Register of the Fritz Machlup papers

Finding aid prepared by Linda Bernard
Hoover Institution Library and Archives
© 1998
434 Galvez Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6003

Title: Fritz Machlup papers
Date (inclusive): 1911-1983
Collection Number: 83037
Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Language of Material: In English and German
Physical Description: 315 manuscript boxes, 10 oversize boxes, 6 card file boxes, 1 album box, 1 oversize folder, 4 audiocassettes, 4 audiotape reels (139.0 Linear Feet)
Abstract: Correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, notes, questionnaires, data, financial records, grant proposals, instructional materials, and printed matter, relating to economic theory and to information systems and the creation and transmission of knowledge.
Creator: Machlup, Fritz, 1902-1983
Physical Location: Hoover Institution Library & Archives


Box 330 may not be used without permission of the Archivist. The remainder of the collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.


For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Acquisition Information

Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1983.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Fritz Machlup papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

Biographical Note

1902 December 15 Born, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
1922-1933 Partner and director, Timmersdorfer Holzstoff und Pappenfabrik Emerich Kren and Co., Vienna, Austria
1923 Dr. Rer. Pol., Universitat Wien, Vienna
1924-1933 Partner and managing director, Ybbstaler Pappenfabriken Adolf Leitner und Bruder, Vienna
1924-1948 Director, Elso Magyar Cartonlemezgyar Rt. (Erste Ungarische Carton-Pappenfabrik), Budapest, Hungary
1925 Married Marianne (Mitzi) Herzog
  Author, Die Goldkernwahrung
1927 Author, Die neuen Wahrungen in Europa
1929-1931 Council member, Austrian Cardboard Cartel, Vienna
1929-1933 Lecturer, Volkshochschule Wien, Vienna
1931 Author, Borsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung
1933 Moved to the United States
1933-1935 Research fellow, Rockefeller Foundation
1934 Author, Fuhrer durch die Krisenpolitik
1934-1935, 1938-1939 Visiting lecturer, Harvard University, Massachusetts
1935-1947 Frank H. Goodyear professor of economics, University of Buffalo, New York
1936 Visiting professor, Harvard University
1937-1938 Visiting professor, Cornell University, New York
1938 Visiting professor, Northwestern University, Illinois
1939 Visiting professor, University of California, Berkeley
1940 Naturalized American
1940, 1947 Visiting professor, Stanford University, California
1941 Visiting professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1942-1943 Special consultant, Post War Labor Problems Division, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor
1943 Author, International Trade and the National Income Multiplier
1943-1946 Visiting professor, American University, Washington, D.C.
1943-1946 Chief, Research Section; Acting Chief, Division of Investigation and Research; Chief, Division of Research and Statistics, Office of Alien Property Custodian, Washington, D.C.
1947-1960 Abram G. Hutzler professor of political economy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
1948 Visiting professor, Columbia University, New York
1949 Author, The Basing-Point System
  Visiting professor, University of California, Los Angeles
1952 Author, The Economics of Sellers' Competition
  Author, The Political Economy of Monopoly
1955 Director, Kyoto American Studies Seminar
  Visiting professor, Kyoto University and Doshisha University, Japan
1957-1958 Research fellow, Ford Foundation
1958 Author, An Economic Review of the Patent System
1960-1971 Walker professor of economics and international finance, and director of the International Finance Section, Princeton Uniersity, New Jersey
1962 Author, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States
1963 Author, Essays in Economic Semantics
1963-1964 Visiting professor, City University of New York
1964 Author, International Payments, Debts, and Gold
1965-1977 Consultant, United States Department of the Treasury
1966 Author (with William J. Fellner, Robert Triffin, and eleven others), Maintaining and Restoring Balance in International Payments
1968 Author, Remaking the International Monetary System: The Rio Agreement and Beyond
1969-1971 Visiting professor, New York University
1970 Visiting professor, Osaka University, Japan and University of melbourne, Australia
1971-1983 Professor of economics, New York University
1972 Author, The Alignment of Foreign Exchange Rates
  Author (with Jan Tinbergen, Abram Bergson and Oskar Morgenstern), Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity
1972-1973 Visiting professor, Universitat Wien
1975 Author, International Monetary Systems
1976 Author, Selected Economic Writings of Fritz Machlup
1977 Author, A History of Thought on Economic Integration
1978 Author, Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences
1978 Volume III: Libraries
  Volume II: Journals
  Volume I: Book Publishing
  Author (with Kenneth W. Leeson et al.), Information through the Printed Word: The Dissemination of Scholarly, Scientific, and Intellectual Knowledge
1980 Volume I: Knowledge and knowledge Production
  Author, Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution, and Economic significance
  Volume IV: Books, Journals, and Bibliographic Sciences
1982 Volume II: The Branches of Learning
1983 Volume III: The Economics of Information and Human Capital
1983 January 30 Died, Princeton, New Jersey

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Information services
Learning and scholarship



Scope and Contents note

Addresses, affidavits, bibliographies, biographies, clippings, correspondence, financial and other records, invitations, legal documents, letters of recommendation, lists, programs, reports, schedules, and tributes, arranged alphabetically by physical form. See also OVERSIZE MATERIAL.
box 1, folder 1-2



Articles about or mentioning Fritz Machlup

box 1, folder 3


box 1, folder 4


box 1, folder 5


box 1, folder 6


box 1, folder 7


box 1, folder 8-9


box 2, folder 1-2


box 2, folder 3

Birth certificate

box 2, folder 4

Book orders

box 2, folder 5

Business cards


Business records relating to Fritz Machlup's business partnerships in Austria and Hungary. Includes correspondence with Eugen (Jeno) Binetter.

Scope and Contents note

See also BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, Subject file, Family, Srul Osterer and Jacob Wolf
box 2, folder 6


box 2, folder 7-8


box 2, folder 9


box 2, folder 10


box 2, folder 11

Circular letter to friends describing the move to Johns Hopkins University 1947

box 2, folder 12

Distribution lists for various books and articles


Employment records. For academic appointments

Scope and Contents note

box 3, folder 1

United States. Department of Labor 1942-1943

box 3, folder 2

Office of Alien Property Custodian 1943-1946

box 3, folder 3

State of Maryland Commission for the Study of the Public Service Commission Law (Sklar Commission), Includes correspondence with Albert L. Sklar and Robert Solo 1952-1953

box 3, folder 4

United States. Department of the Treasury 1965-1977

box 3, folder 5

Fan and hate mail


Financial records, relating to Fritz Machlup's holdings in Europe and the United States

box 3, folder 6


box 3, folder 7


box 3, folder 8


box 3, folder 9


box 4, folder 1-2


box 4, folder 3


box 4, folder 4


box 4, folder 5


box 4, folder 6-7

Home ownership records

box 4, folder 8-12

Insurance records


Invitations for speaking engagements and written contributions (declined)

box 5, folder 1


box 5, folder 2


box 5, folder 3


box 5, folder 4


box 5, folder 5


box 5, folder 6


box 5, folder 7


box 6, folder 1


box 6, folder 2


box 6, folder 3


box 6, folder 4



Letters of recommendation


By Fritz Machlup. For recommendations of students

Scope and Contents note

box 6, folder 5


box 7, folder 1



For Fritz Machlup 1934-1941

box 7, folder 2

Burbank, H. H.

box 7, folder 3

Epstein, Ralph C.

box 7, folder 4

Frankfurter, Felix

box 7, folder 5

May, Stacy

box 7, folder 6

Mises, Ludwig von

box 7, folder 7

Park, Julian

box 7, folder 8

Young, Arthur H.



box 7, folder 9

Journals for review copies

box 7, folder 10

Lectures, panel discussions, and seminars 1936-1965

box 7, folder 11

Selected topics for special lectures in international finance

box 7, folder 12

Work priorities 1963-1982

box 7, folder 13

Litigation records

box 7, folder 14-17

Medical records

box 7, folder 18


box 7, folder 19

Moving records


Programs of conferences and other events attended by Fritz Machlup



box 7, folder 20


box 7, folder 21


box 7, folder 22


box 7, folder 23


box 7, folder 24


box 7, folder 25


box 7, folder 26


box 7, folder 27


box 7, folder 28


box 8

Allied Social Science Associations 1933-1972

box 9, folder 1-3

Allied Social Science Associations 1973-1982

box 9, folder 4

American Association of University Professors 1959-1968

box 9, folder 5

American Philosophical Society 1964-1977

box 9, folder 6

Econometric Society 1933-1965

box 9, folder 7

Southern Economic Association 1953-1974

box 10, folder 1

Questions and math riddles, including those sent to radio quiz programs


Requests by others

box 10, folder 2


box 10, folder 3-4

Reproduction and translation permissions

box 10, folder 5


box 10, folder 6

School records 1913-1932

box 10, folder 7

Stories and jokes


Subject file


Assistance to


European refugees 1938-1946

box 10, folder 8



Affidavits by Fritz Machlup and others for the following people and their families. Includes correspondence

box 10, folder 9

Albrecht, Gretel (sister-in-law)

box 10, folder 10

Balint, Helene (sister)

box 10, folder 11

Deutsch, Alice (friend)

box 10, folder 12

Dukes, Salomon (friend)

box 11, folder 6

Gelles, Viktor

Scope and Contents note

See Taubmann, Juda
box 10, folder 13

Gottfried, Alois (friend)

box 10, folder 14

Herzog, Gisela (mother-in-law)

box 10, folder 15

Kritzler, Johanna (friend)

box 10, folder 16

Kupfer, Adele (friend)

box 10, folder 17

Langer, Rudolf (friend)

box 10, folder 18

Leitner, Alfred (nephew)

box 10, folder 19

Leitner, Lona (sister).

Scope and Contents note

See also Balint, Helene
box 11, folder 6

Leitner, Felix.

Scope and Contents note

See Taubmann, Juda
box 10, folder 20

Machlup, Eduard (cousin)

box 10, folder 21

Machlup, Gustav F. (brother)

box 10, folder 22

Neuspiel, Erich (cousin)

box 11, folder 1

Rauchberg, William Sigmund (cousin)

box 11, folder 2

Sharman, Michael H. (friend)

box 11, folder 3

Singer, Rudolf (friend)

box 11, folder 4

Spitz, Lily (friend)

box 11, folder 5

Steiner, Johanna (aunt)

box 11, folder 6

Taubmann, Juda



box 11, folder 7-9

General (mainly unanswered or declined requests)

box 11, folder 10

Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America 1939-1942

box 11, folder 11

Financial statements of Fritz Machlup in support of his affidavits

box 11, folder 12

List of people assisted


Czech and Polish emigres 1968-1982

Scope and Contents note

See also Trips, Czechoslovakia and Poland, 1967

Correspondence relating to efforts by Fritz Machlup and others to relocate Czech and Polish scholars in the West

box 11, folder 13


box 11, folder 14

American Council of Learned Societies (Gordon B. Turner)

box 11, folder 15

Ford Foundation (Peter E. de Janosi, Howard R. Swearer)

box 11, folder 16

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung (Eduard Werle)

box 11, folder 17

Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung (Franz Nemschak)

box 11, folder 18

Wiener Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (Friedrich Levcik)

box 11, folder 19

With various American universities


Emigre files. Correspondence, curricula vitae, and notes

box 12, folder 1

Balcar, Jan

box 12, folder 2

Blass, Bronislaw

box 12, folder 3

Bognar, Jozsef

box 12, folder 4

Broner, Adam.

Scope and Contents note

See also Zachariasz, Jerzy
box 12, folder 5

Budinova, Rita

box 12, folder 6

Cerny, Martin

box 12, folder 7

Choynacka, Helena

box 12, folder 8

Drewnowski, Jan

box 12, folder 9

Goldmann, Josef

box 12, folder 10

Gomulka, Stanislaw

box 12, folder 11

Heretik, Stefan

box 12, folder 12

Hrncir, Miroslaw

box 12, folder 13

Kierzkowski, Henryk

box 12, folder 14

Kochanski, Zdzislaw

box 12, folder 15

Kosta, H. G. J.

box 12, folder 16

Kosta, J. J.

box 12, folder 17

Kouba, Karel

box 12, folder 18

Kratky, Bohumil

box 12, folder 19

Laski, Kazimierz

box 12, folder 20

Levcik, Bedrich

box 12, folder 21

Lobl, Eugen

box 12, folder 22

Martinova, Georgina

box 12, folder 23

Martinova, Katka

box 12, folder 24

Mianecki, Pawel

box 12, folder 25

Mladek, Jiri

box 12, folder 26

Nagy, Tibor

box 12, folder 27

Nesvera, Vaclav

box 12, folder 28

Orlowski, Miroslaw

box 12, folder 29

Pokorny, Dusan

box 12, folder 30

Rychetnik, Ludek

box 12, folder 31

Schermer, Henry

box 12, folder 32

Selucky, Radoslav

box 12, folder 33

Sereghyova, Jana

box 12, folder 34

Sik, Ota

box 12, folder 35

Silhan, Venek

box 12, folder 36

Slama, Jiri.

Scope and Contents note

See also Vogel, Heinrich
box 12, folder 37

Stadnik, Milos

box 12, folder 38

Tardos, M.

box 12, folder 39

Temkin, Gabriel.

Scope and Contents note

See also Blass, Bronislaw
box 12, folder 40

Turcan, Pavol

box 12, folder 41

Turek, Otakar

box 12, folder 42

Vogel, Heinrich

box 12, folder 43

Vysusil, Georg

box 12, folder 44

Zachariasz, Jerzy

box 12, folder 45

Zielinski, Janusz G.

box 12, folder 46

Zwass, Adam


Birthdays. Cards, correspondence, invitation lists, tributes, and clippings

box 13, folder 1

70th (1972)

box 13, folder 2

75th (1977)

box 13, folder 3

80th (1982)

box 13, folder 4



Death 1983 January 30

box 13, folder 5-8

Condolence letters

box 14, folder 1

Correspondence of Rosa L. Schupbach, Fritz Machlup's secretary at New York University 1983 January-June

box 14, folder 2

Memorial invitation list

box 14, folder 3


box 14, folder 4


box 14, folder 5

Decorations - Grosses Silbernes Ehrenzeichen mit dem Stern fur Verdienste um die Republik Osterreich, Correspondence with Walter Brunner, Heinz Kienzl, Stephan Koren, Phillip Rieger, Heinrich Treichl 1978 February

box 14, folder 6



Family. Correspondence, family trees, legal documents

box 14, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

See also Joachim, Susanne
box 14, folder 8

Albrecht, Gretel (sister-in-law) and Paul 1938-1951

box 14, folder 9

Allina, Helen (sister-in-law) and Erich and Franz 1938-1977

box 14, folder 10

Balint, Helena (sister) 1938-1939

box 14, folder 11

Balint, Ilona (niece) 1939-1948

box 15, folder 1

Braun, Franziska Joachim (cousin) 1940-1941

box 15, folder 2

Braun, Gustav (cousin), Includes correspondence with Alicia Braun. 1976-1980

Scope and Contents note

See also Joachim, Susanne
box 15, folder 3

Frank, Charles E. (cousin) 1940-1942

box 15, folder 4

Illing, Peter (cousin) and Maxine, Includes correspondence with Erika Kuhtreiber 1937-1967

box 15, folder 5-8

Joachim, Susanne (cousin) 1938-1976

box 15, folder 9

Lachowick, Hedwig (cousin) 1936-1946


Leitner, Lona (sister) and Fred, Georg, and Philipp. Includes correspondence with Felix Leitner, Gustav Leitner, Josef Leitner, Moritz Leitner, and Gustav F. Machlup

box 15, folder 10


box 15, folder 11


box 15, folder 12

Machlup, Adolf (cousin) and Erna 1940-1959

box 15, folder 13

Machlup, Eduard (cousin) and Therese 1938-1967


Machlup, Gustav F. (brother) and Olly

box 16, folder 1

Includes correspondence with Cecile Machlup (mother) 1934-1940

box 16, folder 2


box 16, folder 3


box 16, folder 4


box 16, folder 5

Machlup, Hanna (daughter) 1938-1976


Machlup, Mitzi (wife)

box 16, folder 6


box 16, folder 7


box 16, folder 8


box 16, folder 9



Machlup, Stefan (son)

box 16, folder 10


box 16, folder 11


box 17, folder 1


box 17, folder 2

Neuspiel, Rudolph and Grete (cousins) 1938-1952

box 17, folder 3

Osterer, Srul (brother-in-law) and Friedrich, Includes correspondence with Rudolph Neuspiel and other relatives 1935-1961

box 17, folder 4

Wolf, Jacob (adoptive father), Includes correspondence with Heinrich and Renee Kiwe, Otto and Lucy Klater, Gustav F. Machlup, and Wilhelm Vogler 1934-1964

box 17, folder 5


box 17, folder 6

Financial loan to Earl G. Broderick. Correspondence 1960--1964

box 17, folder 7

Fritz Machlup Fellowship Fund

box 17, folder 8

Immigration to the United States. Correspondence 1935-1938


Honorary degrees. Correspondence and programs

box 17, folder 9

Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin 1956 June 10

box 17, folder 10

Christian-Albrechts-Universitat, Kiel, Germany 1965 June 2

box 17, folder 11

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1967 June 12

box 17, folder 12

Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio 1967 June 13

box 17, folder 13

La Salle College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1968 October 27

box 17, folder 14

Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria 1971 June 17

box 17, folder 15

Hochschule St. Gallen fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, St. Gallen, Switzerland 1972 June 17



box 18, folder 1

Sale of periodicals 1972-1983

box 18, folder 2

Disposition of books 1983

box 18, folder 3

Military service

box 18, folder 4

Presidency of the Austrian National Bank, Offer of the. Memorandum to the files, notes, clippings, and correspondence with the Osterreichische Nationalbank (Reinhard Kamitz, Andreas Korp, Herbert Prack, Wolfgang Schmitz) and Friedrich A. von Hayek, Josef Klaus, Robert Triffin, and the United States Department of State and Department of the Treasury 1966-1971

box 18, folder 5


box 18, folder 6


box 18, folder 7

Translation of books



box 18, folder 8

Mexico, Correspondence 1950

box 18, folder 9

Japan, Asia, Middle East, Notes 1955

box 18, folder 10

Germany, Correspondence and notes 1959


Brazil 1965



box 18, folder 11

Fundacco Getulio Vargas

box 18, folder 12

United States A.I.D. (Agency for International Development) Mission to Brazil

box 18, folder 13



Czechoslovakia and Poland 1967

box 18, folder 14


box 18, folder 15

Correspondence with United States. Department of State

box 18, folder 16


box 18, folder 17



Japan 1970 April-June

box 18, folder 18


box 18, folder 19

Correspondence with the Committee on International Exchange of Persons and the United States Educational Commission in Japan (Fulbright Commission)

box 18, folder 20



Australia 1970 July-September

box 18, folder 21




box 18, folder 22

Australian-American Education Foundation (Fulbright Commission).

Scope and Contents note

See also Japan, 1970, Correspondence
box 18, folder 23

With Australian universities and Reserve Bank of Australia

box 18, folder 24

Soviet Union, Correspondence and report 1972

box 18, folder 25

Austria, Correspondence with Austrian-American Education Foundation (Fulbright Commission) and Committee on International Exchange of Persons 1973 February-June

box 18, folder 26

United Kingdom, Correspondence with the United States-United Kingdom Education Foundation (Fulbright Commission) 1973 April

box 18, folder 27

Luxemburg, Includes correspondence with the United States Embassy (Luxemburg) 1973 May

box 18, folder 28

Austria, Correspondence with the United States Information Agency and schedules 1976

box 18, folder 29

India and Pakistan, Correspondence and schedules 1981

box 18, folder 30

Work progress reports



Scope and Contents note

Day files arranged chronologically.
box 19, folder 1

1973 June-1974 October

box 19, folder 2

1975 August-December

box 19, folder 3

1975 November-1976 January



box 19, folder 4


box 19, folder 5


box 19, folder 6




box 20, folder 1-2


box 20, folder 3


box 20, folder 4

1977 June-1979 January



box 20, folder 5


box 20, folder 6


box 20, folder 7


box 20, folder 8


box 21, folder 1


box 21, folder 2




Scope and Contents note

Letters arranged alphabetically by correspondent.


box 21, folder 3-13


box 22, folder 1-11


box 23, folder 1


box 23, folder 2

Abramovitz, Moses 1934-1980

box 23, folder 3

Abramson, Victor 1947-1956

box 23, folder 4

Academic Press 1973-1983

box 23, folder 5

Academy of Independent Scholars 1981-1982

box 23, folder 6

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Enrico Cerulli) 1974-1978

box 23, folder 7

Adams, John Clarke 1943-1954

box 23, folder 8

Adams, Walter 1965

box 23, folder 9

Adelman, M. A. 1967

box 23, folder 10

Advisory Council on Economic Development (James E. Dugan) 1971

box 23, folder 11

Alchian, Armen A. 1948-1977

box 23, folder 12

Alderson, Wroe 1958-1964

box 23, folder 13

Alexander, Sidney S. 1964-1965

box 23, folder 14

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 1973

box 23, folder 15

Aliber, Robert Z. 1966-1968

box 23, folder 16

Allais, Maurice 1946-1977

box 23, folder 17

Allen, Edward D. 1946

box 23, folder 18

Allen, H. K. 1953

box 23, folder 19

Allen, T. G. D.? 1938

box 23, folder 20

Allen, William R. 1957-1975

box 23, folder 21

Alon, Gabriel 1966-1969

box 23, folder 22

Alsberg, Carl L. 1935

box 23, folder 23

Altman, Oscar L. 1964-1965

box 23, folder 24

Altschul, Eugen 1952

box 23, folder 25

America in the Changing World (W. S. Woytinsky) 1948-1953

box 23, folder 26

American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1961-1962

box 23, folder 27

American Association for the Advancement of Science 196?-1975

box 24, folder 1

American Bankers Association 1960-1967

box 24, folder 2

American Book Company 1952

box 24, folder 3

American Council of Learned Societies (Robert M. Lumiansky) 1978


American Economic Review

box 24, folder 4


box 24, folder 5


box 24, folder 6


box 24, folder 7


box 24, folder 8

American Enterprise Institute 1971

box 25, folder 1

American Philosophical Society 1947-1978

box 25, folder 2

American Red Cross 1945

box 25, folder 3

American Statistical Association 1939

box 25, folder 4

American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Includes notes 1962.

box 25, folder 5

Ames, Edward 1958-1973

box 25, folder 6

Anderson, B. M., Jr. 1940

box 25, folder 7

Anderson, Karl L. and Louise 1934-1968

box 25, folder 8

Andreae, C. A. 1973-1975

box 25, folder 9

Androsch, Hannes 1976

box 25, folder 10

Angell, James W. 1939-1945

box 25, folder 11

Anikin, Andrei 1982

box 25, folder 12

Annals (Philip G. Altbach) 1978

box 25, folder 13

Antitrust Law and Economics Review 1967-1968

box 25, folder 14

Aoyama, Hideo 1956-1966

box 25, folder 15

Appleton-Century-Crofts 1972

box 25, folder 16

Ara, Kenjiro 1956-1973

box 25, folder 17

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbstandiger Unternehmer 1959

box 25, folder 18

Arlt, Carl T. 1936-1961

box 25, folder 19

Arnavon, Cyrille 1953

box 25, folder 20

Arndt, Heinz W. 1970

box 25, folder 21

Arndt, Helmut 1959

box 25, folder 22

Arnow, Kathryn S. 1981-1982

box 25, folder 23

Aron, Raymond 1975

box 25, folder 24

Arrow, Kenneth J. 1954-1981

box 25, folder 25

Aschheim, Joseph 1960-1979

box 25, folder 26

Aschinger, Franz 1968-1975

box 25, folder 27

Ash, Adrienne 1975

box 25, folder 28

Ashton, T. S. 1951-1952

box 25, folder 29

Association of American Publishers 1974

box 25, folder 30

Association of American University Presses 1978-1979

box 26, folder 20

Associazione Bancaria Italiana.

Scope and Contents note

See Bancaria
box 25, folder 31

Aubrey, Henry G. 1961-1968

box 25, folder 32

Aufricht, Hans 1953-1971

box 26, folder 1

Augustus M. Kelley Publishers 1952-1976

box 26, folder 2

Austria. Consulate (New York) 1975-1980

box 26, folder 3

Austria. Embassy (United States) 1967-1980

box 26, folder 4

Austria. Permanent Representative to the United Nations 1974-1982

box 26, folder 5

Austrian Children's Bicentennial Art Committee 1976


Austrian College Society (Fritz Molden, Felix Pronay)

box 26, folder 6


box 26, folder 7


box 26, folder 8

Bach, George Leland 1948-1949

box 26, folder 9

Bachmann, H. 1974

box 26, folder 10

Bacic, Uros 1961-1962

box 26, folder 11

Badre, A. Y. 1956

box 26, folder 12

Bagiotti. Tullio 1962-1975

box 26, folder 13

Bailey, Mrs. Stephen K. undated

box 26, folder 14

Balassa, Bela, Includes correspondence re Bela Gsikos-Nagy 1970-1982

box 26, folder 15

Balassa, Edith 1935-1962

box 26, folder 16

Baldwin, R. E. 1946

box 26, folder 17

Balogh, Thomas 1934-1973

box 26, folder 18

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 1955-1956

box 26, folder 19

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (Luigi Ceriani) 1966-1982

box 26, folder 20

Bancaria (Gian Franco Calabresi) 1962-1972

box 26, folder 21

Banco de Espana 1971

box 26, folder 22

Bancroft, Everett Clair 1945

box 26, folder 23

Bank of America (A. W. Clausen) 1972

box 26, folder 24

Banker (Michael Green) 1966-1976

box 26, folder 25

Barger, Harold 1954-1964

box 27, folder 1

Barre, Raymond 1958-1976

box 27, folder 2

Bartell, Ernest 1973

box 27, folder 3

Basil Blackwell Publisher (H. L. Schollick) 1960-1962

box 27, folder 4

Baster, James 1949

box 27, folder 5

Bator, Viktor 1939-1940

box 27, folder 6

Batt, W. F. J. 1970

box 27, folder 7

Battelle (Centre de Recherche de Geneve) 1971

box 27, folder 8

Baumol, William J. 1958-1982

box 27, folder 9

Beach, E. F. 1954

box 27, folder 10

Beck, Lewis White 1954-1957

box 27, folder 11

Becker, Gary S. 1965-1978

box 27, folder 12

Beckhart, Benjamin H. 1933-1939

box 27, folder 13

Beier, Friedrich-Karl 1980

box 27, folder 14

Bekerman, Gerard 1974-1982

box 27, folder 15

Bell, Daniel 1969

box 27, folder 16

Bell, J. F. 1958-1963

box 27, folder 17

Bell, James Washington 1934-1965

box 27, folder 18

Beloit College 1954-1958

box 27, folder 19

Bender, Harry 1953

box 27, folder 20

Benham, Frederic 1948-1949

box 27, folder 21

Beniger, James R. 1982

box 27, folder 22

Bennett, M. K. 1948

box 27, folder 23

Bennion, E. G. 1944

box 27, folder 24

Benoit-Smullyan, Emile 1949-1951

box 27, folder 25

Berger-Lieser, Helene 1937-1961

box 27, folder 26

Bergson, Abram 1972-1977

box 27, folder 27

Bergsten, C. Fred 1968-1977

box 27, folder 28

Bernstein, Edward M. 1956-1975

box 27, folder 29

Bess, James L. 1981

box 27, folder 30

Beth, Evert Willem 1956-1958

box 27, folder 31

Beza, Sterie T. 1963-1967

box 27, folder 32

Bhagwati, Jagdish 1966-1981

box 27, folder 33

Bhatt, M. P. 1978

box 27, folder 34

Biehl, Dieter 1974

box 27, folder 35

Bierstedt, Robert 1966

box 27, folder 36

Bigelow, Karl 1935-1936

box 27, folder 37

Bilimovich, Alexander D. 1951-1952

box 27, folder 38

Binder, Paul 1975

box 27, folder 39

Birnbaum, Eugene A. 1967-1968

box 27, folder 40

Bishop, Robert L. 1960

box 27, folder 41

Bitros, George C. 1980

box 28, folder 1

Black, Max 1955-1956

box 28, folder 2

Black, Stanley W. 1971-1982

box 28, folder 3

Blackburn, Robert T. 1982

box 28, folder 4

Bladen, Vincent W. 1950-1953

box 28, folder 5

Blair, John M. 1950-1970

box 34, folder 25

Blakiston Company.

Scope and Contents note

See Doubleday and Company
box 28, folder 6

Blanco, Cicely Woods 1962-1983

box 28, folder 7

Blaug, Mark 1971-1983

box 28, folder 8

Blinder, Alan 1980-1981

box 28, folder 9

Blitz, Rudolph C. 1963-1974

box 28, folder 10

Bloch, Fritz 1952-1953

box 28, folder 11

Bloch, Henry Simon 1953-1975

box 28, folder 12

Bloch, Victor 1935

box 28, folder 13

Bloom, Gordon Falk 1938-1961

box 28, folder 14

Bloomfield, Arthur I. 1963-1971

box 28, folder 15

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 1937-1968

box 28, folder 16

Boarman, Patrick M. 1962

box 28, folder 17

Boas, George 1958

box 28, folder 18

Bober, M. M. 1955

box 28, folder 19

Bochenski, Joseph 1956

box 28, folder 20

Boddy, Francis 1975

box 28, folder 21

Boddy, Margaret 1964

box 28, folder 22

Bode, Karl F. 1942

box 28, folder 23

Bohi, Hans 1951

box 28, folder 24

Boletin del Banco Central de Venezuela 1946

box 28, folder 25

Bombach, Gottfried 1962-1982

box 28, folder 26

Bonbright, James C. 1956-1959

box 28, folder 27

Bonn, M. J. 1939

box 28, folder 28

Bonne, Alfred 1952-1954

box 28, folder 29

Boorstin, Daniel J. 1957

box 28, folder 30

Bopp, Karl R. 1953-1970

box 28, folder 31

Borlin, Max 1956

box 28, folder 32

Borts, George H. 1964

box 28, folder 33

Bos, Dieter 1971

box 28, folder 34

Bosco, James J. 1976

box 28, folder 35

Boskin, Michael J. 1974

box 28, folder 36

Boulding, Kenneth E. 1946-1983

box 28, folder 37

Bourdieu, Pierre 1973

box 28, folder 38

Bowen, Howard R. 1964

box 28, folder 39

Bowen, William G. 1969-1978

box 28, folder 40

Bowman, Mary Jean 1945-1976

box 28, folder 41

Boyer de la Giroday, Frederic 1970

box 29, folder 1

Bradford, W. D. 1947

box 29, folder 2

Brandstetter, Alois 1972

box 29, folder 3

Brandt, Karl 1959-1960

box 29, folder 4

Braun, Kurt 1944-1975

box 29, folder 5

Breit, William 1974

box 29, folder 6

Brems, Hans 1947-1971

box 29, folder 7

Breneman, David W. 1980

box 29, folder 8

Brenner, Carliene 1981

box 29, folder 9

Briefs, Goetz A. 1949-1973

box 29, folder 10

Briefs, Henry W. 1949-1973

box 29, folder 11

Brigham Young University 1975

box 29, folder 12

British Broadcasting Corporation 1968

box 29, folder 13

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Donald A. Gillies, John Worrall) 1982

box 29, folder 14

British Library 1979

box 29, folder 15

Broadley, J. Ashley 1970-1971

box 29, folder 16

Brofoss, Erik 1970

box 29, folder 17

Bronfenbrenner, Martin 1946-1975

box 29, folder 18

Brookings Institution (Robert D. Calkins, Robert Dorfman, Gary Fromm, Kermit Gordon, Joseph A. Pechman, Leonard Silk) 1942-1975

box 29, folder 19

Brooklyn College (W. H. Steiner) 1942-1952

box 29, folder 20

Brown, A. J. 1950

box 29, folder 21

Brown, Francis C. 1957

box 29, folder 22

Brown, Philip Stoddard 1949

box 29, folder 23

Brown, Ralph S., Jr. 1968

box 29, folder 24

Brown, Samuel L. 1950

box 29, folder 25

Browne, Martha Steffy 1949-1982

box 29, folder 26

Brownlee, O. H. 1948

box 29, folder 27

Bryant, Ralph C. 1980

box 29, folder 28

Brzeski, Andrzej 1976

box 29, folder 29

Buchanan, D. H. 1945-1946

box 29, folder 30

Buchanan, Norman S. 1947

box 29, folder 31

Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Society 1938-1941

box 29, folder 32

Burgess, W. Randolph 1937-1938

box 29, folder 33

Burns, Carl R. 1959

box 29, folder 34

Burns, Eveline 1934-1935

box 29, folder 35

Business Publications (Richard D. Irwin) 1937

box 29, folder 36

Byrne, Brendan 1979

box 29, folder 37

Cairncross, Alec 1954-1982

box 29, folder 38

California Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (William W. Bartley, III) 1974

box 29, folder 39

Calkins, Robert D. 1937-1940

box 29, folder 40

Calmann-Levy, Editeur 1969-1975

box 29, folder 41

Cambridge University Press 1966

box 29, folder 42

Campbell, Charles S. 1958

box 29, folder 43

Canning, John B. 1934-1940

box 29, folder 44

Canoyer, Helen G. 1946-1953

box 29, folder 45

Canziani, Arnoldo 1979

box 29, folder 46

Capen, Samuel P. 1938-1950

box 30, folder 1

Carlson, S. 1934-1935

box 30, folder 2

Carlson, Valdemar 1943-1946

box 30, folder 3

Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (Clark Kerr, Margaret S. Gordon) 1971-1977

box 30, folder 4

Carnegie Corporation of New York (Richard H. Sullivan) 1970-1971

box 30, folder 5

Cartwright, Philip W. 1948-1958

box 30, folder 6

Case Western Reserve University 1975-1976

box 30, folder 7

Cassady, Ralph, Jr. 1947

box 30, folder 8

Cassels, John 1962

box 30, folder 9

Cato Institute 1977

box 30, folder 10

Cave, Evelyn 1948

box 30, folder 11

Caves, Richard E. 1963-1974

box 30, folder 12

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1965

box 30, folder 13

Challenge 1974-1979

box 30, folder 14

Chamber of Commerce of the United States 1943-1960

box 30, folder 15

Chamberlin, Edward H. 1934-1961

box 30, folder 16

Chandler, Lester V. 1957

box 30, folder 17

Change 1971-1979

box 30, folder 18

Chapman, John M. 1934-1936


Charles Scribner's Sons

box 30, folder 19


box 30, folder 20


box 30, folder 21

Cheek, M. Adolphus, Jr. and Jeannette 1937-1979

box 30, folder 22

Cheung, Steven N. S. 1981

box 31, folder 1

Chipman, John S. 1949-1981

box 31, folder 2

Chittenden, George H. 1969-1971

box 31, folder 3

Christ, Carl F. 1954-1973

box 31, folder 4

Christenson, Carroll L. 1956

box 31, folder 5

Chronicle of Higher Education 1978-1979

box 31, folder 6

Claassen, Emil-Maria (and Pascal Salin), Includes correspondence with the German Marshall Fund of the United States 1967-1982

box 31, folder 7

Claremont Men's College (George C. S. Benson) 1955-1958

box 31, folder 8

Clark, John Maurice 1943-1945

box 31, folder 9

Clarke, Stephen V. O. 1980

box 31, folder 10

Clausing, Roth 1942

box 31, folder 11

Clemens, E. W. 1950-1951

box 31, folder 12

Coale, Ansley J. 1974

box 31, folder 13

Coase, Ronald H. 1954-1965

box 31, folder 14

Coe, V. F. 1935

box 31, folder 15

Cohen, Benjamin Jerry 1964-1979

box 31, folder 16

Colberg, Marshall R. 1968-1981

box 31, folder 17

Cole, Arthur H. 1949

box 31, folder 18

Colm, Gerhard 1938-1965

box 31, folder 19

Columbia University (Robert L. Carey, Leslie John) 1958-1963

box 31, folder 20

Columbia University Press, Includes correspondence with Ruby T. Norris 1940-1976

box 31, folder 21

Committee for a National Trade Policy 1970

box 32, folder 1

Committee for Economic Development, Includes notes 1960-1981


Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination and Integrity (Miro M. Todorovich)

box 32, folder 2


box 32, folder 3


box 32, folder 4



Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (Fred W. Riggs)

box 33, folder 1


box 33, folder 2


box 33, folder 3

Condliffe, John B. 1935-1944

box 33, folder 4

Constantacatos, M. E. 1954

box 33, folder 5

Cook, Thomas 1951

box 33, folder 6

Cooper, Richard N. 1968-1980

box 33, folder 7

Copeland, Melvin Thomas 1948

box 33, folder 8

Copeland, Morris A. 1958

box 33, folder 9

Corden, W. M. 1970

box 33, folder 10

Cordt, Herbert 1981

box 33, folder 11

Cornell Alumni Committee for Balanced Education 1971

box 33, folder 12

Cornell University (Paul T. Homan, Alfred E. Kahn, Frank A. Southard, Jr.) 1940-1963

box 33, folder 13

Cortney, Philip 1950-1967

box 33, folder 14

Coser, Lewis A. 1980

box 33, folder 15

Coudenhove-Kalergi, R. N. 1941

box 33, folder 16

Council for a Competitive Economy 1979

box 33, folder 17

Council of Economic Advisers 1953-1966

box 33, folder 18

Council on Foreign Relations 1945-1980

box 33, folder 19

Cowles Commission for Research in Economics 1937-1938

box 33, folder 20

Cremin, Lawrence A. 1970-1981

box 33, folder 21

Cronbach, Lee 1971

box 33, folder 22

Crost, Joseph 1941

box 33, folder 23

Crum, W. Leonard 1941-1950

box 33, folder 24

Curzon, Victoria 1974

box 33, folder 25

Custis, Vanderveer 1939

box 33, folder 26

Daugherty, Carroll R. 1947

box 33, folder 27

Davenport, John 1961-1980

box 33, folder 28

Davidson, J. Edward 1938-1939

box 33, folder 29

Davies, Jack L. 1968-1969

box 33, folder 30

Davis, Bertram H. 1973-1974

box 33, folder 31

Davis, Cameron J. 1943

box 33, folder 32

Davis, Joseph Stancliffe 1940-1964

box 33, folder 33

Davis, Shelby Cullom 1972-1974

box 33, folder 34

Day, Alan C. L. 1963-1964

box 34, folder 1

Deese, J. 1956

box 34, folder 2

Delivanis, Dimitrios J. 1962-1975

box 34, folder 3

De Marchi, Neil 1972-1973

box 34, folder 4

Demaria, Giovanni 1939-1957

box 34, folder 5

Dennison, Stanley R. 1952-1963

box 34, folder 6

Dernburg, Thomas F. 1960-1962

box 34, folder 7

Despres, Emile 1968

box 34, folder 8

Deusenberry, James 1948

box 34, folder 9

Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung 1959

box 34, folder 10

De Vries, Margaret Garritsen 1980-1981

box 34, folder 11

De Vries, Thomas 1976

box 34, folder 12

De Vyver, Frank T. 1960-1969

box 34, folder 13

Dickinson, Frank G. 1940

box 34, folder 14

Dickinson, Z. C. 1934

box 34, folder 15

Diederich, Helmut 1977-1982

box 34, folder 16

Dieterlen, Pierre 1961-1968

box 34, folder 17

Dietze, Gottfried 1967-1976

box 34, folder 18

Dillard, Dudley 1950

box 34, folder 19

Diplomatische Akademie, Vienna (H. Pfusterschmid) 1964-1979

box 34, folder 20

Director, Aaron 1946-1973

box 34, folder 21

Dohtchevitch, Douchan D. 1939

box 34, folder 22

Doi, Teruo 1971-1975

box 34, folder 23

Domar, Evsey D. 1948-1970

box 34, folder 24

Dorrance, Graeme S. 1951-1952

box 34, folder 25

Doubleday and Company 1942-1961

box 34, folder 26

Dreben, Burton S. 1956-1957

box 34, folder 27

Drucker, Adolf Bertram 1939-1941

box 34, folder 28

Drucker, Peter F. 1937-1940

box 34, folder 29

Dulles, Eleanor Lansing 1946

box 34, folder 30

Duncan, Acheson J. 1947

box 34, folder 31

Duncan, George A. 1958-1964

box 34, folder 32

Dunlop, John T. 1940-1968

box 34, folder 33

Dupriez, Leon H. 1947-1964

box 34, folder 34

Durrance, Professor undated


Earhart Foundation

box 35, folder 1


box 35, folder 2


box 35, folder 3


box 35, folder 4

Eason, Warren W. 1956

box 35, folder 5

Eber, Manuel 1950

box 35, folder 6

Eckert, James B. 1938-1941

box 35, folder 7

Econometric Society 1939-1970

box 35, folder 8

Econometrica 1934-1950

box 35, folder 9

Economic Council of Canada 1970

box 35, folder 10

Economic Journal 1970-1982

box 35, folder 11

Economica (Basil S. Yamey) 1940-1960

box 35, folder 12

Economics of Education Review (Elchanan Cohn) 1980

box 35, folder 13

Economie Appliquee 1960-1977

box 35, folder 14

Economundo 1975

box 35, folder 15

Edelstein, Ludwig 1953-1962

box 35, folder 16

Edwards, Corwin D. and Trudi 1944-1979

box 35, folder 17

Eekelen, Lambrecht J. J. van 1978

box 35, folder 18

Egawa, Toshio 1955

box 36, folder 1

Ehrenfels, U. R. 1955

box 36, folder 2

Ehrlich, Otto H. and Edna 1942-1979

box 36, folder 3

Einaudi, Luigi and Ida 1948-1962

box 36, folder 4

Einaudi, Mario 1935

box 36, folder 5

Ellis, Howard S. 1935-1972

box 36, folder 6

Ellsworth, P. T. 1939-1965

box 36, folder 7

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company 1977-1978

box 36, folder 8

Emminger, Otmar 1965-1983

box 36, folder 9

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1944

box 36, folder 10

Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1961-1976

box 36, folder 11

Enke, Stephen 1949-1964

box 36, folder 12

Epstein, Ralph C. (University of Buffalo) 1939-1959

box 36, folder 13

Esteve, Tomas A. 1972

box 36, folder 14

Ettinger, Karl Egmont 1956

box 36, folder 15

Eucken, Irene 1954

box 36, folder 16

Eucken, Walter 1934-1948

box 36, folder 17

Euromoney 1972-1977

box 36, folder 18

Evan, William M. 1976

box 36, folder 19

Evans, George Heberton, Jr. 1958-1978

box 36, folder 20

Exter, John 1971

box 36, folder 21

Fantozzi, Conrad T. 1940

box 36, folder 22

Farber, Marvin 1938-1964

box 36, folder 23

Farkas, Edith 1974-1976

box 36, folder 24

Farmand (Trygve J. B. Hoff) 1965-1975

box 36, folder 25

Farrar and Rinehart 1939

box 36, folder 26

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 1953-1954

box 36, folder 27

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1968

box 36, folder 28

Feigl, Herbert 1959

box 36, folder 29

Feis, Herbert 1942

box 36, folder 30

Fekete, Janos 1970-1972

box 36, folder 31

Felderer, Bernhard 1965-1974

box 36, folder 32

Fellman, David 1964-1970


Fellner, William J.

box 37, folder 1


box 37, folder 2


box 37, folder 3

Ferber, Helen 1970

box 37, folder 4

Ferguson, Charles E. 1965-1970

box 37, folder 5

Fernandes, Santiago 1965-1975

box 37, folder 6

Ferrari, Alberto 1964

box 37, folder 7

Ferrero, Romulo A. (and Romulo Ferrero Butters) 1965-1976

box 37, folder 8

Fetter, Frank Albert 1945

box 37, folder 9

Fetter, Frank W. 1950-1968

box 37, folder 10

Fidler, William P. 1972

box 37, folder 11

Figgures, Frank E. 1970-1971

box 37, folder 12

Filene, Edward A. 1934

box 37, folder 13

Filippovski, E. E. 1973-1974

box 37, folder 14

Financial Analysts Journal 1967-1968

box 37, folder 15

Financial Times 1972-1977

box 37, folder 16

Finger, J. M. 1969-1970

box 37, folder 17

Fischer, Dietrich 1978

box 37, folder 18

Fisher, Irving 1934-1946

box 37, folder 19

Fisher, Paul 1946-1952

box 37, folder 20

Fisher, William Halder 1950-1952

box 37, folder 21

Fitch, Lyle C. 1946

box 37, folder 22

Flanders, M. June 1973

box 37, folder 23

Fleischmann, Trude 1949

box 37, folder 24

Fleming, J. Marcus and Gloria 1966-1976

box 37, folder 25

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy 1935-1978

box 38, folder 1

Follmi, Toni 1975-1977

box 38, folder 2

Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques 1972

box 38, folder 3

Fondo de Cultura Economica (Victor L. Urquidi) 1950-1960

box 38, folder 4

Forbes Magazine 1974

box 38, folder 5

Ford Foundation 1954-1977

box 38, folder 6

Fordham University 1960-1961

box 38, folder 7

Fordham University Press 1960-1961

box 38, folder 8

Foreign Policy Association 1935-1969

box 38, folder 9

Fortune 1955-1969

box 38, folder 10

Foster, James F. 1938-1941

box 38, folder 11

Foundation for Economic Education 1947-1956

box 38, folder 12

Foundation Press 1936

box 38, folder 13

Franck, Henry J. 1941-1942

box 38, folder 14

Franck, Peter Goswyn 1948

box 38, folder 15

Frankel, S. Herbert 1967

box 38, folder 16

Frankfurter, A. 1941

box 38, folder 17

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 1964-1978

box 38, folder 18

Frankfurter Gesellschaft fur Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft 1960

box 38, folder 19

Free Press 1968

box 38, folder 20

Freie Universitat Berlin 1959

box 38, folder 21

Frenkel, Jacob A. 1974-1980

box 38, folder 22

Frere, Jean 1967-1976

box 38, folder 23

Frere, Maurice 1948-1962

box 38, folder 24

Frey, Rene L. 1976


Friedman, Milton and Rose

box 38, folder 25


box 38, folder 26


box 38, folder 27

Friedmann, Charlotte 1938-1942

box 38, folder 28

Friedmann, Maximilian 1939-1941

box 38, folder 29

Friedrich, Carl J., Includes answers to questionnaire on postwar European reconstruction, 1943 1943-1954.

box 38, folder 30

Frisch, Helmut 1976

box 38, folder 31

Frisch, Ragnar 1935-1940

box 38, folder 32

Friss, Istvan 1970-1972

box 38, folder 33

Froehlich, Walter 1938-1968

box 39, folder 1

Froman, Professor 1935

box 39, folder 2

Fromowitz, Wilhelm 1938-1982

box 39, folder 3

Frumkin, Gregory and Jacob G. 1951-1953

box 39, folder 4

Fuchs, Ralph F. 1966-1971

box 39, folder 5

Fujii, Shigeru 1950-1955

box 39, folder 6

Fujiti, Masahiro 1969

box 39, folder 7

Fukuda, Keitaro 1965

box 39, folder 8

Fulbright Commission 1970-1973

box 39, folder 9

Furth, J. Herbert 1938-1982

box 39, folder 10

Gaitskell, Hugh 1955

box 39, folder 11

Galbraith, John Kenneth 1949-1976

box 39, folder 12

Gamba, Charles 1955-1967

box 39, folder 13

Gardner, Richard N. 1968

box 39, folder 14

Gardner, Walter R. 1949-1964

box 39, folder 15

Garfield, Eugene 1981

box 39, folder 16

Garver, Raymond 1934

box 39, folder 17

Gassler, Robert Scott 1978

box 39, folder 18

Gay, Charles R. 1937

box 39, folder 19

Geiringer, Ernst 1933-1938

box 39, folder 20

Gelles, Herma 1938

box 39, folder 21

Gemmill, Paul F. 1936

box 39, folder 22

General Learning Press 1969-1980

box 39, folder 23

General Motors 1934

box 39, folder 24

George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) 1978

box 39, folder 25

George Washington University 1974

box 39, folder 26

Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas 1960-1979

box 39, folder 27

Georgetown University 1949

box 39, folder 28

Georgia State College 1966

box 39, folder 29

Georgia State University 1977-1978

box 39, folder 30

Georgiadis, Hourmouzis G. 1961-1973

box 39, folder 31

Gerhard, Hans W. and Christiane 1963-1976

box 39, folder 32

German Economic Review 1967

box 39, folder 33

Gerschenkron, Alexander and Erika 1949-1978

box 39, folder 34

Gesellschaft fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 1935-1972

box 39, folder 35

Ghosh, B. N. 1979

box 39, folder 36

Giannelias, Pavlos 1934-1975

box 39, folder 37

Gideonse, Harry D. 1938-1939

box 39, folder 38

Gideonse, Max 1956

box 40, folder 1

Giersch, Herbert 1966-1983

box 40, folder 2

Gilbert, Milton 1964-1972

box 40, folder 3

Gilfillan, S. Colum 1953-1960

box 40, folder 4

Giornale degli economisti 1946

box 40, folder 5

Glass, H. Bentley 1965

box 40, folder 6

Goldsmith, Raymond W. 1968-1980

box 40, folder 7

Goldstein, Aaron A. (Joseph) 1937-1940

box 40, folder 8

Gordon, Margaret S. and Robert A. 1937-1978

box 40, folder 9

Gorter, Wytze 1952-1957

box 40, folder 10

Gottfried, Alois 1934-1980

box 40, folder 11

Goucher College 1951-1952

box 40, folder 12

Graetz, Victor 1935

box 40, folder 13

Graham, Frank D. and Louise 1935-1968

box 40, folder 14

Gray, Daniel Hale 1948

box 40, folder 15

Grebler, Leo 1950

box 40, folder 16

Greek Economic Association 1963

box 40, folder 17

Greenhut, Melvin L. 1955-1967

box 40, folder 18

Grether, E. T. 1935

box 40, folder 19

Griliches, Zvi 1976

box 40, folder 20

Grjebine, Andre 1975

box 40, folder 21

Groner, Helmut and Professor Schuller 1979

box 40, folder 22

Groupe de Talloires 1981-1982

box 40, folder 23

Grove, David L. 1972

box 40, folder 24

Grubel, Herbert G. 1965-1980

box 40, folder 25

Gruber, U. 1975

box 40, folder 26

Gruchy, Allan G. 1952

box 40, folder 27

Grunbaum, Adolf 1956-1979

box 40, folder 28

Grunberg, Emile 1945-1981

box 40, folder 29

Grundmann, Helge E. 1966-1972

box 40, folder 30

Guerlac, Henry 1951

box 40, folder 31

Guitton, Henri 1980

box 40, folder 32

Gurley, John G. 1970

box 40, folder 33

Gurney, Natalie 1952-1953

box 40, folder 34

Gustafson, W. Eric undated

box 40, folder 35

Gutenberg, Erich 1967

box 41, folder 1

Gutowski, Armin 1959-1978

box 41, folder 2

Haas, Fritz 1955-1973

box 41, folder 3

Haber, William 1948-1964


Haberler, Gottfried V.

box 41, folder 4


box 41, folder 5


box 41, folder 6


box 41, folder 7


box 42, folder 1


box 42, folder 2

Habsburg, Otto von 1959-1967

box 42, folder 3

Haensel, Paul 1938

box 42, folder 4

Hahn, L. Albert 1944-1964

box 42, folder 5

Haley, Bernard F. 1934-1967


Halm, George N.

box 42, folder 6


box 42, folder 7


box 42, folder 8


box 42, folder 9


box 42, folder 10

Hamburger, Adolf L. 1951

box 42, folder 11

Hammond, Albert 1956

box 42, folder 12

Handelshochschule St. Gallen 1959

box 42, folder 13

Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften 1953-1961

box 42, folder 14

Hansen, Alvin H. 1934-1948

box 42, folder 15

Hansen, Bent 1979

box 42, folder 16

Hansen, W. Lee 1971-1977

box 43, folder 1

Harberger, Arnold C. 1954-1978

box 43, folder 2

Harcourt, Brace and Company 1934-1959

box 43, folder 3

Hardy, Charles O. 1934-1946

box 43, folder 4

Harper and Brothers 1937-1938

box 43, folder 5

Harper's Magazine 1937-1962

box 43, folder 6

Harriman, Lewis G. 1943

box 43, folder 7

Harris, Ralph 1964-1970

box 43, folder 8

Harris, Seymour E. (Review of Economics and Statistics) 1944-1972

box 43, folder 9

Harriss, C. Lowell 1949-1979

box 43, folder 10

Harrod, Sir Roy and Lady 1948-1978

box 43, folder 11

Hart, Albert Gailord 1938-1947

box 43, folder 12

Harvard University 1940-1968

box 43, folder 13

Harvard University Press 1971

box 43, folder 14

Hauser, Alfred 1938


Hayek, Friedrich A. von

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Harry D. Gideonse, Harper and Brothers, Walter Lippmann, and University of Chicago Press.
box 43, folder 15


box 43, folder 16


Scope and Contents note

Includes "Memorandum I on a proposed Institute of Political Economy." There is a handwritten note on the first page that reads "Prepared by Stein & Director," but it was actually prepared by Henry Simons.
box 44, folder 1


box 44, folder 2


box 44, folder 3

Hazlitt, Henry 1949-1965

box 44, folder 4

Heathfield, David 1982-1983

box 44, folder 5

Hebrew University (Don Patinkin), Includes memorandum on the monetary system of Israel, 1951 July 12 1950-1954.

box 44, folder 6

Heck, Victor C. 1938

box 44, folder 7

Heflebower, Richard B. 1947-1969

box 44, folder 8

Heilbroner, Robert L. 1966-1978

box 44, folder 9

Heim, Peggy 1968-1971

box 44, folder 10

Heimann, John G. 1982

box 44, folder 11

Heller, Walter W. 1968-1974

box 44, folder 12

Hempel, Peter 1964-1977

box 44, folder 13

Henderson, Alexander 1948-1950

box 44, folder 14

Henderson, Leon 1939

box 44, folder 15

Hennings, K. H. 1975

box 44, folder 16

Henry, Ralph L. 1972-1974

box 44, folder 17

Henry Holt and Company 1938-1940

box 44, folder 18

Hermens, F. A. 1937-1939

box 44, folder 19

Herzfeld, Marianne 1938-1939

box 44, folder 20

Heuser, Heinrich K. 1940-1941

box 44, folder 21

Hickman, C. Addison 1951

box 44, folder 22

Hicks, Sir John 1934-1981

box 44, folder 23

Higgins, Benjamin H. 1940-1968

box 44, folder 24

Hildebrand, George H. 1940-1961

box 44, folder 25

Hilfreich, Walter and Doris 1935-1951

box 44, folder 26

Hilgerdt, Follie 1942

box 44, folder 27

Hillsdale College 1976-1981

box 45, folder 1

Hinshaw, Randall B. 1971-1982

box 45, folder 2

Hirsch, Abraham 1977-1980

box 45, folder 3

Hirsch, Fred G. 1961-1978

box 45, folder 4

Hirshleifer, Jack 1976-1980

box 45, folder 5

Hirst, Albert 1938

box 45, folder 6

History of Political Economy 1975-1976

box 45, folder 7

Hitch, Charles J. 1965

box 45, folder 8

Hochwald, Werner 1950-1967

box 45, folder 9

Hoffmann, Walther G. 1962

box 45, folder 10

Hoffmeyer, Erik 1970

box 45, folder 11

Hohman, Elmo P. 1935-1949

box 45, folder 12

Hollander, David H. 1957

box 45, folder 13

Holtrop, Marius W. 1956-1971

box 45, folder 14

Hood College (Olive I. Reddick, Henry I. Stahr) 1941-1944

box 45, folder 15

Hoover, Calvin B. 1961

box 45, folder 16

Hoover, Edgar M. 1938-1949

box 45, folder 17

Hoover, Glenn E. 1947

box 45, folder 18

Hoover, Herbert 1934

box 45, folder 19

Horie, Shigeo 1964-1970

box 45, folder 20

Horn, Francis H. 1970

box 45, folder 21

Horowitz, Irving Louis 1976

box 45, folder 22

Hoselitz, Bert F. 1950-1958

box 45, folder 23

Houthakker, Hendrik S. 1959-1968

box 45, folder 24

Hubner, Kurt 1965-1981

box 45, folder 25

Hudeczek, Carl 1965

box 45, folder 26

Hunermann, Gabriele 1954

box 45, folder 27

Hungarian Economic Association (Bela Csikos-Nagy) 1975-1982

box 45, folder 28

Hurwicz, Leonid 1982

box 45, folder 29

Husen, Torsten 1972-1982

box 45, folder 30

Hussel, F.? 1936

box 45, folder 31

Hutchison, Terence W. 1955-1974

box 45, folder 32

Hutt, W. H. 1955-1970

box 45, folder 33

Hutzler, Albert D. 1949-1960

box 45, folder 34

Ichimura, Shinichi 1955-1977

box 45, folder 35

Ichitani, Toichiro 1951-1977

box 45, folder 36

Ifo-Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung 1959

box 45, folder 37

Igler, Hans 1980

box 45, folder 38

Ikle, Max 1971

box 45, folder 39

Indiana University 1941-1954

box 45, folder 40

Industria 1959-1961

box 45, folder 41

Inoue, Shiro 1970

box 45, folder 42

Institut fur Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung 1962-1963

box 45, folder 43

Institut fur Auslandisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 1959-1960

box 45, folder 44

Institut fur Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1958-1982

box 45, folder 45

Institut fur Hohere Studien 1963-1980

box 45, folder 46

Institut fur Kapitalmarktforschung 1975-1976

box 45, folder 47

Institut fur Wirtschaftspolitik 1959-1962

box 45, folder 48

Institute for Advanced Study 1973

box 45, folder 49

Institute for Humane Studies 1971-1980

box 45, folder 50

Institute for Studies of International Economic Relations, Includes answers to a survey on monopolies 1946

box 45, folder 51

Institute of Economic Affairs 1976

box 46, folder 1

International Association of University Professors 1971

box 46, folder 2

International Cultural Foundation 1975-1978

box 46, folder 3

International Monetary Fund 1957-1975

box 46, folder 4

International Research and Exchange Board 1972-1973

box 46, folder 5

International Social Science Journal 1976-1979

box 46, folder 6

Iowa State College 1946

box 46, folder 7

Isay, Harry 1938

box 46, folder 8

Ischboldin, Boris 1939-1962

box 46, folder 9

Ishikawa, Tsuneo 1955-1973

box 46, folder 10

Isomura, Takafumi 1956-1958

box 46, folder 11

Iversen, Carl 1952-1976

box 46, folder 12

Iwasa, Yoshizane 1965

box 46, folder 13

Iwasaki, Uichi (Kansai University) 1955-1956

box 46, folder 14

J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1959-1977

box 46, folder 15

J.W. Edwards, Publisher 1946

box 46, folder 16

Jaffe, William 1934-1980

box 46, folder 17

Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik (Erich Preiser) 1949-1951

box 46, folder 18

James, Emile 1964

box 46, folder 19

Janosi, Peter E. de 1977-1978

box 46, folder 20

Jastram, Roy W. 1940-1947

box 46, folder 21

Javits, Jacob K. 1968

box 46, folder 22

Jewkes, John, Includes correspondence with Ronald E. Miller 1957-1972

box 46, folder 23

Joge, Sven 1970

box 46, folder 24

John Wiley and Sons 1935-1983

box 46, folder 25

Johns Hopkins University 1966-1976


Johns Hopkins University Press

box 46, folder 26


box 46, folder 27


box 47, folder 1

Johnson, Alvin S. 1940-1955

box 47, folder 2

Johnson, Harry G. and Elizabeth 1958-1979

box 47, folder 3

Johr, W. A. 1953-1982

box 47, folder 4

Jokl, Arthur 1936-1940

box 47, folder 5

Jones, Homer and Alice 1947-1976

box 47, folder 6

Jones, Ronald W. 1971-1976

box 47, folder 7

Jong, Frits Jacob and Martha de 1964-1976

box 47, folder 8

Joseph, Sir Keith 1982

box 47, folder 9

Joseph, Margaret 1935-1939

box 47, folder 10

Joshua Tree Productions 1973

box 47, folder 11

Joughin, Louis 1967-1972

box 47, folder 12

Journal of Central European Affairs (S. Harrison Thomson) 1941

box 47, folder 13

Journal of Economic History (Frederic C. Lane) 1950

box 47, folder 14

Journal of Economic Issues (Warren J. Samuels) 1982

box 47, folder 15

Journal of Economic Literature (Moses Abramovitz, Mark Perlman) 1975-1983

box 47, folder 16

Journal of Human Resources (W. Lee Hansen) 1982

box 47, folder 17

Journal of Political Economy 1972-1974

box 47, folder 18

Jouvenel, Betrand de 1948-1969

box 47, folder 19

Kafka, Alexandre 1941-1970

box 47, folder 20

Kagan, Sioma 1958-1962

box 47, folder 21

Kahn, Alfred E. 1952-1958

box 47, folder 22

Kahn, Martha 1934-1944

box 47, folder 23

Kahn, Richard F. 1956-1964

box 47, folder 24

Kaizuka, Keimei 1963-1964

box 47, folder 25

Kaldor, Nicholas 1938-1978

box 47, folder 26

Kamitz, Reinhard 1958-1976

box 47, folder 27

Kampfer, Johann 1971

box 47, folder 28

Kansai Economic Federation 1955

box 47, folder 29

Kantorovich, L. 1975

box 47, folder 30

Kaplan, A. D. H. 1945

box 47, folder 31

Kaplan, Abraham 1955

box 47, folder 32

Kaser, Michael 1981

box 47, folder 33

Kashiwagi, Yusuke 1968-1983

box 47, folder 34

Katona, George 1946-1976

box 47, folder 35

Katz, Samuel I. 1974-1977

box 47, folder 36

Kauder, Emil 1938-1971

box 47, folder 37

Kaufmann, Felix 1934-1949

box 47, folder 38

Kaufmann, George 1981

box 47, folder 39

Kautzenbach, Erhard 1973-1975

box 47, folder 40

Kawamura, Itsuo 1970

box 47, folder 41

Kaysen, Carl 1950-1967

box 47, folder 42

Keesing, Donald B. 1965

box 47, folder 43

Keirstead, Burton S. 1949-1963

box 48, folder 1

Kelsen, Hans 1951

box 48, folder 2

Kemmerer, Donald L. 1973-1976

box 48, folder 3

Kenen, Peter B. 1963-1981

box 48, folder 4

Kentmann, Rosemarie 1970

box 48, folder 5

Keppel, Francis 1976-1980

box 48, folder 6

Kerr, Clark 1962-1982

box 48, folder 7

Kerschagl, Richard 1949-1967

box 48, folder 8

Keynes, John Maynard 1943-1945

box 48, folder 9

Khachaturov, Tigran S. 1973-1976

box 48, folder 10

Kida, Hiroshi 1970-1979

box 48, folder 11

Kienbock, Viktor 1938

box 48, folder 12

Kindleberger, Charles P. 1951-1980

box 48, folder 13

Kinoshita, Kazuo 1967-1973

box 48, folder 14

Kirby, E. Stuart 1955-1959

box 48, folder 15

Kirschen, Etienne-Sadi 1968-1970

box 48, folder 16

Kirzner, Israel M. 1968-1980

box 48, folder 17

Kitagawa, Kazuo 1956-1961

box 48, folder 18

Kitamura, Hiroshi 1955-1977

box 48, folder 19

Klappholz, Kurt 1971

box 48, folder 20

Klein, Lawrence R. 1966-1975

box 48, folder 21

Klein, Rudolf J. 1940-1946

box 48, folder 22

Klopstock, Fred H. 1968

box 48, folder 23

Kloten, Norbert 1972-1973

box 48, folder 24

Knauer, G. N. 1975

box 48, folder 25

Knight, Douglas 1962

box 48, folder 26

Knight, Frank H. 1934-1967

box 48, folder 27

Knirsch, Peter 1970

box 48, folder 28

Knorr, Klaus 1971

box 48, folder 29

Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization (Robert F. Rich) 1978-1982

box 48, folder 30

Kobe University 1970

box 48, folder 31

Koch, Albert R. 1938

box 48, folder 32

Kock, M. H. de 1944-1945

box 48, folder 33

Kodera, Takeshiro 1955-1956

box 48, folder 34

Kojima, Kiyoshi 1955-1964

box 48, folder 35

Kolm, Serge-Christophe 1970-1971

box 49, folder 1

Komatsuzaki, Seisuke 1970-1982

box 49, folder 2

Komiya, Takashi 1956

box 49, folder 3

Konijin, H. S. 1964

box 49, folder 4

Koopmans, Tjalling C. 1933-1975

box 49, folder 5

Koplin, Harry T. 1952

box 49, folder 6

Koppel, Leon 1939-1940

box 49, folder 7

Kozlik, Adolf 1941

box 49, folder 8

Kraft, Julius 1939

box 49, folder 9

Kramer, Jules 1945

box 49, folder 10

Kraus, Willy 1957

box 49, folder 11

Kraus, Wolfgang H. 1936-1945

box 49, folder 12

Krauss, Melvyn B. 1977

box 49, folder 13

Kredit und Kapital (Helmut Lipfert) 1970

box 49, folder 14

Kreisky, Bruno 1972

box 49, folder 15

Krelle, Wilhelm 1950-1977

box 49, folder 16

Kriz, Miroslav A. 1966-1967

box 49, folder 17

Krueger, Anne O. 1969

box 49, folder 18

Krupp, Sherman E. 1962

box 49, folder 19

Kruse, Alfred 1959

box 49, folder 20

Kuhlo, K. Ch. 1959-1972

box 49, folder 21

Kuhn, Harold W. 1966-1975

box 49, folder 22

Kuhtreiber, Erika 1951-1966

box 49, folder 23

Kumagai, Hisao 1967-1970

box 49, folder 24

Kung, Emil 1951-1981

box 49, folder 25

Kunihiro, Masao undated

box 49, folder 26

Kuroda, Tatsuhisa 1955-1963

box 49, folder 27

Kusui, Ryuzo 1956

box 49, folder 28

Kuznets, Simon 1935-1982

box 49, folder 29

Kyklos 1947-1983

box 49, folder 30

Lachmann, Ludwig M. 1937-1940

box 49, folder 31

Laidler, David 1979

box 49, folder 32

Lakatos, Imre (British Journal for the Philosophy of Science), Includes correspondence with Spiro J. Latsis 1972-1974

box 49, folder 33

Lamfalussy, Alexandre 1964-1975

box 49, folder 34

Lampe, A. 1947

box 49, folder 35

Landauer, Carl 1934-1970

box 49, folder 36

Lane, Frederic C. 1951-1965

box 49, folder 37

Lange, Oscar 1936-1943

box 49, folder 38

Langum, John K. 1939

box 49, folder 39

Lanier, Charles N. 1950

box 49, folder 40

Lansing, John B. and Marjorie 1945-1970

box 49, folder 41

Lanyi, Anthony M. J. 1967-1970

box 49, folder 42

Larre, Rene 1969-1978

box 49, folder 43

Latsis, Spiro J. 1974-1976

box 49, folder 44

Lattimore, Owen 1950-1970

box 49, folder 45

Laursen, Svend 1953-1954

box 49, folder 46

Lavigne, Marie 1977

box 49, folder 47

Lederer, Emil 1937-1939

box 49, folder 48

Lederer, Max 1941

box 49, folder 49

Lederer, Walther 1962-1968

box 49, folder 50

Lee, Maurice W. 1960

box 49, folder 51

Leeb, Brian M. 1971

box 49, folder 52

Leeson, Kenneth W. 1976-1983

box 49, folder 53

Lehigh University 1956

box 49, folder 54

Leijonhufvud, Axel and Earlene Craver 1976-1978

box 50, folder 1

Leland, Simeon E. 1940-1950

box 50, folder 2

Lenel, H. O. 1964-1965

box 50, folder 3

Lenhoff, Arthur 1938

box 50, folder 4

Lennep, Emile van, Includes correspondence with H. von Seidl-Zellbrugg 1964-1978

box 50, folder 5

Leontief, Wassily 1951-1982

box 50, folder 6

Lerner, Abba P. 1935-1980

box 50, folder 7

Lester, Richard A. 1946-1975

box 50, folder 8

Letiche, John M. 1951-1976

box 50, folder 9

Leube, Kurt R. 1975-1980

box 50, folder 10

Levy, Marion J., Jr. 1966

box 50, folder 11

Lewin, Frank 1980

box 50, folder 12

Lewis, Sir Arthur 1979

box 50, folder 13

Lewis, H. Gregg 1946

box 50, folder 14

Lewis and Clark College 1971

box 50, folder 15

Libertarian Press (Frederick Nymeyer) 1956

box 50, folder 16

Librairie de Medicis, Includes correspondence with Louis Rougier 1937-1940

box 50, folder 17

Liefmann-Keil, Elisabeth 1950-1974

box 50, folder 18

Lindbeck, Assar 1976

box 50, folder 19

Lipinsky, Edward 1976

box 50, folder 20

Lippmann, Walter 1937

box 50, folder 21

Lipsett, Don 1979-1981

box 50, folder 22

Lipsey, R. G. 1964

box 50, folder 23

Little, Brown and Company 1940


Liu, Ta-Chung

box 50, folder 24


box 50, folder 25


box 50, folder 26

Livermore, Shaw 1945

box 51, folder 1

Lloyds Bank Review 1982-1983

box 51, folder 2

Loebl, Rudolf 1940-1942

box 51, folder 3

Loewenfeld, Walther 1934-1938

box 51, folder 4

London School of Economics 1937-1971

box 51, folder 5

Long, Clarence D. 1947-1961

box 51, folder 6

Longmans, Green and Company 1938

box 51, folder 7

Lovasy, Gertrud 1938-1949

box 51, folder 8

Lowe, Adolph, Includes correspondence with Robert L. Heilbroner 1937-1968

box 309, folder 12

Luckmann, Thomas.

Scope and Contents note

See SUBJECT FILE, Alfred Schutz
box 51, folder 9

Lundberg, Erik 1954-1981

box 51, folder 10

Lutz, Friedrich A. and Vera C., Includes correspondence with Paolo Baffi and Augusto Graziani 1937-1981

box 51, folder 11

M.I.T. Press, Includes correspondence with Harry I. Greenfield 1976-1978

box 51, folder 12

Mabuchi, Toru 1971-1983

box 51, folder 13

Mack, Ruth P. 1976

box 51, folder 14

Maclaurin, W. Rupert 1938-1950

box 51, folder 15

Macmillan Company 1934-1957

box 51, folder 16

Macmillan Press 1975-1982

box 51, folder 17

Mahr, Alexander 1953-1962

box 51, folder 18

Maier, K. F. 1967

box 51, folder 19

Makin, John H. 1971

box 51, folder 20

Malinvaud, Edmond 1975-1979

box 51, folder 21

Malkiel, Burton G. 1971-1982

box 51, folder 22

Mandelbaum, Maurice 1952-1957

box 52, folder 1

Mann, Fritz Karl 1936-1978

box 52, folder 2

Manne, Henry G. 1974

box 52, folder 3

Mansfield, Edwin 1964-1965

box 52, folder 4

Mantoux, Paul 1951

box 52, folder 5

Marchal, Jean 1970-1972

box 52, folder 6

Marcus, Edward 1944-1956

box 52, folder 7

Margenau, Henry 1959-1961

box 52, folder 8

Marget, Arthur W. 1934-1942

box 52, folder 9

Marjolin, Robert 1957-1969

box 52, folder 10

Markham, Jesse W. 1954-1970

box 52, folder 11

Marris, Stephen N. 1969-1982

box 52, folder 12

Marschak, Jacob 1934-1977

box 52, folder 13

Martin, William McC., Jr. 1961-1968

box 52, folder 14

Maryland State Planning Commission 1949-1952

box 52, folder 15

Mason, Edward S. 1934-1966

box 52, folder 16

Masse, R. 1967

box 52, folder 17

Matchett, Gerald J. 1939

box 52, folder 18

Mathematica, Inc. (Tibor Fabian) 1977-1982

box 52, folder 19

Matsuhara, Fujiyoshi 1956-1966

box 52, folder 20

Matsui, Shichiro 1957

box 52, folder 21

Matsumura, Zentaro 1962-1970

box 52, folder 22

Matsuzaka, Hyosaburo 1959-1960

box 52, folder 23

Matzner, Egon 1978

box 52, folder 24

Mayer, Hans 1935

box 52, folder 25

Mayer, Helmut W. 1971-1972

box 52, folder 26

McCaleb-Seiler Publishing Company 1970-1972

box 52, folder 27

McClellan, John L. 1975

box 52, folder 28

McClelland, Peter D. 1973-1975

box 52, folder 29

McCracken, H. L. 1954-1956

box 52, folder 30

McCulloch, J. Huston 1975-1976

box 52, folder 31

McGee, John S. 1949-1950

box 52, folder 32

McGill University undated

box 52, folder 33

McGraw-Hill Book Company 1934-1982

box 52, folder 34

McKinnon, Ronald I. 1966-1974

box 52, folder 35

Meade, James E. 1965-1981

box 52, folder 36

Means, Gardiner C. 1959

box 53, folder 1

Meinl, Julius 1934-1968

box 53, folder 2

Meinl-Collegium 1965-1967

box 53, folder 3

Meltzer, Allan H. 1967

box 53, folder 4

Mendelson, Morris 1958

box 53, folder 5

Mendershausen, Horst 1938-1939

box 53, folder 6

Menger, Karl 1938-1959

box 53, folder 7

Meriam, R. S. 1934

box 53, folder 8

Mering, Otto von 1940-1948

box 53, folder 9

Merriman, Roger B. 1935-1939

box 53, folder 10

Merton, Robert K. 1974-1975

box 53, folder 11

Metzger, Walter P. 1968-1971

box 53, folder 12

Meyer, John R. 1965

box 53, folder 13

Meyers, Albert L. 1936-1965

box 53, folder 14

Michigan State University 1948-1957

box 53, folder 15

Midutani, Kazuo 1955-1956

box 53, folder 16

Mihailovic, Kosta 1979-1980

box 53, folder 17

Mikesell, Raymond F. 1950-1977

box 53, folder 18

Miller, John Perry 1954-1959

box 53, folder 19

Miller, Ronald E. 1963-1977

box 53, folder 20

Millikan, Max 1939

box 53, folder 21

Millis, H. A. 1934-1935

box 53, folder 22

Mills, Frederick C. 1935-1946

box 53, folder 23

Mincer, Jacob 1965-1982

box 53, folder 24

Minerva (Edward Shils) 1976-1978

box 53, folder 25

Mintz, Maximillian and Ilse 1934-1977

box 53, folder 26

Mire, Joseph 1942-1944


Mises, Ludwig and Margit von. Includes a typewritten preface to Ludwig von Mises, Economic Policy, (not used) and correspondence with Regnery Gateway, Inc. 1979

box 53, folder 27


box 53, folder 28


box 54, folder 1

Mississipi State University 1967-1968

box 54, folder 2

Mitchell, Broadus 1951-1955

box 54, folder 3

Mitchell, Wesley C. 1937-1944

box 54, folder 4

Mitnitzky, Mark 1935-1940

box 54, folder 5

Miyata, Kiyozo 1955-1976

box 54, folder 6

Mizutani, Kazuo 1965-1970

box 54, folder 7

Modern Age 1962

box 54, folder 8

Modigliani, Franco 1947-1977

box 54, folder 9

Moller, Hans 1963-1964

box 54, folder 10

Moller, Rudolf 1975

box 54, folder 11

Montague, Gilbert H. 1953

box 54, folder 12

Montes de Oca, Luis 1955-1957

box 54, folder 13

Moore, William H. 1947-1948

box 54, folder 14

Moravian College 1965

box 54, folder 15

Morgenstern, Oskar and Dorothy 1933-1977

box 54, folder 16

Mori, Shunji 1964

box 54, folder 17

Morikawa, Taro 1955-1956

box 54, folder 18

Morini, Erica 1941

box 54, folder 19

Morishima, Michio 1976

box 54, folder 20

Morse, Chandler 1954-1956

box 54, folder 21

Morton, Martin S. and Gustel 1935-1950

box 54, folder 22

Mosak, Jacob L. 1958

box 54, folder 23

Moss, Laurence S. 1974-1976

box 54, folder 24

Mosse, Robert 1967-1973

box 54, folder 25

Mouskhely, Michel 1951-1954

box 54, folder 26

Mund, Vernon A. 1953-1959

box 54, folder 27

Mundell, Robert A. 1963-1981

box 54, folder 28

Murphy, J. Carter 1960-1978

box 54, folder 29

Musgrave, Richard A. 1958-1962

box 54, folder 30

Myrdal, Gunnar 1974

box 54, folder 31

Nagao, Yoshizoh 1956

box 54, folder 32

Nagata, Eiju 1968-1969

box 54, folder 33

Nagel, Ernest 1962-1967

box 54, folder 34

Nakatani, Minoru 1955-1962

box 54, folder 35

Nakayama, Ichiro 1955-1962

box 54, folder 36

Natanson, Maurice 1962-1978

box 54, folder 37

Nation 1959

box 55, folder 1

National Academy of Education 1973

box 55, folder 2

National Association of Manufacturers 1939-1943


National Science Foundation.

Scope and Contents note

See also SUBJECT FILE, US/USSR Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation
box 55, folder 3


box 55, folder 4


box 55, folder 5


box 55, folder 6

National Bureau of Economic Research 1937-1977

box 55, folder 7

National Conference of Social Work 1946

box 55, folder 8

National Economists Club 1968

box 55, folder 9

National Endowment for the Humanities 1974

box 55, folder 10

National Industrial Conference Board 1968

box 55, folder 11

National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation 1976

box 55, folder 12

Nationalokonomische Gesellschaft 1938-1965

box 55, folder 13

Navarro-Rubio, Mariano 1969

box 55, folder 14

Neff, Philip 1952

box 55, folder 15

Neisser, Hans Ph. 1940-1977

box 55, folder 16

Nelson, Richard R. 1976

box 55, folder 17

Nemmers, Erwin E. 1946-1948

box 55, folder 18

Neues Wiener Tagblatt 1934-1935

box 55, folder 19

Neumeyer, Fredrik 1952-1972

box 56, folder 1

New York Times 1945-1980

box 56, folder 2

New York University 1935-1946

box 56, folder 3

New York University Press 1967-1981

box 56, folder 4

Newsweek 1949

box 56, folder 5

Nicholl, John R. 1974

box 56, folder 6

Nicholls, William H. 1958-1960

box 56, folder 7

Niehans, Jurg 1951-1972

box 56, folder 8

Nishikawa, Tohru 1956-1958

box 56, folder 9

Nishiyama, Chiaki 1966-1976

box 56, folder 10

Nixon, Richard M. 1966

box 56, folder 11

North, Douglass C. 1965

box 56, folder 12

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1978-1979

box 56, folder 13

North-Holland Publishing Company 1959-1981

box 56, folder 14

Northern Telecom 1982-1983

box 56, folder 15

Northwestern University 1935-1967

box 56, folder 16

Norton, Thomas L. 1942

box 56, folder 17

Note economiche (Romolo Camaiti) 1972-1982

box 56, folder 18

Nourse, Edwin G. (Brookings Institution) 1941-1967

box 56, folder 19

Nuffield College 1972-1976

box 56, folder 20

Nussbaumer, Adolf 1979

box 56, folder 21

Oberlin College 1946

box 56, folder 22

Occidental College 1941

box 56, folder 23

O'Connor, Herbert R. 1949-1950

box 56, folder 24

Odegaard, Charles E. 1971

box 56, folder 25

Offen, Elly 1941-1974

box 56, folder 26

Ohio University 1971

box 56, folder 27

Ohlin, Bertil 1954-1979

box 56, folder 28

Oklahoma State University 1961-1971

box 56, folder 29

Oliver, Henry 1954

box 56, folder 30

Ooms, Casper W. 1953

box 56, folder 31

Oort, Conrad J. 1975-1976

box 56, folder 32

Opie, Redvers 1942-1965

box 56, folder 33

Oppenheim, Paul 1967

box 56, folder 34

Ordo (Ursula Kupper, Fritz Meyer, Hans Willgerodt) 1948-1978

box 56, folder 35

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development 1970-1982

box 56, folder 36

Ossola, Rinaldo 1964-1974

box 57, folder 1

Osterreichische Akademie fur Fuhrungskrafte 1973

box 57, folder 2

Osterreichische Hochschulerschaft 1975

box 57, folder 3

Osterreichische Nationalbank (Ferdinand Hain, Heinz Kienzl, Hans Kloss, Stephan Koren, Philipp Rieger, Ludwig Seiberl) 1967-1980

box 57, folder 4

Osterreichische Volkswirt, Der 1934

box 57, folder 5

Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung (Hans Seidel) 1978

box 57, folder 6

Osterreichisches Komitee der Freunde des Europaischen Forum Alpbach 1971

box 57, folder 7

Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universitat Berlin 1959

box 57, folder 8

Oxford University Press 1938-1954

box 57, folder 9

Ozaki, Eiji 1970-1972

box 57, folder 10

Paakkanen, Jouko 1965-1970

box 57, folder 11

Pakistan Institute of Development Economics 1974-1982

box 57, folder 12

Pakistan Society of Development Economists 1983

box 57, folder 13

Palyi, M. 1935

box 57, folder 14

Papandreou, Andreas G. 1962-1967

box 57, folder 15

Papi, G. Ugo 1961-1982

box 57, folder 16

Park, Julian (University of Buffalo) 1946-1950

box 57, folder 17

Parsons, Talcott 1936-1939

box 57, folder 18

Patinkin, Don 1966-1977

box 57, folder 19

Paton, William A. 1964-1966

box 57, folder 20

Patterson, Gardner 1950-1969

box 57, folder 21

Peacock, Alan T. 1953-1973

box 57, folder 22

Pegrum, Dudley F. 1940


Penrose, Edith T. Includes correspondence with David Denhardt

box 57, folder 23


box 57, folder 24


box 57, folder 25


box 57, folder 26


box 58, folder 1


box 58, folder 2

Perkins, J. O. N. (University of Melbourne) 1970

box 58, folder 3

Perlman, Mark (Journal of Economic Literature) 1958-1982

box 58, folder 4

Perroux, Francois 1937-1979

box 58, folder 5

Perry, J. E. 1938-1939

box 58, folder 6

Peston, Maurice 1968-1971

box 58, folder 7

Peterson, Peter G. 1971

box 58, folder 8

Peterson, William H. 1964-1979

box 58, folder 9

Petshek, Kirk R. 1952

box 58, folder 10

Petshek, Kurt 1941

box 58, folder 11

Pfaundler, Wolfgang, Includes holograph on the Sparkasse Innsbruck-Hall 1981

box 58, folder 12

Pfister, Bernhard 1959-1963

box 58, folder 13

Pfleiderer, Otto, Includes correspondence with Wilhelm Seuss 1963-1982

box 58, folder 14

Pfouts, R. W. 1966

box 58, folder 15

Phelps, Clyde William 1938-1941

box 58, folder 16

Phelps, Edmund S. 1977

box 58, folder 17

Phi Beta Kappa 1940-1972

box 58, folder 18

Phillips, Almarin 1962-1973

box 58, folder 19

Phillips, C. A. 1945

box 58, folder 20

Piatier, A. 1953-1955

box 58, folder 21

Pick, Franz 1953-1958

box 58, folder 22

Piffl-Percevic, Theodor 1965-1966

box 58, folder 23

Pirou, Gaetan 1938

box 58, folder 24

Plant, Arnold 1958

box 59, folder 1

Polack, Jacques J. (International Monetary Fund) 1949-1980

box 59, folder 2

Politico 1967

box 59, folder 3

Popescu, Oreste 1958-1962

box 59, folder 4

Popper, Sir Karl 1955-1982

box 59, folder 5

Porat, Marc 1976

box 59, folder 6

Posten, M. M. 1955-1957

box 59, folder 7

Posthuma, Suardus 1963-1966

box 59, folder 8

Praeger Publishers 1971-1981

box 59, folder 9

Predohl, Andreas 1955-1966

box 59, folder 10

Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1937-1982

box 59, folder 11

Presse 1967

box 59, folder 12

Pribram, Karl and Edith 1966-1979

box 59, folder 13

Price, Derek J. de Solla 1977-1980

box 59, folder 14

Princeton University 1947-1982

box 59, folder 15-16

Princeton University Press (Herbert S. Bailey, Jr.) 1962-1983

box 59, folder 17

Prindl, Andreas R. 1972-1976

box 59, folder 18

Probst, Kurt 1949-1950

box 60, folder 1

Prosi, Gerhard 1966-1980

box 60, folder 2

Puffer, Claude E. 1939-1942

box 60, folder 3

Putz, Theodor 1971

box 60, folder 4

Quandt, Richard E. 1967-1974

box 60, folder 5

Quarterly Journal of Economics (A. E. Monroe, Frank W. Taussig) 1934-1971

box 60, folder 6

Raff, Morton S. 1956-1957

box 60, folder 7

Raj, K. N. 1955-1956

box 60, folder 8

Rao, V. K. R. V. (University of Delhi) 1955

box 60, folder 9

Rappard, William W. 1950-1955

box 60, folder 10

Rasminsky, Louis 1967-1968

box 60, folder 11

Ratner, Sidney 1970-1981

box 60, folder 12

Reader's Digest 1941-1953

box 60, folder 13

Recktenwald, Horst Claus 1978

box 60, folder 14

Reed, Harold L. 1936

box 60, folder 15

Rees, Albert E. 1965

box 60, folder 16

Reisman, George 1978

box 60, folder 17

Rescher, Nicholas 1981

box 60, folder 18

Reuss, Henry S. 1962-1982

box 60, folder 19

Review of Economics and Statistics (Aaron Goldstein, Hendrik S. Houthakker, Joseph B. Hubbard) 1934-1973

box 60, folder 20

Revista de economia politica 1958-1971

box 60, folder 21

Reynolds, Lloyd G. 1942-1981

box 60, folder 22

Rheinstein, Max 1939

box 60, folder 23

Riboud, Jacques (Revue politique et parlementaire) 1976-1979

box 60, folder 24

Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1952-1968

box 60, folder 25

Richter, R. 1967-1971

box 60, folder 26

Rickett, Denis H. F. 1966-1974

box 60, folder 27

Riegle, Donald W., Jr. 1979

box 60, folder 28

Riesman, David 1938-1980

box 60, folder 29

Rinehart and Company 1952

box 60, folder 30

Riron Keizaigaku 1955-1956

box 60, folder 31

Rittershausen, Professor 1934

box 60, folder 32

Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali 1955-1976

box 61, folder 1

Robbins, Lord Lionel 1934-1979

box 61, folder 2

Robertson, Sir Dennis 1936-1963

box 61, folder 3

Robinson, Sir Austin and Joan 1934-1981

box 61, folder 4

Robinson, Roland I. 1949

box 61, folder 5

Rockefeller, David 1975


Rockefeller Foundation. Includes activities and progress reports

box 61, folder 6


box 61, folder 7


box 61, folder 8


box 61, folder 9


box 61, folder 10

Roll, Eric and Freda 1940-1964

box 61, folder 11

Roosa, Robert V. 1949-1975

box 61, folder 12

Roper, Burkhardt 1955

box 61, folder 13

Rose, K. 1963

box 61, folder 14

Rosegger, Gerhard 1981

box 61, folder 15

Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul N. 1938-1979

box 61, folder 16

Rosovsky, Henry 1976

box 61, folder 17

Rostow, Eugene V. 1952-1958

box 62, folder 1

Rothschild, Kurt 1973-1978

box 62, folder 2

Rotraut Pleyer, Barbara 1965

box 62, folder 3

Roucek, Joseph S. 1947

box 62, folder 4

Rougier, Lucy 1981-1982

box 62, folder 5

Row, Peterson and Company 1953

box 62, folder 6

Rowen, Hobart 1975

box 62, folder 7

Rowley, Charles K. 1967-1972

box 62, folder 8

Royal Academy of Sciences 1969-1977

box 62, folder 9

Royal Economic Society 1934-1959

box 62, folder 10

Rueff, Jacques and Christiane 1963-1979

box 62, folder 11

Ruff, Gunther H. 1967

box 62, folder 12

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 1968

box 62, folder 13

Rusch, William H. 1946-1953

box 62, folder 14

Rustow, Hanns-Joachim 1969-1980

box 62, folder 15

St. Martin's Press 1968-1973

box 62, folder 16

Sakai, Shozaburo 1955-1963


Salant, Walter S.

box 62, folder 17


box 62, folder 18


box 62, folder 19

Salant, William A. 1942-1966

box 62, folder 20

Salin, Edgar 1951-1973

box 62, folder 21

Salin, Pascal 1971-1973

box 62, folder 22

Sametz, Arnold W. 1973

box 62, folder 23

Samuels, Len H. 1966

box 62, folder 24

Samuels, Warren J. 1980-1982

box 62, folder 25

Samuelson, Paul A. 1941-1980

box 62, folder 26

Sargeant, Howland W. 1948

box 62, folder 27

Sawers, David 1964-1968

box 62, folder 28

Scharrer, Hans-Eckart 1973-1975

box 63, folder 1

Schelbert-Syfrig, Heidi 1966-1970


Schiff, Eric

box 63, folder 2


box 63, folder 3


box 63, folder 4

Schleiminger, Gunther 1972-1975

box 63, folder 5

Schlittler Silva, Helio 1954-1958

box 63, folder 6

Schmidt, Emerson P. 1944-1948

box 63, folder 7

Schmitz, Wolfgang 1968-1974

box 63, folder 8

Schmolders, Gunter 1969-1982

box 63, folder 9

Schmookler, Jacob 1950-1961

box 63, folder 10

Schneider, Erich and Erna 1947-1975

box 63, folder 11

Scholarly Publishing 1982

box 63, folder 12

Schreier, Fritz 1942-1943

box 63, folder 13

Schuchman, Robert M. 1965-1966

box 63, folder 14

Schultz, Henry 1935

box 63, folder 15

Schultz, Theodore W. 1961-1983

box 63, folder 16

Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1934-1949

box 63, folder 17

Schutz, Ilse 1960-1982

box 63, folder 18

Schwartz, Louis B. 1953

box 63, folder 19

Schweitzer, Arthur 1940

box 63, folder 20

Science 1959-1983

box 63, folder 21

Scitovsky, Tibor 1951-1973

box 63, folder 22

Sebba, Gregor 1938-1964

box 64, folder 1

Seidenfus, Hellmuth Stefan 1977-1982

box 64, folder 2

Seidl, Christian 1982

box 64, folder 3

Sergeant, Jack 1955

box 64, folder 4

Shaw, Edward S. (Stanford University) 1940-1969

box 64, folder 5

Shenoy, Sudha R. 1976

box 64, folder 6

Shibata, Hiroshi 1972

box 64, folder 7

Shibata, Kei 1954-1962

box 64, folder 8

Shimazu, Ryoji 1955-1960

box 64, folder 9

Shinjo, Hiroshi 1955-1962

box 64, folder 10

Shinkai, Yoichi 1970

box 64, folder 11

Shinohara, Miyohei 1955-1977

box 64, folder 12

Shionoya, Tsukumo 1962

box 64, folder 13

Shorter, Bari and Fred 1963-1964

box 64, folder 14

Shortliffe, J. Melbourne 1939-1941

box 64, folder 15

Shoup, Carl 1946

box 64, folder 16

Shryock, Rheva 1963

box 64, folder 17

Shubik, Martin 1975

box 64, folder 18

Sievers, Allen M. 1961

box 64, folder 19

Siglo Veintiuno Editores 1972-1982

box 64, folder 20

Simon, Hans 1943

box 64, folder 21

Simon, Harold A. 1963

box 64, folder 22

Simon, Julian L. 1967-1983

box 64, folder 23

Simon, Walter B. 1969

box 64, folder 24

Simons, Henry 1945

box 64, folder 25

Simpson, Paul 1940-1953

box 64, folder 26

Singer, Rudolf and Lisl 1938-1982

box 64, folder 27

Singer, Walther 1937-1939

box 64, folder 28

Sirc, Ljubo 1970-1971

box 64, folder 29

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken 1969-1973

box 64, folder 30

Skiba, Gunther 1967-1968

box 64, folder 31

Slater, J. E. 1956

box 64, folder 32

Slichter, Sumner H. 1948-1959

box 64, folder 33

Smith, Bradford B. 1937-1939

box 64, folder 34

Smith, Leroy O. 1947-1948

box 64, folder 35

Smith, Newlin 1939-1946

box 64, folder 36

Smith, Robert S. 1968

box 64, folder 37

Smith, Warren L. 1954-1965

box 64, folder 38

Smithies, Arthur 1961-1947

box 64, folder 39

Socher, Karl 1977-1978

box 64, folder 40

Social Science Research Council 1938-1982

box 65, folder 1

Sohmen, Egon and Regine 1961-1981

box 65, folder 2

Solo, Robert 1952-1982

box 65, folder 3

Solomon, Frederic 1980

box 65, folder 4

Solomon, Robert 1966-1982

box 65, folder 5

Solow, Robert M. 1962-1982

box 65, folder 6

Somers, Harold M. 1939-1966

box 65, folder 7

Sommer, Louise 1938-1958

box 65, folder 8

Sonntag, Philipp 1982

box 65, folder 9

Southern Economic Association 1954-1979

box 65, folder 10

Southern Economic Journal (Gus T. Schwennig, William H. Wesson, Jr.) 1955-1982

box 65, folder 11

Southern Methodist University 1957-1962

box 65, folder 12

Southwestern University 1964

box 65, folder 13

Sowell, Thomas 1975

box 65, folder 14

Spengler, Joseph J. 1945-1978

box 66, folder 1

Spiegel, Henry W. 1940-1941

box 66, folder 2

Spitzer, Leo 1952

box 66, folder 3

Springer-Verlag 1936-1958

box 66, folder 4

Sproul, Allan 1961-1968

box 66, folder 5

Staehle, Hans 1947

box 66, folder 6

Stanford University 1934-1980

box 66, folder 7

Starbuck, William H. 1973

box 66, folder 8

State of New York Commission on Medical Care 1945

box 66, folder 9

Stedman, John C. 1961-1981

box 66, folder 10

Stein, Josef and Margarete 1934-1941

box 66, folder 11

Stein, Richard 1938-1945

box 66, folder 12

Steiner, Elise 1981-1982

box 66, folder 13

Stettner, Leonora L. 1948

box 66, folder 14

Stevenson, R. A. 1937

box 66, folder 15

Stigler, George J. 1938-1982

box 66, folder 16

Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1978

box 66, folder 17

Stocking, George W. 1948-1964

box 66, folder 18

Stoddard, George D. (University of Illinois) 1950

box 66, folder 19

Stolper, Wolfgang F. 1940-1953

box 66, folder 20

Stone, J. R. N. 1948-1952

box 66, folder 21

Stone, Sir Richard 1978

box 66, folder 22

Streeten, Paul P. 1955-1971

box 66, folder 23

Streissler, Erich and Monika 1962-1978

box 66, folder 24

Strigl, Richard von 1934

box 66, folder 25

Strotz, Robert H. 1971

box 66, folder 26

Studi in Onore di Gustavo del Vecchio (Federico Caffe) 1959-1961

box 66, folder 27

Studi in Onore di Marco Fanno (Tullio Bagiotti) 1963-1965

box 66, folder 28

Sturmey, S. G. 1963

box 66, folder 29

Stutzel, Wolfgang 1973-1974

box 66, folder 30

Sulzbach, Walter 1937-1948

box 66, folder 31

Sumner, John Duncan 1938-1943

box 66, folder 32

Sun 1950-1957

box 66, folder 33

Suppes, Patrick 1982

box 66, folder 34

Swarthmore College 1967-1970

box 66, folder 35

Sweezy, Alan 1949

box 66, folder 36

Sweezy, Paul M. 1957-1958

box 66, folder 37

Swoboda, Alexander K. 1972-1974

box 67, folder 1

Tagliacozzo, Giorgio 1939-1942

box 67, folder 2

Taguchi, Yoshihiro 1957-1971

box 67, folder 3

Takata, Yasuma 1955

box 67, folder 4

Takikawa, Yukitoki (Kyoto University) 1956

box 67, folder 5

Tanaka, Kinji 1955-1970

box 67, folder 6

Tarshis, Lorie 1942-1970

box 67, folder 7

Tasugi, Kiso 1955-1970

box 67, folder 8

Tatemoto, Masahiro 1959-1970

box 67, folder 9

Taubmann, Juda 1936-1939

box 67, folder 10

Taylor, Horace 1934-1953

box 67, folder 11

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America College Retirement Equities Fund 1939-1981

box 67, folder 12

Technology and Culture 1959-1965

box 67, folder 13

Texas A & M University 1968

box 67, folder 14

Thirlby, G. F. 1942-1948

box 67, folder 15

Thompson, J. M. 1934

box 67, folder 16

Thorelli, Hans B. 1954-1958

box 67, folder 17

Thorp, Willard L. (Merrill Center for Economics) 1953-1975

box 67, folder 18

Thurn, Max 1967-1968

box 67, folder 19

Till, Irene 1948-1957

box 67, folder 20

Timberg, Sigmund 1952

box 67, folder 21

Tinbergen, J. 1949-1957

box 67, folder 22

Tintner, Gerhard 1937-1982

box 67, folder 23

Tobin, James 1963-1980

box 67, folder 24

Todorovich, Miro M. 1973

box 67, folder 25

Tokyo Colloquium (Shuzo Takeshita) 1972-1982

box 67, folder 26

Toyo Keizai Shinposha 1967

box 68, folder 1

Travaglini, Volrico (Economia internazionale) 1946-1956

box 68, folder 2

Trevoux, F. 1959-1962


Triffin, Robert. Includes and correspondence with William J. Fellner

box 68, folder 3


box 68, folder 4


box 68, folder 5

Troeller, Ruth R. 1967-1968

box 68, folder 6

Trow, Martin 1977

box 68, folder 7

Tsiang, Sho-Chien 1958-1981

box 68, folder 8

Tsuru, Shigeto 1955-1982

box 68, folder 9

Tucker, Robert 1963

box 68, folder 10

Tugendhat, George 1964

box 68, folder 11

Turvey, Ralph 1952-1953

box 68, folder 12

Twentieth Century Fund (J. Frederic Dewhurst) 1934-1962

box 68, folder 13

Tydings, Millard E. 1949

box 68, folder 14

Tyson, Leonard S. 1950-1956

box 68, folder 15

Uchida, Yukio (Research Institute of Telecommunications and Economics) 1970

box 68, folder 16

Ueno, Takashi 1972

box 68, folder 17

Ullman, Joseph L. 1942-1952

box 68, folder 18

Unger, Frederich and Annie 1939-1944

box 68, folder 19

United Nations 1947-1979

box 68, folder 20

United States Associates of the International Chamber of Commerce (George T. Ross) 1947-1948

box 68, folder 21

United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce 1968

box 68, folder 22

United States Information Agency 1973


United States. Congress. Includes correspondence with Don D. Humphrey

box 68, folder 23


box 69, folder 1


box 69, folder 2


box 69, folder 3

United States. Department of Commerce 1975-1977

box 69, folder 4

United States. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census 1958-1974

box 69, folder 5

United States. Department of Labor, Includes notes 1942-1943

box 69, folder 6

United States. Department of State 1955-1977

box 69, folder 7

United States. Department of the Teasury (Seymour E. Harris, Henry C. Wallich), Includes correspondence with George P. Shultz and Paul A. Volker 1964-1977

box 69, folder 8

United States. Embassy (Japan) 1955

box 69, folder 9

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 1971

box 69, folder 10

Universitat Bonn 1963

box 69, folder 11

Universitat des Saarlandes 1959

box 69, folder 12

Universitat Graz 1977

box 69, folder 13

Universitat Hamburg 1962-1963

box 69, folder 14

Universitat Mainz 1959-1960

box 69, folder 15

Universitat Munchen 1959

box 69, folder 16

Universitat Trier (Gerard Radnitzky) 1977-1979

box 69, folder 17

Universitat Wien 1948-1973

box 70, folder 1

University of Buffalo 1952-1963

box 70, folder 2

University of California, Berkeley 1935-1937

box 70, folder 3

University of California, Los Angeles 1934-1947

box 70, folder 4

University of Chicago 1953-1973

box 70, folder 5

University of Chicago Press 1944-1980

box 70, folder 6

University of Chicago Round Table 1950

box 70, folder 7

University of Colorado 1966

box 70, folder 8

University of Delaware 1974

box 70, folder 9

University of Glasgow 1975-1976

box 70, folder 10

University of Hawaii 1967

box 70, folder 11

University of Illinois 1941

box 70, folder 12

University of Islamabad 1976

box 70, folder 13

University of Michigan 1935-1962

box 70, folder 14

University of Minnesota 1968

box 70, folder 15

University of Nebraska Press 1969-1979

box 70, folder 16

University of North Carolina 1958

box 70, folder 17

University of Pittsburgh 1956-1982

box 70, folder 18

University of Rochester 1942-1957

box 70, folder 19

University of South Carolina 1972

box 70, folder 20

University of South Florida 1972

box 70, folder 21

University of Southern California 1950-1951

box 70, folder 22

University of Texas 1963-1964

box 70, folder 23

University of Washington 1949

box 70, folder 24

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (John H. Smith) 1962

box 70, folder 25

Uri, Pierre 1963-1964

box 70, folder 26

Vakil, C. N. 1955-1967

box 70, folder 27

Van den Haag, Ernest 1964

box 70, folder 28

Van Dewater, John 1950

box 70, folder 29

Van Sickle, John V. 1947-1961

box 70, folder 30

Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1961-1971

box 70, folder 31

Vanek, Jaroslav 1962

box 70, folder 32

Vassar College 1969

box 70, folder 33

Vaughan, Floyd Lamar and Wilma 1946-1956

box 70, folder 34

Vecchio, Gustavo del 1949-1950

box 71, folder 1

Veit, Otto 1953-1979

box 71, folder 2

Veith, Ilza 1949-1981

box 71, folder 3

Velasco, Gustavo R. 1950-1975

box 71, folder 4

Villard, Henry H. 1952

box 71, folder 5

Villey, Daniel 1960-1963

box 71, folder 6

Viner, Jacob and Ellen 1935-1972

box 71, folder 7

Viteles, Harry 1951-1954

box 71, folder 8

Vito, Francesco 1938-1956

box 71, folder 9

Voegelin, Eric 1934-1962

box 71, folder 10

Voigt, Fritz 1961-1971

box 71, folder 11

Volcker, Paul A. 1979

box 71, folder 12

Volger, Gernot 1972-1973

box 71, folder 13

W.W. Norton and Company 1971-1975

box 71, folder 14

Wagner, Helmut R. 1975-1982

Scope and Contents note

See also SUBJECT FILE, Alfred Schutz
box 71, folder 15

Wagner, Valentin F. 1951

box 71, folder 16

Walker, Ross G. 1947

box 71, folder 17

Wallace, Donald 1939

box 71, folder 18

Wallich, Henry C. 1969-1981

box 71, folder 19

Wallis, W. Allen 1935-1978

box 71, folder 20

Walter, Ingo 1976

box 71, folder 21

Walter Eucken Institut (Alfred Bosch, Edith Eucken-Erdsiek) 1954-1978

box 71, folder 22

Wangenheim, Eberhard von 1966-1970

box 71, folder 23

Watanabe, Taro 1970-1978

box 71, folder 24

Watanabe, Yukiro 1978

box 71, folder 25

Watkins, Myron W. 1939-1950

box 71, folder 26

Watrin, Christian 1972-1980

box 72, folder 1

Weber, Wilhelm 1971-1979

box 72, folder 2

Weiller, Jean 1941-1977

box 72, folder 3

Weinhard, Karl 1949-1951

box 72, folder 4

Weintraub, Sidney and Sheila 1943-1958

box 72, folder 5

Weinwurm, Ernst H. 1939-1942

box 72, folder 6

Weisbrod, Burton 1973

box 72, folder 7

Weisskopf, Victor F. 1943-1979

box 72, folder 8

Weisskopf, Walter A. 1939-1974

box 72, folder 9

Welter, Erich and Hilde 1955-1982

box 72, folder 10

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 1951-1975

box 72, folder 11

Wertheimer, Michael 1970-1971

box 72, folder 12

Wesleyan University 1981

box 72, folder 13

West, Robert L. 1966

box 72, folder 14

Western Reserve University 1945

box 72, folder 15

Wheeler, John A. 1968

box 72, folder 16

Whitaker, Kenneth 1974

box 72, folder 17

Whitman, Marina v. N. 1967-1972

box 72, folder 18

Whitney, Simon N. 1980

box 72, folder 19

Whittlesey, Charles Raymond 1952-1962


Wiener Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (Friedrich Levcik, Franz Nemschak). Includes correspondence with the Ford Foundation

box 72, folder 20


box 72, folder 21


box 73, folder 1


box 73, folder 2


box 73, folder 3


box 73, folder 4


box 73, folder 5-10

(re Workshops on East-West European Economic Interaction) 1975-1977

box 73, folder 11


box 73, folder 12


box 73, folder 13


box 74, folder 1

Wieser, Kurt 1955-1958

box 74, folder 2

Wieser, Wolfgang 1954-1979

box 74, folder 3

Wilcox, Clair and Marcia (Swarthmore College) 1951-1971

box 74, folder 4

Willett, Thomas D. 1970

box 74, folder 5

Willgerodt, Hans 1953-1976

box 74, folder 6

William H. Donner Foundation 1971

box 74, folder 7

William Hodge and Company 1936-1963

box 74, folder 8

William Volker Fund 1958-1960

box 74, folder 9

Williams, John Burr 1967

box 74, folder 10

Williams, John H. 1937

box 74, folder 11

Williams, P. M. 1972

box 74, folder 12

Williams, Richard H. 1938-1949

box 74, folder 13

Williamson, Harold 1939

box 74, folder 14

Williamson, John H. 1971-1976

box 74, folder 15

Willis, George H. 1967

box 74, folder 16

Willis, H. Parker 1934-1935

box 74, folder 17

Wilson, Thomas 1976-1977

box 74, folder 18

Winch, Donald undated

box 74, folder 19

Winternitz, Emanuel 1936-1979

box 74, folder 20

Wirlandner, Stefan 1977

box 74, folder 21

Wirtschaftspolitik 1975

box 74, folder 22

Wirtschaftsrat der CDU (Herbert B. Schmidt) 1966-1968

box 74, folder 23

Wirtschaftswoche 1971

box 74, folder 24

Wisconsin State Journal 1949

box 74, folder 25

Wold, Herman 1957-1978

box 74, folder 26

Wolfers, A. 1934

box 74, folder 27

Wolman, Leo 1952

box 74, folder 28

Woolley, Herb 1948-1949

box 74, folder 29

Worcester, Dean, Jr. 1945

box 74, folder 30

Wright, David McCord 1951-1964

box 74, folder 31

Wright, Ivan 1934

box 74, folder 32

Wriston, Walter B. 1972

box 75, folder 1

Yale Economics Club 1934-1941

box 75, folder 2

Yale University 1941

box 75, folder 3

Yale University Press 1945

box 75, folder 4

Yamanaka, Toyokuni 1970

box 75, folder 5

Yasuba, Yasukichi 1970-1978

box 75, folder 6

Young, John Parke 1968

box 75, folder 7

Young Women's Christian Associations, Buffalo, New York 1945-1946

box 309, folder 12

Zaner, Richard.

Scope and Contents note

See SUBJECT FILE, Alfred Schutz
box 75, folder 8

Zassenhaus, Herbert K. 1938

box 75, folder 9

Zebot, Cyril A. 1953-1954

box 75, folder 10

Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Kreditwesen 1959

box 75, folder 11

Zeitschrift fur den Dialog 1967

box 75, folder 12

Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft 1952

box 75, folder 13

Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie 1937

box 75, folder 14

Zeuthen, Frederik 1947-1958

box 75, folder 15

Zijlstra, J. 1968-1972

box 75, folder 16

Zimbler, Liane 1941

box 75, folder 17

Zimbler, Otto 1938-1951

box 75, folder 18

Zinke, George W. 1935-1966

box 75, folder 19

Zolotas, Xenophon 1940-1982

box 75, folder 20

Zonneveld, H. van 1969


NOTES 1917-1983

Scope and Contents note

Notebooks and reading and research notes, arranged alphabetically by subject. See also INDEX CARD FILE.




box 76, folder 1


box 76, folder 2


box 76, folder 3


box 76, folder 4


box 76, folder 5


box 76, folder 6


box 76, folder 7


box 76, folder 8


box 76, folder 9-11

Notes and quotes to be used in articles and speeches, mainly on international finance undated

box 76, folder 12-13

Notes found in Fritz Machlup's home office and briefcase at the time of his death in 1983

box 77, folder 1


box 77, folder 2


box 77, folder 3-5

Balance of payments

box 77, folder 6


box 77, folder 7


box 77, folder 8

Cost theory

box 77, folder 9

Dollar shortage

box 77, folder 10

Douglas' theory of wages

box 77, folder 11

Economic development

box 77, folder 12-13

Economic growth

box 77, folder 14

Economic theory

box 77, folder 15


box 77, folder 16


box 77, folder 17-18



English language

box 78, folder 1

English for economists

box 78, folder 2


box 78, folder 3

Style rules in Fritz Machlup's writings

box 78, folder 4


box 78, folder 5

Fiscal policy

box 78, folder 6

Flexible exchange rates

box 78, folder 7


box 78, folder 8

Hayek, Friedrich A. von

box 78, folder 9


box 78, folder 10

Hollander, David H.

box 78, folder 11

Ideal types

box 78, folder 12


box 78, folder 13

Information science

box 78, folder 14

International cartels

box 78, folder 15

International finance

box 78, folder 16-17

International monetary system

box 78, folder 18-22

International trade

box 79, folder 1

Keynes, John Maynard

box 79, folder 2

Klubertanz, George P.

box 79, folder 3-5

Knowledge industry

box 79, folder 6


box 79, folder 7


box 79, folder 8

Lindbeck, Assar

box 79, folder 9-11


box 79, folder 12

Marginal productivity

box 79, folder 13

Marx, Karl

box 79, folder 14-17


box 80, folder 1


box 80, folder 2


box 80, folder 3

National income

box 80, folder 4


box 80, folder 5-11


box 80, folder 12


box 80, folder 13


box 80, folder 14

Schutz, Alfred

box 80, folder 15-16


box 80, folder 17


box 80, folder 18


box 80, folder 19

Theories of the firm

box 80, folder 20

United States



Scope and Contents note

Articles, conference papers, congressional testimony, drafts of books, essays, letters to the editor, notes, reviews, speeches, and related research material and correspondence, arranged chronologically by title. See also OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN, INDEX CARD FILE, and OVERSIZE MATERIAL.
box 81, folder 1-2

Unidentified fragments

box 81, folder 3

"Approaches Used in Various Fields of Applied Economics," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 4

"Between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics: The Excluded Middle," Notes undated

box 81, folder 5

"Brief Bibliography of Monetary Theory of the Younger Austrian School," Typescript undated

box 81, folder 6

"Can a Liberal Defend Government Interventions to Restrict the Freedom of Business to Restrict Business? Questions by Fritz Machlup," Typescript undated

box 81, folder 7

"The Case against International Cartels," Typescript (first page only) undated

box 81, folder 8

"Causes des Augmentations du Produit National: Temporaires, Sporadiques, ou Continues," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 9

"The Contribution of 'Technological Progress' to the Growth of the National Product," Typescript undated

box 81, folder 10

"A Critical Voice on the Singing Voice," Typescript on Joan Sutherland undated

box 81, folder 11

Discussion of Professor William's paper, Holograph undated

box 81, folder 12

"Economic Theory," Handwritten outline for projected book undated

box 81, folder 13

"Economics of Money and Banking," Typewritten first chapter (entitled "The Concept of Money") of a projected book undated

box 81, folder 14

"The Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 15

"Eingliederung neuer Arbeiter durch Monopolpreissenkung," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 16

"Einige deutsche Fachausdrucke," Typewritten list of terms used in German economic discourse undated

box 81, folder 17

"Exclusive Rights: Are They Necessary as Incentives for Risky Investment?" Holograph undated

box 81, folder 18

"Fixed Costs, Once Again," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 19

"Freisetzung und Resorption," Holograph undated

box 81, folder 20

"General Equilibrium and Imperfect Competition: Are They Compatible?" Holograph and typescript undated

box 81, folder 21

"Geographic Price Structures, Competitive and Monopolistic," Notes and typescript undated

box 81, folder 22

"Glauben Sie an Wirtschaftsprognosen?" Holograph undated

box 81, folder 23

"The Government Should Get the Interest Rates Down!" Holograph undated

box 81, folder 24

"The Importance of Economic Theory," Typewritten outline undated

box 81, folder 25

"Industrial Price Policies and the Monopoly Problem" (with the assistance by John T. Dunlop), Typescript undated

box 81, folder 26

"The Inferiority of the Social Sciences," Typewritten abstract undated

box 81, folder 27

"International Aspects of Fascism and Communism," Notes undated

box 81, folder 28

"International Monetary Systems," Printed copy undated

box 81, folder 29

Introduction of Ludwig von Mises, Argentina, Typescript undated

box 82, folder 1

"Klassenkampf in Amerika," Printed copy undated

box 82, folder 2

"Die Krise im internationalen Wahrungssystem und unternehmerische Verhaltensstrategie," Holograph undated

box 82, folder 3

"The Limits of Government Intervention in the Regulation of Labor Monopoly," Handwritten speech undated

box 82, folder 4

"Mathematical Economics and Econometrics: A Tale Told by an Idiot," Holograph undated

box 82, folder 5

"More Knowledge about More Knowledge," Typescript undated

box 82, folder 6

"A Note on Footnotes," Holograph undated

box 82, folder 7

"On Being Offended by the Objectively Inoffensive Customs," Typescript undated

box 82, folder 8

"On the Probability Value of Laws in the Physical and Social Sciences," Holograph undated


"Overhead Cost and Unused Capacity," Projected book undated

box 82, folder 9

Research material

box 82, folder 10


box 82, folder 11

Typewritten outline

box 82, folder 12

"The Political Arithmetic and Semantic of Economic Growth," Research material, notes, holograph, and typescript undated

box 82, folder 13

"Possible Reasons for Shorter Protection for Pharmaceutical Products," Holograph undated


"Price Discrimination," Projected book undated

box 83, folder 1

General. Includes typewritten outline

box 83, folder 2-5

Research material. Includes correspondence with Carl E. Wade

box 83, folder 6-12


box 84, folder 1

"The Private Value of Patent Protection," Holograph undated

box 84, folder 2

"The Problem of Adjustment" (with Peter B. Kenen), Typescript undated

box 84, folder 3

"Probleme, die ich naher ausfuhren mochte," Notes undated

box 84, folder 4

"Reparations: Why and How?" Holograph and typescript undated

box 84, folder 5

"Selektive Korrektivmasnahmen," Holograph undated

box 84, folder 6

Speech honoring Arthur O. Lovejoy on his birthday, Notes and holograph undated

box 84, folder 7

Speech on ideal types, Athens, Greece, Holograph undated

box 84, folder 8

"The Stability of the Foreign Exchange Market," Notes and typescript undated

box 84, folder 9

"Technokratie: Revolution der Techniker gegen die wirtschaftliche Vernunft," Typescript undated

box 84, folder 10

"Die Theorie der Konjunkturbereitschaft," Handwritten speech undated

box 84, folder 11

"Theory: Its Role and Prestige in Society," Notes for speech undated

box 84, folder 12

"Unity of Science and Differences among Sciences," Typescript undated

box 84, folder 13

"Veranderungen der Produktionsperiode und Storungen im Wirtschaftsablauf," Typescript undated

box 84, folder 14

"Wachstumsrate, Vollbeschaftigung, und Preisstabilitat," Holograph undated

box 84, folder 15

"What Is Meant by Methodology: A Selective Survey of the Literature," Typescript undated

box 84, folder 16

"What Methodologists Actually Wrote," Holograph undated

box 84, folder 17

"Who Coined the Term 'Duopoly'?" Research material, holograph (partial), and correspondence with Luigi Einaudi undated

box 84, folder 18

"A Workable and Practical Basis for the Solution of the Broad Problems of Post-War Employment in America," Typescript undated

box 85, folder 1

"Der Umbau der Ferdinandsbrucke," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Holograph and printed copy 1911 April 8


"Die Goldkernwahrung: In geschichtlicher und theoretischer Behandlung," Doctoral dissertation 1923.

box 85, folder 2


box 85, folder 3

Reviews of printed copy (Die Goldkernwahrung 1925

box 85, folder 4

Die neuen Wahrungen in Europa, Printed copy and reviews 1927

box 85, folder 5

Vorschlage fur eine wirtschaftliche und sichere Wahrung, Translation of David Ricardo, Proposals for an Economic and Secure Currency. Reviews 1927

box 85, folder 6

Review of Leon Koppel, Grenznutzentheorie und Markismus, Typescript 1930?

box 85, folder 7

"The Critics of the Goldstandard," Typescript 1930s

box 85, folder 8

"The Debt-Overhead Theory of Depression or What Is the Real Effect of Fixed Burden on Prices and Production in Depression?" Handwritten speech 1930s

box 85, folder 9

"Devisenbeschrankungen in Osterreich," Typescript 1930s

box 85, folder 10

"Dollars without Cents," Handwritten speech 1930s

box 85, folder 11

"Kapitalflucht und ihre Wirkungen auf den Kapitalmarkt," Speech, Frankfurter Gesellschaft fur Konjunkturforschung, Frankfurt, Germany. Clippings 1930s

box 85, folder 12

Notes on the history of the sale of Fritz Machlup's business 1930s

box 85, folder 13

"On Empiricism," Typescript 1930s

box 85, folder 14

Speech on credit control, Handwritten speech (partial) 1930s

box 85, folder 15

"The Theory of Interest," Handwritten speech 1930s

box 85, folder 16

"What Are the Right Foreign Exchange Rates?" Handwritten speech 1930s

box 85, folder 17

Notes for speeches on political economy 1930-1931


Borsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung 1931

box 85, folder 18

Typescript (partial)

box 86, folder 1


box 86, folder 2

English translation of a revised German version (The Stock Market Credit and Capital Formation), Review and correspondence with Wilford J. Eiteman 1940

box 86, folder 3

"Sie wissen nicht was Inflation ist," Typescript 1932?

box 86, folder 4

Articles intended for the series "Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Typewritten drafts for unidentified articles and/or never published 1932-1934

box 86, folder 5

"Wahrungspatriotismus: Ein Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Vernunft," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Typescript 1932 February 18

box 86, folder 6

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Alle wollen Hauser bauen," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Typescript of answer to Mr. Sommerlatte's comments 1932 April 17

box 86, folder 7

"The Liquidity of Short-Term Capital," Economica, August. Printed copy 1932

box 86, folder 8

"Die Theorie der Kapitalflucht," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Typescript and printed copy 1932 October

box 86, folder 9

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Der Dalai Lama wird verjagt," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1932 October 16

box 86, folder 10

"Industrialisierung, Autarkisierung, Arbeitslosigkeit" Mitteilungen des Verbandes osterreichischer Banken und Bankiers, Handwritten fragment 1932 December

box 86, folder 11

"The Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie," Handwritten speech 1933

box 86, folder 12

"Zur Frage der Ankurbelung durch Kreditpolitik," Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Review 1933

box 86, folder 13

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Anderer Lander Inflation," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 April 16

box 86, folder 14

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Ist das kein Widerspruch?" Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 June 4

box 86, folder 15

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Kontrollierte Inflation?" Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 July 9

box 86, folder 16

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Der Verkehrsruckgang ist zu gross," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 September 24

box 86, folder 17

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Die Ergiebigkeit der Arbeit hangt davon ab," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 October 22

box 86, folder 18

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Die Verschiebung der Kaufkraft," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 November 26

box 86, folder 19

"Die Professoren sind schuld," Typescript 1933 December 3

box 86, folder 20

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Landwirtschaft und Industrie," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1933 December 24


Fuhrer durch die Krisenpolitik 1934

box 86, folder 21

Typescript of notice sent to Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik and cover letter

box 86, folder 22


box 86, folder 23

French translation. Review

box 86, folder 24

Talk on the [Eugen von] Bohm-Bawerk theory in Professor Frank W. Taussig's class, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Holograph 1934

box 86, folder 25

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Geschenk fur Silberbesitzer," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1934 January 21

box 86, folder 26

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Das heilige Preisniveau," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1934 February 25

box 86, folder 27

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Er verkauft zu billig," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1934 March 4

box 86, folder 28

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Was ist eigentlich Deflation?" Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1934 March 25

box 86, folder 29

"Ergebnis meiner Umfrage uber einige 'begriffliche' Unklarheiten in der Kapitaltheorie," ? Typewritten report on an informal survey on the theory of capital. Includes circular letter sent to Gottfried Haberler, George N. Halm, Friedrich A. von Hayek, Jacob Marschak, Ludwig von Mises, and Richard von Strigl, with a list of five questions; Fritz Machlup's own answers, and those of Hayek, Marschak, and Mises; and a follow-up report, "Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zu meiner Umfrage uber eine 'begriffliche' Unklarheiten in der Kapitaltheorie," written after 1934 April October 1934

box 86, folder 30

"Zwei Minuten Volkswirtschaft: Ein tuchtiger Spekulant," Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Printed copy 1934 May 27

box 86, folder 31

"Talk With Herbert Hoover, Palo Alto," Holograph notes 1934 June 16

box 86, folder 32

"The Consumption of Capital in Austria," Speech, Boston Chapter, American Statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Correspondence 1934 December 3

box 86, folder 33

"On the Elasticity of Substitution between Labor and Capital," Speech, Econometric Society, Chicago, Illinois. Typescript and correspondence 1934 December 27

box 86, folder 34

"The Older and the Younger Austrian Economists and Their Problems," Speech, Columbia University, New York City. Holograph 1935?

box 86, folder 35

"Wirtschaftspolitik?" Notes for a speech 1935?

box 86, folder 36

"The Commonsense of the Elasticity of Substitution," Review of Economic Studies, Printed copy 1935 June

box 86, folder 37

"The Transfer Discussion in the Light of Recent Experience," Handwritten speech 1935 November 11

box 86, folder 38

"Up-Hill Race: Leading and Trailing Nations in the World Recovery," Typescript 1936?

box 86, folder 39

"Why Bother with Methodology?" Economica, Proofs 1936

box 86, folder 40

"Austria as the Pawn of Europe," Speech, Buffalo, New York. Holograph 1936 February 12

box 86, folder 41

"Efficient Boom-Brakes," Typescript 1937?

box 49, folder 7

"Monopoly and Competition: A Classification of Market Positions," American Economic Review 1937

Scope and Contents note

box 86, folder 42

"Are the Margin Regulations at Fault?" Correspondence 1937 October

box 86, folder 43

"The Stock Exchange as a Gauge of Credit Policy and a Regulator of Investment," Paper, Round Table, The Influence of Security Market Regulation upon Fluctuations of Investment, American Economic Association. Typewritten abstract and correspondence with Ray Bert Westerfield 1937 December 29

box 86, folder 44

"Political Situation in Austria," Handwritten speech (partial) 1938?

box 86, folder 45

Appearance, Buffalo Evening News Radio Station, Buffalo, New York, Correspondence 1938 April

box 86, folder 46

Review of Richard von Strigl, Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Nationalokonomie, in American Economic Review, Typescript 1938 June

box 86, folder 47

"The Practical Significance of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition," Paper, American Economic Association, Detroit, Michigan. Correspondence with Frederic B. Garver 1938 December

box 49, folder 7

"Evaluation of the Practical Significance of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition," American Economic Review 1939

Scope and Contents note

box 86, folder 48

"The Theory of Foreign Exchange" (Parts I and II), Economica, Printed copy and review 1939 1940

box 86, folder 49

"Social Order" (with Norman Thomas), Speech, Institute of International Relations, Mills College, Oakland, California. Correspondence with Joseph W. Conard 1939 June 27

box 87, folder 1

"Our Buried Gold," KGO Radio talk. Notes and typescript 1940 August 7

box 87, folder 2

List of seven possible topics (for a speech?) 1941 October 19

box 87, folder 3

"A Civil War Is On," Typescript 1941 November

box 87, folder 4

Speech, Niagara Falls, New York, Correspondence 1942 February 15

box 87, folder 5

"Competition, Pliopoly and Profit," Economica, (Part I) and May (Part II). Printed copy 1942 February

box 87, folder 6

International Trade and the National Income Multiplier, Notes, tables, reviews, and comments 1943

box 87, folder 7

"Programs to Maintain Employment: The Basis of Social Security," Paper, National Conference on Social Security, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington, D.C. Typescript and letter from Emerson P. Schmidt 1944 January 10

box 87, folder 8

"A Discussion of International Cartels," Presentation, Economic and Financial Group, Council on Foreign Relations. Typescript 1944 June 24

box 87, folder 9

Manuscript on unemployment, Partial typescript 1945?


Financing American Prosperity, Paul T. Homan and Fritz Machlup, eds. 1945

box 87, folder 10


box 87, folder 11

Typewritten statement for Twentieth Century Fund

box 87, folder 12

"The Nature of the International Cartel Problem," Speech, Columbia University, New York City. Typewritten synopsis 1945 March 8

box 87, folder 13

"The Effects of Government Spending upon Employment," Handwritten and typewritten outline 1945 September 24

box 87, folder 14

Letter to the editor (re Seymour E. Harris' review of Herman Finer, Road to Reaction), New York Times, (date written). Typescript 1945 December 13

box 87, folder 15

"Government and Full Employment," Paper, National Conference of Social Work. Typescript 1946 May 22

box 87, folder 16

"Some Aspects of Full Employment Policy," Typescript and correspondence with J. J. Gonzales-Gorrondona 1947?

box 87, folder 17

Review of Economic Research and the Development of Economic Science and Public Policy: Twelve Papers Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Meeting of the National Bureau of Economic Research, in Journal of Political Economy, Typescript and correspondence with William H. Nicholls 1948

box 87, folder 18

"What's Best for the Competitive Enterprise System?" Panel participation, Economic Institute on Delivered Pricing and the Future of American Business, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington, D.C. Typescript and clipping 1948 December 10


Participation, American Economic Association, Cleveland, Ohio, Typescript 1948 December 29-30

box 87, folder 19

"The Inflationary Process" (comments on papers by Seymour E. Harris and Professor Lerner) December 29

box 87, folder 20

"The Economics of Preparedness for War" (discussion) December 30


The Basing-Point System 1949

box 87, folder 21


box 87, folder 22

Correspondence with and comments from Gardner Ackley, Fred E. Clark, William Johnson, James Lake, Mark Wehle 1948-1955

box 87, folder 23

Report on Grant No. 995 (1947) for "An Analysis of the Economics of the Patent System," American Philosophical Society, Year Book 1948, Typescript 1949

box 87, folder 24

Review of Erich Schneider, Einfuhrung in die Wirtschaftstheorie, I. Teil: Theorie des Wirtschaftskreislaufs, in American Economic Review, Typescript and proofs 1949

box 87, folder 25

Statement on small business objections on basing point legislation, particularly S. 1008, United States Congress, House of Representatives, Select Committee on Small Business, Notes, typescript, and printed copy 1949 July 6

box 87, folder 26

"Three Concepts of the Balance of Payments," Paper, International Monetary Fund Seminar, Washington, D.C. Typewritten outline 1949 October 21

box 87, folder 27

Discussion of Dr. Koopmans' remarks, Conference on Business Cycle Research, Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research, Typescript 1949 November 28

box 87, folder 28

"The Elasticity Argument for Foreign Exchange Restrictions," Remarks, International Trade Meeting, Econometric Society. Holograph and typewritten abstract 1949 December 28

box 88, folder 1

"Elasticity Pessimism in International Trade," Economia internazionale, Typewritten abstract 1950


"The Patent Controversy in the Nineteenth Century" (with Edith T. Penrose), Journal of Economic History 1950

box 88, folder 2

Research material and notes. Includes an essay by Edith T. Penrose

box 88, folder 3


box 88, folder 4


box 88, folder 5

Report on Grant No. 1085 (1948) for "An Analysis of the Economics of Patents and Copyrights," American Philosophical Society, Year Book 1949, Typescript 1950

box 88, folder 6

"Three Concepts of the Balance of Payments and the So-Called Dollar Shortage," Economic Journal, Printed copy 1950 March

box 88, folder 7

"The Unreal World of Theorists and Experimentalists," Typescript (in part holograph) 1951

box 88, folder 8

"Equilibrium in International Trade," Series of five speeches, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. Notes 1951 January 29-31 February 1-2 1951

box 88, folder 9

"A Check Up of the American Economy," Speech, The Phoenix Club, Baltimore, Maryland. Correspondence 1951 March 28

box 88, folder 10

"Schumpeter's Economic Methodology," Review of Economics and Statistics, Printed copy 1951 May

box 88, folder 11

"Model Analysis in Economics," Workshop contribution, European Forum Alpbach 1951, Formprobleme: Strukturen und Modelle, Alpbach, Austria. Notes 1951 August 18 -September 7

box 88, folder 12

"Monopoly and the Problem of Economic Stability," ? Paper, Round Table on Monopoly and Competition and Their Regulation, International Economic Association, Talloires, France. Notes and typescript. 1951 September 7

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Edward H. Chamberlin
box 88, folder 13

"The Characteristics and Classifications of Oligopoly," Kyklos, Printed copy 1952


The Economics of Sellers' Competition 1952

box 88, folder 14


box 88, folder 15

German translation. Reviews

box 88, folder 16

Italian translation. Review

box 88, folder 17

Japanese translation. Typewritten preface and correspondence with Keitaro Fukuda and Masahiro Hattori 1963-1966

box 88

The Political Economy of Monopoly 1952

Scope and Contents note

See The Economics of Sellers' Competition, 1952
box 88, folder 18

"Replies by Economists" in Monetary Policy and the Management of the Public Debt, United States Congress, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Subcommittee on General Credit Control and Debt Management, Typescript. Includes printed copy of questions 1952

box 88, folder 19

"Characteristics and Types of Price Discrimination," Paper, Conference on Business Concentration and Price Policy, Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research, Princeton University, New Jersey. Typescript and printed copy 1952 June 17-19

box 88, folder 20

"Deutschlands Ruckkehr zum Weltmarkt," Speech, Dusseldorf, Germany. Notes 1953

box 88, folder 21

"Do Economists Know Anything?" American Scholar, Printed copy 1953

box 88, folder 22

"Public Policy and Patent and Trademark Law," Paper, Antitrust Seminar, University of Chicago Law School, Illinois. Holograph and typescript 1953 June 15


Participation, "Trade, Aid, or What?" Summer seminar, Merrill Center for Economics, Southampton, New York 1953 June 28 -August 21

box 89, folder 1




box 89, folder 2-3

International trade

box 89, folder 4


box 89, folder 5

Typescript entitled "Problems of Exchange Rates and Convertibility"

box 89, folder 6

Correspondence with Willard L. Thorp (Amherst College)

box 89, folder 7

"My Research and My Students," Holograph 1953 November

box 89, folder 8

Participation, Round Table on Graduate Education in Economics, American Economic Association, Holograph 1953 December 29

box 57, folder 8

Essays in International Trade and Capital Transfer 1954

Scope and Contents note

See CORRESPONDENCE, Oxford University Press
box 89, folder 9

"Dollar Shortage and Disparities in the Growth of Productivity," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Proofs and printed copy 1954 October

box 89, folder 10

Notes, handwritten essays, and typewritten diary entries ("reports") on the Japanese language and on Japanese society and education, Includes clippings 1955 March-April

box 244, folder 7

"The Inferiority Complex of the Social Sciences," 1955 May 21

Scope and Contents note

See ACADEMIC CAREER, Kyoto University, Course material, Advanced Seminar
box 89, folder 11

"Relative Prices and Aggregate Spending in the Analysis of Devaluation," American Economic Review, Printed copy 1955 June

box 89, folder 12

Review of John Madge, The Tools of Social Science; Arnold M. Rose, Theory and Method in the Social Sciences; and Hans L. Zetterberg, On Theory and Verification in Sociology in American Economic Review, Printed copy 1955 June

box 89, folder 13

"The Health of the American Economy: A Disappointment to Marxists," Speech, Denki Club, Osaka, Japan. Clipping 1955 June 13

box 244

"Capitalism and Marxian Economics," 1955 July 20 July 27. 1955

Scope and Contents note

See ACADEMIC CAREER, Course material, Lectures
box 89, folder 14

"On Some Misconceptions Concerning Academic Freedom," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Research material, typescript, printed copy, correspondence, and comments from readers. Includes review of insertion in Academic Freedom and Tenure: A Handbook of the American Association of University Professors 1955 Winter. 1967

box 89, folder 15

"Paradoxes in Economic Development," Notes for speech? 1955 November 3

box 89, folder 16

"The Finance of Development in Poor Countries: Foreign Capital and Domestic Inflation," Economic Studies Quarterly (Kikan Riron Keizaigaku), Notes and typescript 1956

box 89, folder 17

"Rejoinder to a Reluctant Ultra-Empiricist," Southern Economic Journal, Printed copy 1956 April

box 89, folder 18

"Comment on E. M. Bernstein's 'Strategic Factors in Balance of Payments Adjustments,'" Conference on International Economics, Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton, New Jersey, Typescript and correspondence. Includes paper by Edward M. Bernstein 1956 April 14

box 89, folder 19

"The Terms-of-Trade Effects of Devaluation upon Real Income and the Balance of Trade," Kyklos, Typescript of German summary 1956 November

box 89, folder 20

"Disputes, Paradoxes, and Dilemmas Concerning Economic Development," Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, Proofs of German summary and correspondence 1957

box 89, folder 21

"Professor Hicks' Revision of Demand Theory," American Economic Review, Printed copy 1957 March


An Economic Review of the Patent System, Study prepared for the United States Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Patents, Trade-Marks, and Copyrights. 1958

Scope and Contents note

See also ACADEMIC CAREER, Johns Hopkins University, Correspondence, Ford Foundation
box 89, folder 22

Typescript summary

box 89, folder 23

Printed copy

box 89, folder 24




box 90, folder 1

Colas, A. 1956-1957

box 90, folder 2

Stedman, John C. and the Subcommittee 1955-1961


German translation, Die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen des Patentrechts 1962

box 90, folder 3


box 90, folder 4

Correspondence with Friedrich-Karl Beier, Manfred Bohlig, Eugen Ulmer, and Verlag Chemie 1959-1968

box 90, folder 5


box 90, folder 6

"Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: Misplaced Concreteness and Disguised Politics," Economic Journal, Printed copy and correspondence with J. M. Finger 1958 March

box 90, folder 7

Testimony on fair trade, United States Congress, Senate, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Printed copy 1958 July 21-22


"Economics of Invention, Innovation, and the Patent System" Projected book 1958 September

box 90, folder 8

Research material and notes

box 90, folder 9

Outlines and notes

box 90, folder 10

Notes for Chapter III

box 90, folder 11




box 90, folder 12-13


box 91, folder 1-10


box 91, folder 11

Correspondence with Roy Hackley and various government agencies 1950-1951

box 92, folder 1

"Can There Be Too Much Research?" Science, Printed copy 1958 November 28

box 92, folder 2

"Die Finanzierung des technischen Fortschritts," Speech, Institut fur Wirtschaftspolitik, Universitat zu Koln, Koln, Germany. Holograph and correspondence with Alfred Muller-Armack 1959 January 28

box 92, folder 3

"Der Wettstreit zwischen Mikro- und Makrotheorien in der Nationalokonomie," ?. Speech, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Reviews of reprint, correspondence, and blurb for English translation 1959 February 6

box 92, folder 4

Statement on administered prices, United States Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, Printed copy 1959 March 12

box 92, folder 5

"The Alleged 'Speculative Excesses' in the Government Securities Markets in 1957-1958," Typescript (prepared for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) 1959 June 15

box 92, folder 6

"Erfindungen und technische Forschung," Handwritten speech 1959 July 8

box 92, folder 7

"Die Erzeugung technischen Wissens als Beitrag zum wirtschaftlichen Wachstum," Handwritten speech 1959 July 14

box 92, folder 8

Statement on employment, growth, and price levels, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Printed copy, correspondence, and typewritten French translation 1959 October 27

box 92, folder 9

"Medical School Salaries, 1958-1959: A Report of Committee Z on the Economic Status of the Profession," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Printed copy 1959 Winter


"Erfindung und technische Forschung," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften 1960

box 92, folder 10


box 92, folder 11

Typescript of bibliography

box 92, folder 12


box 92, folder 13

"Monopol," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Proofs 1960

box 92, folder 14

"Kartelle, Fusion, und Preisdiskriminierung: Drei Instrumente der Wettbewerbsbeschrankung," Speech, Forschungsinstitut fur Wirtschaftspolitik, Universitat Mainz, Mainz, Germany. Clipping 1960 January

box 92, folder 15

"Die Erzeugung technischen Wissens als Faktor im wirtschaftlichen Wachstum," Speech, Industrie- und Handelskammer, Dortmund, Germany. Notes and correspondence with Wilhelm Utermann 1960 January 18

box 92, folder 16

"Der Dollar muss hart bleiben," Speech, Frankfurter Gesellschaft fur Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Holograph 1960 February 10

box 92, folder 17

"Another View of Cost-Push and Demand-Pull Inflation," Review of Economics and Statistics, Printed copy 1960 May


"Bilateral Monopoly, Successive Monopoly, and Vertical Integration" (with Martha Taber), Economica 1960 May

box 92, folder 18

Research material and notes

box 92, folder 19

Typescript and printed copy

box 92, folder 20

Correspondence with Jurg Niehans, George J. Stigler, Martha Taber, Basil S. Yamey

box 92, folder 21

"The Supply of Inventors and Inventions," Paper, Conference on Economic and Social Factors Determining the Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity, Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research and Committee on Economic Growth of the Social Science Research Council, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Typescript and correspondence with Charles J. Hitch and Richard R. Nelson 1960 May 12-14

box 92, folder 22

"On Leaving the Johns Hopkins University," Speech in response to tribute, American Association of University Professors meeting. Typescript 1960 May 24

box 92, folder 23

"Operational Concepts and Mental Constructs in Model and Theory Formation," Giornale degli economisti, Printed copy 1960 September-October

box 92, folder 24

"Are the Social Sciences Really Inferior?" Presidential address, Thirtieth Annual Conference, Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Printed copy 1960 November 18

box 92, folder 25

"Patents and the Promotion of Knowledge: Faith of Evidence," Symposium on Patents and the Advancement of Knowledge, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York City, Notes and correspondence with Joseph Gray Jackson 1960 December 30

box 93, folder 1

"Idealtypus, Wirklichkeit und Konstruktion," Ordo, Printed copy. For English translation 1960-1961

Scope and Contents note

See Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences, 1978
box 93, folder 2

"Oligopol," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Proofs 1961

box 93, folder 3

"Produzione di conoscenza e struttura dell' occupazione negli Stati Uniti," Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, Handwritten English outline, typewritten German summary, and correspondence with Tullio Bagiotti 1961

box 93, folder 4

"What Kind of School Reform?" Typescript 1961

box 93, folder 5

"Comments on the 'Balance of Payments' and a Proposal to Reduce the Price of Gold," Journal of Finance, Printed copy 1961 May


"Patents and Inventive Effort," Science 1961 May 12

box 93, folder 6

Typescript and printed copy


Correspondence and comments

box 93, folder 7

Dernburg, Thomas F.

box 93, folder 8

Herzog, Leonard F.

box 93, folder 9

Hoppe, Carl

box 93, folder 10

Jenney, Melvin R.

box 93, folder 11

Lasagna, Louis

box 93, folder 12

Schreiber, R. S.

box 93, folder 13


box 93, folder 14

Reply to Hinkley, Fleming, Linnell and Robertson, in Letters, "Patent System," Science, Printed copy. Includes letters by Hinkley et al. 1961 September 8

box 93, folder 15

"The Market System and Discrimination among People," Notes for speech? 1961 June?

box 93, folder 16

Speech or seminar presentation on money, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Notes 1961 June

box 93, folder 17

"Some Economic Aspects of the United States Patent System," Symposium on the Effects of Patents in Research, National Academy of Science-National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Typescript and correspondence with William J. Harris, Jr. Includes papers by others 1961 June 14

box 93, folder 18

Speech, 80th Anniversary Dinner in Honor of Dr. Ludwig von Mises, New York City, Notes, holograph, and correspondence with Lawrence Fertig 1961 October 17

box 93, folder 19

Statement on the Drug Industry Antitrust Act, United States Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, Typescript and letter from John V. Van Sickle to Alice Widener regarding her column (included) on Fritz Machlup's testimony 1961 October 31

box 93, folder 20

"The Productivity and Efficiency of Investment in Education," Paper, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado. Typewritten abstract and correspondence with Kenneth E. Boulding 1961 December 26

box 93, folder 21

Ensayos de Semantica Economica, Typewritten English preface and correspondence with Uros Basic 1962


"Patentwesen (I): Geschichtlicher uberblick," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften 1962

box 93, folder 22

Research material and notes

box 93, folder 23


box 93, folder 24


box 93, folder 25

English translation of an excerpt. Typescript

box 93, folder 26

"Patentwesen (II): Wirtschaftstheoretische Betrachtung," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Proofs 1962


Production and Distribution of Knowledge 1962

Scope and Contents note

See also Fordham University Press
box 94, folder 1


box 94, folder 2-10

Research material. Includes correspondence

box 95, folder 1


box 95, folder 2

Typewritten outline

box 95, folder 3-6




box 95, folder 7


box 95, folder 8

Blitz, Rudolph C.

box 95, folder 9

Mushkin, Selma J.

box 95, folder 10

Princeton University Press

box 95, folder 11

Schultz, Theodore W.

box 95, folder 12

Partial reprint of Chapter IV

box 95, folder 13

Japanese translation. Correspondence with Kiyomi Yukihiro (Research Institute of Telecommunications and Economics)

box 96, folder 1

"Proposals for Reform of the International Monetary System," in Factors Affecting the United States Balance of Payments, prepared for the United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments, Printed copy 1962

box 96, folder 2

"Wettbewerb (III): Wirtschaftstheoretische Betrachtung," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Proofs 1962


"Die Plane zur Reform des internationalen Geldwesens," Speech, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft, Universitat Kiel, Kiel, Germany 1962 January 22

box 96, folder 3


box 96, folder 4


box 96, folder 5

Printed copy

box 96, folder 6

Correspondence with Anton Zottmann

box 96, folder 7

English translation, Plans for Reform of the International Monetary System, Reviews and comments 1962

box 96, folder 8

"Liquidite internationale et nationale," Bulletin d'information et de documentation (Banque Nationale de Belgique), Review and correspondence with R. Beauvois 1962 February

box 96, folder 9

Notes on a paper by H. Gregg Lewis on union membership and employment, Includes charts 1962 May


"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Under- Developed Countries," Statement used in preparation for the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations under General Assembly Resolution 1713 (XVI) 1962 September

box 96, folder 10

Notes and typescript

box 96, folder 11

Printed copy

box 96, folder 12-14

Correspondence, Includes Fritz Machlup's comments on the final report of 1964 (included) 1962-1964

box 97, folder 1

Speech, Mont Pelerin Society, Knokke-sur-Mer, Belgium, Clipping and correspondence with H. Opitz 1962 September 9-15


"Produktivitat der technischen Forschung," Speech, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Germany 1962 September 19

box 97, folder 2

Notes, and handwritten and typewritten English summary

box 97, folder 3

Correspondence with Leo Brandt and Westdeutscher Verlag


"Dollar-Pessimismus und das Gold," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 1962 November 10

box 97, folder 4

Printed copy

box 97, folder 5

Italian translation. Review

box 97, folder 6

Statement on the outlook for the United States balance of payments, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments, Printed copy 1962 December 12-14

box 97, folder 7

Citation upon conferring the Francis A. Walker Award medal to Jacob Viner, Typescript and printed copy 1962 December 27


Essays in Economic Semantics 1963

box 97, folder 8

General. Includes thank you letter to contributors

box 97, folder 9

Typescript of preface to the second edition

box 97, folder 10


box 97, folder 11

Correspondence with Prentice-Hall, W. W. Norton and Company, New York University Press 1963-1981


French translation.

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Calmann-Levy, Editeur
box 97, folder 12

Typewritten preface

box 97, folder 13


box 97, folder 14

Japanese translation. Correspondence with Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha Ltd.

box 97, folder 15

"Hypothetical Projections and Hypothetical Projects," in The United States Balance of Payments: Statements on The Brookings Institution Study 'The United States Balance of Payments in 1968', submitted to the United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Typescript 1963

box 97, folder 16

"Polypol," Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Notes, typescript, and proofs 1963

box 97, folder 17

Review of Johan Akerman, Theory of Industrialism: Causal Analysis and Economic Plans, in Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Typescript and correspondence 1963

box 97, folder 18

"Das Transferproblem: Thema und vier Variationen," Ordo, Reviews 1963

box 97, folder 19

"Projektionen, Prognosen und Zielsetzungen fur die Wachstumsrate," Speech, Industrie- und Handelskammer, Frankfurt, Germany. Clipping and correspondence with Joachim Willmann (Comite Europeen pour le Progres Economique et Social) 1963 January 16

box 97, folder 20

"Growth Rate Projections? Forecasts and Targets," Speech, Istituto di Economia e Finanza, Rome, Italy. Typewritten transcript 1963 January 26

box 97, folder 21

"Central Bank Policy: Foreign and Domestic Assets," Research material, typescript, and comments by E. J. Kane 1963 July

box 98, folder 1

International Monetary Arrangements: The Problem of Choice, Fritz Machlup and Burton G. Malkiel, eds., Report on the Deliberations of an International Group of 32 Economists. Notes and reviews 1964


International Payments, Debts, and Gold 1964

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Charles Scribner's Sons
box 98, folder 2



edition 1975

box 98, folder 3


box 98, folder 4


box 98, folder 5

Correspondence with New York University Press

box 98, folder 6

Japanese translation (partial). Typescript of new foreword

box 98, folder 7

"The Reasons for Divergent Prescriptions for the International Monetary System," Speech, Rome, Italy. Typewritten transcript 1964 January 16

box 98, folder 8

"The Fuzzy Concepts of Liquidity, International and Domestic," Speech, London School of Economics and Political Science. Correspondence with Ely Devons 1964 January 28

box 98, folder 9

"In Defense of Academic Tenure," Presidential address, Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Professors, St. Louis, Missouri. Research material and printed copy 1964 April 10

box 98, folder 10

"Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism," American Economic Review, Printed copy 1964 September

box 98, folder 11

"Teaching Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Printed copy 1964 September

box 98, folder 12

"Why Economists Disagree," Paper, American Philosophical Society. Notes and printed copy 1964 November 12

box 98, folder 13

Discussion of "Various Plans Inclusive of Those of Bernstein, Maudling, Posthuma and Triffin," Typescript 1964 November 30

box 99, folder 1

"A Retired President Looks at the AAUP," Holograph 1965?

box 99, folder 2

Opinion on competition, in Italy. Camera dei Deputati, Atti della Commissione Parlamentare di Inchiesta sui Limiti Posti alla Concorrenza nel Campo Economico: Opinioni di Esperti Stranieri sui Problemi della Concorrenza, Typewritten answers to questionnaire and correspondence with Roberto Tremelloni 1965

box 99, folder 3

"Controls of Capital Exports," Intended testimony before the United States Congress. Research material, loose typescript pages, and correspondence with Arthur I. Bloomfield, G. Guindey, Mr. Furstenberg 1965

box 99, folder 4

"Strategies in the War on Poverty," in Margaret S. Gordon, ed., Poverty in America, Research material and notes 1965

box 99, folder 5

Lectures and seminars on the theory of the firm, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria, Notes 1965 January

box 99, folder 6

"International Aspects," Conference paper, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, New Jersey. Notes and printed copy (Richard A. Musgrave, ed., The Economic Report of January 1965: An Evaluation) 1965 March 19-20

box 99, folder 7

"The Fascination of Gold: Comment on the Article 'Gold' by Zay Jeffries," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Typescript and printed copy 1965 April

box 99, folder 8

"Readings in Methodology of the Social Sciences," The American Economist, Printed copy 1965 Summer

box 99, folder 9

"The Report of the Nongovernment Economists Study Group," American Economic Review, Printed copy 1965 May

box 99, folder 10

"Involuntary Foreign Lending," Wicksell lectures, Svenska Arbetsgivareforeningen, Stockholm, Sweden. Typescript corrections for second lecture, corresponence with Karl-Olof Faxen and Sven Joge, and comments 1965 June

box 99, folder 11

"Hochschulausbildung im volkswirtschaftlichen Kalkul," Speech, Tercentenary celebration, Christian- Albrechts-Universitat, Kiel, Germany. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Dr. Diller 1965 June 2

box 99, folder 12

"Die Meinungsverschiedenheiten der Nationalokonomen," August? Speech, Forschungsinstitut fur Wirtschaftspolitk, Universitat Mainz, Mainz, Germany. Printed copy of summary 1965

box 99, folder 13

"The Cloakroom Rule of International Reserves: Reserves Creation and Resources Transfer," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review and comments 1965 August


Participation in two workshops, "Atlantic Partnership: American Investment in Europe" and "The United States Balance of Payments," European Forum Alpbach 1965, Europe and America, Alpbach, Austria 1965 August 23 -September 4

box 99, folder 14


box 99, folder 15


box 99, folder 16


box 99, folder 17

"International Monetary Systems and the Free Market Economy," Paper, Symposium on International Payments Problems, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. Reviews of reprints 1965 September

box 99, folder 18

"The Creation of Foreign Reserves," Speech, Columbia University, New York City. Notes 1965 October 13

box 99, folder 19

"Nach der Jahresversammlung des Wahrungsfonds," Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Printed copy 1965 October 25


"International Agreements and Unilateral Actions," in Contingency Planning for U.S. International Monetary Policy: Statements by Private Economists, submitted to the United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments 1966

box 99, folder 20

Typescript and printed copy

box 99, folder 21

Italian translation. Review


Maintaining and Restoring Balance in International Payments (with William J. Fellner, Robert Triffin, and eleven others) 1966

box 99, folder 22

Holograph of introduction

box 99, folder 23

Printed copy

box 99, folder 24


box 99, folder 25


box 99, folder 26

"Operationalism and Pure Theory in Economics," in Sherman Roy Krupp, ed., The Structure of Economic Science, Printed copy 1966

box 99, folder 27

"Reform of the International Monetary System," Workshop leadership, European Forum Alpbach 1966, Society Versus Science, Alpbach, Austria. Typewritten outline and proceedings 1966 August 19 -September 6

box 99, folder 28

"The Need for Monetary Reserves," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Printed copy and reviews 1966 September

box 99, folder 29

"World Monetary Debate: Bases for Agreement," The Banker, Review 1966 September

box 99, folder 30

"Creating International Money," Speech, Atlanta, Georgia. Notes 1966 November 10


"Theories of the Firm: Marginalist, Behavioral, Managerial," Presidential address, Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Economic Association, San Francisco, California 1966 December 28

box 99, folder 31

Research material and notes

box 99, folder 32

Typescript. Includes typescript of introduction of Fritz Machlup by Richard A. Lester

box 99, folder 33

Printed copy of expanded version


"L'homo oeconomicus et ses collegues," in Jacques Rueff, Les fondements philosophiques des systemes economiques 1967

box 100, folder 1

Research material and notes. Includes a memorandum from J. V. 1965 November 27

box 100, folder 2-3

Original drafts entitled "Homunculus Oeconomicus," 1966 (in English). Includes notes and research material intended for a future study, and a letter from W. A. Johr 1970-1975

box 100, folder 4

Typescript of French translation. Includes translator's notes

box 100, folder 5

Printed copy of expanded version entitled "Homo Oeconomicus and His Class Mates," in Maurice Natanson, ed., Phenomenology and Social Reality: Essays in Memory of Alfred Schutz 1970

box 100, folder 6

Correspondence with Rene Roy and Emil Claassen

box 100, folder 7

"Freiheit und Plannung in der Marktwirtschaft," Speech, Wirtschaftstag 1967 CDU/CSU, Bonn, Germany. Notes, typescript, and clipping 1967 January 26

box 100, folder 8

"Internationale Geldschopfung," Speech, Basel, Switzerland. Holograph. 1967 January 30

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Gottfried Bombach
box 100, folder 9

"Classical and New Economic Remedies," Speeches, respectively, Czechoslovak Economic Association, Prague, and Slovak Association, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; and Higher School of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw, Poland. Notes 1967 April 7 8 April 12 1967

box 100, folder 10

"Credit Facilities or Reserve Allotments?" Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Printed copy 1967 June

box 100, folder 11

"The Efficiency of Partial Devaluations of the Dollar," Speech, Cleveland, Ohio. Notes 1967 July 11

box 100, folder 12

"International Monetary Reform: Present Positions and the Chances for Agreement," Notes for a speech 1967 July 13

box 100, folder 13

"Oligopoly and the Free Society," Antitrust Law and Economics Review, Typescript of German translation and correspondence with Horst Demmler 1967 July/August

box 100, folder 14

"Theoretical Problems: The Phillips Curve," Paper, Ulricehamn Conference on Incomes Policy, Studieforbundet Naringsliv och Samhalle, Stockholm, Sweden. Notes and holograph. Includes paper by Erik Lundberg 1967 August 17

box 100, folder 15

"From Dormant Liabilities to Dormant Assets," The Banker, Printed copy and review 1967 September

box 100, folder 16

"Corporate Management, National Interest, and Behavioral Theory," Journal of Political Economy, Partial typescript 1967 October

box 100, folder 17

"Strong Dollar Seen in Free Markets" (with William J. Fellner, Milton Friedman, and Harry G. Johnson), Letter to the editor, New York Times. Printed copy 1967 November 22

box 100, folder 18

Notes for speeches on the international monetary system, (in German) circa 1968

box 100, folder 19

"Patents," in David L. Sills, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Typescript 1968


Remaking the International Monetary System: The Rio Agreement and Beyond 1968

box 100, folder 20


box 100, folder 21

Comments and correspondence

box 100, folder 22

"Sonderziehungsrechte, Dollar, Gold," Speech, Industrie- und Handelskammer Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. Holograph 1968 January 19


"Positive and Normative Economics: History and Analysis of the Ideas," Paper, Adolph Lowe Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Political Economics, New School for Social Research, New York City 1968 February 9

box 101, folder 1

General. Includes papers by others

box 101, folder 2-4

Research material and notes

box 101, folder 5


box 101, folder 6-9


box 101, folder 10

Correspondence with Melvin L. Greenhut and Robert L. Heilbroner

box 102, folder 1

Statement re The 1968 Economic Report of the President, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Typescript and printed copy 1968 February 19

box 102, folder 2

"Current Policy Regarding the Balance of Payments," Statement, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. Typescript 1968 April 25

box 102, folder 3

"Was heisst Entthronung des Goldes? Die Demonetisierung ist weit fortgeschritten," Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungTypescript 1968 July 20

box 102, folder 4

"International Monetary Arrangements: Weighing Priorities and Alternatives," Financial Analysts Journal, Printed copy 1968 July-August

box 102, folder 5

"Ist der Dollarkurs zu hoch?" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Printed copy 1968 August 21

box 102, folder 6

"The Price of Gold," The Banker, Printed copy 1968 September

box 102, folder 7

"The Transfer Gap of the United States," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Printed copy 1968 September

box 102, folder 8

Statement on the next steps in international monetary reform, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments, Printed copy 1968 September 9


"Education and Economic Growth," Speech, Centennial Celebration, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 1969

box 102, folder 9


box 102, folder 10

Reprint of first chapter of printed copy

box 102, folder 11


box 102, folder 12

Correspondence with University of Nebraska Press and New York University Press 1975

box 102, folder 13

Japanese translation. Typewritten preface

box 102, folder 14

Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek (with Erich Streissler et al.), Erich Streissler, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich A. Lutz, and Fritz Machlup, eds., Printed copy of Fritz Machlup's contribution, "Liberalism and the Choice of Freedoms" 1969

box 102, folder 15

"Wahrheiten uber das Wahrungssystem," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Typescript and printed copy 1969 February 14

box 102, folder 16

Notes on flexible exchange rates, Claremont, California, Holograph 1969 March 8

box 102, folder 17

Speech, Center for Public and Business Administration Education, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, Correspondence with Chuan-ting Lu 1969 April 1970

box 102, folder 18

"Speculations on Gold Speculation," American Economic Review, Printed copy 1969 May

box 102, folder 19

"The Forward-Exchange Market: Misunderstanding between Practitioners and Economists," ? Typescript 1969 July

box 102, folder 20

Citation on the occasion of the election of Ludwig von Mises as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association, in American Economic Review, Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence, including with James Tobin 1969 September

box 102, folder 21

Comments on Milton Friedman, "The International Monetary System on the Eve of SDRs," Mont Pelerin Society, Caracas, Venezuela, Holograph 1969 September 7-13

box 102, folder 22

Statement on the proposed IMF quota increase and its implications for the two-tier gold market, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments, Printed copy 1969 November 13-14

box 102, folder 23

"Floating Rates, Greater Flexibility," Conference paper or discussion of Jacques Rueff and Sir Leslie O'Brien. Notes circa 1970


Approaches to Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates: The Burgenstock Papers (with C. Fred Bergsten, George N. Halm, Robert V. Roosa et al.) 1970

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, George N. Halm
box 102, folder 24


box 102, folder 25

Typescript and printed copy of Fritz Machlup's comments on Mr. Batt's paper

box 102, folder 26


box 102, folder 27

"A Few Important Dates in the Last 25 Years of International Monetary Developments," Typescript 1970


Participation, Conference on International Mobility and Movement of Capital, Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. 1970 February 1

box 103, folder 1

General. Includes notes

box 103, folder 2

Typescript of introduction to and review of proceedings

box 103, folder 3-6


box 104, folder 1

"On Terms, Concepts, Theories, and Strategies in the Discussion of Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Reviews 1970 March

box 104, folder 2

Participation in symposium and seminar on the knowledge industry, Research Institute of Telecommunications and Economics, Tokyo, Japan, Typewritten preface for printed copy (Chishiki Sangyo no Kozo) 1970 June

box 104, folder 3

"Major Types of Modern Economics," Holograph 1970 June 24

box 104, folder 4

"Trade Unions and Wages," Notes 1970 July 30


"Euro-Dollar Creation: A Mystery Story," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 1970 September

box 104, folder 5

Typescript and printed copy

box 104, folder 6

Comments from and correspondence with Stanley W. Black, Benjamin Jerry Cohen, Erik Dahmin?, Arthur B. Hersey, Fred H. Klopstock, Burton G. Malkiel, Helmut W. Mayer, Alexander K. Swoboda

box 104, folder 7

Spanish translation. Reviews

box 104, folder 8

"The Exchange Value of the Australian Dollar" (with J. Ashley Broadley), Typewritten memorandum for Mr. Holmes. Includes table 1970 September 3


"Longer Education: Thinner, Broader, or Higher," Paper, Invitational Conference on Testing Problems, Educational Testing Service, New York City 1970 October 31

box 104, folder 9

Correspondence with Marvin Bressler and David Riesman

box 104, folder 10

Notes, typewritten transcript of oral presentation, and printed copy of article based on the paper, "Are We Overselling College?" Princeton Alumni Week, Includes comments from Laurence Fenninger, Jr. and A. Sonnenfeld 1971 October 12

box 104, folder 11

"Jacob Viner, 1892-1970" (with William J. Baumol and William S. Dix), Typescript 1970 November 9

box 104, folder 12

"'Higher' Education Is Not for Everyone, Says Princeton's Machlup," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Printed copy, correspondence, and comments 1970 November 16

box 104, folder 13

"Academic Freedom," Encyclopedia of Education, Typewritten excerpts, comments by Louis Joughlin, and correspondence 1971

box 104, folder 14

Gendai Keizaigaku no Tembo (Views on Selected Topics in Modern Economics), Letter from Takuo Koide (Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha Ltd.) 1971

box 104, folder 15

"Notes to My Fellow Writers and Editors," Typescript 1971

box 104, folder 16

"College Has Been Oversold," The Washington Post, Printed copy and reader's comments 1971 February 28

box 104, folder 17

"World Inflation," Conference paper, Les Politiques de Stabilisation dans des Economies Interdependantes, Universite Paris-IX Dauphine, Paris, France. Typescript and printed copy. Includes holograph of discussion of Ronald I. McKinnon's paper 1971 March 26

box 104, folder 18

"The Magicians and Their Rabbits," The Morgan Guaranty Survey, Comments 1971 May

box 104, folder 19

"Changes in the International Monetary System and the Effects on Banks," Speech, 24th International Banking Summer School, Associazione Bancaria Italiana, Rome, Italy. Printed copy of Italian translation and correspondence with Gian Franco Calabresi 1971 May 25

box 104, folder 20

Remarks on Terence W. Hutchison's paper, Vienna, Austria, Typescript 1971 June 19

box 104, folder 21

"Higher Education: Too High for Too Many," Milwaukee Journal, Insight, Printed copy 1971 June 27

box 104, folder 22

Discussion of Keniston and Gerzon, "Human and Social Benefits of Higher Education," ACE meeting, Typescript and correspondence with W. Lee Hansen 1971 October

box 104, folder 23

The Book Value of Monetary Gold, Reviews and printed copy 1971 December

box 104, folder 24

"Flexibility versus Fixed Exchange Rates," New York Times, Printed copy 1971 December 26

box 104, folder 25

Discussion of J. O. N. Perkins, "Some Balance of Payments Effects of International Capital Flows with Special Reference to the Countries of the Pacific Area," Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Holograph 1972?


The Alignment of Foreign Exchange Rates 1972

box 104, folder 26


box 104, folder 27

Correspondence with New York University Press


"Chishiko Sangyo" (Knowledge industry), Gendai SeKai Hyakka Dai Ji Ten (Modern World Encyclopedia) 1972



box 104, folder 28

("Knowledge Industry and Knowledge Work") 1972

box 105, folder 1

("Knowledge Industries and Knowledge Occupations"). Includes research material 1982

box 105, folder 2

Correspondence with Kodansha Ltd., Information and Change, and International Encyclopedia of Education (Barbara Barrett, George Psacharopoulos) 1970 1971-1972 1981-1982

box 105, folder 3

Foreword to the German Council of Economic Experts, Toward a New Basis for International Monetary Policy, Printed copy 1972

box 105, folder 4

"Universal Bogey," in Maurice Peston and Bernard Corry, eds., Essays in Honour of Lord Robbins, Comment from Robert H. Strotz 1972

box 105, folder 5

"The Expanded Role of SDRs and the Possibilities of an SDR Standard," Speech, Geneva, Switzerland. Typescript 1972 January 14

box 105, folder 6

"Grundsatze fur ein besseres internationales Wahrungssystem," Speech, Stuttgart, Germany. Notes and typescript 1972 January 24

box 105, folder 7

"What the World Thought of Jacob Viner," Journal of Political Economy, Typescript 1972 January-February


"What Was Left on Viner's Desk," Journal of Political Economy 1972 March-April

box 105, folder 8

Research material, including bibliographical and biographical information on Jacob Viner

box 105, folder 9

Notes and typescript



box 105, folder 10

General 1970-1975

box 105, folder 11

Journal of Political Economy 1970-1971

box 105, folder 12

Winch, Donald. Includes his report on Jacob Viner's papers


Discussion of the paper by H. Uzawa, Conference on the Management of Water Quality and the Environment, International Economic Association, Lyngby, Denmark 1972 June 20

box 105, folder 13


box 105, folder 14

Notes and typescript

box 105, folder 15

"The Dollar Fix, the Dollar Flex, and the Gold Boom," Typescript (in part holograph) 1973

box 105, folder 16

"Learning More about Knowledge," Seventh Annual Report, National Endowment for the Humanities, Printed copy 1973

box 105, folder 17

"Hochschulbildung fur jedermann: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit einem Gleichheitsideal," Speech, Universitat Basel, Basle, Switzerland. Typescript, English translation, and printed copy of expanded version 1973 January 18

box 105, folder 18

"Less Rigidity Is not Enough," Euromoney, Printed copy 1973 March

box 105, folder 19

"Ein einig Volk von Hochschulabsolventen?" Die Presse (Vienna), Printed copy 1973 September 29/30

box 106, folder 1

"Der Aussenwert des Dollars: Zum Problem der Unterbewertung und Uberbewertung einer Wahrung auf den Devisenmarkten," Speech, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Hubertus Muller-Groeling 1974 January 15

box 106, folder 2

"Wahrungspolitik und Zahlungsbilanz heute," Speech, Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Clipping and letter from James Keogh (United States Information Agency) 1974 January 23

box 106, folder 3

"An Analysis of the World-Wide Inflationary Situation," Paper, Management Symposium Davos, Davos, Switzerland. Holograph and typewritten notes 1974 February 5

box 106, folder 4

"Recent Experiences with Floating Currencies," Panel presentation, Third Paris-Dauphine Conference on Money and International Monetary Problems, Recent Issues in International Monetary Economics, Paris, France. Typescript. 1974 March 28

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Emil Maria Claassen

Discussion of Michael Bruno, "Efficiency and Equity in Public Education Expenditures," Conference on the Economics of Public Service, International Economic Association, Turin, Italy 1974 April 2

box 106, folder 5


box 106, folder 6

Holograph and typescript

box 106, folder 7

Printed copy of summary and correspondence

box 106, folder 8

"Vorkampfer einer liberalen Welt: Zum 75. Geburtstag des Nationalokonomen und Zeitkritikers Friedrich von Hayek," Die Presse (Vienna), Printed copy 1974 May 8

box 106, folder 9

"Integrationshemmende Integrationspolitik," Speech, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Proofs, printed copy of expanded version, and correspondence with Hubertus Muller-Groeling 1974 June 16

box 106, folder 10

"Proxies and Dummies," Journal of Political Economy, Typescript 1974 July-August


"The History of Thought on Economic Integration," Presidential address, Fourth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Budapest, Hungary 1974 August 19


Conference version

box 106, folder 11

Correspondence with Tamas Foldi. Includes his introduction of Fritz Machlup, "Portraits of Economists"

box 106, folder 12

Proceedings published as Economic Integration: Worldwide, Regional, Sectoral, Fritz Machlup, ed., Reviews 1976


Vastly expanded version for publication of a book, History of Thought on Economic Integration 1977

Scope and Contents note

See also CORRESPONDENCE, Macmillan Press
box 106, folder 13-14

Research material. Includes notes and correspondence

box 106, folder 15

Bibliographical references not cited

box 106, folder 16


box 106, folder 17

Typescript. Includes version distributed in as "work in progress" February 1975

box 107, folder 1


box 107, folder 2

Correspondence 1974-1978

box 107, folder 3

Speech on the gold standard, Holograph 1974 October

box 107, folder 4

"Die 'heimliche' Steuer: Inflation," Kronenzeitung (Vienna), Printed copy 1974 October 26


"Friedrich von Hayek's Contribution to Economics," Swedish Journal of Economics 1974 December

box 107, folder 5

Research material. Includes bibliographies and reviews of Hayek's works

box 107, folder 6


box 107, folder 7

Proofs and printed copy

box 107, folder 8


box 107, folder 9

German translation (Wurdigung der Werke von Friedrich A. von Hayek). Notes, typewritten preface, printed copy, reviews, and correspondence with Georg Siebeck (J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck) and Alfred Bosch (Walter Eucken Institut)

box 107, folder 10

"Oil Imports: Disentangling the Issues," Conference paper. Typewritten notes 1974 December 12

box 107, folder 11

"Reminiscences without Regrets," Paper, American Economic Association, San Francisco, California. Notes, typescript, and correspondence 1974 December 30


"The American Connection," 1975

box 107, folder 12


box 107, folder 13



"Effects of Innovation on the Demand for and Earnings of Productive Factors" (with George C. Bitros and Kenneth W. Leeson), in H. R. Clauser, ed., Progress in Assessing Technological Innovation: 1974 1975

box 107, folder 14


box 107, folder 15

Research proposal

box 108, folder 1-2

Progress reports



box 109, folder 1

Kagann, Stephen E.

box 109, folder 2

National Science Foundation

box 109, folder 3

New York University. Includes financial statements

box 109, folder 4

International Monetary SystemsPrinted copy of partial German translation in Zukunft 1975 1977 September

box 109, folder 5

Preface and "Congress in Budapest (1974)," in The International Economic Association after 25 Years and Three Years Report 1971-1974, Printed copy 1975


"Workers Who Produce Knowledge: A Steady Growth, 1900-1970" (with Trude Kronwinkler), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 1975

box 109, folder 6

Typescript and printed copy

box 109, folder 7

Correspondence, including with Rene L. Frey (Kyklos) and Hubertus Muller-Groeling

box 109, folder 8

Japanese translation. Printed copy

box 109, folder 9

Participation in seminar (with Mr. de Lattre and Mr. Casanova), Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris, France, Correspondence 1975 January 16

box 109, folder 10

"Will There Be Another Great Depression?" Speech, Paris, France. Notes and holograph 1975 January 20

box 109, folder 11

"On Myrdal and Hayek," Challenge, Letter to the editor. Printed copy 1975 March/April

box 109, folder 12

"Problems of the International Monetary System," Speech, Banco de Vizcaya, Madrid, Spain. Typewritten outline and correspondence 1975 June 3

box 109, folder 13

"Inflation und Rezession in der westlichen Welt," Speech, Gesellschaft fur Auslandskunde, Munich, Germany. Typescript and correspondence 1975 June 12

box 109, folder 14

"Friedrich A. Hayek and His Early Work in Technical Economics," Speech, Mont Pelerin Society, Hillsdale, Michigan. Notes 1975 August 25


Discussion of the papers by Michael Parkin and Alexander K. Swoboda, Robert J. Gordon, Hans Genberg and Alexander K. Swoboda, Helmut Frisch, and J. Marcus Fleming, Conference on Inflation Theory and Anti-Inflation Policy, International Economic Association, Saltsjobaden, Sweden 1975 August 28

box 109, folder 15


box 109, folder 16


box 109, folder 17


box 109, folder 18


box 109, folder 19

"Monetary Reform Is Back at Square One," New York Times, Typescript 1975 September 14

box 109, folder 20

"They Don't Know They Are Sick," Publishers Weekly, Printed copy 1975 September 29

box 109, folder 21

Statement on the IMF Gold Agreement, United States Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on International Economics, Press release, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with John R. Stark 1975 October 10

box 109, folder 22

"Publication and Other Forms of Information Services: The Problem of Forecasting Future Requirements and Performance," Paper, US/USSR Symposium, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes, holograph, and typewritten abstract 1975 October 20

box 109, folder 23

"The Economic Strangulation of the Science-Information Enterprise," Paper, American Economic Association, Dallas, Texas. Typescript 1975 December 30


Essays on Hayek (with William F. Buckley, Jr. and five others), Fritz Machlup, ed. 1976

box 110, folder 1


box 110, folder 2


box 110, folder 3-4

Correspondence with Don Lipsett and others


Selected Economic Writings of Fritz Machlup, George C. Bitros, ed. 1976

box 110, folder 5




box 110, folder 6


box 110, folder 7

Preface by George C. Bitros. Includes correspondence

box 110, folder 8


box 110, folder 9-12


box 111, folder 1-6


box 111, folder 7




box 111, folder 8

Bitros, George C.

box 111, folder 9

New York University Press

box 112, folder 1

"The Free Market for Ideas and the Economic Viability of the Publishing Industry," Speech?, Paris, France. Notes 1976 January 17

box 112, folder 2

"Will Gold Be Remonetized?" Boletin Internacional (Bilbao, Spain), Printed copy and correspondence with Francisco Prieto 1976 March

box 112, folder 3

"Between Outline and Outcome the Reform War Lost," in Edward M. Bernstein et. al., Reflections on Jamaica, Printed copy 1976 April

box 112, folder 4

"The Dismal Science and the Illth of Nations," Eastern Economic Journal, Typescript and printed copy 1976 April


"Proposing a Toast," Speech celebrating the 200th anniversary of Adam Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Glasgow, Scotland 1976 April 3

box 112, folder 5

Research material and notes

box 112, folder 6



"Conceptual and Causal Relationships in the Theory of Economic Integration in the Twentieth Century," Paper, Nobel Symposium on the International Allocation of Economic Activity, Stockholm, Sweden 1976 June 8-11

box 112, folder 7


box 112, folder 8


box 112, folder 9

Proceedings, including summary of discussion of the paper by Fritz Machlup

box 112, folder 10

Correspondence with Per Magnus Wijkman


"Our Libraries: Can We Measure Their Holdings and Acquisitions?" American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Autumn 1976

box 112, folder 11

Printed copy and comments

box 112, folder 12

Reply to David W. Heron ("My Short Shoelaces and the Shortage of Library Data," American Association of University Professors Bulletin, Autumn). Printed copy and correspondence with David W. Heron 1977

box 112, folder 13

Participation, "Looking Toward the 21st Century," Tokyo Colloquium, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, Notes on floating exchange rates and the knowledge industry 1976 September 24-28

box 112, folder 14

"Payments for Oil, International Liquidity and Real Investment" and "Trends in the World Economy," Papers, Conference on Business in the Pacific Basin, Manila, Philippines. Typescript 1976 September 30 -October 1976

box 113, folder 1

"Fleming in the Bellagio Group," Speech, J. Marcus Fleming Memorial Conference on the New International Monetary System, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Typescript and printed copy 1976 November 12

box 113, folder 2

"Exchange Rates, Comparative Costs, and the Pattern of Trade" (with Jacob Dreyer), Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, Printed copy 1976 December

box 113, folder 3

"Frederick Harris Harbison (1912-1976)," in American Philosophical Society Year Book 1976, Printed copy 1977

box 113, folder 4

Discussion of the papers by Emil Maria Claassen and John Kenneth Galbraith, Symposium zum 50. jahrigen Bestand des Osterreichischen Instituts fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vienna, Austria, Typescript, proofs, printed copy, and correspondence with Felix Butschek 1977 January 14

box 113, folder 5

"Publishing Scholarly Books and Journals: Is It Economically Viable?" Journal of Political Economy, February. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Sanford V. Berg, Harry G. Johnson, George J. Stigler 1977

box 113, folder 6

Interview on the Austrian School conducted by Axel Leijonhufvud, Typescript 1977 March 16

box 113, folder 7

"How I Decided to Become an Economist," Typewritten transcript of a speech 1977 May 22


Participation in panel discussion, The Existing Banking System: Will It Cope with Present-Day World-Wide Financing Requirements; Do We Have Alternatives? Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de la Dresdner Bank A.G., Kirchberg, Luxembourg 1977 July 4

box 113, folder 8

Printed copy

box 113, folder 9

Correspondence with Volker Burghagen and Jurgen Ponto. Includes typewritten transcript of Fritz Machlup's interventions, edited by him

box 113, folder 10

Statement on economic factors involved in royalty payment mechanisms, National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU), Typescript 1977 July 11

box 113, folder 11

Discussion of Gerhard Fels and Frank Weiss, "Structural Change and Unemployment: The Lesson of West Germany," Fifth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tokyo, Japan, Printed copy 1977 September 1

box 113, folder 12

Discussion of Janos Fekete, "Monetary and Financial Problems in East and West," Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies and Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Workshop on East-West European Economic Interaction, Budapest, Hungary, Notes. Includes paper by Janos Fekete 1977 October 17

box 113, folder 13

"An Amateurish Linguistic Exercise About the Japanese Language," Notes, typescript, and correspondence with Robert A. Fowkes 1978?


Information Through the Printed Word: The Dissemination of Scholarly, Scientific, and Intellectual Knowledge (with Kenneth W. Leeson et al.), (4 vols.). 1978-1980

Scope and Contents note

See also Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution, and Economic Significance,1980-1983 (3 vols.)




box 114, folder 1


box 114, folder 2

Academic Press

box 114, folder 3-7

Association of American University Presses

box 114, folder 8

Carnegie Corporation of New York

box 114, folder 9

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company

box 114, folder 10

Ford Foundation

box 114, folder 11

Institute for Scientific Information

box 114, folder 12

Leeson, Kenneth W.

box 114, folder 13

Lexington Books

box 114, folder 14

National Endowment for the Humanities

box 114, folder 15

National Science Foundation. Includes correspondence with New York University

box 114, folder 16

National Technical Information Service

box 114, folder 17

Plenum Publishing Corporation

box 114, folder 18

Praeger Publishers

box 115, folder 1-3

Financial records

box 115, folder 4-6

Grant proposals

box 116, folder 1-2

Grant proposals

box 116, folder 3-6

Personnel records


Progress reports

box 116, folder 7

1976 June

box 116, folder 8

1977 June

box 116, folder 9

Summary of entire project


Research material

box 116, folder 10-21


box 117, folder 1-10




box 117, folder 11-15




box 117, folder 16

By Fritz Machlup

box 117, folder 17

By others

box 117, folder 18

American Council of Learned Societies

box 117, folder 19

American Library Association

box 117, folder 20

Association of American Publishers

box 117, folder 21

Association of Philosophy Journal Editors

box 117, folder 22

Association of Research Libraries

box 118, folder 1

Baumol, William J. (and Richard E. Quandt)

box 118, folder 2

British Library

box 118, folder 3

Capital Systems Group

box 118, folder 4

Cline, Hugh F.

box 118, folder 5

Fry, Bernard M.

box 118, folder 6

Futures Group

box 118, folder 7-8

Kagann, Stephen E.

box 119, folder 1-2

Kagann, Stephen E.

box 119, folder 3

Kent, Allen

box 119, folder 4

King Research

box 120, folder 1

King Research

box 120, folder 2-3

National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works

box 120, folder 4

National Enquiry into Scholarly Communication

box 120, folder 5

New York State Geological Survey

box 120, folder 6

Pollard, Alan P.

box 120, folder 7

Primary Communications Research Centre (University of Leicester)

box 120, folder 8

Saracevic, Tefko

box 120, folder 9

United States Postmaster




Knowledge dissemination stages

box 121, folder 1-10

Book publishing

box 122, folder 1-11

Book (and journal) publishing

box 123, folder 1-9

Journal publishing

box 124, folder 1-13

Library services

box 125, folder 1-11

Abstracting, indexing, reviewing

box 126, folder 1-8

Reading (User studies)



box 127, folder 1-4


box 128, folder 1-2


box 128, folder 3-10


box 129, folder 1-9


box 130, folder 1-6


box 130, folder 7


box 130, folder 8


box 130, folder 9-11


box 131, folder 1-7


box 132, folder 1-14


box 133, folder 1-18


box 134, folder 1-5


box 134, folder 6


box 135, folder 1-2


box 136, folder 1-3


box 137, folder 1-2


box 137, folder 3



Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences 1978



box 138, folder 1

Outline of book

box 138, folder 2

Outline of "Ideal Types, Reality, and Construction." Includes notes and English translation (by Martha De Rooy) of "Idealtypus, Wirklichkeit und Konstruktion," annotated and with holograph preface by Fritz Machlup, and correspondence 1977

box 138, folder 3

Note on Spiro J. Latsis 1977 July

box 138, folder 4

Printed copies of the component writings

box 138, folder 5



"The Changing Structure of the Knowledge-Producing Labor Force" (with Stephen E. Kagann) 1978 January

box 138, folder 6


box 138, folder 7

Correspondence with Bell Journal of Economics, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Human Resources, and Noordhoff International

box 138, folder 8

"Die Tragodie der wirtschaftspolitischen Illusionen," Speech, Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Vienna, Austria. Typescript and correspondence 1978 February 14

box 138, folder 9

"Research Highlight: The Dissemination of Scholarly Knowledge," Center for Applied Economics Newsletter, (Parts 1 and 2). Printed copy 1978 April June 1978

box 138, folder 10

Opening remarks, Conference on the 'Locomotive Theory,' American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., Notes and typescript 1978 April 13

box 138, folder 11

"The Development of the Austrian Economy Since the Second World War," Speech, Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with William E. Wright 1978 May 19

box 138, folder 12

Review of Mark Perlman, ed., The Organization and Retrieval of Economic Knowledge: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Kiel, West Germany, in Economic Journal, Printed copy 1978 June

box 138, folder 13

"Youth Unemployment, Minimum Wage, and the Proportion of Inexperienced Workers in the Labor Force," Typescript and correspondence 1978 June


"An Economist's Reflections on an Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Science," Paper, Advanced Study Institute of Information Science, Chania, Crete 1978 August 1-11

box 138, folder 14


box 138, folder 15


box 138, folder 16

Typescript of revised version and printed copy

box 138, folder 17

Correspondence with Anthony Debons, Arvid G. Larson, J. C. R. Licklider, Charles T. Meadow (Journal of the American Society for Information Science), R. K. Stamper, Helmut E. Thiess


Series of four speeches, Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1978 September 11-14

box 138, folder 18

Printed copy

box 138, folder 19


box 138, folder 20

Correspondence with Alberto Guido Servente, Jose Heriberto Martinez, and Julio H. G. Olivera. Includes typewritten introduction of Fritz Machlup by Julio H. G. Olivera

box 138, folder 21

Discussion of "Worries and Priorities," "The Present International Monetary System," "The Experience with Managed Floating," and "The SDR and Other IMF Matters," Claremont International Monetary Conference, Claremont, California, Typescript, clippings, and correspondence with Randall B. Hinshaw 1978 October 3-6

box 138, folder 22

"A Recipe for a Good Graduate Department," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Printed copy and comments 1978 October 16

box 138, folder 23

"Inflation and Unemployment," William L. Clayton Lecture on International Economic Affairs, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. Printed copies, including under the title "Different Inflations Have Different Effects on Unemployment," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 1978 November 7 1978 December

box 139, folder 1

"The Effects of Fiscal Policy and the Choice of Definitions," in Harry I. Greenfield et al., eds., Theory for Economic Efficiency: Essays in Honor of Abba P. Lerner, Printed copy 1979


"Hayek, Friedrich A. von," in David L. Sills, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 1979

box 139, folder 2


box 139, folder 3

Research material and notes

box 139, folder 4-5


box 139, folder 6

Printed copy

box 139, folder 7

Correspondence with Barbara A. Chernow (Free Press)

box 139, folder 8

Kyoiku no Genso (Illusion of Education), Typescript preface and correspondence with Hiroshi Kida and Seisuke Komatsuzaki. Includes notes and tables on the knowledge industry 1979

box 139, folder 9

"The Semantics of Science," Typescript and correspondence 1979

box 139, folder 10

"The EMS, the Odds for Stability, the U.S. Dollar, and the IMF," Aussenwirtschaft, Printed copy 1979 March

box 139, folder 11

"Economics as Seen by Myself as a Researcher, Writer, Teacher, Government Advisor, Businessman, Citizen, and Philosopher" ("As I Have Looked at Economics in My Various Roles"), Speech, Seminar in Economic Issues, Graduate Economics Society, New York University, New York City. Notes and typewritten transcript 1979 March 13

box 139, folder 12

Discussion of the papers by John H. Williamson and Alexandre Lamfalussy, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, Typescript 1979 March 24

box 139, folder 13

"International Adjustments and Coordination of Monetary Policies," Speech, Metropolitan Economic Association, New York City. Typewritten outline and correspondence 1979 May 2

box 139, folder 14

"Uses, Value, and Benefits of Knowledge," Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, Printed copy 1979 September

box 139, folder 15

"Poor Learning from Good Teachers," Academe, Printed copy of condensed version and comments 1979 October

box 139, folder 16

"Erinnerungen an das Mises-Seminar," Notes and typescript 1979 October 24

box 139, folder 17

"An Experiment Testing the Findings of Econometric Research Techniques," Typescript 1979 November 10

box 139, folder 18

"The Economic Cost of Knowledge," in Emil Kung, ed., Wandlungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Festschrift fur Walter Adolf Johr, Printed copy 1980

box 139, folder 19

"Explaining Changes in Balances of Payments and Foreign Exchange Rates: A Polemic without Graphs, Algebra, and Citations," in John S. Chipman and Charles P. Kindleberger, eds., Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments, Printed copy 1980


Foreword to Jacques Riboud, The Mechanics of Money 1980

box 140, folder 1


box 140, folder 2-4

Typescript of book manuscript

box 140, folder 5

Printed copy


Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution, and Economic Significance, (3 vols.) 1980-1983





Scope and Contents note

See also Financial records
box 141, folder 1-2

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

box 141, folder 3

Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund

box 141, folder 4

Exxon Education Foundation

box 141, folder 5

Ford Foundation

box 141, folder 6

Institute for Educational Affairs

box 141, folder 7

International Business Machines Corporation. Includes correspondence with Carl Rieser

box 141, folder 8

John and Mary Markle Foundation

box 141, folder 9


box 141, folder 10

National Endowment for the Humanities

box 142, folder 1-3

National Institute of Education

box 142, folder 4-5

National Science Foundation

box 142, folder 6

Princeton University

box 142, folder 7

Princeton University Press

box 143, folder 1

Smith Richardson Foundation

box 143, folder 2

Spencer Foundation

box 143, folder 3

System Development Foundation

box 143, folder 4-12

Financial records



box 143, folder 13

Grants supporting the project

box 143, folder 14

Materials for possible use in final report

box 143, folder 15

Memorandum on cataloging of the final work

box 144, folder 1-49

Research assistant records, including for Barbara A. Chernow and Stephen E. Kagann


Research material. Includes notes and correspondence

box 145, folder 1-13

General. Includes correspondence with King Research

box 146, folder 1-2

Volume I

box 146, folder 3-9

Volume II

box 147

Volume III

box 148

Volume III

box 149

Volume III

box 150

Volume III

box 151

Volume III

box 152

Volume III

box 153

Volume III

box 154

Volume IV

box 155

Volume V

box 156

Volume V

box 157

Volume V

box 158

Volume V

box 159

Volume V

box 160

Volume V

box 161

Volume V

box 162

Volume V

box 163

Volume V

box 164

Volume V

box 165

Volume V

box 166

Volume V

box 167

Volume V

box 168

Volume V

box 169

Volume V

box 170

Volume V

box 171

Volume V

box 172

Volume V

box 173

Volume V

box 174

Volume V

box 175

Volume V

box 176

Volume V

box 177

Volume V

box 178

Volume V

box 179

Volume V

box 180

Volume V

box 181

Volume V

box 182

Volume V

box 183

Volume V

box 184

Volume V

box 185

Volume V

box 186

Volume V

box 187

Volume V

box 188

Volume V

box 189

Volume V

box 190

Volume V

box 191

Volume V

box 192

Volume VI

box 193

Volume VI

box 194

Volume VI

box 195

Volume VI

box 196

Volume VI

box 197

Volume VI

box 198

Volume VI

box 199

Volume VI

box 200

Volume VI

box 201

Volume VII

box 202

Volume VII

box 203

Volume VIII

box 204

Volume VIII

box 205

Volume VIII

box 205

Volume X

box 206




box 207, folder 1-7


box 207, folder 8-10

Volume I

box 207, folder 11

Volume II

box 208, folder 1-5

Volume II

box 209, folder 1-4

Volume III

box 210, folder 1-5

Volume III

box 211, folder 1-2

Volume III

box 211, folder 3

Volume IV

box 211, folder 4-8

Readers' comments - Volume III



box 212, folder 1-3

Volume I

box 212, folder 4-7

Volume II

box 213, folder 1

Production schedule - Volume III


Promotional material

box 213, folder 2

Volumes I and II

box 213, folder 3

Volume III

box 213, folder 4-7

Distribution lists

box 213, folder 8




box 213, folder 9

Volume I

box 213, folder 10

Volume II

box 213, folder 11-13

Volume III


Volume IV.

Scope and Contents note

See also The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages, 1983

General - Advisors

box 214, folder 1


box 214, folder 2


box 214, folder 3

Ackoff, Russell L.

box 214, folder 4

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

box 214, folder 5

Arbib, Michael A.

box 214, folder 6

Barr, Avron

box 214, folder 7

Batty, David

box 214, folder 8

Baumol, William J.

box 214, folder 9

Beam, Robert D.

box 214, folder 10

Bearman, Toni Carbo

box 214, folder 11

Beniger, James R.

box 214, folder 12

Berwick, Robert C.

box 215, folder 1

Bever, Thomas G.

box 215, folder 2

Boden, Margaret A.

box 215, folder 3

Boulding, Kenneth E.

box 215, folder 4

Brown, John Seely

box 215, folder 5

Buckley, Walter

box 215, folder 6

Cherry, Heather

box 215, folder 7

Churchman, C. West

box 215, folder 8

Day, Richard H.

box 215, folder 9

Debons, Anthony

box 215, folder 10

Donelson, William C.

box 215, folder 11

Dougherty, Ray Cordell

box 215, folder 12

Ebenfield, Helene

box 215, folder 13

Eden, Murray

box 216, folder 1

Elias, Peter

box 216, folder 2

Garfield, Eugene

box 216, folder 3

Gazzaniga, Michael S.

box 216, folder 4

Gorelik, George

box 216, folder 5

Gorn, Saul

box 216, folder 6

Griffith, Belver C.

box 216, folder 7

Hewitt, Carl E.

box 216, folder 8

Hofstadter, Douglas R.

box 216, folder 9

Kalman, Rudolf E.

box 216, folder 10

Keyser, Samuel Jay

box 216, folder 11

Knuth, Donald Ervin

box 216, folder 12

Kochen, Manfred

box 217, folder 1

Langlois, Richard N.

box 217, folder 2

Lewis, Ralph W.

box 217, folder 3

Licklider, J. C. R.

box 217, folder 4

MacKay, Donald MacCrimmon

box 217, folder 5

Marcus, Mitchell

box 217, folder 6

Mattessich, Richard

box 217, folder 7

Mead, Carver

box 217, folder 8

Melnechuk, Theodore

box 217, folder 9

Michon, John A.

box 217, folder 10

Miller, George Armitage

box 217, folder 11

Minsky, Marvin L.

box 218, folder 1

Montroll, Elliott W.

box 218, folder 2

Mortazavian, Hassan (and Mihajlo D. Mesarovic)

box 218, folder 3

Moses, Joel

box 218, folder 4

Negroponte, Nicolas

box 218, folder 5

Newell, Allen

box 218, folder 6

Nilsson, Nils

box 218, folder 7

Norman, Donald A.

box 218, folder 8

Parker, Edwin B.

box 218, folder 9

Perlis, Alan J.

box 218, folder 10

Pylyshyn, Zenon W.

box 218, folder 11

Rayward, W. Boyd

box 219, folder 1

Rich, Robert F.

box 219, folder 2

Schrader, Alvin M.

box 219, folder 3

Shapiro, Michael M.

box 219, folder 4

Shannon, Claude E.

box 219, folder 5

Simon, Herb A.

box 219, folder 6

Shera, Jesse Hauk

box 219, folder 7

Slamecka, Vladimir

box 219, folder 8

Slepian, David

box 219, folder 9

Steiglitz, Kenneth

box 219, folder 10

Swanson, Don R.

box 219, folder 11

Swire, Peter

box 219, folder 12

Taylor, Howard F.

box 219, folder 13

Tribus, Myron

box 219, folder 14

Tversky, Amos

box 219, folder 15

Wegner, Peter

box 219, folder 16

Wellisch, Hans

box 219, folder 17

Wilson, Patrick

box 219, folder 18

Winograd, Terry

box 219, folder 19

Wooster, Harold

box 219, folder 20

Wyner, Aaaron D.

box 219, folder 21

Zwass, Vladimir

box 220, folder 1

"The Scientific Status of Information Science," Typescript 1980

box 220, folder 2

"Theorien uber die Bestimmung der Wechselkurse," Draft for a possible speech or article. Holograph 1980

box 220, folder 3

"Commentary: The Outlook for the Dollar and Other International Assets," Discussion of the papers by Edward M. Bernstein and Michele Fratiani, Conference on the International Monetary System under Stress, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. Typescript and printed copy 1980 February 29


"Wirtschaftspolitik: Musterbeispiel Osterreich," Paper, Auslandsosterreicher-Symposium anlasslich des 25. Jahrestages der Unterzeichnung des Osterreichischen Staatsvertrages, Vienna, Austria 1980 May 13

box 220, folder 4

General. Includes papers by others

box 220, folder 5

Research material and notes

box 220, folder 6

Typescript and printed copy



box 220, folder 7

Auslandsosterreicherwerk (Fritz Molden)

box 220, folder 8


box 220, folder 9

"Projekt 25 Jahre Staatsvertrag"

box 220, folder 10

"An Interview with Professor Fritz Machlup," Austrian Economics Newsletter, Printed copy 1980 Summer


"My Early Work on International Monetary Problems," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 1980 June

box 220, folder 11

Research material

box 220, folder 12


box 220, folder 13-14


box 220, folder 15

Printed copy


German translation

box 220, folder 16

Typescript and printed copy

box 220, folder 17

Correspondence with Karl Acham

box 220, folder 18

Paper, Conference for Information Science, Evanston, Illinois, List of topics, glossary, and notes 1980 November 6-8

box 221, folder 1

"My Ongoing Research on Knowledge and Knowledge Production," Speech, National Science Foundation Seminar, Washington, D.C. Notes 1981 February 19

box 221, folder 2

"Knowledge Information and the Economy," Speech, Tallahas 1981 February 26

Scope and Contents note

see, Florida. Notes

"Ludwig von Mises: A Scholar Who Would Not Compromise," Speech, Ludwig von Mises Centenary, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan 1981 September 10

box 221, folder 3


box 221, folder 4


box 221, folder 5

Printed copy



box 221, folder 6


box 221, folder 7

Trowbridge, Ronald L.

box 221, folder 8

Wirtschaftspolitische Blatter (Meinhard Supper)

box 221, folder 9

"Sciences of Information: Looking Over the Fences," Paper, American Society for Information Science, Washington, D.C. Notes, typewritten abstract, and correspondence, including with Lois F. Lunin 1981 October 25-30


"Ten Speeches Rolled into One," Address, Academy of Independent Scholars, Symposium on the Optimum Utilization of Knowledge, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1981 November 6

box 221, folder 10


box 221, folder 11


box 221, folder 12

Typewritten transcript, partially edited by Fritz Machlup

box 221, folder 13

Correspondence with Vicki Holzhauer and Lawrence Senesh. Includes edited typescript of speech given on "What Do We Mean by Optimum Utilization of Knowledge?" which was eventually used for the publication of the Amherst proceedings 8 January 1982


"The World Monetary Order," Speech, State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan 1981 November 18

box 221, folder 14


box 221, folder 15

Research material and notes, including on India and Nepal

box 221, folder 16

Typescript and printed matter

box 221, folder 17

Correspondence with Gerald E. Bouchoux (International Communications Agency), S. Aijaz Husain, A. G. N. Kazi

box 221, folder 18



"The Theory of Human Capital," Speech, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad 1981 November 21

box 221, folder 19


box 221, folder 20

Holograph (in part typescript)

box 221, folder 21


box 221, folder 22

Printed copy


"International Monetary Issues," Speech, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan 1981 November 22

box 222, folder 1

Typescript and correspondence

box 222, folder 2

Clipping (relating to both speeches at the Institute)

box 222, folder 3

"Von wirtschaftlichem Schwindel befreien: Fuhrer durch die Krisenpolitik - Ein fiktives Interview mit Professor Fritz Machlup," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Rudiger Soltwedel 1981 December 24


"Austrian Economics," in Douglas Greenwald, ed., Encyclopedia of Economics 1982

box 222, folder 4

Research material and notes

box 222, folder 5

Typescript and printed copy

box 222, folder 6

"Beruhazasok az emberi eroforrasokba es a produktiv tudasba" (Investment in Human Resources and Productive Knowledge), in Adam Schmidt and Egon Kemenes, eds., Valtozasok, Valtasok es Valsagok a Gazdasagban: Tanulmanyok Varga Istvan emlekezetere, Printed copy 1982

box 222, folder 7

"Growth Rates, Trade Balances, and Exchange Rates," in Richard N. Cooper, Peter B. Kenen, Jorge Braga de Macedo and Jacques van Ypersele, eds., The International Monetary Systems Under Flexible Exchange Rates, Global, Regional, and National: Essays in Honor of Robert Triffin, Proofs and printed copy 1982

box 222, folder 8

"Marginal Revenue," in Douglas Greenwald, ed., Encyclopedia of Economics, Printed copy 1982


"What Do We Mean by Optimum Utilization of Knowledge?" Speech, Academy of Independent Scholars Symposium (held at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences), Boulder, Colorado 1982 January 8

box 222, folder 9

Research material and notes

box 222, folder 10


box 222, folder 11

Printed copy ("Optimum Utilization of Knowledge")



box 222, folder 12

Academy of Independent Scholars

box 222, folder 13

Transaction/Society (Karen Osborne, Irving Louis Horowitz)


"My Work on International Monetary Problems, 1940-1964," Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 1982 March

box 222, folder 14


box 222, folder 15

Printed copy

box 222, folder 16

German translation, "Wahrungsprobleme der Zwischenkriegszeit." Printed copy

box 222, folder 17

"Abolishment of All Import Barriers," The Questionnaire Survey on Japan's Role in the World, Typewritten answers to two questions by the Tokyo Colloquium 1982 April

box 222, folder 18

Notes on the U.S. economic recovery, Holograph 1982 April 17

box 222, folder 19

Letter to the editor, Science, (date written). Typescript 1982 December 3

box 222, folder 20

Interview, Mondo Economico, (date sent). Typescript and correspondence with Ferdinando Meacci 1982 December 10

box 222, folder 21

Speech, New York University, New York, Notes 1982 December 14

box 222, folder 22

"Deceptive Equilibria and Phony Markets," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (date sent). Typescript and correspondence 1982 December 17

box 222, folder 23

"Inflation," in George Gallup, ed., America Wants to Know: The Issues and the Answers of the Eighties, Typescript and correspondence with George Gallup 1983

box 222, folder 24

"The Rationality of 'Rational Expectations'," Kredit und Kapital, Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence. Includes correspondence with the Quarterly Journal of Economics 1983


Reflections on a Troubled World Economy: Essays in Honour of Herbert Giersch, Fritz Machlup, Gerhard Fels, and Hubertus Muller-Groeling, eds. 1983

box 223, folder 1

General. Includes contributions by others

box 223, folder 2

Notes. Includes bibliographical and biographical on Herbert Giersch


Contributions by Fritz Machlup

box 223, folder 3

"Honouring Herbert Giersch" (laudation). Typescript and proofs

box 223, folder 4

"Autonomous and Induced Items in the Balance of Payments: A Restatement with Special Consideration of the Monetary Approach." Typescript and proofs

box 223, folder 5

Correspondence, mostly with Hugh Corbet


The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages, Fritz Machlup and Una Mansfield, eds. 1983

Scope and Contents note

See also Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution, and Economic Significance,1980-1983 (Volume IV)
box 223, folder 6-9


box 224, folder 1-3

General. Includes project description and grant proposals to the National Science Foundation, and progress report

box 224, folder 4-9

Typescript (partial), with annotations and comments by others

box 225, folder 1

Proofs of prologue and epilogue

box 225, folder 2

Printed copy


"The Political Economy of Inflation," Paper, CATO Conference on the Search for Stable Money, Washington, D.C. 1983 January 22

box 225, folder 3


box 225, folder 4

Research material, notes, and holograph

box 225, folder 5

Correspondence with James A. Dorn


"The Economics of Information: A New Classification," Intermedia 1983 March

box 225, folder 6


box 225, folder 7

Proofs and printed copy

box 225, folder 8

Correspondence with John Howkins and Michael M. Tiger



Scope and Contents note

Research proposals, press releases, project descriptions, progress reports, financial statements and correspondence, arranged chronologically by title of project.
box 226, folder 1


box 226, folder 2

"The Growth and Size of the Business Firm," Press release, project description, progress reports, and correspondence with the Merrill Foundation for Advancement of Financial Knowledge (Bertrand Fox). 1949-1953

Scope and Contents note

See also "Economics Library Selections," 1952-1959
box 226, folder 3

"Economics Library Selections," Project description and correspondence with the William Volker Fund (Herbert C. Cornuelle, Richard C. Cornuelle, Harold W. Luhnow) and William Johnson 1952-1959

box 226, folder 4

"Statistical Demand Curve for Long-Distance Telephone Service," Research proposal and correspondence with American Telephone and Telegraph Company (Walter P. Blass) 1965


"Production and Use of Technology" (originally entitled "Economic Aspects of Patent Protection, Technological Inventions, and Their Development") 1959-1969

box 226, folder 5


box 226, folder 6

Research proposals


Correspondence and financial statements


Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company

box 226, folder 7


box 226, folder 8



Ford Foundation

box 226, folder 9

Includes notes 1958-1966

box 227, folder 1

Includes correspondence with Johns Hopkins University and New York University 1959-1968

box 227, folder 2

National Science Foundation. Includes correspondence with Johns Hopkins University and New York University

box 227, folder 3

Rockefeller Foundation

box 227, folder 4

Progress reports

box 227, folder 5

"Effects of Patent Protection in Developing Countries," Correspondence with the Rockefeller Foundation and financial statements 1965-1968


"First Name Campaign," Includes some material 1972-1982 1965

box 227, folder 6

General. Includes Fritz Machlup's memorandum to publishers, editors, authors, and their organizations undated



box 227, folder 7


box 227, folder 8


box 228, folder 1



"Open Problems of the International Monetary System and Its Reform," 1974-1977

box 228, folder 2

Research proposal

box 228, folder 3

Notes, memoranda, press release, and correspondence with the Ford Foundation

box 228, folder 4

"Medical and Health Information Services," Correspondence with New York University 1977-1978


"Government and Private Involvement in Education, Research, Development, and Information Services," Research proposals 1980

box 228, folder 5

Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund. Includes correspondence

box 228, folder 6

Institute for Educational Affairs

box 228, folder 7

Smith Richardson Foundation

box 228, folder 8

"Information Science: The Constituent, Cognate, and Complementary Disciplines," Memorandum and project summary 1980


"Creation and Communication of Humanistic and Artistic Knowledge," 1980-1982

box 228, folder 9

Grant proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities

box 228, folder 10

Correspondence with research assistant candidates



Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, course material, curricula vitae, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, reports, and student files, arranged alphabetically by university and then by physical form. See also INDEX CARD FILE.



Examination questions

box 229, folder 1

Business cycles

box 229, folder 2

Money and banking

box 229, folder 3


box 229, folder 4-5

Socialism, Capitalism, and other "isms." Includes notes and quotes



box 229, folder 6


box 229, folder 7


box 229, folder 8

Writing ("Seminar in Writing")


Letters of recommendation for students

box 229, folder 9


box 230, folder 1


box 230, folder 2

Lists of students and related correspondence

box 230, folder 3


box 230, folder 4

American Institute of Banking (American Bankers Association), Examination questions and correspondence 1937-1942

box 230, folder 5

American University, Syllabi, examination questions, and correspondence 1943-1946

box 231, folder 1

Case Institute of Technology, Seminar and lecture notes, and correspondence 1952-1969

box 231, folder 2

City University of New York, Examination questions and correspondence 1963-1964

box 231, folder 3

Columbia University, Examination questions and correspondence 1948


Cornell University 1937-1938

box 231, folder 4

Notes, reading lists, examination questions, mark sheets

box 231, folder 5



Harvard University 1934-1936 1938-1939

box 231, folder 6-9

Examination questions, mark sheets

box 231, folder 10



Johns Hopkins University 1947-1960

Scope and Contents note

See also MEMORABILIA for tributes from students upon Fritz Machlup's appointment to Princeton University

Correspondence. Includes memoranda and minutes of meetings

box 232, folder 1


box 232, folder 2-3


box 232, folder 4


box 232, folder 5



With or regarding

box 232, folder 6-7

Ford Foundation

box 232, folder 8

Rockefeller Foundation

box 232, folder 9

Students 1954-1968


Course material



box 233, folder 1

Catalog (1960-1961)

box 233, folder 2

Definitions in economics


Examination questions

box 233, folder 3


box 233, folder 4

Ph.D. candidates


Index cards and notebooks

box 233, folder 5


box 233, folder 6

Teaching applicants

box 234, folder 1

"Economic theory." Examination questions


"International trade"

box 234, folder 2

Examination questions

box 234, folder 3


box 234, folder 4

Reading lists

box 234, folder 5

Term papers

box 234, folder 6

"Labor economics." Examination questions and notes



box 234, folder 7

Examination questions

box 234, folder 8

Reading lists

box 234, folder 9

Term papers

box 235, folder 1

Term papers

box 235, folder 2

"Theory of Aggregate Income." Examination questions

box 235, folder 3

"Theory of Relative Income." Examination questions, notes, and reading lists

box 235, folder 4

"Theory of Relative Prices". Examination questions and reading lists



box 235, folder 5

Graduate students

box 235, folder 6

Staff members' publications

box 235, folder 7

Reports of Fritz Machlup's professional activities and publications


Student records



box 235, folder 8-12


box 236, folder 1-15


box 236, folder 16

Bailey, Martin J. 1953-1967

box 236, folder 17

Birch, John W. 1955-1972

box 236, folder 18

Boland, Vincent F. 1947-1968

box 237, folder 1

Cairns, James P. 1959-1964

box 237, folder 2

Carlson, Valdemar 1957-1975

box 237, folder 3

Coats, Alfred William 1952-1982

box 237, folder 4

Coughlan, John 1952-1963

box 237, folder 5

Davidson, Ralph K. 1953-1960

box 237, folder 6

Davis, Lance E. 1956-1962

box 237, folder 7

Davis, Tom E. 1953-1962

box 237, folder 8

Edwards, Edgar O. 1949-1969

box 237, folder 9

Eisner, Robert 1949-1980

box 237, folder 10

Fackler, Walter D. 1956-1968

box 237, folder 11

Fogel, Robert W. 1959-1980

box 237, folder 12

Gehrels, Franz 1949-1965

box 237, folder 13

Gharrity, Norman J. 1959-1967

box 237, folder 14

Goldstein, Henry N. 1957-1969

box 237, folder 15

Goodman, Seymour S. 1959-1977

box 238, folder 1

Hamovitch, William 1948-1970

box 238, folder 2

Hansen, W. Lee 1956-1979

box 238, folder 3

Heilperin, Michael A. 1939-1971

box 238, folder 4

Homan, Paul Thomas 1936-1969

box 238, folder 5

Kawamura, Itsuo 1955-1975

box 238, folder 6

Kemp, Murray C. 1951-1982

box 238, folder 7

Lerner, Lionel J. 1954-1960

box 238, folder 8

Mahajani, Usha 1954-1970

box 238, folder 9

Maxwell, W. David 1956-1977

box 238, folder 10

McCalmont, David 1968-1956

box 239, folder 1

Michaely, Michael 1954-1981

box 239, folder 2

Miller, Merton H. 1951-1982

box 239, folder 3

Moore, Basil J. 1957-1978

box 239, folder 4

Morag, Amotz 1953-1966

box 239, folder 5

Nerlove, Marc 1954-1973

box 239, folder 6

Okun, Bernard 1955-1966

box 239, folder 7

Penner, Rudolph G. 1958-1968

box 239, folder 8

Penrose, Edith T. 1948-1959

box 239, folder 9

Piekarz, Rolf 1957-1970

box 239, folder 10

Rasch, Ruth 1958-1965

box 240, folder 1

Richardson, Richard W. 1953-1974

box 240, folder 2

Sayigh, Yusif A. 1954-1969

box 240, folder 3

Schroeder, Gertrude 1951-1960

box 240, folder 4

Schubert-Miller, Helen C. 1956-1959

box 240, folder 5

Stager, David A. A. 1959-1968

box 240, folder 6

Stoikov, Vladimir 1958-1975

box 240, folder 7

Tiedje, Klaus 1952-1969

box 240, folder 8

Weiner, Mervyn L. 1951-1960

box 240, folder 9

Yasuba, Yasukichi 1959-1982


Subject file. Correspondence, curricula vitae, lists, notes, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, statistics

box 241, folder 1

Business Administration Program

box 241, folder 2

Colloquium on the Philosophy of Science



Scope and Contents note

See also Faculty appointments
box 241, folder 3

German Department

box 241, folder 4-5

Group Requirements

box 241, folder 6-8

International Studies

box 241, folder 9


box 241, folder 10

Mathematics Department

box 242, folder 1-2

Philosophy Department

box 242, folder 3

Policies in Graduate Education

box 242, folder 4

Political Science Department

box 242, folder 5

Romance Languages

box 242, folder 6

Social Sciences-Sociology

box 242, folder 7

Faculty appointments and promotions


Ford Foundation Summer Faculty Research Seminars in Economics

box 242, folder 8



Correspondence. Includes memoranda

box 242, folder 9


box 242, folder 10

Ford Foundation

box 242, folder 11




box 242, folder 12


box 242, folder 13

Fixler, L. Donald 1958-1959

box 242, folder 14

Fraser, Herbert W. 1958-1965

box 242, folder 15

French, Earl B. 1958-1963

box 243, folder 1

Grosschmid, Geza 1958-1962

box 243, folder 2

Johnson, Arthur M. 1958-1960

box 243, folder 3

Klebaner, Benjamin J. 1958-1968

box 243, folder 4

Reynolds, Alice J. 1958-1960

box 243, folder 5

Sancetta, Anthony L. 1958-1959

box 243, folder 6

Taber, Martha 1958-1971

box 243, folder 7

Townsend, Roswell G. 1958-1961

box 243, folder 8

Williams, Wilson E. 1958-1959

box 243, folder 9

Financial records

box 243, folder 10


box 243, folder 11

Group Council

box 243, folder 12

History of Ideas Club

box 243, folder 13

Malaxa, Nicolae

box 243, folder 14

Research fellows

box 243, folder 15

School of Advanced International Studies


Kyoto University and Doshisha University 1955

box 244, folder 1




box 244, folder 2

Japan, including with Rodney L. Mott

box 244, folder 3

University of Michigan


Course material. Course outlines and syllabi




"Capitalism and Marxian Economics" (series of two speeches: "The Capitalist System: Is It Flourishing or Dying?" and "Marxian Economics: Is It Dead or Alive?")

box 244, folder 4


box 244, folder 5

Printed copy of Japanese translation in Keizai hyoron (Economic Review) 1955 November

box 244, folder 6

"The Monetary Theory of International Trade"



box 244, folder 7


box 244, folder 8




box 245, folder 1


box 245, folder 2

"Problems of Competition and Monopoly"

box 245, folder 3

"Problems of International Trade Theory"

box 245, folder 4




box 245, folder 5

International trade

box 245, folder 6


box 245, folder 7




box 245, folder 8


box 245, folder 9

Summer Seminar

box 245, folder 10

Rules and procedures

box 245, folder 11

Speeches on international finance and microeconomics for unidentified occasions


New York University 1971-1983

box 246, folder 1

Book orders





box 246, folder 2


box 246, folder 3


box 246, folder 4




box 246, folder 5

Chan, Paul

box 246, folder 6

Phillips, Mark C.

box 246, folder 7



Course material



box 247, folder 1-12

Chronological file. Examination questions, mark sheets

box 247, folder 13

Examination questions for Ph.D. students

box 248

Examination answers

box 249

Library reserves

box 250

Library reserves

box 251

Library reserves

box 252

Term papers and theses

box 253, folder 1

"Current Issues in International Economics." Miscellany

box 253, folder 2

"Economics of Education." Description

box 253, folder 3

"History of Economic Thought." Examination questions

box 253, folder 4

"Humanities." Descriptions, reading lists, term paper topics

box 253, folder 5

"Information, Communication, and Knowledge: An Interdisciplinary Study in the Natural, Social, and Cultural Sciences." Description


"International Economics"

box 253, folder 6


box 253, folder 7

Correspondence with students

box 253, folder 8

Dissertation and term paper topics

box 253, folder 9

Examination questions

box 253, folder 10


box 253, folder 11-13

Reading lists

box 254, folder 1

Reading materials


"Macroeconomic theory"

box 254, folder 2


box 254, folder 3

Examination questions

box 254, folder 4

Reading lists

box 254, folder 5

Reading materials


"Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences"

box 254, folder 6


box 254, folder 7


box 254, folder 8

Reading lists

box 254, folder 9

Reading materials

box 254, folder 10

Term paper topics

box 254, folder 11

"Microeconomic theory." Examination questions

box 255, folder 1


box 255, folder 2


box 255, folder 3-5

Reports of Fritz Machlup's professional activities and publications


Student records



box 255, folder 6-8


box 256, folder 1-17


box 257, folder 1-6


box 257, folder 7

Bitros, George C.

box 257, folder 8

Dreyer, Jacob S.


Subject file. Correspondence, evaluation sheets, memoranda, minutes, notes

box 258, folder 1

Chair named for Fritz Machlup. Letter from James B. Ramsey



box 258, folder 2

Grading Standards

box 258, folder 3


box 258, folder 4

Research Challenge Fund


Evaluation of instruction

box 258, folder 5


box 258, folder 6

Machlup, Fritz

box 258, folder 7

Faculty appointments

box 258, folder 8

Georgiadis, Hourmouzis G.

box 258, folder 9

Humanities Council

box 258, folder 10

Rizzo, Mario J.

box 258, folder 11

Student survey time

box 258, folder 12

Supervision of dissertations and theses. Includes ideas for topics

box 258, folder 13

Teaching assignments


Northwestern University 1938

box 258, folder 14


box 258, folder 15

Course material. Outlines and mark sheets

box 258, folder 16

Osaka University Outlines, examination questions, notes, correspondence 1970


Princeton University 1960-1971



box 259, folder 1


box 259, folder 2




box 259, folder 3


box 259, folder 4



With or regarding students

box 259, folder 5

Accepted but not coming

box 259, folder 6


box 259, folder 7

Nominated for fellowships


Course material

box 260, folder 1

General. Notes

box 260, folder 2

"Description and Analysis of the Price System." Syllabi, examination questions, mark sheets

box 260, folder 3

"Economic Analysis and Price Theory." Examination questions

box 260, folder 4

"Economic Theory." Examination questions

box 260, folder 5

"History of Economic Thought." Examination questions


"International trade"

box 260, folder 6

Examination questions

box 260, folder 7


box 260, folder 8

Reading lists

box 261, folder 1

Reading material


"Methodology in the Social Sciences"

box 261, folder 2

Definitions and notes

box 261, folder 3

Reading lists

box 261, folder 4

Term paper

box 261, folder 5

"Microeconomic Theory." Examination questions

box 261, folder 6

"Price and Allocation Theory." Examination question and reading list


"Theory of Income Distribution"

box 261, folder 7

Examination questions

box 261, folder 8

Evaluation sheets

box 261, folder 9


box 261, folder 10

Reading lists

box 261, folder 11

Reading material

box 262, folder 1

Guidelines for writing and publishing

box 262, folder 2

Minutes of meetings of the Department of Economics

box 262, folder 3


box 262, folder 4

Programs of courses. Includes correspondence



box 262, folder 5-6

Professional activities and publications

box 262, folder 7

Research grants


Student records



box 262, folder 8-10


box 263, folder 1-14


box 264, folder 1

Cheng, Hang-Sheng 1960-1980

box 264, folder 2

Claiborn, Edward L. 1961-1980

box 264, folder 3

Hollander, Samuel 1962-1973

box 264, folder 4

Malkiel, Burton G. 1962-1981

box 264, folder 5

Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider 1966-1983

box 264, folder 6

Needham, Douglas 1963-1970

box 264, folder 7

Noval, Stanley 1967-1969

box 264, folder 8

Peirce, William S. 1971-1981

box 264, folder 9

Sydor, Leon P. 1963-1972

box 264, folder 10

Thunholm, Eva 1968-1975

box 264, folder 11

Vicas, Alexander 1960-1971

box 264, folder 12

Williamson, John H. 1961-1981


Subject file. Correspondence, curricula vitae, memoranda, minutes, notes, proposals

box 265, folder 1

Advisors of graduate students

box 265, folder 2

Center for Economic Research

box 265, folder 3

Center for Studies in Twentieth Century American Statecraft and Public Policy



box 265, folder 4

Adjudication (Ann Ruth Willner)

box 265, folder 5-6

Graduate Studies.

Scope and Contents note

See also Graduate School
box 265, folder 7








box 265, folder 8


box 265, folder 9-10



Commented upon by Fritz Machlup

box 266, folder 1


box 266, folder 2


box 266, folder 3


box 266, folder 4


box 266, folder 5




box 266, folder 6


box 266, folder 7

Under Fritz Machlup's supervision

box 267, folder 1-5

Faculty appointments and promotions (background information)


Fellowships and scholarships

box 267, folder 6


box 267, folder 7-8

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation


General examinations

box 268, folder 1


box 268, folder 2

Ph.D. candidates



box 268, folder 3


box 268, folder 4

General examinations

box 268, folder 5

Graduate students

box 268, folder 6

Graduate Economics Club

box 268, folder 7

Graduate School


International Finance Section

box 269, folder 1


box 269, folder 2


box 269, folder 3-4

Financial records


Personnel records



box 269, folder 5


box 269, folder 6


box 270, folder 1

Neumeyer, Fredrik

box 270, folder 2

Sawers, David

box 270, folder 3

Schiff, Eric

box 270, folder 4

Yasuba, Yasukichi

box 270, folder 5-7


box 271, folder 1

National Science Foundation Graduate Traineeships

box 271, folder 2

Office of Research and Project Administration

box 271, folder 3

Placement of graduate students

box 271, folder 4

Seminar on Research in Progress

box 271, folder 5

Supervision of dissertations

box 271, folder 6

Visiting students and fellows

box 271, folder 7

Woodrow Wilson School


Stanford University 1940 1947



box 272, folder 1


box 272, folder 2



Course material. Reading lists, examination questions, mark sheets

box 272, folder 3


box 272, folder 4


box 272, folder 5

Swarthmore College, (Fritz Machlup examiner). Correspondence and examination questions 1947-1949

box 272, folder 6

Universitat Freiburg, Thank you note from students 1951.


Universitat Wien 1972-1973

box 272, folder 7


box 272, folder 8



Course material

box 272, folder 9

Examination questions

box 272, folder 10-11

Notes and writings on international trade and finance


Student records

box 272, folder 12


box 272, folder 13



University of Buffalo 1935-1947



box 272, folder 14


box 273, folder 1


box 273, folder 2



Course material

box 273, folder 3-6

General. Examination questions

box 273, folder 7

"Credit Policies and Monetary Reform." Reading lists


"Economic Issues (Seminar in)." Discussion topics, examination questions, notes, reading lists

box 273, folder 8


box 273, folder 9


box 273, folder 10


box 273, folder 11


box 273, folder 12


box 273, folder 13



"Economic Theory"

box 273, folder 14

Examination questions

box 273, folder 15

Mark sheets

box 273, folder 16

Term paper topics

box 274, folder 1

"International Trade." Examination questions

box 274, folder 2

"Money and Banking." Examination questions, mark sheets, notes, term papers

box 274, folder 3

"Socialism, Capitalism, and Economic Planning." Corespondence, examination questions, reading lists

box 274, folder 4

Student records


Subject file. Mainly correspondence and notes

box 274, folder 5

Economic Reading Club

box 274, folder 6



University of California, Berkeley 1939

box 274, folder 7


box 274, folder 8

Examination questions


University of California, Los Angeles 1949

box 274, folder 9


box 274, folder 10

Mark sheets and comments

box 274, folder 11

University of Melbourne, Good-bye card from students 1970

box 274, folder 12

University of Michigan, Correspondence and mark sheets 1941

box 274, folder 13

University of Rochester, (Fritz Machlup examiner). Correspondence, examination questions, mark sheets 1941-1942

box 274, folder 14

Volkshochschule Wien, Correspondence and school annual report 1929-1933



Scope and Contents note

Governmental agency established by Congress in 1917 to deal with enemy-owned property in the United States. Correspondence, memoranda, monographs, and reports, by Fritz Machlup and others, and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 275, folder 1


box 275, folder 2



Historical monographs written in the Division of Research and Statistics

box 275, folder 3

"A Brief Historical Summary of the Trading With the Enemy Act and Amendments Thereto, " 1917-1940

box 275, folder 4

"Developments in the Trade Mark Policy July 1944 -July 1946

box 275, folder 5

"History of the Administration of the Patents and Patent Contracts of General Aniline and Film Corporation by the Office of Alien Property Custodian"

box 275, folder 6

"History of the Establishment of the Philippine Office of the Office of Alien Property Custodian"

box 275, folder 7

"History of the Trade-Mark Policy of the Office of Alien Property Custodian"

box 275, folder 8

"History of Title III of the First War Powers Act Amending 5(b) of the Trading With the Enemy Act"

box 275, folder 9

"The Office of Alien Property Custodian and Relations With the Office of Censorship"

box 275, folder 10

"The Office of Alien Property Custodian and the Colombian Replacement Program"

box 275, folder 11

"The Office of Alien Property Custodian and World War I Property"

box 275, folder 12

"Treatment of Property of Interned Enemy Aliens"

box 275, folder 13

"The Vesting of the Stock, Patent, and Patent Contract Rights of General Aniline and Film Corporation by the Office of Alien Property Custodian"


Memoranda. Includes correspondence

box 276, folder 1


box 276, folder 2

Cartel Committee


Machlup, Fritz

box 276, folder 3


box 276, folder 4


box 277, folder 1


box 277, folder 2


box 277, folder 3-4

Re captive patents

box 277, folder 5

Re Fritz Machlup's resignation 1946

box 277, folder 6


box 277, folder 7



Reports by Fritz Machlup



box 278, folder 1-2

Progress reports 1943-1946

box 278, folder 3

Final report 1946

box 278, folder 4

"Report on the Expansion Program of General Aniline and Film Corporation," 1946

box 278, folder 5-10

Research material


Writings by Fritz Machlup

box 278, folder 11

"Arguments Pro and Con Non-Exclusive Licensing"

box 278, folder 12

"Disposition after the War of the Property Acquired by the APC"

box 278, folder 13

"Exploratory Notes on the Concept of 'Reasonable Royalties'"

box 278, folder 14

"Legislation Relating to Patents"

box 278, folder 15

"A Neglected Phase of International Economies: The Role of Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights in International Economic Relations"

box 278, folder 16

"The Secret Formula: The Law versus Common Sense"



Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, bylaws, circulars, memoranda, minutes of meetings, newsletters, reports, and publications, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 279, folder 1



Correspondence. Includes memoranda and minutes of meetings

box 279, folder 2


box 279, folder 3

Baudin, Louis 1960

box 279, folder 4

Bauer, P. T. 1957

box 279, folder 5

Bohm, Franz 1960-1962

box 279, folder 6

Brandt, Karl 1962

box 279, folder 7

Cornuelle, Richard C. 1963

box 279, folder 8

Crane, Jasper E. 1957-1965

box 279, folder 9

Davenport, John 1959

box 279, folder 10

Director, Aaron 1960

box 279, folder 11

Erhard, Ludwig 1961

box 279, folder 12

Frickhoffer, Wolfgang 1961

box 279, folder 13

Friedman, Milton 1961

box 279, folder 14

Gudin, Eugenio 1959-1967

box 279, folder 15

Hamilius, Jean-Pierre 1975-1978

box 279, folder 16

Harris, Ralph 1967-1979

box 279, folder 17

Hayek, Friedrich A. von 1946-1962

box 279, folder 18

Hazlitt, Henry 1961

box 279, folder 19

Hoff, Trygve J. B. 1961

box 279, folder 20

Hunold, Albert 1947-1961

box 280, folder 1

Ilau, Hans 1958-1961

box 280, folder 2

Jewkes, John 1959-1962

box 280, folder 3

Kemp, Arthur 1961-1976

box 280, folder 4

Leduc, Gaston 1971-1972

box 280, folder 5

Leoni, Bruno 1960-1968

box 280, folder 6

Notten, Michael van 1976

box 280, folder 7

Offelen, Jacques Van 1962

box 280, folder 8

Philbrook, Clarence E. 1955-1964

box 280, folder 9

Read, Leonard 1960-1964

box 280, folder 10

Riboud, Jacques 1975

box 280, folder 11

Ropke, Wilhelm 1955-1961

box 280, folder 12

Schoeck, Helmut 1960

box 280, folder 13

Shaw, H. Harland 1962

box 280, folder 14

Shenfield, Arthur A. 1960-1976

box 280, folder 15

Stigler, George J. 1960

box 280, folder 16

Tanaka, Seigen 1969

box 280, folder 17

Thurn, Max 1961-1979

box 280, folder 18

Van Sickle, John V. 1961

box 280, folder 19

Villey, Daniel 1962


Proceedings of general and regional meetings

box 280, folder 20-34


box 281, folder 1-19




box 281, folder 20

Quarterly journals 1959-1962

box 281, folder 21

Newsletters 1972-1981



Scope and Contents note

Group of academic economists and officials from national monetary authorities and international agencies. Correspondence, financial records, memoranda, and minutes of meetings, arranged chronologically by the various names under which the Group was known (Bellagio Group, Joint Conference of Officials and Academics on International Monetary Reform, Group of Thirty) and then alphabetically by physical form.


box 282, folder 1




box 282, folder 2

Ford Foundation, Includes financial records and correspondence with Princeton University and William J. Fellner 1963-1974

box 282, folder 3

Rockefeller Foundation 1963-1966

box 282, folder 4

Other foundations 1963

box 282, folder 5

Financial records


Bellagio Group (also called Machlup Group or Group of 32 Non-Governmental Economists) 1963-1964

box 282, folder 6



Proceedings of meetings

box 282, folder 7

(Princeton, New Jersey) 1963 December



box 282, folder 8

January (Bellagio, Italy)

box 282, folder 9

March (Princeton)

box 282, folder 10

May (Bellagio)


Joint Conference of Officials and Academics on International Monetary Reform 1964-1978



box 282, folder 11


box 282, folder 12

Ansiaux, Hubert 1969

box 282, folder 13

Barbosa, Manuel Pinto 1972

box 282, folder 14

Baroody, William J. 1971

box 282, folder 15

Bennett, Jack F. 1974

box 282, folder 16

Boyer de la Giroday, Frederic 1969-1974

box 282, folder 17

Carli, Guido 1968-1972

box 282, folder 18

Clappier, B. 1970-1975

box 282, folder 19

Cooper, Richard N. 1966

box 282, folder 20

Daane, J. Dewey 1966-1972

box 282, folder 21

Deguen, Daniel 1973

box 282, folder 22

Deif, Nazih Ahmed 1972

box 282, folder 23

De Marchi, Neil 1974

box 282, folder 24

Deming, Frederick L. 1966

box 282, folder 25

De Vries, Thomas 1966

box 282, folder 26

Dow, Christopher 1966-1973

box 282, folder 27

Drees, W., Jr. 1970

box 282, folder 28

Emminger, Otmar 1971

box 282, folder 29

Figgures, Frank E. 1970-1971

box 282, folder 30

Fleming, J. Marcus 1966-1972

box 282, folder 31

Gilbert, Milton 1966-1973

box 282, folder 32

Giscard d'Estaing, Valery 1971

box 282, folder 33

Gocht, R. 1965-1966

box 282, folder 34

Haberler, Gottfried 1971

box 282, folder 35

Hiss, Dieter 1972-1974

box 282, folder 36

Hood, William C. 1973

box 282, folder 37

Inamura, Koichi 1972-1975

box 282, folder 38

Jayawardena, Lal 1972-1973

box 282, folder 39

Kafka, Alexandre 1971-1976

box 282, folder 40

Kashiwagi, Yusuke 1968-1972

box 282, folder 41

Kennedy, David M. 1969

box 282, folder 42

Kessler, G. A. 1970-1972

box 283, folder 1

Larre, Rene (and Jacques de Larosiere)

box 283, folder 2

Lawson, R. W. 1966

box 283, folder 3

Lutz, Friedrich A. 1972

box 283, folder 4

Martin, William McC., Jr. 1969

box 283, folder 5

McMahon, Christopher W. 1968-1975

box 283, folder 6

Meade, James E. 1972

box 283, folder 7

Mertens de Wilmars, Jacques 1964-1972

box 283, folder 8

Mitchell, Derek J. 1972-1974

box 283, folder 9

Morse, Jeremy 1972-1974

box 283, folder 10

Navarro Rubio, Mariano 1970

box 283, folder 11

Neale, Alan D. 1971-1972

box 283, folder 12

Neild, Robert 1966

box 283, folder 13

O'Brien, Sir Leslie 1972

box 283, folder 14

Oort, Conrad J. 1972-1975

box 283, folder 15

Ortoli, Francois-Xavier 1969

box 283, folder 16

Ossola, Rinaldo 1966

box 283, folder 17

Palamenghi-Crispi, Francesco 1971-1973

box 283, folder 18

Parsons, Sir Maurice 1966-1968

box 283, folder 19

Patel, I. G. 1971

box 283, folder 20

Perez-Guerrero, Manuel 1971

box 283, folder 21

Perouse, Maurice 1966

box 283, folder 22

Pierre-Brossolette, Claude 1966-1973

box 283, folder 23

Pohl, Karl Otto 1974-1975

box 283, folder 24

Polak, Jacques J. 1971-1972

box 283, folder 25

Rasminsky, Louis 1969

box 283, folder 26

Rawlinson, Anthony K. 1970-1971

box 283, folder 27

Ray, G. F. 1971

box 283, folder 28

Rickett, Sir Dennis 1969-1973

box 283, folder 29

Roosa, Robert V. 1972-1973

box 283, folder 30

Salin, Pascal 1972

box 283, folder 31

Schmitz, Wolfgang 1971

box 283, folder 32

Scitovsky, Tibor 1972

box 283, folder 33

Segre, Claudio 1968-1970

box 283, folder 34

Sohmen, Egon 1972-1973

box 283, folder 35

Solomon, Robert 1969-1974

box 283, folder 36

Strycker, Cecil de 1966-1971

box 283, folder 37

Uri, Pierre 1966

box 283, folder 38

Vlerick, A. 1972

box 283, folder 39

Volcker, Paul A. 1969-1973

box 283, folder 40

Wallich, Henry C. 1970-1971

box 283, folder 41

Willis, George H. 1972

box 283, folder 42

Zijlstra, J. 1969-1972

box 283, folder 43

List of deputies of the Group of Ten and of the Ossola Committee


Proceedings of meetings

box 283, folder 44


box 283, folder 45

(Bellagio) 1964 December

box 283, folder 46

(Zurich, Switzerland) 1966 January



box 283, folder 47-48

(Bellagio) March June

box 283, folder 49

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) September



box 283, folder 50

(Bologna, Italy) May

box 283, folder 51

(Princeton) September



box 283, folder 52

(Lugano, Switzerland) March

box 283, folder 53

(Princeton) September

box 283, folder 54

(Torremolinos, Spain) 1970 March



box 283, folder 55

(Taormina, Italy) January

box 283, folder 56

(Washington, D.C.) September

box 283, folder 57

(Cascais, Portugal) 1972 March



box 284, folder 1

(Vienna, Austria) January

box 284, folder 2

(Princeton) October

box 284, folder 3

(Versailles, France) 1974 February

box 284, folder 4

(Basle, Switzerland) 1975 January-February

box 284, folder 5

(Basle) 1977 March


Group of Thirty 1978-1982

box 284, folder 6



Correspondence. Includes memoranda and reports

box 284, folder 5

Correspondence. Includes memoranda and reports

box 284, folder 7

Includes correspondence with the Rockefeller Foundation 1978

box 284, folder 8


box 285, folder 1

Membership lists

box 285, folder 2

Press release 1981 April 14


Proceedings of meetings



box 285, folder 3

(Hamilton, Bermuda) February

box 285, folder 4

(Opatija, Yugoslavia) October

box 285, folder 5

(Charlottesville, Virginia) 1980 October

box 285, folder 6

(Toronto, Canada) 1982 September

box 285, folder 7


box 285, folder 8

Speeches and writings by members



Scope and Contents note

Group of officials, academics, and practitioners from multinational business and finance, concerned solely with the question of greater flexibility of exchange rates. Correspondence, memoranda, and minutes of meetings, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 285, folder 9






box 285, folder 10


box 285, folder 11


box 285, folder 12

Ford Foundation.

Scope and Contents note

See also GROUP OF THIRTY, Correspondence, Ford Foundation

Proceedings of meetings

box 285, folder 13

Undated (Williamsburg, Virginia)



box 285, folder 14

(Oyster Bay, New York) January

box 285, folder 15

(Burgenstock, Switzerland) June

box 285, folder 16

(Washington, D.C.) October

box 285, folder 17

(Arden House, New York) 1970 January

box 285, folder 18

(Tarrytown House, New York) 1971 February



Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, lists, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, reports, studies, statements, and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 286, folder 1




box 286, folder 2-3

General, including with Peggy Heim (staff associate)


With university presidents

box 286, folder 4


box 286, folder 5


box 286, folder 6

Letters of appreciation

box 286, folder 7


box 286, folder 8

Resolution honoring Fritz Machlup


Subject file. Correspondence, lists, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, statements, clippings


Academic freedom and tenure

box 287, folder 1-2


box 287, folder 3

Johns Hopkins University

box 287, folder 4

Princeton University

box 287, folder 5

Attacks on the AAUP for being soft on communism

box 287, folder 6

Code of ethics

box 287, folder 7

Collective bargaining

box 287, folder 8

Meiklejohn Award

box 287, folder 9

Princeton University Chapter





box 288, folder 1


box 288, folder 2-3

Committee Z


Sub-Committee Z

box 288, folder 4


box 288, folder 5


box 288, folder 6


box 288, folder 7

Johns Hopkins University



box 289, folder 1




box 289, folder 2


box 289, folder 3


box 289, folder 4


box 289, folder 5



Subject file. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, statements, printed matter



box 290, folder 1

Academic Freedom and Civil Liberties

box 290, folder 2


box 290, folder 3

Foreign Honorary Members


Honors and Awards

box 290, folder 4


box 290, folder 5


box 290, folder 6

Nominating Committee



box 291, folder 1

Foreign Students Screening

box 291, folder 2

Index of Economic Journals


US/USSR Symposium. Includes correspondence with the Ford Foundation

box 291, folder 3


box 291, folder 4




Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, financial records, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, reports, and newsletters, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 291, folder 5






box 291, folder 6


box 292, folder 1


box 292, folder 2



Ford Foundation. Includes financial records

box 292, folder 3


box 292, folder 4


box 292, folder 5


box 292, folder 6


box 293, folder 1



Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee

box 293, folder 2


box 293, folder 3


box 293, folder 4


box 293, folder 5


box 293, folder 6



Proceedings of conferences, congresses, and workshops

box 294, folder 1

(Talloires, France) 1951 September

box 294, folder 2

(Vienna, Austria) 1962 August-September

box 294, folder 3

(Menthon St. Bernard, France) 1963 August-September

box 294, folder 4

(Montreal, Canada) 1968 September

box 294, folder 5

(Algarve, Portugal) 1969 August-September

box 294, folder 6

(Bled, Yugoslavia) 1970 August



box 294, folder 7

(Bergen, Norway) July-August

box 294, folder 8

(St. Anton-am-Arlberg, Austria) August-September

box 294, folder 9

(Mexico City, Mexico) December



box 294, folder 10

(Lyngby, Denmark) June

box 294, folder 11

(Bad Godesberg, Germany) August-September

box 294, folder 12

(Moscow, Soviet Union) December



box 294, folder 13

(Dacca, Bangladesh) January

box 294, folder 14

(Tokyo, Japan) April

box 295, folder 1

(Rheda, Germany) June-July

box 295, folder 2

(Valescure, France) September



box 295, folder 3

(Turin, Italy) April

box 295, folder 4-7

(Budapest, Hungary) August

box 296, folder 1-4

(Budapest) August

box 297, folder 1-5

(Budapest) August

box 297, folder 6

(Istambul, Turkey) September



box 297, folder 7

(S'Agaro, Spain) April

box 297, folder 8

(Kiel, Germany) July



box 297, folder 9

(Dresden, East Germany) June-July



box 297, folder 10

(Urbino, Italy)

box 297, folder 11

(Teheran, Iran)





box 298, folder 1

(Mexico City)

box 298, folder 2

(Netherlands) - postponed

box 298, folder 3

(Tokyo) August-September



box 298, folder 4

(Netherlands?) - planned

box 298, folder 5

(Poland) June

box 298, folder 6

(Mexico City) 1980 August



box 298, folder 7

(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) July

box 298, folder 8

(Madrid, Spain) September

box 298, folder 9

Report 1971-1974


Subject file. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes

box 298, folder 10

Committee on Labor Productivity (John T. Dunlop). Relates mainly to the East-West conferences

box 298, folder 11-12

Conferences and congresses, including topics for

box 298, folder 13


box 298, folder 14

Presidents of the IEA


SUBJECT FILE 1914-1982

Scope and Contents note

Conference papers, correspondence, memoranda, notes, press releases, speeches, statements, reports, studies, newsletters, and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 299, folder 1


box 299, folder 2

Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen von

box 299, folder 3

Bonaparte, Napoleon

box 299, folder 4

Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives



box 299, folder 5


box 299, folder 6


box 299, folder 7


box 299, folder 8-10


box 299, folder 11

Ehrlich, Otto H.

box 299, folder 12

European Communities

box 300, folder 1

Gaitskell, Hugh

box 300, folder 2


box 300, folder 3

Gerschenkron, Alexander

box 300, folder 4

Giersch, Herbert

box 300, folder 5

Godel, Kurt

box 300, folder 6


box 300, folder 7

Great Britain

box 300, folder 8

Haberler, Gottfried

box 300, folder 9

Hahn, L. Albert

box 300, folder 10

Harvard University


Hayek, Friedrich A. von

box 300, folder 11


box 300, folder 12

Luncheon for 1945 April 13

box 300, folder 13

Hollander, David H.

box 300, folder 14

Hurt, Robert M.

box 300, folder 15


box 300, folder 16

International finance

box 301, folder 1-4

International finance

box 301, folder 5-7

International trade

box 302, folder 1


box 302, folder 2

Joint Council on Economic Education

box 302, folder 3

Kamitz, Reinhard

box 302, folder 4

Keynes, John Maynard

box 302, folder 5

Knight, Frank H.

box 302, folder 6-9

Knowledge industry

box 303, folder 1

Knowledge industry

box 232, folder 1

Lattimore, Owen.

Scope and Contents note

See ACADEMIC CAREER, Johns Hopkins University, Correspondence, General (1955)
box 303, folder 2

Lattimore Defense Fund

box 303, folder 3

Menger, Carl

box 303, folder 4-6


box 304, folder 1-4


box 305, folder 1


box 305, folder 2-3

Minimum wage

box 305, folder 4


box 306, folder 1

Mises, Ludwig von

box 306, folder 2

Morgenstern, Oskar

box 306, folder 3

Munakata, Hisonari

box 155

National Academy of Education

Scope and Contents note

See SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, Knowledge..., Research material, Vol. V (Box 155)
box 306, folder 4

National Bureau of Economic Research

box 306, folder 5

National Resources Planning Board

box 306, folder 6

National Science Foundation

box 306, folder 7

National Taxpayers Union

box 306, folder 8

New Deal

box 306, folder 9

Nobel Prize in economics

box 306, folder 10

Ohlin, Bertil

box 306, folder 11

Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung



box 306, folder 12-17


box 307, folder 1-5


box 308, folder 1




box 308, folder 2

Bureaux Internationaux Reunis pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle Litteraire et Artistique 1961-1962

box 308, folder 3

E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 1961-1963

box 308, folder 4

General Electric Company 1958-1961

box 308, folder 5

Government Patents Board 1950

box 308, folder 6

Kaplan, Benjamin 1964

box 308, folder 7

Library of Congress 1961

box 308, folder 8

Lippert, Arnold L. 1961

box 308, folder 9

McGaw, Foster G. 1961

box 308, folder 10


box 308, folder 11

National Association of Manufacturers 1961

box 308, folder 12

Polaroid Corporation 1961-1962

box 308, folder 13

Pretnar, Sto jan 1964-1972

box 308, folder 14

Research Corporation 1960-1962

box 308, folder 15

Shipman, John R. 1967

box 308, folder 16

Steele, Henry 1964

box 308, folder 17

United States. Department of Commerce 1961

box 308, folder 18

Ybbstaler Pappenfabriken Adolf Leitner und Bruder (Josef Leitner) 1960-1962

box 309, folder 1

Performance, Economic and social

box 309, folder 2


box 309, folder 3


box 309, folder 4

Public debt

box 309, folder 5

Putz, Theodor

box 309, folder 6-8

Research and development

box 309, folder 9

Samuelson, Paul

box 309, folder 10

Schpeter, Henrich Natan

box 309, folder 11

Schumpeter, Joseph H.

box 309, folder 12

Schutz, Alfred

box 309, folder 13

Schweizerisches Institut fur Auslandforschung

box 309, folder 14


box 310, folder 1

Sklar Commission to Revise the Public Service Commission Law of Maryland

box 310, folder 2

Spann, Othmar

box 310, folder 3

Statistical sampling

box 310, folder 4

Strong, Benjamin

box 310, folder 5

Taussig, Frank W.

box 310, folder 6

Trade unions

box 310, folder 7

United States

box 310, folder 8-12

US/USSR Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation

box 311, folder 1

Vecchio, Gustavo del

box 311, folder 2

Vienna Circle

box 311, folder 3

Viner, Jacob

box 311, folder 4

Welter, Erich

box 311, folder 5

Wittfogel, Karl A.



Scope and Contents note

Conference papers, essays, journal articles, and speeches, arranged alphabetically by author.
box 311, folder 6

Beth, Evert Willem

box 311, folder 7-9

Haberler, Gottfried

box 312, folder 1-3

Hayek, Friedrich A. von

box 313, folder 1

Johnson, Harry G.

box 313, folder 2

Kaufmann, Felix

box 313, folder 3

Meade, James E.

box 313, folder 4

Menger, Karl

box 313, folder 5

Mises, Ludwig von

box 313, folder 6

Morgenstern, Oskar



Scope and Contents note

Address and book order files, and reading and research notes arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 314

Address file

box 314

Book order file

box 315

Book order file


Reading and research notes, including for specific speeches and writings, and for class instruction

box 316

Reading and research notes, including for specific speeches and writings, and for class instruction

box 317


box 318

International trade

box 318


box 319


box 319

Money and banking



Scope and Contents note

Bound volumes of speeches and writings referred to in the bibliography compiled by Fritz Machlup's assistant, and scrapbooks of clippings relating to Fritz Machlup and family.

Bound volumes of speeches and writings. Includes some clippings of Fritz Machlup and family

box 320

A 1922-1963

box 320

B 1932-1934

box 321

C 1932-1982

box 321

D 1960-1981

box 323

E 1923-1952

box 323

2 ("English Essays and Articles, 1932-1940")

box 323

3 ("Articles, 1941-1950")

box 322

4 ("Reviews, Discussions, and Reports, 1930-1960")

box 331

5 ("Articles and Essays, 1951-1960")

box 322

6 ("Articles and Essays, 1960-1966")

box 324

7 ("Articles and Essays in English, 1967-1971")

box 325

8 ("Articles and Essays in English, 1972-1976")

box 326

9 ("Articles and Essays in Foreign Languages, 1966-1975")


Scrapbooks of clippings relating to Fritz Machlup and family

box 327

3 volumes 1935-1959

box 328

1 volume 1960-1967

box 329

1 volume 1960-1978



box 331

Awards, certificates, citations, commemorative albums, and honorary degrees

drawer H18

Oversize certificates and diplomas

box 331

"A Memento for Professor Fritz Machlup from His Students at The Johns Hopkins University, 1947-1960"

Scope and Contents note

Album including photographs and letters from students.
box 330

Medals and plaques

Conditions Governing Access

Box 330 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.


Scope and Contents note

Sound tape reels and sound tape cassettes of speeches and of dictation of correspondence and writings, arranged chronologically by title.

Sound tape reels

box MC54

Dictation of correspondence, (in German) undated

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (3-inch)
box MC54

"Foreign Debts, Reparations, and the Transfer Problem," Dictation of the revised version of an article published in German in and translated by Mr. Lang undated 1928

Physical Description: 2, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (3-inch)
box MC54

"If Matter Could Talk," Speech, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1973

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch)

Sound cassettes

cassette cabinet 5-6

"Friedrich A. von Hayek and His Early Work in Technical Economics," Speech, Mont Pelerin Society, Hillsdale, Michigan. Includes comments by Milton Friedman, Fred Glahe, Arthur Kemp, G. P. O'Driscoll, Jr. 1975 August 25

cassette cabinet 7

Participation, "Looking Toward the 21st Century," Tokyo Colloquium, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1976 September 28

cassette cabinet 8

"The World Monetary Order," Speech, State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan 1981 November 18



envelope A

1 print, depicting Fritz Machlup, and 4 prints with or of Herma Gelles 1947-1951

envelope B

3 prints depicting participants of the Economics-in-action program at the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, including 1 with Fritz Machlup 1966

album fC

1 album of 6 prints depicting Fritz Machlup receiving an honorary degree at the Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, 1967 June 13; and 2 albums of 76 prints depicting Fritz Machlup and others at the 4th World Congress of Economists, Budapest, Hungary, 1974 August 19-24

envelope D

5 prints depicting Fritz Machlup receiving an honorary degree at the University of Vienna and others in the audience 1971 June 17

envelope E

7 prints, including 4 duplicates, depicting Friedrich A. von Hayek undated

envelope F

2 prints, depicting Ludwig von Mises undated

envelope G

10 prints and postcards, depicting Eugen Bohm-Bawerk, Friedrich List, Alfred Marshall, John Stuart Mill, David Ricardo, Henry C. Simons, Adam Smith, and Friedrich von Wieser undated