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Datebooks 1981-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes four datebooks, arranged chronologically.
box 1, folder 1


box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 3


box 2, folder 1



Memoir 1977-1979

Scope and Contents note

Includes English and Arabic typed memoir of experience negotiating the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel. See also Speeches and Writings/ Egypt's Road to Jerusalem.

Original 1977-1979

General Physical Description: Typescript
Language of Material: Arabic
box 2, folder 2

1977 October-December

box 2, folder 3-6

1978 January-December

box 3, folder 1-5

1979 January-October


Photocopy of original 1977-1979

box 3, folder 6

1977 October-December

box 3, folder 7

1978 January-February

box 4, folder 1-3

1978 March-December


English translation 1977-1979

General Physical Description note: Typescript
box 4, folder 4

1977 October-December

box 4, folder 5-8

1978 January-December

box 5, folder 1-5

1979 January-October


Correspondence Files 1953-1991

Scope and Contents note

Includes mostly correspondence, but also conference and meeting materials, reports, newsletters, and other printed matter from and about different organizations and universities that Boutros Boutros-Ghali was involved with. In Arabic, French, and English. Arranged chronologically.

Hague Academy of International Law correspondence, reports, and meeting materials 1953-1977

Scope and Contents note

Relates mostly to events and activities of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations. Includes some materials from Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Sweden and writings of Zarko Ratkovic.
box 6, folder 1-4

"Académie - 2" 1953-1977

box 6, folder 5-8

"Académie - 1" 1962-1965


Non-academic organizations 1954-1977

Scope and Content Note

Correspondents include African Association of Political Science (University of Dar El Salaam); Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation; Arab Socialist Union Workers Educational Association; Ahmad Salah Bukhari; J. Chlala; Egyptian Association of Political Science, International Law Association in the United Arab Republic; Egyptian Society of International Law; Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales; Institute of Public Administration United Arab Republic and United Nations; League of Arab States; Middle East Research Center (Ain Shams University); Societé d'archéologie copte; Societé Egyptienne de droit international; Societé Française pour le droit international; Supreme Council for the Welfare of Arts and Letters; UNESCO; and the United Arab Republic-U.S.A. Educational Exchange Commission.
box 7, folder 1-9


box 7, folder 10-11


box 7, folder 12



Lettres de l'etranger [letters from abroad] 1955-1979

Scope and Contents Note

The files contain mostly general correspondence with academic institutions and non-governmental organizations relating to papers submitted for publication, international law and human rights, and academic affairs. Almost all letters are addressed to Boutros-Ghali as economics editor at Al-Ahram or professor at Cairo University. Files also contain some conference schedules, student papers, and newsletters.
box 8, folder 1-4

File 1 1955-1964

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include M. S. Agwani; Morroe Berger; Joseph E. Black; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Frances Colville, Francis Deak, John Goormaghtigh, Anne Winslow); C. A. Colliard; G.I.A.D. Draper; René-Jean Dupuy; Gilbert Etienne; Samaan B. Farajallah; Jacques Freymond; Curt Gasteyger; Gustave Edmund von Grunebaum; James J. Halsema; Edvard Hambro; C. Hillem (Netherlands Institute for the Middle East); John C. Hunt (Congrès pour la liberté de la culture); Malcolm Kerr; League of Arab States; Henry Kissinger (Harvard University International Seminar); C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze; Francisco Jose Palanca; Jovica Patronogić; Giorgio La Pira; Georges Vedel
box 8, folder 5-7

File 2 1955-1967

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include George Abi-Saab; Jean-Jacques Berreby; Joseph E. Black; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Anne Winslow, John Goormaghtigh); Georges Carlier; C. Chamass; Eugene Cotran; Michel Cotran; Lawrence Finkelstein; Omar Z. Ghobashy; Tord Hagen; John C. Hunt; J. C. Hurewitz; Judge Philip C. Jessup; Vladimir Kopal; Mateo J. Magariños de Mello; S. E. Nahlik; William R. Polk; Z. M. Quraishi
box 9, folder 1

File 2 1955-1967

box 9, folder 2-4

File 2A 1967-1969

Scope and Contents note

Includes planning materials and correspondence relating to UNESCO Mission for Zambia and Malawi
box 9, folder 5-8

File 3 1967-1971

Scope and Contents note

Relates mainly to publication of Le Mouvement Afro-Asiatique. Correspondents include the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Anne Winslow); René-Jean Dupuy; Maurice Flory; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Omar Z. Ghobashy; Edvard Hambro; League of Arab States; H. Michel; Edmond Rabbath; Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern
box 10, folder 1-4

File 4 1970-1971

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Rosemary Abi-Saab; Ariel Foundation (B. J. Hayhoe, T. G. Martin); F. S. Arkhurst; Mohammed Bedjaoui; Morroe Berger; Jesús Contreras Granguillhome; René-Jean Dupuy; Yassin El-Ayouty; Perker T. Hart; J. L. Henderson (World Community Heroes Competition); Farag Moussa; Juan Pekmez; Walter Siegl; UNESCO (Gene M. Lyons); United Nations Institute for Training and Research (Unitar); University of Dar Es Salaam; Francis Wolf (International Lawyer's Club). Also includes Systems of Alliances by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
box 10, folder 5-6

File 5 1972-1973

box 11, folder 1-2

File 5 1972-1973

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Zein Ali Ibrahim (University of Khartoum); Sir Richard Beaumont; Mohammad Chaudri; René-Jean Dupuy; Frits Hondius; Judge Philip C. Jessup; Joseph Kraft; Pierre Mirel
box 11, folder 3-6

File 6 1973-1974

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Olajige Aluko; Joseph E. Black; Ursula Braun; Carnegie Endowment (John Goormaghtigh); Yassin El-Ayouty; Martin Ennals; Philip C. Jessup; George Lenczowski; Claude Nigoul; William C. Olson; Prosper Weil
box 12, folder 1-3

File 7 1974-1975

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Michel Cazenave; Instituto affari internazionali; International Labour Office; International Legal Center (John B. Howard, Howard Larsen); International Peace Academy; J. A. Laponce; Claude Nigoul; Albert Tévoédjrè; Budislav Vukas; Jaroslav Žourek
box 12, folder 4-6

File 8 1975-1976

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Saad Alfaragi; Driss Guiga; Bruce H. Hasemkamp; International Labour Office (N. Valticos); Philippe Leboulanger; Robert H. Lochner; Claude Nigoul; Jaroslav Žourek
box 12, folder 7-8

File 9 1973-1976

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include J. S. Lall; J. A. Laponce; Robert H. Lochner; Henri Michel; Wolfgang Rieger; Daniel Vignes
box 13, folder 1

File 9 1973-1976

box 13, folder 2-4

File 10 1977-1978

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Georges Abi-Saab; Hans Blix; Manuel Diez-Alegria; Axel Edelstam; International Labour Office (Nicolas Valticos); Institut de Droit International; William C. Olson; A. L. Udovitch. Includes reports from the International Commission of Jurists
box 13, folder 5

File 11 1979

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Carrara Cagni; Bohuslav Chňoupek; Nurettin Karaköylü; and others

Cairo University Faculty of Economics and Political Science correspondence and related materials 1958-1973

box 13, folder 6


box 14, folder 1-3


box 14, folder 4-7


box 15, folder 1-4

Correspondence with students 1960-1976

box 15, folder 5

International Labour Office correspondence 1970-1977


Socialist unions correspondence and conference materials 1971-1977

Scope and Contents note

Includes materials from international socialist unions and organizations. Relates in part to Boutros-Ghali's position as an official in the Egyptian Arab Socialist Union and his candidacy in an Egyptian election.
box 15, folder 6-7


box 16, folder 1


box 16, folder 2-3


box 16, folder 4



International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, correspondence and reports 1972-1977

box 16, folder 5


box 16, folder 6


box 17, folder 1


box 17, folder 2


box 17, folder 3-4

Writings on relations between the Organization of African Unity and the Arab League 1974

box 17, folder 5

American Foundation (International Legal Center) meeting minutes and correspondence 1974-1976

box 17, folder 6

University of Khartoum correspondence and related academic materials 1974-1976

box 18, folder 1-2

University of Khartoum correspondence and related academic materials

box 18, folder 3

Instituto affari internazionali (Rome) correspondence 1974-1977

box 18, folder 4

Pan-African Pugwash Group correspondence and reports 1976

box 18, folder 5

Lajnat Thawrat 23 Yulyu Sanat 1952 [Committee on Recording the Revolution of 23 July 1952] memoranda 1976-1977

Scope and Contents note

Relates to Boutros-Ghali's membership.
box 18, folder 5-6

"Scientific organizations" correspondence 1977

Scope and Contents note

The original Arabic label of this file translates to "scientific organizations," but it actually contains correspondence from international peace research organizations including Instituto Affari Internazionali, Institut de Droit International, Société Française Pour Le Droit International, and International Commission for Jurists.
box 18, folder 7

University affairs (University of Jordan) 1977


Speeches and Writings 1950-1998

Scope and Contents note

Includes reprints of journal articles, drafts, manuscripts, and related correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
box 19, folder 1

"al-kutal al-dawlīyah fī al-umam Muttahidah," printed copy 1950s

box 19, folder 2

"Le Pacte de l'Atlantique Nord," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1950

box 19, folder 3

"al-atifiqat al-aqlimih al-asiwih" [Asian Regional Agreements], printed copy 1954

box 19, folder 4

"al-salām al-sūfītī fī urūbā," printed copy 1954

box 19, folder 5

"fiqdān al'dawih wa jām'h al-dawl al'Arabīyah" [Losing Participation in the Arab League], printed copy 1955

box 19, folder 6

Mīshāq Sān Salfadūr, printed copy 1955

box 19, folder 7

"La Ligue Arabe: Notice Bibliographique," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1955

box 19, folder 8

"La Conférence de Bandoeng," Internationales Jahrbuch der Politik, printed copy 1955

box 19, folder 9

"Versuch einer analyse der panarabischen Bewegung, Internationales Jahrbuch der Politik, printed copy 1956

box 19, folder 10

[The Rules of Participation in the United Nations], printed copy 1956


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 11

"Le Monde Afro-Asiatique et L'AAA," printed copy 1957

Scope and Contents note

Reprint of speech from April 1955.
box 19, folder 12

[Economic Importance of the Middle East in International Policy], printed copy 1958


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 13

"Un Precurseur de l'Organisation Internationale: Al Kawakibi," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1960

box 19, folder 14

"Arab Blocs and Western Policy," Internationales Recht und Diplomatie, printed copy

box 19, folder 15

[The Principle of Fair Geographical Distribution], printed copy 1960


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 16

[Voting in International Organizations], printed copy 1961


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 17

"Le Principe d'égalité des etats et les organisations internationales," printed copy 1961

box 19, folder 18

[African Constitutions], printed copy circa 1962


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 19

[Military Alliance and the United Nations], printed copy 1962


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 20

Revision of the articles on the United Nations by Dr. Mohammad Fathallah al-Khatib 1962


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 21

[The Addis Ababa Conference and the Organization of African Unity], printed copy 1963


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 22

[Geographical Areas in Military Alliance], printed copy 1963


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 19, folder 23

"The Foreign Policy of Egypt," Foreign Policies in a World of Change, printed copy 1963

Physical description

box 20, folder 1

[Policy of Non-Alignment], printed copy 1964


Title translated from original Arabic.
box 20, folder 2

"Le Droit à la culture et la declaration universelle des droits de l'homme," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1968

box 20, folder 3

"al-Harakah al-Afrū Āsyawīyah," printed copy 1969

box 20, folder 4

"L'Organisation de l'unite Africaine et la cooperation economique," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1969

box 20, folder 5

"al-kutal al-ati yumkin etaba'ha letahkik tanfeeth kharar majlis alamin," printed copy 1971

box 20, folder 6

La Ligue des états Arabes, printed copy 1972

box 20, folder 7

"En Marge la prochaine conference d'Alger des etats non-alignes," Revue égyptienne de droit international, printed copy 1973

box 20, folder 8

Dirāsāt fī al-diblūmāsiyah al-'Arabīyah, printed copy 1973

box 20, folder 9

al-Madkhal fī 'ilm al-siyāsah, printed copy 1974

box 21, folder 1

Jāmi'at al-Duwal al-'Arabīyah wa-taswīyat al-munāza'āt al-mahallīyah 1977

box 21, folder 2

Qadāyā 'Arabīyah 1977

box 21, folder 3

"The Foreign Policy of Egypt in the Post-Sadat Era," Foreign Affairs 1982

box 21, folder 4

"Mexico y Egipto," speech booklet 1984 June

box 21, folder 5

Address by Boutros Boutros-Ghali at the Eighth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, Harare 1986 August-September

box 21, folder 6

"Analisis de los Logros Diplomaticos de la Administracion de Mubarak Durant El Ano 1986," 1987

box 21, folder 7

Will We Survive?, dialogue with Anatoly Gromyko, Robert McNamara, Richard L. Sklar, and Luis Echeverria, Progress Publishers 1989

box 21, folder 8

"The Future Strategy for the Organization of African Unity and the Non-Alignment Movement," al Siyassa al Dawliyya, printed copy 1989 October

Language of Material: Arabic

Egypt's Road to Jerusalem: A Diplomat's Story of the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East

Scope and Contents Note

Early drafts of this book were titled "The Road to Jerusalem." Unless otherwise specified, all drafts are typescript with handwritten notes.
box 21, folder 9

Research materials 1956-1994

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of articles on the Middle East by Boutros Boutros-Ghali and others. Also includes notes by Charles Hill and draft of afterword (September 3, 1994).
box 22, folder 1

Draft, untitled (second to last chapter) undated


box 22, folder 2

Draft 1993 July

Scope and Contents Note

Includes handwritten drafts, research materials, and letter to Saul Bellow.
box 22, folder 3

Draft 1993 August undated

box 22, folder 4-5

Draft, chapters 1-6 1994 May 16

box 22, folder 6

Draft, chapters 7-10 1994 June 6-21

Scope and Contents Note

Labeled "Bonne Version."
box 23, folder 1

Draft, chapters 7-10 1994 June 6-21

box 23, folder 2

Draft of afterword 1994 September 3

box 23, folder 3-5

Draft, chapters 1-11 1994 December 6

box 23, folder 6

Draft, chapters 1-7 1994 December 6

box 24, folder 1

Draft, chapters 8-11 1994 December 6

box 24, folder 2-3

Draft, chapters 1-10 1995 January

box 24, folder 4-6

Final draft, chapters 1-7 1996 January 23

box 25, folder 1-2

Final draft, chapters 8-11 1996 January 23

box 25, folder 3-5

Galley proof (author's set) 1997 January 31

box 25, folder 6

Galley proof, edited pages 1997 February

box 25, folder 7

Published copy of Arabic edition 1997

box 25, folder 8

Publishing contract and other legal and financial records, 1995-1997

box 25, folder 9-10

Correspondence 1995-1997

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with publisher Random House.
box 25, folder 11

"The Arab-Israeli Peace Process Then and Now," speech 1997 May

Scope and Contens note

Handwritten draft by Charles Hill.
box 25, folder 12

Reviews 1997

box 25, folder 13

"Acto de Investidura," speech 1994

box 25, folder 14

"Las Naciones Unidas En El Mundo En Transicion," speech 1994


Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N. Saga 1994-1999

box 26, folder 1

Power of attorney agreement 1996 December 22

box 26, folder 2

Documents and articles 1994-1998

box 26, folder 3

Book proposal 1996-1997

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 3.5-inch computer disk.
box 26, folder 4

Summaries 1997

box 26, folder 5

Publishing contract (Random House, Inc.) 1997


Drafts 1997-1999

box 26, folder 6

Draft fragments circa 1997

Scope and Contents Note

Regarding UN peacekeeping and Bosnia.
box 26, folder 7

"The Last Supper, the 18th December 96," 1997

box 26, folder 8

"My Election in 1991," chapter 1 1997

Language of Material: French

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 9

Introduction to chapter 7 1997

Language of Material: French
box 26, folder 10

"Oil for Food," chapter 10 1997

Language of Material: French

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 11

"David and Goliath," circa 1997

Language of Material: French

Scope and Contents Note

box 26, folder 12

"Maputo: Operation Reussie," 1997

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 13

"PAN AM 103 et U.T.A. 772," 1997

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 14

Chapters 11-12 circa 1997

Scope and Contents Note

box 26, folder 15-17

Chapters 1-4 1997 January

Scope and Contents Note

box 26, folder 18

Chapters 30-32, 34 1997 January

Scope and Contents Note

box 26, folder 19

Chapters 6-8 1997 February

Scope and Contents Note

box 26, folder 20

"Le Roi Sihanouk et le Cambodge," 1997 March

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 21

"Le Père Aristide et la Démocratie Hatienne," 1997 March

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Boutros-Ghali.
box 26, folder 22

"Towards a New El Salvador," 1997 April


Not used in final version.
box 27, folder 1-4

Chapters 1-8 1997 July 5-12

box 27, folder 5

Untitled, pages 342-443 1997 July 5-12

box 27, folder 6-9

Draft ("Uncut Version") 1997 September 22

Scope and Contents note

Received from Charles Hill.
box 28, folder 1-2

Draft ("Uncut Version") 1997 September 22

box 28, folder 3

Edits to various chapters 1997 September 30

box 28, folder 4

"The Fall of the Secretary General," chapter 8 1997 September 30

box 28, folder 5

"Father Aristide and Haitian Democracy," comments 1997 November

box 28, folder 6

Table of contents and other miscellaneous drafts 1997 December 2

box 28, folder 7

Final chapter 1997 December 3

box 28, folder 8

"Toward a New El Salvador," chapter 6 1998 February 10

box 28, folder 9-10

Chapters 1-6 1998 May 6-11

box 28, folder 11-12

Chapters 7-afterword 1998 May 6-24

box 29, folder 1-4

Complete manuscript 1997-1998

box 29, folder 5

Book notes 1997-1998

box 29, folder 6

Editing notes 1997-1998

box 29, folder 7

Correspondence 1997-1999

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Ulf Buchholz, Jason Epstein, Charles Hill, and Romayne Ponleithner.
box 29, folder 8

Readers' comments 1997

box 29, folder 9

Reviews 1999

box 30

Boutros Boutros-Ghali amicorum discipulorumque liber paix, développement, démocratie = peace, development, democracy, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2 vols. 1998


Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Egypt) File 1974-1991

Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings, correspondence, memoranda, notes, and printed matter relating to Boutros-Ghali's work as Egypt's minister of state for foreign affairs. Arranged alphabetically by physical form.
box 31, folder 1

Booklet on Egyptian diplomacy in Latin America 1983

box 31, folder 2

Campaign flyer circa 1974

drawer O07

Campaign poster circa 1974


Clippings on Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1977-1994

Language of Material: Arabic and French

Scope and Contents note

Includes originals and photocopies.
box 31, folder 3

1977 July-August

box 31, folder 4-7

1977 November-1978 June



box 31, folder 8-9


box 32, folder 1


box 32, folder 2-4


box 32, folder 5-7


Scope and Contents

Includes materials on Camp David talks.


box 33, folder 1-4


box 33, folder 5-6


box 34, folder 1-2


box 34, folder 3-6




box 35, folder 1-6


box 36, folder 1-4




box 37, folder 1-3


box 37, folder 4-7


box 38, folder 1-3




box 38, folder 4-7


box 39, folder 1-8


box 40, folder 1-3




box 40, folder 4-7


box 41, folder 1-7




box 41, folder 8


box 42, folder 1-2


box 42, folder 3-8


box 43, folder 1-7




box 44, folder 1-2


box 43, folder 8


box 44, folder 3-7


box 44, folder 8


box 45, folder 1-2


box 45, folder 3-4




box 45, folder 5-7


box 46, folder 1


box 46, folder 2-7


box 47, folder 1-4




box 47, folder 5-7


box 48, folder 1


box 48, folder 2-5


Scope and Contents

Includes clippings on the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations and African relations.
box 49, folder 1-5




Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings relating to candidacy for the United Nations Secretary General.
box 49, folder 6


box 50, folder 1-3


box 50, folder 4


box 50, folder 5-6


box 51, folder 1-2


box 51, folder 3-6


box 52, folder 1-4


box 52, folder 5-7


Scope and Contents

Relates mostly to Boutros-Ghali's candidacy for UN Secretary General.
box 53, folder 1-2


box 53, folder 3-7


box 54, folder 1


box 54, folder 2-4


box 54, folder 5-7


box 55, folder 1


Scope and Contents

Relates mostly to candidacy/election of Boutros-Ghali for UN Secretary General.
box 55, folder 2-8


box 56, folder 1


box 56, folder 2-4



Correspondence 1987-1990


General file

Scope and Contents note

Brief letters of thanks or congratulations and invitations to events from foreign ministers, diplomats, government officials, civilians, and organizations.
box 56, folder 5-8


Scope and Contents

Includes letters of congratulations regarding appointment as Egyptian foreign minister. Also includes minutes of a meeting of the Egyptian National Committee on February 25, 1987.
box 56, folder 9


Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include African Association of International Law; M. Cherif-Bassiouni; René-Jean Dupuy; Egyptian Society of International Law; Martin Elsässer; René Felber; Laurel B. Francis; Institut de la Droit International; Joseph Lagu; Bona Malwal; Ios Nwachukwu; Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa); Léopold Sédar Senghor; and ambassadors and foreign ministers of Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, Egypt, and Japan.
box 57, folder 1-3


box 57, folder 4-6


Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Anouar Abdel-Malek (includes preliminary draft of "From the 'Sea of Decision' to the 'Sea of Destiny': The Challenges and Promises of Complementarity"); W. J. Adams; American-Arab Affairs Council; D. S. Constantopoulos; René-Jean Dupuy; Hague Academy of International Law; Richard Hudson; Douglas Hurd; Rifaat al-Mahjub; Constantin Mitsotakis; François Mitterand; Ismail M. Moolla; Pope John Paul II; John Trent; P. V. Narashima Rao; Sadruddin Aga Khan; Léopold Sédar Senghor; Ira Silverman; Societé d'Archeologie Copte; Stephen J. Solarz; Dmitri Voyiadzis; and ambassadors and foreign affairs ministers from Argentina, Bulgaria, Cuba, Japan, Korea, Romania, Rwanda, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia.
box 57, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with foreign ambassadors and embassy officials from Hungary, Korea, Nigeria, Zaire, Cameroon, Turkey. Correspondents of note include W. J. Adams; Adebayo Adedeji; James Baker III; Herman J. Cohen; Comité Olympique Egyptien; Alain Dejammet (with attached letter from Hosni Mubarak); Hague Academy for International Law; Dmitri Voyiadzis; Salim Ahmed Salim; Patrizio Schmidlin; Shimon Shamir; Thorvald Stoltenberg. Includes letter from Dr. D. J. de Villiers to Abdelhadi Kandil regarding release of Nelson Mandela. Also includes some letters addressed to Hosni Mubarak regarding Mauritania-Senegal conflict and Egypt's role in settling dispute.
box 58, folder 1-2


box 58, folder 3-4

1991. Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Taoufik Ben Amara, Alain Dejammet, Chusei Yamada, a letter from Douglas Hurd to Hosni Mubarak (photocopy), and numerous thank you letters from foreign ministers and ambassadors.

Special file

box 58, folder 5-7

1990 (Part I)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include Pierre Buyoya; Alain Dejammet, René-Jean Dupuy; Amitié Fidèle; George Iacovou; Henry Koba; Moustapha Niasse; Charles H. Percy; and Peter Tarnoff. Includes notes for peace settlement in Mauritania/Senegal, drafts of speech welcoming President George Bush upon his visit to Egypt, and a list of participants in the meeting of the council of the socialist international. Also includes schedule of appointments for Dr. Boutros-Ghali and Suzanne Mubarak on visit to UN General Assembly (September-October).
box 58, folder 8

1990 (Part II)

Scope and Contents note

Correspondents include W. J. Adam; Jimmy Carter; Roland Dumas; Hussein Habre; Joseph Lagu; Isidoro Malmierca; Francois Mitterand; Salim A. Salim (OAU); Patrizio Schmidlin; W. E. B. Du Bois Foundation. Includes some minutes from a meeting between Hosni Mubarak and President Bush (October 2, 1989) and notes on the status of the Sudan peace process. Also inlcudes clipping about Boutros-Ghali's assistance in Nelson Mandela's release (February 1990).
box 59, folder 1-3

1990 (Part II)

box 59, folder 4-7


Scope and Contents note

Letters of congratulations regarding Boutros-Ghali's appointment to Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs.
box 60, folder 1-5

Interview transcripts 1991 January-May

Language of Material: Arabic
box 60, folder 6

Memorandum from press 1979 October

box 60, folder 6-7

Memoranda, clippings, and speeches regarding the Organization of African Unity, Senegal-Mauritania conflict, and related talks 1989

box 61, folder 1-2

Memoranda, clippings and speeches regarding meetings with ambassadors and diplomats from African, Asian, Arab countries, Israel, the United Nations and international organizations 1990

box 61, folder 3

Text for book on the Arab-Israeli situation 1979

box 61, folder 4-7

Writings and clippings on international politics and Egyptian foreign policy 1990


Secretary-General of the United Nations File 1981-2001

Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings, correspondence, speeches, writings, memoranda, notes, reports, press releases, printed matter, and photographs relating to Boutros-Ghali's term as the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations. Arranged alphabetically by physical form or subject, and, for the most part, chronologically thereunder.


box 83, folder 1

Chronology of term as secretary-general 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 2

List of countries visited by the Secretary-General 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 3-8

Appointments and daily schedules 1992-1996


One appointment from December 1993 marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Appointment books


Marked "Strictly Confidential."

Scope and Contents note

Binders of appointments, meeting minutes, meeting summaries, and notes from telephone conversations.


box 62, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 62, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 63, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 63, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 64, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 64, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 65, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 65, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 66, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 66, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 66, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 67, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 67, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 68, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 68, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 68, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 69, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 69, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 70, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 70, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 71, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 71, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 71, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 72, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 72, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 72, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 73, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 73, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 73, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 74, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 74, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 75, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 75, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 75, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 76, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 76, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 76, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 77, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 77, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 77, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 78, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 78, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 79, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 79, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 79, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 79, folder 4


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 80, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 80, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 80, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 80, folder 4


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 81, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 81, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 81, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 81, folder 4


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 82, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 82, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 82, folder 3

Notes of the Secretary-General's telephone conversations (telcons) 1993-1994


Marked "Strictly Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 82, folder 4

Meeting notes 1994-1996

Scope and Contents

Marked "Strictly Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 9

Balance sheets 1992 May

Scope and Contents note

Relates to assessment of Boutros-Ghali's achievements in his first months as secretary-general.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 10

Biographical note 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 11

Boutros Boutros-Ghali prize 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 83, folder 12-13

Caricatures 1992-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 84, folder 1-3

Caricatures 1992-1995





box 84, folder 4

1981 and undated

box 84, folder 5-6


box 84, folder 7-10


box 85, folder 1-3


box 85, folder 4-5


box 85, folder 6-8


box 85, folder 9


box 85, folder 10-11


box 86, folder 1-2


box 86, folder 3

1997-1995, 2001

box 86, folder 4

United Nations Information Center (UNIC) Lagos 1992

box 86, folder 5

UNIC, Islamabad 1992 April

box 86, folder 6-7

Coverage in the Italian Press of the Somali crisis 1993 July

box 86, folder 8

La Francophonie Summit 1993 October

box 86, folder 9-10

United Nations and related issues 1993-1996


Clippings dossiers

Scope and Contents note

Compiled by the News Distribution Section, News Distribution Spokesman's Office (UN), Department of Public Information (DPI), and Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG).


box 87, folder 1

Weekly, September 28-October 2

box 87, folder 2

Monthly, December

box 87, folder 3

Special, press clippings prepared by the Spokesman's Office on the Secretary General's report An Agenda for Peace July 7





box 88, folder 1


box 88, folder 2




box 88, folder 3

September 27-October 1

box 88, folder 4

October 4-8

box 88, folder 5

October 25-November 5

box 89, folder 1

November 8-12

box 89, folder 2

November 15-19

box 89, folder 3

November 22-December 3



box 90, folder 1


box 90, folder 2


box 91, folder 1


box 91, folder 2


box 91, folder 3


box 91, folder 4


box 92, folder 1


box 92, folder 2


box 92, folder 3-4


box 93, folder 1


box 93, folder 2

November 9

box 93, folder 3




box 93, folder 4

Official visit of the Secretary-General to Japan December 18-22

box 93, folder 5

Official visit of the Secretary-General to North Korea December 22-24





box 94, folder 1-2

February 22-March 4

box 94, folder 3-4

March 7-25

box 94, folder 5-6

April 18-29

box 95, folder 1-4

May 2-June 17

box 96, folder 1-4

June 20-July 22

box 97, folder 1-4

July 25-August 26

box 98, folder 1-4

September 6-October 7

box 99, folder 1-4

October 10-November 18

box 100, folder 1-3

November 21-December 23



box 100, folder 4


box 101, folder 1


box 101, folder 2


box 102, folder 1


box 102, folder 2


box 103, folder 1


box 103, folder 2-3


box 103, folder 4-5


box 104, folder 1-2


box 104, folder 3-4


box 105, folder 1-2




box 105, folder 3

Cairo Conference on Population and Development September

box 105, folder 4

United Nations Day clippings received from United Nations Information Centers (UNIC)

box 106, folder 1

United Nations Day clippings received from UNICs (Arabic) October

box 106, folder 2

Visit of the Secretary-General to Argentina and Chile

box 106, folder 3

Visit of the Secretary-General to Sarajevo

box 106, folder 4

World Ministerial Conference on Organized Transnational Crime, Naples, Italy November





box 106, folder 5

1994 December 28-1995 January 6

box 107, folder 1-3

January 7-February 17

box 108, folder 1-3

February 18-March 24

box 109, folder 1-4

March 25-April 18

box 110, folder 1-4

April 19-May 26

box 111, folder 1-5

May 27-July 7

box 112, folder 1-5

July 8-August 18

box 113, folder 1-4

August 19-September 15

box 114, folder 1-3

September 16-October 6

box 115, folder 1-2

October 7-20

box 115, folder 3-4

October 28-November 10

box 116, folder 1-5

November 11-December 15



box 117, folder 1-2


box 117, folder 3-4


box 117, folder 5


box 118, folder 1


box 118, folder 2-3


box 119, folder 1-2


box 119, folder 3


box 120, folder 1


box 120, folder 2-3


box 121, folder 1-2


box 121, folder 3-4


box 122, folder 1-2


box 122, folder 3


box 123, folder 1


box 123, folder 2-3




box 123, folder 4

Arabic newspapers

box 123, folder 5

Article on genocide April-May

box 124, folder 1

Social Summit March 6-12

box 124, folder 2-3

United Nations 50th Anniversary June





box 125, folder 1-2

January 13-26

box 125, folder 3-4

February 2-16

box 126, folder 1-4

February 17-March 22

box 127, folder 1-4

March 23-April 19

box 128, folder 1

April 20-May 3

box 128, folder 2-4

May 18-June 7

box 129, folder 1-3

June 8-28

box 129, folder 4

July 6-12

box 130, folder 1-5

July 13-August 16

box 131, folder 1-5

August 17-September 20

box 132, folder 1-5

September 21-October 25

box 133, folder 1-5

October 26-November 29

box 134, folder 1-4

November 30-December 31



box 135, folder 1


box 135, folder 2


box 136, folder 1


box 136, folder 2


box 137, folder 1-3


box 137, folder 4


box 138, folder 1-2


box 138, folder 3


box 139, folder 1


box 139, folder 2


box 140, folder 1


box 140, folder 2


box 141, folder 1


box 141, folder 2


box 142, folder 1




box 142, folder 2

Qana Report May


Re-election after the announcement of the Secretary General on June 19, 1996

box 142, folder 3

Arabic June-November

box 143, folder 1-4

Arabic June-November

box 144, folder 1-2

Arabic June-November

box 144, folder 3-4

English June-November

box 145, folder 1-3

English June-November

box 146, folder 1-5

French June-November

box 146, folder 6

German - Italian - Spanish June

box 147, folder 1-3

Wire reports in English and French

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Correspondence 1991-1996




Log of incoming and outgoing correspondence

box 148, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 148, folder 2-5


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 148, folder 6


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 149, folder 1-3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 149, folder 4-6


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 150, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 150, folder 2-5


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 151, folder 1

Personal correspondence 1991-1992

box 151, folder 2-6

Letters of support and congratulations 1991

box 151, folder 7

Four former U.S. ambassadors to Egypt letter to President Bush on candidacy of Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1991 August 20

box 152, folder 1

Letters of appreciation 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 2-4

Letters of support for re-election 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 5-6

Invitations to speaking events and other events 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 7

Abi-Saab, George 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 8

Aga Khan 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 9

Albright, Madeleine 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 10

Aleksy II 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 11

D'Amato, Alfonse M. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 12

Armey, Richard K. 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 13

Asia Society 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 14

Baker, James, III 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 15

Balanzino, Sergio 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 16

Bapna, Ashok 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 17

Baudouin I, King of Belgium 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 18

Bedjaoui, Mohammed 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 19

Bellow, Saul 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 20

Biegman, Nicholas H. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 21

Biya, Jeanne Irène 1992

Scope and Contents note

From Leia Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 22

Blix, Hans 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 23

Borchgrave, Arnaud de 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 24

Bruzonsky, Mark 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 25

Bush, George H. 1991-1993

Scope and Contents note

Includes a photocopy of a letter from George H. Bush to Ardeshir Zahedi.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 26

Camdessus, Michel 1993 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 27

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 28

Carter, Jimmy 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 29

Chien, Fred (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 30

Christopher, Warren 1993-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 31

Claes, Willy 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 32

Clinton, William J. 1993, 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 33

Cook, Frances D. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 34

Cot, Jean 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 35

Couteaux, Paul-Marie 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 36

Cristiani-Burkard, Alfredo Félix

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 37

Das, Siba Kumar 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 38

Dejammet, Alain 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 39

Dole, Bob 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 40

Druon, Maurice 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 41

Dupuy, René-Jean 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 152, folder 42

Eilts, Hermann Frederick 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 1

England, J. K. Robert 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 2

Erdös, André 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 3

Filali, Abdellatif 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 4

Foreign Policy Research Institute 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 5

Fortune magazine (James B. Hayes) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 6

Freitas Do Amaral, Diogo

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 7

Fujimori, Alberto Fujimori 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 8

Gilman, Ben 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 9

Giuliani, Rudolph W. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 10

Gorse, Georges 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 11

Hamilton, Lee H. 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 12

Hillard, Earl F. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 13

Holbrooke, Richard 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 14

Howard, Michael 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 15

H'un Saen (Hun Sen) 1993

Scope and Contents Note

Includes declaration of the state of Cambodia.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 16

InterAction Council 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 17

Jesus, Jose Luis 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 18

John Paul II 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 19

Karadzic, Radovan 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 20

Kallas, Siim 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 21

Keating, Colin 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 22

Kelman, Herbert C. 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 23

Kennedy, Edward M. 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 24

Kissinger, Henry 1992 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 25

Klerk, F. W. De 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 26

Koch, Edward I. 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 27

Liu Ansheng 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 28

Lord, Winston 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 29

Lowi, Miriam 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 30

Ly, Pierre 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 31

Major, John 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 32

Mérimée, Jean-Bernard 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 33

Mugabe, Robert G. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 34

Muthaura, Francis K. 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 35

Najibullah, Fatana 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 36

Noor, Queen of Jordan 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 37

Ould-Abdullah, A. 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 38

Pasqua, Charles 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 39

Peng, Li 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 40

Perkins, Edward J. 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 41

Piriz-Ballon, Ramiro 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 42

Ranariddh, Norodom 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 43

Reiff, Daniel D. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 44

Reyn, Alex 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 45

Roberts, Adam 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 46

Robinson, James D., III 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 47

Said al-Sahaf, Mohammed 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 48

Salem Sabah Al Salem Al-Sabah 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 49

Salim, Salim Ahmed

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 50

Sardenberg, Ronaldo Mota 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 51

Shore, Herbert 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 52

Sihanouk, Norodom 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 53

Simon, Paul 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 54

Soros, George 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 55

Strong, Maurice F. 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 56

Suzuki, Shunichi 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 57

Tudjman, Franjo 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 58

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) (Carol Bellamy) 1993-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 59

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (James Gustave Speth and William Draper III) 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 60

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (Federico Mayor) 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 61

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine and Refugees in the Near East 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 62

Uniao Nacional Para Independencia Total de Angola 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 63

United Ethiopians Democratic Congress 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 64

Unsoeld, J. 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 65

Vianello-Chiodo, Marco 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 66

Vorontsoc, Yuliy 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 67

Walters, Barbara 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 68

Weizsäcker, Richard von 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 69

Whitehead, John 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 70

Wishnumurti, Nugroho 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 71

Wiznitzer, Louis circa 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 72

World Bank (James Wolfensohn) 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 73

World Affairs Council (J. Curtis Mack) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 74

Wörner, Manfred 1994

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter approving NATO air strikes in Sarajevo.


This letter is marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 75

Yeltsin, Boris N. 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 153, folder 76-77

Miscellaneous 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 154, folder 1

Finances and budget 1992-1997

Scope and Contents note

See also: Charles Hill Advising and Projects File/Finances and budget documents (Joseph E. Connor).

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

General Assembly

box 154, folder 2

Lists of speakers of general debate

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 154, folder 3

Lists of dignitaries at 47th, 49th, 50th, and 51st sessions 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 154, folder 4

Effective Planning, Budgeting and Administration of Peace Keeping Operations, GA 48-218B 1994 June

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 154, folder 5

Miscellaneous 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Geographical files

Scope and Contents Note

Binders of correspondence, reports, resolutions, memoranda, and printed matter on different geographical areas. Includes originals and photocopies.
box 154, folder 6-8

Burundi I 1993-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 155, folder 1

Burundi II 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 155, folder 2


Scope and Contents note

Background notes.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 155, folder 3

Eritrea/Yemen 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 155, folder 4-5

Oil-for-Food Talks (Security Council Resolution 986) 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 156, folder 1-2

Oil-for-Food Talks (Security Council Resolution 986) 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 156, folder 3

Non-paper, "Memorandum of Understanding Between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 986 (1995)," 1996 April

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 156, folder 4-6

Binder, "Report of envoys / non-paper / legal office / 'The Three' / Libya-Belgium / Libya-Malta / Libya-France / Libya-U.S. / Libya-United Kingdom / Libya-Secretary General / United Kingdom-Secretary General / Libya-Egypt / Libya-Iran," 1992-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 156, folder 7

Correspondence from Libya to the Secretary-General 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 157, folder 1-3

Correspondence from Libya to the Secretary-General 1992-1996

Scope and Contents Note

Includes letters from Muammar Qaddafi.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 157, folder 4

Correspondence from the Secretary-General to Libya 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 157, folder 5

Correspondence from Libya to the Secretary-General 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 157, folder 6

Correspondence, League of Arab States 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 157, folder 7

Correspondence, general 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 158, folder 1

Correspondence, International Court of Justice 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 158, folder 2-3

Resolutions, reports, notes for the Secretary-General, and sanctions review 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 158, folder 4-5

Middle East I 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 159, folder 1-2

Middle East II 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 159, folder 3

Nigeria I 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 159, folder 4-5

Nigeria II 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 160, folder 1

Rwanda I 1993

Scope and Contents

Includes some UN documents marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 160, folder 2-3

Rwanda II 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 160, folder 4

Rwanda III 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 161, folder 1

Rwanda III 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 161, folder 2

Rwanda IV 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 161, folder 3-5

Somalia I 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 162, folder 1-3

Somalia II 1993

Scope and Contents

Includes UN documents marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 162, folder 4-5

Somalia III 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 163, folder 1

Somalia III 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 163, folder 2-4

Somalia IV (Task Force file) 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 163, folder 5-6

Western Sahara 1993-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 164, folder 1

Yugoslavia I 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Includes UN documents marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 164, folder 2-3

Yugoslavia II 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 164, folder 4

Yugoslavia III 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 165, folder 1-3

Yugoslavia III 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 165, folder 4-5

Zaire 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 165, folder 6

Additional file on Iraq/Nigeria-Cameroon/Eastern Slovenia/Qana 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 1-7

Interviews 1991-1996 undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Meetings and telephone conversations, notes

Scope and Contents note

Memcons and telcons.
box 166, folder 8


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 9


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 10-13


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 14


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 15

Lord Peter Carrington 1992 July 2 and July 9

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 166, folder 16-17

Warren Christopher 1993-1994

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes from meeting on November 8, 1993 with Christopher and Albright.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 1

Jiang Zemin 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 2

Lee Teng-hui undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 3

Joint meetings on Cyprus 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 4

Delegation of Experts from the Human Rights Program 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 5

Meeting of the Secretary-General with the heads of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 6-9

Task Force on United Nations Operations 1993-1996

Scope and Contents

Marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 167, folder 10

UN Security Council, miscellaneous 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Memoranda, interoffice

box 168, folder 1

Notes on the United Nations and democracy undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 168, folder 2

Leia Boutros-Ghali seated with other women undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 3

Leia Boutros-Ghali with Rudy Giuliani 1995 September

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 4

Boutros Boutros-Ghali at UN press conference 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 5

Charles Hill with Caroline Lombardo and Bettina Polydor 1996 December

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 289

Heads of state at UN 50


Press releases

box 168, folder 6


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 7


Scope and Contents note

On meeting with Shimon Peres.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 8


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 9


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 10

1995 April-December

Scope and Contents note

Statements issued by the spokesman for the Secretary-General.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 11

1996 January-October

Scope and Contents note

Statements issued by the spokesman for the Secretary-General.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 168, folder 12


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Printed materials, miscellaneous

box 168, folder 13-15

Magazines with articles on Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 169, folder 1-3

Foreign Policy Bulletin 1994-1995

box 169, folder 4

Secretariat News 1992 February

box 169, folder 5

"The Expanding Role of the United Nations and Its Implications for United Kingdom Policy," Foreign Affairs Committee, volume I 1993 June

box 169, folder 6

UN Chronicle 1992 June

box 169, folder 7

VN Forum 1993

Language of Material: Dutch
box 169, folder 8

Review of International Affairs, vol. XLIII 1992

box 169, folder 9

Our Global Neighborhood, Report of the Commission on Global Governance 1995

box 169, folder 10

"A World of Dispute: A Survey of the Frontiers of Development Cooperation," 1993

box 170, folder 1

Erskine Childers and Brian Urquhart, "Renewing the United Nations System," Development Dialogue 1994

box 170, folder 2

"The UN in Crisis," Foreign Policy 1995

box 170, folder 3-4

Miscellaneous 1991-1996




Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization


Printed copies.
box 170, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

By Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
box 170, folder 6

1992 September

box 170, folder 7

1993 September

box 170, folder 8

Photocopies of 1992-1993 reports

box 170, folder 9



box 171, folder 1

1994, "Building Peace and Development"

box 171, folder 2

1995, "Confronting New Challenges"


box 171, folder 3

1996 (50th anniversary)

box 171, folder 4

1997, "Renewal Amid Transition"

box 171, folder 5

New Dimensions of Arms Regulations and Disarmament in the Post-Cold War Era, report of the Secretary General 1992

box 171, folder 6

Permanent Missions to the United Nations No. 271 1992 September

box 171, folder 7

"Report of the Independent Working Group on the Future of the United Nations," 1995

box 171, folder 8

Shelling of UN compound in Qana 1996 May 1


Security Council


"Forecasts (tentative) of the Programme of Work of the Security Council," 1991-1996

box 171, folder 9

1991 December-1992 December

box 172, folder 1

1993 January-December

box 172, folder 2

1994 January-December

box 172, folder 3

1995 January-December

box 172, folder 4

1996 January-October

box 172, folder 5

Provisional verbatim record of Security Council meeting, New York 1992 January 31

box 172, folder 6

First Security Council meeting at Level of Heads of State or Government (Declaration), clipping 1992 January 31


Reports to the United Nations Security Council by the Secretary-General

box 172, folder 7-8

1992 January, July-December

box 173, folder 1-3


box 173, folder 4-6


box 174, folder 1


box 174, folder 2-7


Scope and Contents note

Includes draft and final copy of report on peacekeeping operations.
box 175, folder 1-3


box 175, folder 4

Resolution 242, Secretary-General's statement to Palestinian reply 1992 March

box 175, folder 5

Resolutions, various 1992-1998

box 175, folder 6

Report to Security Council 1993 January 20

Scope and Contents note

Original typescript with notes.
box 175, folder 7-8

Reform 1994

box 175, folder 9

Secretary-General's report on rapid deployment forces (RDF), clipping 1994

box 175, folder 10

Security Council Summit 1994 August

box 175, folder 11

Resolution of the former Yugoslavia 1995


Speeches and writings 1991-1996

Scope and Contents note

See also: Charles Hill Advising and Projects File/"S-G Special" and Papers of Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali/Research Materials.

General 1991-1996

box 175, folder 12

List of statements 1991-1996

box 175, folder 13

List of statements made during trips 1992-1996

box 175, folder 14

List of statements organized by subject 1995-1996

box 175, folder 15

Statement to the Third London Conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina undated

box 175, folder 16

Introduction to "Seeds of Partnership," undated

box 175, folder 17

"Development: Clearing Away Old Impediments and Creating a New Rationale," undated

box 175, folder 18

"Réponse à M. Stefan Makowski: Institut für Sufi-Fordererung 'Ce Que Je Crois,' par Boutros Boutros-Ghali," undated

box 176, folder 1

Message of the Secretary-General for publication in the Beijing Review undated

box 176, folder 2

Statement for Welsh television undated

box 176, folder 3

"The United Nations in a New Era," Foreign Affairs 1990-1992


box 176, folder 4

Statement, San Salvador 1992 January 17

box 176, folder 5

"United Nations Peacekeeping in a New Era: A New Chance for Peace," 1992 January 21

box 176, folder 6

"International Peace-keeping in a Multi-Polar and Multi-Ethnic World," 1992 May 13

box 176, folder 7

Statement at the Economic and Social Council High Level Segment of Enhancing International Cooperation for Development: The Role of the United Nations 1992 July 6

box 176, folder 8

"Regional Conflicts: Threat to World Peace and Progress," 1992 September 9

box 176, folder 9

Address to the Foreign Policy Association 1992 October 16

box 176, folder 10

United Nations Day concert speech 1992 October 24

box 176, folder 11

Speech to open Disarmament Week, draft 1992 October 26

box 176, folder 12

Speech to the 50th Commission of the General Assembly 1992 November 6

Language of Material: French
box 176, folder 13

Statement to open "Somalia's Cry: An Exhibition of Photographs," 1992 November 16

box 176, folder 14

Statement to the Meeting of Tribal Chiefs, Geneva 1992 December 1

Scope and Contents note

Delivered by special representative Sahabzada Yaqub Khan.
box 176, folder 15

"Empowering the United Nations," Foreign Affairs 1992 December

Physical Description

Photocopy of printed copy.
box 176, folder 16

Draft message from the Secretary-General to the Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Committee on the Former Yugoslavia (UCFY) 1992 December


An Agenda for Peace 1992

box 176, folder 17

Contact lists 1992

box 176, folder 18

Letter from Richard N. Gardner 1992 August 11

box 176, folder 19-21

Implementation of An Agenda for Peace, drafts, correspondence, speeches and documents of the Informal Open-Ended Working Group 1992 October-1993 May

Scope and Contents note

Also includes meeting minutes and analysis by the UN Security Council.
box 177, folder 1-8

Implementation of An Agenda for Peace, drafts, correspondence, speeches and documents of the Informal Open-Ended Working Group 1992 October - 1993 May

box 177, folder 9

Recommendations circa 1992

box 178, folder 1

Reactions and progress report 1992-1994

box 178, folder 2-4

Printed copies, first edition 1992

Language of Material: Arabic, English, Chinese, Hungarian, Russian, and Spanish
box 178, folder 5

Printed copy, second edition 1995


box 178, folder 6

"United Nations Activities for Africa: The Record of the Past Year," OAU Summit, Cairo 1992-1993

box 178, folder 7

"Global Development Cooperation," 1993

box 178, folder 8

"African Development: A New Vision for the 1990s," 1993

box 178, folder 9

"Beyond Peace-keeping," New York University Conference on the Future of Collective Security 1993 January 22

Scope and Contents Note

Includes related talking points and correspondence.
box 178, folder 10

"The United Nations: What It Is and What It Can Be," 1993 March

box 178, folder 11

Foreword to "The UN in the Asia-Pacific Region," 1993 March

box 178, folder 12

"Message to the United Nations Association of the USA on the Occasion of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Ball," 1993 April 21

box 178, folder 13

"The United Nations and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process," Jewish Chronicle, London, typescript draft 1993 May

box 178, folder 14

Letter from the Secretary-General to head of government of the G-7 1993 May

box 178, folder 15

Statement to the United Nations Security Council ministerial session, draft 1993 May 21

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Charles Hill.
box 178, folder 16

Video message on the World Conference on Human Rights, draft 1993 June

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Charles Hill.
box 178, folder 17

Opening statement in World Conference on Human Rights 1993 June

box 178, folder 18

"The Foundations of World Progress: A Fresh Look," Kriesky lecture 1993 June

box 178, folder 19

"Multilateralism and Ugly Nationalism," 1993 August

Scope and Contents note

box 178, folder 20

"Multilateralism and the United Nations," New York Times op-ed 1993 August 16

box 178, folder 21

Statement on United Nations Staff Day 1993 September 10

Scope and Contents note

Draft by Charles Hill.
box 178, folder 22

"The Establishment of Conduct of United Nations Field Operations," memorandum 1993 September 27-October 1

box 178, folder 23

"Toast du Secretaire General des Nations Unies à l'occasion du dîner de la francophonie offert par le ministre des affaires etrangères de la republique Française," 1993 October 1

box 178, folder 24

Statement to the United Nations Association of the United States (UNA-USA) 1993 October 29

box 179, folder 1

Binder of speeches from visit to Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China 1993 December

box 179, folder 2

Meeting with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany 1994 January 18

box 179, folder 3

Gabriel Silver memorial lecture, Columbia University 1994 February

Language of Material: Spanish
box 179, folder 4

Address of the Secretary-General to the Joint Meeting of the Group on Equal Rights for Women in the United Nations and the Women's Environment and Development Organization on the Occasion of International Women's Day 1994 March 8

box 179, folder 5

"The United Nations - An Agenda for the 21st Century," 1994 June 8

box 179, folder 6

Address to the First Committee 1994 October 17

box 179, folder 7

"The UN and Democracy," 1994 Gauer Distinguished Lecture in Law and Public Policy of the National Legal Center for the Public Interest, New York 1994 October 18

box 179, folder 8

Address to the Ministerial Segment, United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency 1994 October 19

box 179, folder 9

Toast for the United Nations Symposium on Trade Efficiency, Columbus, Ohio 1994 October 19

box 179, folder 10

Address to the Ministerial Segment of the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency, Columbus, Ohio 1994 October 19

box 179, folder 11

"Creating a World in Balance: The World Summit on Social Development," 1994 October 21

box 179, folder 12

"Message to the People of South Africa on United Nations Day 1994," 1994 October 24

box 179, folder 13

Opening statement, The Diplomatic and Commonwealth Writers' Association 1994 October 24

box 179, folder 14

Message for United Nations Day 1994 October 24

box 179, folder 15

Message on World AIDS Day 1994 1994 December 1


An Agenda for Development 1995

box 179, folder 16

General, UN development 1992-1994

box 179, folder 17

Op-ed on development, notes 1992 October

box 179, folder 18

"Organizing and Coordinating for Development: Documents for the Secretary-General's remarks to Rio follow up," 1992 November 2

Scope and Contents note

Received from Charles Hill.
box 179, folder 19-20

Note and draft outlines 1992-1994

box 179, folder 21

Drafts and research materials 1989-1997

box 179, folder 22

Draft 1994 May 8

box 180, folder 1

Draft and comments 1994

Scope and Contents note

Received from Charles Hill.
box 180, folder 2-3

Recommendations 1994

Scope and Contents note

Received from Charles Hill.
box 180, folder 4

Printed copy 1995

box 180, folder 5

Printed copy (photocopy) 1995

box 180, folder 6

Statements on peacekeeping 1994 September-1995 April

box 180, folder 7

"Statement on the occasion of the death of Bosnian Foreign Minister Dr. Irfan Ljubijankic," 1995

box 180, folder 8

"The Charter at the Opening of Its Second Half-Century," 1995

box 180, folder 9

"A New Departure for Development," 1995

box 180, folder 10

"Supplement to an Agenda for Peace: Position Paper of the Secretary-General on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations," report to UN Security Council 1995 January 3

box 180, folder 11

Binder of speeches from visit to Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland 1995 January 10-26

box 180, folder 12

Visit to the UNU/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki 1995 January 11

box 180, folder 13

Visit to the Office of the World Health Organization 1995 January 16

box 180, folder 14

"Remarks on Receiving the Charter of the United Nations from the United States National Archives," 1995 February 1

box 180, folder 15

Statement to the World Summit for Social Development, draft 1995 February 6

box 180, folder 16

"In Copenhagen, A New Kind of Summit," op-ed in Washington Times 1995 February 6

box 180, folder 17

Introductory statement to the Forum on the Future of the United Nations, Vienna 1995 March 1

box 180, folder 18

"The 25th Seminar Peacemaking and Peace-keeping for the Next Century," Vienna 1995 March 2

box 180, folder 19

"Democracy, Media and the UN," Tenth Annual Conference, Columbia University 1995 March 19

box 180, folder 20

"Managing the Peace-keeping Challenge," Yale University 1995 March 21

box 180, folder 21

Message to the 20th Conference of the National High School Model United Nations 1995 March 22

box 180, folder 22

Message of the Secretary-General to the World Federation of United Nations Associations' Fifth Regional Conference of United Nations Association in Asia and the Pacific, Dhaka 1995 March 24-28

box 180, folder 23

Address to members of the New York Stock Exchange 1995 April 5

box 180, folder 24

Remarks at the meeting to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Bandung Afro-Asia Conference of 1955, Bandung 1995 April 24

box 180, folder 25

"A Groatian Moment," typescript and printed copy 1995 May

box 180, folder 26

Remarks for the luncheon commemorating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the New York State Human Rights Law, New York 1995 May 15

box 180, folder 27

Message on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the American University in Cairo, Harvard Club, New York 1995 May 18

box 180, folder 28

"Address at a reception hosted by the Foreign Minister of New Zealand H. E. Mr. Don McKinnon, under the auspices of the Institute for International Affairs and the United Nations Association of New Zealand," 1995 May 1

box 181, folder 1

Foreword by the Secretary-General to the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences' book, "Pithy Speeches at the UN Forum," 1995 May

box 181, folder 2

"Toast at a lunch offered by the Prime Minister of New Zealand, H.E. Mr. James Bolger," Wellington 1995 May 1

box 181, folder 3

"Allocutions du Secretaire General de L'Organisation des Nations Unies lors de la commemoration du cinquantième anniversaire de la victoire alliée," Moscow 1995 May 9

box 181, folder 4

Concluding statement to the book One World 1995 May 19

box 181, folder 5

Address to the annual dinner of the Foreign Policy Association, New York 1995 June 19

box 181, folder 6

World Affairs Council speech 1995 June 23

box 181, folder 7

Remarks, M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco 1995 June 24

box 181, folder 8

Remarks, NGO Forum, San Francisco 1995 June 24

box 181, folder 9

Introductory statement to the Forum on the Reform and Renewal of the United Nations 1995 June 24

box 181, folder 10

"Managing the United Nations: Mapping the Road Ahead," UNA/USA National Convention, San Francisco 1995 June 25

box 181, folder 11

Message of the Secretary-General to the National Convention of the United Nations' Association of the United States of America, San Francisco 1995 June 25-28

box 181, folder 12

Remarks at the Inter-Faith Service, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco 1995 June 25

box 181, folder 13

Remarks for Charter Ceremony, San Francisco 1995 June 26

box 181, folder 14

Remarks at dedication of United Nations Plaza, San Francisco 1995 June 26

box 181, folder 15

Civic luncheon, San Francisco 1995 June 26

box 181, folder 16

Remarks on reform at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Geneva 1995 July 4

box 181, folder 17

Address at the Session of the Economic and Social Council 1995 July 4

box 181, folder 18

Address for the Onassis Prize for International Understanding and Social Achievement 1995 July 11

box 181, folder 19

Message for a publication to mark Indonesia's 50th independence anniversary 1995 August

box 181, folder 20

Address to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing 1995 September 4

box 181, folder 21

Introduction of Pope John Paul II, draft 1995 October 5

box 181, folder 22

United Nations correspondents dinner talking points 1995 October 27

box 181, folder 23

Opening remarks at UN Security Council 1995 December 15

box 181, folder 24

Remarks at reception on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations University and the launching of UNU research initiative, "The United Nations System in the 21st Century," 1995 December 18

box 181, folder 25

Introduction to Brown Journal of World Affairs issue on UN Peacekeeping 1996

box 181, folder 26

"Crisis at the UN: What's Going On?" New York Times op-ed 1996

box 181, folder 27

Statement to the meeting of the Group of 77 1996 January 22

box 181, folder 28

Luncheon with UN Security Council 1996 January 26

box 181, folder 29

"Leadership and Conflict," Carnegie essay 1996 January 30

box 181, folder 30

Statement to the General Assembly's High Level Group on the Financial Situation of the United Nations 1996 February 6

box 181, folder 31

Toast at dinner in honor of participants in the United Nations and regional organizations second meeting, New York 1996 February 15

box 182, folder 1-2

Speech book from visit to Brazil and Mexico 1996 February 27-March 5

box 182, folder 3

Speech at ministry of foreign affairs, Mexico 1996 March 4

box 182, folder 4

Speeches from visit to Seoul, South Korea 1996 March-April

box 182, folder 5-6

"Global Leadership After the Cold War," Foreign Affairs 1996 March/April

box 182, folder 7

Speeches of the Secretary-General in Asia, memoranda and notes 1996 March

box 182, folder 8

"The UN and Disarmament: Next Steps," 1996 April

box 182, folder 9

Speeches from visits to Tokyo 1996 April

box 182, folder 10

"The Land Mine Crisis: A Model of UN Leadership," Republic of Korea 1996 April 1

box 182, folder 11

"Statement of the Secretary-General to the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa," Yaounde, Cameroon 1996 April 18-19

box 182, folder 12

Remarks of the Secretary-General to United Nations staff, Johannesburg 1996 April 26

box 182, folder 13

Address to UNCTAD-IX 1996 April 27

box 182, folder 14

Remarks of the Secretary-General to United Nations staff, Nairobi 1996 April 29

box 182, folder 15

"Security Council Reform," Tokyo 1996 April

box 182, folder 16

Speech at meeting/luncheon with chairs of major American institutions 1996 May 8

box 182, folder 17

Opening remarks for CNN Forum, draft and memoranda 1996 May 9

box 182, folder 18

"Discours du secretaire general de l'Organisation des Nations Unies à l'occasion de la conférence sur les réfugiés et personnes déplacées dans la communaute des état indépendants," Geneva 1996 May 30

box 182, folder 19

"The Future of Peacekeeping," draft 1996 August

box 182, folder 20

Address to the Commemorative Meeting of the Movement of the Non-Aligned Countries on Its 35th Anniversary, New York 1996 September 24

box 182, folder 21

Statements on United Nations Day 1996 October

box 182, folder 22

"Integration of Economies in Transition into the World Economy," Malente Symposium XI 1996 October 17

box 182, folder 23

Toast at dinner given by the Foreign Minister of Germany, H. E. Mr. Klaus Kinkel 1996 October 17

box 182, folder 24

Letters to the editor, New York Times 1996 October

box 182, folder 25

Speech at Overseas Club 1996 October 19

box 182, folder 26

Statement to the World Youth Forum, Vienna 1996 November 25-29

box 182, folder 27

Address to Department of Public Information (DPI) Human Rights Day Conference, New York 1996 December 12

box 182, folder 28

Farewell statement 1996 December 17

box 183, folder 1

Statement to the General Assembly 1996 December 17

box 183, folder 2

Video address to the Yomiuri Shimbun Symposium, Tokyo 1996 December 19


An Agenda for Democratization 1996

box 183, folder 3

Summary undated

box 183, folder 4

Notes on drafts and correspondence 1995-1996

box 183, folder 5

Note by Charles Hill and letters from Bruce Russett, Alfred Stepan, Robert A. Dahl, Larry Diamond, David Hamburg, Yevgeny Primakov, and Cyrus Vance, 1996

box 183, folder 6

Draft 1996 January 12

box 183, folder 7-8

"Supplement to Reports A/50/332 and A/51/512 on Democratization," 1996 December 17

Scope and Contents

Received from Charles Hill.
box 183, folder 9

Drafts, notes, and correspondence 1996-1997

box 183, folder 10

Rosario Green memorandum criticizing early draft 1997

box 183, folder 11

Bruce Russett correspondence 1997

box 183, folder 12

Review of An Agenda for Peace, An Agenda for Development, and An Agenda for Democratization by Bruce Russett 1997 June

box 183, folder 13

Preface to the "Blue Book" on Yugoslavia 1996 December 31

box 183, folder 14

Tributes 1996


Trips and media reports

Scope and Contents Note

Binders containing clippings, briefing books, speeches, and press releases related to the Secretary-General's official visits to countries. See also: Clippings dossiers and Press releases for related materials.




box 184, folder 1

Colombia 1992 February

box 184, folder 2

India, China, Cambodia 1992 April

box 184, folder 3

Nigeria 1992 June

box 184, folder 4

Nicaragua 1992 December

box 184, folder 5

Paris, Germany, Cairo, Addis Ababa, Somalia, Sarajevo, Geneva 1992 December 24-1993 January 15

box 184, folder 5

Belgium, Thailand, Rome, Phnom Penh, London, Vietnam 1993 April 2-24

box 185, folder 1

Belgium, Thailand, Rome, Phnom Penh, London, Vietnam 1993 April 2-24

box 185, folder 2

Austria, Ukraine, Egypt, Switzerland 1993 June-July

Scope and Contents Note

box 185, folder 3

Europe and Africa October 13-27

Scope and Contents note

Chronological record of visit.


box 185, folder 4

Moscow, Belarus, Germany, Geneva, Spain March-April

box 185, folder 5

Argentina March 12-15

box 186, folder 1-2

Japan September 11-14

box 186, folder 3

Azerbaijan October 29-31



box 186, folder 4

Davos, Switzerland January 7-27

box 186, folder 5

Austria and Denmark February 24-March 13

box 186, folder 6-7

Central America and Haiti March 30-April 3

box 187, folder 1-2

Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Russia, France April 19-May 13

box 187, folder 3-4

Switzerland, Greece, Cairo, Uganda, Rwanda, Angola, Zaire, Burundi, Addis Ababa, London June 28-July 22

box 187, folder 5

Burundi July

box 188, folder 1

Poland and Strasbourg November 9-14

Scope and Contents Note

Speech book.
box 188, folder 2

Canada November 21-23

box 188, folder 3-5

Ghana, Liberia, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, London, Paris November 26-December 14

box 188, folder 6

Australia December



box 188, folder 7

Kuwait, Yemen, Eritrea, Egypt, Italy, United Kingdom, France 1995 December 25-1996 January 17

Scope and Contents Note

Includes briefing books.
box 189, folder 1-2

Kuwait, Yemen, Eritrea, Egypt, Italy, United Kingdom, France 1995 December 25 - 1996 January 17

box 189, folder 3-4

Brazil and Mexico February 26-March 1

box 190, folder 1-2

Sharm El Skeikh; Geneva, France, China, Korea, Japan March 18-April 7

box 190, folder 3

South Africa and Kenya April 25-29

box 191, folder 1

South Africa, Kenya, France April 25-May 2

box 191, folder 2

Russian Federation May 13-18

Scope and Contents note

Includes speeches.
box 191, folder 3

Moscow May 14-18

box 191, folder 4

Canada May 25

box 191, folder 5-6

Turkey May 28-June 5

Scope and Contents Note

Includes speeches.
box 192, folder 1

Germany June 18-22

Scope and Contents Note

Includes speeches.
box 192, folder 2-3

Turkey, Bonn, London, Geneva, Lyon, Cameroon June-July

box 192, folder 4

Organization of African Unity (OAU) Summit Meeting in Yaoundé, Cameroon July

box 192, folder 5

Guatemala December 28-29

box 193, folder 1-5

Programs from official visits of the Secretary-General 1992-1996 undated

box 194, folder 1-2

Programs from official visits of the Secretary-General 1992-1996 undated

box 194, folder 1

Miscellaneous invitations and menus 1992-1996


Media reports



box 194, folder 2

Geneva, Paris, Bonn, Paris 1992 December 24-1993 January 17

box 194, folder 3

Italy, San Marino, Belgium 1993 April 13-24

box 194, folder 4

Geneva and Paris 1993 August 30-September 7

box 194, folder 5-6

Paris, Africa, London 1993 October 13-26



box 195, folder 1

Paris, Geneva, The Hague, Paris January 7-24

box 195, folder 2

Europe April 1-17

box 195, folder 3

Europe May 1-6

box 196, folder 1-2

Geneva, Tunis, Geneva June 5-15

box 196, folder 3-5

Europe October 22-November 8



box 197, folder 1-3

Paris, Geneva, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland (Davos and Geneva) January 6-27

box 197, folder 4-6

Vienna and Copenhagen February 24-March 13

box 198, folder 1-3

Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji April 21-May 6

box 198, folder 4-5

Geneva, Athens, Africa, Geneva June 29 - July 20

box 199, folder 1

Geneva, Athens, Africa, Geneva June 29-July 20

box 199, folder 2

Geneva, Poland, Strasbourg November 7-15

box 199, folder 3

Europe and West Africa November 25-December 14



box 200, folder 1

Geneva March 15-20

box 200, folder 2

Germany June 19-22

box 200, folder 3

Organization of African Unity (OAU) Summit, Yaoundé, Cameroon July 7-10

box 200, folder 4

Germany (Hamburg and Lubeck) October 16-19

box 200, folder 5

Rome, Italy November 10-13


Writings by others

box 201, folder 1

Aimé, Jean-Claude 1996

box 201, folder 2

Chopra, Jarat 1996

box 201, folder 3

de Cuellar, Javier Pérez 1993

box 201, folder 4

Deng, Francis Mading undated

box 201, folder 5

Elaraby, Nabil undated

box 201, folder 6

Farouk, Princess Fadila undated

box 201, folder 7

Finkel, Stephen 1993

box 201, folder 8

Franck, Thomas M. undated

box 201, folder 9

Friedrich, Carl J. undated

box 201, folder 10

Goulding, Marrack 1993

box 201, folder 11

Hill, Emily B. 1994

box 201, folder 12

Homer-Dixon, Thomas 1994

box 201, folder 13

Kennedy, Paul and Bruce Russett undated

box 201, folder 14

Lombardo, Caroline 1997

box 201, folder 15

Pisani, Edgard undated

box 201, folder 16

Roberts, Adam 1993 1995

box 201, folder 17

Ruggie, John Gerard 1994

box 201, folder 18

Spencer, Samia I. 1993

box 201, folder 19

"America's Role in World Affairs and the Future of the United Nations," 1995

box 201, folder 20

Remarks of Peter D. Trooboff, Hague Academy of International Law, 1993 November 1

box 201, folder 21

"United Nations Reform: Looking Ahead After Fifty Years," 1994

box 201, folder 22

Speech by Jesse Jackson 1992

Scope and Contents note

Signed by Jackson with a note to Boutros-Ghali.


box 202, folder 1

Postcards and souvenir map of the Nile undated

box 202, folder 2

Sketches undated

box 202, folder 3

United Nations bumper sticker undated

box 202, folder 4

Media strategy and interview guides 1993-1996

box 202, folder 5

Memorandum presented to the Secretary-General from NGO's of Jammu and Kashmir 1994 September

box 202, folder 6

Memorandum presented to the Secretary-General from the All Parties Hurriet Conference 1994

box 202, folder 7

Asian-African Conference communique 1995 April

box 202, folder 8

The Egypt Trust asset management portfolio 1996


Charles Hill Advising and Projects File 1969-2001

Scope and Contents Note

Includes correspondence, clippings, memoranda, speeches, writings, reports, and printed matter relating to the work of the Secretary-General and Charles Hill's role as his policy advisor. Also includes drafts and research materials for the publication of Papers of the Secretary-General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Arranged alphabetically by physical form, and chronologically or alphabetically thereunder.


box 203, folder 1

Notes on themes found in Boutros-Ghali's writings undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 2

Requests for UN documents 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 3

Miscellaneous office notes and memoranda 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 4

Biographical statement undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 5

Briefing book given to Boutros-Ghali after his election to Secretary General 1991

Scope and Contents

Includes strictly confidential documents.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 6

Change in the secretariat, notes and correspondence 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Clippings, bound volumes 1992-1996

box 203, folder 7

Washington Post series on "Waste and Management in the UN," 1992 September

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 203, folder 8-10

"Bosnia, NATO, General Cot," binder of clippings (photocopies) 1994

Language of Material: In Arabic, English, and French

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 1

"Bosnia, NATO, General Cot," binder of clippings (photocopies) 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 2

Re-election campaign 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Code cables and cryptofax transmissions, photocopies 1992-1995


Photocopies of cables sent to the Secretary General.
box 204, folder 3

United Nations Offices, New York and Geneva 1992-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 4-5

International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia, 1992 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 6

MINUGUA (United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 7

MINUSAL (United Nations Mission in El Salvador) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 8

MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 9

ONUMOZ (United Nations Operations in Mozambique) 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 10

ONUSAL (United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador) 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 11

OSGAP (Office of the Secretary General in Afghanistan and Pakistan) 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 204, folder 12

UNAVEM II (United Nations Angola Verification Mission) 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 1

UNAVEM III (United Nations Angola Verification Mission) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 2

UNAMIR - MINUAR (Assistance Mission for Rwanda) 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 3

UNOSOM (United Nations Operations in Somalia) 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 4

UNOSOM II (United Nations Operations in Somalia) 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 5-6

UNPROFOR (United Nations Protective Force) 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 7-8

Correspondence regarding drafts and publication of Egypt's Road to Jerusalem, Unvanquished, and The Papers of the Secretary General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1996-1998

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Finances and budget documents (Joseph E. Connor) 1993-1996

box 205, folder 9-10

Outstanding contributions to the regular budget and peacekeeping operations 1993-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 11-14

Statements, talking points, and presentations on the financial situation at the UN 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 205, folder 15

Letter to the editor, Washington Post 1996 February 2

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Notes 1992-1997

box 206, folder 1

Notes on meeting with Boutros Boutros-Ghali to agree on their relationship at the UN 1992 May

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 2

Notes and research materials from talks on the UN 1992-1997

Scope and Contents note

Includes draft of statement by Javier Perez de Cuellar, Zurich, Switzerland, 1993 May 10.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 3

Notes and memorandum on U.S. and UN and Somalia 1993 October

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 4

Notebook (diary) on UN events 1996 March-December

Scope and Contents note

Contains daily reflections on events surrounding U.S.-UN relations and other policy matters.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 5

Notes 1996 April-June

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 6

Notebook (diary) on UN events 1996 December-1997 March

Scope and Contents note

Contains daily reflections on events surrounding U.S.-UN relations and other policy matters.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 7

Notes on Marrack I. Goulding discussion of the UN during Boutros-Ghali's term as secretary general 1997 March

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 8

Notes 1997 August

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 206, folder 9-10

Policy notes, talking points, and recommendations 1992-1995

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes and letters to the Secretary General's chief of staff, Jean Claude Aimé, speech drafts, and briefing notes for Boutros-Ghali's meeting with President Bill Clinton on February 23, 1993. Also includes notes relating to policy planning unit.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

"S-G Special" file, clippings, speeches, notes, and correspondence 1992-1996

box 207, folder 1


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 2-3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 4


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Subject, policy and research file 1969-2001

Scope and Contents

Charles Hill's original file titles were used, when available.

Africa 1992-1996

box 207, folder 5

General 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 6

Counter-genocide of Hutu refugees in Zaire, bulletin and clipping 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 7

The UN in Africa, speech drafts and clippings 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 8

AIDS, UN pamphlet 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Albright, Madeleine 1993-1997

box 207, folder 9

General, clippings, speeches, and memoranda 1995-1997

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 10

Eastern Slavonia debate 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 11

Press leak 1996 November

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 12

American foreign policy, Charles Hill policy notes to Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1993 November

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 13

Angola 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 14

Annan, Kofi, appointment as Secretary General of the United Nations 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 15

Armenia, press conference information 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 207, folder 16

Armenian genocide, documentation of U.S. request to Wacyf Boutros-Ghali, 1924 February 15, 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 1

Blue Books update 1996 October

Scope and Contents note

Includes photographs from book fairs.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Bosnia (former Yugoslavia)



box 208, folder 2


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 4-5


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 6


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 7


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 8

Chronology and notes by Charles Hill 1991-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 9-10

Notebook of articles and documents compiled by Charles Hill 1992-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 11

Book notes 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Air strikes 1993-1995

box 208, folder 12

Controversy 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 13-14

Debate 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 208, folder 15

Decisions (Gorazde) 1995 July-August

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 1

Decisions (Sarajevo) 1994 January-February

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 2

"Draft report of the Secretary General Pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 982 (1995) and 987 (1995)" and related clippings 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 3

"Proposed Airdrop Operation in Bosnia and the President's Meeting with UN Secretary General," memorandum undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 4

"Use of Air Power in Support of UNPROFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina," memorandum undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 5-7

Dayton Peace Accords 1995

Scope and Contents note

Includes copy of "Dayton Agreement on Implementing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina," 1995 November 10.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 8

Genocide 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Heavy weapons

box 209, folder 9

London agreement 1992

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes from Alvara de Soto and Marrack Goulding.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 10

General Assembly Resolution A/46/L.76 1992 August

Scope and Contents note

Includes handwritten notes by Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 11

Proposed amendments to UN Security Council Resolution 762 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 12

"Implementation of the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina," non-paper and memorandum by Marrack Goulding 1993 September

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 13

Kosovo 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 14

Letter from Sadako Ogata to Boutros-Ghali 1993 February 17

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 15

Pledging Conference for Sarajevo 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 16

Protection of safe areas 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 17

Reports and reference papers 1992-1995

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Bosnia: The Moment of Decision," prepared for the American Security Council Foundation and "The United Nations and the Situation in the Former Yugoslavia," reference paper published by UN Department of Public Information.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 18

Reports to UN General Assembly 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 209, folder 19-20

Report to UN Security Council 1992 October 1995 May

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 1

Srebrenica 1995 July

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 2

Statements by the Secretary General 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 3

Succession question 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 4

Summing up the policy failure 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 5

UN-Bosnia clippings 1992-1997

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Writings by Charles Hill

box 210, folder 6

"Bosnia in Historical Perspective," SHAFR conference 1996 June 21

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 7

"The Bosnia Debacle and What It Means," 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 8

Miscellaneous notes 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 9

Boutros-Ghali family, biography by Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr. undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 10

Bretton Woods cooperation undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 11

Burundi 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 210, folder 12

Letter from Khieu Samphan to President of the UN Security Council 1992 July

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 13

Note on telephone conversation (telcon) with Yasushi Akashi 1993 April 28

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 14

Policy notes 1993 March

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 15

Post-UN peacekeeping 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 16-17

Report on United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 18

UN press release 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 210, folder 19

"The United Nations and Cambodia: October 1991-September 1993," draft manuscript 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 1

Carnegie Commission on Preventing the Deadliest Conflicts 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 2

Climate change 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 3

Confederation of Independent States (CIS) legal status 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 211, folder 4

General 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 5

Bosnia Peace Implementation Conference 1995 December 8-9

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 6

Costs of women's conferences 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 7

Habitat II, Istanbul, Turkey, list on non-governmental organizations 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 8-9

International Conference on the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (London Conference) 1992

Scope and Contents Note

Includes original notes of Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 10

International Conference on the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (London Conference) 1995

Scope and Contents note

Includes handwritten notes by Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 11

Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 12

Organization of the Islamic Conference 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Brazil 1992 May

box 211, folder 13

Program and list of attendees 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 14

Follow up reports and notes 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 15

Transcript of meeting with President Bush 1992 May

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 16-17

Population Conference (UNFPA) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 211, folder 18

General 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 19

United Nations Peace-keeping Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP) finances 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 20

Democracy and the United Nations 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 21

Democratization, assistance to 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 22

Department of State, Digest of International Law, Vol. 13, "Appointment of Secretary General"

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 23


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 24

Disarmament Week 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 211, folder 25

Apartheid 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 26

"The Foreign Policy of Egypt," by Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1963

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 211, folder 27

Minutes of meeting between representatives of the National Democratic Party of Egypt and the Israeli Labour Party, Cairo 1980 November 7

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 1

Positions on West Bank/Gaza, 1979-1980, report 1981

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 2

El Salvador, notes on Boutros-Ghali's statements to Charles Hill 1997

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 3-4

Ethnic conflicts 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 5

Ethnicity and the state 1991-1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 6

Fiji 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 7

France and Africa 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 8

Genocide 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 9

George C. Marshall International Center 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 10

Georgia, disputed UNOMIG letters 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 11

German, Erik, research paper on Boutros Boutros-Ghali and related research materials 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 12

Group of 77, newsletter 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 13

Guatemala 1994-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 14-15

Haiti 1993-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 16

Halifax (G-7) economic summit 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 17

Hannay, David, "Recent Trends in UN Peacekeeping," 1993 April

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 18

Hartley, Glenn undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 212, folder 19

Hodson, Randy et. al., "National Tolerance in Yugoslavia," 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 1

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee reports on the expanding role of the United Nations and effect on British policy 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 2

Hudson, Richard (Center for War/Peace Studies) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Human rights 1993-1997

box 213, folder 3-4

General 1993-1997

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 5

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 6

World Conference on Human Rights 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 7

Humanitarian Affairs, Jonah/Ellison drafts 1989-1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 8

International Civil Service 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 9

International Court of Justice, The Hague 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 10

International Republican Institute (IRI) National Convention 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 213, folder 11-13

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Briefing book and related reports 1996

Scope and Contents Note

See also: Subject File/Law of the Sea.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 1

International Week of Science and Peace 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 2

Israel and the UN 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 214, folder 3-4

United Nations relations 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 5

Debate after secretary general's visit 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 6

Jerusalem tunnel 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 7

Judicial review and the UN 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 8

Kashmir 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Land mines

box 214, folder 9

International Meeting on Mine Clearance 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 10

"The Global Mine Crisis," 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 11

Land mine conference controversy 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


Scope and Contents note

See also: Secretary-General of the United Nations File/Geographical files/Libya.
box 214, folder 12

Chronology of events 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 13

Clippings on Pan Am 103 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 14

William C. Gilmore letter to Lord Trefgarne 1994 May 19

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 15

Minutes of the meeting between Qaddafi and Petrovsky 1992 May 11

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 16

UN Security Council resolutions 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 17

Lyons Summit 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 214, folder 18

Clippings 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 214, folder 19

Name negotiations 1996 July

Conditions Governing Access

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Middle East

box 215, folder 1

Armed forces 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 215, folder 2-3

Deportation of Palestinians 1992 December-1993 February

Scope and Contents note

Includes documents given to Ambassador Gharekhan.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 215, folder 4-8

Israeli-Palestinian peace process and post-Madrid autonomy negotiations - "Riverbed" project 1986-1993

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, writings and notes of Gidon Gottlieb.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 215, folder 9

Situation in the Middle East (Palestine) 1991-1992

Scope and Contents note

UN General Assembly documents.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 215, folder 10

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 1995

Scope and Contents note

Includes speeches by Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 215, folder 11

Non-proliferation treaty renewal 1995 April

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 1

Nordenfelt, John, "The Role of Arms Limitation and Disarmament in the Promotion of Collective Security under the Charter of the United Nations," 1992 March

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 2

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), note 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) nuclear issue 1993-1994

Scope and Contents Note

Includes briefings, talking points, clippings, notes, and assessments.
box 216, folder 3

General 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 4

Briefing for Charles Hill by Allan Romberg and Richard Solomon 1993 December 13

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 5

Proliferation 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 6

Talking points for the Secretary General

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 7

Weapons 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 8

Onassis Foundation Award 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 9

Organization for African Unity (OAU) summit, Yaounde, Cameroon 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 10

Park, Tongsun, notes of Charles Hill

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 11

Peace-building 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 12-13

Peacemaking/peace-keeping, 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 14

Picco, Giandomenico, Foreign Affairs article 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 15

Policy planning unit, notes 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 16-18

Preventive diplomacy 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 216, folder 19

Qana 1996 April

Conditions Governing Access

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Re-election campaign

Scope and Contents Note

Includes clippings, correspondence, notes, memoranda, and reports relating to the Secretary General of the United Nations' 1996 re-election campaign and the U.S. decision to veto his re-election.
box 217, folder 1-5

Compiled clippings, statements, briefings, and correspondence 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 217, folder 6

Statement by Senator Paul Simon 1996

Conditions Governing Access

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box 217, folder 7

Letter 1996

Scope and Contents note

Originally labeled "Last ditch letter."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 217, folder 8

Clippings on U.S.-U.N. relationship and re-election campaign 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 1-2

Clippings on U.S.-U.N. relationship and re-election campaign 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 3

Compilation of references in statements on the 51st session of the General Assembly 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 4

Talking points (draft) 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 5

Writings and correspondence of the Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG) 1996

Conditions Governing Access

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Reed, Joseph Verner

box 218, folder 6

Letter from Thomas Eagleton to George Shultz, letter from Georgie Anne Geyer to Reed, and statement by Reed 1982 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 7

Letter from Georgie Anne Geyer to Reed 1996

Scope and Contents note

On U.S. campaign against Boutros-Ghali.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 8

Speech 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Reform of United Nations 1992-1995

box 218, folder 9

General 1995-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 10

"Reforme + Suivi de Rio," 1992 October-November

Scope and Contents Note

Contains mostly minutes from meetings in 1992.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 11

Note to United Nations General Assembly 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 12

Reform measures by Boutros-Ghali 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 13

Attempt to merge women's groups 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 14

Clippings 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 15

U.S. non-paper, "Readying the United Nations for the Twenty-First Century," 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 16

Talking points for G-7 summit 1996 June 29

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 218, folder 17

Notes and memoranda 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 1

Regionalism (Somalia and former Yugoslavia) 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 2

Reorganization of the DPA-DPKO 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 3

Restructuring the secretariat, notes, memoranda, and clippings 1991-1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 4

Review of 1993 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 5

Russett, Bruce, quotes for publication 2000

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 219, folder 6

The second coup, policy notes and clippings 1993 September-October

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 7

Spheres of influence, notes, speech, and clippings 1994

Scope and Contents note

Includes statement by Boris Yeltsin before the general assembly of the United Nations, September 26, 1994.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


Scope and Contents note

See also: Secretary General of the United Nations File/Geographical file/Rwanda I and II.
box 219, folder 8

Chronology of events 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 9-10

Clippings, cables, and other documents 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 11

Articles and notes 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 12

"Preliminary Report of the Independent Commission of Experts Established in Accordance with Security Council Resolution 935 (1994)," 1994 September 29

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 13

Genocide 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 14

Genocide controversy (Dallaire-Baril) 1994 January

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes of Charles Hill.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 15

Non-paper on possible UNAMIR future mandate 1994 May

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 16

Security in refugee camps 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 17

U.S. talking points 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 18

Safe havens 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 19

Sanjuan, Pedro, letters to the editor of the Wall Street Journal by Boutros-Ghali regarding article by Pedro Sanjuan 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 20

"Saving Failed States" by Gerald B. Helman and Steven R. Ratner 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 21

Serbia sanctions 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 22

Shen Tong, statement by Secretary General at UNCA Club 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 23

Sills, Joe, answers to anti-UN charges 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 219, folder 24

Slavery, statement by H.E. Razali Ismail to commemorate the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 1996 December

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Somalia 1992-1994

box 220, folder 1-2

General 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Clippings and notes

box 220, folder 3


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 4-5


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 6


Conditions Governing Access

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box 220, folder 7

Final report of Ambassador Sahnoun 1992 October 12

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 8

Howe, Jonathan T., letter to the Secretary General 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 9

"The Lost History of U.S. Incompetence," memorandum by Charles Hill 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Meeting notes 1993

box 220, folder 10

General 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 11

Key documents 1993

Scope and Contents note

Includes original memorandum from Madeleine Albright. Includes UN documents marked "Confidential"

Conditions Governing Access

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box 220, folder 12

Notes from meeting with Madeleine Albright 1993

Scope and Contents

UN document marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 13

Notes from meeting with Warren Christopher 1993

Scope and Contents

UN document marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 14

Notes from meeting with President Bill Clinton 1993 September 27

Scope and Contents

UN document marked "Confidential."

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 15

Peacekeeping 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 16

Talking points for UN Security Council 1993 October 6

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 17

UN Security Council Resolution 814 and 865 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 18

Sorenson, Gillian, notes 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 19

Standby troops ("master plan") 1993 January

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 20

Strong, Maurice, Charles Hill memorandum criticizing draft of reform speech 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 21

Sudan, letter from Boutros-Ghali to the Christian Association of Upper Egypt 1993 February 5

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 22

Syria and Golan Heights 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 23

"The Technology Frontier: Responses to Environmental Challenges" by Nazli Choucri 1991

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 220, folder 24

Terrorism 1996

Conditions Governing Access

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United Nations



box 221, folder 1

General 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 2

Organizational chart 1990

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 3-4

Telephone directories

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 5

Appointment of the UN Secretary General, Digest of International Law, vol. 13 1996

Conditions Governing Access

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box 221, folder 6

General undated

Conditions Governing Access

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box 221, folder 7

Covenant of the League of Nations undated

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May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 8


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 9

Economic and Social Council 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 10

Environmental issues 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Executive Office of the Secretary General

box 221, folder 11

General undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 12

Organizational chart undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Fiftieth anniversary

box 221, folder 13

General 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 14

Commentaries 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 15

Event packet

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 16

Kurt Waldheim correspondence 1994-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 221, folder 17

Origins 1944 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 1-2

Printed materials 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 3

Themes 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 4

UNA/USA request for money 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 5

Yearbook (memoradum) 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 6

Peacekeeping, "Authorizing an ad-hoc multinational force," 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 7

Regional associations and agencies 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 8

Speeches and statements 1993-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 9

"The Third World," The Economist 1989 September 23

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 10

UNICEF, decision on new director 1995 January

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 11

Volunteer force, letter to New York Review of Books 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

United States-United Nations relations

box 222, folder 12

Clinton administration foreign policy and policy towards UN 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 13

Financial crisis 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 14

Legislation attacking UN 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 15

Notes of Charles Hill

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 16-17

Peacekeeping 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 18

Promotion of democracy 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 19

Uti Possidetis 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 20

Uti Possidetis Juris (Organization of African Unity) 1969 undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 21

"Visions of a Better World" foreword 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 22

War crimes 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 23

Washburn, John undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 24

Women 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 25

World conflicts and casualties 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 26

World economy 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 222, folder 27

World Summit for Social Development 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Yale University

box 223, folder 1

General 1997

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 2

Visit by the Secretary General 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 3

UN teaching documents 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 4

Yale University-Ford Foundation report on UN reform and budget 1993-1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 5

Zuckerman, Mort, article and response 1996 May

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Talking points

box 223, folder 6

UN financial situation undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 7

Joint meeting of Senate and Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 8

U.S. Commission to Improve the Effectiveness of the UN 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 9

OAU Summit, Yaounde, Cameroon 1996 July

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 10-13

Travel invoices and miscellaneous correspondence 1995-1997

Scope and Contents note

Relates in part to Charles Hill's activities on the board of Maxtor Corporation. Includes some correspondence regarding speaking events.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist


box 223, folder 14

"Boutros Boutros-Ghali," undated

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 15

"UN and Antropology," 1992 December 10

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 16-17

"Why the U.S. Needs the UN," 1993 January-February

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 18

"What is the UN?," 1994 March 24

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 19

"The U.S. and the UN: How Not to Be a Superpower," 1995 February

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 20

"The UN in Crisis," 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 223, folder 21

"Why Does the U.S. Want Boutros-Ghali to Go?," 1996 June 12

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Papers of the United Nations Secretary General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Yale University Press)

box 224, folder 1-2

General, project funding, background, and advisory board 1997-2001

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Correspondence of the Secretary-General, geographically arranged

Physical Description

box 224, folder 3

Chronology of correspondence 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 4

Algeria 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 5-7

Angola 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 8

Armenia 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 9

Bosnia (former Yugoslavia) 1992

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 10-11

Burundi 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 12-13

Cambodia 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 14

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 15

Croatia 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 16

East Timor 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 17-18

El Salvador 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 19-20

Eritrea 1992 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 224, folder 21

Ethiopia 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 1

France 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 2

Georgia 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 3-4

Ghana and Togo 1992-1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 5

Guinea 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 6-8

Haiti 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 9

Israel 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 10

Jordan 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 11-13

Liberia 1993-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 14-15

Libya 1993-1994

Scope and Contents Note

Includes Libya-Chad.

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 16

Malawi 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 17

Malaysia 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 18

Moldova 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 19-21

Mozambique 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 22

Nicaragua 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 23

Nigeria 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 24

Pakistan 1995

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 25

Portugal 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 26-27

Russia 1993-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 28-31

Rwanda 1992-1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 32

Senegal 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 33

Sierra Leone 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 34-36

Somalia 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 37-38

South Africa 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 39

Sudan 1992 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 40

Tajikistan 1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 41

Turkmenistan 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 42

United Kingdom

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 43

Western Sahara 1992-1994

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 44

Zaire 1993

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 45

Zambia 1996

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist

Research materials


Documents used

Scope and Contents note

Contains speeches, writings, correspondence, press releases, and reports. Originals and photocopies.


box 225, folder 46


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 225, folder 47-50

1992 January-December

Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist
box 226, folder 1-8

1992 January-December

box 226, folder 9-10


box 227, folder 1-12

1993 January-December

box 227, folder 13

1994 January-December

box 228, folder 1-11

1994 January-December

box 228, folder 12-14

1995 January-December

box 229, folder 1-9

1995 January-December

box 229, folder 10-16

1996 January-December

box 230, folder 1-5

1996 January-December

box 230, folder 6

Arabic 1992-1996

box 230, folder 7-11

French 1992-1996


Documents not used ("outtakes")

box 230, folder 12


box 231, folder 1


box 231, folder 2


box 231, folder 3


box 231, folder 4


box 231, folder 5


box 231, folder 6


box 231, folder 7

Chronology of events (1992-1996) 2000

box 231, folder 8

Extras 1996

Scope and Contents note

Typed letters printed from electronic document.
box 231, folder 9

Miscellaneous 1993-1997

Scope and Contents note

Original label: "Letters We Want But Don't Have."
box 232, folder 1

Miscellaneous 1993-1997

box 232, folder 2-4

Lists of blue books and requests for documents 1992-1999

box 232, folder 5

Project correspondence 1996-2000

box 232, folder 6

Permissions to publish 1998



box 232, folder 7

Table of contents and introduction

box 232, folder 8

Introduction 2000 September

box 232, folder 9

Fragments 2000 September

box 232, folder 10

Miscellaneous notes 1992-1995


Manuscript - unedited

box 233, folder 1-4


box 233, folder 5-6


box 234, folder 1-2


box 234, folder 3-5


box 234, folder 6


box 235, folder 1-2


box 235, folder 3-4



Manuscript - edited

box 235, folder 5-6


box 236, folder 1-2


box 236, folder 3-6


box 237, folder 1-4


box 237, folder 5-6


box 238, folder 1


box 238, folder 2-3



Printed Matter 1876-1975

Scope and Contents note

Includes journals, magazines, and a published report. Arranged chronologically.
box 239, folder 1

Statistique agricole et animale de l'Égypte pour l'année Copthe 1590, Ministère des Finances Égyptiènnes 1876

box 239, folder 2

Pupikofer, Maxime and Alexandre Assabghy, Les accords de Montreux pour la suppression des capitulations et des tribunaux mixtes en Egypte 1937

box 239, folder 3

L'Enragé, no.1, Comité d'action (Paris, France) 1968

box 239, folder 4

"Première histoire de la révolution de mai," L'événement, 29 1968 June

box 289

Le Pave, no. 1, Comité d'Information Révolutionnaire 1968 May

box 239, folder 5

"L'observation militante: une alternative sociologique," Document / IDAC, Institut d'action culturelle, 9, Grand-Saconnex : Institut d'action culturelle 1975

box 239, folder 6

Unidentified fragment (Arabic) undated


Writings by Others 1876-1910

Scope and Contents note

Includes original writings by Kamel Ghali and Mikhail Sharubim, Boutros-Ghali's maternal grandfather.
box 239, folder 7-8

Kamel Ghali, "Essai sur l'agriculture de l'Égypte" and related documents 1889

General Physical Description note: Original handwritten copy and printed copy.

Mikhail Sharubim 1890s?

Scope and Contents note

Original handwritten manuscript.
box 239, folder 9

Invoice log undated


al-kafi fi tarikh Misr al-qadim wa al-hadith [The Definitive Guide for Ancient and Modern Egyptian History]

box 239, folder 10-11

Volumes 1-4

Scope and Contents note

Handwritten manuscript. Loose pages, most unnumbered.
box 240

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 241

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 242

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 243

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 244

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 245

Volumes 1-4 (cont'd.)

box 245

Volume 5

Scope and Contents note

Bound volumes.
box 246

Volume 5

Scope and Contents note

Bound volumes.

Boutros-Ghali Family Archive 1867-1982

Language of Material: Arabic, French, English, and Amharic

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of clippings, correspondence, reports, photographs, and writings. Original classification scheme has been retained.

Boutros Ghali Pasha


B/1. Assassination of Boutros Ghali Pasha [Questions derivant de l'assassinat de Boutros-Ghali] 1910-1912

box 248, folder 1-5

Newspapers and newspaper clippings 1910-1912

Scope and Contents note

Includes some clippings on Theodore Roosevelt's visit to Egypt in 1910.
box 247, folder 1-7

Newspapers and newspaper clippings 1910-1912

box 248, folder 6-7

Condolences 1910

box 248, folder 8

Botrossia Church, clippings 1912


B/7. Assassination of Boutros Ghali Pasha

box 249, folder 1

Newspaper clippings 1910

box 249, folder 2

Condolences and related correspondence 1910

box 249, folder 3

B/2. Political notes and correspondence on the government of Boutros Ghali 1898-1910

box 249, folder 4

B/3. Meglis Milli, writings 1898-1903

box 249, folder 5

B/3. Coptic concerns, correspondence and memoranda 1906

box 249, folder 6-7

B/3. Journaux egyptiens [Egyptian newspapers] 1908-1914

box 249, folder 8-9

B/4. Ghali Bey Norouz (father of Boutros Ghali Pasha) papers and correspondence 1889

box 249, folder 10

B/5. "The Destitution of the Towara Bedouins at Mount Sinai: Facts and Observations Collected By a Traveller in the Sinaitic Peninsula," circa 1887

box 249, folder 11

B/5. Origins of the Ghali family, notes undated

Scope and Contents Note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 250, folder 1-2

B/6. Newspapers relating to the National Party and Mustafá Kamil 1908

box 250, folder 3

B/8. Dinshaway incident 1908

box 250, folder 4

B/8. Correspondence with Lord Cromer, Eldon Gorst and other British officials in Egypt 1906-1910

box 250, folder 5

B/9. Letters from Lord Cromer 1894-1906

box 250, folder 6

B/11. Diplomatic concerns with Turkey 1909

box 250, folder 7

B/11. Correspondence regarding the Sublime Porte (Ottoman Porte) 1891

box 250, folder 8

B/11. References des citations concernant Boutros Pacha dans Misr 1884

box 250, folder 9-12

B/12. Khedive Cabinet correspondence, reports, and related materials 1904-1909

box 251, folder 1

B/13 (II). Diplomatic correspondence concerning foreign affairs 1882-1909

box 251, folder 2

B/14. Legislative Council of Egypt documents 1908

box 251, folder 3-5

B/15. Financial reports for the Egyptian Minister of Finance and related correspondence 1880-1909

box 251, folder 6

B/17. Suez Canal undated

box 251, folder 7

B/18. Correspondence with Ahmed Hechmet Pacha, Ahmed Mazloumi Pacha, Sir Reginald Wingate, Rudolf Carl von Slatin, and others 1881-1909

box 251, folder 8-9

B/19. Correspondence with Lord Cromer and other British officials in Egypt 1895-1910

box 251, folder 10

B/19. Press laws in Egypt 1909

box 251, folder 11-13

B/20. Family correspondence 1899-1909

Scope and Contents note

Mostly letters from Boutros Ghali Pasha to his children.
box 252, folder 1

B/21. Letters from Mohammed Cherif 1903

box 252, folder 2

B/22. Certificate from Mason's guild 1882

box 252, folder 3-5

B/23. Tributes and articles in remembrance of Boutros Ghali Pasha 1910-1902

box 252, folder 6

B/24. Riaz Pasha and Mohammed Cherif correspondence 1894

box 252, folder 7

B/25. Al Azhar 1907-1909

box 252, folder 8

B/26. Correspondence and invitations concerning official visits 1895-1905

box 253, folder 1

B/28. Certificates and honors 1894-1902

box 253, folder 2

B/30. "Attributions des inspecteurs d'irrigation et des Moudirs: Rapports qui doivent exister entre ces fonctionnaires" and related correspondence of Colonel Scott Moncrieff 1886

box 253, folder 3

B/31. Administrative reports from different government ministries 1904

box 253, folder 4

B/32. Correspondence regarding new Port of Alexandria 1893

box 253, folder 5

B/33. Alexandria Government, European Criminal Bureau correspondence 1907-1908

box 253, folder 6

B/34. Report on expropriations of the Cairo Electric Railways and Heliopolis Oases Company 1908

box 253, folder 7

B/35. Remarks on the amendment of the penal code 1904

box 253, folder 8

B/36. Riots in Alexandria 1897

box 253, folder 9

B/37. Quarantine stations in El-Tor 1890-1891

box 253, folder 10

B/38. Constitution of the Society of "General Land Corporation," 1909

box 253, folder 11

B/39. Mixed Tribunal report 1898

box 253, folder 12

B/40. Memoranda issued by Administration des domaines de l'etat 1893

box 253, folder 13

B/41. Regulation of cadastre 1888

box 253, folder 14

B/42. Notes of the Finance Committee 1887

box 253, folder 15

B/43. Problems of inland waterways

box 253, folder 16

B/44. Reorganization of La Santé 1880

Scope and Contents Note

Includes original document.
box 253, folder 17

B/45. List of criminal infractions in Egypt 1908 March 10-15

box 253, folder 18

B/46. Congratulations 1908

box 253, folder 19

B/47. Writings on the regulation of the legal profession 1893

box 253, folder 20

B/48. "Memorandum Prepared on Behalf of Certain Members of the Khedivial Family for Consideration by Sir Eldon Gorst K.C.M.G. His Majesty's Agent and Consul General," circa 1908

box 253, folder 21

B/49. Program advertising shares of a railway connecting the suburbs of Coubeh-les-Bains to Matarieh 1888

box 254, folder 1

B/50. Report on the public debt of the Egyptian government, manuscript 1891

box 254, folder 2

B/51. Memoranda of the Egyptian finance minister 1909

box 254, folder 3

B/52. Expropriations for creating a new road 1909

box 254, folder 4

B/53. Accounts and reports of Boutros Ghali's properties 1893

box 254, folder 5

Typhus in Egypt 1898



box 254, folder 6-7

International newspaper clippings 1910

Scope and Contents note

Relates mostly to the assassination of Boutros Ghali Pasha.
box 255, folder 1-2

BNW/1. Capitulations undated

box 255, folder 3-5

BNW/2. Suez Canal 1888-1926

Scope and Contents Note

Relates to the history of the Suez Canal, including the Convention of Constantinople and the Treaty of 1888, and the use of the Suez Canal during the Spanish American war.
box 255, folder 6

BNW/4. Clippings on the Suez Canal 1910

box 255, folder 7

BNW/5. "L'arrangement Franco-Anglais," La Depeche coloniale illustrée 1904

box 255, folder 8-9

BNW/6. Questions administratives 1885-1891

Scope and Contents note

Reports and other documents relating to public instruction, hospitals, pension laws and other policy matters.
box 255, folder 10

BNW/7. Newspapers and newspaper clippings on Coptic Christians, Egyptian nationalists, and the assassination of Boutros Ghali 1901-1914

box 256, folder 1-3

BNW/7. Newspapers and newspaper clippings on Coptic Christians, Egyptian nationalists, and the assassination of Boutros Ghali 1901-1914

box 256, folder 4

BNW/9. Printed matter relating to Egyptian politics and law 1867-1911

Scope and Contents Note

Some inscribed to Boutros Ghali Pasha.
box 257, folder 1-2

BNW/9. Printed matter relating to Egyptian politics and law 1867-1911

box 257, folder 3

BNW/10. Theater programs 1909-1910

box 257, folder 4

C/1.I. Questions Coptes 1884-1909

box 258, folder 1-2

C/1.I. Questions Coptes 1884-1909

Scope and Contents Note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, government documents, notes, and printed matter relating to issues concerning Coptic Christians in Egypt.
box 258, folder 3-7

C/2.II. Questions Coptes 1892 undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, government documents, notes, and printed matter relating to issues concerning Coptic Christians in Egypt.
box 259, folder 1-2

C/3.III. Questions Coptes 1891-1908


D 1870-1904

box 259, folder 3

D/1. Sous Commission de la Réforme Judiciaire, reports and protocols 1884

box 259, folder 4

D/2. Commission internationale instituée pour l'examen des propositions du gouvernement Égyptien tendant a réformer l'administration de la justice en Égypt, minutes and report 1870

box 259, folder 5

D/3. Commission Internationale de la Réforme Judiciaire (Tribunaux Mixtes), protocols, minutes, and other reports 1890-1899

box 260, folder 1

D/3. Commission Internationale de la Réforme Judiciaire (Tribunaux Mixtes), protocols, minutes, and other reports 1890-1899

box 260, folder 2

D/4. Sous Commission de la Réforme Judiciaire, report 1884

box 260, folder 3

D/5. Commission Technique Internationale de la Réforme Judiciaire, minutes 1-4, 6-8 1890

box 260, folder 4

D/6. "Rapport presente a son excellence monsieur le ministre des affaire étrangères par la commission instituee a l'effet d'examiner les propositions faites par le gouvernement Égyptien pour réformer l'administration de la justice en Égypte," 1890

box 260, folder 5

D/7. Sous Commission de la Réforme Judiciaire (Proces Mixtes), reports 1880

box 260, folder 6-7

D/8. Sous Commission de la Réforme Judiciaire, reports and minutes 1881

box 261, folder 1

D/8. Sous Commission de la Réforme Judiciaire, minutes 1-15, 18-19, 21-22, 24, 28 1904

box 261, folder 2

D/8. Ministry of Justice reports 1904

box 261, folder 3-6

D/9. Administration of Daira Sanieh and other estates in Egypt, printed matter and reports 1875-1883

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Ismail-Pacha Saddick, ou, La mort du mouffetich," Biographies Egyptiennes (1879).
box 262, folder 1

D/9. Administration of Daira Sanieh and other estates in Egypt, printed matter and reports 1875-1883

box 262, folder 2-4

D/10. Reports of cases seen by the Court of Appeals of Alexandria and reports on judicial reform 1887



Scope and Contents note

Includes materials relating to the Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Church and its relationship with the Egyptian Coptic Church. Includes correspondence of the beatitude Kyrillos VI, Abuna Bassilos, Haile Selaisse, and decrees, reports, clippings, printed matter, and other church documents.
box 263, folder 1

General, press releases of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia, maps, and newspaper clippings 1978

box 263, folder 2-4

Ethiopia 1, reports of the Committee for the Defense of the Ethopian Cause, clippings and summaries relating to the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, aid to Ethiopia, and correspondence of the Coptic pope and patriarch of Alexandria, Youannes, with Haile Selassie and British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Anthony Eden 1936-1941 1970-1971

box 263, folder 5

Ethiopia 2 - Part 1, includes correspondence between Haile Selassie 1936-1969

box 264, folder 1-2

Ethiopia 2 - Part 1, includes correspondence between Haile Selassie 1936-1969

box 264, folder 3-5

Ethiopia 2 - Part 2, includes correspondence of the Coptic Church, photographs (photocopies) of Pope Kyrillos VI and Gamal Abdel Nasser 1930-1971

box 264, folder 6-7

Ethiopia 3 1940-1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes Governo Generale Dell'Africa Orientale Italiana, Regolamento della chiesa d'Etiopia (1940).
box 265, folder 1-3

Ethiopia 3 1940-1948


Ethiopia 4 1955 September-November

box 265, folder 4-6

Clippings and memoranda relating to the Ethiopian Orthodox patriarch and to the revised constitution of Ethiopia 1955 September-November

box 266, folder 1

Notes and memoranda of Mirritt Boutros Ghali relating to property rights and government administration in Ethiopia 1962-1963

Scope and Contents Note

Includes curriculum vitae of Mirrit Boutros Ghali.

Ethiopia 5

box 266, folder 2

Public statements of Kyrillos VI, pope of Alexandria, and correspondence of Mirritt Boutros Ghali and Dejazmach Asrate Kassa, and other materials 1958-1960

box 266, folder 3

Clippings on removal of Pope Aba Youssab by the Archbishop of Ethiopia, Abuna Basilios, and the death of Aba Youssab, and other materials 1946-1956

box 266, folder 4-5

Suspension and abdication of Pope Abba Yousab II 1955-1956


Ethiopia 6

box 267, folder 1

Ecumenical council correspondence and reports 1955

box 267, folder 2-3

Newspaper clippings on the enthronement of the patriarch 1963-1971

box 267, folder 4

Visit of Kyrillos VI (1960) and Shenouda III to Ethiopia (1973) 1960-1973

box 267, folder 5-6

Ethiopia 7, writings, memoranda, and printed matter concerning the relationship between the Egyptian and Ethiopian Coptic churches 1946


Ethiopia 8

box 268, folder 1

Bulletins and pamphlets relating to Coptic Christians in Ethiopia 1960-1968

box 268, folder 2-4

Newspaper clippings 1974-1975


Ethiopia 9

box 269, folder 1-2

"File A," clippings on the political situation in Ethiopia 1967-1974

box 269, folder 3

"File B," clippings and correspondence on the political situation in Ethiopia 1974-1977

Scope and Contents note

Includes materials from the All Africa Conference of Churches.

Ethiopia 10

box 269, folder 4-5

The Derg, speeches of Haile Selassie, and documents pertaining to the Ethiopian political program 1975-1977

box 270, folder 1

Newspapers 1974-1977


Ethiopia 11

box 270, folder 2-5

Ethiopian Herald newspapers 1974-1976

box 271, folder 1-4

Newspapers and clippings

box 271, folder 5

Speech by Haile Selassie and other collected writings on Ethiopia 1955-1966

box 271, folder 6

Africa magazine feature on Ethiopia 1975 January


Ethiopia 12

box 272, folder 1

Clippings on foreign ministers in Ethiopia 1974

box 272, folder 2

Political organizations, political prisoners, and other human rights issues 1974-1979

box 272, folder 3

J'Informe newspaper 1977 November 15


Ethiopia 13

box 272, folder 4

Proclamation nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10, Negarit Gazeta 1974

box 272, folder 5

Newspaper clippings and pamphlet on human rights violations in Ethiopia 1974 1978

box 272, folder 6

Correspondence of Mirritt Boutros Ghali 1977

box 272, folder 7

Clippings on the deposition of emperor Haile Selassie 1974 September

box 273, folder 1-2

Clippings on the deposition of emperor Haile Selassie 1974 September

box 273, folder 3-4

Ethiopia 14, clippings and correspondence on the Ethiopian civil war 1975-1976


Ethiopia 15 - Deir El-Sultan

box 274, folder 1

Newspaper clippings 1961

box 274, folder 2

Architectural plans 1961

box 274, folder 3

Petridis, S. Pierre, "La présence Ethiopienne a Jerusalem: Son statut juridique et ses droits de propriete sur le monastere de Dar-Es-Sultan," 1961 June

box 274, folder 4

Meinardus, Otto, "A History of the Ethiopians in the Holy Land," 1962

box 274, folder 5

Meinardus, Otto, The Copts in Jerusalem 1960

box 274, folder 6

"The Rights of the Abyssinian Church in the Holy Places," documentary authorities, vol. 2 circa 1959-1972

box 274, folder 7

Correspondence of Mirritt Boutros Ghali 1961

box 274, folder 8

Tedeschu, Salvatore, "Profilo Storico di Dayr as-Sultan," Journal of Ethiopian Studies 1964 July

box 274, folder 9

Zander, Walter, "Jurisdiction and Holiness: Reflections on the Coptic Ethiopian Case," Israel Law Review 1982


Mirrit Boutros Ghali 1927-1958

Scope and Contents Note

See also: Ethiopia.
box 274, folder 10

Writings and correspondence on agrarian reform in Egypt 1946-1953

box 275, folder 1-2

References and statistics on agrarian reform 1945-1957

box 275, folder 3

Writings on economic crisis 1956

box 275, folder 4

Writings on Copts in Egypt (al-Aqbat fi Misr) 1979

box 275, folder 5-6

Memoranda from former minister Farid Antoun to Mirrit Boutros Ghali, nos. 1-24 1961-1971

box 276, folder 1

Miscellaneous reports, writings, and correspondence on economic conditions and other topics 1943-1958

box 276, folder 2

Miscellaneous documents. Includes a report on the Black Tea Menace in the Fayoum Province, diary extracts on the Red Crescent Mission to Esna, a project proposal relating to agrarian reform law, and unidentified writings on Ethiopia, 1927-1945


Naguib Boutros Ghali

Scope and Contents Note

Includes the papers of Naguib Boutros Ghali's wife, Anna.
box 276, folder 3

N/1-N/1A. Correspondence 1890-1915

Scope and Contents Note

Includes letters from Hussein Ruchdi Pacha, Percival Elgood, F. Charles Roux, Mohammed Cherif and others.
box 276, folder 4

N/2. Certificates and dissertation 1873-1902

box 276, folder 5

N/2A. Academic correspondence 1883-1889

box 276, folder 6

N/3. Correspondence of Naguib Ghali Pasha and Anna Naguib Boutros Ghali (wife) 1910-1921

box 276, folder 7

N/3A. Invitations and menus from dinner receptions 1907-1939

box 276, folder 8

N/4. Correspondence with Boutros Ghali Pasha (father) 1892-1908

box 276, folder 9

N/5. Honors and decorations 1905-1910

box 276, folder 10

N/6-7. Correspondence 1897-1908

box 277, folder 1

N/8. Newspaper clippings on the death of Naguib Ghali 1933

box 277, folder 2

N/9. Anna Naguib Boutros Ghali correspondence 1903

box 277, folder 3

N/10. Letter to President Theodore Roosevelt from Naguib Ghali circa 1905

box 277, folder 4

N/11. Condolences 1933

box 277, folder 5

N/12. Elias Awad correspondence 1912

box 277, folder 6

N/13. Marriage 1907

box 277, folder 7

N/14. Anna Naguib Boutros Ghali correspondence 1902-1933

box 277, folder 8

N/16. Writings on the Armenian question and letters to Anna Naguib Boutros Ghali 1915-1933



box 277, folder 9

P/1. Letter from Lord Dufferin to Mohammed Cherif 1883

box 277, folder 10

P/2. Réclamation de LL. AA. les Princes et Princesses Contre le Gouvernement Égyptien Concernant le Solde de la Liquidation de l'Actif de la Daira Sanieh: Memoire en Défense et Conclusions Pour le Gouvernement Égyptien 1906

box 277, folder 11

P/3. Personal notes of Sir Ronald Storrs 1930

box 277, folder 12

P/5. Translation of letter from Sir Granville to Sir Edward B. Malen 1881

box 277, folder 13

P/7. Daira Sania undated

box 277, folder 14

P/8. Letters on diplomatic and administrative concerns over foreigners in Egypt 1895-1900

box 277, folder 15

P/9. Boutros Ghali Pasha miscellaneous documents 1881-1882

box 277, folder 16

Report by Ahmet Zaki on the Constantinople Library 1909

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