Guide to the Colloquium Orientologicum Records

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Guide to the Colloquium Orientologicum Records

Collection number: CU-64.1

University Archives, The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California

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  • The Bancroft Library
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Date Completed:
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Encoded by:
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© 2004 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Collection Summary

Collection Title: Colloquium Orientologicum records,
Date (inclusive): 1939-1964
Collection Number: CU-64.1
Creator: University of California (System). Colloquium Orientologicam
Extent: 2 boxes (.8 linear ft.)
Repository: The Bancroft Library. University Archives.
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Abstract: Minutes of meetings, papers presented at meetings, correspondence.
Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
Languages Represented: English

Information for Researchers


Collection is open for research.

Publication Rights

Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Colloquium Orientologicum records, CU-64.1, University Archives, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information

Gift of Lewis Lancaster, March 1970.

Administrative History

The Colloquium Orientologicum was founded in order to provide opportunities for scholars working or interested in the field of Orientology to establish personal contacts, to exchange views and given and receive mutual stimulation. The colloquium was formed in 1939; the present collection includes minutes of meetings to 1964, but there is no obvious explanation for the end of meetings at that time.

Scope and Content Note

Minutes of meetings; accompanying these in many instances is a copy of the paper delivered or handouts made to illustrate the topic of the paper delivered. In some cases the minutes give an abstract of the paper delivered at the meeting. The correspondence is primarily concerned with arrangements for meetings, often including correspondence with the meeting's speaker.

box-folder 1:1

Meetings 1-7, 1939; includes printed copy of A.L. Kroeber's paper, Stimulus Diffusion

box-folder 1:2

Meetings 8-14, 1940; includes printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, The Rise of Li in a Ballad Prophecy.

box-folder 1:3

Meetings 15-22, 1941; includes printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Faithful Dog as Security for a Debt....

box-folder 1:4

Meetings 23-29, 1942; includes printed copy of M.H. Hagerty's paper, A Fifth Century Monograph of Bamboos, and of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Old Woman and her Pig

box-folder 1:5

Meetings 30-38, 1943

box-folder 1:6

Meetings, 39-49, 1944; includes many mimeographed sheets for Mary Haas's paper, The Thai System of Writing, and a typescript of H.S. Reed's paper, Asia, the Home of the Citrus Fruit

box-folder 1:7

Meetings, 50-59, 1945; includes printed copy of G.E. Gibson's paper, The Vedic Naksatras and the Zodiac, and P.A. Boodberg's paper, UCI: an Interim System of Transcription for Chinese

box-folder 1:8

Meetings, 60-68, 1946; includes printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, Jain Literature and Kota Folk-Tales

box-folder 1:9

Meetings, 68-75, 1947; includes typescript copy of G.E. Gibson's paper, The Importance of the Tri-Syllabic Foot in Vedic Metre, a printed copy of P.A. Boodberg's paper, UCJ: an Orthographic System of Notation and Transcription for Sino-Japanese, a typescript of P. Misch's paper, Travels of a geologist among the mountain tribes of N.W. Yunnan, S.W. China, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Li Shih-min's Coup in A.D. 626: I, The Climax of Princely Rivalry, a printed copy of Y. Malkiel's paper, Hispano-Arabic Marrano and its Hispano-Latin Homophone

box-folder 1:10

Meetings 76-83, 1948; includes a mimeographed copy of Y.R. Chao's paper, The Grammatical Function of Stress Accent in Mandarin, a printed copy of W.J. Fischel's paper, Israel in Iran (A Survey of Judeo-Persian Literature), a printed copy of E.H. Schafer's paper, Ritual Exposure in Ancient China, a printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Strangling Figs in Sanskrit Literature, a printed copy of W.J. Fischel's paper, Ibn Khaldun's Activities in Mamluk Egypt; a printed copy of S.H. Chen's paper, In Search of the Beginnings of Chinese Literary Criticism

box-folder 1:11

Meetings 84-91, 1949; includes a printed copy of D.M. Brown's paper, The Japanese Tokusei of 1297, a printed copy of H.H. Frankel's paper, Biographies of Meng Hao-Jan, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Li Shih-Min's Coup in A.D. 626: II, Action at the Hsüan-wu Gate, a printed copy of W. Eberhard's paper, Remarks on the Bureaucracy in North China in the Tenth Century.

box-folder 1:12

Meetings 92-99, 1950: includes a typsecript of P.T. Raju's paper, The Mialectic of the Sunyam and O. Maslenikov's paper, The Mirrored Image in the Works of Andrey Biely.

box-folder 1:13

Meetings, 100-107, 1951; includes a printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, Notes on Sriharsa's Naisadhacarita, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Notes on Tun-Huang Manuscripts in Paris and London, a typescript of I.V. Vincent's paper, The Thousand Buddha Caves of Kansu, China

box-folder 2:1

Meetings 108-115, 1952; includes a printed copy of Edward H. Schafer's The Pearl Fisheries of Ho-p'u, mimeographed pages relating to Mary Haas's Si Prat--The Bold Thai Poet of Aynthia, pages relating to P.A. Boodberg's Wu-Wei, An Experiment in Hermeneutics, pages relating to Bielenstein's Historiographical Remarks in the Hou Han shu.

box-folder 2:2

Meetings 116-123, 1953; includes a mimeographed page relating to Y.R. Chao's The Use of Characters in Recording Chinese Dialects, pages relating to P.A. Boodberg's Philology and the Moil of Translation: 15 poems of Tu Fu, pages relating to Soren Egerod's A Min Dialect of Southern Kwangtung.

box-folder 2:3

Meetings 124-131, 1954; one sheet relating to Murray Emeneau's Notes on Sanskrit Literature.

box-folder 2:4

Meetings, 132-139, 1955; one sheet relating to Y. Malkiel's Some New Linguistic Aspects of Hipano-Oriental Symbiosis, sheets relating to Denzel Carr's Some Problems Posed by the Indonesian Translation of Al-Fatiha and Al-Ikhlas, and Joseph R. Levenson's The Amateur Ideal in Ming and Early Ching China: Evidence from Painting.

box-folder 2:5

Meetings 140-147, 1956; sheets relating to Chaoying Fang's The Practice of Ultimogeniture in early Mancho Society - a study of the wei fen-chia tzu, sheets relating to Pow-key Sohn's Notes on the History of Printing in Korea, sheet relating to Otto Maenchen's Old Turkish Titles, sheet relating to Joseph Fontenrose's Asiatic Cognates of the Apollo-Python Myth.

box-folder 2:6

Meetings 148-155, 1957; sheets relating to Murray B. Emeneau's Numerals in Comparative Grammar.

box-folder 2:7

Meetings 156-163, 1958; sheets relating to Paul Serruys's The hsieh-sheng series in Shuo-wen; some problems in the reconstruction of ancient Chinese, sheets relating to P.A. Boodberg's The Phonographematics of ancient Chinese - on the Freshman Level, sheet relating to Chauncey Goodrich's The Early History of the Imperial Seal his as a Symbol of Royal Power

box-folder 2:8

Meetings, 164-171, 1959; sheets relating to Cyril Birch's The Poetic Diction of Hsu Chih-mo

box-folder 2:9

Meetings, 172-179, 1960

box-folder 2:10

Meetings, 180-187, 1961; sheets relating to Gene Schramm's Two Poems by Gabirol

box-folder 2:11

Meetings, 188-194, 1962; sheet relating to Joseph R. Levenson's Confucian and Taiping 'Heaven'

box-folder 2:12

Meetings, 195-200, 1963

box-folder 2:13

Meetings, 201-203, 1964

box-folder 2:14

Correspondence, 1939-1945

box-folder 2:15

Correspondence, 1946-1953

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Correspondence, 1954-1964

box-folder 2:17

Index to papers given as of 1952