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Guide to the Colloquium Orientologicum Records
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box-folder 1:1

Meetings 1-7, 1939; includes printed copy of A.L. Kroeber's paper, Stimulus Diffusion

box-folder 1:2

Meetings 8-14, 1940; includes printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, The Rise of Li in a Ballad Prophecy.

box-folder 1:3

Meetings 15-22, 1941; includes printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Faithful Dog as Security for a Debt....

box-folder 1:4

Meetings 23-29, 1942; includes printed copy of M.H. Hagerty's paper, A Fifth Century Monograph of Bamboos, and of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Old Woman and her Pig

box-folder 1:5

Meetings 30-38, 1943

box-folder 1:6

Meetings, 39-49, 1944; includes many mimeographed sheets for Mary Haas's paper, The Thai System of Writing, and a typescript of H.S. Reed's paper, Asia, the Home of the Citrus Fruit

box-folder 1:7

Meetings, 50-59, 1945; includes printed copy of G.E. Gibson's paper, The Vedic Naksatras and the Zodiac, and P.A. Boodberg's paper, UCI: an Interim System of Transcription for Chinese

box-folder 1:8

Meetings, 60-68, 1946; includes printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, Jain Literature and Kota Folk-Tales

box-folder 1:9

Meetings, 68-75, 1947; includes typescript copy of G.E. Gibson's paper, The Importance of the Tri-Syllabic Foot in Vedic Metre, a printed copy of P.A. Boodberg's paper, UCJ: an Orthographic System of Notation and Transcription for Sino-Japanese, a typescript of P. Misch's paper, Travels of a geologist among the mountain tribes of N.W. Yunnan, S.W. China, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Li Shih-min's Coup in A.D. 626: I, The Climax of Princely Rivalry, a printed copy of Y. Malkiel's paper, Hispano-Arabic Marrano and its Hispano-Latin Homophone

box-folder 1:10

Meetings 76-83, 1948; includes a mimeographed copy of Y.R. Chao's paper, The Grammatical Function of Stress Accent in Mandarin, a printed copy of W.J. Fischel's paper, Israel in Iran (A Survey of Judeo-Persian Literature), a printed copy of E.H. Schafer's paper, Ritual Exposure in Ancient China, a printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, The Strangling Figs in Sanskrit Literature, a printed copy of W.J. Fischel's paper, Ibn Khaldun's Activities in Mamluk Egypt; a printed copy of S.H. Chen's paper, In Search of the Beginnings of Chinese Literary Criticism

box-folder 1:11

Meetings 84-91, 1949; includes a printed copy of D.M. Brown's paper, The Japanese Tokusei of 1297, a printed copy of H.H. Frankel's paper, Biographies of Meng Hao-Jan, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Li Shih-Min's Coup in A.D. 626: II, Action at the Hsüan-wu Gate, a printed copy of W. Eberhard's paper, Remarks on the Bureaucracy in North China in the Tenth Century.

box-folder 1:12

Meetings 92-99, 1950: includes a typsecript of P.T. Raju's paper, The Mialectic of the Sunyam and O. Maslenikov's paper, The Mirrored Image in the Works of Andrey Biely.

box-folder 1:13

Meetings, 100-107, 1951; includes a printed copy of M.B. Emeneau's paper, Notes on Sriharsa's Naisadhacarita, a printed copy of W. Bingham's paper, Notes on Tun-Huang Manuscripts in Paris and London, a typescript of I.V. Vincent's paper, The Thousand Buddha Caves of Kansu, China

box-folder 2:1

Meetings 108-115, 1952; includes a printed copy of Edward H. Schafer's The Pearl Fisheries of Ho-p'u, mimeographed pages relating to Mary Haas's Si Prat--The Bold Thai Poet of Aynthia, pages relating to P.A. Boodberg's Wu-Wei, An Experiment in Hermeneutics, pages relating to Bielenstein's Historiographical Remarks in the Hou Han shu.

box-folder 2:2

Meetings 116-123, 1953; includes a mimeographed page relating to Y.R. Chao's The Use of Characters in Recording Chinese Dialects, pages relating to P.A. Boodberg's Philology and the Moil of Translation: 15 poems of Tu Fu, pages relating to Soren Egerod's A Min Dialect of Southern Kwangtung.

box-folder 2:3

Meetings 124-131, 1954; one sheet relating to Murray Emeneau's Notes on Sanskrit Literature.

box-folder 2:4

Meetings, 132-139, 1955; one sheet relating to Y. Malkiel's Some New Linguistic Aspects of Hipano-Oriental Symbiosis, sheets relating to Denzel Carr's Some Problems Posed by the Indonesian Translation of Al-Fatiha and Al-Ikhlas, and Joseph R. Levenson's The Amateur Ideal in Ming and Early Ching China: Evidence from Painting.

box-folder 2:5

Meetings 140-147, 1956; sheets relating to Chaoying Fang's The Practice of Ultimogeniture in early Mancho Society - a study of the wei fen-chia tzu, sheets relating to Pow-key Sohn's Notes on the History of Printing in Korea, sheet relating to Otto Maenchen's Old Turkish Titles, sheet relating to Joseph Fontenrose's Asiatic Cognates of the Apollo-Python Myth.

box-folder 2:6

Meetings 148-155, 1957; sheets relating to Murray B. Emeneau's Numerals in Comparative Grammar.

box-folder 2:7

Meetings 156-163, 1958; sheets relating to Paul Serruys's The hsieh-sheng series in Shuo-wen; some problems in the reconstruction of ancient Chinese, sheets relating to P.A. Boodberg's The Phonographematics of ancient Chinese - on the Freshman Level, sheet relating to Chauncey Goodrich's The Early History of the Imperial Seal his as a Symbol of Royal Power

box-folder 2:8

Meetings, 164-171, 1959; sheets relating to Cyril Birch's The Poetic Diction of Hsu Chih-mo

box-folder 2:9

Meetings, 172-179, 1960

box-folder 2:10

Meetings, 180-187, 1961; sheets relating to Gene Schramm's Two Poems by Gabirol

box-folder 2:11

Meetings, 188-194, 1962; sheet relating to Joseph R. Levenson's Confucian and Taiping 'Heaven'

box-folder 2:12

Meetings, 195-200, 1963

box-folder 2:13

Meetings, 201-203, 1964

box-folder 2:14

Correspondence, 1939-1945

box-folder 2:15

Correspondence, 1946-1953

box-folder 2:16

Correspondence, 1954-1964

box-folder 2:17

Index to papers given as of 1952