Finding Aid for the Collection of Research Photographs for Cecil B. De Mille Motion Picture Productions, ca. 1947-ca. 1956

Processed by Performing Arts Special Collections staff; machine-readable finding aid created by Caroline Cubé and Byte Managers
UCLA Library Special Collections
Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library
Box 951575
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
© 2005
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary

Title: Collection of Photographic Research Materials for Cecil B. De Mille Motion Picture Productions
Date (inclusive): ca. 1947-ca. 1956
Collection number: 68
Extent: 7 boxes (3.0 linear ft.)
Abstract: Collection consists primarily of photographic research for Cecil B. De Mille motion picture productions The Ten commandments (1956), Samson and Delilah (1949), and Unconquered (1947). Includes photographic reproductions from books and magazines for period costumes, objects, architecture, and ephemera, proof sheets, negatives, and transparencies. Also contains photostats of costume sketches by Cecil Lawton for Unconquered.
Repository: University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Performing Arts Special Collections.
Los Angeles, California 90095-1575
Physical location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact UCLA Library Special Collections for paging information.

Administrative Information

Restrictions on Access

Open for research. STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact UCLA Library Special Collections for paging information.

Restrictions on Use and Reproduction

Property rights to the physical object belong to the UCLA Library, Performing Arts Special Collections. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.

Provenance/Source of Acquisition

Purchase, 1988.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Collection of Photographic Research Materials for Cecil B. De Mille Motion Picture Productions (Collection 68). UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA.


Samson and Delilah (1949) featured Hedy Lamarr, Victor Mature, George Sanders, and Angela Landsbury; produced and directed by Cecil B. De Mille; screenplay by Jesse Lasky, Jr. and Frederick M. Frank; music by Victor Young; editor Anne Bauchens; photography by George Barnes; it was speculated De Mille spent 100,000 dollars on background information for the story.
The Ten commandments (1956) was De Mille's last film and best known for its Academy Award winning special effects; based on the story of Moses and the Jewish Exodus from Egypt (previously filmed, 1923), the cast featured among others, Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Yul Brynner, Edward G. Robinson, and Yvonne De Carlo; produced and directed by De Mille, assoc. producer Henry Wilcoxon, written by Dorothy Clare Wilson (from Prince of Egypt), Rev. J.H. Ingraham ( Pillar of fire), and Rev. A.E. Southon ( Eagle's wings), cinematographer Loyal Griggs, and editor Anne Bauchens.
Unconquered (1947) was produced and directed by De Mille; featured among others, Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Howard Da Silva, Boris Karloff, and Ward Bond; written by Neil H. Swanson, cameraman Ray Rennahan, and editor Anne Bauchens.

Scope and Content

Collection consists primarily of photographic research for the Cecil B. De Mille motion picture productions The Ten commandments (1956), Samson and Delilah (1949), and Unconquered (1947). Includes photographic reproductions from books and magazines for period costumes, objects, architecture, and ephemera, proof sheets, negatives, and transparencies. Also contains photostats of costume sketches by Cecil Lawton for Unconquered.

Indexing Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog.


Ten commandments (Motion picture) Unconquered (Motion picture) Samson and Delilah (Motion picture)
Motion picture directors and producers--Archival resources.

Genres and Forms of Material



Ten Commandments (1956).

Box 1, Folder 1

Proof Sheets

Physical Description: (120 items)
Box 1, Folder 2

Proof Sheets

Physical Description: (120 items)
Box 1, Folder 3

Proof Sheets

Physical Description: (120 items)
Box 1, Folder 4

Proof Sheets

Physical Description: (87 items)
Box 1, Folder 5

Wardrobe Shots (8 x 10 glossies)

Physical Description: (5 items)
Box 1, Folder 6

Physique Shots (8 x 10 glossies)

Physical Description: (10 items)
Box 1, Folder 7

Black and White Negatives (8 x 10)

Physical Description: (12 items)
Box 1, Folder 7

Color Transparencies (8 x 10)

Physical Description: (23 items)

Samson & Delilah (1949).

Box 2, Folder 1

Research photographs of Architecture Detail, Minoan

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 2, Folder 2

Research photographs of Asses and Mules

Physical Description: (3 items)
Box 2, Folder 3

Research photographs of Minoan Baths & Plumbing

Physical Description: (6 items)
Box 2, Folder 4

Research photographs of Battles

Physical Description: (6 items)
Box 2, Folder 5

Research photographs of Bulls

Physical Description: (7 items)
Box 2, Folder 6

Research photographs of Camels

Physical Description: (11 items)
Box 2, Folder 7

Research photographs of caves & tombs

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 2, Folder 8

Research photographs Chariots

Physical Description: (14 items)
Box 2, Folder 9

Research photographs of Costumes - Arranged Alphabetically by Area or Country of Origin

Box 2, Folder 10

Research photographs of Food and Meals

Physical Description: (6 items)
Box 2, Folder 11

Research photographs of Games

Physical Description: (2 items)
Box 2, Folder 12

Research photographs Hair Styles

Physical Description: (20 items)
Box 2, Folder 13

Research photographs of Horses and Equipment

Box 2, Folder 14

Research photographs of Idols

Physical Description: (20 items)
Box 2, Folder 15

Research photographs of Lamps

Physical Description: (10 items)
Box 2, Folder 16

Research photographs of Lion Fight

Physical Description: (21 items)
Box 2, Folder 17

Research photographs of Locks

Physical Description: (14 items)
Box 2, Folder 18

Research photographs of Mills

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 2, Folder 19

Research photographs of Mosaics

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 2, Folder 20

Research photographs of Musical Instruments

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 2, Folder 21

Research photographs of Palaces & Temples

Box 2, Folder 22

Research photographs of Palaces and Temples - Minoan

Physical Description: (31 items)
Box 3, Folder 1

Research photographs of Metal Vessels

Physical Description: (24 items)
Box 3, Folder 2

Research photographs of Samson-capture

Physical Description: (39 items)
Box 3, Folder 3

Research photographs of Samson - Gates of Gaza

Physical Description: (7 items)
Box 3, Folder 4

Research photographs of Samson - Just mill

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 3, Folder 5

Research photographs of Samson - gawbone fight

Physical Description: (11 items)
Box 3, Folder 6

Research photographs of Samson (misc.)

Physical Description: (21 items)
Box 3, Folder 7

Research photographs of Samson - Simple

Physical Description: (12 items)
Box 3, Folder 8

Research photographs of scenery

Physical Description: (44 items)
Box 3, Folder 9

Research photographs of streetscenes

Physical Description: (9 items)
Box 3, Folder 10

Research photographs of toys

Physical Description: (1 item)
Box 3, Folder 11

Research photographs of trades and occupants

Physical Description: (29 items)
Box 3, Folder 12

Research photographs of utensils

Physical Description: (10 items)
Box 3, Folder 13

Research photographs of villages and towns

Physical Description: (17 items)
Box 3, Folder 14

Research photographs of weapons

Physical Description: (17 items)
Box 3, Folder 15

Research photographs of weights

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 3, Folder 16

Research photographs of writings

Physical Description: (3 items)
Box 3, Folder 17

Research photographs, unidentified

Physical Description: (18 items)
Box 3, Folder 18

Handbook for the film


The Unconquered (1947)

Box 4, Folder 1

Photostats of Costume sketches by Cecil Lawton

Physical Description: (50 items)
Box 4, Folder 2

Photostats of Costume sketches by Cecil Lawson

Physical Description: (49 items)
Box 4, Folder 3

Photostats of Costume sketches by Cecil Lawson

Physical Description: (38 items)
Box 4, Folder 4

Photostats of Costume sketches by Cecil Lawson

Physical Description: (38 items)
Box 5, Folder 1

Research photographs of Backwoodsmen

Physical Description: (15 items)
Box 5, Folder 2

Research photographs of Bathmg

Physical Description: (3 items)
Box 5, Folder 3

Research Copies of Bmgham Prints

Physical Description: (24 items)
Box 5, Folder 4

Research photographs of Blacksmiths

Physical Description: (16 items)
Box 5, Folder 6

Research photographs at Colonel Bouquet

Physical Description: (3 items)
Box 5, Folder 7

Research photographs of Compasses

Physical Description: (4 items)
Box 5, Folder 8

Research photographs of Conestoga Wagons

Physical Description: (13 items)
Box 5, Folder 9

Research photographs of Costumes - boots

Physical Description: (1 item)
Box 5, Folder 10

Research photographs of Costumes - Men

Physical Description: (26 items)
Box 5, Folder 11

Research photographs of Costume - Men & Women

Physical Description: (53 items)
Box 5, Folder 12

Research photographs of Costumes - Riding

Physical Description: (6 items)
Box 5, Folder 13

Research photographs of Costumes - Women

Physical Description: (28 items)
Box 5, Folder 14

Research photographs of Dances & bands

Physical Description: (21 items)
Box 5, Folder 15

Research photographs of Fairs

Physical Description: (32 items)
Box 5, Folder 16

Research photographs of Forts

Physical Description: (33 items)
Box 5, Folder 17

Research photographs of Homes & Cabins

Physical Description: (12 items)
Box 5, Folder 18

Research photographs of Houses & Cabins interiors

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 6, Folder 1

Research photographs of Indians & Canoes

Physical Description: (32 items)
Box 6, Folder 2

Research photographs of Indians - Costumes, men

Physical Description: (48 items)
Box 6, Folder 3

Research photographs of Indian Costumes - moccasins

Physical Description: (9 items)
Box 6, Folder 4

Research photographs of Indian costumes - Women

Physical Description: (19 items)
Box 6, Folder 5

Research photographs of Indians - Councils

Physical Description: (37 items)
Box 6, Folder 6

Research photographs of Indians - Lodges

Physical Description: (28 items)
Box 6, Folder 7

Research photographs of Indians - Make Up

Physical Description: (29 items)
Box 6, Folder 8

Research photographs of Indians - Ornament

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 6, Folder 9

Research photographs of Indians - Props

Physical Description: (15 items)
Box 6, Folder 10

Research photographs of Indians - totems

Physical Description: (2 items)
Box 6, Folder 12

Research photographs of Indians - Wampum

Physical Description: (16 items)
Box 6, Folder 13

Research photographs of Indians - Warfare

Physical Description: (25 items)
Box 6, Folder 14

Research photographs of Indians - Weapons

Physical Description: (20 items)
Box 6, Folder 15

Research photographs of Maps

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 6, Folder 16

Research photographs of Mason-Dixon & Surveying

Physical Description: (9 items)
Box 6, Folder 17

Research photographs of Meetings

Physical Description: (5 items)
Box 6, Folder 18

Research photographs of Military bottles & campaigns

Physical Description: (19 items)
Box 6, Folder 19

Research photographs of Military Manual of Arms

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 6, Folder 20

Research photographs of Military Uniforms - British

Physical Description: (20 items)
Box 6, Folder 21

Research photographs of Military Uniforms - provincial

Physical Description: (7 items)
Box 6, Folder 22

Research photographs of Miscellaneous

Physical Description: (12 items)
Box 7, Folder 1

Research photographs of Old Balley Costumes

Physical Description: (17 items)
Box 7, Folder 2

Research photographs of Old Balley, interior & exterior

Physical Description: (23 items)
Box 7, Folder 3

Research photographs of Prisoners

Physical Description: (8 items)
Box 7, Folder 4

Research photographs of Props

Physical Description: (50 items)
Box 7, Folder 5

Research photographs of saddles

Physical Description: (13 items)
Box 7, Folder 6

Research photographs of sailors

Physical Description: (14 items)
Box 7, Folder 7

Research photographs of scenery

Physical Description: (22 items)
Box 7, Folder 8

Research photographs of Ships

Physical Description: (18 items)
Box 7, Folder 9

Research photographs of Taverns

Physical Description: (28 items)
Box 7, Folder 10

Research photographs of Traps

Physical Description: (2 items)
Box 7, Folder 11

Research photographs of Tanks

Physical Description: (12 items)
Box 7, Folder 12

Research photographs of Washington, George

Physical Description: (21 items)
Box 7, Folder 13

Research photographs of Weapons

Physical Description: (37 items)