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Guide to the Robert Billigmeier Collection CEMA 60
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Series I Research Studies 1942-1987

Box 1, Folder 1-32

Monograph, Tule Lake 1976


University of California study of evacution and resettlement at Tule Lake 1942-1943

Box 1, Folder 33

Outline of University of California study of evacuation and resettlement December 1, 1942

Box 1, Folder 34

An introduction to Tule Lake by Shibutahi November 10, 1942

Box 1, Folder 35-37

The first six months at Tule Lake

Box 2, Folder 1-4

Social structure of the community

Box 2, Folder 5-6

The co-op movement in Tule Lake November 15, 1942

Box 2, Folder 7-8

The Christian church in Tule Lake by James Sakoda October 1, 1942

Box 2, Folder 9

Buddhist church by Dr. Thomas

Box 2, Folder 10

History of the Tule Lake Union Church as told to James Sakoda by Rev. Kuroda by James Sakoda September 30, 1942

Box 2, Folder 11-14

Recreational organization by Frank Miyamoto

Box 2, Folder 15-16

Tule Lake recreation center community affairs report August 20-September 20, 1942

Box 2, Folder 17-18

Social groups: creative writers Caucasian-Japanese relationship by Mr. Cook

Box 2, Folder 19

Fire department of Tule Lake

Box 2, Folder 20

Legal aid department of Tule Lake

Box 2, Folder 21-22

Records office by James Sakoda Septemeber 17, 1942

Box 2, Folder 23

Scrap lumber conflict by James Sakoda September 16, 1942

Box 2, Folder 24-25

Broadcast affair Tule Lake

Box 2, Folder 26

Disorganization and reorganization, II disorganization of the family by Shibutani December 17, 1942

Box 2, Folder 27

Educational institutions December 12, 1942

Box 2, Folder 28-29

Social reoganization in Tule Lake by Shibutani January 2, 1943

Box 2, Folder 30-33

Messhalls in Tule Lake by James Sakoda

Box 2, Folder 34-35

Population and ecology

Box 2, Folder 36-39

Firebreak gang by Richard S. Nishimoto

Box 2, Folder 40

Miscellaneous scattered pages

Box 3, Folder 3-11

Personality cards chapters 1-14 1942-1943

Box 2, Folder 41

University of California, evacuation and settlement study by Robert Spencer

Box 2, Folder 42

The Gila River WRA relocation center, Rivers, Pinal County, Arizona by Robert Spencer August 23, 1942

Box 2, Folder 43-45

Recreational activities in the Gila community by Rober Spencer November 2, 1942

Box 2, Folder 46

Educational norms in Japanese immigrant communities by Katsuhiko May 1976

Box 3, Folder 1

The persistence of ethnic solidarity among the Japanese Americans of the San Francisco Bay Area: An exploratory study of communication in a community without an ecological base by Carl K. Mayeda Decemeber 1974

Box 3, Folder 2

A victim of the evacuation and resettlement study (JERS) by Violet Kazue de Cristoforo 1987


Series II Publications 1942-1979


Newsletter, Newspaper and Magazines 1942-1954

Box 3, Folder 12

The Daily Tulean Dispatch 1942-1943

Box 3, Folder 13

Japanese folk beliefs and practices, Tule Lake, California by Marvin K. Opler October-December, 1950

Box 3, Folder 14

Pacific Citizen (Salt Lake City, Utah) April 14, 1954

Box 3, Folder 15

Tri State High Magazine April 30, 1943

Box 3, Folder 16-19

Tulean Dispatch Magazine 1943


Books and Booklets

Box 4

Bosworth, Allan R. America's Concentration Camps. New York: W.W. Norton, 1967

Box 4

The displaced Japanese-Americans by American Council on Public Affairs (contains information on Issi, Neisi and Kibi) April 1944

Box 4

Eaton, Allen H. Beauty Behind Barbed Wire: The Arts of Japanese in Our War Relocation Camps. New York: Harper & Brothers 1952

Box 4

Miyakawa, Edward. Tule Lake. Waldport, Oregon: House by the Sea 1979

Box 4

Spicer, Edward II., et al. Impounded People: Japanese-Americans in the Relocation Centers. Tuscon: University of Arizona, Press 1969

Box 4

Thomas, Dorothy Swaine, and Richard S. Nishimoto. The Spoilage. Bekeley: University of California Press, 1964

Box 4

A Tule Lake interlude (The Harold S. Jacoby Nisei Collection includes a digital copy of this book on Online Archives of California. It is located at: http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt4779n6vr/ ) May 27, 1942-1943

Box 4

United States Department of the Interior. War Relocation Authority. WRA: A story of Human Conservation.Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of Documents, GPO 1946


Series III Scrapbook 1942

Box 3, Folder 20

Tule Lake Scrapbook


Series IV Photographs 1939-1952

Acquisition Information

In 2003 David O'Kane donated a photo taken at Tule Lake Internment Camp on August 30, 1944 of the Procurement and Shoe Rationing Department. This has been added to the end of the photo album.
Box 5

Photo Album