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Scope and Contents note

Address book, bibliographies, birth and marriage certificates, business cards, family correspondence, curricula vitae, decorations and diplomas, employment applications, identity cards, invitations, lists, notebooks, notes, obituaries, poems and songs, prayer, stamps, and subject file, arranged alphabetically by physical form. See also: OVERSIZE FILE and SCRAPBOOKS.
box 1, folder 1

Address books 1978, undated



box 1, folder 2-6

Publications on Bulgaria, Balkans, the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, etc.

General note

See also CARD FILE
box 1, folder 7-11

Writings, translations, and interviews of Kyril Drenikoff 1960-1983

box 2, folder 1

Birth and marriage certificates

box 2, folder 2-6

Business cards

box 3, folder 1-5

Business cards

box 4, folder 1-2

Business cards


Correspondence (family)

box 4, folder 3


box 4, folder 4


box 4, folder 5


box 4, folder 6


box 4, folder 7-8


box 5, folder 1


box 5, folder 2


box 5, folder 3


box 5, folder 4


box 5, folder 5

Curricula vitae

box 5, folder 6

Decorations and diplomas

box 5, folder 7

Employment application to Radio Free Europe

box 5, folder 8

Financial records relating to sales of books


Identity cards, driver's licenses, passports, visa applications

box 5, folder 9


box 6, folder 1


box 6, folder 2


box 6, folder 3


box 6, folder 4




box 6, folder 5

General 1959-1973

box 6, folder 6

King Simeon's wedding (1962) and 10th anniversary of his majority (1965) 1962, 1965



box 6, folder 7

Books read

box 6, folder 8

Movies seen

box 6, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Consist mostly of proverbs, sayings, etc.
box 7, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Consist mostly of proverbs, sayings, etc.
box 7, folder 2-3


box 7, folder 4

Obituaries and condolence letters 1983-1984

box 7, folder 5-6

Poems and songs

box 7, folder 7


box 7, folder 8

Stamps (personal)


Subject file

box 7, folder 9

Candidacy in the legislative elections of the 10th arrondissement in Paris 1978

box 7, folder 10

Cycling 1956-1964

box 7, folder 11

French nationality



box 8, folder 1

Military Order "Hospitalier de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem," 1965

box 8, folder 2-3

Ordre des Chevaliers du Rouvre 1973

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Giorgio G. Gherardi Dandolo
box 8, folder 4

Refugee status in Italy



General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes and SPEECHES AND WRITINGS/"La Bulgarie dans les relations internationales entre les deux guerres mondiales," 1959; "La Dobroudja," 1960; and "Rapports entre OACI et les organisations aéronautiques européennes," 1963
box 8, folder 5-6

Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales (Paris) 1956-1960

box 8, folder 7

Université de Paris

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Professor Charles Rousseau, 1958-1964
box 8, folder 8

Use of name De Velboudj

General note

See also Subject file/French nationality
box 8, folder 9-11



FAMILY FILE 1911-2002

Scope and Contents note

Biographical material related to members of the Drenikoff family. Includes correspondence, birth and marriage certificates, business cards, contracts, diaries, family book and family tree, identity cards and passports, memoirs, note books, notes, and writings, arranged alphabetically by name of family member and thereunder by physical form. See also: OVERSIZE FILE.
box 9, folder 1


Scope and Contents note

Includes family book and family tree
box 9, folder 2-4

Bedington (Drenikoff), Alexander (uncle)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, 1956-1982
box 9, folder 5

Dombrovski, Dimiter (second cousin)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, 1957-1982
box 9, folder 6

Drenikoff, Boris and Boyan (sons)

box 9, folder 7

Drenikoff, Elena (grandmother), obituary 1949 November


Drenikoff, Georgi (father)

box 9, folder 8

Birth and marriage certificates

box 9, folder 9

Business cards


Correspondence (mostly with family)

box 9, folder 10


box 9, folder 11


box 9, folder 12


box 9, folder 13


box 9, folder 14


box 10, folder 1


box 10, folder 2


box 10, folder 3-4




box 10, folder 5

Military service in the 8th German Air Force Corps 1941 March 5 - June 5

Scope and Contents note

box 10, folder 6

Pilot diary 1943 August 10 - September 27

Scope and Contents note

box 10, folder 7

Identity cards and passports


Legal documents

box 10, folder 8

Court case 1950

Scope and Contents note

Includes verdict
box 10, folder 9

Property 1938-1951



Scope and Contents note

Includes verses
box 11, folder 1

Family 1961-1969



box 11, folder 2

General undated

box 11, folder 3

"Avto Odiseia," 1971

box 11, folder 4


box 11, folder 5



Pilot log books and licenses

box 11, folder 6


box 11, folder 7


box 11, folder 8



Subject file

box 11, folder 9-10

Chinese medicine, therapy, yoga

General note


Gliding project for Branik (Bulgarian Youth Organization)

box 12, folder 1

General 1942

box 12, folder 2

Charts and drawings undated

box 12, folder 3

Clippings 1929-1941

box 12, folder 4

Correspondence 1931-1943

box 12, folder 5

Notes undated

box 12, folder 6

Orders and reports 1935-1942

box 12, folder 7

Speeches 1943

box 12, folder 8

Statute undated


Military career

box 12, folder 9

Certificates and awards, German Army 1917-1941



box 12, folder 10

Deceased officers from Georgi Drenikoff's 38th graduation class from the Military Academy 1927

box 12, folder 11

Pilots killed in action 1938-1940

box 12, folder 12

Orders as Chief Commander of the Bulgarian Air Force 1943-1944

box 12, folder 13

Program of the field and track competition, Kazanlok 1942

box 12, folder 14

Report as Chief Commander of the Bulgarian Air Force, attached to the Headquarters of the VIII German Corps 1941 March 4 - June 6



box 12, folder 15-16


box 12, folder 17

"Pozitsionnata Voina I Gazovata Otbrana," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 12, folder 18

"Edin zhivot za Bulgaria," 1927

Scope and Contents note


Drenikoff, Ivan (brother)

box 13, folder 1

Business cards

box 13, folder 2

Certificate of school attendance 1944

box 13, folder 3

Contracts with editors 1975



box 13, folder 4


box 13, folder 5


box 13, folder 6


box 13, folder 7


box 13, folder 8


box 13, folder 9


box 14, folder 1


box 14, folder 2


box 14, folder 3


box 14, folder 4


box 14, folder 5-6




box 15, folder 1

Poetry undated

Scope and Contents note

box 15, folder 2

Sayings 1953

Scope and Contents note

box 15, folder 3-4

"Khata yoga u nas," 1963

Scope and Contents note

box 15, folder 5

Konstantin Gospodariat na Velbuja 2000

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 15, folder 6

"Rilski orel," 2002(?)

Scope and Contents note

box 15, folder 7

Georgi Drenikoff: Edin zhivot za Bulgaria, Sofia 2002

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 15, folder 8

Drenikoff, Ivan Stoimenoff (uncle) 1951-1965

Scope and Contents note

Includes his typewritten manuscript "Makhalata," 1951

Drenikoff, Michele (wife)

box 16, folder 1

Certificates and diplomas 1954-1978



box 16, folder 2


box 16, folder 3


box 16, folder 4

Identity cards and driver's licenses 1945-1969


Drenikoff, Pepi Georgieva (mother)

box 16, folder 5

Certificate of imprisonment, Sofia 1949 November 23



box 16, folder 6


box 16, folder 7


box 16, folder 8


box 16, folder 9


box 16, folder 10


box 16, folder 11

Milenkova, Maria (great-grandmother) 1911-1937


DIARIES 1971-1976

Scope and Contents note

Diaries of Kyril Drenikoff, arranged chronologically.
box 17, folder 1


box 17, folder 2


box 17, folder 3




Scope and Contents note

Personal correspondence of Kyril Drenikoff, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. See also: BIOGRAPHICAL FILE/Correspondence (family).


box 17, folder 4


box 17, folder 5


box 17, folder 6


box 17, folder 7


box 17, folder 8


box 17, folder 9

Abramo, Léon undated

box 17, folder 10

Accademia Universale Umanesimo Nuovo (Roberto Guzzo) 1982

box 17, folder 11

Acone, Antonio ( Corriere africano) 1979

box 17, folder 12

Aféyan, Badrig 1967-1972

box 17, folder 13

Ahpapov, D. 1982

box 17, folder 14

Aïvanhov, Omraam Michaël 1972-1983

box 17, folder 15

Albertini, Georges 1982-1983

box 17, folder 16

Alexieff, Gabriel 1961-1972

box 17, folder 17

Altankov, Nikolay G. 1974-1982

box 17, folder 18

Amawi, Shakeeb (World Distributing Agency) 1983

box 17, folder 19

Amis du Centre Richelieu 1957-1958

box 17, folder 20

Anastasoff, Christ ( Balkania) 1968-1977

box 17, folder 21

Anciens des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes de Bulgarie 1964-1966

box 17, folder 22

Andrey, Reverend Metropolitan 1971

box 17, folder 23

Angelov, Ivan 1983

box 18, folder 1

Angelov, Nicola 1971-1973

box 18, folder 2

Angueloff, Demetrio 1959-1983

box 18, folder 3

Anguèlov, Nicolay 1974-1975

box 18, folder 4

Anne de Jésus, Révérende Mère 1975-1964

box 18, folder 5

Annuaire français de droit international (Geneviève Guyomar) 1963-1970

box 18, folder 6

Antonow, Iwan 1980

box 18, folder 7

Arsov, Boris Iliev 1972-1974

box 18, folder 8

Aslanoff, Mr. (Institut des Etudes Slaves) 1969

box 18, folder 9

Assa, Aaron 1968-1981

box 18, folder 10

Assiantchine, Alexander 1957-1967

box 18, folder 11

Association des Auditeurs et Anciens Auditeurs de l'Académie de Droit International de La Haye 1958-1973

box 18, folder 12

Association des Journalistes Périodiques Belges et Etrangers undated

box 18, folder 13-14

Association of Bulgarian Political Emigrés in Switzerland 1977-1981

box 18, folder 15

Atanasov, Georgi 1972-1979

box 18, folder 16

Athenoux, Andre 1968

box 18, folder 17

Austin, Ludmila 1964-1980

box 19, folder 1-2

Avramov, Assen 1964-1968

box 19, folder 3

Azikiwe, N. 1968

box 19, folder 4

Bakaloff, D. 1956-1958

box 19, folder 5

Balabanoff, Nicolas 1965

box 19, folder 6

Balabanski, Maximilian 1962-1964

box 19, folder 7

Balev, Kalcho 1969

box 19, folder 8

Bankov, Stephan 1981-1982

box 19, folder 9

Bankovski, Ivan M. 1966-1983

box 19, folder 10

Barbaglia, Adriana and Virginio 1961-1965

box 19, folder 11

Barev, Tsenko 1977

General note

See Bulgarski Zemledelski Naroden Soiuz
box 19, folder 12

Bartell, Robert M. (Liberty Lobby) 1977

box 19, folder 13

Batcharoff, Pavel and Anna 1957-1967

box 19, folder 14

Batut, C. undated

box 19, folder 15

Baumont, Maurice 1964

box 19, folder 16

Baytcheff, Captain 1966

box 20, folder 1

Bellan, Bruno (Fronte Unitario Anticomunista) 1971-1980

box 20, folder 2

Bello, Enrico del 1977-1978

box 20, folder 3

Beltrametti, Eggardo 1974

box 20, folder 4

Benaroya-Sherwood, Mrs. 1968

box 20, folder 5

Benkov, Ivan 1978-1979

box 20, folder 6

Bernard, Frère 1974


Berov, A.

General note

See Bulgarian-Makedonial Cultural Society "Izgnanik"
box 20, folder 7

Berrier, Madeleine 1960-1967

box 20, folder 8

Besher, Aysha 1976-1980

box 20, folder 9

Biasibetti, Monique 1982

box 20, folder 10

Biblioteca Civica, Verona, Italy 1974

box 20, folder 11

Bibliothèque Nationale (Olivenbaum, Léo), Paris 1967

box 20, folder 12-13

Blatchford, Irma Gabriella 1958-1974

box 20, folder 14

Bliznakov, Emile 1978-1979

box 20, folder 15

Bodsoy, Nicole undated

box 20, folder 16

Boissenin, Jean-Michel and Anastasia 1957-1982

box 20, folder 17

Bojadjieff, Maria Anguelova 1960

box 20, folder 18

Bojadjieff, Jordan 1976

box 20, folder 19

Bojadzhiev, Emil 1980

box 20, folder 20

Bonavita, Erminia (Chicchi) 1961-1964

box 20, folder 21

Bonnet, Rachel 1958

box 20, folder 22

Bosch, Vincent van den, . 1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes his article "Le dictateur"
box 20, folder 23

Boudier, Thuy undated

box 20, folder 24

Boumard, Marie-Cécile 1959

box 20, folder 25

Boutemail, Pierre-Hervé, Mrs. 1956-1960

box 20, folder 26

Boyadjieff, Christo 1968-1983

box 20, folder 27

Boysson, Gaëtan and Edith de 1956-1960

box 20, folder 28

Braglia, Erika 1972-1978

box 20, folder 29

Brizay, Jean-Pierre (Michaud Brizay Pestel-Debord) 1982

box 20, folder 30

Broucayrol, Jacqueline 1958

box 20, folder 31

Bulgarian-Makedonial Cultural Society "Izgnanik," 1970-1971

box 20, folder 32

Bulgarian National Front 1949-1981

box 20, folder 33

Bulgarski Zemledelski Naroden Soiuz 1973-1981

box 20, folder 34

Bureau d'Accueil & d'Information pour les Etudiants Etrangers 1957

box 20, folder 35

Cailly, Miss 1956

box 20, folder 36

Carle, Rémy 1957

box 20, folder 37

Catholic Church 1971

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Cardinal Angelo dell'Acqua and several others, relating mostly to the Catholic Church in Bulgaria
box 20, folder 38

Centre d'Education Politique (Conférence Olivaint) 1958-1960

box 20, folder 39

Chalukoff, Dimiter and Judith 1970

box 20, folder 40

Chantraine, Alexis and Jeanne 1956-1972

box 21, folder 1

Chappée, Louis, Mrs. 1961

box 21, folder 2

Charles-Vincent, Frère 1957

box 21, folder 3

Charron, René 1957-1966

box 21, folder 4

Chassaignon de Cazes, Valentine 1974

box 21, folder 5

Chefakat, Francesca 1983

box 21, folder 6

Cheng, Wei-yuan 1983

box 21, folder 7

Chenkov, Georgi 1964-1966

box 21, folder 8

Cheysson, Claude 1975-1979

box 21, folder 9

Chobanov, Gancho 1971-1975

box 21, folder 10

Chopova, Mira undated


Christoff, Nancy 1974

box 21, folder 11

Christophorov, Pierre and Nadia 1968-1972

box 21, folder 12

Christov, Boris 1970

box 21, folder 13

Christov, Luben M. 1965-1968

box 21, folder 14

Christov, Milko 1974-1983

box 21, folder 15

Chrobok, Bronislaw, Mrs. (Princess Maria Luisa of Bulgaria) 1964-1971

box 21, folder 16

Cino del Duca, S., Mrs. 1969

box 21, folder 17

Civiltà cristiana 1976-1978

box 21, folder 18

Cliquet, René, Mrs. (Poucette), . 1982-1983

General note

See also SUBJECT FILE/Amitiés Belgo-Chinoises
box 21, folder 19

Coêlho, Anamaria and Osvaldo 1958-1961

box 21, folder 20

Comité International pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme en U.R.S.S. undated

box 21, folder 21

Conseil Représentatif des Juifs de France (Moch, M.) 1969

box 21, folder 22

Cou, Georges undated

box 21, folder 23-24

Cristofv, Daphne Kremena 1965-1978

box 21, folder 25

Cukier, Marysia 1980

box 21, folder 26

Cuny, Hubert 1972

box 21, folder 27

Dachy, Marc 1983

box 21, folder 28

Dami, Aldo 1975-1977

box 22, folder 1

Dandulova, Raina 1965-1968

box 22, folder 2

Darby, Douglas and Esmi Jean undated

box 22, folder 3

David, Paul 1962-1963

box 22, folder 4

Davidoff, David 1967-1981

box 22, folder 5-6

Davidov, Albert 1965

box 22, folder 7

Déjardin, Léon 1956-1962

box 22, folder 8

Delabarre, Colette and Pierre 1984

box 22, folder 9

Delpey, Roger 1966-1968

box 22, folder 10

Deltcheff, Pierre 1974-1982

box 22, folder 11

Democrazia Cristiana (Fincati, Claudio), Rome 1962

box 22, folder 12

Derebanova, Eli 1970-1979

box 22, folder 13

Desris, John (Cross Publications) 1969

box 22, folder 14

Didoff, Gueorgui 1968-1976

box 22, folder 15

Dilovski, Ivan 1982

box 22, folder 16

Dimanow, Theodor 1971-1972

box 22, folder 17

Dimitrieva, B. 1969

box 22, folder 18

Dimitroff, G. M. 1948-1970

box 22, folder 19

Dimitroff, Ivan and Tsvetanka 1967-1969

box 22, folder 20

Dimitroff, Pachanko 1966

box 22, folder 21

Dimitroff, Pavel 1961-1968

box 22, folder 22

Dimitroff, Stancho 1972

box 22, folder 23

Dimitroff, Ventseslav 1975-1982

box 23, folder 1

Dimitrov, Boris 1971-1980

box 23, folder 2

Dimitrov, D. 1983

box 23, folder 3

Dimitrov, Ivan 1968-1959

box 23, folder 4

Dimitrov, Jordan and Johanka 1965-1969

box 23, folder 5

Dimizkov, Stanislav Kostov 1957-1964

box 23, folder 6

Dobruszkes, A. 1983

box 23, folder 7

Doloka-Kaleva, Irene 1965-1966


Dotcheff, Ivan

General note

See Bulgarian National Front
box 23, folder 8

Draisma, G. J. H. 1964-1965

box 23, folder 9

Drenikova-Daskalova, Jeanna 1957-1966

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence regarding her son pianist Ivan Drenikoff
box 23, folder 10

Duchâteau, André 1961

box 23, folder 11

Durand-Texte, Gérard 1967

box 23, folder 12

Dushnyck, Walter ( The Ukrainian Quarterly) 1973

box 23, folder 13

Eckhardt, Thorvi (Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Südostforschung der Universität Wien) 1975

box 23, folder 14

Eldarov, Giorgio 1963-1972

box 23, folder 15

Elhadad, René 1961-1971

box 23, folder 16

Eller, Carolus 1969

box 23, folder 17

Emision Bulgara, Radio Nacional de España, Madrid 1958-1961

box 23, folder 18

Enev, Mr. 1983

box 23, folder 19

Etimov, Dimiter 1966-1977

box 23, folder 20-21

Etinoff, Nedko S. 1959-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes his correspondence and documents as a representative of the Bulgarian National Committee in Lebanon, 1952-1965
box 24, folder 1-3

Etinoff, Nedko S. 1959-1982

Scope and Contents note

Includes his correspondence and documents as a representative of the Bulgarian National Committee in Lebanon, 1952-1965
box 24, folder 4

European Freedom Council (Lombardo, Ivan Matteo) 1964-1973

box 24, folder 5

Fialon, Olivier 1981

box 24, folder 6

Fierens, Jan L. 1962-1972

box 24, folder 7

Fleury, Serge 1965-1968

box 24, folder 8

France. Ambassade (Yugoslavie) (Francfort, P.) 1968

box 24, folder 9

Franco, Ivan undated

box 24, folder 10

Frateva-Gianni, Marta-Zena 1958-1960

box 24, folder 11

Friedensohn, Rachel (Elly) 1970-1983

box 24, folder 12

Gabenski, Dora 1965-1982

General note

See also SUBJECT FILE/Gabenski, Ivanko
box 24, folder 13-14

Gagov, Joseph M. 1948-1954

General note

See also SUBJECT FILE/Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari and Gagov, Joseph M.
box 25, folder 1

Gail, Mildred Ann 1960-1962

box 25, folder 2

Garan, Sulhi undated

box 25, folder 3

Gargari, Mirella 1960-1963


Garnevski, Andrei.

General note

box 25, folder 4

Gaucher, Roland 1966-1967

box 25, folder 5

Geeraert, Geneviève 1971

box 25, folder 6

Genovesi, Luis (Confederación de Organizaciones Anticomunistas República Argentina) 1976

box 25, folder 7

Georgieff, James D. 1977-1983

box 25, folder 8

Gerchev, Stephan Petrov 1976

box 25, folder 9

Gerganov, Doncho 1977

box 25, folder 10

Ghelev, Jivko 1974-1982

box 25, folder 11

Gibault, François 1957-1960

box 25, folder 12

Giordano, I. (alias Kostoff, Nikola) undated

box 25, folder 13

Gloukhov, Mikhail 1975-1977

box 25, folder 14

Gobbi, Franco 1963-1971

box 25, folder 15

Goranoff, Kyrill 1976-1981

box 25, folder 16

Gorazd, Archimandrite.

Scope and Contents note

Includes articles on the history of Bulgaria, 1971-1976
box 25, folder 17

Gradizione Famiglia Proprietà 1981

box 25, folder 18

Gribeauval, Eugène 1957-1958

box 25, folder 19

Grigoriv, Georgi 1970-1982

box 26, folder 1

Gueneva, Ina 1957

box 26, folder 2

Gueorgieff, A. 1968


Guentcheff, Georges

box 26, folder 3-4


box 26, folder 5


box 26, folder 6

Gueorguieff, Gueorgiu 1957-1981

box 26, folder 7

Gueorguiev, Petco 1960-1976

box 27, folder 1

Guermanoff, Dimitri 1976

box 27, folder 2-3

Guisset, Jean-Claude 1958-1973

box 27, folder 4

Gun, Nerin E. 1981

box 27, folder 5

Hadji Dimitrov, Peter 1976-1981

box 27, folder 6-7

Hague Academy of International Law 1957-1969

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Professor Dupuy relating to Kyril Drenikoff's participation in the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches auprès de l'Académie de Droit International de La Haye
box 27, folder 8

Haïmoff, Adolphe 1969

box 27, folder 9

Hefer, Stjepan (Croatian Liberation Movement) 1969-1971

box 27, folder 10

Héraud, Guy (Institut de Droit et d'Economie Comparés) 1967

box 27, folder 11-13

Hilderson, Ady 1958-1983

box 27, folder 14

Histoire pour tous (Ollive, R.) 1969-1971

box 27, folder 15

Horizonte Asiatico (Paloma Hayu) 1982-1983

box 27, folder 16-17

Hortelano, Antonio 1959-1972

box 28, folder 1

Hsia Jue-fen, Josephine 1971-1981

box 28, folder 2

Ichkarov, Metodi 1976

box 28, folder 3

Ignatov, J. 1980

box 28, folder 4

Iliu, Julia F. 1980-1983

box 28, folder 5

Inkov, Dimiter 1975

box 28, folder 6-7

Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes (Frère Antel and others)

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with the Confédération Mondiale des Anciens Elèves des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes, and with Después, 1956-1980
box 28, folder 8

Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales (Paris)

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with the Association des Etudes Internationales, 1963-1967
box 28, folder 9-10

Intercercle 1957-1959

box 28, folder 11

International Advisory Council undated

box 28, folder 12

International PEN (A World Association of Writers: London Centre for Writers in Exile) 1974

box 28, folder 13

Ionkoff, Ilia (Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Paris) 1963

box 28, folder 14

Isakov, A. D. 1977-1983

box 28, folder 15

Isorni, Jacques 1968

box 28, folder 16

Ivanov, Ilian 1969

box 28, folder 17

Ivanov, Kiril 1977-1982

box 28, folder 18

Ivanov, Mr. 1967

box 28, folder 19

Ivanov, Tsanko ( Zora) 1976

box 28, folder 20

Ivanov, Zakhari 1983

box 28, folder 21

Ivantchev, Borislav G. 1969-1975

box 28, folder 22

Jaeger, Corinne undated

box 28, folder 23

Jaegher, Raymond J. de (Asian Speakers Bureau) 1970

box 28, folder 24

Jevremolic, Josephine and Milan E. 1965

box 28, folder 25

Joannis, Léon de, Mrs. 1959

box 29, folder 1

Jonet, Jacques G. and Martine 1982

box 29, folder 2-3

Jongenelen-Hamburger, Ineke 1958-1981

box 29, folder 4

Jordanova, Radka 1974

box 29, folder 5

Jordis von Lohausen, H. 1972

box 29, folder 6

Karadzhova, Fiorela 1953-1958

box 29, folder 7-8

Karaivanov, Vasilii 1962-1983

box 29, folder 9

Karamihailov, Kosta 1969

box 29, folder 10

Karanescheff, Kosta 1970-1972

box 29, folder 11

Karastoianova, Lilet 1983

box 29, folder 12

Katzarov, Konstantin 1968


Kermekchieva, Zlatka

box 29, folder 13


box 29, folder 14


box 29, folder 15


box 30, folder 1

Khaiautov, Georgi 1968-1972

box 30, folder 2

Kitanoff, Kiril 1968-1972

box 30, folder 3

Klark, Reina 1982

box 30, folder 4

Klymuk, Halya 1972-1978

box 30, folder 5

Kokic, Ivica 1983

box 30, folder 6

Konstantinoff, Ivan and Annemarie Haering 1977-1978

box 30, folder 7

Koroloff, Larry 1978

box 30, folder 8

Kosowski, Radoslaw 1982

box 30, folder 9

Kostantina, Pencheva 1975

box 30, folder 10

Kostov, Vladimir 1983

box 30, folder 11

Kosyk, W. (Union des Ukrainiens de France, L'Est européen) 1967-1981

box 30, folder 12

Kotarowa, C. 1967

box 30, folder 13

Kourev, Koncho 1970

box 30, folder 14

Kowal, Omelian undated

box 30, folder 15

Kozhikharov, V. 1981

box 30, folder 16

Kraus, Milka 1974

box 30, folder 17

Krstev, Dimitar 1976

box 30, folder 18

Ku, Cheng-kang 1983

box 30, folder 19

Kuchar, Roman 1969

box 30, folder 20

Kukuzel, Georgi undated

box 30, folder 21

Kurteff, Kristo 1981-1982

box 30, folder 22

Kuzmanov, Strazhik 1978-1979

box 30, folder 23

Lançon, M. 1956

box 30, folder 24

Lawrence, John (Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism) 1972

box 30, folder 25

Lazarew, George 1968

box 30, folder 26

Lefort-Lavauzelle, Silvie undated

box 30, folder 27

Legrand, Marcel and Michèle 1967-1980

box 30, folder 28

Lemmens, N. 1972

box 30, folder 29

Levordashky, Stefan 1973

box 30, folder 30-31

Ligue Royale Belge d'Athlétisme (Emile Clemmé and Edouard Hermès) 1964

box 30, folder 32

Liutikov, K. 1976-1982

box 30, folder 33

Loos, Jean 1956-1970

box 30, folder 34

Lopatnik, Fernand and Nelly 1956

box 30, folder 35

Lopatnik, R. 1958

box 30, folder 36

Lotthé-Villette, S. 1961-1962

box 30, folder 37

Loverdo, Costa de 1966-1967

box 30, folder 38

Lyautey, Pierre 1967-1969

box 30, folder 39

MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation 1979

box 30, folder 40

Machev, Anton 1982

box 30, folder 41

Magnino, Leo 1963-1973

box 30, folder 42

Maier, Levi 1975

box 30, folder 43

Maineri, Lenore 1962-1967

box 30, folder 44

Maison de Victor Hugo (Martine Ecalle) 1968

box 30, folder 45

Maître, Jean and Antoinette 1960-1978

box 30, folder 46

Mamarcheva, Giovanna 1964-1966

box 30, folder 47

Manceau, Marie-Thérèse 1959

box 30, folder 48

Marès, Roger and Catherine 1961-1965

box 30, folder 49

Margarita, Queen of Bulgaria 1964-1973

box 31, folder 1

Marie de Sainte Anne, Soeur 1959

box 31, folder 2

Marinof, Bogomil 1967-1972

box 31, folder 3

Marinov, Stefan 1979-1983

box 31, folder 4

Mariotte, Pierre 1956-1957

box 31, folder 5

Markov, N. 1964

box 31, folder 6

Marolleau, Georges (Oeuvre d'Orient) 1957-1971

box 31, folder 7

Martchevski, Dimitre M. 1958-1965

box 31, folder 8

Matheeff, Mitko 1973-1983

box 31, folder 9

Maximy, René de 1958-1969

box 31, folder 10

Mazon, André 1966-1967

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with daughter Jacqueline
box 31, folder 11

Mazzocchi, Anna 1963-1964

box 31, folder 12

Mei, Chang-ling (China Television Company) 1981

box 31, folder 13

Mikhailov, Ivan 1968-1980

box 31, folder 14

Milkov, Nikolaï 1966-1977

box 31, folder 15

Mills, Beaudoin (E. R. Lloyd and Company) 1960-1961

box 31, folder 16-17

Miltschewa, Mila 1973-1983

box 31, folder 18

Minko, Marinoff 1966

box 31, folder 19

Miranda, Pacita M. 1971-1983

box 32, folder 1

Mishev, Altsek 1978

box 32, folder 2

Monovsky, Mr. 1982

box 32, folder 3

Monsch, Charles 1959-1973

box 32, folder 4

Montdor, Viviana and Jorge 1961-1981

box 32, folder 5

Morley, Joseph and Erna 1965-1982

box 32, folder 6

Mosquera, Maria Eulalia 1959-1982

box 32, folder 7

Moura, Laércio Dias de 1959-1973


Mumenthaler, Adrienne 1977-1981

General note

See Association of Bulgarian Political Emigrés in Switzerland
box 32, folder 8

Musée de la Légion d'Honneur (Ducourtial, C.) 1967

box 32, folder 9

Musée Victor Hugo 1968

box 32, folder 10

Mussault family 1956-1959

box 32, folder 11

Naslednikov, Boris 1972

box 32, folder 12

Nasteva, Maria 1957-1958

box 32, folder 13

La nation européenne 1968

box 32, folder 14

Nebollieff, Michael 1962-1967

box 32, folder 15

New Hungarian Quarterly 1977

box 32, folder 16

Nicolas, Colette 1959-1983

box 32, folder 17

Nicolov, Asen 1970-1980

box 32, folder 18

Nikolaeva, Rada 1980

box 32, folder 19

Nizamoff, Christo N. undated

box 32, folder 20

Noeff, Georgi 1970-1981

box 32, folder 21

Noël, Gérard M. (Europex) 1957-1963

box 32, folder 22

Noikov, Stephan 1961

box 33, folder 1-2

Norberg, May-Britt 1958-1972

box 33, folder 3

Noronha da Costa, Marcus Soares de Albergaria de 1965-1968

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Eduardo Nuñes regarding the film on Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria
box 33, folder 4

Nurigiani, Giorgio 1962-1965

box 33, folder 5

Onfroy, M. 1968

box 33, folder 6

Oostpriesterhulp vzwd 1963

box 33, folder 7

Oren, Nisan 1982


Organisation Mondiale de la Presse Périodique

General note

See Association des Journalistes Périodiques Belges et Etrangers
box 33, folder 8

Osogovski, Iakim undated

box 33, folder 9

Oster, Achim 1969-1983

box 33, folder 10

Oswald-Léon, Frère 1956

box 33, folder 11-12

Oundjieff, Christo M. (Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation) 1958-1981

box 33, folder 13

Pace, Dominique D. di 1961-1964

box 33, folder 14

Pacheff, Jordan 1957-1958

box 33, folder 15

Palmer, Mara 1964

box 33, folder 16

Panayotof, Panayot and Dora 1970-1981

box 33, folder 17

Panev, S. 1978

box 33, folder 18

Panitza, Dimi 1965-1969

box 33, folder 19

Papazoff, Georges 1966-1972

box 33, folder 20

Papp, Victor A. (Voice of America) 1979


Paprikoff, George I.

box 34, folder 1-2


box 34, folder 3


box 34, folder 4

Passos, J. Alfonso de Moraes 1973

box 34, folder 5

Pasternak, Marika and Ivan 1975-1981

box 34, folder 6

Pavlova, Penka 1980-1982

box 34, folder 7

Pcinski, Prohor 1969-1982

box 34, folder 8

Péchaudra, Françoise and J.-M. 1957

box 34, folder 9

Peev, Krazimir 1979-1981

box 34, folder 10

Peev and Popov 1983

box 34, folder 11

Peichinoff, Augustin 1966-1968

box 34, folder 12

Peissel, Jean-Claude 1959-1966

box 34, folder 13

Peissel, Michel and Marie-Claire undated

box 35, folder 1

Peitchev, Velitchko P. 1978-1982

box 35, folder 2

Penev, Loudvig P. 1967-1968

box 35, folder 3

Penew, Doichin 1977-1983

box 35, folder 4

Persévérance-Victor, Frère 1956-1962

box 35, folder 5

Pervanov, Veselin 1975-1982

box 35, folder 6

Petkoff, Stefan 1968-1969

box 35, folder 7

Petroff, Georgi 1966-1982

box 35, folder 8

Petroff, Peter 1979

box 35, folder 9

Petrov, Lüben 1976-1978

box 35, folder 10

Peyev, Jordan V. 1963-1964

box 35, folder 11

Pierre-Marie, Frère 1958-1964

box 35, folder 12

Pierson, Paulette and Paul-Louis undated

box 35, folder 13

Pisanelli, Federica 1980-1981

box 35, folder 14

Plackov, Vincentius M. 1962-1967

box 35, folder 15

Plumier, Guy 1971-1975

box 35, folder 16

Pokorny, Ctibor Edmund 1967-1971

box 35, folder 17

Polycarpe, Frère 1956-1965

box 35, folder 18

Pondev, N. 1974-1981

box 35, folder 19-22

Poorter, Isabelle de 1981-1982

box 36, folder 1

Popoff, Christo M. 1965-1974

box 36, folder 2

Popoff, Emil 1956-1976

box 36, folder 3

Popoff, Nelly 1978-1982

box 36, folder 4

Popov, Kharalan 1983

box 36, folder 5

Popov, Ladin 1969-1976

box 36, folder 6

Popov, Pastor 1983

box 36, folder 7

Popov, Stefan 1982

box 36, folder 8

Popov, Vida A. 1978-1980

box 36, folder 9

Possony, Stefan T. and Regina 1973-1977

box 36, folder 10

Postorino-Gürowa, Penka 1983

box 36, folder 11

Pourquoi pas? undated

box 36, folder 12

Preslavski, Luka 1965


Prodanov, Dragomir

box 36, folder 13


box 36, folder 14


box 37, folder 1


box 37, folder 2

Pšeničnik, Srecko F. 1983

box 37, folder 3

Pundev, Marin 1968-1969

box 37, folder 4

Radio Free Europe 1962-1965

box 37, folder 5

Radio Vaticana 1968

box 37, folder 6

Radkova, Ivanka 1974-1977

box 37, folder 7

Raichev, Jordan 1975-1980

box 37, folder 8

Raikin, Spas T. 1976-1983

box 37, folder 9

Ranchev, Ivan 1968-1977

box 37, folder 10

Rémy, Jean (Compagnie du Cambodge) 1958

box 37, folder 11

Rencontres (J. Thomas) 1957

box 37, folder 12

Rigoni, Ernest (Comité Hongrois de Libération Nationale) 1969-1973

box 37, folder 13

Rindoff, Konstantin 1964-1965

box 37, folder 14

Rivista Italia 1983

box 37, folder 15

Robev, Ivan G. 1963-1968

box 37, folder 16-17

Rocca, Anna 1965-1967

box 38, folder 1

Rodier, Elisabeth

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with the Carmel of Sofia, Bulgaria, 1957-1963
box 38, folder 2

Rodriguez, Maria 1959-1980

box 38, folder 3

Rogel, Pierre and Micheline (Slama) 1959-1965

box 38, folder 4

Rombouts, Georges-A. 1980-1982

box 38, folder 5

Rotary International 1960

box 38, folder 6

Russewa, Milka 1968

box 38, folder 7

Ruty, Paul and Milèna 1958-1970

box 38, folder 8

Saccà, Cicita 1977-1983

box 38, folder 9

Saint Gille, Nicole 1959

box 38, folder 10

Salleh, Nooriah 1981-1983

box 38, folder 11

Sarafov, Nicolai 1981

box 38, folder 12

Savova, Elena undated

box 38, folder 13

Schekoff, Todor 1962-1981

box 38, folder 14

Schimph, Marianne 1979-1980

box 38, folder 15

Schischkoff, Georgi 1977-1981

box 38, folder 16

Schlakh Peremohy (Anathole Bedrij) 1972

box 38, folder 17

Schoen, Jean-Paul 1956-1964

box 38, folder 18

Schoffer, Karol undated

box 38, folder 19

Scott, Ludwig Arthur 1982

box 38, folder 20

Semerdjieff, Peter 1977-1982

box 38, folder 21

Senghor, Henri Arphang 1964-1980

box 38, folder 22-23

Sergheraert, Gaston (Association pour les Etudes et Recherches Historiques) 1960-1974

box 39, folder 1

Serguieff, Gueorgui 1958-1963

box 39, folder 2

Services Américains d'Information et de Relations Culturelles 1968

box 39, folder 3

Sévault family 1955-1964

box 39, folder 4

Shishkov, Peter 1958

box 39, folder 5

Shishkov, Stefan 1966-1968

box 39, folder 6

Shlendern-Staikova, Natska 1977

box 39, folder 7

Shrestha, N. D. 1983

box 39, folder 8

Shumanov, Iskar 1973

box 39, folder 9

Siderov, K. 1966

box 39, folder 10

Siklunoff, Mr. undated

box 39, folder 11-19

Simeon II, King of Bulgaria 1961-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes related material
box 39, folder 20

Simeonov, Peter 1970-1981

box 39, folder 21

Simov, Vasko 1958

box 40, folder 1

Sipkov, Ivan (United States. Library of Congress) 1968-1975

box 40, folder 2

Sirakoff 1968

box 40, folder 3

Skarlatti, Alexander 1978-1979

box 40, folder 4

Skerlev, Stratiia 1971-1974

box 40, folder 5

Slavenov, B. 1978

Scope and Contents note

Includes list of Bulgarians in Trieste who donated money for Easter
box 40, folder 6

Société Macédonienne "Todor Alexandroff," 1970-1980

box 40, folder 7

Sofoklieva, Mrs. 1983

box 40, folder 8

Sofranov, Ivan 1962-1980

box 40, folder 9

Souza Neto, Alipio Henrique de 1965-1969

box 40, folder 10

Spina, Monseigneur 1962

box 40, folder 11

Stanchova, Elena 1964-1973

box 40, folder 12

Stancioff, Feodora 1968-1969

box 40, folder 13

Stantchev, Mihaïl 1973-1976

box 40, folder 14

Stateff, Dimko and Anna 1967-1977

box 40, folder 15

Statkov, Boriana 1957-1976

box 40, folder 16

Statkov, D. 1979-1982

box 40, folder 17

Stawrowsky, Alexis 1964-1966

box 40, folder 18

Stefanov, Ilia 1978-1981

box 40, folder 19

Stelson, Stelios M. 1976

box 40, folder 20

Stewart-Smith, Geoffrey 1971-1972

box 40, folder 21

Stoeff, Dimo 1980-1982

box 40, folder 22

Storia illustrata 1970

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence regarding Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria
box 40, folder 23

Stoyanov, Stoian 1968

box 40, folder 24

Stoykov family 1957-1985

box 40, folder 25

Surbiguet, Marcel and Brigitte 1964-1982

box 40, folder 26

Suzko, Sonia 1970-1972

box 40, folder 27

Tabakov, George A. 1968-1978

box 40, folder 28

Tabakov, Stefan 1971-1979

box 40, folder 29

Tamamdjïéva, Julia 1977

box 40, folder 30

Tarnovalisky, Iosif 1961-1968

box 41, folder 1

Tcharaktchiev, Simeon 1975


Tejas, Juan

General note

See Emision Bulgara
box 41, folder 2

Tenev, Getcho 1976

box 41, folder 3

Terziisky, M. I. 1981

box 41, folder 4

Testa, Cardinal 1962-1967

box 41, folder 5

Ti-Wiss, Mr. 1960-1962

box 41, folder 6

Tisserant, Eugène 1961-1970

box 41, folder 7

Todorov, Kosta 1968-1982

box 41, folder 8-9

Tontscheff, Kanio and Todor 1958-1968

box 41, folder 10

Toschkoff, Nicolai and Bistra 1966

box 41, folder 11

Trantcheva, Demi 1964-1965

box 41, folder 12-13

Trapp, Martin van Kley 1958-1968

box 41, folder 14

Trepkoff, Tsone 1967-1973

box 41, folder 15

Troisi, Alfredo and Ornella 1967-1983

box 42, folder 1

Troubnikoff, Andrei 1967-1970

box 42, folder 2

Tschekounoff, S. 1967

box 42, folder 3

Tzokov, Manol 1980

box 42, folder 4

Tzolov family 1947-1961

box 42, folder 5

Ungerer, Sava 1969-1975

box 42, folder 6

United Bible Societies 1969

box 42, folder 7

Uwechue, Raph C. (Centre Historique Biafrais) 1968

box 42, folder 8

Vankerkhoven, Paul (European Parliament) undated

box 42, folder 9

Vankov, Ilia 1981-1983

box 42, folder 10

Vanuxem, Paul undated

box 42, folder 11

Vassileff, Boris H. 1960-1973

box 42, folder 12

Vassileff, Vassil 1956-1960

box 42, folder 13

Vazov, D. 1974-1976

box 42, folder 14

Veillet-Lavallée family undated

box 42, folder 15

Velayos, Margarita and Ramón 1958-1969

box 42, folder 16

Velazquez-Muñoz, Gabriel 1960-1965


Velizarov, Bogdan

General note

See SUBJECT FILE/Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari
box 42, folder 17

Velkov, James D. 1976-1977

box 42, folder 18

Veltchev, Georgi Georgiev 1971

box 42, folder 19-20

Verga family 1958-1979

box 43, folder 1

Verga family 1958-1979

box 43, folder 2

Viellard, Bruno 1963

box 43, folder 3

Vulchev, Antim 1982

box 43, folder 4-5

Waltscheff, Dimitre 1967-1981

box 43, folder 6

Weltscheff, Vladimir 1968-1983

box 43, folder 7

Witochynsky, Laryssa 1970-1977

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with husband Jean-François Drouard
box 43, folder 8

Wolf, Ernesto and Liuba (Bojadjieva) 1966-1967

box 43, folder 9

Woo, Jae-Seung 1983

box 43, folder 10

Wouytch, Nicolas de (Chancellerie de S.A.I. le Grand Duc Wladimir de Russie) 1968-1969

Scope and Contents note

Includes a proclamation by the Grand Duc Wladimir of Russia relating to the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
box 43, folder 11

Wytenus, Lauraine 1981

box 43, folder 12

Yoo, Hak-seong undated

box 43, folder 13

Yturriaga Barberan, Jose Antonio de 1967

box 43, folder 14

Yu, Melissa (National Taiwan University) 1981

box 43, folder 15

Zagorsky, Dragomir 1975-1982

box 43, folder 16

Zagorsky, Iosif 1978-1983

box 43, folder 17

Zahrai, E. 1969

box 43, folder 18

Zaimova, Zhenia 1974-1983

box 43, folder 19

Zannito, Ketty 1969-1978

box 43, folder 20

Zaphyrof, Lubomir 1966-1976

box 43, folder 21

Zevaco, Claude 1957-1976

box 43, folder 22

Zhivkov, Professor 1971-1982

box 44, folder 1

Zitoun, Raymond and Renée 1959-1960

box 44, folder 2

Zlatkoff, Lazar 1977-1979

box 44, folder 3

Zotchew, Theodor 1976

box 44, folder 4

Zourabichvili, Lévan (Centre National de Politique Géorgienne à l'Etranger) 1968-1974

box 44, folder 5

Zourabichvili, Salomé 1978

box 44, folder 6

Zupan, Jean 1957-1964

box 44, folder 7




Scope and Contents note

Articles, books, broadcasts, letters to the editor, literary criticism, reviews, speeches, and academic theses, relating mostly to Bulgarian history, politics, and culture, and to anti-communist movements, arranged chronologically by title. Quite a number of writings were published under pseudonyms, such as D. B., D. D., K. G. D., D. G., D. K. G., D. L. G., G. G., D. V., Strachimir Belphegoroff, G. Bertram, Ieromonakh Danail, Konstantin Dragashov, Gavrets, Gavriil Gorianin, Dr. Gorski, K. D. Gueorguief, Serafim Ionov, Dimiter Iskrenov, S. Kirov, Kolezhanin, G. or Georgi or Gore Lazov, Iskren Ognianov, Pantelei Petnik, G. L. Starozemets, C. D. de Velboudj, and Iurdan Zambakov. See also: SUBJECT FILE/ Kiukov, Luben.
box 44, folder 8

"Ami Bouillet," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript copy
box 44, folder 9

"André Mazon," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 10

"Angel Kunchev," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 11

"Antim," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 12

"Apogei na debeloochieto," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 13

"A propos d'une légende," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 14

"L'Archevêque Petar Partchevitch," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 15

Article on Soviet-Bulgarian relations undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 16

"Asen Peikov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 17

"Baba Tonka Obretenova" (under the pseudonym of D. D.), Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 18

"The Balkans One of the World Crisis Areas," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 19

"Belezhiti Bulgaria: Dimiter Petkov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 20

"Belezhki verkhu publikuvanit naposledokv utaliianskoto spisanie 'Ozhi' spomeni na Neino Velichestvo Tsaritsa - Maika," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 21

"Bitkata pri Klokotnina," Makedonska tribuna ('Sobitia' column) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 22

"Bogoridi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 23

Broadcast on Radio Free Europe relating to the Levant Fair, Bari, Italy undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 24

"Bulgaria," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 25

"Bulgaria v chuzhdata literatura prez 1968 godina," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 26

"Bulgaria y la monarquia," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 27

"Bulgarite," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 28

"Bulgaro-srebskite otnoshenia v navecherieto na rusko-turskata voina 1877/8 g.," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 29

"Bulgarski ordeni i medali," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 30

"Bulgarski skitsi ot Tsarigrad," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 31

"Bulgarskoto tsentralno blagotvoritelno obshchestvo i Viktor Iugo," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 32

"Chiprovskata epopeia," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript (parts 1-4)
box 44, folder 33

"Comportement de la Grèce à l'égard des communautés d'autres nationalités placées sous son autorité," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 34

"Le Congrès du MPO," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 35

"Da si sverim chasovnitsite," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 36

"Défi à la civilisation," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 37

"Deuils pour l'émigration bulgare," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 38

"Dimiter Petkov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 39

"Diplomat i vladika poboinitsi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 40

"Do pochitaemia 60-a Kongres na MPO," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 41

"Dobri Chintulov: Po sluchai denia na Narodnite buditeli," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 42

"Doktor Konstantin Irechek," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 43

"Doktor Peter Beron," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 44

"Doktor Stoian Chomakov ," (1819-1889) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 45

"Dosadno nedoglezhdane," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 46

"Du voyage organisé au faux témoignage organisé," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 47

"Dzheims Baucher," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 48

"L'écroulement des légendes," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 1

"Edin bulgarin vsred otkrivatelie na Amerika," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 2

"Edin dostoino izpolnen dolg," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 3

"Edna istina - dva arshina," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 4

"Edna izlozhba v Meksiko," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 5

"Edna malka svetinia," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 6

"Edno kameche se izpliu," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 7

"Evgeni Tiseran," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 8

"Famile royale bulgare," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 9

"Frenski vestnik za balkanskata voina," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 10

"Frenskiat kolezh Sv. Kiril i Metodi v Lozenets," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 11

"General Ivan Kolev," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 12

"General Nikola Zhekov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 13

"Georgi Benkovski," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 14

"Godishnina ot nezavisimosteta na Ukrajna," Makedonska tribuna ('Sobitia' column) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 15

"Grigori Tsamblak," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 16

"Iakim Gruev," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 17

"Iasi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 18

"Ilia Marinov - vladyka na Chiprovtsi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 19

"L'impérialisme russe et la Bulgarie," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 20

"Interesi na Negovo Velichestvo Tsaria," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 21

"Istinata e feniks" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 22

"Ivan Evstafiev Geshov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 23

"Iz chuzhdia pechat," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 24

"Iz spomenite na Ben Gurion," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 25

"Izidor Kievski," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 26

"Kak v spaseno znameto na 35-i vrachanski polk," Bulgarski voin undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 27

"Khristo Statev i mladezheta," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 28

"Kniaz Aleksander Batemberg," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 29

"Kniga koiato ne trebvashe da se napishe" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov) undated

Scope and Contents note

Review of Blago Dimitrov and Iordan Vasilev. Typescript
box 45, folder 30

"Liuben Khristov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 31

"Liubomir Miletich," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 32

"Lui Lezhe," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 33

"Maistor na chetkata i peroto," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 34

"Malek balkanski pakt," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 35

Message for the Institut des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 36

"Mikhail Takev," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 37

"Le mouvement partisan en Bulgarie," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 38

"Mozhe li oshche da se spori," Makedonska tribuna," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 39

"Mustafa Kemal Atatiurk," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 40

"Na chuzhd grob li plachat," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 41

"Neofit Bozveli khilendarski," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 42

"Note de lecture," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 43

Notes on Richard Sorge undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 44

"Une nouvelle stratégie d'action et la subversion communiste sur le plan international," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 45

"L'oeuvre des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes en Bulgarie," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 46

"Okhridskata arkhiepiskopia," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 47

"Otets Iosif Gagov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 48

"Otets Ivan Zupan Pochina," broadcast for Radio Vatican undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 49

"Otlichen priiatel na Bulgaria," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 50

"Otlichna proiava na nash sonarodnik," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 51

"Pak za komunisticheskia pechat," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 52

"Un pamphlet tendancieux et calomnieux," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 53

"Parizhki spisok na bulgarski arkhiepiskopi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 54

"Pencho Slaveikov," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 55

"Petdesiat godini ot zarobvaneto na Gruzia," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 56

"Peter Delian," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 57

"Pochitane pameteta na profesor Allo Dami," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 58

"Polkovnik Boris Stoianov Drangov," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 59

"Pour la Macédoine: Un correspondant de la presse parisienne dans les Balkans en feu ," 1912-1913 undated

Scope and Contents note

box 45, folder 60

"Pregled na novi knigi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 1

"Prelisteni stranitsy ot istoriata na bulgarskia narod: Bratia Miladinovy - Angel Konchev - Baba Tonka - Bulgarskoto opolchenie - poleta nad Odrin," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 2

"Priem v Parizhe," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 3

"Prinos kem istoriata na borbite za osvobozhdenieto na Makedonia," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 4

"Les problèmes de la lutte anti-communiste en Bulgarie," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes Spanish version
box 46, folder 5

"Purvata vozdushna bombardirovka nad Sofia: Spomen na inzh. D. Davidov," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 6

"Putevoditel 'Za nikude'" (under the pseudonym of Is. O. [Iskren Otichkov]), Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 7

"La question macédonienne," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 8

"Raiko Il. Bleskov," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 9

"Razkhodka iz edin panair," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 10

"VII Redoven Congres na Bulgarskata Liga za Pravata na Choveka," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 11

"René Sharon," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 12

"La répression communiste en Bulgarie," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 13

"Les réserves bulgares aux conventions de Genève," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 14

Review of an unidentified book on Bulgaria undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 15

Review of Zhivko Oshazkov, "Metodologicheskie problemi na edna anketa verkhu religioznosteta v Bulgaria," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 16

"La revue Latch," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 17

"Rimo-katolicheskata tserkva i makedonskite bulgari," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes French version
box 46, folder 18

"S novi sili," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 19

"S.A.R. le Prince Kyril de Preslav," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 20

"Sava Bobchev pochina," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 21

"Skrobni vesti," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 22

"Sluchaiat Borislav Ivanchev," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 23

"Sme li izpraveni pred novo robstvo?" undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 24

Speech about Bulgaria in the name of the Emigration Nationale Bulgare undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 25

Speech about Bulgarian anticommunist organizations and Korea, Seoul, Korea undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 26

Speech honoring Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 27

Speech outlining the activities of various Bulgarian anticommunist organizations undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 28

"Staline: A-t-il ordonné la mort du roi Boris III de Bulgarie?" undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes English version "Did Stalin Order King Boris III's Death?"
box 46, folder 29

Statement saluting the participants of the annual conferences organized by the European Council of Freedom and the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations (ABN) undated

box 46, folder 30

Statement upon the anniversary of the death of Ianuarius Makgahan undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 31

"Stilian Chilingirov," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 32

"Stogodishnina," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 33

"Stogodishninata ot smerta na bratia Miladinovi," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 34

"Temni oblatsi nad Balkanskiat poluostrov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 35

"Titovtsi bez maska," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 36

"Todor Aleksandrov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 37

"Tridnevni ukrainski torzhestva v Rime," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 38

"Turski danni za naselenieto na Balkanskia poluostrov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 39

"Use of Terror in Soviet Russia's Foreign Policy: The Bulgarian Case," undated

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes French version "L'usage de la terreur dans la politique étrangère russe et soviétique: Le cas bulgare"
box 46, folder 40

"V vrezka s sobitiata v Kosovo" (under the pseudonym of Is. O. [Iskren Otichkov]) undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 41

"Vasil Petleshkov," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 42

"Vazhno otkritie v sinaiskata pustinia," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 43

"Vestnik Bulgaria," undated

Scope and Contents note

Radio broadcast. Typescript
box 46, folder 44

"Victor Hugo et la Société Bulgare de Bienfaisance: Victor Hugo en faveur du peuple bulgare," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 45

"Le volcan balkanique," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 46

"Volket i ovtsete," Svoboda undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 47

"Vopros na shans: Razmishlenia na profesor Aldo Dami verkhu nespravedlivostite v istoriata," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 48

"Vozkhvala na Ilinden," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 49

"Za Bulgarskiat tsar Samuil," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 50

"Za etikata na komunisticheskite zhurnalisti," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 51

"Za gzhdulkata na tsar Danil," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 52

"Za imeto na peka Vardar," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 53

"Za obezbulgarenite Bulgari," undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 54

"Zaritali se maino de dva akademika," Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 55

"Zashcho molchite litsemeri?" Makedonska tribuna undated

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 56

Speech commemorating Captive Nations Week and the 80th anniversary of the Ilinden insurrection, . 1956

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes French version
box 47, folder 1-2

"La Bulgarie dans les relations internationales entre les deux guerres mondiales," . 1959

Scope and Contents note

Doctoral thesis, La Sorbonne, Paris. Typescript
box 47, folder 3

"La Dobroudja," . 1960

Scope and Contents note

Thesis, Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Paris. Typescript
box 47, folder 4

Essay (by Kyril Drenikoff?) on international organizations, . 1961 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes notes on the European Community by unknown author, 1969
box 47, folder 5

"Edna izkliuchitelna kniga," 1962?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Arved Viirlaid, Tombeaux sans croix. Typescript
box 47, folder 6

"Vasil Evstativ Aprilov," Svoboda, . 1962

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 7

"Novo svidetelstvuvanie," . 1963

Scope and Contents note

Review of Volodymyr Kosyk, L'Ukraine sous le joug colonial russe, 1963. Typescript
box 48, folder 1

"Rapports entre OACI et les organisations aéronautiques européennes," . 1963

Scope and Contents note

Thesis, Hague Academy of International Law. Research material and typescript
box 48, folder 2

"Aleko Konstantinov," Svoboda, . 1963 November

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 3

"Vasil Levski," Svoboda, . 1963 December

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 4

"Torzhestvata v Madrid ot 14 do 17 iuni 1965 godina po sluchai X (10) godishninata ot polnoletieto na h.v. tsar Simeon II," . 1965

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 5

Review of Bernard Moinet, L'opium rouge, . 1966

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 6

Review of Henri de Montfort, Le massacre de Katyn: Crime russe ou crime allemand?. 1966

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 7

Review of Roger Delpay, Les loups vont par deux, . 1966

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 8

Review of Teodoro Palacios, 12 ans en enfer: Capitaine Palacios, . 1966

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 9

Review of Tibor Méray, La rupture Moscou-Pékin, . 1966

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 10

Review of L'attività della Santa Sede nel 1967 1967(?)

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 11

Review of Liubomir Vankov, "Frenski elementi v Bulgarslia iazik," and Marin Pundev, "Korenite na bulgrskia natsionalism," 1967?

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 12

"Georgi Papazov," . 1967

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 13

Review of Joseph Girard-Reydet, Le père Gervais Quenard, supérieur général des Assomptionistes, , . 1967

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 14

"Lettere dall'oriente, Angelo G. Roncalli," 1968?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Angelo G. Roncalli, Lettere dall'oriente e altre inedite. Typescript
box 48, folder 15

Review of L'attività della Santa Sede nel 1968 1968(?)

Scope and Contents note

box 48, folder 16-18

L'église catholique en Bulgarie, . 1968

Scope and Contents note

Background material and reviews
box 49, folder 1

La mort mystérieuse d'un roi (under the pseudonym of Strachimir Belphegoroff), . 1968

Scope and Contents note

Typescript and galleys
box 49, folder 2

"Episkop Ilia Marinov," . 1969

Scope and Contents note

Broadcast, Radio Vatican, Bulgarian Section. Typescript
box 49, folder 3

Review of Christo Statev's brochure on the Bulgarian Communist Party, . 1969

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 4

"Stefan Stambolov," . 1969

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 5

"Sur la mort mystérieuse du roi Boris III de Bulgarie: Staline est-il coupable?" . 1969

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 6

"Sovetit v Sredizemno more," 1970?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Les Soviétiques en Méditerranée. Typescript
box 49, folder 7

"L'écroulement des légendes," La Mole, . 1970

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 8

"Lénine, créateur du système tyrannique et du nouvel empire," . 1970

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 9

"Pour l'unification et l'indépendance des nations divisées," . 1970

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 10

"Vodata na reka mesta otovena," Makedonska tribuna, . 1970

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 11

Letter to the editor regarding the death of Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria, (date written). 1970 March 12

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 12

"Palestinskata odisea," 1971?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Nedko S. Etinoff, Palestinian odyssey. Typescript
box 49, folder 13

Speech relating to Croatian independence, . 1971 April 10

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 14

"Orhrid Ekspres," Makedonska tribuna, . 1971 May

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 15

"Za roliata i za zadachata," Makedonska tribuna (under the pseudonym of Georgi Lazov), . 1971 May

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 16

"Vaticana i vtorata svetovna voina," Makedonska tribuna, . 1971 June

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 17

Speech, 50th Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1971 October

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 18

"Deklaratsiata pred suda na Valentin Moroz," . 1972 January

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 19

"Imena i fakti ot istoriata na bulgarskata natsia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1972 February

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 20

"Evreisko poselenie po bolragskite zemi," Makedonska tribuna, . 1972 October

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 21

Speech, 51st Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1972 October

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 22

"Biografia za edin diktator" (under the pseudonym of D. V.), Makedonska tribuna, . 1972 December

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 23

Review of Ivan Matekalo, Les dessous du terrorisme international 1973?

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 24

"," Svoboda, . 28 Avgust 1943 - 28 Avgust 1973 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 25

"Belezhiti bulgari," Svoboda, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes information on Dobri Chintulov, Georgi Papazov, Grigori Perlichev, and Khristofor Zhefarivitch
box 49, folder 26

"Edin unikalen bulgarski rukopis ot XVII vek" (under the pseudonym of C. de V.), Makedonska tribuna, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 27

"General Danail Nikolaev," Svoboda, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 28

"Ivan Vazov v Solun," Makedonska tribuna, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 29

"Kuzman Shapkarev," Makedonska tribuna, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 30

"Pregled na novi knigi," Svoboda, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 31

"Razgornati stranitsy ot istoriata na Bulgarskiat Narod: Subota, 26 Iuli 811 godina," Svoboda, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 32

"Skrobni vesti," Svoboda, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 33

"Stefan I. Verkovitch," Makedonska tribuna, . 1973

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 34

"Stari ungarski svedenia za Makedinia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1973 February

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 35

"The Balkanic Vulcano," . 1973 July

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 36

"Qu'est-ce qui fait trembler Moscou?" . 1973 August

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 37

Statement in the name of the Mouvement de Libération Bulgare about the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, . 1973 August 2

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 38

"Kiliinite uchilishcha v Makedinia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1973 September

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 39

Speech, 52nd Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1973 October

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 40

"A la conférence pour les minorités nationales," . 1974

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 41

"Journal bulgare pour le synode ukrainien," Shliakh peremogy, . 1974

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 42

"Letopisets na borbite i na vozzhedeliata na bratskia khorvatski narod," Makedonska tribuna, . 1974

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 43

"Une nouvelle stratégie d'action de la subversion communiste sur le plan international," . 1974

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 44

"Oskar Fingal Yaild i Bulgaria," Makedonska tribuna, . 1974

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 45

Review of René Reouven (under the pseudonym of G. L. [Georgi Lazov]), Dictionnaire des assassins 1974?

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 46

"Za pisatelite i za bukvoredachite" (under the pseudonym of G. G.) 1974?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Simeon Pravchanov, Put razmirnometezhen: Kn. za sudbata i tvorchestvoto na Khriso T. Asenov. Typescript
box 49, folder 47

Speech, 53rd Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1974 October

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 48

"Zhak Natan povdiga zavesata" (under the pseudonym of G. G.), Makedonska tribuna, . 1974 November

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 49

Review of Ivan Mikhailov, "Spomeni," . 1974 November 14

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 50

"Un manuscrit bulgare du XVIIe siècle" (under the pseudonym of C. D. de Velboudj), . 1975

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 51

"Nema go maistera" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1975

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 52

"Un seul combat, un seul but - la liberté," . 1975

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 53

"Dve godishnini," Makedonska tribuna, . 1975 January

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 54

"Poseshchenie na edin muzei," Makedonska tribuna, . 1975 March

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 55

"Da ne zabravim Tarlis," Makedonska tribuna, . 1975 July

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 56

"Ne e lud koi iziada dva zelnika" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1975 November

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 57

"Nov prevod na romana 'Pod igoto'," 1976?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Ivan Minchov Vazov, Pod igoto. Typescript
box 49, folder 58

"Ilarion Makariopolski," Svoboda, . 1976

Scope and Contents note

box 49, folder 59

"Nov vazhen trud na profesor Aldo Dami," . 1976

Scope and Contents note

Review of Aldo Dami, Les frontières européennes de 1900 à 1975 Histoire territoriale de l'Europe. Typescript
box 50, folder 1

"Razkhodka iz Tsarigrad," Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 January

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 2

"Ako mine" (under the pseudonym of Dimiter Iskrenov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 March

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 3

"Istoricheski rechnik za svetite," Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 March

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 4

"Boloto ne e cherno," . 1976 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 5

"Komunisticheskata represia v Pirinska Makedonia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 6

"Spomen za edin dostoen bulgarin" (under the pseudonym of K. G. D.), . 1976 July

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 7

"Zhivot za partiata" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 July

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 8

"Bulgarski narodni pesni: Sobrani ot Bratia Miladinovi," Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 October

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 9

Speech, 55th Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1976 October 7

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 10

"Les Balkans, point chaud de la crise mondiale," speech, Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations conference, Manchester, Great Britain, . 1976 October 15-18

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 11

"Biva, biva ama chak tolkoz" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 October 28

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 12

"Raiko Zhinzifov," Makedonska tribuna, . 1976 December

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 13

"Khrand Samuelian," Le Monde, . 1977

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 14

"La radio propagande communiste," . 1977

Scope and Contents note

Notes, typescript, and printed copy. Includes English and Spanish versions
box 50, folder 15

"Kavaleri na smerteta" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1977 January 20

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 16

"Legenda za edin rodootstupnik," Makedonska tribuna, . 1977 January 20

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 17

"Balkanski paraleli" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1977 January 28

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 18

"Edna belezhita bulgarka," Makedonska tribuna, . 1977 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 19

"Pak za devetoiunskia prevrat v 1923 godina" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1977 March 31

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 20

Speech, 56th Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, Toronto, Canada, . 1977 October

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 21

"Novo izdanie na vazhna kniga," 1978?

Scope and Contents note

Review of Ivan Mikhailov, V.M.R.O. Typescript
box 50, folder 22

"Po povod na edna stogodishnina," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 23

"Sluchaina rabota," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 March

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 24

"Na edno izlozhenie," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 25

"Za bulgarskia Tsar Samuil," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 26

"15 avgust 778 godina," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 August

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 27

"Bulgarski chitalishcha v Makedonia do Berlinskiat Kongres 1978 godina," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 August

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 28

Speech, 57th Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, Toronto, Canada, . 1978 October 5

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 29

"Falshifikatsii novi i stari," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 December

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 30

"Kem proizkhoda na makedonskit bulgari," Makedonska tribuna, . 1978 December

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 31

"Bulgarskiat komunisticheski pechat i istinata," Svoboda 1979(?)

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 32

"Novo klubno pomeshchenie na druzhestvo 'Todor Aleksandrov' v Belgia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1979

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 33

Speech, Bulgarian League on Human Rights, Brussels, Belgium, . 1979

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 34

"Stershel izbegva da zhili" (under the pseudonym of Gravets), Makedonska tribuna, . 1979

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 35

"Za etikata na komunisticheskite zhurnalisti," Svoboden narod, . 1979

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 36

"Liubopiten fakt," . 1979 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 37

"Zmia v pazvata" (under the pseudonym of Goge Lazov), Pogled, . 1979 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 38

"Ima samo Serbia" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1979 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 39

"Senzatsionno razkritie po atentata v Marsilia" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1979 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 40

"Starobulgarski nadpisi v Egeiska Makedonia," Makedonska tribuna, . 1979 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 41

Speech, 58th Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada, . 1979 October

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 42

"Apologia na predatelstvoto" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1979 November

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 43

"Da ne izvertvame istinata" (under the pseudonym of G. L. [Georgi Lazov]), Makedonska tribuna, . 1980

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 44

"Khristo Uzunov," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1980

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 45

"Parteni Zografski," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1980

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 46

"Feliks Kanits," Makedonska tribuna, . 1980 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 47

"Petishcha izverveni" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1980 February

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 48

"Iz novata entsiklopedia 'Bulgaria'" (under the pseudonym of G. L. [Georgi Lazov]), Makedonska tribuna, . 1980 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 49

"Izlozhba na dervorezbarsko izkustvo," . 1980 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 50

"Pred televizioniat ekran," . 1980 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 51

"Za Kiututsite" (under the pseudonym of G. Lazov), Makedonska tribuna, . 1980 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 52

"Zagrizhenost za polozhenieto na Balkanite," . 1980 May

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 53

Speech, Bulgarian League of Human Rights in Exile, . 1980 October 3

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 54

"Contribution à l'étude de l'héraldique bulgare," . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 55

"L'emprise soviétique sur la Bulgarie," . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 56

"Iuli Rozental," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 57

"Kiril Peichinovich," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 58

"Magda Petkanova," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 59

"La mamille royale de Bulgarie," . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 60

"Marko Tsepenkov," Makedonska tribuna ('Obrazi' column), . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 61

"Ungaria I bulgarskoto natsionalno vozrazhdane," Makedonska tribuna, . 1981

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 62

"Soviet Ascendancy on Bulgaria," speech, 14th World Anti-Communist League Conference, Taipei, . 1981 August

Scope and Contents note

box 51, folder 1-4

Bibliografi'i'a za Makedoni'i'a, . 1982

Scope and Contents note

Background material and typescript
box 52, folder 1-4

Bibliografi'i'a za Makedoni'i'a, . 1982

Scope and Contents note

Background material and typescript
box 52, folder 5

Speech, . 1982

Scope and Contents note

box 52, folder 6

"Autopsy of a Satellization," 15th World Anti-Communist League Conference, Tokyo, Japan, . 1982 December

Scope and Contents note

Typescript. Includes typescript of French version "Autopsie d'une satellisation"
box 52, folder 7

"Un peintre oublié," . 1983

Scope and Contents note

box 52, folder 8

Speech, . 1983

Scope and Contents note

box 52, folder 9

Speech, . 1983 February 26

Scope and Contents note

box 52, folder 10

Speech relating to Croatian independence, . 1983 April 9

Scope and Contents note

box 279, folder 1

Drenikoff's English translation of "Historia de Una Reencarnación" by Petroushka Tomova 2010s



Scope and Contents note

Bulletins, clippings, commemorative book, conference file, correspondence, leaflets, open letter, and press releases, related to activities of the ABL and arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 53, folder 1


box 53, folder 2

Bulletins 1972-1983

box 53, folder 3


box 53, folder 4

Commemorative book for the 30th anniversary 1973-1983


Conference file

box 53, folder 5


box 53, folder 6


box 53, folder 7


box 53, folder 8


box 53, folder 9


box 53, folder 10


box 53, folder 11


box 53, folder 12


box 53, folder 13-14


box 54, folder 1


box 54, folder 2


box 54, folder 3


box 54, folder 4


box 54, folder 5-6


box 54, folder 7


box 55, folder 1-2

Correspondence 1964-1983

box 55, folder 3


box 55, folder 4

Open letter to Richard Nixon 1972 December 26

box 55, folder 5

Press release undated



Scope and Contents note

Clippings, conference file, correspondence, press releases, and miscellany related to activities of the WACL, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 55, folder 6


box 55, folder 7


box 56, folder 1



Conference file

box 56, folder 2

4th : : Kyoto-Tokyo, Japan 1970

box 56, folder 3-4

5th : : Manila, Philippines 1971

box 56, folder 5-6

6th : : Mexico City, Mexico 1972

box 57, folder 1-3

6th : : Mexico City, Mexico 1972

box 57, folder 4-6

7th : : London, Great Britain 1973

box 57, folder 7

7th [sic] : : Washington, D.C., United States 1974

box 58, folder 1-3

7th [sic] : : Washington, D.C., United States 1974

box 58, folder 4-6

8th : : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1975

box 58, folder 7

9th : : Seoul, Korea 1976

box 59, folder 1-5

9th : : Seoul, Korea 1976

box 59, folder 6-7

10th : : Taipei, Republic of China 1977

box 60, folder 1

10th : : Taipei, Republic of China 1977

box 60, folder 2-3

11th : : Washington, D.C., United States 1978

box 60, folder 4

12th : : Asunción, Paraguay 1979

box 60, folder 5

13th : : Geneva, Switzerland 1980

box 61, folder 1

13th : : Geneva, Switzerland 1980

box 61, folder 2-4

14th : : Taipei, Republic of China 1981

box 61, folder 5

15th : : Tokyo, Japan 1982

box 62, folder 1-2

15th : : Tokyo, Japan 1982

box 62, folder 3-5

16th : : Luxemburg, Luxemburg 1983



box 62, folder 6


box 63, folder 1


box 63, folder 2-3

Ku, Cheng-kang.

General note

box 63, folder 4

Labin, Suzanne

box 63, folder 5

Press releases from the Foreign Affairs Circle (British chapter of WACL between and ) on the activity of the WACL 1970 1973 1983

box 63, folder 6




Scope and Contents note

Annual report, bulletin, clippings, correspondence, membership cards, open letters, press releases, statutes, and miscellany related to activities of the League, arranged alphabetically by physical form.


box 63, folder 7-8

General 1948-1979

box 63, folder 9-10

Executive Bureau 1979-1980

box 63, folder 11

Garnevski, Andrei, . 1972-1979

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Kyril Drenikoff
box 64, folder 1

Annual report 1979-1980

box 64, folder 2

Bulletins 1975-1983

box 64, folder 3




box 64, folder 4

General 1978-1980

box 64, folder 5

Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme 1978-1980


Membership cards

box 64, folder 6-7


Scope and Contents note

Includes addresses
box 64, folder 8

World Federation members

box 64, folder 9

Open letters 1969-1980

box 64, folder 10

Press releases 1972

box 64, folder 11


box 64, folder 12




Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
box 65, folder 1

Afrique Asie 1983

box 65, folder 2

Cahiers d'études cathares 1968

box 65, folder 3

Centre d'Etudes de Politique Etrangère 1968

box 65, folder 4

Moulis, Adelin 1968

box 65, folder 5

Tajan, Jacques 1973



Scope and Contents note

Correspondence and documentation on the publication Edin Zavet, arranged alphabetically by physical form.


box 65, folder 6

Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine

box 65, folder 7

Hague Academy of International Law


Publications - Edin Zavet.

General note

See also CARD FILE


box 65, folder 8-11


box 66, folder 1-3


box 66, folder 4-6


box 66, folder 7

Articles and fragments (unpublished)

box 67, folder 1-2

Articles and fragments (unpublished)

box 67, folder 3

Lists of contributors and subscribers



Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent, and financial records.
box 67, folder 4




box 67, folder 5


box 67, folder 6

Academia Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucharest 1976-1982

box 67, folder 7

Académie Macédonienne des Sciences et des Arts, Skopje 1975-1976

box 67, folder 8

Albertini, G. (Centre d'Archives et de Documentation Politiques et Sociales) 1975

box 67, folder 9

L'alternative, Paris undated

box 67, folder 10

Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla 1973

box 67, folder 11

Atlantic Institute, Paris 1973

box 67, folder 12

Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine, Paris 1967-1983

box 67, folder 13

Buchhandlung Dialog, Frankfurt 1976

box 67, folder 14

Bulgarisches Forschungsinstitut in Österreich, Vienna 1981-1982

box 67, folder 15

Bulgarska Torgovo-Promyshlena Palata, Sofia 1974

box 67, folder 16

Bund der Vertriebenen, Bonn 1980

box 67, folder 17

Les cahiers du samizdat (Meeûs, Anthony de) 1977

box 67, folder 18

Chrisroff, Nancy 1974

box 68, folder 1

Commission Internationale de Juristes, Genève 1973

box 68, folder 2

Communauté de Secours aux Églises Martyres (CSEM) 1981

box 68, folder 3

Le Courrier de la liberté, Munich 1975-1980

box 68, folder 4-7

Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia 1971-1983

box 68, folder 8

Derzhavno Arkhivno Upravlenie, Sofia 1971-1978

box 68, folder 9

E. J. Brill Leiden, Editeur et Imprimeur, Paris 1976

box 68, folder 10

Editorial Juventud, Barcelona 1977

box 68, folder 11

Grain de blé 1981

box 68, folder 12

Hemus (Foreign Trade Organization for Import and Export of Literature, Works of Fine Arts and Culture) 1972-1983

box 68, folder 13

Italy. Camera dei Deputati, Rome 1974

box 68, folder 14

Italy. Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Commissione per la Pubblicazione dei Documenti Diplomatici 1976

box 68, folder 15

Ivanov, P. ( Zora) 1982

box 68, folder 16

Janson, Charles ( Soviet Analyst) 1978

box 68, folder 17

Lashermes, Maurice 1971

box 68, folder 18

Martinus Nijhoff (Booksellers and Subscription Agents) 1983

box 68, folder 19

Missi, Paris 1982

box 68, folder 20

Rafailov, Rafael (Graficas Sorima) 1982

box 68, folder 21

Rühle-Diebener-Verlag, Stuttgart 1973

box 68, folder 22

Service Orthodoxe de Presse et d'Information, Paris 1982

box 68, folder 23

Simidžioski, Slobodan 1980-1982

box 68, folder 24

Sofia Press Agency, Sofia 1983

box 68, folder 25

Soiuz na Bulgarskite Khudozhnitsi, Sofia 1981-1982

box 69, folder 1

Tsentralna Biblioteka pri Bulgarska Akademia na Naukite, Sofia 1973-1983

box 69, folder 2

United States Information Agency (USIA) 1976

box 69, folder 3

Variorum (John Smedley), London 1982

box 69, folder 4

Velikoternovski Universitet Kiryl i Methodii, Veliko Ternovo 1973-1976

box 69, folder 5

Financial records

box 69, folder 6

Guest book



Scope and Contents note

Broadcast, edict on military spending, proclamation, script of movie about Boris III, and subject file, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 69, folder 7


box 69, folder 8

Broadcast on the 40th anniversary of his death (Radio Free Europe) 1983

box 69, folder 9

Edict on military spending 1939 March

box 69, folder 10

Proclamation 1937 June 17

box 69, folder 11

Script of movie about Boris III, entitled "A Legacy."

General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Noronha da Costa, Marcus and Storia illustrata

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with King Simeon regarding his part in the movie (draft speech included), 1967.
box 69, folder 12-14

Subject file - Joanna, queen consort of Boris, Czar of Bulgaria 1953-1983



Scope and Contents note

Announcements, biographies, bulletin, clippings, correspondence, declaration, draft reform plan, list, message, stationery, and subject file, arranged alphabetically by physical form. See also: BIOGRAPHICAL FILE/Invitations and BORIS III, CZAR OF BULGARIA FILE/Script of movie.
box 70, folder 1

Announcements 1964-1965

box 70, folder 2

Appeal to the Bulgarian people 1975



box 70, folder 3


box 70, folder 4

V sluzhba na Rodinata 1965

box 70, folder 5

Al servicio de su patria 1969

box 70, folder 6-8

Bulletin issued by His Majesty's Chancellery, entitled Mesechen osvedomotelen biuletin na kantselariiata na Negovo Velichestvo Tsaria, . 1962-1967

Scope and Contents note

Loose and bound issues. One volume includes announcements, biographies, cards, clippings, correspondence, invitations, and family tree
box 71

Bulletin issued by His Majesty's Chancellery, entitled Mesechen osvedomotelen biuletin na kantselariiata na Negovo Velichestvo Tsaria 1962-1967

Scope and Contents note

Loose and bound issues. One volume includes announcements, biographies, cards, clippings, correspondence, invitations, and family tree
box 72

Mesechen osvedomotelen biuletin na kantselariiata na Negovo Velichestvo Tsaria (continued)

box 73, folder 1

Mesechen osvedomotelen biuletin na kantselariiata na Negovo Velichestvo Tsaria (continued)

box 73, folder 2


box 73, folder 3

Correspondence, . 1952-1964

General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Simeon II, King of Bulgaria
box 73, folder 4

Declaration on the 25th anniversary of the Communist regime in Bulgaria 1969 August

box 73, folder 5

Draft reform plan for the new Bulgarian state presented to Simeon II by G. Dobrudzhanski 1958

box 73, folder 6

List of paintings in the Royal Palace in Madrid

box 73, folder 7

Message on the tenth anniversary of the Constantian Society 1980

box 73, folder 8



Subject file



box 74, folder 1

18th birthday 1955

Scope and Contents note

Includes proclamation to the Bulgarian people
box 74, folder 2

, 19th birthday 1956

box 74, folder 3

, 28th birthday and 10th anniversary of his majority 1965

box 74, folder 4

, 25th anniversary of his accession to the throne 1968

box 74, folder 5-6

Marriage, . 1962 January 20

Scope and Contents note

Lists of guests and gifts received

SUBJECT FILE 1879-1983

Scope and Contents note

Accounts, appeals, broadcasts, certificates, correspondence, declarations, lists, notes, memoranda, petitions, press releases, reports, resolutions, statutes, surveys, treaties, clippings and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 75, folder 1


box 75, folder 2

Accademia del Mediterraneo 1974-1978

box 75, folder 3

Académie Européenne de Sciences Politiques 1972-1973

box 75, folder 4

Académie Internationale D'Héraldique 1967

box 75, folder 5

ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries) 1983

box 75, folder 6-7

African countries

box 75, folder 8

Agriculture - Economic aspects

box 75, folder 9


box 75, folder 10

Aleksandur I, Prince of Bulgaria, 1857-1893 - Death

box 75, folder 11

Alet (France)

box 75, folder 12


box 75, folder 13-16

American-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church.

Scope and Contents note

Includes articles, report, petition, statutes
box 76, folder 1

American-Bulgarian Good Neighbor League

box 76, folder 2-3

American Bulgarian League 1951-1958

box 76, folder 4

American Council for World Freedom 1976

box 76, folder 5

Americano-Bulgarska Liga za Soedinenite Amerikanski Shtaty i Kanada 1965

box 76, folder 6

Amicale "Dimitre Guitchev" des Réfugiés Agrariens Bulgares en France 1961 November

box 76, folder 7-8

Amitiés Belgo-Chinoises, . 1982-1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes some biographies
box 76, folder 9

Amnesty International

box 76, folder 10

Anarkhisticheska Grupa, Sofia 1911

box 76, folder 11

Annuaire National des Lettres 1973

box 76, folder 12

Anticommunism 1974

box 76, folder 13

Anti-Communist International 1975

box 76, folder 14-15

Anti-Communist movements - Bulgaria 1975-1977

box 76, folder 16

Anti-fascist movements 1974

box 76, folder 17

Arab countries

box 77, folder 1

Archeology - Bulgaria

box 77, folder 2

Architecture - Bulgaria

box 77, folder 3

Archivo Genealogico, Madrid 1980-1981

box 77, folder 4

Art, Bulgarian 1940-1942

box 77, folder 5-6



Assassinations - Bulgaria.

General note

See Communist trials - Bulgaria
box 77, folder 7

Assemblée Internationale d'Enfants (Drapeau de la Paix), Sofia 1979 August 15-25

box 77, folder 8-10

Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN).

Scope and Contents note

Appeals, correspondence, declaration, memoranda, plans, press releases, reports, resolutions, speeches, surveys
box 78, folder 1-3

Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN).

Scope and Contents note

Appeals, correspondence, declaration, memoranda, plans, press releases, reports, resolutions, speeches, surveys
box 78, folder 4

Associatio Sanctus Benedictus Patronus Europae 1980-1981

box 78, folder 5

Association Belgo-Hispanique 1980-1981

box 78, folder 6

Association Belgo Sud-Africaine (A.B.S.A.) 1983

box 78, folder 7

Association des Hautes Etudes Internationales 1966-1968

box 78, folder 8

Association Générale des Etudiants de l'Institut Catholique

box 78, folder 9

Association "Les Amis du Théâtre Royal Parc," Brussels 1982

box 78, folder 10

Association of Confessional Lutheran Seminaries 1983

box 78, folder 11

Association pour le Développement des Echanges Linguistiques et Culturels entre la France et les Pays de l'Europe Orientale (ELCEFEO) 1977-1979

box 79, folder 1-2

Association pour les Etudes et Recherches Historiques 1959-1971

box 79, folder 3

Associazione degli Intellettuali Rifugiati in Italia, (A.I.R.I.) 1953

box 79, folder 4-7

Associazione Italia-Bulgaria, Rome.

Scope and Contents note

Includes writings and translations into Italian from Bulgarian, plays, poems, etc. by Luigi Salvini, 1954-1957
box 80, folder 1

Associazione Italiana degli Accademici del Mediterraneo 1962

box 80, folder 2

Associazione Italiana per i Rapporti Culturali con la Bulgaria 1959

box 80, folder 3

Associazione Monarchica Italo-Bulgara 1968-1970

box 80, folder 4

Astoul, Eugène (Frère Imbert-Stanislas) 1980-1981

box 80, folder 5


box 80, folder 6-7

Balkan countries

box 80, folder 8

Balkan Peninsula - Civilization - Byzantine influence

box 80, folder 9

Balkan Peninsula - History - War of 1912-1913

box 80, folder 10

Balkanski, D. V. 1968

box 80, folder 11

Baltic Committee in Scandinavia 1973


Baltic countries.

General note

See Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
box 80, folder 12

Bankov, Pastor 1982

box 80, folder 13

Basques. Letter to the editor from Guy M. Héraud

box 80, folder 14


box 80, folder 15

Becker, Robert Charles

box 80, folder 16

Bekoff, Nadji.

Scope and Contents note

Album illustrated with photographs
box 81, folder 1

Belgisch Helsinki Komitee 1980-1983

box 81, folder 2

Bertecic, Josip 1969

box 81, folder 3-4


General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Dimitroff, Ivan

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, reports and correspondence with M. T. Mbu (Chairman, Public Services Commission, Government of the Republic of Biafra) and the Ministère de la Marine of Belgium regarding Kyril Drenikoff's involvement in the sale of torpedo boats, armaments, and equipment to Biafra.
box 81, folder 5

Boev, B.

box 81, folder 6

Bogoridi, Stephan 1909

box 81, folder 7

Bonnefous, Edouard M. 1968-1971

box 81, folder 8

Bosco, Giovanni, Saint 1916

box 81, folder 9

Boukoff, Jouri

box 81, folder 10

Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property 1964-1978

box 81, folder 11

British League for European Freedom 1973-1974

box 81, folder 12

British League of Rights 1974-1981



box 81, folder 13


box 82, folder 1-6


box 83, folder 1-4

Armed Forces

box 84, folder 1-5

Armed Forces

box 85, folder 1-2

Civilization. Material related to the Bulgarian cultural week in Frankfurt at Main, . 1942

Scope and Contents note

Includes Bulgarian proverbs translated into German that may have been exhibited in Frankfurt
box 85, folder 3-4


box 85, folder 5-7

Economic conditions.

General note

See also Gabenski, Ivanko
box 86, folder 1-3

Economic conditions.

General note

See also Gabenski, Ivanko

Foreign relations

box 86, folder 4-8


Scope and Contents note

Includes treaty with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, New Zealand, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Union of South Africa, and the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1947. Also includes appendices, memoranda, reports, 1946-1948
box 87, folder 1

Serbia. Treaty 1912 February 29

box 87, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Includes offical documents in Arabic


General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Gorazd, Archimandrite
box 87, folder 3-15


box 88, folder 1-5


box 89, folder 1-4


box 89, folder 5

Uprising, - Exhibit organized by the Deutsche Liga fũr Menschenrechte 1923 (June)


Politics and government

box 89, folder 6-7


box 90, folder 1


box 90, folder 2-4

Bulgarian national organizations 1965

box 90, folder 5

Kermektchiev, Alexandre G., Le premier pas dans la vie politique des Bulgares 1905

box 90, folder 6

Prime ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1944

box 90, folder 7


box 91, folder 1-5


box 92, folder 1-4


box 93, folder 1

Social conditions.

General note

See also Soviet Union/Social conditions

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoir by unidentified author.
box 93, folder 2-8


box 94, folder 1

Bulgaria. Consulstvo (Berlin).

Scope and Contents note

Visitors book
box 94, folder 2

Bulgaria. Legatsia (France) 1956-1959

box 94, folder 3

Bulgaria. Ministerstvo na Venshnite Raboti i na Izpovedaniata 1910

box 94, folder 4

Bulgaria. Ministerstvo na Vutreshnite Raboti 1953-1971

box 94, folder 5

Bulgaria. Ministur na Voinata 1923-1930

box 94, folder 6-7

Bulgaria. Narodnoto Sobranie 1965-1977

box 94, folder 8

Bulgarian Academy of Science 1959-1978

box 95, folder 1

Bulgarian Academy of Science 1959-1978

box 95, folder 2

Bulgarian British Review 1929

box 95, folder 3-4

Bulgarian Communist Party

box 96, folder 1

Bulgarian Communist Party

box 96, folder 2

Bulgarian Escapee Program of Church World Service, New York 1955

box 96, folder 3-9

Bulgarian literature

box 97, folder 1

Bulgarian music

box 97, folder 2

Bulgarian National Agrarian Union 1982-1983

box 97, folder 3

Bulgarian National Committee "Free and Independent Bulgaria," 1967-1972

box 97, folder 4-6

Bulgarian National Front 1965-1984

box 97, folder 7

Bulgarian Olympic Committee 1980

box 97, folder 8

Bulgarian Social Center of America 1977





General note

See Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari, Rome
box 97, folder 9

North and South America 1980-1981

box 97, folder 10


box 97, folder 11

Bulgarska Liga za Pravata na Choveka

box 98, folder 1-4

Bulgarska pravoslavna tzerkvo (Bulgarian Orthodox Church) 1956-1976

box 98, folder 5

Bulgarska Sotsialisticheska Partia 1977

box 98, folder 6

Bulgarski Demokraticheski Sgovor

box 98, folder 7

Bulgarski Natsionalen Front v Amerika i Kanada, New York 1959

box 98, folder 8

Bulgarski Natsionalen Komitet 1965-1967

box 98, folder 9

Bulgarski Taen Natsionalen Komitet 1913

box 98, folder 10-11

Bulgarski Zemedielski Naroden Soiuz 1978

box 98, folder 12-13

Bulgarskia Komitet za Podpomagane na Bezhantsite Bulgari Namitashchi se v Italia, Gertsia i Turtsia 1949-1950

box 99, folder 1-2

Bulgarskia Komitet za Podpomagane na Bezhantsite Bulgari Namitashchi se v Italia, Gertsia i Turtsia 1949-1950

box 99, folder 3

Bulgarsko Osvoboditelno Dvizhenie (Bulgarian Liberation Movement) 1973-1976

box 99, folder 4

Byelorussian Liberation Front 1971-1976

box 99, folder 5

Canetti, Elias

box 99, folder 6-11

Catholic Church

box 100, folder 1-2

Catholic Church

box 100, folder 3

Central America

box 100, folder 4

Centre Culturel Sun Yat-sen 1981-1983

box 100, folder 5

Centre for International Studies Limited 1982

box 100, folder 6

Centro di Studi Storici e Politici della Reale Casa di Bulgaria 1975-1982

box 100, folder 7

Chaffanjon, Arnaud 1968-1970

box 100, folder 8

Charms and amulets

box 100, folder 9

Chevènement, Jean-Pierre 1976-1978



box 100, folder 10



Foreign public opinion, Belgian.

General note

See Human rights/China
box 100, folder 11

Choublier, Max M. 1934

box 100, folder 12

Civil rights and socialism 1969-1977

box 101, folder 1-3

Civil rights and socialism 1969-1977

box 101, folder 4

Cliquet, René, . 1983

Scope and Contents note

Includes statutes of the Fondation René Cliquet
box 101, folder 5

Collège Gevenol 1983

box 101, folder 6-7

Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari, Rome.

Scope and Contents note

Includes lists of Bulgarians in Italy and abroad
box 102, folder 1-4

Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari, Rome.

Scope and Contents note

Includes lists of Bulgarians in Italy and abroad
box 102, folder 5

Comitato per l'Amicizia e i Rapporti Culturali con la Bulgaria.

General note

See also Società Italo-Bulgara

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and lists relating to an exhibit in Sofia on Italian publishing, 1956.
box 102, folder 6

Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara 1960-1961

box 102, folder 7-8

Commission Internationale de Juristes, Brussels 1957-1964

box 102, folder 9-12

Communication and traffic - Bulgaria 1962-1969



box 103, folder 1-3


Scope and Contents note

Includes issues of Il comunismo nel mundo, 1959-1962
box 103, folder 4


box 103, folder 5-6

Eastern Europe 1975-1979

box 103, folder 7

Soviet Union

box 103, folder 8

Communist trials - Bulgaria.

Scope and Contents note

Includes lists of people sentenced to death
box 104, folder 1-2

Communist trials - Bulgaria.

Scope and Contents note

Includes lists of people sentenced to death

Concert tours

box 104, folder 3




General note

See Concert tours - Bulgaria
box 104, folder 4

Confederación Anticomunista Latinoamericana 1975-1982

box 104, folder 5

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, . 1972-1973

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on Baltic countries
box 104, folder 6


box 104, folder 7

Conservation of Natural Resources 1979

box 104, folder 8

Council Against Communist Aggression 1974-1976

box 104, folder 9

Council on American Affairs 1975

box 104, folder 10

Cristofv, Cristjo.

Scope and Contents note

Includes his correspondence and writings
box 104, folder 11

Croatian Liberation Movement 1983

box 105, folder 1

Croatian Liberation Movement 1983

box 105, folder 2-3

Cuba 1970-1978

box 105, folder 4


box 105, folder 5


box 105, folder 6

Dellin, L. A. D. 1960-1977

box 105, folder 7

Demokraticheskata partiia (Bulgaria) 1899-1910

box 105, folder 8

Deutsch-Bulgarische Gesellschaft 1937-1954

box 105, folder 9

Dimitrov, Georges 1982

box 105, folder 10

Dimizkof, Konstantin St. 1954

box 105, folder 11

Dimov-Bogoev, Cristobal 1960-1982

box 105, folder 12-13

Diplomats - Bulgaria

box 106, folder 1


box 106, folder 2

Dobrich, Lazar

box 106, folder 3

Dobroudja (Romania and Bulgaria) - History

box 106, folder 4

Druzhestvo "Todor Aleksandrov," 1961-1976

box 106, folder 5

Druzhestvoto na bulgarskite pisateli I kulturni deitsi v izgnanie (Union of Bulgarian writers in exile) 1974-1979

box 106, folder 6

Druzhestvoto na Svobodnite Bulgari v Velikobritania 1953

box 106, folder 7

Early, George H.

box 106, folder 8

Education - Bulgaria

box 106, folder 9-10

Education, Communist

box 106, folder 11

Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 1841-1910. Program of funeral ceremonial 1910 May 20

box 106, folder 12

Eichman, Adolf 1961

box 106, folder 13

Elections - Bulgaria

box 106, folder 14

Electrification - Bulgaria 1956-1971

box 106, folder 15


box 106, folder 16

Elisayeff, Boris 1980

box 106, folder 17

Euro-African Foundation 1972-1979

box 106, folder 18

Euroitalia (Agenzia Quotidiana di Informazione per la Stampa) 1978-1979

box 106, folder 19

European Community of Journalists 1962-1983

box 107, folder 1

European Community of Journalists 1962-1983

box 107, folder 2

European Conference for Human Rights and Selfdetermination 1974

box 107, folder 3-6

European countries

box 108, folder 1-3

European countries

box 109, folder 1-2

European countries

box 109, folder 3

European Federation Overseas Repatriates and East-European Refugee Organizations 1979-1983

box 109, folder 4

European Freedom Council 1971

box 109, folder 5

European Parliament Assembly

box 109, folder 6

European Union 1978-1983

box 109, folder 7-8

Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme 1978


Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria 1861-1948



box 109, folder 9

To support Russia against Germany and Austria

box 109, folder 10

To the People's Representatives

box 109, folder 11

Coat of arms

box 109, folder 12-26

Correspondence, , including with Todor Aleksandroff, Andrei Liapcheff, Mikhail Miroff, Vikenti Peev, D. Petkoff, Jiovanni Romanoff, M. Stoiloff, Damien Theelen, and Cosima Wagner 1894-1942

box 110, folder 1

Medical report 1943 August 26

box 110, folder 2

Order #1705, Sofiisko Gradsko-Obshchestvenno Upravlenie 1914 September 30

box 110, folder 3

Proclamation 1900 March 21

box 110, folder 4

Program for celebration of 28th birthday, , Plovdiv, Bulgaria 1889 February 14

box 110, folder 5

Sentence of the State Court regarding former cabinet ministers, Sofia 1903

box 110, folder 6

Water color paintings

box 110, folder 7

Figueiredo, Carlos de Newton

box 110, folder 8

Finance - Bulgaria

box 110, folder 9

Folk art - Bulgaria.

General note

See Bulgaria/Civilization
box 110, folder 10

Fondation Convergence Occidentale, Lisbon 1973-1974

box 110, folder 11

Fondation de la Confédération Mondiale des Anciens Elèves des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes 1959-1961

box 110, folder 12

Fondazione Europea Dragan 1969-1976


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

box 110, folder 13

General 1970-1975

box 111, folder 1-4

General 1970-1975

box 112, folder 1

General 1970-1975

box 112, folder 2

Coin Plan, . 1968-1970

Scope and Contents note

Includes information on Yemen
box 112, folder 3

Formentini, Antonio, . 1961-1970

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence
box 112, folder 4

Foundation of the Mexican Anticommunist Federation 1972



box 112, folder 5-6


box 112, folder 7-8


box 113, folder 1-2

Free Europe Committee 1960-1962

box 113, folder 3

Frente Unido Nacionalista

box 113, folder 4-7

Gabenski, Ivanko.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on the Bulgarian economy and on Italo-Bulgarian commercial relations
box 113, folder 8-9

Gagov, Joseph M.

General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Gagov, Joseph M.
box 114, folder 1

Gagov, Joseph M.

General note

See also CORRESPONDENCE/Gagov, Joseph M.
box 114, folder 2

Gal, Albert

box 114, folder 3

Garcia, Marianella 1983

box 114, folder 4

Gemedjisky-Rosniansky, Emilia

box 114, folder 5


box 114, folder 6

Georgiev, Asen 1963-1964

box 114, folder 7-8

Georgiev, Boris

box 114, folder 9

Gerchev, Stephan

box 114, folder 10

German-Bulgarian Association 1954-1961

box 114, folder 11


box 114, folder 12

Germany. Geheime Staatspolizei

box 114, folder 13

Gorski, Dragan 1970-1976

box 114, folder 14

Le Grand Livre du Mois 1983

box 114, folder 15-16

Grazia, Guido 1952-1975

box 114, folder 17

Great Britain

box 114, folder 18


box 115, folder 1


box 115, folder 2

Grigorenko, General

box 115, folder 3

Groueff, Stéphane

box 115, folder 4


box 115, folder 5-6

History, Modern 1925


Human rights

box 115, folder 7


General note

See also Amitiés Belgo-Chinoises

Scope and Contents note

Includes petition signed by Kyril Drenikoff and others addressed to the President of South Korea, undated, relating to Chinese citizens.
box 115, folder 8

Communist countries

box 115, folder 9

Hungary 1943

box 115, folder 10

Institut d'Etudes Balkaniques

box 115, folder 11

Institut d'Etudes Slaves 1969-1974

box 115, folder 12

Institut Economique de Paris 1983

box 115, folder 13

International Business Machines of Belgium (IBM) 1983

box 115, folder 14

International Commission of Jurists 1982

box 115, folder 15

International Committee for Unity and Universality of Culture 1959

box 115, folder 16

International Conference to Win the Cold War 1974

box 115, folder 17

International Federation for Victory over Communism 1971-1972

box 115, folder 18-19

International law

box 116, folder 1-3

International law

box 116, folder 4

International League for Human Rights, . 1973-1978

Scope and Contents note

Includes lists of members from Bulgaria
box 116, folder 5

International Press Agency 1969

box 116, folder 6

International Refugee Organization (Italy), . 1949

Scope and Contents note

Includes certificates of people who received help
box 116, folder 7

International relations and culture



box 116, folder 8-9


box 117, folder 1



Economic conditions.

General note

See Gabenski, Ivanko
box 117, folder 2

Iurikov, Vasil

box 117, folder 3

Ivanov, T.

box 117, folder 4

Javacheff, Christo

box 117, folder 5-12


box 118, folder 1

Joanna, queen consort of Boris, Czar of Bulgaria.

General note



box 118, folder 2


box 118, folder 3-6


box 119, folder 1-5


box 119, folder 6-8


box 120, folder 1-5


box 121, folder 1-2


box 121, folder 3


box 121, folder 4


box 121, folder 5

Kabinet na Demokraticheskoto Edinstvo (Bulgaria)

box 121, folder 6

Katzarov, Konstantin 1965-1980

box 121, folder 7

Kernicheva, Mencha

box 121, folder 8-9

Khmer Friendship Committee


Kiukov, Luben

box 121, folder 10

General 1967-1972


L'homme de Tchéliabinsk (translated into French by Kyril Drenikoff under the pseudonym of K. D. Gueorguief) ca. 1972

box 121, folder 11

Typescript undated

box 122, folder 1

Correspondence with or of Kyril Drenikoff, Dimco Stateff, Editions Denoël, and Marcel Legrand, . 1969-1973

Scope and Contents note

Includes contracts
box 122, folder 2

Publicity material 1972

box 122, folder 3

Komitet "Bulgaria nad Vsichko," 1973

box 122, folder 4

Komitet "Deviatii Avgust." Appeal to the Bulgarian Army


Korea (South).

General note

See Human rights/China
box 122, folder 5

Korea Security Parachute Cooperation Limited (KSPC Limited) 1982

box 122, folder 6

Kristeva, Julia

box 122, folder 7

Kurteff, Cirillo 1971-1983

box 122, folder 8

Kurteff, Kristo 1979

box 122, folder 9

Kyril, Archbishop

box 122, folder 10

Labin, Suzanne

box 122, folder 11

Latvian Welfare Fund 1973

box 122, folder 12

League of Nations 1922

box 122, folder 13

Legal services - Bulgaria 1899-1902

box 122, folder 14

Legislation - Europe 1958

box 122, folder 15

Levski, Vasil

box 122, folder 16

Liberalna partiia (Bulgaria) 1902

box 122, folder 17-18

Lithuania 1973

box 122, folder 19

Lukov, Khristo 1943

box 122, folder 20

Lulchev, Nikolai 1977

box 122, folder 21

Lutheran theology and the Catholic Church 1983



box 123, folder 1-8


box 124, folder 1


box 124, folder 2

Appeal to Macedonians for an independent Bulgaria 1901 November 17

box 124, folder 3



Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States and Canada

box 124, folder 4-6


box 124, folder 7

Youth Section (YMPO)

box 124, folder 8


box 124, folder 9

Makedono-Odrinski Komitet, Sofia 1901-1902

box 124, folder 10

Makedonski Natsionalen Komitet 1928

box 124, folder 11

Maleev, Luka 1953

box 124, folder 12

Marinoff, Slavi 1967

box 125, folder 1

Markoff, Georgi 1978-1981

box 125, folder 2

Matheeff, Mitko

box 125, folder 3-7


box 126, folder 1-2


box 126, folder 3

Medicine - Bulgaria

box 126, folder 4

Mikhailov, Ivan 1963-1974

box 126, folder 5

Mikhailov, Vasil

box 126, folder 6

Mission "Your Neighbour in Need," Bulgaria 1982

box 126, folder 7-8


box 127, folder 1-8


box 128, folder 1

Moor, Jean-Baptiste van

box 128, folder 2

Moroz, Valentin 1979

box 128, folder 3

Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union Européenne 1981-1982

box 128, folder 4

Mouvement de Libération Bulgare

box 128, folder 5

Mouvement pour la Libération de la Croatie en Belgique 1972-1982

box 128, folder 6

Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, Guatemala 1976

box 128, folder 7

Movimiento Democratico Nicaraguense, San José, Costa Rica 1983

box 128, folder 8

Mücke, Hellmuth von.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence of Zlatka Kermektchieff with Karl Dönitz and others
box 128, folder 9

Murder victims - Bulgaria.

Scope and Contents note

Includes list of concentration camps in Bulgaria
box 128, folder 10

Nakov, Andrei. Material relating to Russian art 1972-1982

box 128, folder 11

National Committee of the Union of Macedonian Emigrant Associations in Bulgaria 1928

box 128, folder 12

National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 1979

box 128, folder 13

Natsionalni Bulgarski politicheski emigrantski organizatsii 1953-1959

box 128, folder 14

Natural resources - Bulgaria

box 128, folder 15

Navachine, Dimitri

box 128, folder 16

Newspapers - Europe

box 128, folder 17

Nikolaev, N. P. 1958

box 128, folder 18

Nikoloff, Stoyan 1951-1969

box 128, folder 19

North America

box 128, folder 20

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1972

box 129, folder 1

North Korea 1978

box 129, folder 2-5

Numismatics - Bulgaria

box 129, folder 6

XI Obyknivenno Narodno Sobranie 1901



box 129, folder 7

General 1962-1976



box 129, folder 8

Died in Bulgaria 1964-1983

box 129, folder 9

Died in exile 1944-1980

box 129, folder 10

Obshchobulgarski Soiuz za Natsionalno Spasenie 1972



Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence
box 130, folder 1


box 130, folder 2


box 130, folder 3

Ordre du Rouvre 1972

box 130, folder 4

Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem

box 130, folder 5

Organisation Armée Secrète 1967

box 130, folder 6

Organizatsia "Svobodnite Bulgari," Paris 1949-1952

box 130, folder 7-9

Orthodox churches in the free world 1964-1978

box 130, folder 10

Padev, Michael 1963

box 130, folder 11

Painting - Turkey 1911

box 130, folder 12

Paneff, Dimiter

box 130, folder 13

Papen, Franz von 1969

box 130, folder 14

Peace movements

box 130, folder 15-16

Peikov, Assen 1945-1979

box 131, folder 1-3

Peikov, Ilia


Peltekoff, P.

General note

See Bulgarian National Front
box 131, folder 4

Petercheff, Richard 1979

box 131, folder 5

Petroff, Mitko

box 131, folder 6

Philosophy, Marxist 1974-1978

box 131, folder 7

The Plain-Speaker: The Organ of Integralism 1965

box 131, folder 8-9


box 132, folder 1-7


box 133, folder 1



Political humor

box 133, folder 2


box 133, folder 3

"Zad zheleznata zavesa," 1957

box 133, folder 4

Political persecution - Bulgaria 1974

box 133, folder 5

Pondeva, Raina 1978

box 133, folder 6

Popowa, S. D. 1926

box 133, folder 7


box 133, folder 8

Posnova, Irène 1961-1967

box 133, folder 9


box 133, folder 10

Quénard, Gervasio P. 1961

box 133, folder 11

Rabotnicheska Sotsialdemokraticheska Partiia (Bulgaria) 1902-1914


Radio Free Europe

box 133, folder 12-13

Broadcasts 1963-1964

box 134, folder 1

Bulgarian Press Survey 1983-1984

box 134, folder 2

Radio Maritza 1952

box 134, folder 3

Radio Sofia 1964

box 134, folder 4

Radio Vaticana 1962-1977


Radomir, Duke.

General note

See Russia - History - Alexander III
box 134, folder 5

Ragno, Gino

box 134, folder 6

Reagan, Ronald - Proclamation on the Hungarian Freedom Fighter's Day 1981 October 23


Refugees - Bulgaria.

General note

See Bulgarskia Komitet za Podpomagane na Bezhantsite Bulgari Namitashchi se v Italia, Gertsia i Turtsia; Comitato Assistènza Profughi Bulgari, Rome; Travailleurs Réfugiés Bulgares en Belgique
box 134, folder 7

Religion and politics

box 134, folder 8

Rencontres Internationales

box 134, folder 9-10


box 134, folder 11

Russia - History - Alexander III, 1881-1894. Certificate signed by Tsar Alexander honoring Duke Radomir of Bulgaria 1881 August

box 134, folder 12

Saint-Pierre, Michel

box 134, folder 13

Sakharov International Committee

box 134, folder 14

Salvini, Luigi

box 134, folder 15

Savov, Sava 1928

box 134, folder 16


box 134, folder 17

Schischkoff, Georgi 1958-1977

box 135, folder 1

Schischkoff, Stephen 1967

box 135, folder 2

Schiwkowa, Ljudmila 1981

box 135, folder 3

Sculpture - Bulgaria

box 135, folder 4

Silianoff, Eugène

box 135, folder 5

Skopska Akademia

box 135, folder 6

Slavianski Komitet v Bulgaria 1973-1982

box 135, folder 7

Slipyi, Joseph 1963-1981

box 135, folder 8

Slovo 1974 April

box 135, folder 9

Social sciences - Experiments, Rome 1963

box 135, folder 10-11

Socialist block

box 136, folder 1-2

Socialist block

box 136, folder 3

Socialist Labour Party 1945

box 136, folder 4

Sociedade de Estudos Politicos Economicos e Sociales 1975-1976

box 136, folder 5

Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale 1965

box 136, folder 6

Società Italo-Bulgara.

Scope and Contents note

Account of an exhibit in Italy of Bulgarian graphic artists
box 136, folder 7

Société Bulgare de Bienfaisance à Bucarest

box 136, folder 8

Société Sofia, Paris 1973

box 136, folder 9

Sofia State University Library

box 136, folder 10

Soiuz na Bulgarskite Pisateli

box 136, folder 11

Soiuz na Bulgarskite Revoliutsionni Komitet 1978-1979

box 136, folder 12

Sokatscheff, Narziss 1981

box 136, folder 13-14

South America


Soviet Union

box 136, folder 15-16

General 1956-1982

box 137, folder 1-3

General 1956-1982

box 137, folder 4

History - Revolution 1917-1921

box 137, folder 5

Politics and government 1967-1969

box 137, folder 6

Social conditions.

Scope and Contents note

Memoir of unidentified author
box 138, folder 1-3


box 138, folder 4-5

Spanish National Radio, Bulgarian section 1969-1963

box 138, folder 6-7

Sports - Bulgaria

box 139, folder 1

Stainov, Petko 1963-1970


Stamp collecting



General note

See CORRESPONDENCE/Azikiwe, N. and Dimitroff, Ivan (relates to the printing and issuance of Biafran stamps to benefit Biafran children)
box 139, folder 2

Bulgaria 1983

box 139, folder 3

Stanchov, Dimiter

box 139, folder 4

Stateff, Christo 1950-1967

box 139, folder 5

Stelios M. Stelson Foundation, Inc. 1975

box 139, folder 6

Stetzko, Yaroslav.

General note

box 139, folder 7

Stig, Chanel

box 139, folder 8

Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Munich 1964

box 139, folder 9

Svirdlev, Stefan

box 139, folder 10

Swedish Freedom Council 1973

box 139, folder 11

Syndicat des Journalistes et Ecrivains 1968

box 139, folder 12

Tainyi Ofitserski Soiuz

box 139, folder 13

Taiwan, Sheng yi hui (Taiwan Provincial Assembly, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan) 1983

box 139, folder 14

Talbieh Psychiatric Hospital, Jerusalem 1966

box 139, folder 15

Talmud - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

box 139, folder 16

Tarnovalisky, Andrei 1974-1976

box 139, folder 17

Tecos (Mexico) (secret society)

box 139, folder 18

Témoignages: Revue de documentation sur l'Europe centrale et orientale, Monaco 1968

box 139, folder 19

Tenev, S. 1921-1922

box 139, folder 20

Terrorism - Bulgaria

box 139, folder 21

Tilapia Food Aid Organization 1983

box 139, folder 22

Tourism - Bulgaria

box 140, folder 1-2

Tourism - Bulgaria

box 140, folder 3


box 140, folder 4

Travailleurs Réfugiés Bulgares en Belgique

box 140, folder 5

Trepkov, T.

box 140, folder 6-7


box 140, folder 8-12


box 141, folder 1-3


box 141, folder 4

Unione Monarchica Italiana 1977-1978


United Nations

box 141, folder 5-6


box 141, folder 7

Declaration 1948 December 10

box 141, folder 8

Report of the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans, New York 1949


United States

box 141, folder 9


box 141, folder 10-12

Politics and government 1972-1973

box 141, folder 13

United States Information Service 1964

box 142, folder 1-3

Vankerkhoven, Paul

box 142, folder 4

Vartan, Silvie 1972

box 142, folder 5


box 142, folder 6

Velizarov, Bogdan P. 1969

box 142, folder 7

Vietnam 1974

box 142, folder 8

Visits of State - Bulgaria

box 143, folder 1-2

Visits of State - Bulgaria

box 143, folder 3

Volkov, Ivan 1930-1931

box 143, folder 4

Vsebulgarski Soiuz "Otets Paisii," Sofia 1930

box 143, folder 5

Walsh, Patrick

box 143, folder 6

West Germany

box 143, folder 7

World Christian Congress (9th) and World Chinese Christian Conference (10th), , Taipei, Taiwan, China 1981


World Congress of Former Students of de la Salle Brothers

box 143, folder 8

1st Congress, Brussels, Belgium 1958 October

box 143, folder 9

2nd Congress, Rome, Italy 1960 September

box 143, folder 10

3rd Congress, Barcelona, Spain 1964 September

box 144, folder 1

3rd Congress, Barcelona, Spain 1964 September

box 144, folder 2

4th Congress, Québec, Canada 1967 August

box 144, folder 3

World politics - 20th century

box 144, folder 4-6

World War 1914-1918


World War 1939-1945

box 144, folder 7

Battlefields - Balkans


Secret service

box 144, folder 8



Soviet Union.

General note

See SUBJECT FILE/World War, 1939-1945 - Secret service/Bulgaria


General note

See Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
box 144, folder 9

Yordanov, Dimitri

box 144, folder 10

Youth - Bulgaria 1967-1968

box 145, folder 1-3

Youth - Bulgaria 1967-1968

box 145, folder 4-5


box 145, folder 6

Zagoroff, Slavtcho

box 145, folder 7

Zarev, Christian 1971

box 145, folder 8

Zlatareff, Ilia

box 145, folder 9

Zoltschew, Theodor D. 1968-1981

box 145, folder 10




Scope and Contents note

Clippings, magazines, monographs, newspapers, and pamphlets and serials, arranged alphabetically by physical form. See also: OVERSIZE FILE/Printed matter.
box 146


box 147


box 148


box 149


box 150


box 151


box 152


box 153


box 154


box 155


box 156


box 157


box 158


box 159


box 160


box 161


box 162


box 163


box 164


box 165


box 166


box 167


box 168


box 169


box 170


box 171


box 172


box 173


box 174


box 175


box 176


box 177


box 178


box 179


box 180


box 181


box 182


box 183


box 184


box 185


box 186


box 187

Pamphlets and serials

box 188

Pamphlets and serials

box 189

Pamphlets and serials

box 190

Pamphlets and serials

box 191

Pamphlets and serials

box 192

Pamphlets and serials

box 193

Pamphlets and serials

box 194

Pamphlets and serials

box 195

Pamphlets and serials

box 196

Pamphlets and serials

box 197

Pamphlets and serials

box 198

Pamphlets and serials

box 199

Pamphlets and serials



Scope and Contents note

Address, agreements and treaties, appeals, birthday greeting, bonds, bookplates, calendars, caricatures, certificates and diplomas (including of Georgi and Kyril Drenikoff), computer portrait, guest book, itinerary, magazines and newspapers, manifesto, passport, petition, program, statutes, and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form.

Arrangement Statement

Oversize Materials series was rehoused in 2018 due to preservation concerns. The previous order has been maintained in the finding aid collection contents list, with old box and folder numbers noted in the item description.
box 210, folder 1

Address to their majesties Simeon II, King of Bulgaria, and Queen Margarita in memory of their visit to the Bulgarian community in Chicago 1966 February 28

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 200 : 1

Agreements and treaties



box 202, folder 1

With Germany

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 200 : 2
box 203, folder 1

With Turkey

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 200 : 3
box 203, folder 2

"Ratifications de Sa Majesté le Roi des Bulgares sur le traité de paix conclu le 27 novembre 1919 à Neuilly-sur-Seine entre la Bulgarie et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, l'Empire Britannique, la France, l'Italie, le Japon, la Belgique, la Chine, le Cuba, la Grèce, le Hedjaz, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Roumanie, l'Etat Serbe-Croate-Slovène, le Siam et la Tchéco-Slovaquie"

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 200 : 4. Two textiles and two medals removed from folder and rehoused in Boxes 238 and 277.
box 238

Ribbon with golden wax seal


Box 238 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 277

Textile with cross-stich embroidery and tassel


Box 277 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.


box 202, folder 2

From M. A. Dumbalakov undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 1
box 202, folder 3

From the Bulgarian youth to General Ivan Volkov undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 2
box 202, folder 4

From the Macedonian Patriotic Organizations in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Austria and New Zealand undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 3
box 203, folder 3

From the people's representatives of Bulgaria undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 4
box 200, folder 4

From Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria 1896 February 4

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 5
box 202, folder 5

From the Ligue de Bienfaisance des Catholiques Macédoniens 1925

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 6
box 200, folder 12

From the Bulgarian Liberation Movement to the Bulgarian people 1969

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 7
box 203, folder 4

Birthday greeting to Kyril Drenikoff 1978 July 30

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 8
box OCM5

Bonds, Mexican 1895 1904


Box OCM5 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 210, folder 4

Blessing for a newborn child 1877 April 14

box 201, folder 3


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 10
box 202, folder 6


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 11. Two metal stamps removed from folder and transferred to Box 276.
box 276

Two metal stamp dies


Box 276 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 202, folder 7


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/folder 201 : 12
box 200, folder 5


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 13
box 203, folder 5


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 201 : 14

Certificates and diplomas



box 201, folder 4

To Victor Hugo from the Bulgarian Central Charity Society 1876 October 26

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 1
box 203, folder 6

To Radomirskata Pesha Druzhina, from Alexander I, for participating in the campaign 1877-1878 1881 August 30

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 2
box 201, folder 5

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the Palestinian Orthodox Society 1884 January 16

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 3
box 203, folder 7

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the German Embassy in Vienna asking that civilian and military authorities allow him and his entourage to travel unhindered through France and Belgium 1887 February 14

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 4
box 202, folder 8

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, the order "For Bravery," 1887 October

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 5
box 202, folder 9

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the Macedonian Central Revolutionary Committee 1903 January 23

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 6
box 201, folder 1-2

To General Ivan Volkov, Bulgarian Minister of Defense, from the citizens of Kazanlok 1925-1928

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 7-8
box 200, folder 3

To General Ivan Volkov, Bulgarian Minister of Defense 1927

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 202 : 9
box 203, folder 8

To General Ivan Volkov, Bulgarian Minister of Defense from the veterans of the Balkan Wars and World War I 1929

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 10
box 202, folder 10

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. 1935 January 23

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 11
box 203, folder 9

To Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria, from the Committee of the Admirers of the First Drivers of Bulgaria (on their 25th anniversary) 1937 May 22

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 12
box 202, folder 11

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the officers of the 11th regiment 1940 September 20

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 202 : 13
box 200, folder 2

To Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the Deutsch-Bulgarische Freundschaft, Berlin 1941 February 26

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 14

To the Bulgarian National Front from Simeon II, King of Bulgaria

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 15
box 203, folder 10


box 203, folder 10

1955 June

box 203, folder 10

1956 June 16

box 202, folder 12

To Simeon II, King of Bulgaria, from Graf Dobrudjanski, Bremen, Germany 1959

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 202 : 16

Drenikoff, Georgi

box 203, folder 11

High school diploma "Svidetelstvo za zrelost," Sofia 1916 December 1

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 1
os_folder 4

Diploma, His Majesty's Military Academy, Sofia, (awarded in) 1917 1939

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 2
box 210, folder 2

Pilot certificate, Military Academy, Kazanlok, Bulgaria 1929 October 25

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 3
box 210, folder 2

Certificate from Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria (Cavalry Cross with Crown) 1930 May 6

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/folder 203 : 4
box 210, folder 2

Certificate from the Bulgarian Red Cross Society 1934 March 8

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 5
box 202, folder 6

Certificate from Prince Paul of Yugoslavia ("Iugoslovenske Krune" order), Belgrade 1934

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 6
box 210, folder 2

Certificates from Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria (Order of St. Alexander) 1936-1943

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 7-8
box 210, folder 2

Certificate, Bulgarian Ministry of Defense (awarding Georgi Drenikoff the title of second lieutenant, in recognition of his services in World War I) 1937 June 1

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 9
box 200, folder 1

Certificate (German Service Cross) 1942 January 14

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203:10
box 202, folder 13

Certificate from independent Croatia 1942 October 7

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 11
box 203, folder 12

Certificate from the Magyarország Fömx00E9;ltóságú Kormányzója (Horthy Miklós award), Budapest 1943 November 4


Drenikoff, Kyril

box 210, folder 3

High school diploma, Collège Français "S.S. Cyrille et Méthode," Sofia 1948

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 13
box 200, folder 7

Doctorate, Université de Paris 1959

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 14
box 200, folder 8

Diploma, Université de Paris, Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales 1961

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 15
box 200, folder 9

Certificate, Académie de Droit International de La Haye 1963

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 16
box 200, folder 10

Certificate from Simeon II, King of Bulgaria (Order of St. Alexander) 1965 June 16

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 17
box 200, folder 11

Certificate, Honorifica Ordem Acadêmica São Francisco 1967

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 18
box 203, folder 13

Certificate of participation in the 5th World Anti-Communist League (WACL) and the 17th Asian-Pacific Anti-Communist League International Conference, Manila, Philippines 1971 July 21-26

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 19
box 203, folder 13

Certificate, Organizing Committee of 6th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), Mexico 1972

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 20
box 203, folder 13

Certificate of appreciation, American Council for World Freedom, host organization of the 7th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), Washington, D.C. 1974 April 8-11

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 21
os_folder 4

Certificate, Legione Garibaldina, Comando Generale 1976

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 22
box 203, folder 14

Certificate, Accademia del Mediterraneo, Rome 1978

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 23
box 201, folder 7

Certificate, Accademia Euro-Africana, Rome 1979

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 24
box 202, folder 14

Certificate, 13th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), Swiss chapter, Geneva, Switzerland 1980 July 24-27

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 25
box 203, folder 15


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 26
box 203, folder 16

Christmas greeting addressed to Simeon II, King of Bulgaria 1956 December

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 203 : 27
box 203, folder 17

Computer portrait of Marechal Davoust 1983

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 28
box 202, folder 15

Estimate of food prices and other products of first necessity during times of crisis and disaster 1914 August 2

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 29
box 200, folder 13

Guest book, Simeon II, King of Bulgaria 1965 June 16

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 30
box 203, folder 18

Itinerary for the train trip from Rovno to Vilna for Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria 1896 April 5

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 31
box 202, folder 16

Manifesto to the Bulgarian nation, signed by Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 32
box 200, folder 6

Passport given to the Belgian ship "Augustus" by the Arkhangelsk port customs, Russia 1849 July 21

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 33


box 201, folder 8

To Ferdinand I from the Saint Nicolas parish, Iskrets, Bulgaria 1924 August 24

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 203 : 34
os_folder 4

To the American Government from political refugees living in the Displaced Camp, San Sabba Main, Trieste, Italy 1957 March 25


Printed matter 1859-1979

General note

See also SCRAPBOOKS Atlas, 1859
box 204

Historical atlas depicting ancient Egypt 1859

box 205

Clippings album 1 1960-1979

box 205

Clippings album 2 1960-1979

box 206

Clippings album 2 (continued) 1960-1979

box 229

Clippings album 2 (continued) 1960-1979

os_folder 4

Oversize clippings from albums

box 207

Magazines and newspapers 1871-1949

box 208

Magazines and newspapers 1871-1949

box 209

Magazines and newspapers 1871-1949

box 211

Magazines and newspapers 1871-1949

box 270

Printed reproductions of icons, paintings, and photographs

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 212
box 212

Publications related to Kyril Drenikoff's family, scrapbook A

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 213
box 213

Publications related to Kyril Drenikoff's family, scrapbook B

box 211

Program of the closure of the second session of the ordinary people's meeting, Bulgaria 1898 February 4

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 214

Statutes of the Order of the Holy Hungarian Crown, Budapest 1943

os_folder 4

Thank you note to Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria, from the Saint Nicolas parish, Iskrets, Bulgaria 1924 December 21


SCRAPBOOKS 1951-1973

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, invitations, programs, and travel miscellany relating to Kyril Drenikoff's life and in particular to his trips.
box 214

General (clippings, invitations, programs)

Scope and Contents

Materials in Boxes 214-215 were formerly housed in Box 215.
box 215

General (clippings, invitations, programs)

box 216

Clippings 1946-1975

box 217

Clippings 1946-1975



box 218


box 202, folder 17

Miscellany undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 218
box 202, folder 18-20

Airplane tickets and travel miscellany 1967-1982

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 218

ARTWORK 1963-1978

Scope and Contents note

Drawings and sketches, icons, printing plates, religious and watercolor paintings, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 270

Drawings and sketches

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 219
box 219


box 220

Printing plates


Box 220 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 221

Printing plates


Box 221 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 222

Printing plates


Box 222 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 223

Printing plates


Box 223 may not be used without permission of the Archvist.
box 224

Printing plates


Box 224 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Religious paintings

box 230


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 225
box 270


Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 225
box 225

On mesonite

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 226-227
box 226

On mesonite

box 227

On mesonite

box 219

On mesonite

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box 227
box 228

Watercolor paintings


Box 228 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

FRAMED ITEMS 1912-1937

Scope and Contents note

Icons, maps, photo portraits, and printed reproductions of icons, paintings and photographs, arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 270

Decree of the Ottoman Turkish Sultan Mehmed V, (in Arabic) 1912 January 22

Scope and Contents

Formerly in box 229.

Map entitled "Electoratus et Palatinatus Rhem"



box 230

Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria

box 230

Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria, alone and with his family (1934) (1937)

box 230

Rizov, Dimiter

box 230

Printed reproductions of icons, paintings, photographs, and drawings, including one of Demetrius of Bulgaria

Scope and Contents

Formerly housed in boxes 231-239


Scope and Contents note

989 prints, 20 albums, 16 glass and metal plates, 166 negatives, and 219 slides depicting Kyril Drenikoff, Georgi Drenikoff, the Bulgarian Royal family, the Bulgarian and German armed forces, and various aspects of Bulgarian life and history.




box 240, folder 1

2 prints depicting Kyril Drenikoff undated

box 240, folder 2

8 prints depicting Georgi Drenikoff undated

box 240, folder 3

1 print depicting Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria 1931

box 240, folder 4

1 print depicting Princesses Eudoxia and Nadejda, daughters of Ferdinand I undated

box 240, folder 5

2 prints depicting Simeon II, King of Bulgaria undated

box 240, folder 6

72 stampsize prints depicting Simeon II, King of Bulgaria undated

box 240, folder 7

72 stampsize prints depicting Queen Margarita, Consort of Simeon II undated

box 240, folder 8

2 prints depicting the family of Simeon II, King of Bulgaria undated

box 240, folder 9

1 print depicting Kyril, son of Simeon II, King of Bulgaria undated

box 240, folder 10

22 prints depicting medals undated

box 240, folder 11

15 prints depicting various aspects of education in Bulgaria undated

box 240, folder 12

8 prints depicting 8 pages of Theophyla: Cti Archiepiscopi undated

box 240, folder 13-14

59 prints depicting Bulgarian paintings undated

box 240, folder 15

74 prints depicting Bulgarian sculptures and carvings undated

box 241, folder 1

28 prints depicting theatrical and musical performances in Bulgaria undated

box 241, folder 2-5

185 prints depicting Bulgarian folk art, costumes, and dances undated

box 242, folder 1

15 prints depicting an exhibit of Italian books in Bulgaria undated

box 242, folder 2

4 prints depicting an unknown exhibit undated

box 242, folder 3

44 prints depicting life in Bulgaria undated

box 244, folder 10

1 print depicting life in Bulgaria undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly part of Box/Folder 242 : 3
box 242, folder 4-5

74 prints depicting the life of peasants in Bulgaria undated

box 242, folder 6

13 prints depicting the life of workers in Bulgaria undated

box 242, folder 7

32 prints depicting the life of Bulgarian women undated

box 244, folder 11

8 prints depicting the life of Bulgarian women undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly part of Box/Folder 242 : 7
box 244, folder 10

1 print depicting a Bulgarian women's volleyball team undated

Scope and Contents

Formerly Box/Folder 242 : 8
box 243, folder 1

42 prints depicting urban development in Bulgaria undated

box 243, folder 2

16 prints depicting Bulgarian houses and their interiors undated

box 243, folder 3

9 prints depicting sanatoria and recreation areas in Bulgaria undated

box 243, folder 4

20 prints depicting medical yoga diagrams undated

box 243, folder 5

4 prints depicting ship building and ports in Bulgaria undated

box 243, folder 6

52 prints depicting Bulgarian religious objects and 1 print depicting the Zografski monastery undated

box 243, folder 7

1 print depicting a Communist execution in Bulgaria undated

box 243, folder 8

1 print depicting a political poster undated

box 243, folder 9

1 print depicting a political cartoon undated

1 of 2 pages
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