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Bolinger (Dwight Le Merton) Papers
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Papers Accession ARCH-1992-101

Language of Material: English.
Box 1

Professional correspondence: A – Boyd

Box 2, folder 1

Bradley [all]

Box 2, folder 2

Brazil [all]

Box 2, folder 3

Breivik, L. E., 1976-78 1976-78

Box 2, folder 4

Brennan, Susan, 1988-89 1988-89

Box 2, folder 5

Brett, Lewis E., 1953-61 1953-61

Box 2, folder 6

Brewer [all]

Box 2, folder 7

Bright, William, 1970-86 1970-86

Box 2, folder 8

Britannica, Encyclopaedia, 1933-87 1933-87

Box 2, folder 9

Broeders, Ton, 1987 1987

Box 2, folder 10

Bronstein, Arthur, 1964-91 1964-91

Box 2, folder 11

Brooks [all]

Box 2, folder 12

Brown University, 1974-76 1974-76

Box 2, folder 13

Brown(e) [all]

Box 2, folder 14

Brugman, Claudia, 1983 1983

Box 2, folder 15

Bugarski, Ranko, 1966-69 1966-69

Box 2, folder 16

Burchfield, Robert, 1982 1982

Box 2, folder 17

Burton-Roberts, Noel, 1974-80 1974-80

Box 2, folder 18

Bush [all]

Box 2, folder 19

Butters, Ronald R., 1977-82 1977-82

Box 2, folder 20

Buzhor, Yuri, 1983, 1989 1983, 1989

Box 2, folder 21

Calderon, Alvaro, 1987-91 1987-91

Box 2, folder 22

Calgary, University of, 1979 1979

Box 2, folder 23

California, University of [assorted campuses], 1975-79 1975-79

Box 2, folder 24

Cambridge University Press, 1972-90 1972-90

Box 2, folder 25

Canada Council, 1968-90 1968-90

Box 2, folder 26

Canadian Journal of Linguistics, H.B. Smeaton, 1953-69 1953-69

Box 2, folder 27

Canada – all other

Box 2, folder 28

Cancino, Herlinda, 1976 1976

Box 2, folder 29

Canfield, D. Lincoln, 1952-68 1952-68

Box 2, folder 30

Cannon, Garland, 1960-87 1960-87

Box 2, folder 31

Cantrall, William R., 1971-77 1971-77

Box 2, folder 32

Carden, Guy, 1982-83 1982-83

Box 2, folder 33

Carlson [all]

Box 2, folder 34

Carnegie (assorted foundations)

Box 2, folder 35

Caro y Cuervo (institute in Bogota, Colombia), 1946-87 1946-87

Box 2, folder 36

Carpenter, Kathie, 1982-83 1982-83

Box 2, folder 37

Carroll [all]

Box 2, folder 38

Carter, Hazel, 1985 1985

Box 2, folder 39

Casa, Frank P., 1968-80 1968-80

Box 2, folder 40

Caso, Adolph, 1971, 1980 1971, 1980

Box 2, folder 41

Cassidy, Frederic G., 1948-75 1948-75

Box 2, folder 42

Castaneda, James A., 1959-1990 1959-1990

Box 2, folder 43

Castilla, Alberto, 1974-75 1974-75

Box 2, folder 44

Catford, J. C., 1985 1985

Box 2, folder 45

Center for Applied Linguistics, 1959-80 1959-80

Box 2, folder 46

Cessaris, Ann C., 1982-90 1982-90

Box 2, folder 47

Chandola, Anoop C., 1976-78 1976-78

Box 2, folder 48

Chafe, Wallace L. 1971-88 1971-88

Box 2, folder 49

Chang-Rodriguez, Eugenio, 1950-76 1950-76

Box 2, folder 50

Charnley, M. Bertens, 1952-73 1952-73

Box 2, folder 51

de Chasca, Edmund, 1944-68 1944-68

Box 2, folder 52

Chatman, Seymour, 1956-63 1956-63

Box 2, folder 53

Chatterjee, Ranjit, 1987 1987

Box 2, folder 54

Chicago Linguistic Society, 1978-82 1978-82

Box 2, folder 55

Chicago, University of, 1969-72 1969-72

Box 2, folder 56

Chisholm, William S., 1971-86 1971-86

Box 2, folder 57

Chomsky, Noam, 1960-87 1960-87

Box 2, folder 58

Chvany, Catherine V., 1971-92 1971-92

Box 2, folder 59

Cintas, Pierre, 1962-86 1962-86

Box 2, folder 60

Clark(e) [all]

Box 2, folder 61

Clark University, 1964-68 1964-68

Box 2, folder 62

Cohen [all]

Box 2, folder 63

Colarusso, John, 1979-84 1979-84

Box 2, folder 64

College Composition and Communication, 1957-58 1957-58

Box 2, folder 65

College English, 1938-57 1938-57

Box 2, folder 66

Collier [all]

Box 2, folder 67

Collins [all]

Box 2, folder 68

Colodny, I., 1937-84 1937-84

Box 2, folder 69

Colorado [all]

Box 2, folder 70

Columbia [all]

Box 2, folder 71

Comrie, Bernard, 1977-78 1977-78

Box 2, folder 72

Contreras, Heles and Lidia, 1959-80 1959-80

Box 2, folder 73

Cook(e) [all]

Box 2, folder 74

Cooper [all]

Box 2, folder 75

Copeland, James E., 1980-91 1980-91

Box 2, folder 76

Cormier, Ray, 1966-82 1966-82

Box 2, folder 77

Cornell University

Box 2, folder 78

de Cornulier, Benoit, 1974-87 1974-87

Box 2, folder 79

Corominas, John, 1953, 1975 1953, 1975

Box 2, folder 80

Coseriu, Eugenio, 1967-86 1967-86

Box 2, folder 81

Coto, Luis & Herminia, 1989 1989

Box 2, folder 82

Cotter, Colleen, 1989-91 1989-91

Box 2, folder 83

Coulmas, Florian, 1979-86 1979-86

Box 2, folder 84

Cowan, J. Milton, 1948-78 1948-78

Box 2, folder 85

Craddock, Jerry R., 1961-73 1961-73

Box 2, folder 86

Creider, Chet, 1977-78 1977-78

Box 2, folder 87

Crespi, Bob, 1969=89 1969-89

Box 2, folder 88

Crocker [all]

Box 2, folder 89

Croft, Bill, 1988-91 1988-91

Box 2, folder 90

Cruttenden, Alan, 1976-91 1976-91

Box 2, folder 91

Crystal, David, 1970-86 1970-86

Box 2, folder 92

Culicover, Peter W., 1981 1981

Box 2, folder 93

Cuthbertson, Stuart, 1943-49 1943-49

Box 2, folder 94

Cutler, Preston S., 1979-89 1979-89

Box 3

Professional correspondence: Dahbany – Funk

Box 4

Professional correspondence: Gabrosek – Helzron

Box 5

Professional correspondence: Hewson – Key

Box 6

Professional correspondence: King – Malecot

Box 7

Professional correspondence: Malkiel - Pellowe

Box 8

Professional correspondence: Penfield – Sharp (detailed list follows)

Box 8, folder 1

Penfield, Joyce, 1984-87 1984-87

Box 8, folder 2

Peng, Fred C. C., 1976-79 1976-79

Box 8, folder 3

Penhallurick, John M., 1982-83 1982-83

Box 8, folder 4

Penzl, Herbert, 1979-80

Box 8, folder 5

Perez [all]

Box 8, folder 6

Pergamon Press, 1988-91 1988-91

Box 8, folder 7

Pergnier, Maurice, 1986-89 1986-89

Box 8, folder 8

Perlmutter, David M., 1968-84 1968-84

Box 8, folder 9

Perry [all]

Box 8, folder 10

Peters, Robert A., 1964-80 1964-80

Box 8, folder 11

Peters [all others]

Box 8, folder 12

Pettersson, Thore, 1984 1984

Box 8, folder 13

Pharies, David, 1978-88 1978-88

Box 8, folder 14

Phillips [all]

Box 8, folder 15

Pierrehumbert, Janet B., 1980-81 1980-81

Box 8, folder 16

Pike, Kenneth L., 1948-89 1948-89

Box 8, folder 17

Pocheptsov, Georgi G., 1967-72 1967-72

Box 8, folder 18

Preziosi, Donald, 1976-78 1976-72

Box 8, folder 19

Pride, John B., 1980-85 1980-85

Box 8, folder 20

Prince [all – mostly Ellen F. Prince]

Box 8, folder 21

Pulgram, Ernst, 1958-89 1958-89

Box 8, folder 22

Pullin, Bill, 1977 [only outgoing to] 1977

Box 8, folder 23

Pullum, Geoff, 1980, 1991 1980, 1991

Box 8, folder 24

Quirk, Randolph, 1961-69 1961-69

Box 8, folder 25

Quirk, Randolph, 1970 1970

Box 8, folder 26

Quirk, Randolph, 1971-1990 1971-1990

Box 8, folder 27

Rabanales, Ambrosio, 1953-79 1953-79

Box 8, folder 28

Ransom, Evelyn, 1979-84 1979-84

Box 8, folder 29

Rameh, Clea, 1984 1984

Box 8, folder 30

Rea, John A., 1956-80 1956-80

Box 8, folder 31

Read, Allen Walker, 1941-89 1941-89

Box 8, folder 32

Redenbarger, Wayne, 1972-74 1972-74

Box 8, folder 33

Redfern, James G., 1971-81 1971-81

Box 8, folder 34

Reich, Peter A., 1976-79 1976-79

Box 8, folder 35

Reid / Reed [all]

Box 8, folder 36

Reyes, Rogelio, 1973-89 1973-89

Box 8, folder 37

Rhymes, Barbara C., 1985 1985

Box 8, folder 38

Ricci, Julio [in Spanish], 1963-87 1963-87

Box 8, folder 39

Rickford, John R., 1981-85 1981-85

Box 8, folder 40

Riddle [all]

Box 8, folder 41

Ritchie, William C., 1973-74 1973-74

Box 8, folder 42

Rivers [all – mostly Wilga Rivers]

Box 8, folder 43

Rodman, Robert, 1976-77 1976-77

Box 8, folder 44

Rodriguez / Rodrigues [all]

Box 8, folder 45

Rogers [all]

Box 8, folder 46

Ronat, Mitsou, 1984 1984

Box 8, folder 47

Rosen [all]

Box 8, folder 48

Rosenberg [all]

Box 8, folder 49

Ross, John Robert (Haj), 1966-1991 1966-1991

Box 8, folder 50

Ruhl, Charles, 1976-88 1976-88

Box 8, folder 51

Russell, I. Willis, 1942-82 1942-82

Box 8, folder 52

Rutherford [all]

Box 8, folder 53

Ruwet, Nicolas, 1981-83 1981-83

Box 8, folder 54

Ryan [all]

Box 8, folder 55

Sackett [all]

Box 8, folder 56

Sacks, Norman P., 1956-91 1956-91

Box 8, folder 57

Safire, William (letters to), 1981-90 1981-90

Box 8, folder 58

Sag, Ivan, 1975-90 1975-90

Box 8, folder 59

St. Clair, Robert, 1973-79 1973-79

Box 8, folder 60

Salkoff, Morris, 1983-86 1983-86

Box 8, folder 61

Saltarelli, Mario, 1975-84 1975-84

Box 8, folder 62

Salus, Peter, 1978-86 1978-86

Box 8, folder 63

San Francisco Chronicle; San Francisco State U.

Box 8, folder 64

Saporta, Sol, 1954-72 1954-72

Box 8, folder 65

Schachter, Paul, 1959-73 1959-73

Box 8, folder 66

Scherer, Klaus R., 1971-88 1971-88

Box 8, folder 67

Schlesinger, I. M., 1973-86 1973-86

Box 8, folder 68

Schmerling, Susan F., 1972-82 1972-82

Box 8, folder 69

Schubiger, Maria, 1952-80 1952-80

Box 8, folder 70

Schwartz [all – mostly Kessel and Arthur]

Box 8, folder 71

Scott [all] 1944-75 1944-75

Box 8, folder 72

Scur, G. S., 1965-75 1965-75

Box 8, folder 73

Sebeok, Thomas A., 1954-82 1954-82

Box 8, folder 74

Segreda, Memo, 1964-71 1964-71

Box 8, folder 75

Seiler, H., 1981-84 1981-84

Box 8, folder 76

Sereno, Joan, 1986 1986

Box 8, folder 77

Shakhbagova, Juliette, 1972-90 1972-90

Box 8, folder 78

Shapiro, Barbara and Shapiro, Norman R., 1986-87 1986-87

Box 8, folder 79

Sharp, Alan E., 1962-63 1962-63

Box 9

Professional correspondence: Shen – Winograd

Box 10a

Professional correspondence: Winter – Zwicky

Box 10b

Older correspondence: Abe – Farsi

Box 11

Older correspondence: Fish – Moreno

Box 12

Older correspondence: Navarro – Wise (detailed list follows)

Box 12, folder 1

Navarro, Tomas, 1952-84 1952-84

Box 12, folder 2

Navas Ruiz, Ricardo, 1963-70 1963-70

Box 12, folder 3

Nehring, Alfons, 1948-64 1948-64

Box 12, folder 4

Nelson [all]

Box 12, folder 5

Noss, Richard B., 1973-78 1973-78

Box 12, folder 6

Nostrand, Howard Lee, 1951-63 1951-63

Box 12, folder 7

Olmsted, David L., 1954-61 1954-61

Box 12, folder 8

de Onis, Jose, 1960-65 1960-65

Box 12, folder 9

Osma, Jose-Maria, 1939-86 1939-86

Box 12, folder 10

Padron, Alfredo F. (in Spanish), 1951-64 1951-64

Box 12, folder 11

Poldauf, Ivan, 1954-84 1954-84

Box 12, folder 12

Poston, Lawrence, Jr., 1953-75 1953-75

Box 12, folder 13

Reid, J. Richard, 1947-68 1947-68

Box 12, folder 14

Reiss, Samuel, 1953 1953

Box 12, folder 15

Roberts, Paul, 1963-64 1963-64

Box 12, folder 16

Roeming, Robert F., 1967-70 1967-70

Box 12, folder 17

Roldan [all, mostly Mercedes Roldan]

Box 12, folder 18

Rona, Jose Pedro, 1963-74 1963-74

Box 12, folder 19

Saenz, Hilario, 1953-63 1953-63

Box 12, folder 20

Sanchez, Jose (Pepe), 1949-66 1949-66

Box 12, folder 21

Sandmann, M., 1956-60 1956-60

Box 12, folder 22

Santos, Maria Quinzon, 1955-62 1955-62

Box 12, folder 23

Sapon, Stanley M., 1954-65 1954-65

Box 12, folder 24

Sedwick, Frank, 1951-68 1951-68

Box 12, folder 25

Sewell, Ernestine P, 1978-80 1978-80

Box 12, folder 26

Shen, Yao, 1960-64 1960-64

Box 12, folder 27

Shoemaker, W. H., 1939-63 1939-63

Box 12, folder 28

Siegel, Richard, 1963-69 1963-69

Box 12, folder 29

Sik, Andrew E., 1951-52 1951-52

Box 12, folder 30

Smith, Henry Lee, Jr., 1956-73 1956-73

Box 12, folder 31

Solano, Louis, 1968-69 1968-69

Box 12, folder 32

Sparkman, Colley F., 1948-72 1948-72

Box 12, folder 33

Spitzer, Leo, 1945-54 1945-54

Box 12, folder 34

Staubach, Charles N., 1955-68 1955-68

Box 12, folder 35

Stetson, R. H., 1945-49 1945-49

Box 12, folder 36

Swett, Douglas B., 1948-55 1948-55

Box 12, folder 37

Symposium (journal), 1946-48 1946-48

Box 12, folder 38

Tamony, Peter, 1937-83 1937-83

Box 12, folder 39

Toronto, University of, and Pierre Leon, 1969-70 1969-70

Box 12, folder 40

Trager, George L., 1945-77 1945-77

Box 12, folder 41

Trevino, S.N., 1943-62 1943-62

Box 12, folder 42

Twadell, W. F., 1953-76 1953-76

Box 12, folder 43

Vazquez Bigi, A. Manuel, 1960-68 1960-68

Box 12, folder 44

Venter, Jan A., 1958-59 1958-59

Box 12, folder 45

de Vila, Maria Arsuaga, 1962-69 1962-69

Box 12, folder 46

Wade, Gerald E., 1954-60 1954-60

Box 12, folder 47

Walsh, Donald D., 1949-60 1949-60

Box 12, folder 48

Walsh, Donald D., 1961-62 1961-62

Box 12, folder 49

Walsh, Donald D., 1963-80 1963-80

Box 12, folder 50

Weinreich, Uriel, 1955-64 1955-64

Box 12, folder 51

Whitney, Willis R., 1953-55 1953-55

Box 12, folder 52

Williams, Edwin B., 1950-73 1950-73

Box 12, folder 53

Wimsatt, W. K., Jr., 1954-65 1954-65

Box 12, folder 54

Wise, G. M, 1944-63 1944-63

Box 13

Class lecture notes and materials – includes USC material

Language of Material: English.
Box 14


Box 14

Spanish grammar material

Box 14

English "overflow"

Box 15

Miscellaneous correspondence and notes

Language of Material: English.
Box 16

Articles/Publications (In progress)

Language of Material: English.
Box 17

Articles (in progress), Yawath Project

Language of Material: English.
Box 18

Unpublished articles

Box 19

Unpublished articles

Box 19

Published articles

Box 20

Published articles

Box 21

Published articles

Box 22

Published articles (publications – general)

Box 22


Box 23


Box 23

Material related to published work – galleys, etc.

Box 24

Essays on Spanish – galleys

Box 24

Hum 109 problems/handouts

Box 24

Intonation and Its Uses (draft divided by chapters)

Language of Material: English.
Box 25

Intonation and its parts (drafts, cont.)

Language of Material: English.
Box 25

Drafts of other work

Box 26

Drafts of work published

Box 26

Material on smoking bans

Box 26

Miscellaneous card file groupings

Box 27

Card files

Box 27

"Magazines" used in study

Box 28

Card files

Box 29

Miscellaneous material used in study

Box 29


Box 30

Long card file box

Box 31

Course lecture notes

Language of Material: English.
Box 32

Course lecture notes

Language of Material: English.
Box 33

Misc. correspondence A – Fr/G

Language of Material: English.
Box 34

Working Papers on Language Universals (Stanford)

Language of Material: English.
Box 35

Papers and Reports on Child Language Development (Stanford)

Language of Material: English.
Box 36

Bolinger Card Files (A-Mi)

Language of Material: English.
Box 37

Bolinger Card Files (Mo-Z), Class Cards/General Index

Language of Material: English.
Box 38

General Linguistics Card Files (A-G)

Language of Material: English.
Box 39

General Linguistics Card Files (H-Popular)

Language of Material: English.
Box 40

General Linguistics Card Files (Por-Z), English Phonology Card File

Language of Material: English.
Box 41

Words/Phrases Card Files (A-Z)

Language of Material: English.
Box 42

Spanish Grammar Card Files (A-Pro)

Language of Material: English.
Box 43

Spanish Grammar (Pro-Z), Biblio Code/Informants/Spanish Phonology (A-R) Card Files

Language of Material: English.
Box 44

Intonation (old and new) Card Files

Language of Material: English.
Box 45

Biblio Code/Informants/Spanish Phonology (S-Z), Spanish Grammar/Notes Card Files

Language of Material: English.
Box 46

Spanish Vocabulary (A-Q) Card Files

Language of Material: English.
Box 47

Spanish Vocabulary (Q-Z), Analysis of Articles, English (A-Z) Card Files

Language of Material: English.

Addenda, 1995-009 Accession ARCH-1995-009

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 1

Correspondence: A -D

Box 1, folder 2

Correspondence: F -G

Box 1, folder 3

Correspondence: Ha

Box 1, folder 4

Correspondence: He -Hu

Box 1, folder 5

Correspondence: 1-J

Box 1, folder 6

Correspondence: Ka -Kn

Box 1, folder 7

Correspondence: Ko -Ku

Box 1, folder 8

Correspondence: L

Box 1, folder 9

Correspondence: Ma -Me

Box 1, folder 10

Correspondence: Me -Mu

Box 1, folder 11

Correspondence: N -0

Box 1, folder 12

Correspondence: P

Box 1, folder 13

Correspondence: Q -Ri

Box 1, folder 14

Correspondence: Ro -Sc

Box 1, folder 15

Correspondence: Se -Sz

Box 1, folder 16

Correspondence: T

Box 1, folder 17

Correspondence: U-Z

Box 2, folder 1

Bibliographic page (fragment)

Box 2, folder 2

Comments on the pitch accent, MLA, December 1989 (t.s.)

Box 2, folder 3

Indicative and subjunctive, 1971 (t.s. article)

Box 2, folder 4

L.A. linguistics circle, November 1957

Box 2, folder 5

Obituary and bibliography, 1993

Box 2, folder 6

Reprints (Bolinger)

Box 2, folder 7

Reprints (Bolinger)

Box 2, folder 8

Visual side of language (talk)


Audiovisual material

Box 3

Belfast Intonation 1 (Jarman)

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Bolinger, Intonation and its parts, 1985

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Bolinger, Nondeclaratives, Chicago, April 1982

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Bolinger, Power to the utterance, 1987

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Brazil, Coulthard, Johns: Discourse intonation

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Cavett show, September 1978

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Finley, Art & Dan Travanti, radio pronunciation

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Itonama intonation

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Network tone of voice, 1981, 1-4 ( 4 tapes)

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Nunberg, Geoff: Language pieces, 1989-91 (from "Fresh Air")

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Reagan on Lebanon bombing, 1983

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Sea of Languages: Western Public Radio

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Shopen, Williams - English dialects, 1980 (accomp. to book)

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Speech tune test 1981

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Van Lancker, Diana: Idiom

Physical Description: 1 audiocassette(s)
Box 3

Javanese intonation

General Physical Description note: 1 audiotape(s) (Reel-to-Reel)

Addenda, 2018-016 Accession ARCH-2018-016

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 1

Correspondence 1941-1945

Language of Material: English.
Box 1, folder 2

Reprints 1969-1989

Language of Material: English.

Addenda, 2024-649 Accession ARCH-2024-649

Box 1, folder 1

Writings of Dwight Bolinger bibliography addendum 1993

Box 1, folder 2

Bolinger, Dwight. Intonation in American English chapter excerpt [from Intonation Systems: A Survey of Twenty Languages] 1998

Box 1, folder 3

Bolinger, Dwight. Power to the Utterance [Talk presented to UCB] 1987