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Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 1) DATA FILES: This series consists mainly of phytoplankton data and reports drawn from observations and samples collected on cruises and from various piers in southern California. It includes logbooks, charts and summaries of research findings. Cruises typically report data on phytoplankton collected in 5 liter Allen bottles.
Arranged in thirteen subseries: A) CalCOFI Cruises, B) E.W. Scripps Cruises, C) Fisheries, D) Pioneer Cruises, E) Miscellaneous California Cruises, F) Farallone, G) La Jolla Pier, H) Oceanside, I) Point Hueneme, J) Scotch Cap, K) Miscellaneous Pier Measurements, L) Manuscripts and Reports, and M) Subject Files and Miscellaneous Data.

CalCOFI Cruises

Box 1, Folder 1-8

Cruises 2-9 1949 March 29-November 20

General note

Includes reports, cruise summaries, maps and data sheets.
Box 1, Folder 9

Chlorophyll Samples from cruises 1949-1950

Box 1, Folder 10

Horizon Cruises 2-8, 14, 15, and 21 1949-1951

General note

Random data and graphs from each of these cruises.
Box 1, Folder 11-18

Cruises 11-18 1950 February 2-September 18

Box 1, Folder 19

MLR Progress Report 1950 November 6

Box 1, Folder 20-22

Cruises 22-24 1951 February-April

Box 1, Folder 23

California Cooperative sardine research plans 1952 November 26

Box 1, Folder 24

Cruise 44-55 1953 January 21-1954 February 9

Box 1, Folder 25

Operation Longline 1953 January 31-March 2

Box 1, Folder 26-27

Operation Frustule program and data 1953 June

Box 1, Folder 28-30

Cruises 52-54 1953 August 28-November 11

Box 1, Folder 31

Cruise 6101, 6104 1961 January-April

Box 1, Folder 32

Holmes lecture notes on phytoplankton undated


E.W. Scripps Cruises

Box 1, Folder 33

Diatom data 1935 June 11-September 27

Box 1, Folder 34

Hydrographic data 1935 June 11-September 27

Box 1, Folder 35-36

Centrifuge cruise and data 1935 July 3-1936 September 4

Box 1, Folder 37-40

Cruises 1-4 1938 February 15-August 26

Box 1, Folder 41

R.T. Young series - Monterey phytoplankton 1938 September 11-13

Box 1, Folder 42-43

Cruises 5-6 1938 October 26-December 18

Box 1, Folder 44

Cruises 1-6 - Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1938 February-December

Box 1, Folder 45

California copepod count 1938 February-December

Box 1, Folder 46

Population trends cruise 1938-1941

Box 1, Folder 47

Gulf of California cruise 1939 February 13-March 18

Box 1, Folder 48

Fisheries cruise - North 1939 May 10-June 23

Box 1, Folder 49

Fisheries cruise - South 1939 June 29-July 10

Box 1, Folder 50

Cruises 10-15 diatom data 1940

General note

Station and diatom data for all of the Fisheries cruises in 1940.
Box 1, Folder 51-55

Cruises 11-16 (Fisheries cruises 2-6) 1940 March 21-June 7

Box 1, Folder 56

Cruise 16 1940 October 8-December 16

General note

Gulf of California.
Box 1, Folder 57

Graphs from E.W. Scripps and Crest Solar III cruises showing phytoplankton hauls, temperature, and density 1940

General note

Includes data from E.W. Scripps cruises 10 and 11.
Box 1, Folder 58

Cruise maps 1941

Box 1, Folder 59-61

Cruise 17 1941 March 21-30

Box 1, Folder 62-64

Cruise 19 1941 April 14-25

Box 1, Folder 65-67

Cruise 21 1941 May 8-17

Box 1, Folder 68-70

Cruise 23 1941 June 3-12

Box 1, Folder 71-73

Cruise 25 1941 June 25-July 3

Box 1, Folder 74-76

Cruise 27 1941 July 21-28

Box 1, Folder 77-79

Cruise 28 1941 August 26-September 2

Box 1, Folder 80-82

Cruise 30 1941 September 23-29

Box 1, Folder 83-85

Cruise 32 1941 October 16-23

Box 1, Folder 86-88

Cruise 33 1941 November 13-22

General note

End of pre-war cruises.
Box 1, Folder 89-90

Cruise summaries 1941 March-November

General note

Summaries for cruises 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32 and 33. The second folder includes a formal summary of findings by W. E. Allen.
Box 13, Folder 1

Summaries and charts 1941 March-November

Box 13, Folder 2

Sea temperature distribution maps 1941 March-November

Box 1, Folder 91

Cruise 17 and 19 comparisons 1941

Box 1, Folder 92-93

Cruise 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28 and 32 comparisons 1941

Box 1, Folder 94

Cruise station date 1941

Box 1, Folder 95

Diatoms 1941

General note

Includes small envelopes inside folder, including: "Sargent & Walker, Diatom Clements of Eddies off So. Calif., with attn'l charts"; and "Sargent & Walker, with addn'l figures." Glossy charts in folders from various cruises in 1941.
Box 1, Folder 96

Phytoplankton 1941

General note

Includes data from cruise 17.
Box 2, Folder 1

Sargent and Walker - Notes, maps and graphs on cruises 1941

General note

Includes charts and temperature/pH data from cruises 19, 21, 23, and 30.
Box 2, Folder 2

Allen, W. E. Seasonal occurrences and geographical distribution of marine plankton diatoms of Southern California 1941

General note

Box 2, Folder 3

Species distribution graphs for cruises 17, 27, 32 1941

Box 2, Folder 4

Station plan for cruises 17-33 1941

Box 2, Folder 5

Tabular summaries of cruise data 1941


Species contour charts

Box 2, Folder 6

Asterionella japonica to Chaetoceros curvisetus 1941

Box 2, Folder 7

Chaetoceros dadayi to Chaetoceros lorenzianus 1941

Box 2, Folder 8

Chaetoceros messanesis to Ditylum brightwellii 1941

Box 2, Folder 9

Eucapia zoodiacus to Pseudoeunotia doliolus 1941

Box 2, Folder 10

Rhizosolenia alata to Rhizosolenia stolerfothii 1941

Box 2, Folder 11

Schroderella delicatula to Thalassiothrix mediterranea 1941

Box 2, Folder 12

Miscellaneous 1941

Box 2, Folder 13

Horrer, Paul. Salinity as a tracer of upwelled water off Southern California 1948 July 16

General note

Typescript. MLR Inter-division report no. 1, utilizing data from cruise 17. Supervised by Dale Leipper and Robert Reid.


Box 2, Folder 14-15

Series graphs and data 1917

Box 2, Folder 16

Allen, W. E. Report to William Ritter on study of marine diatoms and dinoflagellates 1917-1918

General note

Typescript drafts summarizing summer research methods and findings.
Box 2, Folder 17-18

Series graphs and data 1918

Box 2, Folder 19

La Jolla pier fish catches 1921 September

General note

Detailed typewritten summaries and a table showing fish catches off the pier. Includes a 1921 photograph of a 291 pound sea bass caught off the pier.
Box 2, Folder 20

International Fisheries Commission - Plankton samples 1929 January 10-February 24

General note

Includes measurements taken by the Dorothy.

Pioneer Cruises

Box 2, Folder 21

Cruise to Cortes Bank 1923 January 22-February 9

Box 2, Folder 22

Cruise from La Jolla to Seattle 1923 February 20-22, April 5-8

General note

Two data sets: one from La Jolla to San Francisco in February, and one from San Francisco to Seattle in April.
Box 2, Folder 23-24

Alaska cruise data and manuscript 1923-1924

General note

Divided into five sections.
Box 2, Folder 25

Cruise from Seattle to San Francisco 1924 October 10-12

Box 2, Folder 26

Alaska cruise data on diatoms and dinoflagellates 1925 September 23-30

Box 2, Folder 27

Santa Barbara Islands Cruise 1926 March 15-19

Box 2, Folder 28

Cruise on Oregon Coast 1927 August 15-October 12


Miscellaneous California Cruises

Box 2, Folder 29

San Pedro boat trip 1922 June 19-20

Box 2, Folder 30-32

Thaddeus cruises and data 1926 August

General note

Includes report on diatoms and dinoflagellates.
Box 2, Folder 33

Bigelow-Monterey diatoms and dinoflagellates 1928 June 30-July 23

Box 2, Folder 34

Zaca Guadalupe-Galapagos cruise 1932 March 17-August 22

Box 2, Folder 35

Velero III Galapagos cruise 1933 March 8-23

Box 2, Folder 36

Zaca Gulf of California cruise 1935 November 9-25

Box 2, Folder 37

Allen, W. E. The Templeton Crocker Expedition to the Gulf of California in 1935: The Phytoplankton 1936

General note

Typescript drafts of manuscript reports summarizing data from the Zaca Gulf of California cruise.
Box 2, Folder 38

Velero III Lower California and Gulf of California cruise 1937 March 1-April 4



Box 2, Folder 39-42

Light weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1925-1928

Box 2, Folder 43

Light weekly diatoms 1929


La Jolla Pier

Box 13, Folder 3-4

Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1917-1918

Box 2, Folder 44

Station 1 pier series data 1917-1919

Box 2, Folder 45-46

Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1919 September-December

Box 2, Folder 47

Allen, W. E. Quantitative studies on marine phytoplankton at La Jolla 1919

General note

Typescript draft report.
Box 2, Folder 48-51

Pier series hourly and daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1920-1921

Box 2, Folder 52

Allen, W. E. Quantitative studies in inshore marine diatoms and dinoflagellates of Southern California 1922

General note

Typescript draft report.
Box 2, Folder 53

Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1922

Box 2, Folder 54-55

Station 1-2 diatoms and dinoflagellates 1923 May 23-June 15

Box 2, Folder 56-57

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1923-1924

Box 2, Folder 58

Comparison of pier measurements 1924

Box 2, Folder 59

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1925

Box 2, Folder 60

Buley, Horace. Quantitative studies on inshore diatoms and dinoflagellates of the California Coast 1925

General note

Handwritten manuscript draft.
Box 2, Folder 61

Phosphate measurements 1925-1929

Box 2, Folder 62

Weekly nitrate averages 1926 September-1927 January

Box 2, Folder 63

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1926

Box 2, Folder 64

Weekly silica averages 1926-1929

Box 2, Folder 65

Miscellaneous A+B diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 June 7

Box 2, Folder 66-67

Station 1 diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 June-November

Box 3, Folder 1-2

Station 2 diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 June-August

Box 3, Folder 3

Station 1-2 count records 1927 June-December

Box 3, Folder 4

Miscellaneous "C" diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 August 23

Box 3, Folder 5-7

C16, 18, and 21 diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 August 24

Box 3, Folder 8

Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 September 2-1928 March 28

Box 3, Folder 9

Miscellaneous "E-F" diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927 November 4, December 1

Box 3, Folder 10

Station 1-2 comparison tables 1927

Box 3, Folder 11

Weekly diatoms 1927

Box 3, Folder 12

Pier nutrients 1927-1928

Box 3, Folder 13

Buley, Horace. Studies of the food of the mussel, Mytilus Californianus, with special reference to its use of diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927-1928

General note

Typescript draft report, with tables.
Box 3, Folder 14

Weekly oxygen averages 1927-1929

Box 3, Folder 15

Allen, W. E. Boat catches of marine phytoplankton in Southern California 1928 July-October

General note

Typescript draft report, with tables.
Box 3, Folder 16

Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1928

Box 3, Folder 17

Weekly dinoflagellates 1929 January-July

Box 3, Folder 18

Scripps count records 1929 June-July

Box 3, Folder 19

Allen, W. E. Problems of quantitative research on microplankton 1929

General note

Typescript draft report, with tables.
Box 3, Folder 20

Scripps mooring series 1929

Box 3, Folder 21

Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1930

Box 3, Folder 22

Scripps count records 1931 July-December

Box 3, Folder 23

Weekly diatoms 1931

Box 3, Folder 24

Scripps count records 1932 January-September

Box 3, Folder 25

Scripps mooring series diatoms and dinoflagellates 1932 October 11-December 17

Box 3, Folder 26-33

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1932-1938

Box 3, Folder 34

Weekly surface temperature and salinity 1938

Box 3, Folder 35

Temperature forecasts for San Diego and Scripps pier 1938-1939

Box 3, Folder 36

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1939

Box 13, Folder 5

Scripps pier daily phytoplankton log 1944 April-1952 January

Box 3, Folder 37

Pier sample tables 1944-1949

Box 3, Folder 38

Allen, W. E. Significances of "red water" in the sea 1945

General note

Typescript draft report, with tables.
Box 3, Folder 39

Pier sample tables 1953 March 4



Box 3, Folder 40-41

Daily diatom and dinoflagellate count records 1921-1922

Box 3, Folder 42-45

Weekly diatom and dinoflagellate count records 1922-1927


Point Hueneme

Box 3, Folder 46

Temperature and salinity 1919-1938

Box 3, Folder 47-49

Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1920-1921

Box 3, Folder 50

Daily physical variables 1921 February-July

Box 3, Folder 51

Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1922

Box 3, Folder 52-64

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1923-1934, 1941

General note

Folder 62 includes weekly averages from 1932-1941.
Box 3, Folder 65

Ocean observations at Point Hueneme 1935 March 14

Box 3, Folder 66-73

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1935-1942


Scotch Cap

Box 3, Folder 74-81

Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1926-1933


Miscellaneous Pier Measurements

Box 3, Folder 82

Summerland Kelp Station - Daily diatoms and dinoflagellates 1921 April 1-18

General note

Located in Santa Barbara.
Box 3, Folder 83-84

Santa Barbara pier - Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1921 June-December

General note

Includes daily and weekly measurements.
Box 3, Folder 85

Redondo pier - Daily Diatoms and Dinoflagellates 1921 July 26-October 11

Box 3, Folder 86-87

Mission Bay - Diatoms and dinoflagellates 1922 November 3-4

Box 3, Folder 88-90

Pacific Grove - Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1923-1925

Box 3, Folder 91

Gulf of Alaska hydrographic data 1927-1929

Box 3, Folder 92-94

Balboa pier - Weekly diatoms and dinoflagellates 1927


Manuscripts and Reports

Box 4, Folder 1

Fox, Dorothea. Quantitative studies on inshore marine diatoms and dinoflagellates taken at five stations on the east Pacific coast 1926

General note

Typescript with some charts. Includes a page of comments on the paper by F. B. Sumner.
Box 4, Folder 2

Allen, W. E. Announcement in Science, "Some micro-plankton from Salton Sea" reprint 1939 February 13-March 18

Box 4, Folder 3

Sargent, Marston and Thomas Austin. The economy of coral reefs 1950 November 22

General note

Typescript draft.
Box 4, Folder 4

Munk, Walter and Marston Sargent. Adjustment of Bikini Atoll to ocean waves 1949-1950

General note

Typescript draft and related correspondence. Also includes reprint of Munk, Ewing, and Revelle article, "Diffusion in Bikini Lagoon."
Box 4, Folder 5

McEwen, G. F. Summary of methods of computing the mean distances between organisms from their population density undated

General note

Typescript draft.

Subject Files and Miscellaneous Data

Box 4, Folder 6

Ross and Barnhart - Lower California series 1919

Box 4, Folder 7

McEwen - Queen series 1920 June 10-24

General note

Data collected from many points.
Box 4, Folder 8

Mortensen series 1920 July 8-December 21

General note

Data collected from many points.
Box 4, Folder 9

Kemah Lateral series 1920 July 10-15

Box 4, Folder 10

Diatom and dinoflagellate comparison charts 1920

Box 4, Folder 11

Baker - Lower California series 1-142 1921 April 7-July 11

General note

Baja California Pacific ocean studies.
Box 4, Folder 12-14

Kaiyo series 1921-1922

Box 4, Folder 15

Barnhart - Mexican Island Expedition 1922 July 9-August 2

Box 4, Folder 16

Ohio series 1924 January 18-March 20

General note

Includes related reports and correspondence, including typescript drafts on catches. Includes a letter from Allen to Dr. Grinnell at Berkeley, in response to criticism of a recent paper and the conduct of research at the Scripps Institution in which Allen mentions Vaughn and Kofoid.
Box 4, Folder 17

Sturges series 1924 May 17-October 7

General note

Includes a draft of a report by George Sleggs on "Horizontal and bathymetrical distribution of marine phytoplankton in the region of La Jolla."
Box 4, Folder 18

USC and U.S.S. Guide series - Oregon coast 1924-1925

Box 4, Folder 19

USS Omaha - San Diego to Guadalupe Island 1925 March 2-12

Box 4, Folder 20

Lewis, Ralph. Surface catches of marine diatoms and dinoflagellates collected between Point Fermin and Cortes Bank by the USS Guide 1925 March 26-May 6

General note

Report and data sheets from the USC and G.S.S. series.
Box 4, Folder 21

USS Omaha - Transpacific voyage 1925 April 16-August 28

Box 4, Folder 22

Lewis, Ralph. Surface catches of marine diatoms and dinoflagellates taken off the coast of Lower California and Mexico 1925 April 18-26

General note

Report and data sheets from the USS Ortolan Revillagigedo Island cruise.
Box 4, Folder 23

USC and G.S.S. Discoverer series - Hawaii 1925, 1927

Box 4, Folder 24

Japanese plankton 1926

Box 4, Folder 25

U.S.S. Guide - Washington coast series 1927 July 27-October 14

Box 4, Folder 26

Thompson-Alaska series 1927 October 30-1928 February 4

General note

Includes report by Allen, "Quantitative studies of surface catches of marine diatoms and dinoflagellates taken in Alaskan waters by the International Fisheries Commission in Fall and Winer of 1927-1928.
Box 4, Folder 27

USC and G.S.S. Natoma series - Seattle to San Pedro 1928 April 4-22

Box 4, Folder 28

USC and G.S.S. Natoma series - Lower California to canal zone 1928 April 18-May 5

Box 4, Folder 29

Trask series - Grays Harbor 1928 May 16

General note

Includes memorandum and data.
Box 4, Folder 30

Discoverer series - Point St. George and Southern California 1928

Box 4, Folder 31

Data and memorandum concerning diatoms collected by Peruvian Guano Administration 1929-1930

Box 4, Folder 32

Agar production - Correspondence 1929-1933

Box 4, Folder 33

Australian diatoms 1930-1931

Box 4, Folder 34

Barnhart - Mexico series 1931 April 11-May 2

Box 4, Folder 35

Mexican Freight Boat series 1932 August 24-September 10

Box 4, Folder 36

Fleming-U.S.S. Hannibal series 1933 March 10-May 25

General note

Includes memorandum from Richard Fleming with a list of stations occupied by the Hannibal, in addition to data tables.
Box 4, Folder 37

Southern India, Calicut and Krusadai plankton samples and correspondence 1934-1936

Box 4, Folder 38

Revelle-Bushnell Midpacific cruise 1934 July 20-August 27

General note

Includes report by Allen.
Box 4, Folder 39

Kamine series 1937 December 26-1938 August 15

Box 4, Folder 40-43

U.S. Navy Volunteer Research Reserve - Survey of San Diego Bay 1950

General note

Survey data, progress report, and tables.


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 2) CORRESPONDENCE AND PROFESSIONAL PAPERS: This series includes both personal and professional correspondence from 1915-1948, including letters exchanged with T. Wayland Vaughan, Henry B. Bigelow, Wesley R. Coe, Charles Atwood Kofoid, W. E. Ritter, and others. These papers were damaged in a flood prior to their donation to the Library and are delicate and stained.
The Allen correspondence was maintained in its found order when the collection was reviewed and updated in 2016. The subseries represented here reflect the order of the papers as they were when acquired by the Archives, and include three broad categories of correspondence: a chronologically sorted body of letters that arrived at the Archives loose, without any prior sorting or description; letters that Allen had sorted and arranged in folders with titles; and an incomplete bundle of letters in folders which Allen had labeled "Lab Correspondence." Accordingly, there is some overlap with correspondents and topics throughout these three subseries (for example, there might be letters exchanged with a specific SIO colleague in the General Correspondence subseries, and letters from that same person in a file that Allen maintained and labeled in the Sorted Correspondence subseries). Additionally, some of the correspondents are repeated in Series 3, SUBJECT FILES AND WRITINGS, where drafts of Allen's letters to colleagues and administrators at SIO may be found.
Arranged in three subseries: A) General Correspondence, B) Sorted Correspondence, and C) Lab Correspondence.
A) General Correspondence: Professional and personal correspondence, arranged chronologically. The letters often touch on personal matters, such Allen's interest in sports, in addition to professional matters, such as his plankton research. It also includes correspondence in his role as a committee member for the La Jolla Country Club, though additional materials on the Club and the La Jolla Land and Improvement Company are also located in Series 3. Allen had professional disputes and disagreements with SIO director T. Wayland Vaughan, and correspondence on this topic is frequent beginning in late 1930 and may also be found in Series 3. Allen favored the biological and ecological perspective of Ritter, and felt less comfortable in Vaughan's broad oceanographic program. In letters to others, including the president of the University, Allen details his complaints with the facilities, laboratory operations, and staff.
B) Sorted Correspondence: Professional correspondence between Allen and specific people or publications, including the previous director of Scripps, William E. Ritter. Arranged alphabetically.
C) Lab Correspondence: An incomplete series of professional correspondence, arranged alphabetically.

General Correspondence

Box 4, Folder 44


Box 4, Folder 45


Box 4, Folder 46-52


Box 4, Folder 53-63


Box 13, Folder 6

1925 November 28

Box 4, Folder 64-68


Box 5, Folder 1-14

1928-1934 February

Box 6, Folder 1-9

1934 March-1941

Box 6, Folder 10-12



Sorted Correspondence

Box 6, Folder 13

J.R. Bartholomew 1938

Box 6, Folder 14

Bausch and Lomb Optical Company 1933-1940

Box 6, Folder 15

Henry B. Bigelow 1928-1930

Box 6, Folder 16

Biological Board of Canada 1925-1936

Box 6, Folder 17

Bird Lore 1927-1938

Box 6, Folder 18

Botanical Society of America 1925-1934

Box 6, Folder 19

California Academy of Sciences 1921-1938

Box 6, Folder 20-25

Wesley R. Coe 1928-1937

Box 6, Folder 26

The Condor 1921-1927

Box 6, Folder 27-30

Ecology 1919-1945

Box 7, Folder 1

G Dallas Hanna 1929-1933

Box 7, Folder 2

Hopkins Marine Station 1924-1935

Box 7, Folder 3

Kofoid, Charles Atwood 1921-1939

Box 7, Folder 4

Ernest Windle (Editor, Catalina Islander) 1919-1935

Box 7, Folder 5

Stockton Public Library Bulletin 1915 July


Lab Correspondence

Box 7, Folder 6

K 1926-1935

Box 7, Folder 7

L 1920-1939

Box 7, Folder 8

M 1920-1934

Box 7, Folder 9

Albert Mann (Smithsonian Institution) 1920-1930

Box 7, Folder 10

Irene McCulloch 1925-1939

Box 7, Folder 11

N 1921-1933

Box 7, Folder 12

P/Q 1922-1935

Box 7, Folder 13

R 1918-1941

Box 7, Folder 14

William Emerson Ritter 1918-1939

Box 7, Folder 15

S 1921-1937

Box 7, Folder 16

Science press (Scientific Monthly) 1920-1940

Box 7, Folder 17

Special 1937-1940

Box 7, Folder 18

T 1920-1941

Box 7, Folder 19

University of California, Berkeley 1920-1940



Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 3) SUBJECT FILES AND WRITINGS: This series includes Allen's files on various topics and his publications, including key reports on early research programs at Scripps. Typewritten drafts of Allen's reports and memoranda on events, colleagues and leadership at Scripps--including his opinions on the research of others and director Vaughan, and the political climate on the young campus--are interspersed throughout the series in his original files. It also includes seminar assignments, correspondence, biographical information, ephemera and subject files on old La Jolla, and annual reports submitted to the president of the University of California. These papers were damaged in a flood prior to their donation to the Library and are delicate and stained. Arranged chronologically.
Box 7, Folder 20

Fish and Game Commission 1916-1936

Box 7, Folder 21

Proposal for delimitation of fishing area research 1917

Box 7, Folder 22

Travel and budget 1917-1933

Box 7, Folder 23

Miscellaneous papers - Scripps Institution of Oceanography issues 1918-1934

General note

A folder of miscellaneous essays, drafts and correspondence, including detailed documentation of Allen's opinions on the personnel, oversight and leadership at SIO in the 1930s, including research priorities and politics.
Box 8, Folder 1

Salton Sea research trip summary 1919 December 18

Box 8, Folder 2

SIO Pier fishing permit 1920

Box 8, Folder 3

Materials on biological aspects of oceanography 1920-1925

Box 8, Folder 4

Reports on work at Scripps 1920-1939

General note

Assorted correspondence and memoranda in which Allen expresses his opinion on oversight and research programs at SIO.
Box 8, Folder 5

La Jolla Country Club 1921-1929

General note

Includes a copy of the original by-laws and a ticket for the Del Mar golf course.
Box 8, Folder 6

La Jolla Land and Improvement Company 1921-1929

General note

Includes copies of the 1921 and 1927 by-laws for the La Jolla Land and Improvement Company.
Box 8, Folder 7

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Service 1921-1934

General note

Includes correspondence and meeting minutes.
Box 8, Folder 8

Published material - Manuscript drafts 1921-1938

Box 8, Folder 9

Problems in the Pacific area - Manuscript drafts 1922

Box 8, Folder 10

Memoranda on research programs at Scripps 1922-1929

Box 8, Folder 11

Phytoplankton research 1922-1930

General note

Correspondence, memoranda, and manuscript drafts on Allen's research program at SIO.
Box 8, Folder 12

Birdwatching observations from the pier 1923-1929

Box 8, Folder 13

Stockroom supplies inventory 1924

Box 8, Folder 14

Courses in oceanography 1925-1930

Box 8, Folder 15

Biological oceanography seminar notes and assignments 1925-1932

Box 8, Folder 16

Investigations on phytoplankton in the Pacific Ocean, by W.E. Allen 1926

Box 8, Folder 17

Microplankton collection - Reports, memoranda and instructions 1926-1938

General note

Includes photo from the Naval Operating Base, San Diego of personnel assessing ship hull samples, dated 1930 May 10.
Box 8, Folder 18

At the Shrine of Truth, by W.E. Allen 1927 June

Box 8, Folder 19

American Geographical Society certificate 1928 November 20

Box 8, Folder 20

Environmental Lags, by W.E. Allen 1928

Box 8, Folder 21

Report to the President of the University on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography 1929 July 1

Box 8, Folder 22

Appointment and retirement 1929-1945

Box 9, Folder 1

SIO-related memoranda 1930

General note

Includes statements on maintenance and expenses for the cottages on campus, and reports to Vaughan on Allen's phytoplankton research.
Box 9, Folder 2

Report of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to the President of the University 1930 July 1-1931 June 30

General note

Preservation photocopy.
Box 9, Folder 3

Outlines and course notes 1930-1942

Box 9, Folder 4

Confidential comment for the President concerning conditions at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, by W.E. Allen 1931 January 15

Box 9, Folder 5

Memorandum by T. Wayland Vaughan to the International Committee on the Oceanography of the Pacific, on the SIO research program 1931 September 23

General note

Preservation photocopy.
Box 9, Folder 6

SIO-related memoranda 1931

General note

Allen's observations on personnel and oversight of SIO.
Box 9, Folder 7

Memoranda and "Scripps Institution Notes" drafts 1932-1933

General note

Allen's observations on personnel and oversight of SIO.
Box 9, Folder 8

Budgets and staff meeting notes 1932-1933

Box 9, Folder 10

Memoranda and "Scripps Institution Notes" drafts 1933

Box 9, Folder 11-14

Seminars 1937-1945

Box 9, Folder 15

20 year statistical studies of plankton dinoflagellates of Southern California - Publication file 1941

Box 9, Folder 16

Grace Wheeler Allen undated

Box 9, Folder 17

Life on Earth by Winfred Emory Allen undated

Box 9, Folder 18

Recent work on marine micro-plankton at the La Jolla Biological Station, by W. E. Allen undated

Box 10, Folder 1

Research facilities at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, by T. Wayland Vaughan circa 1932

General note

Typescript copy of published report.
Box 10, Folder 2

Biographical information undated



Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 4) CALIFORNIA BIOLOGICAL FEATURE SERVICE: Over the course of his career, Allen wrote many newspaper features, which appeared in several newspapers in California. These were syndicated through the California Biological Feature Service. This series includes notes, correspondence, and articles.
Box 10, Folder 3

California Biological Feature Service letters 1917-1930

Box 10, Folder 4-10

Features correspondence 1919-1928

Box 10, Folder 11

Features notes 1929-1937

Box 10, Folder 12-19

Articles A-Z undated

Box 11, Folder 1-14

Articles in chronological order 1919-1937

Box 12, Folder 1-8

Articles in chronological order 1938-1942



Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 5) PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs and negatives documenting Allen's personal and professional life.
Box 12, Folder 9

Allen family photographs 1893-1920

General note

Includes a print of Scripps children from ca. 1920, including Corinne Copeland, Esther and Margaret Allen, and Paul McEwen; and family and collegiate portraits. Two images from this folder have been digitized, and may be viewed by clicking the links below.

Children at Scripps circa 1920


Children at Scripps, circa 1920


Spokane YMCA men's basketball team


Spokane YMCA men's basketball team

Box 12, Folder 10

Winfred Emory Allen portraits 1926, 1935

General note

Copy negatives and multiple prints of a portrait by Moberg of Allen with his collecting bottle. Includes later, more formal portraits, including a copy print by Eugene LaFond. Two images from this folder have been digitized, and may be viewed by clicking the links below.

Allen turning a cable wench circa 1935


Allen turning a cable wench, circa 1935


Allen with a collecting bottle circa 1926


Allen with a collecting bottle, circa 1926

Box 12, Folder 11

Scripps campus and buildings circa 1919-1933

General note

Includes original prints depicting the Scripps cottages, the water tower, the pier and La Jolla point, the cliffs below SIO, and old library and laboratory buildings. Some photos credited to Harry Erickson. Selected images from this folder have been digitized, and may be viewed by clicking the links below.

Cliffs north of Scripps Institution of Oceanography circa 1925


Cliffs north of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, circa 1920


La Jolla, looking south from Scripps campus circa 1925


La Jolla, looking south from Scripps campus, circa 1925

Box 12, Folder 12

Anton Dohrn circa 1920

General note

Original print. The Anton Dohrn was not operated by Scripps.
Box 12, Folder 13

Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, San Diego 1920

Box 12, Folder 14

La Jolla 8th grade grammar school class portrait 1921

General note

Margaret Allen, front row, 3rd from left.
Box 12, Folder 15

Scripps Institution personnel 1923 June, 1935 October

General note

On the occasion of Ritter's retirement, photographed by Herbert Fitch: Back row, from left, Jack Ross, Sumner, Jim Ross, McEwen, Allen, Wesley C. Crandall, Moberg, unidentified, Charles Michael, Percy S. Barnhart, Myrtle Johnson, Ritter, Tillie Genter, Maurine Leslie, and R.R. Huestis (digitized; link available below). Second photo includes Sumner, McEwen, Revelle, Blodwen Lloyd, Flemming, Helland-Hansen, Vaughan, Moberg, and Allen.

Staff of Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at the retirement of William E. Ritter 1923 June


Staff of Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at the retirement of William E. Ritter, 1923 June

Box 12, Folder 16

Percy Barnhart circa 1926