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Bingham (Ursula G.) Papers
BANC MSS 2000/42 cz  
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Correspondence, 1882-1997

Physical Description: Boxes 1-5; Cartons 1-7, Oversize box, folder 1, Box 7 (Restricted)

Scope and Contents

Contains letters, greeting cards sometimes with photographs and other attached material sent either to or from Ursula Bingham. Also includes a series of letters between Ursula's grandparents, John and Adela Berry Sloane, 1882-1886 and some correspondence between other family members.


Divided into two subseries: Family and Personal. Family Correspondence arranged hierarchally by family relationship then chronologically by birth. Personal Correspondence arranged alphabetically. Personal correspondence may also contain letters from family members.

Family 1882-1997

box 1

Bingham, Woodbridge 1926-1985

box 2

Bingham, Woodbridge 1926-1985

box 3

Bingham, Woodbridge 1926-1985

box 4

Bingham, Woodbridge 1926-1985

box 5

Bingham, Woodbridge 1926-1985

carton 1, folder 1-31

Bingham, Anne (Mrs. Richard N. Pierson, Jr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wright) (daughter) 1933-53

carton 1, folder 32-34

Pierson, Richard Norris, Jr. 1953-80

carton 1, folder 35-37

Pierson, Richard Norris, III (Robin) and family 1963-97

carton 1, folder 38-40

Pierson, Olivia T. (Mrs. James Jacobs) 1963-96

carton 1, folder 41-42

Pierson, Alexandra D. 1974-84

carton 1, folder 43-46

Pierson, Cordelia 1977-89

carton 1, folder 47-48

Pierson, Mrs. Richard N. (Dos) and family 1954-73

carton 1, folder 49

Wright, Richard T. 1979-91

carton 1, folder 50-55

Bingham, Clarissa (daughter) 1945-50

carton 2, folder 1-41

Bingham, Clarissa (aka Mrs. Edward O. Brown, Mrs. James S. Junge, and Mrs. William Cochran) 1951-97

carton 2, folder 42-44

Brown, Edward Osgood (Ned) 1953-68

carton 2, folder 45-49

Brown, Clarissa Anne (Lisa)(Mrs.Robert Griffin) 1962-99

carton 2, folder 50-54

Brown, Edward Eagle (Ned) and family 1968-96

carton 2, folder 55-58

Brown, Marian Sloane (Mrs. Steve Sobelman) 1961-99

carton 2, folder 59-62

Brown, Phyllis Wyatt (Mrs. Guy Beaderman) and family 1968-87

carton 2, folder 63

Junge, James S. 1968-79

carton 2, folder 64

Cochran, William 1989-94

carton 2, folder 65

Brown, Rosina (Mrs. Robert O.) 1953-68

carton 2, folder 66

Junge, Edie (Mrs. Emmett Junge) ca. 1970

carton 3, folder 1-13

Bingham, Evelyn (Mrs. Richard Prosser and Mrs. Michael Goodman)(daughter) 1950-97

carton 3, folder 14-35

Bingham, Marian (Mrs. William B. Hubbell, Jr.) (daughter) 1951-97

carton 3, folder 36-39

Hubbell, William B., Jr. 1963-90

carton 3, folder 40-41

Hubbell, Drika 1975-96

carton 3, folder 42

Hubbell, Jonathan Bradford (Brad) 1970-96

carton 3, folder 43

Hubbell, Dorothy (Mrs. William Bradford Hubbell) 1960-90

carton 3, folder 44-48

Griswold, Evelyn Sloane (mother) 1908-34

carton 4, folder 1-7

Griswold, Evelyn Sloane 1935-43

carton 4, folder 8-9

To William E. S. Griswold 1918-36

carton 4, folder 10

To Adela Sloane 1908-12

carton 4, folder 11-12

From Anne Bingham 1929-40

carton 4, folder 13

From Clarissa Bingham 1936-39

carton 4, folder 14

From others n.d.

carton 4, folder 15-32

Griswold, William E. S. (father) 1915-64

carton 4, folder 33-43

Griswold, William and Evelyn Sloane 1927-42

carton 4, folder 44

Griswold, Ruth Colyard 1952-64

carton 4, folder 45-51

Griswold, William E. S., Jr., Kurp, and family 1917-89

carton 4, folder 52-54

Griswold, John Sloane, Ann, and family 1926-94

carton 5, folder 1-3

Griswold, Dwight 1925-52

carton 5, folder 4-5

Griswold, Stratton (aka Alice Griswold McKillop) 1949-91

carton 5, folder 6-8

Mayor, Evelyn Griswold 1927-46

carton 5, folder 9

Mayor Family 1946-70

carton 5, folder 10

Sloane, Adela Berry (maternal grandmother) 1911

carton 5, folder 11-15

From John Sloane (husband) 1882-86

carton 5, folder 16

From others 1905

carton 5, folder 17-18

Sloane, John, Jr. (Uncle Jack) 1915-69

carton 5, folder 19

Griswold, Anna Brooks Schenck (Mrs. Mathew Griswold, paternal grandmother) 1914-32

carton 5, folder 20

Griswold, Edith, Ely, and family 1927-44

carton 5, folder 21

Griswold, George, Dorothy and family 1945-18

carton 5, folder 22

Griswold, Marian 1926-27

carton 5, folder 23-29

Bartholomew, Adela S. Griswold (Mrs. Dana T.) 1928-94

carton 5, folder 30

Bartholomew, Dana T. 1947-96

carton 5, folder 31

Bartholomew, Dana T., Jr. 1993-97

carton 5, folder 32

Bartholomew, Jeremiah H., Jr. (Jerry), Kay, and family 1927-81

carton 5, folder 33

Bartholomew, Adela (Addy) n.d.

carton 5, folder 34

Bartholomew, Dwight and Mary Jo 1971-92

carton 5, folder 35

Bartholomew family, miscellaneous 1952-91

carton 5, folder 36

Griswold, Charlotte (2nd Mrs. Mathew Griswold) 1981-86

carton 5, folder 37

Griswold family, miscellaneous 1928-88

carton 5, folder 38-42

Bingham, Hiram, 1875-1956 1927-55

carton 5, folder 43-44

Bingham, Alfreda Mitchell (aka Alfreda Mitchell Gregor) 1926-64

carton 5, folder 45

Bingham, Hiram, Jr. (Harry) 1930-86

carton 5, folder 46

Bingham, Rose M. 1935-93

carton 5, folder 47

Bingham, John, Kathy Kirkland, and family 1962-63

carton 5, folder 48

Bingham, David and Annie B.

carton 5, folder 49

Bingham, Alfred M. 1927-

carton 5, folder 50

Bingham, Sylvia 1935-69

carton 5, folder 51

Bingham, Elfy and Douglass 1953

carton 5, folder 52

Bingham, Steve 1967

carton 5, folder 53-54

Bingham, Charles T. and Kathleen 1934-90

carton 5, folder 55-56

Bingham, Brewster and Francis 1933-94

carton 5, folder 57-59

Bingham, Mitchell, Norris, and family 1928-87

carton 5, folder 60

Bingham, Jonathan (Jack) 1929-64

carton 5, folder 61-62

Bingham, June (aka June Bingham Birge) 1943-95

carton 5, folder 63

Family 1951-69

carton 5, folder 64

Mitchell, Annie Olivia Tiffany (Woodbridge's maternal Grandmother) 1928-33

carton 5, folder 65

Bingham, Suzanne Clark (2nd Mrs. Hiram Bingham) 1938, n.d.

carton 5, folder 66

Bingham family, miscellaneous 1973-97


Personal, 1927-1997

carton 5, folder 67

Acker, Mignon 1938-86

carton 5, folder 68

Adloff, Virginia and Richard 1952-83

carton 5, folder 69

Allen, Marie 1938-87

carton 5, folder 70

Altrocchi, Julia C. and family 1948-87

carton 5, folder 71

Anderson, Corrine 1961-85

carton 5, folder 72

Arthur, Jean, 1905- 1963-64

carton 5, folder 73

Atwater, Charlotte and Reginald M. 1934-64

carton 5, folder 74

Barbier, Lea and Euginie (Mina) 1928-48

carton 5, folder 75

Barnes, Lilace Reed 1952-81

carton 5, folder 76

Bass, Medora Steedman 1926-81

carton 5, folder 77

Beall, Cornelia M. (Nina) 1962-66

carton 5, folder 78

Benner, Ruth (Mrs. Ted Benner) 1954-83

carton 5, folder 79

Black, Carol L. and John A. 1955-90

carton 5, folder 80

Blackmore, Thaung 1962-88

carton 6, folder 1

Blaisdell, Thomas C. Jr. and Catherine 1965-88

carton 6, folder 2

Bosworth, Ruth 1940-81

carton 6, folder 3

Bruner, Glenn Willard and Edith W. 1956-86

carton 6, folder 4

Caldwell, Katherine 1935-90

carton 6, folder 5

Chan, David B. 1979-92

carton 6, folder 6

Chapin, Mary and Selden 1950-65

carton 6, folder 7

Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1877-1954, Dorothy, and family 1927-64

carton 6, folder 8

Colby, Ruth (Mrs. Henry Colby) 1949-93

carton 6, folder 9

Conroy, Charlotte 1948-90

carton 6, folder 10

Cooke, Sophie and George P. 1927-62

carton 6, folder 11

Cooper, D.A. and John S. 1968-97

carton 6, folder 12

DeBruyn, Ada 1947-60

carton 6, folder 13

Derby, Steve, Dora, and family 1940-80

carton 6, folder 14

Desphilippon, Raymonde 1924-27

carton 6, folder 15

Esary, Jean and family 1955-97

carton 6, folder 16

Furth, Nina and Gordon 1976-86

carton 6, folder 17

Gamble, Ruth (Mrs. Joseph N. Gamble) 1943-96

carton 6, folder 18

Gardner, Margaret (Mrs. Max William Gardner) 1946-86

carton 6, folder 19

Glazier, Margot 1950-53

carton 6, folder 20

Goodrich, L. Carrington and Anne 1966-87

carton 6, folder 21

Grayson, Spenser 1926

carton 6, folder 22

Hagar, Ella (Mrs. Gerald H. Hagar) 1959-91

carton 6, folder 23

Hall, Betty and Joe 1956-81

carton 6, folder 24-27

Hammond, Rachel (aka McClenahan, Speiden, Breck) 1928-96

carton 6, folder 28

Hansen, Munk, Anne, and family 1965-97

carton 6, folder 29

Harper, Minnie R. 1949-70

carton 6, folder 30

Hatfield, Margaret (Mrs. John Glover Hatfield) 1936-71

carton 6, folder 31

Helmholz, Betty and Carl 1956-97

carton 6, folder 32

Hicks, Alice Schenck and family 1977-92

carton 6, folder 33

Hung, Rhoda S. 1939-44

carton 6, folder 34

Iwata, Fumi 1949-96

carton 6, folder 35

Jeans, Suzi and family 1928-78

carton 6, folder 36

Johnson, Jean 1961-78

carton 6, folder 37

Kadota, Kumiko 1965-74

carton 6, folder 38

Kemble, Virginia K. (Mrs. William Kemble) 1928-85

carton 6, folder 39

Kessler, Eva (Mrs. Frederich Kessler) 1966

carton 6, folder 40

Kitamura, Fusako 1938-57

carton 6, folder 41-48

Kosugi, Meiko (Mrs. Euchi Kosugi) and family 1930-94

oversize_box 1, folder 1

Attachments to letter July 6, 1972

carton 6, folder 49

Kuroha, Chitose 1938-39

carton 6, folder 50

Lawrence, Molly 1948-97

carton 6, folder 51

Levenson, Rosemary 1959-87

carton 6, folder 52

Lindsay, Marjorie, Countess and Tucker 1934-55

carton 6, folder 53

Maynard, Gertrude 1958-63

carton 6, folder 54

Metcalf, Helen and Ralph 1959-97

carton 6, folder 55

Miller, Miriam (Mrs. R. J. Miller) 1959-60

carton 6, folder 56

Moore, Elizabeth Luce 1957-96

carton 6, folder 57

Noland, Charlotte Haxall 1932-63

carton 6, folder 58

Oliver, George T. and Fancy 1978, n.d.

carton 6, folder 59

Olney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Warren Olney III) 1961-96

carton 6, folder 60

Parsons, James B. 1975-76

carton 6, folder 61

Pitkin, Anne 1928-74

carton 6, folder 62

Potter, Mabel 1960-93

carton 6, folder 63

Quinche, Angele 1926-57

carton 6, folder 64

Radcliffe College 1928

carton 6, folder 65

Raeder, Marie Allen 1964-81

carton 6, folder 66

Rockefeller, Mary and Laurence S. 1975, n.d.

carton 6, folder 67

Root, Reginald D. 1925-26

carton 6, folder 68

Scalapino, Del and Robert A. 1978-97

carton 6, folder 69

Service, Caroline and Jack 1982-97

carton 6, folder 70-71

Thompson, Martha L. (Mrs. James Westfall Thompson) 1941-70

carton 6, folder 72

Todd, Lois, Julian, and family 1938-50

carton 6, folder 73

Tsai, Lily and family 1941-86

carton 6, folder 74

Van der Graaf, Adie 1938-93

carton 7, folder 1

Warwick, Betsy and Sherry 1962-96

carton 7, folder 2

Wheeler, Mary 1950-96

carton 7, folder 3

Wied, Antoinette, Princess zu 1934-78

carton 7, folder 4

Wilmerding, Gay 1976-95

carton 7, folder 5

Wood, Jean 1982-89

carton 7, folder 6

Wright, Ione S. (Mrs. Victor A. Wright) 1940-81

carton 7, folder 7

Wu, Daisy Yen 1940-78

carton 7, folder 8-39

A-Z, miscellany by last name 1927-96

carton 7, folder 40-45

A-Z miscellany by first name 1943-81

carton 7, folder 46-51

Miscellaneous 1909-86


Boards, Trustee, Councils and Committees, 1933-1997

Physical Description: Cartons 8-10

Scope and Contents

Contains correspondence, minutes of meetings, memoranda, and other material related to organizations in which Bingham served as an official.


Arranged alphabetically by name of organization.
carton 8, folder 1

Benjamin Ide Wheeler Award Committee 1969-79

carton 8, folder 2

California Roadside Council 1969-70

carton 8, folder 3

Mills College Associate Council 1933-77

carton 8, folder 4-14

Pacific School of Religion 1950-88

carton 8, folder 15-38

Young Women's Christian Associations (YWCA) 1945-80

carton 9, folder 1-31

Young Women's Christian Associations (YWCA) 1947-97

carton 10, folder 1-34

Young Women's Christian Associations (YWCA) 1947-87


Personal and Family Papers, 1882-1998

Physical Description: Cartons 11-17, Box 6, Oversize Box 1, folders 2-5, Volumes 1-3

Scope and Contents

Contains diaries, notes, financial files, membership files, travel files, family files and scrapbooks as well as miscellaneous ephemera such as programs, recipes, knitting instructions and guest lists.


Arranged hierarchally.
carton 11, folder 1

Diary 1926-26

carton 11, folder 2

Diary ca. 1946

carton 11, folder 3

Baby book 1908

carton 11, folder 4

Children's story ca. 1930

carton 11, folder 5-11

Ursula Griswold/Woodbridge Bingham wedding 1927-28

carton 11, folder 12

50th Wedding anniversary party 1977



carton 11, folder 13

Miss Spence's School for Girls 1914-23

carton 11, folder 14

Lesson's in Botany, school exercise book 1921

carton 11, folder 15-17

Foxcroft School 1923-28

carton 11, folder 18

Columbia, class materials 1927-28

carton 11, folder 19

Harvard, class materials 1930

carton 11, folder 20

University of California, Berkeley, class materials 1930-33


Financial Files

carton 11, folder 21

Woodbridge Farm, Salem MA 1971

carton 11, folder 22

Tamalpais Rd., Berkeley 1943-70

carton 11, folder 23-24

Griswold Point, Old Lyme 1971-76

carton 11, folder 25-26

Lake Park Retirement Residence 1989-97

carton 11, folder 27

Ursula W. G. Bingham Trust 1947-59

carton 11, folder 28

Dwight Griswold Trust 1953-54

carton 11, folder 29-32

Estate of Evelyn Sloane Griswold 1928-58

carton 12, folder 1-3

Annie O. Mitchell Trust 1956-78

carton 12, folder 4

Estate of Alfreda M. Gregor 1967-71

carton 12, folder 5

American Trust Company 1943-44

carton 12, folder 6

Tiffany Co. 1927-45

carton 12, folder 7

W J Sloane 1946-68

carton 12, folder 8

Connecticut Savings Bank 1946-66

carton 12, folder 9-10

Stephenson Mansfield 1950-67

carton 12, folder 11

Union New Haven Trust Company 1939-46

carton 12, folder 12-22

Check register, gifts, receipts and other miscellaneous material 1927-94



carton 12, folder 23

American Academy of Asian Studies, Inc. 1960

carton 12, folder 24

American Oriental Society 1968

carton 12, folder 25

Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (Society for Asian Art) 1977-91

carton 12, folder 26

Berkeley China Club 1952

carton 12, folder 27

Berkeley Piano Club 1950-63

carton 12, folder 28

Colony Club of New York 1931-38

carton 12, folder 29

Comite Franco-Americain Pour la Protection des Enfants de la Frontiere 1916-19

carton 12, folder 30

Earthworm Garden Club 1958-88

carton 12, folder 31-32

First Congregational Church, Berkeley 1943-91

carton 12, folder 33

First Congregational Church, Old Lyme, CN 1978-91

carton 12, folder 34-35

Foxcroft Alumnae Association 1947-87

carton 12, folder 36

Hawaiian Mission Children's Society 1986

carton 12, folder 37

Junior League 1926-31

carton 12, folder 38

Katherine Branson School 1946-71

carton 13, folder 1

Middle East Institute 1960

carton 13, folder 2

National Society of the Colonial Dames of America 1966-86

carton 13, folder 3

Old Lyme Beach Club 1939-70

carton 13, folder 4

Old Lyme Country Club 1962

carton 13, folder 5

Peace Garden Project 1986-90

carton 13, folder 6

Prytanean Alumnae 1969-76

carton 13, folder 7

Save the Children Foundation 1953-57

carton 13, folder 8

Spence School Alumnae 1929-96

carton 13, folder 9

Town and Country Club, San Francisco 1941-86

carton 13, folder 10

Town and Gown Club 1933-98

carton 13, folder 11

University Section Club 1942-67

carton 13, folder 12

Miscellaneous 1928-91


Travel files

carton 13, folder 13

Santa Barbara, CA and the Southwest 1918

carton 13, folder 14-15

France and Italy 1924

carton 13, folder 16

Hawaii, Japan, China, and Philippines 1927

carton 13, folder 17-26

China and Asia 1934-37

carton 13, folder 27

Trailer trip June 1941

carton 13, folder 28

Radio Training School, University of Colorado, Boulder 1942

carton 13, folder 29

Washington D. C. April 1945

carton 13, folder 30

British Columbia and Northwest Summer 1947

carton 13, folder 31-33

Across the United States 1949

carton 13, folder 34-38

Europe - England 1950

carton 14, folder 1-2

Europe 1950

carton 14, folder 3

Salem to Berkeley Aug. 1950

carton 14, folder 4

East Coast Summer 1952

carton 14, folder 5

Maine 1953

carton 14, folder 6-12

Europe 1957

carton 14, folder 13-24

Asian sabbatical - Iran, Thailand, China, Japan 1958-59

carton 14, folder 25

Tokyo, Manila, Hong Kong Aug 1964

carton 14, folder 26-27

Japan, Hawaii 1965-66

carton 14, folder 28

Spain, France, England Summer 1966

carton 14, folder 29

Denver 1967

carton 14, folder 30

Disneyland Dec. 1968

carton 14, folder 31

Portugal, France, Geneva, Copenhagen, London 1969

carton 14, folder 32-33

Hong Kong, Macao, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan 1970-71

carton 14, folder 34-36

Soviet Union 1974

carton 14, folder 37

East Coast 1977

carton 14, folder 38

Japan and China 1980

carton 15, folder 1-2

Japan and China 1980

carton 15, folder 3

Garden tour 1981

carton 15, folder 4

Berkshires 1991

carton 15, folder 5

Passports 1950-80

carton 15, folder 6

Miscellaneous n.d.

oversize_box 1, folder 2

Miscellaneous n.d.

carton 15, folder 7

Medical file 1929-66


Family files

carton 15, folder 8

Ursula Bingham 1923-74

carton 15, folder 9

Woodbridge Bingham, clippings 1942-86

carton 15, folder 10

Anne Bingham, wedding 1954-69

carton 15, folder 11

Clarissa Bingham and family 1953-91

carton 15, folder 12

Evelyn Bingham 1956, n.d.

carton 15, folder 13

Marian Bingham 1953-60

carton 15, folder 14-17

Griswold family 1926-71

carton 15, folder 18-24

Sloane family 1882-1994

carton 15, folder 25

Schenck family n.d.

carton 15, folder 26-30

Bingham family 1931-60

carton 15, folder 31-34

Mitchell family 1893-1978

carton 16, folder 1-43

Calendars 1936-93

carton 17, folder 1-4

Notes, miscellaneous 1935-89

carton 17, folder 5-8

Guest lists 1930-90

carton 17, folder 9

Entertainment Planner 1982

carton 17, folder 10

Gift and card list 1983-90

carton 17, folder 11

Calling book and cards 1928-36

carton 17, folder 12-22

Programs 1926-76

oversize_box 1, folder 3

Programs and Christmas cards 1961-95

carton 17, folder 23

Favorite music n.d.

carton 17, folder 24

Stationery n.d.

carton 17, folder 25

Pamphlets and brochures n.d.

carton 17, folder 26-31

Recipe files 1916, n.d.

box 6, folder 1-3

Knitting and needlework n.d.

box 6, folder 4-6

Clippings 1928-90

oversize_box 1, folder 4-5

Clippings 1927-61