peace, Tape B-54, 23 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 8

McHenry, Donald F. - Prospects for Democracy: The International Dimension, Tape E-54, 31 Oct. 1980

Box 666: 9

Navasky, Victor - Everything You Every Wanted to Know about The Nation but Were Afraid to Ask, Tape G-54, 13 Nov. 1980

Box 666: 10

Varanini, Emilio III - A New Regional Energy Policy: Security of Supply, Tape H-54, 18 Nov. 1980

Box 666: 11

Adams, Larry - The Strengthening of Twentieth Century Liberalism, Tape J-54, 21 Nov. 1980

Box 666: 12

Vidal, Gore - Lecture, Tape C-90, 24 Nov. 1980

Box 666: 13

Hecht, Richard - From Pariah People to Pariah Nation: The Transformation of Modern Anti-Semitism, Tape L-54, 4 Dec. 1980

Box 666: 14

Choper, Jesse H. - Judicial Review and the National Political Process, Tape M-54, 10 Dec. 1980

Box 666: 15

Morris, Edward A. - How Long Should the President Serve? Tape N-54, 12 Dec. 1980

Box 666: 16

Mullison, Wendell - Public Concerns about the Herbicide, 19 Jan. 1981

Box 666: 17

Bernstein, Barton J. - The Prospects and Pitfalls of Biomedical Technology: The Quest for the Artificial Heart, 30 Jan. 1981

Box 666: 18

Russell, Diana - Pornography and Violence against Women, 3 Feb. 1981

Box 666: 19

Maxey, Margaret N. - Energy Policy and Value Conflicts: A Bioethical Perspective, 10 Feb. 1981

Box 666: 20

Edwards, William A. - Aspects of Disorganization in the Study of the Black Family, 11 Feb. 1981

Box 667: 1

Marsak, Leonard - The Short Happy Life in Liberalism: A Historical Moment in Time, 24 Feb. 1981

Box 667: 2

Muller, Robert - Interview by Michael Crandell, 28 Feb. 1981

Box 667: 3

Millett, Kate - Repression from the Right: The Challenge to the Women's Movement, 2 Mar. 1981

Box 667: 4

Rasmussen, Norman - Interview by Michael Crandell, 3 Mar. 1981

Box 667: 5

Dawidowicz, Lucy S. - Thinking about the Holocaust: Its Universality and Its Particularity, 9 Mar. 1981

Box 667: 6

Binchy, Maeve - A Divided Ireland, 12 Mar. 1981

Box 667: 7

Harrison, Michael J. - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 2 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 8

White, Robert - El Salvador: The Current Crisis, 2 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 9

White, Robert - Table Talk, 3 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 10

Capps, Walter H. - The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the Collective Healing Process, 8 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 11

MacEoin, Gary, and Blase Bonpane - Salvador: The Current Crisis, 14 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 12

Wang, Kang - Intellectual Life in China Today, 16 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 13

Kline, David - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 20 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 14

Bernstein, Barton J. - The Prospects and the Pitfalls of Biomedical Technology: The Swine Flu Case, 30 Apr. 1981

Box 667: 15

Suri, Surindar - Turmoil and Stability: A Dialectical Approach to Indian Politics, 14 May 1981

Box 667: 16

Katz, Alfred H. - The Rebirth of Self-Help: A Major Resource in the "Helping Profession," 15 May 1981

Box 667: 17

Binion, Gayle - The Constitution, the Poor, and the Burger Court, 18 May 1981

Box 667: 18

Walker, Lenore E. - Self-Defense for Women in the Criminal Justice System, 26 May 1981

Box 668: 1

Pardo, Arvid - Future Directions in U.S. Marine Policy in the 1980s: Session III, 6 June 1981

Box 668: 2

Potter, William, and Dan Caldwell - Disarmament, Arms Control, and National Security, 9 June 1981

Box 668: 3-4

Rediscovering State Constitutions: Prospects for Civil Liberties in the 1980s, 13 June 1981

Box 668: 5-6

Violence in American Life Conference (Brooke Allison, Albert Bandura, Jane Began, Richard Berk, Gayle Binion, Davis Campbell, Glenn Castlio, Irma Castro, Douglas Cunningham, Lou Cushenberry, Bernard Diamond, Troy Duster, John Edmonds, Richard Farson, Herbert Fingarette, Maclin Fleming, Marily Garber, Marily Gevirtz, Jack Harrington, Karen Humphrey, Lawrence Kessler, John Maher, Michael Marcus, Del Martin, Donald McDonald, James Grier Miller, Jack Newman, Margie Pardo, Robert Price, Stephen Riskin, Stanley Roden, Jack Scott, James Short, Deborah Sills, Robert Stern, John Vasconcellos, and Norma Wright), 24-26 June 1981

Box 668: 7

Journalism as a Profession: The Possibility of Integrity in Public Affairs Reporting (Bernie Bookbinder, Mimi Conway, Leonard Curry, Judy Foreman, Katherine Fulton, Jon Funabiki, John Hamer, James Harper, Barbara Katz, Robert Kelley, Scott Kraft, Marjorie Mandel, Donald McDonald, Arthur Wiese, and Betty Wilson), 26 Aug. 1981

Box 668: 8-14

The Professionalism of Sports and Its Impact on Higher Education (Sam Adams, Denny Crum, Harry Edwards, Norman Ellenberger, Harold Enarson, Judith Holland, Stephen Horn, Donald McDonald, Ken McMullen, James Miller, Maurice Mitchell, Stephen Morgan, Stan Morrison, James Odenkirk, Scott Ostler, Lionel Sobel, and Bill Wall), 10-11 Sept. 1981

Box 668: 15

Miller, James Grier - Summary Law and Behavioral Research, 27 Sept. 1981

Box 669: 1-4

El Salvador and American Foreign Policy (Lauri Becklund, William Bollinger, Raymond Bonner, Roger Burbach, John Bushnell, David Cattell, Michael Crandell, Frank del Olmo, Alexander Drehsler, Richard Flacks, Wayne King, Stephen Low, Donald McDonald, Ralph McGehee, James Miller, Lorena Parlee, Arnoldo Ramos, Lars Schoultz, Murat Williams, and Robert Wilson), 15-16 Oct. 1981

Box 669: 5

Leonard Weinglass - Lecture, 20 Oct. 1981

Box 669: 6-8

Cults and the Constitution (Marsha Addis, James Alle, Gayle Binion, M. Gerald Bradford, John Carleton, Lee Coleman, W. Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Richard Delgado, Herbert Fingarette, David Gold, Jeremiah Gutman, Philip Hammond, Jerry Higgins, William McClellan, Robert McCutchan, Donald McDonald, A. E. Keir Nash, James Richardson, Tom Robbins, Barbara Scharff, Gary Scharff, Paul Schwartz, Charles Sevilla, William Shepherd, L. Norman Skonovd, and Michael Woodruff), 22-23 Oct. 1981

Box 669: 9-10

China, Japan and the U.S. in the 1980s: Security and Trade Dimensions (Caroline Ahmanson, Richard Baum, Michael Crandell, Haruhiro Fukui, Frank Gibney, Robert Gimello, Michael Gordon, Leon Hollerman, Immanuel Hsu, Robert Huttenback, Chalmers Johnson, Alan Lui, K. C. Lui, David Mozingo, Victor Nee, Orville Schell, Albert Seligman, Hallam Shorrock, and Henry Smith), 6 Nov. 1981

Box 669: 11-14

The Business and Ethics of Genetic Engineering (Richard Bolin, M. Gerald Bradford, Robert Byles, Carl Cohen, Michael Crandell, Kenneth Cumming, Donald Fredrickson, Vesta Hutchins, Jonathan Kendall, Seymour Kessler, Komei Larson, Donald McDonald, Robert McKennell, James Miller, Jerome Neu, Anthony Perrino, John Popiden, Michael Shapiro, Robert Sinsheimer, Randolph Wall, and Burleigh Wilkins), 12-13 Nov. 1981

Box 670: 1

The Business and Ethics of Genetic Engineering, 12-13 Nov. 1981

Box 670: 2

Public Affairs, the Media and the Democratic Process - Core Group Planning Session (Robert Ajemian, Burton Benjamin, Ben Bradlee, Mel Elfin, Jim Lehrer, Donald McDonald, Walter Mears, Eugene Patterson, Daniel Schorr, Howard Simons, William Thomas, Seymour Topping, Richard Wald, and Allen Weinstein), 12 Nov. 1981

Box 670: 3

El Salvador Dialogue (Oscar Acevedo, Ricardo Comacho, Alejandro Duarte, Derardo le Chevalier, Hector Oqueli, Julio Prendes, Francisco Quinones, Ricardo Rauda, Salvador Samayoa, and Allen Weinstein), 14 Nov. 1981

Box 670: 4

Allen, Steve - Interview by Donald McDonald, 24 Nov. 1981

Box 670: 5

Public Broadcasting and New Technologies (Jim Berland, M. Gerald Bradford, John Cage, Gail Crotts, Xavier de Buono, Fernando de Rio, Herbert Dordick, Cory Dubin, Annette Fedan, Charles Firestone, Stephen Frantz, James Goodwin, Jane Hall, Tom Hazlett, John Hershberger, Joel Kugelmass, Edward McClarty, Tom McManus, Maruice Mitchell, Frederick Nicholas, Robert Noel, Barbara O'Connor, Bonnie Oliver, Ira Opper, Jay Schenirer, Sandra Simpson, Wally Smith, Armando Valdez, Robert Weber, John Witherspoon, and Donald Wylie), 4 Dec. 1981

Box 670: 6-11

Health Care: Emphasis on Wellness and Treatment of the Whole Person (Lester Breslow, Norman Cousins, Michael Crandell, Joel Elkes, Hoyt Gardner, Milton Greenblatt, Lawrence Hart, Alfred Katz, Virginia Johnson-Masters, William Masters, and James Miller), 10-11 Dec. 1981

Box 670: 12

American Film/American Character (Noah benShea, Richard Comstock, Michael Crandell, Wendy Dozoretz, Ronald Gottesman, Peter Greenburg, Arnold Jaffe, Ronald Koslow, Harry Lawton, Paul Lazarus, Edward Loomis, Torborg Lundell, Michael Renov, Patrizio Rossi, Alexander Sesonske, and Charles Wolfe), 31 Dec. 1981

Box 671: 1

Who Shapes the News and What Difference Does It Make? - A Symposium on the Media Coverage of Blacks (Ken Bunting, James Cleaver, Tony Cox, Gillain Harris, Hyman Johnson, Shirley Kennedy, Otis Madison, Donald McDonald, Kevin McGregor, Pamela Moreland, Valencia Nelson, William Peterson, Robert Reid, Jonathan Rogers, Travis Tatum, and Joan Zuda), 20 Jan. 1982

Box 671: 2

Noel, Robert C. - Micropolis World Affairs Newsbank and Information Network, 22 Jan. 1982

Box 671: 3

Egly, Paul - Desegregation of the Public Schools: The Case of Southern California, 1 Feb. 1982

Box 671: 4-10

Privacy, the Media, and the First Amendment (Floyd Abrams, Gayle Binion, M. Gerald Bradford, Benjamin Bycel, Michael Crandell, Anthony Day, Judith Epstein, David Gold, Jeremiah Gutman, Hans Linde, Berbara Lindemann, Donald McDonald, Arthur Miller, James Miller, Melville Nimmer, Donald Pember, Albert Pickerell, Kjell Samuelson, Jane Scheff, James Shellow, and Donald Zachary), 11-12 Feb. 1982

Box 671: 11

York, Herbert F. - Race toward Oblivion Revisited, 26 Feb. 1982

Box 671: 12

Why Organizations Succeed or Fail, 12 Mar. 1982

Box 671: 13

Prospects for a Peaceful Change in Southern Africa, 1 Apr. 1982

Box 672: 1-3

Prospects for a Peaceful Change in Southern Africa (Gerald Bender, Admassu Bezabeh, M. Gerald Bradford, David Brokensha, John Clingerman, Michael Clough, John Doliveira, William Foltz, Clyde Halisi, Robert Huttenback, Colin Legum, Arend Lijphart, Stephen Low, Donald McDonald, Donald McHenry, Edwin Munger, Carl Roseberg, Robert Rotberg, Richard Sklar, John de St. Jorre, Elizabeth Thompson, and Norman Tyre), 1 Apr. 1982

Box 672: 4-5

Miller, Arthur S. - The American Political Economy, 13 Apr. 1982

Box 672: 6-11

Bohannon, Paul J. - The Next Generation, 13-14 May 1982

Box 672: 12

Kauffman, Linda - The Scold of the Young Scholar: Humanities and Inhumanities in Higher Education, 12 July 1982

Box 672: 13

Fowler, Gerald T. - Britain's Open University: Progress, Problems, and Prospects, 29 July 1982

Box 672: 14

Fingarette, Herbert - Interview by Donald McDonald, 20 Aug. 1982

Box 672: 15

Janeway, Elizabeth - Women in America: An Instructive Experience, 8 Nov. 1982

Box 672: 16

Scoville, Herbert, Jr. - The Prospects for Arms Reduction and Disarmament, 16 Nov. 1982

Box 673: 1

Maher, John - Reclamation and Rehabilitation: The Limits of Self-Help in the Community, 1 Dec. 1982

Box 673: 2

Schaar, John - A Redefinition of 'The Public Realm' in a Technological Society, 10 Dec. 1982

Box 673: 3

Bethe, Hans - The Intellectual and Ethical Responsibilities of Today's Society, 20 Jan. 1983

Box 673: 4

May, Rollo - Myth and Psychological Integration, 2 Feb. 1983

Box 673: 5

Cousins, Norman - The Saturday Review - Postmortem of a Magazine... and a Culture, 7 Feb. 1983

Box 673: 6

Molotch, Harvey - American Jews and the State of Israel, 25 Feb. 1983

Box 673: 7

Zeitlin, Maurice - Democratic Investment: An Alternative Program for Economic Recovery, 11 Mar. 1983

Box 673: 8

Mayer, Milton - A World without War, 6 Apr. 1983

Box 673: 9

Rorty, Richard - What Are Philosophers For? 21 Apr. 1983

Box 673: 10

Nader, Laura - Resolving Disputes: Is There a Better Way? 29 Apr. 1983

Box 673: 11

Adler, Mortimer - Public Schooling in America: An Argument for Radical Reform, 9 May 1983

Box 673: 12

Williams, Bernard - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 20 May 1983

Box 673: 13

King, Alexander - Interviewed by Milton Mayer, Aug. 1983

Box 673: 14

von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Eric - Interviewed by Milton Mayer, 6 Sept. 1983

Box 673: 15

Inkeles, Alex - Continuity and Change in the American National Character, 15 Sept. 1983

Box 673: 16

Delgado, Richard - The Moralist as Expert Witness - Aid or Obstacle in the Administration of Justice? 22 Sept. 1983

Box 674: 1-6

Conference on Human Rights and American Foreign Policy: A Search for Consensus (Lord Avebury, Kojo Bentsi-Enchill, M. Gerald Bradford, W. Scott Burke, Asbjorn Eide, John Ernest, Tom Farer, Donald Fraser, Arthur Goldberg, Lawrence Hargrove, Virginia Held, David Hinkley, Robert Huttenback, Robert Johansen, George Kieffer, Bert Lockwood, Lowell Livezey, George McAlmon, Donald McDonald, Karl Meyer, Frank Newman, Donald Ranard, Dinah Shelton, Henry Shue, David Sidorsky, Robert Sogge, Richard Ullman, Sandy Vogelgesang, Lauri Wiseberg, and Marilyn Zak), 26-27 Oct. 1983

Box 674: 7

Graber, Gerry - Eichmann Revisited: Some Important Lessons for Democracy, 10 Nov. 1983

Box 674: 8-9

Gould, William B. - The Rights of Individual Workers, 17 Nov. 1983

Box 674: 10

Rosenthal, Alan - Is the Legislature an Endangered Situation? 5 Dec. 1983

Box 674: 12

Michaelson, Robert - The U.S. Government, the American Indian, and Religious Freedom, 7 Dec. 1983

Box 674: 13

Magleby, David - The Initiative as Direct Democracy: Can We Afford It? 16 Dec. 1983

Box 675: 1

St. John-Sevas, Norman - Imperialism, 20 Jan. 1984

Box 675: 2

Lovins, Armory B., L. Hunter Lovins, and Paul Sweet - Institutional Implications of New Energy Opportunities, 27 Jan. 1984

Box 675: 3

Weinstein, Allen - Talk at Channel City Club, 2 Feb. 1983

Box 675: 4

Sweet, Paul - Conflicts and Anomalies in the Development of American National Character, 10 Feb. 1984

Box 675: 5

Kieffer, George David, Arthur A. Cohen, and Dorothy Knoell - The Mission of Community Colleges, 14 Mar. 1984

Box 675: 6

Breakfast Meeting: Brazilian Senators and Washington, D.C. Business Representatives (Brazilian Senators Alberto, Goncalves, Gueiros, Lobo, and Soares), 22 Mar. 1984

Box 675: 7-8

Barnes, Michael D., L. Craig Johnstone, and Allen Weinstein - Prospects for Democracy in Central America: Problems and Options, 16 Apr. 1984

Box 675: 9

A Dinner Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education (Harry Ashmore, Tom Bradley, George Kieffer, E. G. Marshall, Constance Motley, Algie Rousseau, and Allen Weinstein), 10 May 1984

Box 675: 10

Weinstein, Allen, Linda Chavez, and Jack Greenberg - Civil Rights Today - Definitions and Solutions, 11 May 1984

Box 676: 1-2

Weinstein, Allen, Morton H. Halperin, and John Norton Moore - Civil Liberties and National Security, 21 May 1984

Box 676: 3

Reception for Presentation of Resolution of California State Legislature (Gary Hart, Robert Huttenback, George Kieffer, Jack O'Connell, and Allen Weinstein), 1 Aug. 1984

Box 676: 4

Johnson, Gordon, and Don L. Gevirtz - Entrepreneurship and the Dilemma of Small Business in America, 25 Sept. 1984

Box 676: 5

Washington, D.C. Center Club Luncheon (Frank Fahrenkopf, [?] Gra, Peter Kelly, Frank Lawyer, Leonard Marks, and Allen Weinstein), 1 Oct. 1984

Box 676: 6

Ortega, Daniel - Meeting, Los Angeles, 6 Oct. 1984

Box 676: 7

Medzini, Meron - Jerusalem, 10 Oct. 1984

Box 676: 8

Brock, William E., III - Los Angeles Center Club Meeting, 11 Oct. 1984

Box 676: 9

Dalai Lama XIV and Allen Weinstein - The Pursuit of Science and the Quest for Peace, 26 Oct. 1984

Box 676: 10-11

Litani, Yehudah, Richard Hecht, and Roger Friedland - Jewish-Arab Relations from the First World War until the Present, 5 Nov. 1984


Pacem in Terris (PIT) V

Box 676: 12

First Day - Morning Session (Leslie Gelb, Timothy Healy, Edward Rowny, Jeremy Stone, Brian Urquhart, Allen Weinstein, R. James Woolsey, and Herbert York), 8 Nov. 1984

Box 677: 1

Second Day - Morning Session (Mary Bitterman, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Jonathan Kwinty, Melvin Lasky, Robert Lieber, Jeff Wallin, Allen Weinstein, and Herbert York), 9 Nov. 1984

Box 677: 2

Lowi, Theodore J. - The Future of Liberalism, 23 Jan. 1985

Box 677: 3

Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting, 24 Jan. 1985

Box 677: 4-6

Public Information, Government and the Media (David Barber and Donald McDonald), 8-9 Feb. 1985

Box 677: 7

Hutchinson, William - Does Liberal Pretestantism Have an American Future? 8 Mar. 1985

Box 677: 8

Huerta, Dolores - Leadership and Popular Movements: The View Experience, 12 Mar. 1985

Box 677: 9

Gunter, Gerald - Congressional Power to Curtail Federal Court Jurisdiction, 5 Apr. 1985

Box 677: 10

Freedom and Order: The Legality and Propriety of School Searches (Gayle Binion, Margaret Connell, Sue Ehrlich, William Jackson, Edwin Laing, Peter Marin, Donald McDonald, Paul McDonald, Ed Pritchard, Ida Rickborn, and David Thomas), 30 Apr. 1985

Box 678: 1

Diggins, John P. - Virtue, Self-Interest and American Politics, 23 Apr. 1985


Jerusalem Dialogue: The Role of Religion in Palestinian and Israeli Nationalism, 27 May 1985

Box 678: 2

Sesson I: Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava, David C. Rapaport, and David Biale - The Sanctity of Jerusalem in Islam

Box 678: 3

Session II: Rapaport, David C. - The Religious Uses of Violence

Box 678: 4

Session III: Biale, David - Jewish Messianic Traditions and the Origins of Gush Emunim

Box 678: 5

Rose, Peter - Mortality, Politics and Refugee Policy, 29 May 1985

Box 678: 6-7

Small Business and the Problem of Capital Formation (Philip R. Brinkerhoff and Milton D. Stewart), 31 May 1985

Box 678: 8-9

Frageili, Jose - The Future of Democracy in Brazil, 24-25 July 1985

Box 678: 10

Covering the White House (Beth Anson, Laurence Barrett, Gerald Boyd, Lou Cannon, Donald McDonald, Paul McDonald, Andrea Mitchell, W. Dale Nelson, William Plante, Karen Tumulty, Jeffrey Wallin, and Sylvester Weaver), 26 Aug. 1985

Box 678: 11

Rains, Omer - Legal Services for the Poor, 26 Sept. 1985

Box 679: 1

Gould, William B., and Jeffrey D. Wallin - The Future of American Labor, 7 Oct. 1985

Box 679: 2

Bardach, Eugene, and Donald McDonald - Regulatory Agencies and the Social Responsibility of Government, 17 Oct. 1985

Box 679: 3

Marmorstei, Jerome - Tobacco Politics and the Cancer Epidemic in America, 24 Oct. 1985

Box 679: 4

Turner, Stansfield - The Problem of Secrecy in a Democratic Society, 5 Nov. 1985

Box 679: 5

Choper, Jesse - Enlarging the Legal Education: The Boalt Hall Experience, 13 Nov. 1985

Box 679: 6

Appleby, Joyce - The Republican Roots of the American Constitutional Order (also: Liberty and Equality: Theory and Practice in American Political Life), 11 Feb. 1985

Box 679: 7

Jaffe, Harry V. - The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, 12 Feb. 1986

Box 680: 1

Commager, Henry Steele - The Constitution and the American Character, 12-13 Feb. 1986

Box 680: 2

Anastaplo, George - Interview by Donald McDonald, 21 Feb. 1986

Box 680: 3

Mansfield, Harvey C., Jr. - The Constitution and the New Science of Politics, 21 Feb. 1986

Box 680: 4

Freire, Paulo - Interview by Donald McDonald, 11 Mar. 1986

Box 680: 5

Berrigan, Daniel - Interview by Paul McDonald, 14 Mar. 1986

Box 680: 6

Bellah, Robert N. - Social Science, Public Philosophy and Political Discourse in America, 27 Mar. 1986

Box 680: 7

Burns, James MacGregor - 'Deadlock of Democracy' Revisited, 18 Apr. 1986

Box 680: 8

Fuentes, Carlos - The Political Crisis of Latin America, 13 May 1986

Box 680: 9

Selznick, Philip - The Idea of a Communitarian Morality, 20 May 1986

Box 681: 1

Marin, Peter - Santa Barbara and Its Homeless People: An Exploration of the Limits of Responsibility, 5 June 1986

Box 681: 2

Homeless Table Talk with Donald McDonald (Robert Rosenthal and Sheila Lodge), 7 July 1986

Box 681: 3

Care for the Homeless in Santa Barbara (Diane Bondietti, Jane Haggstrom, Alice Hasler, John Jamieson, Donald McDonald, Paul McDonald, Denver Mills, Jack Phillips, Pat Salcedo, Arnie Schildaus, Rosemary Varesio, Jeffrey Wallin, Helen Wells, and Ken Williams), 8 July 1986

Box 681: 4

Norman, Liane - Interview by Donald McDonald, 7 Aug. 1986

Box 681: 5

Kaufman, Edy, and Elias Tuma - Jerusalem Dialogue, 12 Sept. 1986

Box 681: 6

Diamond, Stanley, and Arnold Torres - English Only: Door or Wall? 8 Oct. 1986

Box 681: 7

Kull, Steven - The Role of Perception in Arms Racing, 29 Oct. 1986

Box 681: 8

Farrow, Harold R., and Charles Firestone - The Preferred Case, 19 Nov. 1986

Box 682: 1

Firestone, Charles, and Harold R. Farrow - Cable Television and Municipal Franchising, 19 Nov. 1986

Box 682: 2

Fisher, Sethard - American Blacks, Marxism and the Quest for Equality, 24 Nov. 1986

Box 682: 3

Carey, James M. - Journalism and Criticism, 6 Dec. 1986

Box 682: 4

Carey, James M. - Media and Public Discourse, 6 Dec. 1986

Box 682: 5

Thomas, Clarence, and Virna Canson - Civil Rights and Affirmative Action, 12 Jan. 1987

Box 682: 6

Falk, Richard - Reinventing Democracy in the Nuclear Age, 20 Jan. 1987

Box 682: 7

Reich, Charles - The Liberal Odyssey, 1930-1980, 12 Feb. 1987

Box 682: 8-10

Strategic Defense Initiative, Arms Control and the Possibility of Disarmament (Gerold Yonas, F. A. Long, and Max Hunter), 6-7 Mar. 1987

Box 683: 1-2

Strategic Defense Initiative, Arms Control and the Possibility of Disarmament (Gerold Yonas, F. A. Long, Max Hunter, and Richard L. Garwin), 6-7 Mar. 1987

Box 683: 3

Symposium on Non-Violence in the Middle East (John Ernest), 9 Apr. 1987

Box 683: 4

Neely, Mark E., Jr. - Lincoln and the New Birth of Freedom, 10 Apr. 1987

Box 683: 5

Burns, James MacGregor - Structural Reform of the Presidency, 14 Apr. 1987

Box 683: 6

Belz, Herman - The Impact of the Civil War on Civil Rights, 17 Apr. 1987

Box 683: 7

Murphy, Walter - Equality and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, 24 Apr. 1987

Box 683: 8

Fox, Richard W. - The Liberal Ethic and the Spirit of Protestantism, 20 May 1987


Editorial Office, 1971-1984

Additional Note

Mostly agenda, dialogues, memos, papers, taping notes, and some transcripts, arranged chronologically. For related files see COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM - TAPES - Transcripts (M18-0304).
Box 684: 1

Richman, Barry M. - The Corporation and the Quality of Life, 6 Aug. 1971

Box 684: 2

Conference on the Corporation and the Quality of Life, 27 Sept-1 Oct. 1971

Box 684: 3

Richman, Barry M. - The Quality and Effectiveness of Working Life - Human Needs vs. Formal Organizations, 23 Sept. 1971

Box 684: 4

Conference on the Pre-Industrial Social Order and the Use of Computer Simulation, 29 Oct-3 Nov. 1971

Box 684: 5

Neal, Fred Warner - Charting a New Foreign Policy for the United States, 16 Nov. 1971

Box 684: 6

Neal, Fred Warner - The Foreign Policy Study Project Proposal, 17 Nov. 1971

Box 684: 7

Rosen, Robert - The Polarity between Structure and Function, 22 Nov. 1971

Box 684: 8

Wilkinson, John - Comments and Replies on the Symposium on the Pre-Industrial City, 24 Nov. 1971

Box 684: 9

Mason, Richard. O. - Beyond Benefit - Cost Analysis, 1 Dec. 1971

Box 684: 10

Mason, Richard O. - An Earth Resource Debate, 1 Dec. 1971

Box 684: 11

Rock, William Pennel - Can the Parthenon Stand? 21 Dec. 1971

Box 684: 12

Tugwell, Rexford G. - On Bringing Presidents to Heel, 21 Dec. 1971

Box 684: 13

Novak, Michael - Conscience in Politics - Carrying on the Work of Reinhold Niebuhr, 10 Jan. 1972

Box 684: 14

Wheeler, Harvey - Pioneering a Technological Assessment of a Technology Directed toward the Social Sciences, 12 Jan. 1972

Box 684: 15

Zadeh, L. A. - Theoretic View of Behavior Modification, 17-19 Jan. 1972

Box 684: 16

Post, Richard S. - Creating Corporate Freedom for Action through Security, 24 Jan. 1972

Box 684: 17

Niblett, Roy - On the Survival of Higher Education, 28 Jan. 1972

Box 684: 18

Novik, David - Decision Making in the Department of Defense, 7 Feb. 1972

Box 684: 19

Downs, Hugh - Communication, 11 Feb. 1972

Box 684: 20

Conference on the Second Development Decade, 13 Feb. 1972

Box 684: 21

McHenry, Dean E. - The Master Plan for Higher Education after Eleven Years, 3 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 22

Neal, Fred Warner - American Foreign Policy at the Crossroads - The Soviet Union and Europe, 13 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 23

Wheeler, Harvey - Important New Factors in U.S. Foreign Policy, 13-17 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 24

Rotenstreich, Nathan - On Confidence, 22 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 25

Riecken, Henry W. - Social Science in Experimenting, 23 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 26

Norman, Lianne - Selective Conscientious Objection, 29 Mar. 1972

Box 684: 27

Lin, Paul T. K. - Developments within China, 30 Mar. 1972

Box 685: 1

McDonald, Donald - The Liberation of Women, 3 Apr. 1972

Box 685: 2

Brauer, Jerald C. - Changing Perspectives on Religion in America, 5 Apr. 1972

Box 685: 3-4

Conference on Technology, Development, and Value (Honolulu, Hawaii), 10-12 Apr. 1972

Box 685: 5

New York Convocation, 4 May 1972

Box 685: 6

Weismiller, Francis P. - The Guru Ratio, 8 May 1972

Box 685: 7

York, Herbert Frank - Disarmament (MIRV), 9 May 1972

Box 685: 8

Post, Richard F. - Fusion Power, 10 May 1972

Box 685: 9

York, Herbert Frank - Arms Control, 12 May 1972

Box 685: 10

Rosen, Robert - Planning, Management, Policies and Strategies - Four Fuzzy Concepts, 16 May 1972

Box 685: 11

Segal, Ronald - The Politics of Health, 22 May 1972


Social Futures Relating to Health Care, 22-24 May 1972

Box 685: 12

Wheeler, Harvey - The Morbid Society

Box 685: 13

Background Materials

Box 685: 14

Wheeler, Harvey, and Rick Carlson - The Pursuit of Well Being

Box 685: 15

Morris, Norval - Interview by Bernard Norris, 25 May 1972

Box 685: 16

Morris, Norval - Notes toward a Conference on the Criminal Justice System, 25 May 1972

Box 685: 17

Loewenberg, Peter - The Inner and Outer World of Academic Man, 9 June and 12 June 1972

Box 685: 18

Danielli, Mary and James F. - The Quality of Life and the Values of a Civil Society (Conference: Is Technology on Trial or Is Man on Trial?), 12 June 1972

Box 685: 19

Danielli, James F. - The Artificial Synthesis of New Life Forms in Relation to Social and Industrial Evolution, 13 June 1972

Box 685: 20

Muhlfeld, Frank J. - EXCEL Program, 14 June 1972

Box 686: 1

Mosher, Frederick C. - The Federalist, 1976, 22 June 1972

Box 686: 2

Phillips, Gifford - Is American Art Elitist? 28 June 1972

Box 686: 3

Neal, Fred Warner - Mr. Nixon Declares for Coexistence - An Analysis of American Policy and the Moscow Summit, 29 June 1972

Box 686: 4

Schaff, Adam - Possibilities and Conditions for European Cooperation in the Field, 30 June 1972

Box 686: 5

Lichtman, Richard - Thesis on the Nature of Evolution, Revolution and Their Possibility (Conference: Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States), 7 July 1972

Box 686: 6

Conference: Prospects for Revolutionary Convergence in the United States, 10-12 July 1972

Box 686: 7

Garaudy, Roger - To Invest the Future: What Sort of Organization and Conception of Work? (July Meetings on Evolution versus Revolution), 12 July 1972

Box 686: 8

Wheeler, Harvey - Revolutionary Imperative, 26 July 1972

Box 686: 9

Wattel, Harold L. - The Taxation of Armaments - A Proposal to Foster Arms Reduction, 21 Aug. 1972

Box 686: 10

Turgeon, Lynn - Diary of the Chinese People's Republic and the Political Economy of Reparations, 5 Sept. 1972

Box 686: 11

Wilkinson, John - Retrospective Futurology - A Dialogue of Civilization, 25 Sept. 1972

Box 686: 12

von Simson, Piers - The Abolition of Judge's Rules and the Threat of Due Process in Britain, 26 Sept. 1972

Box 686: 13

von Simson, Piers - Civil Rights in Great Britain, 26 Sept. 1972

Box 686: 14

Tugwell, Rexford G. - The Emerging Constitution, 13 Oct. 1972

Box 686: 15

McClintock, Robert - The Perfect Pedeia or Study in a Humane Community, 16 Oct. 1972

Box 686: 16

Wilkinson, John - Values in Large Systems, 18 Oct. 1972

Box 686: 17

Pierages, Dennis - Ark II: Chapter One, 24 Oct. 1972

Box 686: 18

Pierages, Dennis - Ark II: Chapter Four, 25 Oct. 1972

Box 686: 19

Shera, Jesse H. - Toward a Theory of Librarianship and Information Science, 1 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 20

Revel, Jean Francois - How Intellectual Fashions Operate, 3 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 21

Paglietti, Adriano - Brief Outlines on the World Community, 8 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 22

Witke, Roxanne - Revolutionary Women in China: Reflections on Three Generations, 21 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 23

Ritchie-Calder - The Role of Modern Science and Technology in the Development of Nations - Parts I and II, 27 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 24

Sisson, Dan - The Idea of Revolution, 30 Nov. 1972

Box 686: 25

Nef, John Ulric - The Passion for Rapid Growth: Its Historical Origins and Consequences, 6 Dec. 1972

Box 686: 26

Jessup, Judge Phillip C. - Interview by Donald McDonald, 8 Dec. 1972

Box 687: 1

Stone, Jeremy J. - The Proper Role of Scientists in Society, 11 Dec. 1972

Box 687: 2

Richman, Barry - China since the Cultural Revolution, 18 Dec. 1972

Box 687: 3

Wright, Michael Franc - Gobineau: Alive and Well in the Promised Land, 29 Dec. 1972

Box 687: 4

Adizes, Ichak - The Role of Art in the Post-Industrial Society, 2 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 5-6

McCarthy, Eugene J. - The Personalization of Presidential Powers, 3 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 7

McCarthy, Eugene J. - The Future of the Party, 4 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 8

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Model Constitution - Toward Version 39, 12 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 9

Nader, Laura - Small Claims/Big Claims, 15 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 10

Segal, Ronald - Race War in Africa, 17 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 11

Steinberg, H. Arthur - Government-Business Relations: A New Approach, 19 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 12

Garaudy, Roger - Science, Art, and Notes on the Contribution of African Culture..., 23 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 13

Vasconcellos, John - A Perspective on Higher Education, 29 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 14

Traynor, Roger - Cottage Interview, 31 Jan. 1973

Box 687: 15

Romney, George - The Concerned Citizen, 2 Feb. 1973

Box 687: 16

Segal, Ronald - Arab Society and the 'Middle' Theology, 7 Feb. 1973

Box 687: 17

Hewes, Laurence - Social Change and the New Agricultural Technology in the Developing Countries, 12 Feb. 1973

Box 687: 18

Hewes, Laurence - Political and Administrative Aspects of Rural Development, 13 Feb. 1973

Box 687: 19

Goldstücker, Eduard - The Young in the 1930s and 1960s, 14 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 1

Romney, George - The Concerned Citizens' Movement, 15 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 2

Macy, John W., Jr. - Broadcasting and Government, 16 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 3

Adizes, Ichak - The Cost of Being an Artist, 20 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 4

Podgorecki, Adam - Social Engineering, 22 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 5

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - The Impact of Energy Policies and New Energy Sources, 27 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 6

Segal, Ronald - The Israeli Dilemma, 28 Feb. 1973

Box 688: 7

Albritton, James S. - The Neo-Romantic Phenomenon, 6 Mar. 1973

Box 688: 8

Segal, Ronald - A Matter of Money and Inflation, 7 Mar. 1973

Box 688: 9

Rieff, Philip - Toward the Limits of Human Potential and Its Various Movements, 9 Mar. 1973

Box 688: 10

Mordy, Wendell - The Culture of Science, 16 Mar. 1973

Box 688: 11

Hutchins, Robert M. - The Public Interest in Education: Toward a Policy for the U.S., 19 Mar. 1973

Box 688: 12

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - A Chamber of Scrutiny, 5 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 13

Steiner, George - The Writer as Remembrancer: A Note on Poetics, 9 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 14

Lamott, Kenneth - Prison Reform: Bankruptcy Again? 16 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 15

Jordan, Borimir - Some Aspects of Greek Constitutional Development, 17 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 16

Jacoby, Neil H. - American Social Change and the Challenge of Capitalism, 24 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 17

Foursenko, Alexander - History and Propaganda: Soviet Image of the American Past, 20 Apr. 1973

Box 688: 18

Masserman, Jules H. - Role of Uncertainty in Human Behavior, 3 May 1973

Box 688: 19

Energy Policies and International System (Lewis Alexander, Elisabeth Borgese, Maxwell Bruce, John Craven, K. Emery, B. Feld, Norton Ginsburg, William Heronemus, B. Hughes, E. Janssens, David Krieger, Alva Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Arvid Pardo, Jacques Piccard, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Ronald Segal, Frank Tugwell, Keith Walton, John Wilkinson, and Elizabeth Young), 12 May 1973

Box 688: 20

Mates, Leo - Nonalignment in a Multinodal World, 15 May 1973

Box 689: 1

Kerr, Clark - Papers on Education, 17 May 1973

Box 689: 2

Hewes, Laurence - Natural Resources, 18 May 1973

Box 689: 3

Rosen, Robert - On the Identification of User Groups for Socio-Economic Control Models, 23 May 1973

Box 689: 4

Salk, Jonas - Survival of the Wisest, 25 May 1973

Box 689: 5

Haber, Bernard D. - Export of Technology, 29 May 1973

Box 689: 6

Osborn, James - Managua: Earthquake and Response, 31 May 1973

Box 689: 7

Goldstücker, Eduard - On Politics, Truth, and the Intellectual, 5 June 1973

Box 689: 8

Peterson, Russell W. - The Third Century Commission, 7 June 1973

Box 689: 9

Mordy, Wendell - All Science Is Applied Science, 15 June 1973

Box 689: 10

Darin-Drabkin, H. - Urban Land Policies for the Future, 18 June 1973

Box 689: 11

Cogley, James - MacGruder and Coffin..., 19 June 1973

Box 689: 12

Cronin, Thomas, and John Wilkinson - The Meanings of the City, 20 June 1973

Box 689: 13

Hodgson, James D. - Shifting Economic and Political Posture of American Unions, 22 June 1973

Box 689: 14

Cleveland, Harlan - Sketches from "The Future Executive," 27 June 1973

Box 689: 15

Carlson, Rick, Thomas E. Cronin, and Norton Ginsburg - Three Enquiries into Democratic Institutions and Public Interest, 1 July 1973

Box 689: 16

Neumann, Robert G. - View from Afghanistan, 2 July 1973

Box 689: 17

Robbins, Louis P. - The Duties and Responsibilities of the Principal Assistant Corporation Council, District of Columbia, 10 July 1973

Box 689: 18

Butts, R. Freeman - The Uncompleted Dream: The Public School as a Great Idea, 1 Aug. 1973

Box 689: 19

Garrett, Stephen A. - The Arab and the World Reflections after Munich, 7 Aug. 1973

Box 689: 20

Schwab, Joseph - "Global" and "System," 13 Aug. 1973

Box 689: 21

Rosenau, James N. - Coming Transformation of America: Resistant or Accommodative? 15 Aug. 1973

Box 689: 22

Fox, Seymour - Theory into Practice (in Education), 17 Aug. 1973

Box 689: 23

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Disarmament and Development: The International Management of Transitional Dual-Purpose Resources and Technologies, 24 Aug. 1973

Box 690: 1

Miller, Arnold - The Labor Union in a Rapidly Changing Society, 27 Aug. 1973

Box 690: 2

McClain, Ernest G. - Plato's Four Model Cities: A Pythagorean Hypothesis, 28 Aug. 1973

Box 690: 3

Bennett, Douglas J. - Chance to Save Congress, 7 Sept. 1973

Box 690: 4

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - Interview by Milton Mayer, 1-4 Oct. 1973

Box 690: 5

Schwab, Joseph - A Least Doctrinal Flame for Cross-Cultural Study of Personal Relations, 24 Oct. 1973

Box 690: 6

Carlson, Rick J. - The First Amendment and Broadcasting: Examination of the 'Rights,' 25 Oct. 1973

Box 690: 7-8

McCall, Tom - Vanishing America, 29 Oct. 1973

Box 690: 9

Fisher, Louis - Confidential and Secret Funds: Dark Corners of the Federal Budget, 5 Nov. 1973

Box 690: 10

Haft, Louis Cohn - Classical Influence on the Making of the American Constitution, 13 Nov. 1973

Box 690: 11

Global Science Policy Conference (Lord Ritchie-Calder), 19 Nov. 1973

Box 690: 12

Goodman, Richard - Civil Jury, 26 Nov. 1973

Box 690: 13

Miller, Arnold - Labor Union in a Rapidly Changing Society, 4 Dec. 1973

Box 690: 14

Brucan, Silviu - Ideology and International Dialogue, 17 Dec. 1973

Box 690: 15

Clecak, Pete - Dilemma of the American Left, 18 Dec. 1973

Box 690: 16

Kipling, Richard - Fascism: Myths and Possibilities, 21 Dec. 1973

Box 690: 17

Antonow, Joseph - The State of the Democratic Process, 28 Sept. 1974

Box 690: 18

Delimitation of Groups of Least Developed Nations on the Basis of Socio-Economic Political and Environmental Data, Nov. 1974

Box 690: 19

Ashmore, Harry S. - The Organization of Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, 24 Jan. 1975

Box 690: 20

Yaes, Robert J. - Physics from Another Perspective - A Cynical Overview, 3 Feb. 1975

Box 690: 21

Moos, Malcolm - To Halt the March of Autocratic Power, 10 Feb. 1975

Box 690: 22

Wheeler, Harvey - Constitutionalization III, 11 Feb. 1975

Box 690: 23

Pestel, Eduard - The Simulation of World Systems (Library Conversation with Wendell Mordy and John McLeod), 10 Mar. 1975

Box 690: 24

Tannenbaum, Stanley - The Lower Learning in America, 18 Mar. 1975

Box 690: 25

Carter, James - The Presidency, 20 Mar. 1975


Conference on Developing Science Policy

Box 690: 26

The Case of Weather-Climate Modification, 27 Mar. 1975

Box 690: 27

Weather-Climate Alterations, 28 Mar. 1975

Box 691: 1

Pierce, John - The Future of Communications, 31 Mar. 1975

Box 691: 2

Hamilton, Harold J. - The Evolution of Societal Systems, 8 Apr. 1975

Box 691: 3

Acland, Richard - The Church Is Now the Enemy, 1 May 1975

Box 691: 4

Comfort, Alexander - Homuncular Vision and the Rational (Symposium on Social Structures and Rational Policies), 1 May 1975

Box 691: 5

Wheeler, Harvey - The Structure of Politics, 2 May 1975

Box 691: 6

Proposed Criminal Justice Code (S-1) to Come under Center Scrutiny, 9 July 1975

Box 691: 7

Wilkinson, Frank - The Fragile State of Our Bill of Rights, 14 July 1975

Box 691: 8

Conference on the Individual and the Community (Milton Mayer, Harold Kaplan, and Joseph P. Lyford), 23 July 1975

Box 691: 9

Lyford, Joseph P. - The Second American Civil War, 23 July 1975

Box 691: 10

Mayer, Milton - Who Needs Community? 23 July 1975

Box 691: 11

Gibney, Frank - Harmony vs. Justice: The Western Ideals of Abstract Justice Contrasted to the Overriding Instinct for Accommodation in Japanese Society, 31 July 1975

Box 691: 12

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The Contemporary Emergence of Planning in the United States, 5 Aug. 1975

Box 691: 13

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Critical Appraisal of the Humphrey-Javits Planning Bill, 14 Aug. 1975

Box 691: 14

Conference on Electoral Reform, 19 Aug. 1975

Box 691: 15

McCarthy, Eugene - Interview by Wendell Mordy, 19 Aug. 1975

Box 692: 1

Anderson, Stanley V. - Prisons and Ombudsmen: The Pattern in Scandinavia and New Zealand, 22 Aug. 1975

Box 692: 2

McDonald, Donald - Media Ownership and the Problem of Access (Conference on Broadcasting and the First Amendment), 28 Aug. 1975

Box 692: 3

Conversation between Eric Sevareid and Robert M. Hutchins, 31 Aug. 1975

Box 692: 4

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - Socialism to the Rescue of Capitalism, 3 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 5

Mordy, Wendell A. - The Culture of Science: Growing Ethical Concerns, 5 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 6

Publications (Wingspread Conference on the Problems of the Least Developed Countries), 10 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 7

Ashmore, Harry S. - Is Journalism a Profession? 12 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 8-9

Schwab, Joseph - Consensus-Dissensus and the Schools, 16 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 10

Haber, Bernard D. - The Worldwide Proliferation of Conventional Weapons, 18 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 11

Adler, Mortimer J. - The Idea of Equality, 22-23 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 12

Adler, Mortimer J. - Outline of Points to Be Covered in the Presentation on Theory in Equality, 22-23 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 13

Hutchins, Robert M. - The Environment and the Right to Housing: An Introduction to the Legal Arguments, 26 Sept. 1975

Box 692: 14

Tugwell, Rexford G. - The Implied Powers: The Comprising of the Constitution, 1 Oct. 1975

Box 692: 15

McDonald, Donald - Government and the Media, 15 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 1

Lippit, Victor D. - Japanese Planning and Its Implications for the United States, 16 Oct. 1975


Wingspread Conference on the Problems of the Least Developed Countries, 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 2

Berry, Leonard - Environmental Information for Development: An Alternative Approach

Box 693: 3

Goulet, Denis - World Solidarity: Its Moral Basis

Box 693: 4

Haraldson, Sixten - Alternative Approaches to Health Services for the Least Developed Countries

Box 693: 5

Haraldson, Sixten - Appraisal of Health Problems and Definition of Priorities in Health Planning

Box 693: 6

Helleiner, G. K. - Devil Take the Hindmost: The Least-Developed in the International Economic

Box 693: 7

Kates, Robert W. - Natural Disasters and Development

Box 693: 8

Mujwahuzi, M. R. - Is Popular Participation a Viable Alternative? The Case of Rural Water Supply in Tanzania

Box 693: 9

Powelson, John P. - Income Distribution within the Developing Countries

Box 693: 10

Seidman, Ann - Alternatives for Regional Economic Integration

Box 693: 11

Szentes, Tamas - Least Development in the Theory and Context of Underdevelopment

Box 693: 12

The 25 Least Developed Countries: New Forms of International Co-Operation

Box 693: 13

The Poorest of the Poor

Box 693: 14

Pentz, Walter B. - Politics and Public Higher Education: A Comparative Approach, 27 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 15

Conference on Electoral Reform [press release], 30 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 16

Richman, Barry - Resources and Industrial Development of Modern China, 30 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 17

Schwab, Joseph - English Education and the Open University, 31 Oct. 1975

Box 693: 18

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - Para-Military and Guerilla Arms, 4 Nov. 1975

Box 693: 19

Wilcox, Harold A. - The Ocean Food and Energy Farm Project, 6 Nov. 1975

Box 693: 20

Conference on Where Shall We Live? (William Vincent Shannon, Jenny Perry, Douglas Robertson, Robert Lindsey, David S. Broder, Robert Maynard Hutchins, William L. C. Wheaton, Bernard Weissbourd, and Norton Ginsburg), 7-8 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 1-2

Conference on Where Shall We Live? (Harold C. Fleming, Arhur J. Levin, and Herbert M. Franklin), 7-8 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 3

Gorman, William - Human Equality, 11 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 4

McAllister, John T., Jr. - Technology Assessment and the Emergence of a New Profession, 17 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 5

Friedman, John - Man-in-Society and Images of the Good Society, 24 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 6-7

Thompson, William Irwin - Mysticism vs. Mechanism in the Evolution of World Order, 25 Nov. 1975

Box 694: 8

National Health Insurance and Children Dialogue, 26 Nov. 1975


Marmor, Theodore R. - National Health Politics and the Implications for Children


Fisher, Peter - A Rational Proposal for a System of National Health Insurance


Marmor, Theodore R., Donald Wittman, and Thomas Heagy - The Politics of Medical Inflation


Marmor, Theodore R., and Edward Tenner - National Health Insurance: Canada's Path, America's Choices

Box 694: 9

Forman, Jim - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 694: 10

Aspin, Les - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 694: 11

Johnson, Nicholas - Interview by Donald McDonald, 4 Dec. 1975

Box 694: 12

Urban, George R. - Détente and the Moral Factor (with Ernest Conine - Détente: The U.S. Shouldn't Give Up - Yet), 10 Dec. 1975

Box 694: 13

Schmidhauser, John - Implied Powers and the Changing Relations of Public and Private Governments in the United States, 12 Dec. 1975

Box 694: 14

Stone, Christopher D. - Controlling Corporate Behaviors: Where Do We Go from Here? (with Louis Banks - A New Perspective on Corporate Responsibility: Could Public Dictatorship Work?), 15 Dec. 1975

Box 695: 1-2

Controlling Corporate Behavior: Where Do We Go from Here? 15 Dec. 1975

Box 695: 3

Singer, Milton - Nostalgia and Yankee Ingenuity, 16 Dec. 1975

Box 695: 4-5

Murdoch, William - The Population Problem: Key Issues in Food, Population, and Development, 18 Dec. 1975

Box 695: 6

Ginsburg, Eli - Toward a National Manpower Policy - The Role of the National Commission on Manpower Policy, 8 Jan. 1976

Box 695: 7

Ginsburg, Norton - China's Development Strategies, 21 Jan. 1976

Box 695: 8

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Where Shall We Be Allowed to Live? Anticipating the Third Growth Report, 23 Jan. 1976

Box 695: 9

Haber, Bernard - Planning Realities and the Humphrey-Javitz Bill, 27 Jan. 1976

Box 695: 10

Borman, Leonard D. - Self-Help Health Groups (Conference on Self Help Health Groups), 28 Jan. 1976

Box 696: 1

Cohen, Stephen - Economic Planning in Economies Like Ours, 30 Jan. 1976

Box 696: 2

Pardo, Arvid - The New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea (Elisabeth Mann Borgese; Conference on the New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea), 4-6 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 3

Wicker, Tom - The Press Today, 10 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 4

The American Testament, 11 and 18 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 5

Franklin, Herbert - Follow-up on "Where Shall We Live...," 13 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 6

Weissbourd, Bernard - Human Nature and Social Reality, 18 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 7

York, Herbert F. - A Brief Review of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Attempts to Control It, 19 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 8

Arrow, Kenneth J. - The Division of Labor in the Economy, the Polity and Society, 25 Feb. 1976

Box 696: 9

Humphrey, Hubert H. - Review of Toward a Planned Society - From Roosevelt to Nixon by Otis L. Graham, Jr., 16 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 10

Mirsa, R. P. - Housing in Urban Strategies in the Developing Countries, 17 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 11

Flacks, Richard - A Retrospective Look at the Radicalism of the 1960s: Where Did We Come Out? 19 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 12

Flacks, Richrd - Making History vs. Making Life - Dilemmas of an American Left (Conference on A Retrospective Look at the Radicalism of the 1960s: Where Did We Come Out?), 19 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 13

Library Conversation with Donald McDonald, David Goines, and Joseph Schwab, 19 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 14

Schwab, Joseph - Freedom and the Scope of Liberal Education, 31 Mar. 1976

Box 696: 15

McDonald, Donald - The Possibilities of Professionalism in Mass Communication, 7 Apr. 1976

Box 696: 16

Bernstein, Barton - The Road to Watergate and Beyond: The Growth of Executive Authority since 1939, 16 Apr. 1976

Box 696: 17

Illich, Ivan - Reflections on Medical Nemesis, 20 Apr. 1976

Box 696: 18

Schwab, Joseph - Some Reasons Why Liberal Education Is Complex, 21 Apr. 1976

Box 696: 19

Harrington, Michael - Crisis in Capitalism, 22 Apr. 1976

Box 697: 1

Toulmin, Stephen - Fetal Experimentation - Moral Issues and Institutuional Controls, 27 Apr. 1976

Box 697: 2

Cunliffe, Marcus - Private Property and American Ideology, 30 Apr. 1976

Box 697: 3-5

Conference on Where Shall We Live II: Who Shall Decide? (Herbert Franklin, Donald G. Hagman, Richard Babcock, Ira Heyman, and Roseyln Rosenfeld), 7-8 May 1976

Box 697: 6

Paul, Arnold - Student Autonomy and Student Government in the University, 12 May 1976

Box 697: 7

Thorton, James - National Growth Policy, 13 May 1976

Box 697: 8

Bullock, Paul - Full Employment: Policy or Rhetoric? 17 May 1976

Box 697: 9

Fairle, Henri - The Nation and the President: Campaign 1976, 18 May 1976

Box 697: 10

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Results of New York Session on Law of the Sea Conference, 28 May 1976

Box 698: 1

Jackson, Gabriel - Current Political Prospects in Spain, 7 June 1976

Box 698: 2

Borden, Morton - Was the American Revolution Necessary? 15 June 1976

Box 698: 3

Downs, Hugh - Space and Energy, 21 June 1976

Box 698: 4

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Passing a Miracle: The Economy, Humphrey-Hawkins and the Prospects for Liberalism, 2 July 1976

Box 698: 5

A Preliminary Dialogue on the Dialogue, 30 July 1976

Box 698: 6

Schwab, Joseph J. - Interviewed by Donald McDonald, 9 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 7

Collins, Randall - Educational Credentialism and the Future of Social Inequality, 11 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 8

Goldbeck, Willis - Habitat: UN Conference on Human Settlements, 12 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 9

Strong, Maurice F. - The Environmental Movement in Transition towards a New Growth in Society, 24 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 10

Moltmann, Jurgen - The American Dream: Dreamed by a Non-American, 25 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 11

Brownlee, Mary - The New Home Economics and the Future of Women's Work, 27 Aug. 1976

Box 698: 12

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - The Higher Learning Now and Then, 1 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 13

Ashmore, Harry S. - The Brown Decision in Retrospect, 1954-1976, 9 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 14

Background Material: Canadian and American Growth Policy: Some Comparisons and Projections, 10 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 15

Erikson, Kai - Report on Buffalo Creek, 10 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 16

Abrams, Norman - The Supreme Court and the Fourth Amendment - 1975-1976, 16 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 17

Dialogue Discussion on Planning the Program for 1976-1977, 17 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 18-19

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The Real Test for Our Achievements - The 1976 Growth Report, 21 Sept. 1976

Box 698: 20

Hutchins, Robert Maynard - An American Road to a World Society (Sharing America's Third Century Series), 11 Oct. 1976

Box 698: 21

Barton, Paul, Ralph Tyler, and Albert Quie - Conference on School Leavers: The Need for Community Response, 12 Oct. 1976

Box 698: 22

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - The Law of the Sea Conference: Present Situation and Future Prospects, 12 Oct. 1976

Box 699: 1

Fogel, Walter - Illegal Immigration into the U.S., 1976, 15 Oct. 1976

Box 699: 2

Hall, Carlyle W. - The Future of Public Interest Law, 21 Oct. 1976

Box 699: 3

Nimmer, Melville - The New Copyright Law: Its Implications for American Intellectual Life, 29 Oct. 1976

Box 699: 4

Ashmore, Harry S. - "In Search of the Real Jimmy Carter," 1 Nov. 1976

Box 699: 5

Cressey, Donald R. - Plea Bargaining - A Way to Justice? 15 Nov. 1976

Box 699: 6

McDonald, Donald - The Media's Conflict of Interest, 22 Nov. 1976

Box 699: 7

Fadiman, Clifton - The Prospect before Us: A Techno Society? (Rexford G. Tugwell), 23 Nov. 1976

Box 699: 8

Capps, Walter - The New Interest in Monastic Religion, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 699: 9

King, Alexander - IFIAS (International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study, Paris) and the Center, 2 Dec. 1976

Box 699: 10

Kelley, Robert - Ideology and Political Culture from Jefferson to Nixon, 13 Dec. 1976

Box 699: 11

Mayer, Milton - Dialogue Session on Dialogue, 20 Dec. 1976

Box 699: 12

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Planning the Program for 1977, 6 Jan. 1977

Box 699: 13

Botstein, Leonard - Library Interview by Noah BenShea, 12 Jan. 1977

Box 699: 14

Laszlo, Ervin - Conflict and Coordination in the Future International Society, 13 Jan. 1977

Box 699: 15

Pincus, John - The Serrano Case: Policy for Education or for Public Finance? 24 Jan. 1977

Box 699: 16

Edelson, Burton L. - Satellite Communications for Technological Progress and International Cooperation, 28 Jan. 1977

Box 699: 17

Thorton, James - Forging America's Future: Strategies for National Growth and Development, 2 Feb. 1977

Box 699: 18

Hewes Laurence I., Jr. - The Federal Bureaucracy (Otis L. Graham, Jr.), 10 Feb. 1977

Box 699: 19

Wirken, Melanie - Zero Population Growth, 15 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 1

Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude - The Relevance of the Jewish Tradition, 17 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 2

Graham, Hugh D. - Higher Education and Federal Law: A Case Study, 22 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 3

Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude - Interview by Noah BenShea, 22 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 4-5

Keegan, George - Conference: Is There a Soviet Threat? 25 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 6

Conference: Is There a Soviet Threat? (Richard Gillam), 26 Feb. 1977

Box 700: 7

Gillam, Richard - The New Conservative Mood: The Intellectuals' Use of 'Power' and Vice Versa, 4 Mar. 1977

Box 700: 8

Ritchie-Calder, Lord - The Future of Futurology, 19 Apr. 1977

Box 700: 9

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell - Objectivity and the Human Sciences: A New Proposal, 21 Apr. 1977

Box 700: 10

Mazlish, Bruce - Personality and Politics, 25 Apr. 1977

Box 700: 11

Moore, Victor - The Public Control of Land Use - An Anglophile's View, 29 Apr. 1977

Box 700: 12

Smart, Ninian - Towards a New Politics for Britain, 3 May 1977

Box 700: 13

Mason, Edwards - Authoritarianism and Democracy: Economic Versus Political Development, 10 May 1977

Box 700: 14

Schorr, Daniel - What the Citizen Knows: The Responsibility of Government to a Free Press, 11 May 1977

Box 700: 15

Meier, August, and Elliot Rudwick - Conflict, Consensus, and American Values: Changes in Patterns of Race Relations, 1925-1975, 13 May 1975

Box 700: 16

Fisher, Louis - The Constitution 'Between Friends,' 18 May 1977

Box 701: 1

Morgenthau, Hans J. - The Pathology of American Power, 20 May 1977

Box 701: 2

Dexter, Lewis Anthony - The Practical Ethics of Policy and Citizenship, 27 May 1977

Box 701: 3

Gurr, Ted R. - Urban Crime and Conflict, 31 May 1977

Box 701: 4

Stone, Christopher, and Jack McNamara - The Energy Crisis, If There Is One: Where We Are and What We Should Be Doing about It, 2 June 1977

Box 701: 5

Layfield, Frank - Financial Subnational Governance, 8 June 1977

Box 701: 6

Nash, Roderick W. - Do Rocks Have Rights? The Role of Ethics in Man-Environment Relations, 13 June 1977

Box 701: 7

Goldbeck, Willis B. - National Health Care Costs and Policy, 20 June 1977

Box 701: 8

IFIAS Statement on Development and Cultural Diversity Global Development: The End to Cultural Diversity? n.d.

Box 701: 9

Klein, Stephen - American Policy: Implications and Impacts (Marshall N. Carter), n.d.

Box 701: 10

Least Development in Development: The Nature of the Problem, n.d.

Box 701: 11

Man-Nature-Technology Relationship, n.d.

Box 701: 12

Report of Working Group IV: The New International Order, n.d.

Box 701: 13

Rosen, Robert - Some Homilies on System Modeling, n.d.

Box 701: 14

Snyder, John W. - Position Paper for Academic Planning, n.d.

Box 701: 15

Sukkar, M. Y. - Nutrition, Health Care and Development, n.d.

Box 701: 16

Sykes, Gerald - New York as Axis Mundi, n.d.

Box 701: 17

Clebsch, William - The Unfinished Renaissance of the Humanities, 2 June 1978

Box 701: 18

Goleman, Daniel - The Reception of Eastern Psychologies in the West, 5 June 1978

Box 701: 19

Lovins, Amory B. - Energy Strategy, 7 June 1978

Box 701: 20

Pennington, M. Basil - A Monk's View of the Modern World (Walter H. Capps), 9 June 1978

Box 701: 21

Jencks, Christopher - The Social Basis of Unselfishness, 12 June 1978

Box 701: 22

Mitchell, Maurice B. - Program to Year 2000 (David Wise, Kip Fadiman, Donald McDonald), 13-15 June 1978

Box 702: 1

Coons, John E., and Stephen D. Sugarman - Education by Choice, 14 June 1978

Box 702: 2

Cronin, Thomas E. - The Direct Vote and Electoral College: The Case for Meshing Things Up! 26 June 1978

Box 702: 3

Mitchell, Maurice - Program 2000, 28 June 1978

Box 702: 4

Ashmore, Harry S. - Equality and Civil Rights (Bill Drummond and Ken Ringle), 19 July 1978

Box 702: 5

Bender, Gerald J., and Richard L. Sklar - Superpower Competition in Africa (Rene LeMarchand), 21 July 1978

Box 702: 6

Mitchell, Maurice B. - Successfully Desegregating the Schools: The Denver Experience (Harry S. Ashmore), 24 July 1978

Box 702: 7

Wise, David - Reforming Intelligence, 29 July 1978

Box 702: 8

Krieger, David - A Report on the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament, 31 July 1978

Box 702: 9

Neal, Fred Warner - Problems of the Eastern Pacific: Impressions of a Recent Traveller (Ralph N. Clough), 2 Aug. 1978

Box 702: 10

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The Emerging Trends in State and Local Government: From the Firing Line, 15 Aug. 1978

Box 702: 11

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Ocean Management and Planning for the New International Economic Order, 15 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 1

Journalism Seminar, 17 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 2

Johnston, Denis F. - Federal Social Indicator Reports: A Critique and Plans for the Future, 18 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 3

Mitchell, Lee M. - Broadcast Media in the Choice of Political Leaders: Some Problems, 21 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 4

Bernstein, Barton - A Discussion of the Current State of Radical Perspectives and Politics in the United States, 22 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 5

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - The California Tax Revolt: Who Did What to Whom and Why (Harry S. Ashmore, Neil H. Jacoby, and Mason Gaffney), 24 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 6

Cressey, Donald R. - Terrorism and White-Collar Crime: An Analogy, 28 Aug. 1978

Box 703: 7

Norris, William A. - Why Jarvis-Gann Is Unconstitutional: The Boundaries of the Direct Democracy Feature in the American Governmental System (Jarvis Gann, Gordon E. Baker, and Nick Brestoff), 1 Sept. 1978

Box 703: 8

Capps, Walter H. - How Shall Critical Intelligence Function in a World Like This? 8 Sept. 1978

Box 703: 9

Riles, Wilson C. - Britannica Robert Maynard Hutchins Award, 11 Sept. 1978

Box 703: 10

Graham, Otis L., Jr. - Whom We Shall Welcome: Illegal Immigration and the New Restrictionism, 13 Sept. 1978

Box 703: 11

Wood, Harry - What Is the Picture on Your Piano? (Robert Hutchins and Wang-Ying Ming), 25 Sept. 1978

Box 703: 12

Tugwell, Rexford G. - Comments on the Presidential Dilemma, 26 Sept. 1978

Box 704: 1

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Library Interview by Donald McDonald, 28 Sept. 1978

Box 704: 2

Weizsacker, Carl Friedrich von - Library Interview by Milton Mayer, in Germany, ca. Oct. 1978

Box 704: 3

Toulmin, Stephen - Fetal Experimentation: Moral Issues and Institutional Controls, 15 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 4

Kahrl, William L. - Cartography as a Medium of Communication: The Water Atlas Project, 19 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 5

Eisen, Phyllis - Immigration Reform: Present Perspectives and Future Possibilities, 20 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 6

Lichty, Lawrence W. - The War We Watched on Television: A Study in Progress, 23 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 7

Hughes, Stuart H. - Italian Eurocommunism: A Unique Case, 31 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 8

Hughes, Stuart H. - Interview by Donald McDonald, 31 Oct. 1978

Box 704: 9

Tugwell, Franklin - Energy: Managing the Transition (Jeremiah Novak), 3 Nov. 1978

Box 704: 10

Development Policies: National and Local Perspectives (Maurice B. Mitchell, Rexford G. Tugwell, Otis L. Graham, Jr., and Garrett James Hardin), 9 Nov. 1978

Box 704: 11

Glenny, Lyman A. - Demographics and Issues for Higher Education in the 1980s, 17 Nov. 1978

Box 704: 12

Cloud, Preston, Jr. - Conversations with the Author of Cosmos, Earth, and Man, 22 Nov. 1978

Box 704: 13

Ascher, William - Forecasting and Decision-Making, 8 Jan. 1979

Box 704: 14

Lowenstein, Allard - The U.S. Role in Africa: Rhodesia at the Crossroads, 7 Mar. 1979

Box 704: 15

Diner, Steven - Uncle Sam's Boom Town: the Nation's Capital since World War II, 8 Mar. 1979

Box 704: 16

Fuglie, Karen - The NEH: New Directions in Support of the Humanities, 13 Mar. 1979

Box 704: 17

Wells, Samuel - The Turning Point in Modern American History - The Korean War, 3 Apr. 1979

Box 704: 18

Neal, Fred - Current Developments and Background Realities in Carter Administration-USSR Relations, 11 Apr. 1979

Box 704: 19

La Noue, George - Civil Liberties in a Future of Scarcity, 13 July 1979

Box 704: 20

Schwab, Joseph - The Social Sciences: 'Values,' Truth, Action, 10 Sept. 1979

Box 704: 21

Chicanos and the Social Sciences: A Decade of Research and the Development 1970-1980, 22-23 May 1980

Box 704: 22

Lonnrath, Lars - Justice for Lahi as Well as Thor, 28 May 1980

Box 704: 23

Johnson, Hyman T. - The Poverty of Educational Philosophy, 12 June 1980

Box 704: 24

Chen-I, Wu - Mental Illness in China, 30 June 1980

Box 704: 25

Ying-Shih, Yu - Intellectual Leadership in China, 8 July 1980

Box 704: 26

Nelson, Robert - The Court, the Congress, the Churches and Abortion, 7 Nov. 1980

Box 704: 27

Vidal, Gore - Some Reflections on the State of the Union, 24 Nov. 1980

Box 704: 28

Gitlin, Todd - The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media and the Making and Unmaking of the New Left, 14 Jan. 1981

Box 704: 29

Dolei, Danilo - Social Change through Non-Violence, 16 Jan. 1981

Box 704: 30

Gray, Victor - Poland, 19 Jan. 1981

Box 704: 31

Mazarei, Adnan - The Iranian Revolution: An Introduction, 20 Jan. 1981

Box 704: 32

Meshad, Shad - Vietnam Returns, 5 Feb. 1981

Box 704: 33

Neff, Thomas - Engineers on Engineering in the United States, 9 Feb. 1981

Box 705: 1

Goldberg-Ambrose, Carol E. - Are We Back to Square 1 on Criminal Code Reform? 2 Mar. 1981

Box 705: 2

Narayanan, K. R. - India: An Emerging Force in the Global Society, 13 Apr. 1981

Box 705: 3

Illich, Ivan - Shadow Work; Vernacular Values; Science by People, 23-24 Apr. 1981

Box 705: 4

Forsberg, Randall - Disarmament, 29 Apr. 1981

Box 705: 5

Hartman, Geoffrey - Interpreting Interpretation, 5 May 1978

Box 705: 6

Fitzgerald, Frances - Fundamentalism and Foreign Policy, 7 May 1981

Box 705: 7

Smith, Homer - Intercollegiate Athletics and Personal Values, 20 May 1978

Box 705: 8

Partridge, Ernest - Ecological Morality, 27 May 1981

Box 705: 9

Future Directions in U.S. Marine Policy in the 1980s, 4-6 June 1981

Box 705: 10

Violence: Child Abuse and Neglect, 25 June 1981

Box 705: 11

Neizvestny, Ernest - Art and Politics in the Soviet Union, 25 Sept. 1981

Box 705: 12

El Salvador and American Foreign Policy - Session IV, 15 Oct. 1981

Box 705: 13

Howard, A. E. Dick - The Burger Court and the Constitutionalizing of American Life, 26 Oct. 1981

Box 705: 14

Boles, Janet - Equal Rights, 27 Oct. 1981

Box 705: 15

Noonan, John - Abortion and the Law, 5 Nov. 1981

Box 705: 16

Ashkenasi, Abraham - Peace Movements, Alienated Youths, and Latent and Nascent Anti-Americanism in Europe, especially West Germany, 16 Nov. 1981

Box 705: 17

Anderson, Stanley - The Ombudsman Research: What Has Been Done and What Needs to Be Done, 12 Jan. 1982

Box 705: 18

Military Influence on the Development of Civilian Technology, 20 Jan. 1982

Box 705: 19

Ernest, John - The University's Role in Global Survival, 16 Feb. 1982

Box 705: 20

Radioactive Wastes in Perspective, 22 Feb. 1982

Box 705: 21

Lernoux, Penny, 1 Mar. 1982

Box 705: 22

Why Organizations Succeed or Fail, 11-12 Mar. 1982

Box 705: 23

Board of Directors Meeting, 6 Nov. 1982

Box 705: 24

President Duarte Breakfast, 1 Nov. 1984

Box 705: 25

El Salvador Dialogue, 14 Nov. 1984

Box 705: 26

Killick, Sir John, Jr. - Library Conversation with Donald McDonald and Otis L. Graham, Jr., n.d.

Box 705: 27

Walking on Two Legs, n.d.

Box 705: 28

Watts, Raymond D. - The Corporation and Quality of Life - Where Am I Now? n.d.

Box 705: 29

Wheatly, Paul - City as Symbol, n.d.

Box 705: 30

Wheatley, Paul - The Significance of Yoruba Urbanism, n.d.

Box 705: 31

Hodgson, James - Who Pays for Labor Strikes? n.d.

Box 705: 32

Conference: Evolution vs. Revolution, n.d.

Box 705: 33

Cazeaux, Jacques - Allegory as a Goal, n.d.



Box 706: 1


Box 706: 2

Alcoholism - Mailing List

Box 706: 3

Audio-Program Reference Material

Box 706: 4

Audio-Text Cassettes for the Center

Box 706: 5-6

Audiotape, 1972-1973

Box 706: 7

Audiotape, n.d.

Box 706: 8

Audiotape Classification, 1982

Box 706: 9

Audiotape Material Sent to Library of Congress, 1982

Box 706: 10

Audiotape - Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 706: 11

Bennet, Marshall, 1978

Box 706: 12

Book Catalogues, n.d.

Box 706: 13

Broadcasting and the First Amendment, n.d.

Box 707: 1

Cable T.V. Programming (Peter Haslund), n.d.

Box 707: 2

California Public Broadcasting Commission, n.d.

Box 707: 3

Campus Cable TV System

Box 707: 4

Cassette and Tape Recordings

Box 707: 5

Cassette Studies - Contract

Box 707: 6

Catalog of Cassette and Tape Recordings

Box 707: 7-10

Center for Cassette Studies, ca. 1976

Box 708: 1-2

Center for Cassette Studies, ca. 1976

Box 708: 3

Center History

Box 708: 4

Center Tape Catalogues, 1967-1975

Box 708: 5

Center Tape Catalogues - Alphabetical by Topic

Box 708: 6

The Center's Videotape Program

Box 708: 7

Contract with UCSB TV Services, 1981

Box 708: 8

Correspondence - General

Box 708: 9

Correspondence - Jewish Tapes

Box 708: 10

Correspondence - Tape, 1983

Box 708: 11

Crime, 1978

Box 708: 12-15

Criminal Justice Files, ca. 1976-1977

Box 708: 16

Cultural Change

Box 709: 1

Discussion Tapes - Summary and Questions

Box 709: 2

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Box 709: 3

The Family

Box 709: 4

Feb. Tapes, 1978

Box 709: 5

Fillinger, Paul - Files

Box 709: 6

Food and Fiber

Box 709: 7

Grant Applications

Box 709: 8

Grant for Video Taping of Intensives from Chancellor's Office

Box 709: 9

Harper and Row

Box 709: 10

Harper and Row - Center Tape Distribution

Box 709: 11

Human Rights Mailing

Box 709: 12

Illegal Immigration

Box 709: 13

Index - Center Magazine

Box 709: 14

Jewish Tape Totals, 1975-1977

Box 709: 15

Jewish Traditions

Box 710: 1

KCSB Broadcasting of Center Dialogues

Box 710: 2-3

KUSC, 1973-1975

Box 710: 4

Library of Congress Numbers

Box 710: 5

Mailing List

Box 710: 6-7

Mailing List - Alcoholism and Family

Box 710: 8-9

Mailing List - Crime

Box 710: 10


Box 710: 11

Marketing Suggestions - Audiotape Program

Box 710: 12


Box 710: 13

Master Tape Catalogue Xeroxing

Box 710: 14

Master Xerox Copies

Box 710: 15

Medical Malpractice

Box 710: 16

Miscellaneous Information on Televising Center Dialogues

Box 710: 17

Monthly Tape Reports

Box 710: 18

Monthly Tape Sales and Book Forms

Box 711: 1

National Information Center for Educational Media (NICEM)

Box 711: 2

New Audiotape Cassette Catalog

Box 711: 3-4

New Tape Catalog

Box 711: 5

Outline for Center Videotaped Program

Box 711: 6

Pacem in Terris III

Box 711: 7

Pacem in Terris IV

Box 711: 8

PD Xerox

Box 711: 9

Political Science

Box 711: 10

Post Office

Box 712: 1

Previous Audiotape Cassette Catalog - Taping Information

Box 712: 2

Program Belated Items, 1981

Box 712: 3

Program Source Directory

Box 712: 4

Proposal, 1977

Box 712: 5

Royalty Statements

Box 712: 6

Series Returns, 1978

Box 712: 7

Skinner, B. F.

Box 712: 8

Summary of Center Tape Operations

Box 712: 9-12

Tape Catalogues and Information

Box 712: 13

Tape Department

Box 712: 14

Tape - Procedures and Instructions

Box 712: 15

Taping Information


Tape Sales Recap Reports

Box 713: 1


Box 713: 2-7


Box 714: 1-7


Box 715: 1-7


Box 716: 1



Card Files

Box 717

Library of Congress Cards (arranged numerically)

Box 717

Tapes by Speaker

Box 717

Tapes by Subject

Box 718-719

Transcription Tape Record Cards



Additional Note

The Continuing Education Program was developed to involve the Center's membership more closely in its activities and to encourage further support. Gatherings were organized in numerous cities around the country. Development staff in Los Angeles and New York organized local support groups which held regularly scheduled breakfasts, luncheons, dinners and other meetings. Center Fellows and staff frequently were enlisted to discuss topics related to the Center's academic program. Communications Program, Development Program, and Membership Program operations were closely associated with Continuing Education. Related files in EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - PUBLIC PROGRAMS (M18-0604).


Additional Note

Facing a deteriorating financial situation, Center operations at Santa Barbara were curtailed in 1975. Bernard Weissbourd proposed a plan to move the dialogue to Chicago, where universities in the area could provide part-time personnel. From 1975 to 1977 the Chicago office, led by Ralph W. Tyler, organized a number of dialogues, conferences and other programs. After Hutchins death in 1977 and further worsening financial conditions, the Chicago office was closed. Related files in ACADEMIC PROGRAM - GENERAL (M18-0201) and EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - PUBLIC PROGRAMS (M18-0604).





Alpha Files

Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by first letter of surname; mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence pertaining to Chicago programs.
Box 720: 1


Box 720: 2


Box 720: 3-4


Box 720: 5


Box 720: 6



Named Files

Additional Note

Mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence and related materials.
Box 721: 1

Academic Advisory Committee

Box 721: 2

Center for Psychosocial Studies

Box 721: 3

Chicago Calendar

Box 721: 4

Ginsburg, Norton

Box 721: 5

Poorest of the Poor Conference




Alpha Files

Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by first letter of surname; mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence pertaining to Chicago programs.
Box 722: 1


Box 722: 2


Box 722: 3


Box 722: 4


Box 722: 5


Box 723: 1


Box 723: 2


Box 723: 3


Box 723: 4


Box 723: 5


Box 724: 1



Named Files

Additional Note

Mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence and related materials.
Box 724: 2

Academic Advisory Committee

Box 724: 3

Center for Psychosocial Studies

Box 724: 4

Chicago Center Calendar

Box 724: 5

Community Advisory Committee

Box 724: 6-7

Crime Convocation

Box 724: 8

Fund-Raising Dinner

Box 725: 1

Ginsburg, Norton

Box 725: 2-3

Illinois Humanities Council (IHC) Conference on Youth

Box 725: 4

Judaica II

Box 725: 5

Metropolitan Structures

Box 725: 6

School Leavers

Box 725: 7

Smith, Beryl

Box 725: 8

Tagger, Peter




Alpha Files

Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by first letter of surname; mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence pertaining to Chicago programs.
Box 726: 1


Box 726: 2


Box 726: 3


Box 727: 1


Box 727: 2


Box 727: 3

Center for Pyschosocial Studies

Box 727: 4


Box 727: 5

Conference Facilities in Chicago

Box 727: 6


Box 727: 7


Box 727: 8


Box 728: 1


Box 728: 2


Box 728: 3

Fund for the Republic

Box 728: 4


Box 728: 5


Box 728: 6


Box 729: 1


Box 729: 2


Box 729: 3


Box 729: 4


Box 729: 5


Box 730: 1


Box 730: 2


Box 730: 3


Box 730: 4


Box 730: 5


Box 730: 6


Box 731: 1


Box 731: 2

Press List

Box 731: 3

Press Releases

Box 731: 4


Box 731: 5


Box 731: 6


Box 731: 7


Box 732: 1


Box 732: 2

Schlossman, Steven L.

Box 732: 3

Schwartz, Louis

Box 732: 4

Seidman, Joel

Box 732: 5

Shalala, Donna

Box 732: 6

Shimkin, Demitri B.

Box 732: 7


Box 732: 8

Tagger, Peter

Box 732: 9


Box 733: 1


Box 733: 2


Box 733: 3



Named Files

Additional Note

Mostly incoming/outgoing correspondence and related materials.
Box 734: 1

Academic Advisory Committee

Box 734: 2

Calendar of Programs

Box 734: 3

Chicago Program Discussion Papers

Box 734: 4

Chicago Program History

Box 734: 5-6

Closing of Chicago Center

Box 734: 7

Papers Published from the Chicago Program



Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by presenter; mostly copies of discussion papers.
Box 735: 1

Anastaplo, George - The Babylonian Captivity of the Chicago Public School System, 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 735: 2

Bailey, Stephen K. - Education, Jobs and Community Services: What Directions for National Policies? 4 Feb. 1977

Box 735: 3

Barton, Paul E. - Youth Labor Market Problems, 12 Oct. 1976

Box 735: 4

Bazelon, David L. - Street Crime and Correctional Potholes, 22 Aug. 1976

Box 735: 5

Benns, Robert - Human Values in the City: Urban Working-Class Government and Its Ethos [not held], 9 Jan. 1978

Box 735: 6

Berry, Leonard, and Hilary Renwick - Environmental Information for Development: An Alternative Approach (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 735: 7

Bettelheim, Bruno - Some Tentative Remarks on the Problems of the Family, 13 May 1976

Box 735: 8

Bloom, Benjamin - Human Characteristics and School Learning, 19 Apr. 1977

Box 735: 9

Borman, Leonard - Amerian Indians in Urban Areas, 25 Oct. 1976

Box 735: 10

Bowman, Woods - Paying Big City Bills (Conference on Richard J. Daley's Chicago), 30 Nov. 1977

Box 735: 11

Brauer, Jerald - Puritanism, Revivalism, and the American Reveolution, 18 Mar. [n.y.]

Box 735: 12

Broudy, Harry S. - Smoothing the Way from School to Society (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 735: 13

Camenisch, Paul F. - On "Being a Professional, Morally Speaking," 17 June 1977

Box 735: 14

Chakraborty, Satyesh C. - Water Conservancy: Its Meaning on the Interface of Techno-Culture and Poverty (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 735: 15

Coleman, James S. - The Relation between Youth and Adults (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 735: 16

Creswell, Anthony M. - Public Sector Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest: Management Power v. Management Rights, 24 Nov. 1976

Box 735: 17

Danziger, Sheldon - Poverty Today: Does It Persist or Has It Been Eliminated? 16 Dec. 1977

Box 735: 18

Douvan, Elizabeth - The Use of Social Structure, Social Legislation to Promote Caring, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 735: 19

Eckhardt, Bob - Toward an Orderly Society: Crime, Pocket Economics, and Legislative Responsibility, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 735: 20

Erikson, Kai - Report on Buffalo Creek [excerpts], 8 June 1976

Box 735: 21

Fenton, Edwin - Educational Programs for Youth in Transition: The Implications of Lawrence Kohlberg's Research for the Schools (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 735: 22

Garfinkel, Irwin - Welfare, What's Right and Wrong with It, 22 Nov. 1977

Box 735: 23

Getzels, Jacob W. - The School and the Acquisition of Values (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 735: 24

Gilkey, Langdon - The People and the Land in Post-Biblical Christianity, n.d.

Box 736: 1

Ginsburg, Norton - On Some Percepts about Cities (Conference on Where Shall We Live?), 6 Nov. 1975

Box 736: 2

Giordano, Joseph - The Family and American Pluralism, Oct. 1976

Box 736: 3

Gnaedinger, John P. - Citizen Participation in Government, 26 Apr. 1977

Box 736: 4

Goulet, Denis - World Solidarity: Its Moral Basis (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 736: 5

Gurr, Ted Robert - Urban Crime and Conflict, 31 May 1977

Box 736: 6

Haroldson, Sixten - Appraisal of Health Problems and Definition of Priorities in Health Planning (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 736: 7

Harris, Josephine - Educational Programs for Youth in Transition: Can a Little Orphan Girl from Thebes Get It On with a Runaway Mississippi River Rat? (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 736: 8

Haveman, Robert - Poverty, Income Distribution, and Social Policy: The Last Decade and the Next, 27 Jun 1977

Box 736: 9

Havighurst, Robert J. - The Contemporary Crisis for Youth (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 736: 10

Hedin, Diane, and Byron Schneider, Action Learning in Minneapolis: A Case Study (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 736: 11

Helleiner, G. K. - Devil Take the Hindmost? The Least-developed in the International Economic Order (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 736: 12

Hobbs, Nicholas - Mental Health, Families, and Children, 10 Dec. 1975

Box 736: 13

Hoffman, Lois Wladis - Social Change, the Family, and Sex Differences, ca. Oct. 1976

Box 736: 14

Holleb, Doris - Mao's Legacy for Revolutionary Urban Development, 16 Feb. 1977

Box 736: 15

Johnson, Douglas L., and Farron Vogel - Alternative Futures for Pastoral Peoples (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 736: 16

Juris, Hervey A. - Some Aspects of Power in Public Sector Collective Bargaining, 16 Nov. 1976

Box 736: 17

Kates, Robert W. - Natural Disasters and Development (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 736: 18

Kennedy, Edward M. - Remarks (Center Convocation on Crime and What We Can Do about It), 2 Apr. 1977

Box 736: 19

Koff, Robert - Constructive Cultural Pluralism and Educational Policy, 9 Sept. 1977

Box 736: 20

Kohler, Mary Conway, and Bruce Dollar - What Is Being Done: A Paper on Youth Participation (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 736: 21

Krug, Mark M. - Definitions in the History of Immigration and Cultural Pluralism, 26 Oct. 1977

Box 736: 22

Lampman, Robert J. - Poverty: Definitions, Causes, and Cures, 17 Nov. 1977

Box 736: 23

Marmor, Theodore R., and Edward Tenner - National Health Insurance: Canada's Path, America's Choices, 19 Nov. 1975

Box 736: 24

Mayer, Milton - Diversity of the Press, 9 Apr. 1976

Box 736: 25

Mechanic, David - Assumptions Underlying Cost-Containment Philosophies: Strategies for Rationing Medical Care, 22 June 1977

Box 736: 26

Mediating Structures, 22 July 1977

Box 737: 1

Misra, R. P., and S. Bhooshan - Housing in Urban Strategies in the Developing Countries, n.d.

Box 737: 2

Mujwahuzi, M. R. - Is Popular Participation a Viable Alternative? The Case of Rural Water Supply in Tanzania (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 737: 3

Nurses Association - A Possible Center Series of Dialogues on the Problems of Health Care (includes Claudie Lukasik - Alternatives in Health Care), ca. 13 Apr. 1977

Box 737: 4

Pawlikowski, John T. - Moral Dimensions of International Conflict, 10 Feb. 1977

Box 737: 5

Powelson, John P. - Income Distribution within the Developing Countries (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 737: 6

Rakove, Milton - Richard J. Daley: Political Leadership in America's Second City, (Conference on Richard J. Daley's Chicago), 12 Oct. 1977

Box 737: 7

Ransom, Harry Howe - U.S. Secret Intelligence and Democratic Institutions, 6 May 1976

Box 737: 8

Redfield, James - Aristophanes' Clouds: Education between the Generations (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 737: 9

Ritchie-Calder - Triage: The Old Economic and Moral Order (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 737: 10

Rodin, Miriam B., and Demitri B. Shimkin - The Freedom of the City, 18 Oct. 1976

Box 737: 11

Rodino, Peter - Remarks (Center Convocation on Crime and What We Can Do About It), 2 Apr. 1977

Box 737: 12

Roomkin, Myron - Past Issues and Future Problems in Public Sector Collective Bargaining, 29 Nov. 1977

Box 737: 13

Rotunda, Ronald D. - If There Are Professionals, Must There Be Professions? 14 Feb. 1977

Box 737: 14

Schneider, Edwin - Programs for Transition to Adulthood in the Portland Public Schools (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 737: 15

Schwab, Joseph J. - Education and the State: Learning Community (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 737: 16

Schwartz, Henrietta - Response to the Discussion Paper "What Is Being Done?": A Paper on Youth Participation, by Mary Conway Kohler and Bruce Dollar (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 737: 17

Seidman, Ann - Alternatives for Regional Economic Integration (Wingspread Conference), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 737: 18

Shields, Geoffrey - An Overview of Multinational Corporations, 13 Oct. 1977

Box 737: 19

Singer, Milton - Nostalgia and Yankee Ingenuity, 16 Dec. 1975

Box 737: 20

Small, Joseph - Public Office as a Fiduciary Responsibility, 9 Mar. 1977

Box 737: 21

Stanhaus, Naomi M, and Norma J. Wisor - Life Options for Older Adults: A Concept and Issues Paper, n.d.

Box 737: 22

Stevens, Robert - Political Economy of Limited War, n.d.

Box 737: 23

Szentes, Tamas - Least Development in Theory and Context of Underdevelopment (Conference on the Poorest of the Poor), 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 737: 24

Thelen, Herbert A. - The Public and the Professions: Image versus Reality, 9 Feb. 1977

Box 737: 25

Toulmin, Stephen - The Meaning of Professionalism: Doctors' Ethics and Biomedical Science (preliminary version), n.d.

Box 737: 26

Tyler, Ralph W. - Are Our Children Learning Less? 26 Aug. 1977

Box 737: 27

Warren, Donald R. - A Proper Preparation: Historical Perspectives on School and Socialization in America (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 737: 28

Wynne, Edward - School Communities That Educate Children to Adulthood (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4-6 Mar. 1976


Program Files

Additional Note

Arranged chronologically; mostly discussion papers and other materials pertaining to dialogues, conferences and other Chicago programs.
Box 738: 1

Smith, Beryl X. - Pacem in Maribus Conference, Meeting Log, 30 Jan-1 Feb. 1970

Box 738: 2

Family as Corporation: New Approaches to the Family in American Society (includes: Nathan Glazer - The Limits of Social Policy; Leonard D. Borman - American Indian Tribal Support Systems and Economic Development), 29 Sept. 1975

Box 738: 3

Toulmin, Stephen - Fetal Experimentation: Moral Issues and Institutional Controls (with Norton Ginsburg, Theodore Marmor, Alexander Morin, Lord Ritchi-Calder, Ralph W. Tyler, and Bernard Weissbourd), 15 Oct. 1975

Box 738: 4-6

Wingspread Conference: The Poorest of the Poor: A Conference on the Problems of the Least Developed Countries, 19-22 Oct. 1975

Box 738: 7

Canadian National Health Insurance Dialogue (with Odin Anderson, William Cortelyou, Richard A. Epstein, Norton Ginsburg, Donald Haider, Sidney Hyman, Mary Ellen James, Spencer Kimball, David Kinloch, James Lorenz, James Petra, William Pierskalla, Thomas Prince, Stephen Toulmin, Ralph W. Tyler, Bernard Weissbourd, Ernest S. Wolf, and Quentin Young), 19 Nov. 1975

Box 739: 1

Marmor, Theodore R. - National Health Politics and the Implications for Children (National Health Insurance and Children Dialogue), 26 Nov. 1975

Box 739: 2

Singer, Milton - Nostalgia and Yankee Ingenuity, 16 Dec. 1975

Box 739: 3

Ginsburg, Norton - China's Development Strategies, 21 Jan. 1976

Box 739: 4

Ginsburg, Norton - Proposal for (Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School), 4 Sept. 1975

Box 739: 5

Borman, Leonard - Self-Help Health Groups, 28 Jan. 1976

Box 739: 6

Adler, Mortimer - The American Testament [list of participants only], 11 Feb. 1976

Box 739: 7

Church, Frank - The Gathering of Intelligence [list of participants only], 11 Feb. 1976

Box 739: 8-9

Conference on The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of the Public School, 4-6 Mar. 1976

Box 739: 10

Brauer, Jerald - Puritanism, Revivalism, and the American Revolution, 18 Mar. 1976

Box 739: 11

Holleb, Doris B. - Agena for the New Urban Era, 8 Apr. 1976

Box 739: 12

Mayer, Milton - Diversity and the Press, 9 Apr. 1976

Box 739: 13

Ransom, Harry Howe - U.S. Secret Intelligence and Democratic Institutions, 6 May 1976

Box 739: 14

Interpretations of Chinese Developments [list of invited participants only], 7 May 1976

Box 739: 15

Adler, Mortimer - The American Testament [list of invited participants only], 12 May 1976

Box 739: 16

Bettelheim, Bruno - Some Tentative Remarks on the Problems of the Family, 13 May 1976

Box 739: 17

Adler, Mortimer - The American Testament [list of invited participants only], 19 May 1976

Box 739: 18

Erikson, Kai - Report on Buffalo Creek [excerpts], 8 June 1976

Box 740: 1

Barton, Paul E. - Youth Labor Market Problems, 12 Oct. 1976

Box 740: 2

Giordano, Joseph - The Family and American Pluralism, Oct. 1976

Box 740: 3

Rodin, Miriam B., and Demitri B. Shimkin - Competent Communities, 18 Oct. 1976

Box 740: 4

Borman, Leonard - American Indians in Urban Areas, 25 Oct. 1976

Box 740: 5

Bettelheim, Bruno, and Lois Wladis Hoffman - The Changing American Family, 29 Sept. 1976

Box 740: 6

Juris, Hervey A. - Some Aspects of Power in Public Sector Collective Bargaining, 16 Nov. 1976

Box 740: 7

Cresswell, Anthony M. - Public Sector Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest: Management Power v. Management Rights, 24 Nov. 1976

Box 740: 8

Douvan, Elizabeth - The Use of Social Structure, Social Legislation to Promote Caring, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 740: 9

Hobbs, Nicholas - Mental Health, Families, and Children: An Interest of Miss Hogg, 10 Dec. 1976

Box 740: 10

Stevens, Robert - The Political Economy of Limited War [transcript], 11 Jan. 1977

Box 740: 11-12

Havighurst, Robert J. - Constructive Cultural Pluralism in the United States, 20 Jan. 1977

Box 740: 13

Holleb, Doris - Mao's Legacy for Revolutionary Urban Development, 27 Jan. 1977

Box 740: 14

Bailey, Stephen K. - Education, Jobs and Community Services: What Directions for National Policies? 4 Feb. 1977

Box 741: 1-2

Changing Role of the Professional [transcript], 9 Feb. 1977

Box 741: 3

Pawlikowski, John T. - Moral Dimensions of International Conflict, 10 Feb. 1977

Box 741: 4

Holleb, Doris - Mao's Legacy for Revolutionary Urban Development, 16 Feb. 1977

Box 741: 5

Thelen, Herbert A. - The Public and the Professions: Image versus Reality, 22 Feb. 1977

Box 741: 6

Small, Joseph - Public Office as a Fiduciary Responsibility, 9 Mar. 1977

Box 741: 7

Ethics in Politics [transcript], 9 Mar. 1977

Box 741: 8

Gilkey, Langdon - The People and the Land in Post-Biblical Christianity, 1 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 9

Crime - and What We Can Do About It, Convocation, 2 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 10-11

Seminar on Chicago and Its Suburbs [transcript], 6 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 12

Bloom, Benjamin - Human Characteristics and School Learning, 19 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 13-14

Gnaedinger, John P. - Citizen Participation in Government, 26 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 15-16

Health Care: What Are the Alternatives? 27 Apr. 1977

Box 741: 17

American Indian Education Policy, 20 May 1977

Box 741: 18

Gurr, Ted Robert - Urban Crime and Conflict, 31 May 1977

Box 742: 1

Camenisch, Paul - [no title], 17 June 1977

Box 742: 2

Health Care Rationing [transcript], 22 June 1977

Box 742: 3

Poverty and the Welfare System [transcript], 27 June 1977

Box 742: 4

Family Violence, 29 June 1977

Box 742: 5

Mediating Structures [transcript], 22 July 1977

Box 742: 6

Are Our Children Learning Less? [transcript], 26 Aug. 1977

Box 742: 7

Constructive Cultural Pluralism and Educational Policy, 9 Sept. 1977

Box 742: 8

Shields, Geoffrey - An Overview of Multinational Corporations, 13 Oct. 1977

Box 742: 9

Krug, Mark M. - Definitions in the History of Immigration and Cultural Pluralism, 26 Oct. 1977

Box 742: 10

Welfare, What's Right and Wrong with It, 22 Nov. 1977

Box 742: 11

Roomkin, Myron - Past Issues and Future Problems in Public Sector Collective Bargaining, 29 Nov. 1977

Box 742: 12

Bowman, Woods - Paying Big City Bills, 30 Nov. 1977

Box 742: 13

Stanhaus, Naomi M. - Life Options for Older Adults: A Concept and Issues Paper, ca. 30 Dec. 1977

Box 742: 14

Rakove, Milton - Richard J. Daley: Political Leadership in America's Second City (with Robert Benne - Human Values in the City: Urban Working-Class Government and Its Ethos; neither discussion held), ca. 30 Dec. 1977

Box 742: 15

Lerman, Robert I. - The Jobs and Income Strategy and President Carter's Welfare Reform Proposal, ca. 18 Jan. 1978

Box 742: 16

Families as Corporations [tentative list of participants], n.d.


Transcripts, 1976-1977

Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically; primarily drafts of transcripts and other materials pertaining to dialogues, conferences, and other Chicago programs, many of which also are contained in the Program Files; names of participants are indicated in parentheses.
Box 743: 1

[American] Indian Education Policy (Bob Bailey, David Beaulieu, Bernadine Cathces, Joseph M. Cronin, Rita Dee, Louis Delgado, Chester Eagleman, Lester B. Gemmill, George R. Holland, Bessie F. Lawrence, Alice Liljegren, Clyde Mathews, Lyman Pierce, Matt Pilcher, Faith Smith, Marlene Strauss, George Van Dusen, and Alice Yellowbank), 20 May 1977

Box 743: 2

American Indians in Urban Areas (Leonard Borman, David Blanchard, Louis Delgado, Etta Glenn, James Holton, Willard Lamere, Matt Pilcher, Susan Power, Emmanuel Skolnick, Faith Smith, Sam Stanley, Melvin Tumin, George Van Dusen, John Walker, Donald Warren, Helen Whitehead, Sydney Yates, and Bob Yellowbank), 25 Oct. 1976

Box 743: 3

Are Our Children Learning Less? (Doris Bernstein, Benjamin Bloom, William Cortelyou, Melvin Dubnick, Mercedier Goodwin, Grace Holt, H. Thomas James, Dona B. Jensen, Harold Jensen, Mary Nelson, Christopher Nugent, Oscar E. Shabat, Ralph W. Tyler, and Donald Warren), 26 Aug. 1977

Box 743: 4

Can Social Policy Promote Loving Care? (Leonard Borman, Tanis Bryan, Elizabeth Douvan, Robert Havighurst, Grace Holt, Babette Inglehart, Joseph Levin, Bernice Neugarten, Cynthia Porter-Gehrie, David Roth, Kelly Sander, Sol Tax, Ralph Tyler, and Bernice Weissbourd), Tape Z-43, 30 Nov. 1976

Box 743: 5

Changing Role of the Professional (Daniel Alpers, J. Myron Atkin, Leonard Borman, Donald Brieland, Barry Checkoway, Morton Creditor, Una Creditor, Thomas Morgan, O. Hobart Mowrer, Russell Petersen, Ronald Rotunda, Louis Rubin, Herbert Thelen, Ralph W. Tyler, and Robert Weagant), 9 Feb. 1977

Box 743: 6

Chicago and Its Suburbs Seminar - A.M. Session (D. Daniel Baldino, Calvin Bradford, Warren Burmeister, Frank H. Cassell, Jack Cornelius, Joseph P. Hannon, Doris Holleb, Lewis Kreinberg, Robert MacGregor, Louis Masotti, Lawrence B. Rosser, David Street, George Tolley, Bernard Weissbourd, and April Young), 6 Apr. 1977

Box 743: 7

Chicago and Its Suburbs Seminar - P.M. Session (Pastora Cafferty, William Caples, James Capraro, James Compton, Anthony Downs, Edgar Epps, Lusius Gregg, Charles Hall, Lewis Hill, Janet Malone, John L. McKnight, Matthew Rockwell, Andrea Rozran, and Connie Seals), 6 Apr. 1977

Box 743: 8

The Chinese Experience, 7 May 1976

Box 743: 9

Constructive Cultural Pluralism and Educational Policy (John Beck, Edwin Claudio, Rita Dee, Edgar Epps, Paul Gibson, Robert Havighurst, Frances Holliday, Grace Holt, Thomas Kochman, Robert H. Koft, Mark Krug, Eliezer Krumbein, Van Cleve Morris, Mary Nelson, Sol Tax, Ralph Tyler, Meyer Weinberg, and Bernice Weissbourd), 9 Sept. 1977

Box 743: 10

Constructive Cultural Pluralism and Educational Policy (Alice Blair, Ed Brewin, Maria Cerda, Robert Dumont, Chester J. Eagleman, Robert Havighurst, Grace Holt, Babette Inglehart, Thomas M. Kochman, Robert H. Koff, Andrew T. Kopan, Myron Kuropas, Van Cleve Morris, Ernesto Ramos, Darryl Roberts, Bernard Shwartz, Milton Singer, Charles A. Tesconi, Ralph W. Tyler, Donn Wadley, Donald Warren, Meyer Weinberg, and Edward Welling), 20 Jan. 1977

Box 743: 11

Critical Problems of Youth: What Directions for National Policy (Stephen K. Bailey, Jan Bauer, Larry Hawkins, Grace Holt, Charles Livermore, Steven Lubet, Sonny Luster, William McCready, Michael O'Keefe, Cynthia Porter-Gehrie, Theodore W. Schultz, Henrietta Schwartz, Oscar Shabat, Sol Tax, Ralph W. Tyler, Herbert Walberg, and Donald Warren), 4 Feb. 1977

Box 743: 12

Ethics in Politics (Terrence Brunner, Pual Camenisch, Father William Cortelyou, Gerald Dworkin, Thomas S. Engeman, Robert Howard, David Ozar, John T. Pawlikowski, Milton Rakove, Joseph Small, Ralph Tyler, and William Vandermarck), 9 Mar. 1977

Box 743: 13

Ethics of Politics (Warren Bacon, Benjamin Bloom, Angeline Caruso, B. J. Chandler, Hymen Chausow, Anthony M. Cresswell, Kai Erikson, Burton W. Faldet, Larry Hawkins, Grace Holt, Robert Koff, John McKnight, Van Cleve Morris, George E. Olson, Charles Tesconi, Ralph W. Tyler, Donn Wadley, Herbert Walberg, and Donald Warren), 19 Apr. 1977

Box 744: 1

Ethnic Diversity and Family Policy (Leonard Borman, Hugh Creedon, Carolyn Dolen, Jospeh Giordano, Don Feldstein, Lawrence Fuchs, Burleigh Gardner, Robert Havighurst, Robert Hill, Dorris Holleb, Grace Holt, Irving Levine, Helena Lopata, Paul Mattesich, William McCready, John McKnight, Danuta Mostwin, Masako Osako, Luz Proeto, David Roth, Sol Tax, and Ralph Tyler), 19 Oct. 1976

Box 744: 2

Families as Corporations [Sol Tax Dialogue I, II, III, IV], 29 Sept. 1975

Box 744: 3

Family Violence (Jerry Alexander, Cleo Anderson, Jean E. Bedger, Hazel Blumenthal, Ruth Born, Sally Brucker, Phillip Carlin, Rev. William Cortelyou, Sylvia Cotton, Brian Fraser, Grace Holt, Richard Mandel, Sheila C. Ribordy, Sheldon Schiff, Bernard Schwartz, Ron Stuyvesant, Ralph W. Tyler, and Carol Zientek), 29 June 1977

Box 744: 4

'Least Development' in 'Development': The Nature of the Problem [Report of Working Groups], 21 Oct. 1975

Box 744: 5

Media and Terrorism Seminar (Marshal Field, James Hoge, Cherif Bassiouni, Patrick Murphy, William Small, Leonard Downie, Wayne Kerstetter, Ralph Otwell, Lee Hanna, James Rochford, Charles Fenyvesi, and Norval Morris), 22 Apr. 1977

Box 744: 6

Mediating Structures (Peter Baugher, Leonard Borman, Rev. William Cortelyou, John C. Glidewell, Stanley Hallett, Sister Gabriel Herbers, Kenneth Janda, Harold Jensen, William McCready, John T. Pawlikowski, David Roth, Demitri B. Shimkin, Sol Tax, Ralph W. Tyler, Donald Warren, and Dorothy Willner), 22 July 1977

Box 744: 7

Medical Care Rationing (Ronald M. Andersen, Joan K. Arteberry, Leonard Borman, Paul Camenisch, William Cortelyou, Bernard Friedman, Sybille Fritsche, Sheppard Kellam, Sebastian MacDonald, Theodore Marmor, John McKnight, David Mechanic, Robert Mendelson, Paul Mundy, Gregory Nigosian, Max Samter, Geoffrey Shields, John W. Stettner, Ralph W. Tyler, Richard Warnecke, Joseph Wells, and Quentin Young), 22 June 1977

Box 744: 8

The Modern Family: Conflicts Between Expectations and Reality (Pauline Bart, Michael Basch, Bruno Bettelheim, Leonard Borman, Father William Cortelyou, Elizabeth Douvan, Marci Enos, Eileen Gardner, Mark Gehrie, Dorothea Goldenberg, Lois Hoffman, Doris Holleb, Leonard Jason, Helena Lopata, George Pollock, Margaret Reid, Sheila Ribordy, Marijean Sulzle, Sol Tax, Ralph W. Tyler, and Earnest Wolf), 12 May 1976

Box 744: 9

Our Nation's Family Policy: Do We Have One? (Hugh Creedon, Ann Creightion-Zollar, Ann Groves, Robert Havighurst, Nicolas Hobbs, William McCready, Henrietta Schwartz, Frank Seever, Sol Tax, and Ralph W. Tyler), 10 Dec. 1976

Box 744: 10

An Overview of Multinational Corporations (Jack Beem, Patrick Callahan, Father William Cortelyou, Jonathan Calloway, Donald Hermann, Richard Kosobud, William Marder, John Pimenta, Ross Scherer, Carl Sheer, Geoffrey B. Shields, Robert W. Stevens, Richard Thornton, and Ralph W. Tyler), 13 Oct. 1977

Box 744: 11

The Political Economy of Limited War (Donald J. Abramoske, William Cortelyou, Howard Eglit, Donald A. Fisch, Frederick H. Jackson, Journet D. Kahn, Joel Mokyr, Thomas Sandberg, Sam Sarkesian, Philip Schrodt, Mildred Schwartz, Robert Stevens, Ralph Tyler, and Robert Wiebe), 11 Jan. 1977


The Poorest of the Poor [Wingspread Conference]

Box 744: 12

Sessions, 20 Oct. 1975

Box 745: 1

Sessions, 21-22 Oct. 1975

Box 745: 2

Poverty and the Welfare System (Bentley Gilbert, Robert Haveman, Doris Holleb, Robert Lineberry, Charles Livermore, Neal Milner, Diana Pearce, Helen H. Perlman, Harold Richman, and Ralph W. Tyler), 27 June 1977

Box 745: 3

Power and Public Sector Unions (Paul Booth, Howard Bellman, William Cortelyou, Anthony Cresswell, Frank Goldberg, Robert Hess, Hervey Juris, Thomas Kochan, Arthur Malinowski, Myron Roomkin, Joel Seidman, Anthony V. Sinicropi, Robert Stevens, Herbert Thelen, and Ralph Tyler), 16 Nov. 1976

Box 745: 4

Public Sector Unions and the Public Interest (Howard Bellman, Paul Booth, William Cortelyou, Jean Couturier, Anthony Cresswell, Arthur Doebelaere, Frank Goldberg, Elliott Goldstein, Gerald Goldstein, Hervey Juris, Edward Krinsky, Michael O'Keefe, Curtis Plott, Myron Roomkin, Robert Stevens, and Ralph Tyler), 24 Nov. 1976

Box 745: 5

School Leavers Conference [two sessions: AM, final hour], 12 Oct. 1976

Box 745: 6

Self-Help Health Groups (Gary Albrecht, Odin Anderson, Leonard Borman, Zachary Gussow, Stanley Hallett, Joyce Lashoff, Leon Levy, Morton Lieberman, Jack Martin, John McKnight, Robert Mendelshon, Robert Menges, O. Hobart Mowrer, Ralph W. Tyler, and Donald Warren), 28 Jan. 1976

Box 745: 7

Social Change, The Family, and Sex Differences (Pauline Bart, Gary Bond, Leonard Borman, Father William Cortelyou, Esther Diamond, Elizabeth Douvan, Marian Faldet, Jacob Getzels, Sharon Gurwitz, Gunhild Hagestad, Lois W. Hoffman, Doris Holleb, Grace Holt, William McCready, Ann Petersen, Sheila Ribordy, Diana Slaughter, Marijean Suelzle, Sol Tax, and Ralph W. Tyler), 26 Sept. 1976

Box 745: 8

Urban Crime and Conflict (Daniel W. Behnke, Larry J. Cohen, Ted R. Gurr, John Heinz, Dorris Holleb, Grace Holt, Herbert Jacob, Ralph W. Tyler, and Estelle Wirpel), 31 May 1977



Additional Note

The Forces of Change Program, with funding from Irving Laucks, was developed to promote and maintain voluntary discussion groups around the country. The Center provided specially prepared literature and audiotapes to help direct the discussion.


Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically. Related publications include: Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Revolution, The Triple Revolution (1964).
Box 746: 1-9

Change (A Channel for Discussion of the Forces of Change/An Experimental Project of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; includes issues of the magazine, mailing lists and related correspondence), 1965-1966

Box 746: 10

Clark, Matthw K. (D.C), 1964-1966

Box 746: 11

CSDI - L.A. Office, 1965

Box 746: 12

CSDI - New York Office, 1965

Box 746: 13

Cunningham, Robert L. - The Redefinition of Work, 1965

Box 746: 14-16

Fellowship of Reconciliation (includes material on convocations and related correspondence), 1964-1965

Box 747: 1

Ferry, W. H., 1964-1965

Box 747: 2

Fluoridation, 1965

Box 747: 3-10

Forces of Change Program (includes correspondence, files on discussions, mailings, and membership), 1965-1966

Box 748: 1-5

Forces of Change Program (includes reports, seminar material, tape and film information), 1965-1966

Box 748: 6-7

Garst, Eleanor - Incoming and Outgoing Memos, 1964-1966

Box 748: 8

Itzkoff, Seymour William - Reflections on Integration and Social Equality, 1965

Box 748: 9-10

Kaiser Aluminum, 1966

Box 748: 11-12

Miscellaneous Literature and Publications, 1965-1966


Outside Organizations

Box 748: 13

California Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1965

Box 749: 1

The Churchman, 1965

Box 749: 2

Crackpot File, 1965-1966

Box 749: 3

Cybercultural Revolution (Second Annual Conference), 1965

Box 749: 4

Discussion Group Programs, 1965

Box 749: 5

Far Right Materials, 1965-1966

Box 749: 6

Foreign Policy Association, 1965

Box 749: 7

Great Books Discussion Program, 1965

Box 749: 8

Hamer, Lois, 1965

Box 749: 9

HUAC, 1964-1965

Box 749: 10

International Council of Women, 1963

Box 749: 11

International Newsletter of Peace Research, 1963

Box 749: 12

International Senior Citizens Association, 1965

Box 749: 13

League of Women Voters, 1964-1965

Box 749: 14

National Association of Manufacturers, 1964

Box 749: 15

National Church Organizations, 1965

Box 749: 16

National Education Association, 1964

Box 749: 17

National Organizations - Miscellaneous, 1965-1966

Box 749: 18

Oliver Wendell Holmes Association, 1963-1965

Box 749: 19

Pacifica Stations, 1964

Box 749: 20

Peace Organization Publications, 1965

Box 749: 21

Santa Barbara City College, 1965

Box 749: 22

Santa Barbara Peace Center, 1965

Box 749: 23

Scientific Material and Gerald Piel, 1964

Box 749: 24

United Church Board for Homeland Ministries, 1966

Box 749: 25

United Presbyterian Church, 1965-1966

Box 749: 26

United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, 1965

Box 749: 27

United World Federalists, 1966

Box 749: 28

Vietnam, 1965-1966

Box 749: 29

William Winter Comments, 1965

Box 750: 1

Women in Government, 1962-1964

Box 750: 2

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1964-1966

Box 750: 3

Women's Organizations, 1965

Box 750: 4

Women Strike for Peace (WSP), 1964-1965

Box 750: 5

World Peace Insuring Co., 1965

Box 750: 6

YWCA, 1965

Box 750: 7

Periodicals - Referrals, 1965



Box 750: 8

Great Decisions, 1965

Box 750: 9

McCone Commission Report, 1965-1966

Box 750: 10-12

Questionnaires - Triple Revolution, 1964-1965

Box 750: 13

San Jose State College, 1965

Box 750: 14

Study of City - Mayor Houlihan Program, 1965

Box 750: 15

Triple Revolution Signers, 1964

Box 750: 16

Utopian Experiments, 1966



Additional Note

Related files in EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - PUBLIC PROGRAMS (M18-0604).


Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically; mostly lists and files relating to individuals and events.
Box 751: 1

Binns, Marcia Legere, 1973

Box 751: 2

Center, 1971

Box 751: 3

Evans Dinner with Sander Vanocur and Harry Ashmore, 1971-1973

Box 751: 4

Foreign Policy Convocation, 1972

Box 751: 5

Fox, Mr. and Mrs. David - Reception for Barry Richman, 1971

Box 751: 6

Fulbright Dinner, 1971

Box 751: 7

Gould, Carl, 1971

Box 751: 8

Hollywood List, 1971

Box 751: 9

Houston Dinner, 1973

Box 751: 10

Kleeman, Charles R., 1971

Box 751: 11

L.A. Convocation: Changing Social Values and Priorities, 1972-1973

Box 751: 12

Lists, 1972

Box 752: 1

Nasher, Patsy and Ray, 1973

Box 752: 2

Newport Beach, 1972-1973

Box 752: 3

Pacem in Terris III, 1973-1974

Box 752: 4

Ring, Doug, 1971

Box 752: 5

San Diego Reception for Malcolm Moos, 1971

Box 752: 6

San Francisco, 1971

Box 752: 7

San Francisco Convocation, 1972-1973

Box 753: 1

Scholars from Abroad Program, 1972

Box 753: 2

Stephen S. Wise Temple, 1971

Box 753: 3

Taft Agency, 1972

Box 753: 4

Watergate, 1973



Additional Note

Related files in EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - PUBLIC PROGRAMS (M18-0604).


Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically; includes correspondence, fundraising efforts, and files on various Center studies.
Box 754: 1

A, 1965-1966

Box 754: 2

B, 1964-1966

Box 754: 3

Brooks, Ruth, 1965-1966

Box 754: 4

C, 1965-1966

Box 754: 5

Center's Memos - General, 1965-1966

Box 754: 6

Contributions, 1965-1966

Box 754: 7

Convocation Requests, 1965

Box 754: 8

Correspondence - General, 1965-1966

Box 754: 9

D, 1965-1966

Box 754: 10

E, 1965-1966

Box 754: 11

F, 1965-1966

Box 754: 12

Ferry, W. H., 1965-1966

Box 754: 13

Fromkin, David - Anarchism and the Grotian Tradition, 1963

Box 754: 14

Fundraising - Contributions, 1961-1962

Box 755: 1

G, 1964-1966

Box 755: 2

H, 1965-1966

Box 755: 3

Harrington, Michael, 1964-1965

Box 755: 4

Hutchins, Robert M. - Newspaper Column, 1963-1965, 1967

Box 755: 5

Hutchins, Robert M. - Zuckerkandl, 1962

Box 755: 6

I, 1965-1966

Box 755: 7

Inquiries and Follow-ups, 1966

Box 755: 8

J, 1965-1966

Box 755: 9

K, 1964-1966

Box 755: 10

Kelly, Frank K., 1965-1966

Box 755: 11

L, 1964-1966

Box 755: 12

Latin American Study, 1963

Box 756: 1

Levinson, Morris L., 1965-1966

Box 756: 2

M, 1965-1966

Box 756: 3

Mc, 1964-1965

Box 756: 4

McDonald, Donald, 1965-1966

Box 756: 5

Mailing List, 1964-1965

Box 756: 6

N, 1959-1966

Box 756: 7

O, 1964-1966

Box 756: 8

Office and Filing Procedure, 1959-1965

Box 756: 9

P, 1964-1966

Box 756: 10

Pageant Magazine, 1966

Box 756: 11

Publications, 1964

Box 756: 12

Q, 1965

Box 756: 13

R, 1964-1966

Box 756: 14

Reed, Edward, 1965-1966

Box 756: 15

Rothschild, Herbert M., 1965-1966

Box 756: 16

S, 1965-1966

Box 757: 1

Sheinbaum, Stanley, 1965-1966

Box 757: 2

Statement to Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, 1963

Box 757: 3

Stein, Norman - Incoming Memos, 1966

Box 757: 4

T, 1965-1966

Box 757: 5

Tapes for Broadcast and Discussion, 1962-1963

Box 757: 6

U, 1965-1966

Box 757: 7

V, 1965

Box 757: 8

W, 1963-1966

Box 757: 9

Warner, Irving, 1965

Box 757: 10

Willens, Harold, 1965

Box 757: 11

X-Z, 1965


Board of Directors

Box 758: 1

Awards and Grants, ca. 1956, 1960

Box 758: 2

Consultants on the Basic Issues, 1959-1962

Box 758: 3-16

Meetings, 1959-1965

Box 758: 17

Monthly Reports, 1960-1961

Box 759: 1-2

Foundations, 1963-1964

Additional Note

List of foundations from the New York area, with data on assets and areas of interest for giving.
Box 759: 3-8

Lists, ca. 1960-1965

Additional Note

Mostly development, event, membership, and mailing lists.


Additional Note

Arranged chronologically; includes files on conferences, convocations, meetings, and symposia, often with lists of invitees and attendees.
Box 760: 1

[Asia/Africa Meeting], Jan. 1962

Box 760: 2

Latin America Study, Feb. 1962

Box 760: 3

Encyclopaedia Britannica Conference on the Technological Order, 11-16 Mar. 1962

Box 760: 4

Press Conference Luncheon, 5 June 1962

Box 760: 5

Prospects for Democracy, 1962-1963 (Santa Barbara), 30 Nov-2 Dec. 1962

Box 760: 6

At Your Service (Joseph Lyford), 28 Dec. 1962

Box 760: 7

Transcripts, 1962

Box 760: 8

Challenges to Democracy (Tenth Anniversary Convocation), 21-22 Jan. 1963

Box 760: 9

Challenges to Democracy (Chicago), 13 June 1963

Box 760: 10

Elmo Roper - Paul Hoffman Luncheon, 24 Nov. 1964


Pacem in Terris [PIT I], 1965

Box 760: 11


Box 760: 12


Box 760: 13


Box 760: 14


Box 760: 15




Box 760: 16

Camargo, Alberto Lleras

Box 760: 17

Eban, Abba

Box 760: 18

Fulbright, J. William

Box 760: 19

Hutchins, Robert M.

Box 760: 20

Schmid, Carlo

Box 760: 21

Takayanagi, Kenzo

Box 760: 22

Tillich, Paul

Box 760: 23

Toynbee, Arnold J.

Box 760: 24

U Thant

Box 760: 25

Ward, Barbara

Box 760: 26

Warren, Earl

Box 761: 1-2

Tribute Dinner for Robert M. Hutchins, 20 Feb. 1965

Box 761: 3

Center Club Luncheon, No. 1, 6 Apr. 1965

Box 761: 4

Center Club Luncheon, No. 2, 25 May 1965

Box 761: 5

Herbert Meller Cocktail Party, 25 May 1965

Box 761: 6

Center Club Luncheon, No. 3, 22 June 1965

Box 761: 7

Center Club Dinner Meeting, 11 Oct. 1965

Box 761: 8

Center Club Meeting, 26 Oct. 1965

Box 761: 9

Center Club Luncheon, 18 Nov. 1965

Box 761: 10

Center Club Luncheon, 14 Dec. 1965

Box 761: 11

Symposium on the Autonomous Technological Concept, 19-23 Dec. 1965

Box 762: 1

Center Club Luncheon, 3 Mar. 1966

Box 762: 2

Center Club Luncheon, 25 Apr. 1966

Box 762: 3

University in America, 8-10 May 1966

Box 762: 4

Appreciation Dinner: School of International Affairs, Columbia University, 11 May 1966


Paul Hoffman Dinner, 26 May 1966

Box 762: 5


Box 762: 6


Box 762: 7-10


Box 763: 1

Dinner Committee

Box 763: 2


Box 763: 3-5

General Invitees

Box 763: 6-7

Guest Lists

Box 763: 8-13


Box 763: 14


Box 764: 1


Box 764: 2-3


Box 764: 3

Sponsors Committee

Box 764: 5

Hutchins Fundraising Sessions, 28 Sept. 1966

Box 764: 6-9

Bishop Pike Dinner, 1 Dec. 1966



Additional Note

The Development Program's efforts were, not surprisingly, directed primarily toward fundraising. The Center, throughout its history, was hampered by an inability to secure sustained funding to support its high level of expenditures. The Development Program sought funding in a variety of ways, through individual contacts with established supporters, public programs which might attract new supporters, and direct mail campaigns. For related files see: ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS - ADMINISTRATORS' FILES - Tagger (M18-0102).

Board of Directors

Additional Note

Mostly appeals to the Board and gifts by Board members.
Box 765: 1

Board Member Gifts, 1984-1986

Box 765: 2

Special Appeal to Former Board Members, 1985

Box 765: 3

Special Appeal to Members of the Board, 1983

Box 765: 4

Special Appeal to Selected Members of the Board, 1984

Box 765: 5

Special Campaign, 1985

Box 765: 6

Budget (Development Account figures for Chicago, Los Angeles and New York offices), 1967-1968


Center Clubs.

Additional Note

Box 765: 7

Proposal for Establishment of Center Clubs, 1980

Box 765: 8-11

Center Club of L.A., 1981-1984

Box 765: 12

Center Club of New York, 1980

Box 766: 1-3

Center Club of Santa Barbara, 1980-1984



Additional Note

Files for individual corporations and foundations.


Box 766: 4

Carnegie Corporation, 1985

Box 766: 5

Haas Fund, 1985

Box 766: 6

Mobil Corporate Gift Request, 1982

Box 766: 7

Northrop Corporation, 1982

Box 766: 8

Philip Morris Corporation, 1983-1985

Box 766: 9

Sony Corporation of America, 1982

Box 766: 10

Xerox Corporation Gift Request, 1982



Box 766: 11

AT&T Foundation, 1982-1985

Box 766: 12

Exxon Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 13

Ford Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 14

Henry Luce Foundation, Inc., 1982

Box 766: 15

Hewlett Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 16

IGCC, 1985

Box 766: 17

J. M. Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 18

Lilly Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 19

New York Times Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 20

Olin Foundation, 1985

Box 766: 21

Smith-Richardson, 1985


Direct Mail Efforts.

Additional Note

Includes files on direct mail campaigns, membership trends, and sample literature from other organizations.
Box 767: 1

Casebook of Grant Proposals in the Humanities, 1982

Box 767: 2

Christmas Membership Subscription Appeal, 1983

Box 767: 3-7

Direct Mail Campaigns, 1980-1983

Box 768: 1

Direct Mail Campaigns - UCSB Alumni Letters, 1983

Box 768: 2

Educational Directory, 1985

Box 768: 3-4

Human Rights Special Appeal Letters, 1983

Box 768: 5

Kroc Foundation - Medical Research Programs, 1981

Box 768: 6

Membership Trends - Direct Mail Costs, 1974-1979



Additional Note

Primarily files on proposals and visiting fellows.
Box 768: 7

Fellows Applications, 1981-1985

Box 768: 8

Non-Resident Fellows - Nominees, 1980-1984

Box 768: 9

Program Descriptions, 1980-1982

Box 768: 10

Public History Proposal - Wes Johnson, 1981

Box 768: 11

Senior Fellows - Robert Wesson, 1983-1984

Box 768: 12

Visiting Fellows Program, 1983-1985

Box 768: 13-15

Visiting Fellows, 1981-1983

Box 769: 1

Visiting Fellows, 1982



Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by name of foundation; includes correspondence, profiles, proposals and reports.
Box 769: 2

AT&T Foundation, 1984

Box 769: 3

California Council for the Humanities in Public Policy, 1980

Box 769: 4

California Foundations Contacted for Help on 'Civil Rights' Meeting, 1984

Box 769: 5

California Historical Records (NHPRC Application), 1981

Box 769: 6

Education Foundation of America, 1984

Box 769: 7

Ford Foundation, 1980

Box 769: 8

German-Marshall Fund of U.S., 1984

Box 769: 9

Goethe Institute, 1980-1981

Box 769: 10

Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation, 1981

Box 769: 11

Johnson Foundation, 1975

Box 769: 12

Kresge Foundation, 1979-1980

Box 769: 13

L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation, 1981

Box 769: 14

Louis B. Mayer Foundation, 1984

Box 769: 15

MacArthur Foundation, 1979-1980

Box 769: 16

National Endowment for the Humanities, 1982

Box 769: 17

Potomac Foundation, 1980

Box 769: 18

San Francisco Foundation, 1980-1981

Box 770: 1

UCSB Research Bulletins, 1979-1980

Box 770: 2

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 1981

Box 770: 3

Trends in Foundation Funding - Miscellaneous News, 1981


Fund Raising

Box 770: 4

Crisis Fund-Raising Effort, 1979

Box 770: 5

Donations - $5,000 and Over, 1982-1985

Box 770: 6-9

Efforts, 1980-1985

Box 770: 10

Ford Foundation Meeting, 1985

Box 770: 11

Hutchins Papers Archive Project, 1981

Box 770: 12

PEW Foundation Proposal, 1985-1986

Box 770: 13

Previous Plans, Pledges, etc. from Our Board, 1984



Additional Note

Related files in MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM -- GENERAL (M18-0701).
Box 771: 1

Individual Potential Contributors, 1983

Box 771: 2-4

Membership Gifts, 1984-1986

Box 771: 5

Outstanding Pledges and Other Sources, 1984

Box 771: 6

Report on Development Program of CSDI (John L. Perry), 1967

Box 771: 7-11

Estates and Major Givers, 1979-1981

Box 772: 1-8

Estates and Major Givers, 1964-1987



Box 772: 9

Brochures and Mailings, ca. 1971-1979


Research Matters, 1981-1982

Additional Note

Mainly proposals submitted for funding by the Center.
Box 772: 10

Cooper, David - Thomas Merton, 1981

Box 772: 11

Fingarette, Herbert - Alcohol Studies, 1981

Box 772: 12

Next Generation (submitted to Hewlett Foundation), 1981

Box 772: 13

O'Brien, John - Proposal, 1982

Box 772: 14

UCSB Foundation - Fiscal Agent, 1981


UCSB Development

Box 772: 15

Center Endowment Fund Gift from UCSB Foundation, 1981

Box 772: 16

University of Chicago, RMH Fund (Hutchins), 1984



Additional Note

In addition to Santa Barbara based dialogues and other programs, the Center maintained a regular schedule of public meetings around the country. These were designed to deal with aspects of basic issues identified in the course of developing the Academic Program. They ranged from small dialogue-style conferences through large public symposia to major international convocations extending over a period of days. These public events were intended to communicate the ideas elaborated at the Center directly to those who attended, and indirectly through news coverage and commentary in the communications media.



Alpha Files

Box 773: 1

ALA Liberty and Justice Book Awards, 1957

Box 773: 2

American Traditions Competition Dinner, 1957

Box 773: 3

Brown v. Board of Education Dinner Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary, 1984

Box 773: 4

Japanese Productivity Center, 1979

Box 773: 5

Map to the Center, n.d.

Box 773: 6

Survey of Symposia Conferences, 1960-1969



Additional Note

Includes agenda, correspondence, financial records, planning materials, programs, reports, and some transcripts of presentations. Files for many conferences are incomplete. Related files in ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS -- ADMINISTRATORS' FILES -- Ashmore, Ginsburg, Hutchins, and Wheeler (M18-0102).

Alternatives in Education (one letter only, from Ralph Nader, declining invitation), Santa Barbara, 18-20 Nov. 1970


Broadcasting and the First Amendment, Santa Barbara, 30-31 Jan. 1973

Box 774: 2

General (includes correspondence, memos, tape list

Box 774: 3

Dialogue Discussion Papers


Ashmore, Harry S. - The Free Press Issue: Difficult, Dangerous, Important and Unresolved


Carlson, Rick J. - Examination of the 'Rights' of the Interested Parties


Loper, James L. - Remarks


Lyford, Joseph P. - Supernews


Ritchie-Calder, Lord - Press Council and Broadcasting Council: The British Experience


Rogers, Lawrence H., II - Remarks


Salant, Richard S. - The Goverhnment and Broadcast Journalism


Salant, Richard S. - Remarks


Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. - Freedom of the Press: Who Cares?


Segal, Ronald - Whose Fire-Bell in the Night?


Wheeler, Harvey - The Public Interest in Multi-Media Acculturation

Box 774: 4-5


Box 774: 6-7

Report by Ashmore



Box 775: 1

Ashmore, Harry S.

Box 775: 2

Bazelon, David

Box 775: 3

Cade, Lisl

Box 775: 4

Carlson, Rick

Box 775: 5

Clark, Blair

Box 775: 6

Cogley, John

Box 775: 7

Colson, Charles

Box 775: 8

Cutler, Lloyd

Box 775: 9

Dole, Robert

Box 775: 10

Frank, Reuven

Box 775: 11

Howar, Jack

Box 775: 12

Kalven, Harry

Box 775: 13

Loper, James L.

Box 775: 14

Lower, Elmo

Box 775: 15

Minow, Newton

Box 775: 16

Neal, Fred Warner

Box 775: 17

Porter, Paul A.

Box 775: 18

Rogers, Lawrence

Box 775: 19

Salant, Richard

Box 775: 20

Scalia, Antonin

Box 775: 21

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Box 775: 22

Sevareid, Eric

Box 775: 23

Shakespeare, Frank

Box 775: 24

Sharnik, John

Box 775: 25

Traynor, Roger

Box 775: 26

Whitehead, Clay

Box 775: 27

Wolf, Thomas

Box 775: 28

California Council for the Humanities (with Sigmund Arywitz, Paul Chaffee, Martin N. Chamberlain, W. Turrentine Jackson, Charles Kaplan, William C. McInnes, Monroe Richman, Bruce R. Sievers, Jean L. Wente, and Lynn T. White, Jr.), Santa Barbara, 14-15 Dec. 1974


Changing Role of Religion in Contemporary Culture

Box 776: 1

Santa Barbara Consultation (with Hans Baerwald, Walter Capps, Richard Comstock, Robert Frager, Gerald Larsen, and Robert Michaelson), 10-11 June 1974


Chicago Conference (with papers by Alexander Comfort, Sidney Mead, James Sellers, Milton Singer, and Charles Tart), 11-13 Sept. 1974

Box 776: 2

General (includes program, correspondence, and memos)

Box 776: 3

Background and Dialogue Discussion Papers (for the Santa Barbara and Chicago venues)


Ashmore, Harry S. - The Great Re-Awakening


Brauer, Jerald, and Naomi Shenstone Donelley - The Changing Role of Religion in Contemporary Culture


Comfort, Alexander - Notes on the Biology of Religion


Mead, Sidney E. - The Changing Role of Religion in Modern Society


Sellers, James - Ways of Saying 'We': Moral Resources and American Community


Singer, Milton - The Cultural Displacement of Religion


Tart, Charles T. - Factors in Understanding the Role of Religion

Box 776: 4


Box 776: 5-6

City through History Conference (with John E. Brush, Kenneth L. Cooke, Myron J. Frankman, George Kish, Tosio Kitagawa, Ezio Marchi, Colin Renfrew, Robert Rosen, Kenzo Tange, Paul Wheatley, and Lotfi Zadeh), Santa Barbara, 16-20 July 1973


Constitutional Principles: Their Validity and Vitality Today, Santa Barbara, 9-13 Dec. 1973

Box 776: 7-8

Background Papers (incl. Henry Abraham, Mortimer J. Adler, Fawn M. Brodie, Thomas C. Breitner, Thomas Cowan, Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Daniel R. Fusfeld, Donald G. Herzberg, Robert M. Hutchins, Russell Kirk, Christopher Lasch, Theodore J. Lowi, Eugene J. McCarthy,, Seymour Melman, Arthur Selwyn Miller, Barry Nakell, Saul K. Padover, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr, Andrew St. George, Barbara W. Tuchman, William Watts, and Harvey Wheeler)

Box 777: 1


Box 777: 2-4

Criminal Justice (Second Criminal Justice Conference; with Victor Cizanckas, Rick Carlson, Ronald M. Dworkin, John Greacen, Robert J. Kutak, Leon Leiberg, Harold Pepinsky, Herbert W. Titus, and other Center Staff and Fellows), Santa Barbara, 6-9 Nov. 1973


Energy Policies and the International System, Santa Barbara, 4-7 Dec. 1973

Box 777: 5



Dialogue Discussion Papers

Box 777: 6

Set I (circulated 3 Dec. 1973)


Craven, John - Energy and World Military Forces Energy and the Oceans: A Collection of Papers Presented at the Fourth Pacem in Maribus Convocation, 23-26 June 1973


Hanessian, John, Jr., and Jean M. Johnson - Research Priorities on Global Energy Policy Issues: A Suggested Analytical Framework


Harriss, Robert C. - Ecological Criteria for the Design of a Global Energy System


Krieger, David - Four Energy Crises and a Solution


Krieger, David - Peaceful Nuclear Power as a Military Equalizer


Post, R. F., and F. L. Ribe - Fusion Reactors as Future Energy Sources


Segal, Ronald - Energy, Money, and International Trade


Tugwell, Franklin - Oil Producers and Energy Politics: Implications for the Future of Transnational Energy Management


Walton, Keith - A Survey of International Energy Institutions and Policy Mechanisms


Young, Elizabeth - The Security 'Take' of Energy: Some Preliminary Views

Box 777: 7

Set II (circulated 4 Dec. 1973)


Heronemus, William E. - Solar Energy: A Key to Global Survival


Hewes, Laurence I., Jr. - Rural Progress and the Role of Energy Among Less Developed Countries


Kaplan, Irving - Mater Omnium: Automated Energy and Material Wealth from the Sea


Mesarovic, Mihajlo - World Energy Model, A Tool for Long-Term Planning


Mordy, Wendell - Energy Needs and the Atmosphere

Box 777: 8

Set III (circulated 5 Dec. 1973)


Avenhaus, Rudolf - The Fast Breeder as a Cornerstone for Future Large Supplies of Energy


Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - Proposal for the Establishment of a International Energy Institute


Bruce, Maxwell - International Aspects of Canadian Energy


Diaz, Jean Andre - The Patterns of Maritime Transportation of Energy


Dupuy, R. J. - The World Energy System and Legal Prospects


Emery, K. O. - Energy Resources and Marine Geolgy of the Northwestern Indian Ocean Region


Feld, B. T. - A Crude but Plausible Model for World-Wide Energy Needs Into the Next Century


Ginsburg, Norton - Energy and the Poorer Countries: The Context of a Strategy


Guyol, N. B. - World Energy Requirements and Supplies, 1970-2000


Mesarovic, M. D., and E. Pestel - On the World System, Global Crises and a Framework for the Development of Social Indicators


Mesarovic, M. D., and E. C. Pestel - Strategy for Survival - A Club of Rome Project in the Predicament of Mankind Study


Piccard, Jacques - Quelques problemes poses par la demande croissante de l'energie


Wilkinson, John - Energy as a Logically Primitive State Variable in Every Consistent System

Box 778: 1



Ethnicity and Historical Identity in the United States (with Harry S. Ashmore, J. Herman Blake, Elisabeth Borgese, Jerald Brauer, John Cogley, Alexander Comfort, Norton Ginsburg, John Higham, Nathan I. Huggins, Robert M. Hutchins, Frank K. Kelly, Alexander King, Paul T. K. Lin, Donald McDonald, Gunnar Myrdal, Michael Novak, Moses Rishin, Theodore Salutos, Julian Samora, Joseph J. Schwab, Rexford G. Tugwell, Rudolph Vecoli, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 13-15 May 1974

Box 778: 2


Box 778: 3

Background Papers



Box 778: 4

13 May 1974, Tapes V-35, W-35

Box 778: 5

14 May 1974, Tapes X-35, Y-35

Box 778: 6

15 May 1974, Tape Z-35


Fear in the Air: Broadcasting and the First Amendment [book by Harry Ashmore; based on the Broadcasting and the First Amendment conference]

Box 779: 1

Benton Foundation

Box 779: 2

Book Jacket

Box 779: 3

Excerpt for AAUW Journal

Box 779: 4


Box 779: 5-8

Sources of Quotes

Box 779: 9

General Systems Theory: Retrospect Futurology Applications (with Jerry Clark, Kenneth L. Cooke, John McLeod, Howard Pattee, Robert Rosen, and Jonas Salk), Santa Barbara, 2 Nov. 1973

Box 779: 10

Gerontological Society Conference on Aging and the Media (with Harry Ashmore, Carl Carmichael, Alex Comfort, Richard Davis, Carl Eisdorfer, Robert Hudson, Ben Park, and Wilbur Schramm), Tapes A-37, A-38, Santa Barbara, 15-18 Dec. 1974

Box 780: 1-2

Guidelines for a Global Science Policy (with Benjamin Barg, E. M. Borgese, William Clark, Norton Ginsburg, John Hanessian, J. M. Harrison, Carl-Goran Heden Alexander King, , David Krieger, Wendell Mordy, Gunnar Myrdal, G. Oldham, Arvid Pardo, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Eugene B. Skolnikoff, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 19-23 Nov. 1973

Box 780: 3

Japanese-American Conference (Tokuma Utsunomiya correspondence only), Santa Barbara, 24-25 Jan. 1969

Box 780: 4-5

The Jewish Tradition and Its Relevance to Modern Life (with Jerald Brauer, Haim Cohn, Emil L. Fackenheim, Robert Gordis, Alfred Gottschalk, David Weiss Halivni, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Jakob Petuchowski, Philip Rieff, Ellis Rivkin, Yehuda Rosenman, Nathan Rotenstreich, Gershom G. Scholem, Marie Syrkin, R. J. Svi Werblowsky, and Fellows of the Center), Santa Barbara, 10-12 Sept. 1973

Box 780: 6

Junior Fellows Conference: Radicals, Humanism and the New Society (with Todd Gitlin, Walt Krier, Saul Landau, Morni Leoni, Richard Lichtman, James O'Connor, Menachim Rosner, Al Stinson, and Ron Walkey), Santa Barbara, 6-8 May 1970

Box 780: 7-8

Legal-Political-Social-Economic Aspects of Climate and Weather Modification (with Edwin X. Berry, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Stanley Changnon, Tom Cronin, James Crutchfield, Barbara Farhar, Lewis Grant, Eugene Haas, David Krieger, Gunnar Myrdal, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Joseph Schwab, Howard J. Taubenfeld, Rita F. Taubenfeld, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 15-16 Nov. 1973

Box 781: 1

Legitimate vs. Illegitimate Forms of Religious Instruction and Behavior (proposal only)

Box 781: 2

Lifespan Conference (with Walter Doberauer, LeRoy Duncan, William Ewald, Richard A. Kalish, Robert W. Prehoda, Bonnie Russell, Nathan W. Shock, Francis Marrot Sinex, Bernard L. Strehler, Prescott Thompson, Frederiq Verzar, Alvin I. Goldfarb, Henry M. Hyatt, Richard Bellman, Max Kaplan, and Donald G. Carpenter), Santa Barbara, 13-17 Apr. 1970

Box 781: 3

The Mentally Ill and the Criminal Law (with Troy Duster, David Noah Fields, Richard Korn, Grant Morris, and Herbert Wechsler), Santa Barbara, 22-23 Oct. 1970


National Ecology Center, Santa Barbara, 14-15 Dec. 1970

Box 781: 4




Box 781: 5

Anderson, Robert

Box 781: 6

Bolle, Arnold

Box 781: 7

Bunting, Mary

Box 781: 8

Caldwell, Lynton

Box 781: 9

Douglas, William O.

Box 781: 10

Dubos, Rene

Box 781: 11

Galbraith, John K.

Box 781: 12

Gardner, John

Box 781: 13

Gofman, J. W.

Box 781: 14

Lanford, Oscar

Box 781: 15

Lindbergh, Charles and Anne

Box 781: 16

Lindbergh, Land and Susie

Box 781: 17

Mansfield, Mike

Box 781: 18

McDowell, Joseph E.

Box 781: 19

Moos, Malcolm

Box 781: 20

Mordy, Wendell

Box 781: 21

Pantzer, Robert

Box 781: 22

Parten, Jubal R.

Box 781: 23

Rockefeller, Laurance S.

Box 781: 24

Schermer, Lloyf

Box 781: 25

Tamplin, A. R.

Box 781: 26

The New Rhetoric (with Lloyd Bitzer, A. Robert Caponigri, George C. Christie, Horace Kallen, Richard McKeon, Chaim Perelman, Nathan Rotenstreich, and Harold Zyskind), Santa Barbara, 19-21 Jan. 1970

Box 781: 27

Political, Psychosocial, Educational and Policy Implications of Structuralisms (also referred to as Conference on Piagetian Structuralism; with Michael Basch, H. D. Landahl, John McLeod, Avishai Margalit, Sidney Morgenbesser, H. H. Pattee, K. H. Pribram, Robert Rosen, Nathan Rotenstreich, and Y. Yoval), Santa Barbara, 29-31 July 1974

Box 781: 28

The Population Problem: Key Issues in Food, Population, and Development (Background Papers by William W. Murdoch and Allan Oaten - Population and Food: Metaphors and the Reality; and Michael F. Lofchie - Political and Economic Origins of African Hunger), Santa Barbara, 9 Jan. 1976


Presidential Powers, Santa Barbara, 11-19 Sept. 1970

Box 782: 1




Box 782: 2

Barber, Mames - Man and Mood in the Presidency, Tape O-17

Box 782: 3

Berle, Adolf - Control of Presidential Power in Foreign Relations, Tape N-17

Box 782: 4

Cater, Douglass - A View from the White House Basement, Tape Q-17

Box 782: 5

Hardin, Charles - The Problem of Presidential Power in the Wider Constitutional Setting, Tape N-17

Box 782: 6

Jacoby, Neil - Reflections on Presidential Advising

Box 782: 7

Mueller, John E. - The President and Public Opinion, Tape Q-17

Box 782: 8

Plesur, Milton - The Problem Within: Aspects of Presidential Health

Box 783: 1-2

Pritchett, C. Herman - Presidential Power in the Constitutional System

Box 783: 3

Reedy, George - Problems of Isolation in the Presidency

Box 783: 4

Tugwell, R. G., and Harvey Wheeler - Last Session, Tape R-17

Box 783: 5-7

Public Affairs Journalism (with Harry Ashmore, William Baggs, Edward Barrett, Ben Bradlee, Scott Buchanan, John Cogley, Julius Discha, Edward Engberg, W. H. Ferry, William Gorman, Hallock Hoffman, Robert M. Hutchins, Joseph Lyford, Donald McDonald, Edward P. Morgan, Michael Pulitzer, Albion Ross, Sander Vanocur, and Nick Williams,), Santa Barbara, 7-8 Sept. 1967

Box 784: 1-2

Public Interest in Education (with Gordon Bowden, Keith R. Echeveri, Richard Flacks, Norton Ginsburg, John Hanessian, Robert M. Hutchins, Philip W. Jackson, Zofia P. Kessler, Henry M. Levin, Joseph J. Schwab, Ralph W. Tyler, and F. Champion Ward), Santa Barbara, 19-20 Mar. 1973

Box 784: 3

Reconstituting the Metropoly (with Benjamin Alexander, Harry Ashmore, Rick J. Carlson, Thomas E. Cronin, Myron Frankman, Norton Ginsburg, Ted Kolderie, Peter A. Lupsha, Melvin Mogulof, Wendell Mordy, Raymond D. Nasher, James Osborn, Francine Rabinovitz, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Robert Rosen, Joseph Schwab, Rexford G. Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 23-24 July 1973

Box 784: 4

Report of the Santa Barbara Citizens Commission on Civil Disorders (copy of report and list of invitees only), Santa Barbara, 5 Nov. 1970

Box 784: 5-7

Social and Political Change: The Role of Women (with William Alexander, Carla Bielli, Rae Blumberg, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Chris Bransfield, Barbara Callaway, Vernon Cheadle, Siu-Tsung-Chen, Mechthild Fulles, Norton Ginsburg, Robert Gubbels, Sondra Herman, Aleen Holly, , Robert M. Hutchins, Lynne Iglitzen, Jane Jaquette, Nora Scott Kinzer, Gail Lapidus, Paul LinIngunn Norderval Means, Peter Merkle, , Marguerite Nash, Mary Cornelia Porter, Adaljiza Riddell, Ruth Ross, Janet Salaff, Steffen Schmidt, Hamideh Sedghi, Beverly Springer, Judith Stiehm, Judith Van Allen, Corey Venning, Elaine Vogel-Polsky, and Harvey Wheeler), Santa Barbara, 7-8 Mar. 1974

Box 784: 8

Social Structures and Rational Policies (with Lord Richard Acland, Alexander Comfort, Kenneth Cooke, Colin Renfrew, Barbara Walker,Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 28 Apr-2 May 1975

Box 784: 9

Structuralism Conference (with W. W. Bartley, III, Michael Beaujour, Peter Caws, George C. Christie, James J. Hurtak, Annette Lavers, Jacques Malet, John Platt, Jean-Francois Revel, Robert Rosen, Stanley Rosen, Nathan Rotenstreich, Edward W. Said, Mariam Slater, Harvey Wheeler, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 3-21 Aug. 1970

Box 785: 1

Taxation and Human Values (with Robert Brandon, Elliot Brownlee, Otis Graham, Brian Kelley, Garvan Kuskey, Maurice Mitchell, Richard Musgrave, and Dean Tipps), Santa Barbara, 2-4 Mar. 1978

Box 785: 2

Technology, Development, and Values (with Harry S. Ashmore, Richard Bellman, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Jerald C. Brauer, Gary Cadenhead, John Cogley, Daniel J. Dever, Clifton Fadiman, Leo Gabriel, Norton Ginsburg, Denis Goulet, Laurence Hewes, George McT. Kahin, Frank K. Kelly, A. Scott Kelso, Eulah Laucks, Herbert D. Long, Arvid Pardo, P. J. Philip, Robert Rosen, Huston Smith, Kenneth Thompson, Wei-Ming Tu, Rexford Tugwell, and John Wilkinson), Santa Barbara, 10-12 Apr. 1972

Box 785: 3

United Nations and the Third World (with R. M. Akwei, Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe, Sverker Astrom, Corneliu Bogdan, Joao Augusto de Araujo Castro William O. Douglas, Paul-Marc Henry, Max Jakobson, Lazar Mojsov, C. V. Narasimhan, Terence Nsanze, Samar Sen, and E. L. F. de J. Seneviratne), Santa Barbara, 12-15 Feb. 1970

Box 785: 4-6

Violence in American Life (agenda and background readings only), Santa Barbara, 24-26 June 1981

Box 785: 7

Where Shall We Live? (with James N. Alexander, Andrew L. Bavas, Harold C. Fleming, Herbert M. Franklin, James O. Gibson, Philip G. Hammer, Alfred Heller, Aileen Hernandez, Arthur J. Levin, Arnold M. Paul, Thomas Pettigrew, John Simon, William L. Slayton, and other Center Staff, Board Members, and Associates), Santa Barbara, 7-8 Nov. 1975

Box 786: 1-3

World Order and Freedom (notes and background readings), ca. 1973



Additional Note

Related files in ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS - ADMINISTRATORS' FILES - Ashmore, Ginsburg, Hutchins, and Wheeler (M18-0102).

Pacem in Maribus.

Additional Note

Four Pacem in Maribus (PIM) convocations were held between 1970 and 1973, to examine the impact of the Marine Revolution (the industrialization of the ocean) and appropriate responses to it. In addition there were a number of planning conferences and a Continuing Group for Policy Research. Most of the Center's PIM files appear to be from Elisabeth Mann Borgese, who was the chief organizer of the convocations. A small amount of correspondence for PIM III, held June 27-July 3, 1972, is mixed in with PIM II files. No files have been found for PIM IV, held June 23-26, 1973.

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann.

Additional Note

Mainly correspondence and memoranda with CSDI staff regarding planning and followup to the Pacem in Maribus convocations; also some correspondence with PIM participants.
Box 787: 1


Box 787: 2-3


Box 787: 4



PIM I: An International Convocation on Frontiers of the Seas to Explore Peaceful Uses of the Oceans and the Ocean Floor, held on the Island of Malta, June 28-July 3, 1970

Additional Note

Steering Committee members were William O. Douglas (Chairman), Harry S. Ashmore (Deputy Chairman), Elisabeth Mann Borgese (Secretary General), S. O. Adebo, Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Silviu Brucan, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Wilbert M. Chapman, Xavier Denieu, Paul G. Hoffman, N. N. Inozemtsev, Edward Lamb, Frank La Que, Clare Boothe Luce, William A. Nierenberg, Shigeru Oda, Arvid Pardo, Jacques Piccard, Raul Prebisch, and Roger Revelle. The convocation was attended by more than 200 participants. Plenary session with address by William O. Douglas and message by U Thant. Group sessions included: Arms Control and Disarmament in the Oceans; The Emerging Ocean Regime: Its Area of Competence and Its Legal Framework; Fishery and Ocean Ecology; The Limits of National Jurisdiction; Ocean Ecology, Planning and Development in Relation to Ocean Resources; Pollution, Insurance, and Self-Regulation of Enterprises; Organizational Problems of Fishery Enterprises; The Role of Enterprises in an Ocean Regime; The Role of Science and Scientists in the Oceans; and Systems Analysis and Forecasting in the Ocean Environment. Related files in MICROFORMATS-16MM MICROFILM - ADMINISTRATION - SUBJECT FILES (F18-0801). Related publications include: Proceedings: Pacem in Maribus Convocation (1971).

Preparatory Conferences.

Additional Note

Agenda, correspondence, memoranda, and participant lists relating to a series of meetings and conferences that preceded the first Malta convocation. Arranged chronologically. Related publications include: Quiet Enjoyment: Arms Control and Police Forces for the Ocean (1970); Legal Foundations of the Ocean Regime (1971); The Ocean Environment (1970); Ocean Enterprises (1970).
Box 787: 5

Santa Barbara - Planning Session (rescheduled), 24-26 Oct. 1969

Box 787: 6

Santa Barbara - Preparatory Conference on Arms Control and Disarmament, 8-10 Jan. 1970

Box 787: 7

Rhode Island - Preparatory Conference on the Legal Framework and Continental Shelf, 30 Jan-1 Feb. 1970

Box 787: 8

Santa Barbara - United Nations and the Third World (Ambassadors' Conference), 12-15 Feb. 1970

Box 787: 9

New York - Planning and Development in Relation to Ocean Resources, 25-27 Feb. 1970

Box 787: 10

Santa Barbara - Preparatory Conference on Science and Ecology (held jointly with the New York conference - On the Role of Science...), 20-26 Apr. 1970


Convocation Files

Box 787: 11

Addresses and Remarks - Ashmore, Harry S.



Box 787: 12

Arze, Walter

Box 787: 13

Azerdo Perdieao, Jose de

Box 787: 14

Becker, John

Box 787: 15

Birrenbach, K.

Box 787: 16

Bock, Joseph

Box 787: 17

Catlin, Joseph

Box 787: 18

Chiusano, Vittorino

Box 787: 19

Fixx, James

Box 787: 20

Gibbs, Geoffrey

Box 787: 21

Goldberg, Arthur

Box 787: 22

Haussamen, Crane

Box 787: 23

Henkin, Louis

Box 787: 24

Kaplan, J. M.

Box 787: 25

Kelly, Frank K.

Box 787: 26

Kovda, Victor

Box 787: 27

Lamb, Edward

Box 787: 28

Leslie, James

Box 788: 1

Macovsky, M. S.

Box 788: 2

Marina, Madeline

Box 788: 3

Milic, Milenko

Box 788: 4

Pell, Claiborne

Box 788: 5

Petri, Niels

Box 788: 6

Stevenson, Thomas

Box 788: 7

Thant, U

Box 788: 8

Theorell, Hugo

Box 788: 9

Vitzthum, Wolfgang

Box 788: 10

Voigt, Richard

Box 788: 11

von Muralt, A.

Box 788: 12

Zle, Morris

Box 788: 13

Eurocean Foundation

Box 788: 14-15


Box 788: 16


Box 788: 17


Box 788: 18


Box 788: 19-23

Publicity (articles, bibliographies, papers and other publications)

Box 788: 24

Statute (International Ocean Institute)


PIM II, held on the Island of Malta, June 29-July 5, 1971

Additional Note

Continued the study project approach, including examination of: An Analysis of Current Proposals and Models for a Seabed Treaty and Machinery; An Development Tax; The Pollution of the Mediterranean; and The Economic Potential of the Ocean Environment. Related publications include: The Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, edited by Lord Ritchie-Calder (1972).

Preparatory Conferences.

Additional Note

Agenda, correspondence, financial records, memoranda, participant lists, reports and transcripts.
Box 788: 25

A Constitution for Oceans, Santa Barbara, 8-10 Feb. 1971

Box 789: 1

Pollution of the Mediterranean, Naples, 1-3 Apr. 1971


Continuing Group for Policy Research, 1970-1972

Additional Note

Correspondence, financial records, minutes, participant lists, and reports for meetings held before and after PIM II. Members of the group included Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Edwin J. Borg-Costanzi, Elisabeth Mann Borgese (Secretary-General of the group), Silviu Brucan, Peter Dohrn, Rene Jean Dupuy, Sidney J. Holt, Sigeru Oda, Arvid Pardo, Jacques Piccard, Duke E. Pollard, Roger Revelle, Lord Ritchie-Calder, and Mario Ruivo.
Box 789: 2-3


Box 789: 4


Box 789: 5

Nice, France Conference, 3-5 Jan. 1972


Convocation Files

Box 789: 6

German Delegation

Box 789: 7



Pacem in Terris.

Additional Note

The Pacem in Terris convocations came about as a direct response to Pope John XXII's 'Peace on Earth' Encyclical, issued in 1963. The Center organized five Pacem in Terris (or PIT) convocations from 1965 to 1984. The first two, in particular, were planned as international events and were widely reported in the press.

Preliminary Conference.

Additional Note

A small planning session held at Wingspread, the Johnson Foundation conference center at Racine, Wisconsin, May 17-19, 1964, to determine the feasibility of organizing a major convocaton focusing on Pacem in Terris. Robert M. Hutchins chaired the conference, which was organized around three topics: The Encyclical as a Guide to Coexistence, The Encyclical as a Guide to International Conduct, and The Encyclical as a Practical Guide to World Order. Participants included S. O. Adebo, Abdul Rahman Azzam, Ralph J. Bunce, Michael S. Comay, John F. Cronin, Xavier Deniau, Nelson Glueck, Brooks Hays, Hudson Hoagland, Joseph E. Johnson, Georgi Kornienko, Luigi Ligutti, George McGovern, Hans J. Morgenthau, Reuben H. Mueller, C. V. Narasimhan, Gaylord Nelson, Clairborne Pell, Eugene Rabinowitch, Andrew Shonfield, and Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. For related materials, see MICROFORMATS-16MM MICROFILM - ADMINISTRATION - SUBJECT FILES (F18-0801).
Box 790: 1


Box 790: 2



PIT I: Convocation on the Requirements of Peace, held in New York City, Feb. 18-20, 1965

Additional Note

Co-sponsored by the Center and the Johnson Foundation. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey was principal speaker at the opening session in the Assembly Hall of the United Nations. Plenary sessions on A European Settlement (Military Confrontation, Germany and Berlin, Nuclear Proliferation), The Institutional Structure (National Sovereignty, International Organization, The Rule of Law, Peace-Keeping), The National Independence vs. International Dependence (Alignment vs. Non-Alignment, Economic Disparities, Political Instability), The Terms of Coexistence: Mutual Interest and Mutual Trust (Ideology and Intervention, The Limits of Non-Military Conflict, Change vs. the Status Quo). Speakers included U.N. Secretary-General U Thant, Chief Justice Earl Warren, J. William Fulbright, Paul Hoffman, Adlai Stevenson, and Arnold Toynbee. For related materials see MICROFORMATS-16MM MICROFILM - ADMINISTRATION - SUBJECT FILES (F18-0801) and PHOTOGRAPHS - PRINTS - BLACK/WHITE - SEPARATIONS (P18-0903). Related publications include: Pacem in Terris (1965).

Convocation Files


Addresses and Speeches

Box 791: 1

Buron, Robert

Box 791: 2

Humphrey, Hubert

Box 791: 3

Hutchins, Robert

Box 791: 4

Kelly, Frank

Box 791: 5

Khan, Muhammnad Zafrulla

Box 791: 6

Nenni, Pietro

Box 791: 7

Pauling, Linus

Box 791: 8

Pope Paul VI

Box 791: 9

Quintanilla, Luis

Box 791: 10

Rifa'i, Aboul Monem



Box 791: 11

Bloom, Mel

Box 791: 12

Cowlan, Bert

Box 791: 13

Douglas, William O.

Box 791: 14

Hoffman, Paul

Box 791: 15

Hutchins, Robert

Box 791: 16

Lucal, John

Box 791: 17

Lyford, Joseph

Box 791: 18

Paffrath, Leslie

Box 791: 19

Shearer, Tom

Box 791: 20

Ustinov, Vladimir

Box 791: 21

Wakin, Edward

Box 791: 22




Box 791: 23-24

Articles and Correspondence

Box 792: 1

Articles and Reports

Box 792: 2-3


Box 792: 4-6

Press Releases and Other Publications


After Pacem in Terris I: The Conference at Santa Barbara.

Additional Note

An evaluation session held in June 1965, which recommended holding a second convocation. Participants were S. O. Adebo, Joseph A. Amter, Patrick Armstrong, Ralph Bunche, Michael Comay, Joseph W. Drown, Ahmed Houman, Stuart Mudd, C. V. Narasimhan, Fred Warner Neal, Linus Pauling, Luis Quintanilla, E. R. Richardson, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Jose Rolz-Bennett, Piero Vinci, Harold Willens, and Muhammed Zafrulla Khan. See Series 0304: Box 1, Folders 7-8.

Geneva Planning Conference, May 30-June 2, 1966

Additional Note

Held in Geneva to make initial plans for Pacem in Terris II. Fred Warner Neal and Elisabeth Mann Borgese served as the secretariat for the planning conference. Participants were William C. Baggs, Alastair Buchan, Jean Chauvel, Mrs. Kiyoko Cho, Xavier Deniau, William O. Douglas, Mohamed El-Zayyat, Albert A. Gore, Nikolai N. Inozemtsev, Manfred Lachs, George S. McGovern, Pierre Mendes- France, Dmitri D. Muravyev, C. V. Narasimhan, Luis Quintanilla, Edgar Snow, and Sonn Vocensai. No files found relating to this conference.

PIT II: A Second International Convocation to Examine the Requirements for Peace, held in Geneva, Switzerland, May 28-31, 1967

Additional Note

Co-sponsored by the Center and the Investors Overseas Services - IOS Foundation of Bernard Cornfeld. Attended by over four hundred participants from more than seventy nations. Opening convocation with address by UN Secretary General U Thant. Five working sessions on: The Threats to Coexistence; Intervention: The Case of Vietnam; Confrontation: The Case of Germany; Beyond Coexistence; and Interdependence. Speakers and panellists included S. O. Adebo, Ernst Bader, Vladimir Bakaric, Hubert Beuve-Mery, Eugene C. Blake, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Jean de Broglie, Silviu Brucan, Lrd Chalfont, Jean Chauvel, M. J. Desai, J. William Fulbright, J. Kenneth Galbraith, Galo Plaza, Roger Garaudy, Gerald Gotting, Jose Harari, Paul G. Hoffman, David Horowitz, Ahmed Houmen, Josef Hromadka, Robert M. Hutchins, Tran Van Huu, Masamichi Inoki, N. N. Inozzemtsev, Raghavan Iyer, Frank K. Kelly, Thanat Khoman, Paul T. K. Lin, M. D. Millionshchikov, Terence Nsanze, Nugroho, Mark Oliphant, Linus Pauling, Abdul Rahman Pazhwak, Luis Quintanilla, Chester A. Ronning, John. R. Seeley, Moune Souvanna Phouma, Willy Spuhler, Arsene Usher, and Sonn Voeunsai. As a direct result of PIT II, two Center principals, Harry S. Ashmore and William C. Baggs, traveled twice to Hanoi in an effort to further a negotiated settlement of the war in Vietnam. For related materials see: MICROFORMATS-16MM MICROFILM - ADMINISTRATION - SUBECT FILES (F18-0801) and PHOTOGRAPHS - PRINTS - BLACK/WHITE - SEPARATIONS (P18-0903). Related publications include: Harry S. Ashmore, Mission to Hanoi (1968).


Box 793: 1

Agenda: Suggestions

Box 793: 2


Box 793: 3-4

Background Papers

Box 793: 5

Board of Directors

Box 793: 6


Box 793: 7

Cantor, Berton

Box 793: 8

Casals Concert

Box 793: 9-10


Box 794: 1-3


Box 794: 4

Clark, Joseph S.

Box 794: 5


Box 794: 6


Box 794: 7

Douglas, William O.

Box 794: 8

Erni, Hans

Box 794: 9

Expenditure Authorization

Box 794: 10


Box 795: 1

Films, Tapes

Box 795: 2


Box 795: 3

Follow Up in Europe

Box 795: 4

Form Letters #1: Letters from People Asking for Information

Box 795: 5

Form Letters #2: Letters from People Who Want to Go to Geneva

Box 795: 6

Geneva Conference

Box 795: 7

Geneva Conference - Invitations

Box 795: 8

Geneva Conference - Invitation Regrets

Box 795: 9-10

Geneva Conference - Reports

Box 795: 11


Box 795: 12

Hanoi Trip - Speech to Founding Members

Box 795: 13


Box 795: 14

Hutchins, Robert M. - Opening Address

Box 795: 15

Hutchins, Robert M. - Closing Remarks

Box 796: 1

IOS Foundation

Box 796: 2-3

IOS Foundation - Geneva

Box 796: 4

Kaiser Report

Box 796: 5-7


Box 797: 1-3


Box 797: 4

Participants - Lists

Box 797: 5

Participants - Suggestions

Box 798: 1

Perry, John

Box 798: 2

Possible Invites

Box 798: 3

Press, TV, Fred Friendly Letter

Box 798: 4

Press Releases

Box 798: 5

Program Tentative

Box 798: 6

Public Relations

Box 798: 7

Ruder and Finn - N.Y. and L.A.

Box 799: 1


Box 799: 2

Telex Messages

Box 799: 3

External Affairs


Addresses, Interventions, Speeches and Statements.

Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by surname.
Box 800: 1

Abrecht, Paul

Box 800: 2

Adebo, S. O.

Box 800: 3

Bakaric, Vladimir

Box 800: 4

Bader, Ernest

Box 800: 5

Barnes, Roland

Box 800: 6

Barry, Joseph

Box 800: 7

Beuve-Méry, Hubert

Box 800: 8

Blake, Eugene C.

Box 800: 9

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann

Box 800: 10

Boyko, Hugo

Box 800: 11

Brockway, George P.

Box 800: 12

Broglie, Jean de

Box 800: 13

Brohi, A. K.

Box 800: 14

Brucan, Silviu

Box 800: 15

Busia, K. A.

Box 800: 16

Butler, Allan M.

Box 800: 17

Camara, Helder

Box 800: 18

Castillo-Cardenas, Gonzalo

Box 800: 19

Chauvel, Jean

Box 800: 20

Christol, Carl G.

Box 800: 21

Crowther, C. E.

Box 800: 22

Davidson, Basil

Box 800: 23

Dewart, Leslie

Box 800: 24

Edinborough, Arnold

Box 800: 25

Egge, Bjørn

Box 800: 26

Fatemi, N. S.

Box 800: 27

Figueras, José

Box 800: 28

Friedländer, Saul

Box 800: 29

Fromm, Erich

Box 800: 30

Fulbright, J. William

Box 800: 31

Galtung, Johan

Box 800: 32

Garaudy, Roger

Box 800: 33

Ghazali Bin Shafie, Tan Sri M.

Box 800: 34

Gordis, Rabbi Robert

Box 800: 35

Göttling, Gerald

Box 800: 36

Greeley, Dana McLean

Box 800: 37

Gülek, Kasim

Box 800: 38

Habicht, Max

Box 800: 39

Harari, José

Box 800: 40

Heymans, Justus

Box 800: 41

Hoffman, Paul G.

Box 800: 42

Horowitz, David

Box 800: 43

Houman, Ahmad

Box 800: 44

Houtart, Canon Francois

Box 801: 1

Hussain, S. Abid

Box 801: 2

Hutchins, Robert M.

Box 801: 3

Huu, Tran Van

Box 801: 4

Infeld, Leopold

Box 801: 5

Iyer, Raghavan

Box 801: 6

Joswig, Heinz

Box 801: 7

Journet, Charles

Box 801: 8

Kabir, Humayun

Box 801: 9

Kelly, Frank K.

Box 801: 10

Khoman, Jhanat

Box 801: 11

Kisosonkole, Pumla

Box 801: 12

Lacassagne, A. M. B.

Box 801: 13

Landau, George

Box 801: 14

Le Chasseur, Guy

Box 801: 15

Lin, Paul T. K.

Box 801: 16

Lukal, John A.

Box 801: 17

McAllister, Frances

Box 801: 18

McCarthy, Thaddeus

Box 801: 19

McKeever, Porter

Box 801: 20

McLaughlin, John

Box 801: 21

Manifestos and Multiple Declarations

Box 801: 22

Mannes, Marya

Box 801: 23

Mendes de Almeida, Candido

Box 801: 24

Mestiri, Mahmoud

Box 801: 25

Moch, Jules

Box 801: 26

Moisescu, Justin

Box 801: 27

Nayar, Sushila

Box 801: 28

Niemöller, Martin

Box 801: 29

Nsanze, Terrence

Box 801: 30


Box 801: 31

Oliphant, Mark

Box 801: 32

Pardo, Arvid

Box 801: 33

Pauling, Linus

Box 801: 34

Pavan, Pietro

Box 801: 35

Pazhwak, Abdul Rahman

Box 801: 36

Petersen, Peter

Box 801: 37

Plaza, Galo

Box 801: 38

Prasad, Devi

Box 801: 39

Quintanilla, Luis

Box 801: 40

Reno, Robert H.

Box 801: 41

Rolz-Bennett, José

Box 801: 42

Romulo, Carlos P.

Box 801: 43

Ronning, Harold G.

Box 801: 44

Rossides, Zenon

Box 801: 45

Ruegger, Paul

Box 801: 46

St. John-Stevas, Norman

Box 801: 47

Schumacher, E. F.

Box 801: 48

Schütz, W. W.

Box 801: 49

Scientists: Summary of Deliberations

Box 801: 50

Seeley, John R.

Box 801: 51

Singh, Khushwant

Box 801: 52

Sohn, Louis B.

Box 801: 53

Sonn, Voeunsai

Box 801: 54

Southeast Asian Revolution

Box 801: 55

Souvanna Phouma, Moune

Box 801: 56

Thicht, Nhat Hanh

Box 801: 57

Thant, U

Box 801: 58

Thapar, Romesh

Box 801: 59

Tri, Nghiem

Box 802: 1

Usher Assovan, Arséne

Box 802: 2

Verghese, Paul

Box 802: 3

Vietnam Neutralists

Box 802: 4

de Vries, Egbert

Box 802: 5

Weiss, Peter

Box 802: 6

Zeuthen, Else





Additional Note

Arranged alphabetically by surname; includes incoming/outgoing correspondence, as well as biographical information for many participants.
Box 803: 1

Abrecht, Paul R.

Box 803: 2

Acton, Norman

Box 803: 3

Adebo, S. O.

Box 803: 4

Aguirre de Carcer, Nuno

Box 803: 5

Alfvén, Hannes

Box 803: 6

Allard, Baron A.

Box 803: 7

Arciniegas, German

Box 803: 8

Aris, Helmut

Box 803: 9

Armstrong, Patrick

Box 803: 10

Arnold, John von

Box 803: 11

Ashmore, Harry S.

Box 803: 12

Audu, Ishaya Sha'aibu

Box 803: 13

Bader, Ernest

Box 803: 14

Baer, Gertrude

Box 803: 15

Baggs, William C.

Box 803: 16

Bakaric, Vladimir

Box 803: 17

Barber, Arthur

Box 803: 18

Barnes, Roland

Box 803: 19

Barry, Joseph

Box 803: 20

Bassarak, Gerhard Emil Karl

Box 803: 21

Beer, Henrik

Box 803: 22

Bellush, Bernard

Box 803: 23

Benstead, H. M.

Box 803: 24

Ben Yahmed, Bechir

Box 803: 25

Beuve-Méry, Hubert

Box 803: 26

Björk, Kaj

Box 803: 27

Björnerstedt, Rolf

Box 803: 28

Blake, Eugene Carson

Box 803: 29

Blonay, André de

Box 803: 30

Boissier, Leopold

Box 803: 31

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann

Box 803: 32

Bouthoul, Gaston

Box 803: 33

Boyd Orr, Lord

Box 803: 34

Boyko, Hugo

Box 803: 35

Broady, Henry V.

Box 803: 36

Brockway, George P.

Box 803: 37

Broglie, Jean de

Box 803: 38

Brohi, A. K.

Box 803: 39

Brooke, Edward William

Box 803: 40

Brown, George E.

Box 803: 41

Brucan, Silviu

Box 804: 1

Burckhardt, Jacob

Box 804: 2

Busia, K. A.

Box 804: 3

Butler, Allan M.

Box 804: 4

Calalang, Alfonso

Box 804: 5

Camara, Dom Helder

Box 804: 6

Campbell, Lord of Eskau

Box 804: 7

Carlson, Chester

Box 804: 8

Carrillo Salcedo, Juan Antonio

Box 804: 9

Castillo-Cardenas, Gonzalo

Box 804: 10

de Castillon, Raymond S. J.

Box 804: 11

Chaffard, Georges

Box 804: 12

Chanderli, Abdelharder

Box 804: 13

Chantarasu, Tianthone

Box 804: 14

Chauvel, Jean

Box 804: 15

Chavanne, André

Box 804: 16

Christol, Carl G.

Box 804: 17

Clark, Grenville

Box 804: 18

Clark, Joseph

Box 804: 19

Cole, Christopher O. E.

Box 804: 20

Coppieters, Emmanuel

Box 804: 21

Cousins, Norman

Box 804: 22

Cox, Arthur

Box 804: 23

Crowley, Patrick F.

Box 804: 24

Crowther, Edward

Box 804: 25

Davidson, Basil

Box 804: 26

Deniau, Xavier

Box 804: 27

Desai, M. J.

Box 804: 28

Deshmukh, C. D.

Box 804: 29

Dewart, Leslie

Box 804: 30

Diop, Alioune

Box 804: 31

Dobrosielski, Marian

Box 804: 32

Drown, Joseph

Box 804: 33

Edinborough, Arnold

Box 804: 34

Egge, Bjørn

Box 804: 35

Encinas del Pando, José

Box 804: 36

Eralp, Orhan

Box 804: 37

Erni, Hans

Box 804: 38

Fabunmi, Lawrence A.

Box 804: 39

Farmer, James

Box 804: 40

Fatemi, N. S.

Box 804: 41

Federspiel, Per

Box 804: 42

Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo

Box 804: 43

Ferry, W. H.

Box 804: 44

Figueras, José

Box 804: 45

Flores Olea, Victor

Box 804: 46

Freeman, Harrop

Box 804: 47

Freymond, Jacques

Box 804: 48

Friedländer, Saul

Box 804: 49

de Frietas, Geoffreys

Box 804: 50

Fromm, Erich

Box 804: 51

Frondizi, Risien

Box 804: 52

Fulbright, J. William

Box 805: 1

Galbraith, J. K.

Box 805: 2

Galtung, Johan

Box 805: 3

Ganji, Manouchehr

Box 805: 4

Garaudy, Roger

Box 805: 5

Gerholm, Tor R.

Box 805: 6

Ghazali Bin Shafie, Tan Sri Muhammad

Box 805: 7

Giovannetti, Alberto

Box 805: 8

González Pedrero, Enrique

Box 805: 9

Gordis, Robert

Box 805: 10

Göttling, Gerald

Box 805: 11

Goudvis, T. L.

Box 805: 12

Grant, Arnold

Box 805: 13

Gray, Katherine M.

Box 805: 14

Greeley, Dana McLean

Box 805: 15

Gremillion, Joseph

Box 805: 16

Grimond, Jo

Box 805: 17

Gülek, Kasim

Box 805: 18

Gunther, Richard

Box 805: 19

Habicht, Max

Box 805: 20

Habte, Aklilu

Box 805: 21

Halle, Louis J.

Box 805: 22

Harari, José

Box 805: 23

Hardjomidojojo, Soekartono

Box 805: 24

Hein, Piet

Box 805: 25

Henriguez, Clodomiro

Box 805: 26

Henry, Paul

Box 805: 27

Heymans, Justus

Box 805: 28

Hoagland, Hudson

Box 805: 29

Hoffman, Paul G.

Box 805: 30

Houman, Ahmad

Box 805: 31

Houtart, Francois

Box 805: 32

Hromádka, J. L.

Box 805: 33

Humphrey, John P.

Box 805: 34

Hussain, S. Abid

Box 805: 35

Hutchins, Robert M.

Box 805: 36

Infeld, Leopold

Box 805: 37

Inoki, Masamichi

Box 805: 38

10S Participants and Regrets

Box 805: 39

Janss, Edwin, Jr.

Box 805: 40

Jessup, Philip C.

Box 805: 41

Joswig, Heinz

Box 806: 1

Journet, Charles C.

Box 806: 2

Julian, Percy L.

Box 806: 3

Kabir, Humayun

Box 806: 4

Kajubi, W. Senteza

Box 806: 5

Khan, Muhammad Zafrulla

Box 806: 6

Khan, Said Uddin

Box 806: 7

Khoman, Jhanat

Box 806: 8

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Box 806: 9

Kirk, Peter M.

Box 806: 10

Kisosonkole, Pumla E.

Box 806: 11

Klineberg, Otto

Box 806: 12

Kumlin, Ragnar

Box 806: 13

Kurz, Getruo

Box 806: 14

Lacassagne, Antoine

Box 806: 15

Lachs, Manfred

Box 806: 16

Lall, Arthur S.

Box 806: 17

Lamb, Edward

Box 806: 18

Landau, Jacob

Box 806: 19

Latuihamallo, Peter

Box 806: 20

Lechasseur, Guy

Box 806: 21

Lemos, George

Box 806: 22

Liechtenstein, Hans Adam

Box 806: 23

Ligutti, Luigi

Box 806: 24

Lin, Paul

Box 806: 25

Lotz, Gerhard

Box 806: 26

Lower, Elmer

Box 806: 27

McAllister, Frances

Box 806: 28

McCarthy, Thaddeus

Box 806: 29

McKeever, Porter

Box 806: 30

MacBride, Sean

Box 806: 31

MacDonald, Kirkpatrick

Box 806: 32

Mahoney, Florence

Box 806: 33

Majidulla, Sleem

Box 806: 34

Malburg, Fritz

Box 806: 35

Malcuzynski, Karol

Box 806: 36

Mannes, Marya

Box 806: 37

Maresky, L.

Box 806: 38

Mayer, Arno J.

Box 806: 39


Box 806: 40

Meller, S. Herbert

Box 806: 41

Melo Franco, Afonso Arinos de

Box 806: 42

Mendes de Almeida, Candido Antonio

Box 806: 43

Mink, Patsy

Box 806: 44

Mitzenheim, Moritz

Box 806: 45

Moch, Jules

Box 806: 46

Moisecu, Justin

Box 806: 47

Monner, Christian

Box 806: 48

Morganthau, Hans J.

Box 806: 49

Morrison, Neil M.

Box 806: 50

Müller-Marein, Joseph

Box 806: 51

Mwale, Siteke

Box 806: 52

Natoli, Aldo

Box 806: 53

Nayar, Sushila

Box 806: 54

Neil, Fred W.

Box 807: 1

Neil, Fred W.

Box 807: 2

Nicolaidis, Nicholas

Box 807: 3

Niemöller, Martin

Box 807: 4

Nishimura, Kanichi

Box 807: 5

Nissiotis, Nicos A.

Box 807: 6

Noel-Baker, Philip J.

Box 807: 7

Nsanze, Terence

Box 807: 8


Box 807: 9

Oduber, Daniel

Box 807: 10

Oliphant, Mark L. E.

Box 807: 11

Ostrow, Senial

Box 807: 12

Paik, Lak-Geoon

Box 807: 13

Palme, Sven Olaf

Box 807: 14

Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi

Box 807: 15

Pardilla Nervo, Louis

Box 807: 16

Pardo, Arvid

Box 807: 17

Patton, James G.

Box 807: 18

Pauling, Linus

Box 807: 19

Paulsen, Sigurd

Box 807: 20

Pavan, Pietro

Box 807: 21

Pell, Claiborne

Box 807: 22

Petersen, Peter

Box 807: 23

Phanareth, Phouangkioh

Box 807: 24

Philip, André

Box 807: 25

Piel, Gerard

Box 807: 26

Pike, James A.

Box 807: 27

Plaza, Lasso

Box 807: 28

Prasad, Devi

Box 807: 29

Quintanilla, Luis

Box 807: 30

Reno, Robert H.

Box 807: 31

Resich, Zhigniew

Box 807: 32

Reves, Emery

Box 807: 33

Rhyne, Charles S.

Box 807: 34

Richardson, E. R.

Box 807: 35

Riedmatten, Henri

Box 807: 36

Ritchie-Calder, Lord

Box 807: 37

Roegele, Otto

Box 807: 38

Rolz-Bennett, José

Box 807: 39

Ronning, Chester

Box 807: 40

Ronning, Harold

Box 808: 1

Rossides, Zenon

Box 808: 2

Rotblat, Joseph

Box 808: 3

Ruegger, Paul

Box 808: 4

Sabev, Todor

Box 808: 5

St. John-Stevas, Norman

Box 808: 6

Sannes, John

Box 808: 7

Sarrazac, Robert

Box 808: 8

Schumacher, E. F.

Box 808: 9

Schütz, Wilhelm W.

Box 808: 10

Seara-Vasquez, Modesto

Box 808: 11

Sekaninova, Gertruda

Box 808: 12

Sheinbaum, Stanley K.

Box 808: 13

Simatupang, T. B.

Box 808: 14

Singh, Kushwant

Box 808: 15

Singhvi, Laxmi

Box 808: 16

Skelton, Kenneth

Box 808: 17

Smith, George I.

Box 808: 18

Sohn, Louis B.

Box 808: 19

Sonn, Voeunsai

Box 808: 20

Souvanna Phouma, Mouna

Box 808: 21

Stanford, Walter P.

Box 808: 22

Stevenson, William E.

Box 808: 23

Takayanagi, Kenzo

Box 808: 24

Tamano, Mamintal A.

Box 808: 25

Thant, U

Box 808: 26

Thapar, Romesh

Box 808: 27

Thiam, Doudou

Box 808: 28

Thirring, Hans

Box 808: 29

Thyness, Paul

Box 808: 30

Tinbergen, Jan

Box 808: 31

Tomlinson, John D.

Box 808: 32

Tri, Nghiem Van

Box 808: 33

Ungar, Leopold

Box 808: 34

Usher, Arséne A.

Box 808: 35

Ustor, Endre

Box 808: 36

Van Horne Lowe, Harriet

Box 808: 37

Vardinoyannis, Paul

Box 808: 38

Verghese, Paul

Box 808: 39

de Vries, Egbert

Box 808: 40

Wahlen, F. T.

Box 808: 41

Ward, F. Champion

Box 808: 42

Waris, Heikki

Box 808: 43

Weiss, Ernest

Box 808: 44

Weiss, Peter

Box 808: 45

Weissbourd, Bernard

Box 808: 46

Whyte, Quintin

Box 808: 47

Willens, Harold

Box 808: 48

Wood, Duncan

Box 808: 49

Yalcin, Aydin

Box 808: 50

Zea, Leopoldo

Box 808: 51

Zeuthen, Else


Office Files

Additional Note

A mix of files from the offices of James Roosevelt, Secretary General of PIT II; Gordon H. West, Deputy Secretary General of PIT II; Harry S. Ashmore, Executive Vice President of CSDI; and Elaine H. Burnell, Assistant to Ashmore and Coordinator of PIT II. Includes incoming/outgoing correspondence, as well as memoranda, program outlines, and lists of speakers, panelists and participants.
Box 809: 1-2

Ashmore, Harry S.

Box 809: 3


Box 809: 4

Burnell, Elaine

Box 809: 5

Cables/Telex - Incoming

Box 809: 6

Cables/Telex - Outgoing

Box 809: 7

Casals, Pablo (Grand Theater, etc.)

Box 809: 8


Box 809: 9

Financial Backing

Box 809: 10

Form Letters for Invitations

Box 809: 11

Freymond, Jacques

Box 809: 12


Box 809: 13

Keller, Rene

Box 809: 14

Muralt, Jean de

Box 809: 15

Perry, John

Box 809: 16

Press Conference, 8 Mar. 1967

Box 809: 17


Box 809: 18

Requests for Invitations

Box 809: 19

Rhodes, Constance

Box 809: 20


Box 809: 21

Spuhler, Herrn

Box 809: 22

West, Gordon

Box 810: 1-2


Additional Note

Includes material on proposed film and tv projects relating to PIT II.


Box 811: 1-2

Clippings and Releases

Box 811: 3

List of Press Contacts

Box 811: 4

Public Relations

Box 811: 5

Publicity by CSDI


Speeches and Discussions (translations and transcripts)


28 May 1967 (evening)

Box 812: 1

Keller, Rene

Box 812: 2

Chavanne, Andre

Box 812: 3

Journet, Charles

Box 812: 4

Blake, Eugene

Box 812: 5

U Thant


29 May 1967 (morning)

Box 812: 6

Roosevelt, James

Box 812: 7

Hutchins, Robert

Box 812: 8

Khan, Said

Box 812: 9

Brooke, Edward William

Box 812: 10

Plaza, Galo

Box 812: 11

Usher, Arsene

Box 812: 12

Garaudy, Roger

Box 812: 13

Panel Discussion

Box 812: 14

29 May 1967 (noon) - The Middle East Crisis


29 May 1967 (afternoon)

Box 812: 15

Intro (Neal and Roosevelt)

Box 812: 16

Ronning, Chester

Box 812: 17

Souvanna Phouma, Moune

Box 812: 18

Voeunsai, Sonn

Box 812: 19

Khoman, Thanat

Box 812: 20


Box 812: 21

Chauvel, Jean

Box 812: 22

Dobrosielski, Marian

Box 812: 23


Box 812: 24


Box 812: 25

29 May 1967 (evening) - Interviews by Participants


30 May 1967 (morning)

Box 812: 26

Roosevelt, James

Box 812: 27

Rolz-Bennett, Jose

Box 812: 28

Palme, Olof

Box 812: 29

Beuve-Mery, Hubert

Box 812: 30

Schultz, Wilhelm

Box 812: 31

Gotting, Gerald

Box 812: 32

Malcuzynski, Karol

Box 812: 33

Defrietas, Geoffrey

Box 812: 34


Box 812: 35

30 May 1967 (noon) - International Law Discussion


30 May 1967 (afternoon)

Box 812: 36

Bakaric, Vladimir

Box 812: 37

Roosevelt, James

Box 812: 38

Fulbright, J. William

Box 812: 39

Thiam, Doudou

Box 812: 40

De Broglie, Jean

Box 812: 41

Lin, Paul


30 May 1967 (afternoon)

Box 812: 42


Box 812: 43

Ashmore, Harry

Box 812: 44

30 May 1967 (evening) - Interventions by Participants


31 May 1967 (morning)

Box 813: 1

Roosevelt, James

Box 813: 2

Galbraith, John

Box 813: 3

Inoki, Masamichi

Box 813: 4

Hromadka, J.

Box 813: 5

Nsanze, Terence

Box 813: 6

Brucan, Silviu

Box 813: 7

Galbraith, John

Box 813: 8



31 May 1967 (noon)

Box 813: 9

Pauling, Linus (Report for the Scientists)

Box 813: 10

Clergy Report


31 May 1967 (afternoon)

Box 813: 11

Carlson, Chester

Box 813: 12

Adebo, S. O.

Box 813: 13

Hoffman, Paul

Box 813: 14

Camara, Dom

Box 813: 15

Richardson, Egerton

Box 813: 16


Box 813: 17

Roosevelt, James (Closing Remarks)

Box 813: 18

Submitted Statements

Box 813: 19

Janss, Edwin (Interventions by Participants)

Box 813: 20

Hutchins, Robert (Closing Remarks)


PIT III: A National Convocation to Consider New Opportunities for United States Foreign Policy, held in Washington, D.C., Oct. 8-11, 1973

Additional Note

Opening remarks by Harold Willens and Robert M. Hutchins. Sessions on The National Interests of the United States, The National Interest and Military Power, Deterrence through the Threat of Mutual Assured Destruction, Trade and Economic Competition, The Emergence of Transnational Issues, The Imperatives of Institution-Building, and The Requirements of Democratic Foreign Policy. Speakers included Clark Clifford, Sam J. Ervin, Jr., J. William Fulbright, John Kenneth Galbraith, Henry A. Kissinger, Marshall Shulman, Paul Warnke, and Herbert York. Related publications include: The Pacem in Terris III Proceedings, 4 vols., edited by Mary Kersey Harvey and Fred Warner Neal (1974).

Convocation Files

Box 814: 1


Box 814: 2


Box 814: 3




Box 814: 4


Box 814: 5

Ashmore, Harry

Box 814: 6

Balk, Alfred

Box 814: 7

Barnet, Richard J.

Box 814: 8

Board of Directors

Box 814: 9

Brezinski, Zbigniew

Box 814: 10

Brown, George

Box 814: 11

Brown, Harrison

Box 814: 12

Brown, Seyom

Box 814: 13

Bush, George

Box 814: 14

Challenor, Herschelle

Box 814: 15

Church, Frank

Box 814: 16

Clark, Blair

Box 814: 17

Clifford, Clark M.

Box 814: 18

Cogley, John

Box 814: 19

Cohen, Jerome A.

Box 814: 20

Cooper, Richard N.

Box 814: 21

Cronin, Tom

Box 814: 22

Davies, John

Box 814: 23

De Jouvenal, Bertrand

Box 814: 24

Emerson, Gloria

Box 814: 25

Ervin, Sam

Box 814: 26

Falk, Richard

Box 814: 27

Fitzgerald, Frances

Box 814: 28

Foster, William

Box 814: 29

Frederick, Pauline

Box 814: 30

Fulbright, J. W.

Box 814: 31

Galbraith, J. Kenneth

Box 814: 32

Gardner, Richard N.

Box 814: 33

Gelb, Leslie

Box 814: 34

Ginsburg, Norton

Box 815: 1

Grant, James P.

Box 815: 2

Halberstam, David

Box 815: 3

Halperin, Morton

Box 815: 4

Hesburgh, Theodore M.

Box 815: 5

Holbrooke, Richard

Box 815: 6

Horowitz, David

Box 815: 7

Humphrey, Hubert

Box 815: 8

Hutchins, Robert

Box 815: 9


Box 815: 10

Jacoby, Neil

Box 815: 11

Jessup, Philip

Box 815: 12

Hoffman, Stanley

Box 815: 13

Karnow, Stanley

Box 815: 14

King, Alexander

Box 815: 15

Kissinger, Henry

Box 815: 16

Korry, Edward

Box 815: 17

La Rouque, Gene

Box 815: 18

Linowitz, Sol Myron

Box 815: 19

Lisagor, Peter

Box 815: 20

McCarthy, Eugene

Box 815: 21

McGovern, George

Box 815: 22

Morgenthau, Hans J.

Box 815: 23

Morse, Bradford

Box 815: 24

Muskie, Edmund

Box 815: 25

Neal, Fred

Box 815: 26

Peterson, Peter

Box 815: 27

Piel, Gerald

Box 815: 28


Box 815: 29

Reedy, George

Box 815: 30

Reischauer, Edwin O.

Box 816: 1

Ribicoff, Abraham A.

Box 816: 2

Ritchie-Calder, Lord

Box 816: 3

Rockefeller, Nelson

Box 816: 4

Salk, Jonas Edward

Box 816: 5

Senior Fellows

Box 816: 6

Shulman, Marshall D.

Box 816: 7

Sohn, Louis

Box 816: 8

Steel, Ronald

Box 816: 9

Stone, Jeremy

Box 816: 10

Surrey, Walter S.

Box 816: 11

Sweezy, Paul M.

Box 816: 12

Tagger, Peter (work arrangements)

Box 816: 13

Tagger, Peter

Box 816: 14

Thompson, Kenneth W.

Box 816: 15

Thomson, James

Box 816: 16

Tucker, Robert W.

Box 816: 17

Tugwell, Rexford

Box 816: 18

Turner, Stansfield

Box 816: 19

Wallace, George

Box 816: 20

Warnke, Paul C.

Box 816: 21

Willens, Harold

Box 816: 22

Wohlstetter, Albert

Box 816: 23

Will, George F.

Box 816: 24

York, Herbert

Box 816: 25

Yost, Charles W.

Box 817: 1


Box 817: 2-3




Box 817: 4

Abernethy, John

Box 817: 5

Alexander, Chauncey

Box 817: 6

Allers, Harry

Box 817: 7

Armstrong, H. M.

Box 817: 8

Baggs, Joan

Box 817: 9

Bailey, Foster

Box 817: 10

Bailey, James

Box 817: 11

Bailey, Mary

Box 817: 12

Baker, Peter

Box 817: 13

Barry, Louise

Box 817: 14

Bayliss, Lois

5 of 7 pages
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