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Guide to the Bryant Family Papers
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Collection Contents


James J. Bryant

Physical Description: 10 folders, 1 oversize folder, 1 small box

Series Scope and Content Summary

Contains material related to James J. Bryant's career as a railroad porter, including correspondence, employee records, paystubs, train passes, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters records, Retired Railroad Men's Club programs, 77 Pullman Company porter name cards (3 of the listed porters have multiple cards included), and a Pullman Company porter hat.


Arranged by subject and then by format.

Pullman Company Records



Box 1:1

Registered mail envelope sent to J. J. Bryant January 23, 1937

Box 1:1

Vacation period notice November 20, 1952

Box 1:1

U.S. Savings Bonds memorandum January 22, 1957

Box 1:1

J.J. Bryant carbon letter regarding a passenger incident May 10, 1957

Box 1:1

Safety meeting announcement February 27, 1959

Box 1:1

Transistor radio memorandum May 18, 1962

Box 1:1

Name card display memorandum August 21, 1964

Box 1:1

Cleaning memorandum June 8, 1965

Box 1:1

Spreading of blankets memorandum June 21, 1965

Box 1:1

Envelope addressed to James J. Bryant, Wichita, Kansas undated


Employee Records


Employee Benefits

Box 1:2

Death benefits policy October 15, 1922

Box 1:2

Pension plan booklet effective January 1, 1914 as amended December 1, 1926 1926

Box 1:2

Life insurance policy August 7, 1937

Box 1:2

Disability insurance policy August 7, 1937

Box 1:2

Injury insurance policy August 7, 1937

Box 1:2

Employee agreement manual effective January 1, 1953 1953



Box 1:3


Box OM 20


Box 1:4

Train Passes 1948-1968

Box 1:5

Printed Material 1946-1961



Box 4

Jesse W. Ford photograph badge undated

Box 4

Pullman Company porter hat undated

Box 4

Pullman Company soap bar undated

Box 4

Pullman Company 35th anniversary pin undated


Pullman Company porter name cards

Box 3

Alexander, A. [C-001] undated

Box 3

Austin, E. E. [C-002] undated

Box 3

Baker, C. [C-003] undated

Box 3

Barnes, S. A. [C-004] undated

Box 3

Bates, William S. [C-005] undated

Box 3

Bell, H. H. [C-006] undated

Box 3

Bennett, R. [C-007] undated

Box 3

Bishop, A. L. [C-008] undated

Box 3

Bookman, Norman E. [C-009] undated

Box 3

Bryant, J. J. [C-010] undated

Box 3

Bryant, J. J. [C-011] undated

Box 3

Bryant, J. J. [C-012] undated

Box 3

Burke, A. J. [C-013] undated

Box 3

Burns, James W. [C-014] undated

Box 3

Burroughs, L. A. [C-015] undated

Box 3

Calloway, J. D. [C-016] undated

Box 3

Cannon, E. E. [C-017] undated

Box 3

Carter, Jas. R. [C-018] undated

Box 3

Clark, Wm. J. [C-019] undated

Box 3

Daniels, C. R. [C-020] undated

Box 3

Flournoy, L. T. [C-021] undated

Box 3

Gamble, James O. [C-022] undated

Box 3

Garrett, M. M. [C-023] undated

Box 3

Gideon, W. A. [C-024] undated

Box 3

Gilford, J. H. [C-025] undated

Box 3

Glass, Clarence [C-026] undated

Box 3

Gordon, C. T. [C-027] undated

Box 3

Greenwood, T. J. [C-028] undated

Box 3

Grigsby, B. W. [C-029] undated

Box 3

Hairston, S. [C-030] undated

Box 3

Hamilton, Wm. [C-031] undated

Box 3

Harris, Archie Leroy [C-032] undated

Box 3

Hodges, D. [C-033] undated

Box 3

Hughes, Joseph E. [C-034] undated

Box 3

Ingram, D. M. [C-035] undated

Box 3

Jackson, O. W. [C-036] undated

Box 3

Johnson, Bennie [C-037] undated

Box 3

Johnson, J. [C-038] undated

Box 3

Johnson, Thomas [C-039] undated

Box 3

Johnson, W. [C-040] undated

Box 3

Jones, C. [C-041] undated

Box 3

Jones, Jiles B. [C-042] undated

Box 3

Kelly, Francis [C-043] undated

Box 3

Lennox, S. [C-044] undated

Box 3

Letcher, W. P. [C-045] undated

Box 3

Livingston, Otha [C-046] undated

Box 3

Lowe, Jos. Odell [C-047] undated

Box 3

McLaughlin, J. T. [C-048] undated

Box 3

Mitchell, Armogene [C-049] undated

Box 3

Moore, Willie A. [C-050] undated

Box 3

Norman, W. [C-051] undated

Box 3

Pickard, Jerome G. [C-052] undated

Box 3

Potts, Cecil B. [C-053] undated

Box 3

Potts, Cecil B. [C-054] undated

Box 3

Proctor, Herbert [C-055] undated

Box 3

Pruitt, A. [C-056] undated

Box 3

Pryor, W. B. [C-057] undated

Box 3

Ragland, M. [C-058] undated

Box 3

Ragland, M. [C-059] undated

Box 3

Robinson, W. P. [C-060] undated

Box 3

Robinson, W. P. [C-061] undated

Box 3

Scott, Linus Jackson [C-062] undated

Box 3

Sloan, F. B. [C-063] undated

Box 3

Smith, Wm. [C-064] undated

Box 3

Sparks, Albert J. [C-065] undated

Box 3

Stroud, R. R. [C-066] undated

Box 3

Stroud, R. R. [C-067] undated

Box 3

Taylor, J. W. [C-068] undated

Box 3

Thomas, W. A. [C-069] undated

Box 3

Thompson, A. J. [C-070] undated

Box 3

Tyler, F. L. [C-071] undated

Box 3

Washington, J. A. [C-072] undated

Box 3

Wesson, John W., Jr. [C-073] undated

Box 3

Wesson, John W., Jr. [C-074] undated

Box 3

Whittington, W. [C-075] undated

Box 3

Williams, L. C. [C-076] undated

Box 3

Wright, C. E. [C-077] undated


Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters records

Box 1:6

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters booklet 1950

Box 1:6

Cutout sheet from a program undated

Box 1:7

Dues receipts 1961-1966

Box 1:8

Resolution noting J. J. Bryant's passing, signed by C. L. Dellums 1976

Box OM 20

The Black Worker newspaper, volume 7, number 57 November 1950

Box OM 20

The Black Worker newspaper, volume 34, number 9 September 1962


Retired Railroad Men's Club Banquet programs

Box 1:9


Box 1:9


Box 1:9



Membership cards

Box 1:10

YMCA Chicago 1966

Box 1:10

Retired Men's Club booklet 1967

Box 1:10

Civilian Defense Auxiliary Group undated

Box 1:10

Retired Waiters and Pullman Porters Social Club undated

Box 1:10

Selective Service 1942



Box OM 17

James J. Bryant and Florence Bryant wedding certificate 1916-06-28

Box OM 17

Wedding anniversary posterboard 1966


Florence Bryant

Physical Description: 6 folders

Series Scope and Content Summary

Contains documentation of Florence Bryant's involvement with the Oakland Festival of Roses' Mother of the Year award events, March of Dimes Blaze of Fashion shows, and the program from her memorial.


Arranged by subject and then by format.

Woman of the Year

Box 1:11

Oakland Division Ladies Auxiliary letter to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters endorsing Florence Bryant to the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority for "Woman of the Year" February 4, 1955

Box 1:11

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority "Woman of the Year" program March 24, 1974

Box 1:12

Oakland Festival of Roses programs, Mother of the Year award 1954-1973


March of Dimes

Box 1:13

Cutout page, "In the New York book / March of Dimes," illustrated group photograph includes Florence Bryant undated

Box 1:13

Blaze of Fashion assorted correspondence and programs 1954-1973


Printed material

Box 1:15

"Mother of Year" newspaper clipping with photograph of Florence Bryant from Pittsburgh Courier May 22, 1954

Box 1:15

Unidentified "Mother of the Year" newspaper clipping with a group photograph including Florence Bryant undated

Box 1:15

Unidentified newspaper clipping with a group photograph including Florence Bryant, Dr. Solomon H. Hill, and Clifford E. Rishell undated

Box 1:14

Negro Community Service League membership card 1930

Box 1:16

Fouche's Hudson Funeral Home memorial program September 4, 1985


Jackie Bryant Smith

Physical Description: 5 folders + 1 oversized box

Series Scope and Content Summary

Contains Jackie Bryant Smith's family history scrapbooks, handmade quilt commemorating Huey Newton, and material related to politicians John J. Miller, Warren Widener, and documentation of her involvement with the local branch of the NAACP.


Arranged by subject and then by format.
Box OM 51

Handmade quilt commemorating the life of Huey Newton by Jackie Bryant Smith 2017


Family history scrapbooks

Box 1:17

“Henry Stevens, Sr. Family” self-published scrapbook 2009

Box 1:18

“Stevens Family History: A Legacy from Missouri” self-published scrapbook (revised ed. of “Henry Stevens, Sr. Family”) 2012


John J. Miller

Box 1:19

Letter from Warren Widener to Jackie and Ernest Smith re: house meeting in support of John J. Miller’s election campaign April 1, 1966

Box 1:19

John J. Miller for California State Assembly, 17th District campaign flyers [three copies] circa 1966

Box 1:19

17th Assembly District Report newsletter, John J. Miller’s office April 1967

Box 1:19

17th Assembly District Report newsletter, John J. Miller’s office. Includes notice of Jackie Bryant Smith’s appointment as Office Secretary circa 1967

Box 1:19

“The California State Assembly” booklet circa 1968

Box 1:19

“The California State Assembly” booklet 1970

Box 1:19

Invitation card to reception honoring John J. Miller’s appointment as Associate Justice of the First District Court of Appeal, State of California 1979

Box 1:19

Photograph of John J. Miller with family undated


Warren Widener

Box 1:20

Certificate of Election [copy] certifying Warren Widener as councilman for the City of Berkeley April 1, 1969

Box 1:20

“Widener for Mayor” bumper sticker circa 1971

Box 1:20

Widener campaign mailer for mayor of Berkeley circa 1971

Box 1:20

“Hon. Mayor Warren H. Widener” program June 24, 1971

Box 1:20

Holiday card from Mayor Warren Widener undated

Box 1:20

Friends of Warren Widener group letter organizing support for his reelection as Fifth District Supervisor for Alameda County March 19, 1990

Box 1:20

Berkeley Democratic Club invitation to a birthday celebration for Warren Widener 1990


Printed material

Box 1:21

Newspaper clipping, "NAACP Conducts Regional Meeting" with Jackie Bryant in group photograph; Oakland Tribune [reproduction] September 11, 1960

Box 1:21

Telegram from Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the NAACP, asking Jackie Bryant Smith and other National Youth Committee regional members to choose delegates for an upcoming meeting in New York City June 16, 1961

Box 2:21

Sun-Reporter 1960 citizen of merit certificate presented to Jacklyn Bryant 1961-03-19

Box 2:21

Letter from Jackie Bryant Smith to Jack La Lanne re: Hattie Montez 2006-04



Physical Description: 5 folders

Series Scope and Content Summary

Includes family photographs and group photographs from various political and social events.


Arranged by subject and then chronologically.

James J. Bryant

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform, standing in front of railroad car [001] undated

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform and "good friend" Kenneth Scott in front of Treasure Island Apartments (1231 Peralta Street in Oakland) [002] undated

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform on board Gold Coast train from Oakland to Chicago [reproduction] [003] 1957

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform with fellow porter standing outside Santa Fe Chief train from Oakland to Chicago [reproduction] [004] undated

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform on Santa Fe Chief train from Richmond, California to Chicago” [005] April 1964

Box 1:22

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform, posing while disembarking a train car [006] undated


James J. and Florence Bryant

Box 1:23

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform with unidentified woman and Florence Bryant in front of Treasure Island Apartments (1231 Peralta Street in Oakland) [007] circa 1938

Box 1:23

James J. Bryant in Pullman Porter uniform and Florence Bryant posing as she disembarks a train car [reproduction] [008] undated

Box 1:23

James J. and Florence Bryant with drink glasses and cake at 50th wedding anniversary party in Oakland [009] 1966

Box 1:23

Group photograph of attendees at J.J. and Florence Bryant’s 50th wedding anniversary (left-right): Jackie Smith, Betty Edwards, Gyn Williams, Addie Bossieux, Florence Bryant, James Bryant, Jack Bossieux, Ernest Smith, Williams Edwards [080] 1966

Box 1:23

James J. and Florence Bryant with drink glasses and cake at 50th wedding anniversary party in Oakland [081] 1966


Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award

Box 1:24

Plaque showing “Mrs. Florence E. Bryant, 1954” [010] undated

Box 1:24

Mother of the Year Walk plaque and additional name plaques including “Mrs. Florence E. Bryant, 1954” with rose [011] undated

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, accordionist leads entrance of prior honorees including Mrs. Albert Glatze [?],Florence Bryant, Ruth Murphy [012] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, prior honorees (left to right): Florence Bryant, Ruth Murphy, Mrs. Donald A. Pearce, Mrs. Albert Glatze [?], Mrs. Miles Standish [013] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, prior honorees (left to right): Florence Bryant, Ruth Murphy, Mrs. Donald A. Pearce, Mrs. Albert Glatze [?], Mrs. Miles Standish, unidentified woman, Mrs. Joseph Graves, unidentified man [014] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award dedication of a park bench in memory of Mothers of the Year Mrs. Albert C. Glatze and Mrs. Frank H. Martin (left to right): unidentified man, Florence Bryant, Ruth Murphy [015] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony (left to right): Ruth Murphy, unidentified woman, unidentified man [016] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, presentation of corsage to Florence Bryant (left to right): Florence Bryant, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman [017] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, posing with bouquet of roses and honorary plate (left to right): unidentified man, Florence Bryant, Mrs. Harry Sunderland, unidentified man [018] 1964

Box 1:24

Oakland Festival of Roses, Mother of the Year Award ceremony, posing with roses and honorary plate (left to right): John C. Houlihan, Ruth Murphy, Mrs. Harry Sunderland [019] 1964


March of Dimes

Box 1:25

March of Dimes, Blaze of Fashion event (left to right): Bertha Alexander, Rosetta Caldwell, Florence Bryant [020] 1969

Box 1:25

March of Dimes, Blaze of Fashion event (front row, left to right): Martha Ann Hilliard, Bertha Alexander, Florence Bryant, Tempy Phillips, (back row, left to right): Charles Bynum, Joy Edwards [?] [021] 1966

Box 1:25

March of Dimes, Blaze of Fashion event (front row, left to right): unidentified woman, Bertha Alexander, Florence Bryant, Tempy Phillips, (back row, left to right): unidentified woman, Betty Mae Edwards, Melvola Lewis, Lou Anna Thomas, Joy Edwards, Mrs. Earl Hines, unidentified woman [022] 1966

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (left to right): Martha Ann Hilliard, Bertha Alexander, Charles Bynum, Florence Bryant [023] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (left to right): Bertha Alexander, unidentified man [politician?], Florence Bryant [024] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (left to right): unidentified woman, Florence Bryant, Rebecca Parrish [025] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event, Florence Bryant receiving a Certificate of Appreciation (left to right): unidentified man, Florence Bryant, unidentified man [026] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (front row, left to right): Florence Bryant, Viola Halliburton, Rebecca Parrish, unidentified woman, (back row, left to right): Alta Torrence, Mary Lacy, Bertha Alexander, unidentified woman, Denise Dennis, Belva Davis Moore [027] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (front row, left to right): Bertha Alexander, Florence Bryant, (back row, left to right): Tempy Phillips, unidentified woman, Margaret Harvey, Denise Dennis, Betty Mae Edwards, Beatrice Manuel, Viola Halliburton, Marie Douglas, unidentified woman [028] circa 1967

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event (front row, left to right): Bertha Alexander, unidentified woman, Florence Bryant, Tempy Phillips [?], (back row, left to right): Joy Edwards [?], Betty Mae Edwards [?], 5 unidentified women [029] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes event, 3 unidentified girls [030] undated

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031A] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031B] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031C] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031D] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031E] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031F] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031G] circa 1960s

Box 3

Florence Bryant and unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031H] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031I] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031J] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031K] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified girl model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031L] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031M] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman with piano on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031N] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman holding microphone and unidentified man with piano on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031O] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031P] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031Q] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified woman model on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031R] circa 1960s

Box 3

Unidentified man with piano on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031S] circa 1960s

Box 3

Music group with unidentified man with drums, unidentified man with upright bass, unidentified man with piano on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031T] circa 1960s

Box 3

Music group with unidentified man with drums, unidentified man with upright bass, unidentified man with piano on stage at March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event [031U] circa 1960s

Box 1:25

March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event, 2 unidentified women [032] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event, 2 unidentified women, 1 unidentified man [033] undated

Box 1:25

March of Dimes' Blaze of Fashion event, unidentified girl on stage [034] undated



Box 1:26

Group photo in front of podium (left to right): Donald P. McCullum, Tarea Hall Pittman, Ben Major, Robert L. Taylor [035] undated

Box 1:26

Group photo with "Southern-Alameda County" sign (left to right): unidentified boy, Tarea Hall Pittman, unidentified woman, unidentified girl, unidentified boy [036] 1956

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland and Berkeley branch (front row, left to right): Rev. Ansel Ogden Bell, Rev. Richard Foster, Frankie Jones, Rev. L. Sylvester Odom, Florence Bryant, (back row, left to right): Faricita Wyatt, Dorothy Bryant, Tarea Hall Pittman, Judge Joseph G. Kennedy, Eugenia Hall Greene, unidentified woman [037] 1956

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch Membership Committee (left to right): Florence Bryant, Rev. Ansel Ogden Bell, Tarea Hall Pittman [038] 1956

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch membership drive (left to right): Tarea Hall Pittman, Florence Bryant, Rev. Richard Foster, Rev. Ansel Ogden Bell, Rev. L. Sylvester Odom [039] 1956

Box 1:26

NAACP National Convention in Detroit, group photo in front of Amalgamated Clothing Workers booth (left to right): unidentified man, Gloster Current, unidentified woman, Rev. L. Sylvester Odom [040] 1957

Box 1:26

NAACP membership committee meeting in Oakland (front row, left to right): Rev. Richard Foster, Florence Bryant, Edwin Baker, unidentified man, (back row, left to right): Charles (Charlie) Tilghman, William Dixon, Maud Smart, Tom Thompson [041] 1957

Box 1:26

NAACP Christmas seal committee meeting in Oakland (front row, left to right): Florence Bryant, Edwin Baker, Edith Hill, (back row, left to right): Tom Thompson, Guy H. Williams, Earl Swisher [042] 1957

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch receiving donation (left to right): Mrs. Dixon, Mr. Dixon, Evelio Grillo, Florence Bryant [043] 1959

Box 1:26

NAACP, meeting in Oakland (left to right): Tom Thompson, H. Claude Hudson, Florence Bryant, Roy Wilkins, William Edwards, Barbara Ann Posey, Martha Swisher, Jackie Bryant [044] 1959

Box 1:26

Group photograph (front row, left to right): Frankie Jones, Jeffrey Cohelan, Donald P. McCullum, (back row, left to right): Mary Jane Johnson, Jackie Bryant, Tarea Hall Pittman, William Pollard, Rev. Ellis Casson, Faricita Wyatt; inscribed by Cohelan: "To Jacqueline Bryant- A young lady who will help build a stronger America- With all good wishes, Jeffery Cohelan M. C. 7th California" [045] July 1961

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch annual banquet [046] 1962

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch annual banquet [047] 1962

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch annual banquet [048] 1962

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch Freedom Fund banquet (left to right): C. L. Dellums, Ruby Hurley [049] 1962

Box 1:26

NAACP Oakland branch annual banquet (left to right): unidentified man, Evelio Grillo, Clinton W. White, Leroy Jackson [050] 1962

Box 1:26

NAACP West Coast Regional Asilomar conference (left to right): Laplois Ashford, Jackie Bryant, Guy Sherman [051] 1962

Box 2:30

NAACP Oakland branch Freedom Fund banquet (left to right): Tarea Hall Pittman, Ruby Hurley [069] 1962


Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom

Box 2:27

Prayer Rally for Freedom at Oakland City Hall [052] May 14, 1957

Box 2:27

Prayer Rally for Freedom at Oakland City Hall [053] May 14, 1957

Box 2:27

Prayer Rally for Freedom at Oakland City Hall [054] May 14, 1957

Box 2:27

Prayer Rally for Freedom in Oakland [055] May 14, 1957

Box 2:27

Prayer Rally for Freedom at Oakland City Hall, (front row, left to right): Florence Bryant, Tarea Hall Pittman, Clifford Rishell, unidentified woman, (back row, left to right): Mamie Miller, unidentified man, unidentified woman, Lewel Brown, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified man [056] May 14, 1957

Box 2:27

Oakland group boarding plane for the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in Washington DC [057] May 1957


Warren Widener

Box 2:28

Oakland group boarding plane for the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in Washington DC [057] May 1967


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Woman of the Year Award

Box 2:29

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Woman of the Year Award presentation (left to right): Jackie Bryant, Marion Bryant, Addie Bryant Bossieux, Florence Bryant, James J. Bryant, Betty Mae Bryant Edwards, Virginia Bryant Williams [059] 1955

Box 2:29

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Woman of the Year Award presentation (front row, left to right): Joy Edwards, Joyce Edwards, (back row, left to right): James J. Bryant, Florence Bryant [060] 1955

Box 2:29

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Woman of the Year Award presentation (left to right): Chickie Wysinger, unidentified woman, Florence Bryant, Dorothy Pitts, Vivian Osborne Marsh, Chlora H. Sledge, unidentified woman, Irma Evans [061] 1955

Box 2:29

Presentation to Florence Bryant from Maggie Marshall of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (left to right): unidentified woman, Maggie Marshall, Mary T. Williams, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, Mary Powell, Dr. Charlotte Chambliss, Florence Bryant [062] 1955


Jackie Bryant and Ernest Smith Wedding

Box 2:38

Wedding party group photograph (left-right): Oliver Morton, Alpha Lane Smith,Ernest Smith, Jackie Bryant, James J. Bryant, Florence Bryant [082] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Wedding party group photograph (top, left-right): James Jackson, Calvin Jackson, Theodore Smith, Ernest Smith, Harry Overstreet, William Edwards, (bottom, left-right): Patricia Thompson, Virginia Jackson, Nell Irwin, Addie Bryant Bossieux, Jackie Bryant Smith, Carol Smith, Waynelle Bryant, James Edwards, Paula Ballerd [083] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Bride Jackie Smith feeding a piece of cake to groom Ernest Smith on their wedding day [084] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Wedding dress maker Irma Robinson inspecting her dress worn by bride Jackie Bryant [085] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Rev. Roy Nichols greeting groom Ernest Bryant and bride Jackie Smith [086] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Bride Jackie Smith and groom Ernest Bryant walking down the aisle at their wedding [087] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Group photograph of groomsmen (left-right): Calvin Jackson, James Jackson,Ernest Smith, Theodore Smith, Williams Edwards, Harry Overstreet [088] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Group photograph of groomsmen (left-right): Calvin Jackson, James Jackson, Theodore Smith, Ernest Smith, Harry Overstreet, Williams Edwards [089] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

James J. Bryant walking his daughter, Jackie Bryant, down front porch steps in her wedding dress [090] 1963

Box 2:38

Jackie Bryant posing with her parents, Florence and James J. Bryant, on her wedding day [091] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

(left-right): Bereniece Lane Draper-Taylor, Jackie Bryant, Ernest Smith, Virginia Bryant Williams [092] 1963-12-12

Box 2:38

Jackie Byrant Smith posing in wedding dress with her sister Betty Mae Bryant Edwards [093] 1963



Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): Evelio Grillo, Althea T. L. Simmons, Tarea Hall Pittman [063] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): Carl B. Metoyer, Tarea Hall Pittman, Donald P. McCullum [064] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): Althea T. L. Simmons, Dr. Ben Major, Donald P. McCullum [065] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph (front row, left to right): Ethel Norris, Dr. Ben Major, Hampton Barnett, (back row, left to right): Gus Semien, Donald P. McCullum [066] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph in San Francisco (left to right): Haile Selassie, unidentified man, Florence Bryant [reproduction] [67] 1954

Box 2:30

Group photograph, Mother of the Year (left to right): Eva Jeffrey, Florence Bryant, unidentified boy [068] 1969

Box 2:30

Portrait photograph of unidentified man; inscribed "To [Ginny] from your Arch Always," on reverse "11-15-64 Illiki Hotel Honolulu Hawaii" [070] 1964

Box 2:30

California State Association of Colored Women's Clubs meeting (front row, left to right): unidentified woman, Florence Bryant, unidentified woman, Inatha Villa, unidentified woman, (back row, left to right): unidentified woman, unidentified woman [071] 1968

Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): Marie Douglas, Ludella Hodges, Bertha Alexander, unidentified woman, Margaret Harvey, Erma Robinson, Alta Torrence, Mrs. Ellis, Hattie Andrews, Betty Mae Edwards [072] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): unidentified woman, unidentified woman, Zilica Williams, Florence Bryant, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, Ellis Cox, unidentified woman, unidentified woman [073] 1940s

Box 2:30

Portrait photograph: Florence Bryant, Woman of the Year [074] 1955

Box 2:30

Group photograph (front row, left to right): unidentified woman, Whilhemina Brown, Florence Bryant, Chickie Wysinger, (back row, left to right): Artis Wimberly, unidentified woman, Florence Harrison, unidentified woman, Viola Burnes, Margaret Jones, unidentified woman [075] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph (front row, left to right): Chickie Wysinger, A. Philip Randolph, Florence Bryant, (back row, left to right): Florence Harrison, C. L. Dellums, Viola Burnes, M.P. Webster, Mrs. Wade Johnson [076] 1951

Box 2:30

Group photograph (left to right): Chickie Wysinger, A. Philip Randolph, M.P. Webster, C. L. Dellums [reproduction] [077] 1951

Box 2:30

Dinner party with A. Philip Randolph at head of table (left side, near to far): unidentified woman, Florence Bryant, Chickie Wysinger, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman, C. L. Dellums, (right side, near to far): J.J. Bryant, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman, Jewel Brown, unidentified woman [078] 1943

Box 2:30

Publicity portrait photograph of Marian Anderson [079] undated

Box 2:30

Group photograph of Group No. 5 Beth Eden Baptist Church Oakland, California [reproduction][094] 1939-12-02

Box 2:30

Aerial view of Cole School (Oakland, Calif.) Christmas Play participants [095] 1950-12-20

Box 2:30

Jack La Lanne family holiday card [096] 1983

Box 2:30

Jack La Lanne family holiday card [097] 1982

Box 2:30

Hattie Montez standing on front steps [098] 1956-07-12

Box 2:30

Amiri Baraka, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Ted Pontiflet on front steps [099] undated



Physical Description: 2 folders

Series Scope and Content Summary

Contains programs, publications, and clippings.


Arranged by format and then chronologically.


Box 2:31

Detroit Branch NAACP convention reception invitation card 1957

Box 2:31

NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund and Thalheimer Awards Dinner June 27, 1957 1957

Box 2:31

Northern Area Conference NAACP event invitation 1956

Box 2:31

53rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia July 2 to July 8, 1962 1962

Box 2:31

48th Annual Convention, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP June 25-30, 1957 1957

Box 2:31

West Coast Region NAACP Biennial Conference, Asilomar, California, October 30, 31, November 1, 1959 1959

Box 2:31

West Coast Region NAACP Biennial Conference, Asilomar, California, September 22, thru 24, 1961 1961

Box 2:31

West Coast Region NAACP Biennial Conference, Asilomar, California, September 20, thru 22, 1963 1963

Box 2:31

West Coast Region NAACP Biennial Conference, Asilomar, California, September 17, thru 19, 1965 1965

Box 2:31

NAACP Civil Rights Program Including NAACP – Legislative Score Board, West Coast Region, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1960

Box 2:31

NAACP Youth Presents Fashions for Freedom Featuring Marguerite Belafonte, Nationally Known Model, Friday, October 6, 1961 at 9:00 p.m., Sands Ballrooms, Oakland, California 1961

Box 2:31

Freedom Fund Banquet, NAACP, Presenting Ruby Hurley, Southeastern Regional Secretary, NAACP, Oakland Branch, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1962

Box 2:31

Freedom Fund Banquet, April 3rd, 1967, Goodman's Hall, Oakland Branch, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1967

Box 2:31

Freedom Fund Banquet, April 20th, 1970, Goodman's Hall, Oakland Branch, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1970


Publications and clippings

Box 2:32

A. Philip Randolph NAACP Fight for Freedom Rally newspaper ad 1954

Box 2:32

Constitution for Youth Councils of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1954

Box 2:32

Constitution and By-Laws for Branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1983

Box 2:32

"Crawling Desegregation" brochure 1960

Box 2:32

"We Shall Overcome" Claude Sitton brochure 1962

Box 2:32

"From Morning Until Night… 'Humiliation Stalks Them'" Roy Wilkins brochure 1962

Box 2:32

"The Augusta Story" booklet 1962

Box 2:32

NAACP Report for 1960 1960

Box 2:32

"The Day They Changed Their Minds" brochure 1960

Box 2:32

"The Truth Versus Ugly Lies About the NAACP" brochure 1960

Box 2:32

"The NAACP, Organized Religion and Race, A Statement on Cooperative Efforts to Involve Organized Religious Groups in the Civil Rights Struggle" booklet 1964

Box 2:32

NAACP Freedom Seals sign 1956

Box 2:32

NAACP Oakland Branch sign 1961

Box 2:32

NAACP Memphis Norman, Jackson, Mississippi Front-Line Fighters flyer May 29, 1963 1963

Box 2:32

Announcement of NAACP Civil Rights Rally and Petition Campaign, Oakland Auditorium Arena, October 16, 1960 1960

Box 2:32

Lacy C. Streeter biographical outline undated

Box 2:32

NAACP Bulletin newspaper October 1945

Box 2:32

The Crisis August 1916

Box 2:32

The Crisis April 1948


Printed Material

Physical Description: 6 folders

Series Scope and Content Summary

Consists of invitations, publications, publication clippings, programs, and ephemera.


Arranged by format and then chronologically.


Box 2:33

"A Gala Evening Honoring Otho Green, Candidate for Mayor of Oakland" invitation card 1973

Box 2:33

Induction of Judge Joseph G. Kennedy invitation letter signed by Cyril I. Magnin and Jefferson Beaver 1963

Box 2:33

"The Frederick Douglass Years" Oakland Museum reception invitation [2 copies] 1970



Box 2:37

Labor and Civil Rights 1962: Statement of Policy and Resolutions on Civil Rights Adopted by the Fourth Convention of the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, Held in Long Beach, August 20-24, 1962 1962

Box 2:37

Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story comic book circa 1957

Box 2:37

Woman's Voice magazine March 1923

Box 2:37

National Negro Health News magazine October-December 1947

Box 2:37

The American Woman's Journal magazine Winter 1947

Box 2:37

Marian Anderson Farewell Tour program circa 1964


Publication clippings

Box 2:34

Portrait of Jefferson A. Beaver, Man of the Year newspaper clipping undated

Box 2:34

"Women Host to Executives" photograph of C. L. Dellums, A. Philip Randolph, Mrs. A. Nutall, and Milton P. Webster newspaper clipping undated

Box 2:34

"Hollywood Story: Lena Horne" periodical clipping January 1944

Box 2:34

"Richmond – The Arrival Here of Santa Fe's Crack Train" with photograph of Bryant family newspaper clipping [reproduction] undated

Box 2:34

"Negro Author and Historian" article on Miss Delilah L. Beasley by Madison Harvey undated

Box 2:34

W. E. B. DuBois article from Chicago Defender May 5, 1945

Box 2:34

Portrait of Daniel A. Payne periodical clipping undated

Box 2:34

"Famous Mothers Honored This Week" newspaper clipping undated

Box 2:34

"American Mother of 1946" portrait of Emma Clarissa Clement periodical clipping June 1946

Box 2:34

"California Trail Blazers: Reminiscences of Famed California Negroes Past and Present" periodical clipping undated

Box 2:34

Portrait of Matilda J. Dunbar periodical clipping (on reverse: "British Journalist [C. L. R. James] On Speaking Tour," "Popular Los Angeles Manicurists," "Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sprouls") periodical clipping undated



Box 2:35

"California Music Foundation in Cooperation with S. Hurok Presents: The Farewell Concert of Marian Anderson" [two copies] 1965

Box 2:35

Frankie Jones Testimonial Reception invitation undated

Box 2:35

Katherine Dunham program for Bal Negre at the Oakland Auditorium Theatre circa 1940s

Box 2:35

"The Chicago Artists' Bureau Presents: Etta Moten at Summer High School Auditorium, Kansas City, Kansas" 1942

Box 2:35

"Berkeley Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Presents; The 1959 Jabberwock: Just One of Those Things" 1959

Box 2:35

"Omega Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Presents; The 1957 Jabberwock: It Could Happen to You" 1957

Box 2:35

"Paul Robeson as Othello, The Moor of Venice" undated

Box 2:35

Marcus Garvey Tea August 16, 1970

Box 2:35

"Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope" circa 1970s

Box 2:35

In the spirit of James program 2005



Box 2:36

A. Philip Randolph at the Oakland Auditorium Theatre ticket 1962

Box 2:36

E. F. Joseph ad undated

Box 2:36

William Byron Rumford 17th Assembly District re-election campaign card undated

Box 2:36

"Summer, 1961 Encampment for Citizenship" brochure 1961

Box 2:36

"This Is Core: Congress Of Racial Equality" brochure 1959

Box 2:36

Etta Moten signed clipping undated

Box 2:36

S. Hurok Presents Marian Anderson: America’s Greatest Singer, Oakland Auditorium Theatre flyer undated

Box 2:36

Roland Hayes, Oakland Auditorium Theatre flyer 1961

Box 2:36

KDIA Community Service Report, Case History No. 2: KDIA Gives 3 Day Coverage of Western NAACP Conference (includes photographs of C. L. Dellums, Louis Freeman, Byron Rumford, and Franklin Williams) undated

Box 2:36

KDIA Radio Presents: Brother Louis Freeman program undated

Box 2:36

Criminal Anarchy in New Orleans, Berkeley Congress On Racial Equality flyer 1960

Box 2:36

Why We Are Picketing, Don't Buy at Kress or Woolworth!, C. L. Dellums speaker flyer circa 1961

Box 2:36

Congress Of Racial Equality Freedom Ride application blank undated

Box 2:36

Baker Mortuary fan undated

Box 4

Addie Bossieux’s Order of the Eastern Star pins [6] undated



Physical Description: 2 paintings + 5 archival digital collage +2 dolls

Series Scope and Content Summary

Consists of dolls, paintings, and archival digital collages.


Arranged by format and then chronologically.
Box 5

Terri Lee dolls [2] circa 1940s



Box Painting002

"Bright moments," by Margo Humphrey undated

Box Painting003

"Crossing over," painting by Margo Humphrey undated

Box Painting001

"Untitled," painting by Ted Pontiflet 1999


Archival digital collages

Box Painting006

"Aaron Douglas takes Africa to opportunity," archival digital collage on paper by Nell Painter undated

Box Painting007

"James A. Porter and lady with a jug talk back to Alain Locke," archival digital collage on paper by Nell Painter undated

Box Painting008

"Untitled," archival digital collage on paper by Nell Painter undated

Box Painting005

"James A. Porter critiques Aaron Douglas's art," archival digital collage on paper by Nell Painter undated

Box Painting004

"Malvin Gray Johnson self-portrait and Negro masks," archival digital collage on paper by Nell Painter undated