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Subject Files 79567 1903-2000 1980-2000


The collection was kept in its original order and original folder titles were used in describing the collections contents.
Box 1, Folder 1

Civic Center 27784 undated

Scope and Content

Memos, notes, plans, articles, brochures, and photographs.
Box 1, Folder 2

Ed Ruscha 27785 1985-1986

Scope and Content

Articles, art event notices, and photographs.
Box 1, Folder 3

Mural on Flower Street - Market Area 27786 1995-1996

Scope and Content

Agenda for public art committee meeting.
Box 1, Folder 4

South Broadway murals 27787 1987-1996

Scope and Content

Budget, memos, photographs, project proposals, summaries, artist biographies, articles, and notes.
Box 1, Folder 5

Chinatown 27788 1984

Scope and Content

Joan of Arc sculpture description; Chinese Celestial Dragon mural.
Box 1, Folder 6

Victor Clothing Cultural Trust 27789 1996-1998

Scope and Content

Proposal, memos, and budgets.
Box 1, Folder 7

Metropolis Building 27790 1990 February

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 8

Maya Theater 27793 1947 April

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, and other information about Ferdinand Perret.
Box 1, Folder 9

Joan of Arc 27794 1990-1996

Scope and Content

Photographs and notes.
Box 1, Folder 10

Alonzo Davis 27795 1983-1984

Scope and Content

Articles, photographs, and an exhibition catalog.
Box 1, Folder 11

Dearden's (Elroy Torrez) 27796 1988-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, articles, notes, and general information about the mural.
Box 1, Folder 12

823 S. Los Angeles Street 27806 undated

Scope and Content

Photographs and biographical notes.
Box 1, Folder 13

Daffodil Metamorphosis - South Park 27807 1995

Scope and Content

Meeting minutes, budget statements, and memos.
Box 1, Folder 14

Gyro/Cone (Pershing Square) 27842 1990

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 15 - 16

Pride of Neighborhood/SPARC 27844 1984-1996

Scope and Content

Articles, brochures, correspondence, film negatives, press releases, postcards, photographs, notes, grant proposals, and reports.
Box 1, Folder 17

Concrete Project 27884 1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 18

Myrna Lloyd/Inspiration 27885 2000

Scope and Content

Description and notes.
Box 1, Folder 19

The Helmsman 27886 1999

Scope and Content

Notes and descriptions.
Box 1, Folder 20-21

Council Items RE: Murals 28059 1974-1997

Scope and Content

Minutes of city council meetings, articles, and reports.
Box 1, Folder 22

LAUSD 28060 1998

Scope and Content

Roster of schools from the late 1990s.
Box 1, Folder 23

Mural Removals 28061 1996-1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 24

Housing Authority 28062 1999-2000

Scope and Content

Mural related official correspondence, error reports, memos, and notes.
Box 1, Folder 25

Civic Fund 28063 1996-1999

Scope and Content

Memo on the mural As if Everything was that Easy to Change by Gilberto A. Romero. Also, a memo on Kim Frover's mural in Los Angeles.
Box 1, Folder 26

Clean and Glean 28064 1999

Scope and Content

Notes and information on LAUSD school murals.
Box 1, Folder 27

DWP 28065 1999

Scope and Content

Notes about Clean and Green.
Box 1, Folder 28

Cultural Grants 28066 1990-1999

Scope and Content

Notes, official reports, and information on grant funded disbursals.
Box 1, Folder 29

City Property Murals 28067 1975

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 30

DOT (Department of Transportation) 28068 1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 31

Mural Conservancy 28085 1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 32

Murals from Community based Agencies, LACC, etc. 28086 1999

Scope and Content

Notes and memos.
Box 1, Folder 33

Miscellaneous Historic Documents 28087 1975-1995

Scope and Content

Memos on the Mechicano Arts Center mural and the Devonshire Community police station mural.
Box 1, Folder 34

City Wide Murals Project 28243 1975-1999

Scope and Content

Memos and applications for mural inclusion in the city's permanent collection.
Box 1, Folder 35

CAD - Youth Arts Recovery fund 28244 1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 36

Los Angeles Arts Recovery Fund 28245 1992-1993

Scope and Content

Official recommendations and a booklet on the Echo Park murals project.
Box 1, Folder 35

SYTEP 28246 1999

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 38

Cultural Affairs Commissioners - Municipal Art Commission - Murals 28247 1998

Scope and Content

Meeting Minutes.
Box 1, Folder 39

City Hall Murals 28248 undated

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 40

Operation Restore 28249 1998

Scope and Content

Notes and a newsletter on Project Restore.
Box 1, Folder 41

City Hall Mall, Margaret Garcia 28250 1988

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, articles, meeting minutes, and general information on the "Let There Always be Sky" mural.
Box 1, Folder 42

Unity - Peter Burns 28251 undated

Scope and Content

Box 1, Folder 43

LA Energy 28252 1933-1980

Scope and Content

Photographs and proposals for the LA Bicentennial murals projects.
Box 1, Folder 44

Flight of the Angel (By Hitoshi Yashida) 28253 1989

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, and notes.
Box 1, Folder 45

City Hall East (Sheets) 28254 1971-1995

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, meeting minutes, notes, a brochure on City Hall and its murals, and information on the murals at the Griffith observatory.
Box 1, Folder 46

America Tropical 28255 1985-1998

Scope and Content

Articles, notes, brochures, and photographs of the unrestored mural.
Box 1, Folder 47

Fr. Serra (Junipero Serra) 28256 1931-1996

Scope and Content

Notes, newspaper clippings, minutes of meetings and photocopies.
Box 1, Folder 48

Fort Moore 28257 1940-1984

Scope and Content

Notes, articles, photographs, and correspondence.
Box 1, Folder 49

Felipe de Neve 28258 1931-1994

Scope and Content

Notes, articles, photographs, slides, and correspondence.
Box 1, Folder 50

Fr. Hidalgo in Front of Church in Dolores 28259 1976-1990

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, articles, and brochures.
Box 1, Folder 51

Recuerdo de Ayer, Suenos de Manana 28260 1981-1999

Scope and Content

Notes, photographs, and memos.
Box 2, Folder 1-4

Murals 28264 1932-2000

Scope and Content

Inventories, articles, and documents.
Box 2, Folder 5-8

Articles re: Public Art 1900-1950 28265 1923-1990

Scope and Content

Photocopies of articles.
Box 2, Folder 9-15

Central Library 28266 1924-1998

Scope and Content

Correspondence, photographs, brochures, articles, and notes.
Box 2, Folder 16-17

Bike Rack Project 28267 1995-1997

Scope and Content

Maintenance agreements, documents, articles, photographs, and plans.
Box 2, Folder 19, Box 3, Folder 1-2

Little Tokyo 28273 1974-1993

Scope and Content

Articles, short histories, notes, and Little Tokyo redevelopment project documents.
Box 3, Folder 3

Little Tokyo Gardens 28274 1965-1993

Scope and Content

Memos, an exhibition catalog, and notes.
Box 3, Folder 4

FOLTA (Friends of Little Tokyo Association) 28275 1972-1993

Scope and Content

Memos, exhibition catalog, and notes.
Box 3, Folder 5

People in Little Tokyo 28276 1993 July 12

Scope and Content

Notes and newspaper articles.
Box 3, Folder 6-7

Japanese American WWII Veterans Memorial 28277 1990-1998

Scope and Content

Notes, fact sheets, memos, newsletters, and official meeting minutes.
Box 3, Folder 8

Little Tokyo List of Outdoor Art 28278 undated

Scope and Content

Box 3, Folder 9

Internment Project 28279 1942-1995

Scope and Content

Notes and commemorative information.
Box 3, Folder 10

Margaret Garcia 28280 1987

Scope and Content

Notes on the tribute to Hirosukai.
Box 3, Folder 11

PARTI Conference 28281 1994-1995

Scope and Content

Public Art: Realities, theories, and Issues, Los Angeles, October 1994. Also included are notes and memos.
Box 3, Folder 12

LTCDAC 28290 1991-1992

Scope and Content

Little Tokyo Community Development Advisory Committee. Meeting minutes and agendas.
Box 3, Folder 13

New Otani 28291 1977-1994

Scope and Content

Photographs of the garden, notes, and a brochure about the hotel.
Box 3, Folder 14

Little Tokyo Guidebook Reviews 28292 1994 December

Scope and Content

Photocopies of reviews of Public Art in Little Tokyo guidebook and a newsletter.
Box 3, Folder 15

Japanese Artists 28293 1942-1945

Scope and Content

Information from brochures developed by the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Box 3, Folder 16

Remembering Old Little Tokyo/De Bretville 28304 1992-1997

Scope and Content

Notes, memos, and artist biographies.
Box 3, Folder 17-20

Chinatown 28305 1929-2000

Scope and Content

Books chapters, newspaper articles, Chinatown maps, Redevelopment plan (1980), 50th anniversary commemoration, census information, market analysis (1982), Community Redevelopment Agency reports, and photographs.
Box 3, Folder 21

Mings Pavilion Restaurant 78735 1950

Scope and Content

Photographs of the restaurant and an article titled Chinese Wit and Humor edited by George Kao introduction by Lin Yutang.
Box 3, Folder 22

Chinatown miscellaneous 28307 1994-1995

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings and photographs.
Box 3, Folder 23

Joan of Arc 28308 1985-1996

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping and a note.
Box 3, Folder 24

Album of Photographs 78739 1985-1986

Scope and Content

Includes images of downtown Los Angeles.
Box 3, Folder 25

Blessing of the Animals 28354 1941-1996

Scope and Content

Articles and photographs.
Box 3, Folder 26

Plaza Church 28355 1968-1999

Scope and Content

Articles, book chapters, greeting cards designed by Isabel Piszek, notes, correspondence, and photographs.
Box 3, Folder 27

Carlos III 28356 1976

Scope and Content

Meeting minutes.
Box 3, Folder 28

Pio Pico Monument/El Pueblo 28357 1997 July 10

Scope and Content

Meeting agenda.
Box 3, Folder 29

Union Station 28358 1980-1996

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 3, Folder 30

Union Station/Gateway Center 28359 1979-2001

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles, brochures, and artist resumes.
Box 4, Folder 1-3

Olvera Street/El Pueblo 28367 1978-1999

Scope and Content

Meeting agendas, meeting minutes, newsletters, articles, correspondence, and brochures.
Box 4, Folder 4

St. Vincent's Court 28368 1974-1995

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 4, Folder 5

Going to the Olympics 28369 1984-1990

Scope and Content

Articles, notes, and photographs.
Box 4, Folder 6

LA Freeway Kids 28370 1990

Scope and Content

Notes and photographs.
Box 4, Folder 7

Galileo, Jupiter, Apollo 28371 1978-1990

Scope and Content

Photographs and notes.
Box 4, Folder 8

Fort Moore 28372 1997

Scope and Content

Box 4, Folder 9

Luchas del Mundo 28374 1984-1991

Scope and Content

Notes, articles, and photographs.
Box 4, Folder 10

Palace Theater 28375 1911-1990

Scope and Content

Copies of articles, book chapters, photographs, and correspondence.
Box 4, Folder 11

Spring Street 28480 1981-1999

Scope and Content

Brochures, newsletters, and articles.
Box 4, Folder 12

Times Building in downtown Los Angeles 28481 1981-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs and correspondence.
Box 4, Folder 13

Los Angeles Times Garage 28482 1964-1999

Scope and Content

Articles, photographs, correspondence, and book chapters.
Box 4, Folder 14

814 S. Spring Street/Gary Lloyd 28483 1979-1984

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, and journals.
Box 4, Folder 15

Stock Exchange 28484 1928-2000

Scope and Content

Brochures, articles, correspondence, photographs, articles, and notes.
Box 4, Folder 16

St. Vibiana 28485 undated

Scope and Content

Igor de Kansky's resume, photographs, articles, and notes.
Box 4, Folder 17

Eastside Parking (6th and Main) 28486 1988-1990

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, and correspondence.
Box 4, Folder 18

Parkinson 28487 1987-1992

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 4, Folder 19

Cathedral Square 28488 1996

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 4, Folder 20

Los Angeles Mission 28491 1992 March 16

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 4, Folder 21

Margaret Garcia, 8th Street on-ramp 28496 1984-1987

Scope and Content

Box 4, Folder 22

Cityscape - Terry Schoonhoven 28497 1984-1987

Scope and Content

Artist resume, articles, and photographs.
Box 4, Folder 23

Newmark fountain 28498 1986

Scope and Content

Box 4, Folder 24

Million Dollar Theater/Grand Central Square 28499 1931-1999

Scope and Content

Articles, correspondence, and publicity for Grand Central Square apartments.
Box 4, Folder 25

Clifton's Cafeteria Terrazzo Sidewalk 28500 1989

Scope and Content

Photographs and CRA Report.
Box 4, Folder 26

Broadway Sidewalk 28501 1979-1998

Scope and Content

Program brochure, CRA reports, correspondence, and photographs.
Box 4, Folder 27

Historic Sculpture - Betty Gold 28502 1981-1999

Scope and Content

Holistic Sculpture #5: Correspondence, publications, photographs, and notes.
Box 4, Folder 28

Broadway/Spring Center - Tony Sheets 28503 1986-1989

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, and memos.
Box 4, Folder 29

Press Releases - Little Tokyo Guide 28521 1994-1995

Scope and Content

Press releases, exhibition brochure, correspondence, memorandum, and an awards program.
Box 4, Folder 30

Letters to people in acknowledgment - Little Tokyo 28522 1994

Box 4, Folder 31

Artist letters - Little Tokyo 28524 1994

Box 4, Folder 32

Japanese Americans 28525 1991

Scope and Content

Listing of books and information on Little Tokyo branch library.
Box 4, Folder 33

Little Tokyo Article 28547 undated

Scope and Content

Survey of commemorative art.
Box 4, Folder 34

Harmony - Sawako Shintai 28526 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Artist biography, correspondence, descriptive text, and background information.
Box 4, Folder 35

Casa Heiwa 28527 1995-1997

Scope and Content

Photographs, CRA memoranda, and correspondence.
Box 3, Folder 36

Aurora- Susumu Shingu 28528 1990s

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, notes, and background information.
Box 5, Folder 1

Letters to LTCDAC 28529 1992

Box 5, Folder 2

Little Tokyo - guide slides 28530 1995

Scope and Content

Slides and a letter.
Box 5, Folder 3

Little Tokyo - fundraising 28531 1993

Scope and Content

Correspondence and brochure related primarily to ARCO.
Box 5, Folder 4

Little Tokyo - uncompleted projects 28532 1993

Scope and Content

Inventory and newspaper articles.
Box 5, Folder 5

Dover - Woods Davy 28533 1980s

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, correspondence, and artist biography.
Box 5, Folder 6

Invoices, receipts - Little Tokyo - Letter of transmittal 28534 1994-1996

Scope and Content

Letters, receipts, and a brochure.
Box 5, Folder 7

Regional Grant 28535 1997-1998

Scope and Content

Box 5, Folder 8

Chinatown tour 28536 1994 September 17

Scope and Content

A flyer.
Box 5, Folder 9-10

Chinatown grant applications 28537 1997

Scope and Content

Proposal for grant from the downtown cultural trust fund, letters, budget and resume.
Box 5, Folder 11

Chinatown Chinese Historical Society 28538 1987-1999

Scope and Content

Newsletters, information on Museum of Chinese American History, information on Chinatown Heritage and Visitors Center, Chinatown walking tour, notes, and newspaper articles.
Box 5, Folder 12

Chinatown Introduction 28540 1999

Scope and Content

Background text and memorandum related to the Cultural Heritage Commission.
Box 5, Folder 13

Casa Italiana 28541 1971-1997

Scope and Content

Brochures, background text, research materials, newspaper articles, and photographs.
Box 5, Folder 14

Bamboo Plaza - 85600 Venice Blvd 28542 1984-1994

Scope and Content

Correct address? Photographs, notes, background information, and correspondence.
Box 5, Folder 15

Buddhist statue, West Plaza 28543 1997

Scope and Content

One sheet of brief notes.
Box 5, Folder 16

Carl Cheng - Kaiser, Chinatown 28544 1989-1994

Scope and Content

Correspondence, photographs, and articles related to Carl Cheng and the Kaiser Permanente Mental Health Center Expansion Project Fine Arts.
Box 5, Folder 17

Migration - Ernesto Montana 28545 1995

Scope and Content

Background text, notes, and an artist biography.
Box 5, Folder 18

Carole Nye - Metro Plaza - Chinatown, temporary 28546 1994-1998

Scope and Content

Notes, correspondence, memoranda, photographs, and an exhibition catalog.
Box 5, Folder 19

City Corp Plaza 28687 1989-1999

Scope and Content

Slides, memoranda, correspondence, and newspaper articles.
Box 5, Folder 20

Lawrence Weiner 28689 1991

Scope and Content

Publicity, memoranda, recording of interview, artist's biography, and photographs of the Poets' Walk piece.
Box 5, Folder 21

Notes, Drafts (Poets' Walk) 28690 1992

Scope and Content

Drafts of descriptive information and correspondence.
Box 5, Folder 22

April Greiman 28688 1991

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece, artist cv, and letters.
Box 5, Folder 23

George Herms 28691 1989

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece, newspaper articles, correspondence, and artist's biography.
Box 5, Folder 24

James Surls 28692 1988-1990

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece, newspaper articles, correspondence, and artist's biography.
Box 5, Folder 25

David Gilhooly 28693 1989-1997

Scope and Content

Artist's curriculum vita, notes, and information on Poets' Walk piece.
Box 5, Folder 26

Peter Alexander 28694 1991-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece and information on the artist notes.
Box 5, Folder 27

Joe Fay 28720 1991-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece, information on the artist, and notes.
Box 5, Folder 28

Terry Allen 28721 1990-1996

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Poets' Walk piece, correspondence, and information on the artist.
Box 5, Folder 29

Charlotte B. 28722 undated

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, and notes.
Box 5, Folder 30

Home Savings 28723 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Information on the artists, brochure on the mosaics of Home Savings Pacific Beach Office branch in San Diego, Home Savings calendars featuring public sculptures and mosaics, brochure on Home Savings of America Tower, correspondence, and articles.
Box 5, Folder 31

Terry Schoonhoven 28724 1989-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs of the artist painting the mural at the Home Savings in downtown, a brochure on the art and architecture of the downtown branch of Home Savings, articles, and notes.
Box 6, Folder 1

Home Savings Tower 28725 1989

Scope and Content

Information on Joyce Kozloff and the other artists involved, brochures, and exhibition invitation.
Box 6, Folder 2

Uptown Rocker 28726 1984-1999

Scope and Content

Memoranda, correspondence, and photographs.
Box 6, Folder 3

California Plaza 78408 1990-1991

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings and publications.
Box 6, Folder 4

MOCA/California Plaza 28727 1993-1998

Scope and Content

Miscellaneous articles from newspapers and newsletters as well as photographs.
Box 6, Folder 5

Arco Plaza/Double Ascension 28728 1980s

Scope and Content

Miscellaneous articles and notes.
Box 6, Folder 7

Church of the Open Door 28729 1980s

Scope and Content

Memoranda and official correspondence about the public art work.
Box 6, Folder 8

550 S. Hope 28743 1989-1995

Scope and Content

Miscellaneous articles and notes.
Box 6, Folder 9

Title Guarantee 28744 1980s

Scope and Content

Photocopies, newspaper page, notes and a photograph.
Box 6, Folder 10

Crown Plaza 28745 1985

Scope and Content

Miscellaneous articles and notes.
Box 6, Folder 11

Jewelry Center/Michael Hayden 28746 1981-1998

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, correspondence, and the artist biography.
Box 6, Folder 12

Pacific Mutual Building 28747 1981-1984

Scope and Content

Brochure produced for the building, some correspondence, and miscellaneous articles.
Box 6, Folder 13

Los Angeles Prime Matter/Eric Orr 28748 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Articles, photocopies from book essays, brochures on Eric Orr, brochure on Sanwa Bank Plaza, photographs of dedication including one featuring Mayor Tom Bradley and Eric Orr, correspondence, and memoranda.
Box 6, Folder 14

Biddy Mason: A Passage of Time 28768 1990s-2000

Scope and Content

Official memoranda and correspondence.
Box 6, Folder 15

Presentation to Cultural Affairs Commission, Recs. & Parks 28769 1997

Scope and Content

Agenda and notes for a 1997 presentation of Urban Art, Inc. of which Michael Several was president.
Box 6, Folder 16

Peace Angel Sculpture at Crossroads High School in Santa Monica 79198 1997 April 11

Scope and Content

A newspaper clipping.
Box 6, Folder 17

Sculpture 78308 1978-1988

Scope and Content

Board of Cultural Affairs Commissioners meetings.
Box 6, Folder 18

Park. LA County Regional Park and Open Space District 28771 1997

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 19

Letters re: Lincoln Park Brochure to CAD, Bookstores. 28772 1997

Scope and Content

Letters and an invoice.
Box 6, Folder 20

El Pueblo Monument Policy 28773 1997

Scope and Content

Letters, agenda and communication information.
Box 6, Folder 21

Urban Art, Inc., Brochures 28774 1997

Scope and Content

Draft and final version of the brochure.
Box 6, Folder 22

People Interested in Urban Art 28775 1997-1998

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 23

Internet-www site 28776 1996

Scope and Content

Notes on LA Culture Net.
Box 6, Folder 24

SOS! 2000 Grant Correspondence 28777 1998

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 25

SOS! Community Campus 28778 1996

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 26

Conservatory 28780 1996

Scope and Content

Letter from Chattle Construction Corporation.
Box 6, Folder 27

Agendas 28783 1995-1996

Scope and Content

Urban Art, Inc. meetings.
Box 6, Folder 28

Monrovia 28788 1998

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 29

Charlie Selwitz project 28789 1998

Scope and Content

Box 6, Folder 30

Receipts/Invoices 28790 1996-1997

Scope and Content

Reciepts and invoices.
Box 6, Folder 31

Prop A/K 28791 1996

Scope and Content

A copy of a proposition, newspaper clipping, correspondence and a parks project list.
Box 6, Folder 27

Fine Arts Building 28750 1980s

Scope and Content

Notes, articles, photocopies from book essays, and photographs.
Box 7, Folder 1

Broadway/Spring Center 28767 1984-1986

Scope and Content

Notes, exhibition catalogs, correspondence, drafts of articles, memos, artist biographies, photocopies of publications, and newspaper articles.
Box 7, Folder 1

NEA 28792 1999

Scope and Content

Printout of an email conversation and guidelines.
Box 7, Folder 2

Grants 28793 1996

Scope and Content

Guidelines booklets ,photocopy of a page and a booklet on grants awarded.
Box 7, Folder 3

Income-State refund received 78325 1998 January 22

Scope and Content

A letter.
Box 7, Folder 4

Lincoln Park Brochure project 28794 1997

Scope and Content

Photographs, negatives, invoice, letters and newspaper clippings.
Box 7, Folder 5

Cultural Affairs Budget 28795 1997

Scope and Content

Budget summary and memorandum.
Box 7, Folder 6

Press for Urban Art, Inc. 28796 1995-1998

Scope and Content

Clippings, correspondence, photocopies, and reviews.
Box 7, Folder 7

Public Relations 28797 1979-1995

Scope and Content

Clippings, correspondence, and press releases.
Box 7, Folder 8

NCPTT/Rosa Lowinger's Project 28798 1996-1997

Scope and Content

Sculpture Conservation Studio-related correspondence.
Box 7, Folder 9

Beverly Hills 28799 1997-1999

Scope and Content

Urban Art, Inc. correspondence.
Box 7, Folder 10

Letter from Adela Leibowitz 28800 2000 August 12

Scope and Content

Related to Urban Art, Inc.
Box 7, Folder 11

Miscellaneous 29379 circa 1994

Scope and Content

Plastic envelope with miscellaneous brochures such as The Power of Place Historic Map, SMARTS Guide to Public Art in Santa Monica, and others. Newspaper articles, catalog for Prison Envelope Art: Imagery in Motion, and photocopies of articles.
Box 7, Folder 12

Contract with City of Los Angeles 29375 1995

Scope and Content

Correspondence on behalf of Urban Arts, Inc. photographs, contracts, and other miscellaneous documents.
Box 8, Folder 1

SOS! 29411 1990s

Scope and Content

Brochures, photographs, materials related to Lincoln Park Sculptures, and correspondence.
Box 8, Folder 2

Target Preservation Grant 29413 1998

Scope and Content

Box 8

Preservation of Outdoor Sculpture and Monuments 29424 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Conference-related materials, Oregon, 1995.
Box 8, Folder 3

Arts Advisory Committee 29429 1986-1992

Scope and Content

Meeting minutes.
Box 8, Folder 4

LA Baroque 29430 1985-1999

Scope and Content

Artists resume, fliers, and correspondence related to Bill Barrett's LA Baroque.
Box 8, Folder 5

One Bunker Hill 29431 1981-1983

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, and a folder labeled Mural-Music Center which includes a Los Angeles Times article.
Box 8, Folder 6

Pacific Telephone 29432 1980s

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, and articles related to Anthony B. Heinbergen's mural.
Box 8, Folder 7

First Interstate Tower 29437 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Articles, photographs, a proposal by Komar and Melamid for the work in the tower's lobby, information related to Robert Graham's Source Figure, artist resumes, CRA memoranda, correspondence about Komar and Melamid's project.
Box 8, Folder 8

Gas Company 29438 1984-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs, articles, and memoranda related to the Gas Company's CRA art requirement and to Frank Stella's mural Dusk. Includes the Gas Company Tower preliminary art plan.
Box 8, Folder 9

Sheldon Caris 29452 1981-1998

Scope and Content

Photographs, resume, and project description.
Box 8, Folder 10

Endangered - Mark Stasz 29453 1987-1998

Scope and Content

Notes, exhibition fliers, photographs, and correspondence related to this YMCA project.
Box 9, Folder 1

YMCA 29454 1986-1998

Scope and Content

YMCA brochure, information on the arts projects, correspondence, photographs, articles, artist-related booklets and fliers.
Box 9, Folder 2

Four Arches 29455 1981-1995

Scope and Content

Correspondence, photographs, brochure about paintings and sculptures at the Security Pacific Plaza, CRA memoranda, and poster of Woods Davy's sculpture La Mirada.
Box 9, Folder 3

Union Bank 29456 1969-1999

Scope and Content

Materials related to Jerome Kirk's sculpture Aquarius.
Box 9, Folder 4

Manulife - Christopher Keene 29457 1982-1999

Scope and Content

Correspondence and brochures.
Box 9, Folder 5

Colburn School of Performing Arts 29458 1998

Scope and Content

School brochures and newspaper articles.
Box 9, Folder 6

444 S. Flower 29459 1983-1998

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, and brochures related to the building and the public art works.
Box 9, Folder 7

Sports Complex 29460 1996-1999

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles related to the Staples center.
Box 9, Folder 8

Embassy Auditorium 29461 1985-1991

Scope and Content

Memoranda and brochures related to The Power of Place historic project.
Box 9, Folder 9

South Park 29462 1987-1998

Scope and Content

Brochures and articles.
Box 9, Folder 10

Daffodil Metamorphosis 29463 1996

Scope and Content

Description of the project.
Box 9, Folder 11

Skyline 29464 1984-1988

Scope and Content

Photographs and correspondence related to Guy Dill's capture.
Box 9, Folder 12

Convention Center 29465 1988-1998

Scope and Content

Memoranda and articles related to Pat Ward Williams' work commemorating Gilbert Lindsay.
Box 9, Folder 13

FIDM 29466 1982-1998

Scope and Content

Brochures, articles, correspondence, and memoranda related to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and the public art projects at the building.
Box 9, Folder 14

Homage to Cabrillo 29467 1984-1999

Scope and Content

Artist correspondence, brochure related to 888 International tower, and memoranda.
Box 9, Folder 15

Federal Reserve Building 29468 1984-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs and historic information.
Box 9, Folder 16

Standard Oil Building 29469 1979-1992

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 9, Folder 17

865 S. Figueroa 29470 1986-1993

Scope and Content

Memoranda, articles, and photographs related to Elyn Zimmerman's project.
Box 9, Folder 19

Metropolitan Apartments 29471 1990-1991

Scope and Content

Articles and information about Dewain Valentine.
Box 9, Folder 20

East of Main - History 29472 1997

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles and photographs.
Box 9, Folder 21

Eastside Murals 29474 1992-1997

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles and photographs.
Box 9, Folder 22

Greyhound Bus Station 29473 1991

Scope and Content

Some photographs and articles on the mural.
Box 9, Folder 23

LA Theatres 29475 1987-1998

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles.
Box 9, Folder 24

Historic Core 29476 1980-1999

Scope and Content

Newspaper articles and a Spring Street Reuse Study map.
Box 9, Folder 25

A New Deal for Art in Southern California 29663 1982

Scope and Content

A dissertation presented to the Graduate school at University of Southern California.
Box 9, Folder 26

Love for Sale 29664 1990

Scope and Content

Photocopies of pictures in black and white and the photocopy of a book Love For Sale.
Box 9, Folder 27-28

Modern Civic Art of the City Made Beautiful by Charles Mulford Robinson (2 folders) 29665 1903

Scope and Content

Photocopy of a book Modern Civic Art.
Box 9, Folder 29

Architectural Sculptures in New York City 29666 1975

Scope and Content

Photocopy of a book Architectural Sculptures in New York City.
Box 9, Folder 30

Intervention and Alchemy 29667 undated

Scope and Content

Photocopy of the book Intervention and Alchemy.
Box 9, Folder 31

Directions Thomas Struth Museum Photographs 78253 1992

Scope and Content

A brochure.
Box 9, Folder 32, Box 10, Folder 1

New York Civic Sculptures 29668 1979

Scope and Content

Photocopy of the book New York City Civic Sculptures - A pictorial guide.
Box 10, Folder 2-3

The Place of Art in the World of Architecture, volumes I and II 29669 1980

Box 10, Folder 4

Art for the Millions Essays from the 19030s by Artists and Administrators of the WPA Federal Art Project edited with an introduction by Francis V. O'Connor 29670 undated

Scope and Content

Photocopy of the book Art for the Millions.
Box 10, Folder 5

County Hall of Records Murals 30511 1990

Scope and Content

Photocopies of articles; booklet entitled: "The End of an Era; Los Angeles County's Old Hall of Records, 1911-1973."
Box 10, Folder 6

Letters to bookstores re: Civic Center Guide 30512 1997

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 7

Civic Center - People Interested in Guide 30516 1997

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 8

Letter of Acknowledgment - Civic Center 30517 1997

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 9

George Washington/Jean-Antoine Houdon 30509 1933

Scope and Content

SOS! information and description of the sculpture.
Box 10, Folder 10

Civic Center Mall/Will Fountain 30510 1977

Scope and Content

Photocopy of article from the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, February 21, 1977.
Box 10, Folder 11

Complimentary Copy Letter 30518 1997

Scope and Content

Press, articles.
Box 10, Folder 12

Civic Center Introduction 30519 undated

Scope and Content

Introduction of a few pages.
Box 10, Folder 13

Suelle Cheng/R. Hong 30508 1994

Scope and Content

Notes, interview transcript, and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 14

Christopher Columbus - Francisco Pedretti 30520 circa 1990s

Scope and Content

Articles, SOS! paperwork, and a booklet on the Columbus Day ball in 1994 at the Casa Italia.
Box 10, Folder 15

Joseph Scott 30521 1967

Scope and Content

SOS! file, articles, and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 16

County Courthouse - West Side 30522 1984-1996

Scope and Content

Correspondence, SOS! materials, and photographs related to Albert Stewart's sculpture.
Box 10, Folder 17

County Courthouse - East Side 30532 1989

Scope and Content

Correspondence, photographs, and SOS! materials related to Donald Hord's Work.
Box 10, Folder 18

Abraham Lincoln 30533 1988

Scope and Content

Articles related to the sculpture by Merrell Gage.
Box 10, Folder 19

Music Center - Peace on Earth, Dance Door 30534 1970s

Scope and Content

Articles, brochures, and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 20

Civic Center Mall 30535 1971

Scope and Content

Photographs of the Ukrainian Famine memorial and photocopies of newspaper clippings.
Box 10, Folder 21

County Courthouse 30536 1988

Scope and Content

Brochure about the building.
Box 10, Folder 22

Civic Center - Fund Raising 30537 1997

Scope and Content

Fundraising letter for funds to publish the public art guide.
Box 10, Folder 23

Judith von Euer 30538 circa 1985

Scope and Content

Photographs, correspondence, and articles related to Harbor Freeway mural.
Box 10, Folder 24

Colpo d'ala 30546 1980-1990

Scope and Content

Correspondence, memoranda, articles, and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 25

Chinatown after July 1, 2001 30547 undated

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping.
Box 10, Folder 26

Great Walls Program - Chinatown 30549 1996

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 27

Bus Bench - Chinatown 30550 1994

Scope and Content

Project by Hing Ala Cheung and Betty Phoenix Wan. Folder includes correspondence and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 28

CRA Chinatown 30551 1994

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 29

CRA 30552 1995

Scope and Content

Purchase order.
Box 10, Folder 30

Chinatown Guide - quick and dirty 30553 1994

Scope and Content

Memoranda, CRA maps, redevelopment plan, and brochures.
Box 10, Folder 31

Biographies of Artists 30610 1971-1994

Scope and Content

Chinatown brochure-related text mentioning the following artists: Alberto Biasi, Hing Alan Cheung, Carol Nye, Carl.F.K. Cheng, Glenna Boltuch Avila, Leo Politi, Dora De Larios, and Fu-Ding Cheng.
Box 10, Folder 32

Material from Mickey Gustin 30611 1994

Scope and Content

Correspondence with Mickey Gustin about the Chinatown guide.
Box 10, Folder 33

Chinatown walking guide 30612 1994

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 34

Heritage Trail 30613 1994-1995

Scope and Content

Black history in downtown Los Angeles.
Box 10, Folder 35

Goddess of Democracy 30618 1989

Scope and Content

Newspaper article.
Box 10, Folder 36

BJ Krivanek - Chinatown Service Center 30614 undated

Scope and Content

Box 10, Folder 37

Chinatown mural at Cesar Chavez/Broadway 30615 1995

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 38

Castelar School/Leo Politi 30616 1991

Scope and Content

Photographs, article, complete list of Politics 50 years, worth of work w/ books and some newspaper clippings.
Box 10, Folder 39

Light of Asia, Buddha and Sakyamuni in Asian Art 30617 1985

Scope and Content

Correspondence and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 40

Sun Yat Sen 30619 1988

Scope and Content

Articles and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 41-42

Tyrus Wong/Fu Ding Cheng 30620 1999

Scope and Content

Articles and photographs.
Box 10, Folder 43

Los Angeles Historic Trail 30621 1995

Scope and Content

Handwritten note.
Box 10, Folder 44

Huell Howser KCET 30622 1994 July

Scope and Content

Letters and notes.
Box 11, Folder 1

May Sun - Chinatown Medical Professional Building 30623 1990-1994

Scope and Content

Correspondence, articles, photographs, and memoranda.
Box 11, Folder 2

Miss American Monument 78248 1992

Box 11, Folder 3

Movie Lover's Guide to Hollywood by Richard Alleman 78249 undated

Scope and Content

Photocopy of the "Movie Lovers Guide to Hollywood."
Box 11, Folder 4

Tom Van Sant Possible Lawsuit 78226 1997

Scope and Content

Pages of notes.
Box 11, Folder 5-7

Hugo Reid Family - Arcadia 30624 1998-1999

Scope and Content

Proposal-related materials, memoranda, photographs, slides, notes, correspondence, and treatment award-related information.
Box 11, Folder 8-18

Mural project, Percent for Art 30625 1992-2000

Scope and Content

Memoranda and correspondence related to various percent for the art murals project within the Los Angeles metropolitan area, particularly related to various City of Los Angeles branch libraries, Los Angeles Police Department facility, the Los Angeles zoo, and others.
Box 12

Binder on the preservation of outdoor monuments 30627 undated

Scope and Content

A binder.
Box 12

Binder titled: Public Sculpture America's Legacy from the National Museum of American Art/Smithsonian Institution 30629 undated

Scope and Content

A binder.
Box 12

SOS! Adopt a Sculpture fundraising kit 30630 undated

Scope and Content

A sculpture kit.
Box 12

A Survey of Important Sculptures in Los Angeles County 78078 1998 June 25

Scope and Content

A file and a binder.
Box 12

Guide to the Maintenance of Outdoor Sculpture by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 78077 undated

Scope and Content

A book.
Box 13

Legacy at Risk: Strategies to Save Outdoor Sculpture 78073 1994

Container Summary: 2 videocassette

Scope and Content

Two videocassettes.
Box 13

Business and Community Partnerships 78074 1994

Container Summary: 1 videocassette

Scope and Content

A videocassette.
Box 13

Outdoor Sculpture Cleaning and Waxing 78075 1996 October

Container Summary: 1 videocassette

Scope and Content

A videocassette.
Box 13

Index cards 78076 undated

Scope and Content

Contents of index files: board of public works, city wide mural, city property not city funded, early Judy Baca, CETA, Department of airports, gifts, city grant, great walls, CRA % of art, department of animal regulation, recreation and parks, and DWP.
Box 14, Folder 1

Urban Sculptures Security Bank 78110 1984

Scope and Content

Project documentation, a postcard, and photographs.
Box 14, Folder 2

Woods Davy MacArthur Park Public Arts Program 78111 1984

Scope and Content

Photographs and brochures.
Box 14, Folder 3

Judy Baca Mural 78112 1985

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, photographs, and brochures.
Box 14, Folder 4

Letters 78113 1983-1991

Scope and Content

Box 14, Folder 5

Ulysses 78120 circa 1980s

Scope and Content

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and memorandums.
Box 14, Folder 6

Tunnel on Olive Lily Lakich 78121 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Photocopies of paperwork, photographs, and newspaper clippings.
Box 14, Folder 7

Grand Promenade 78122 1980s

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, a magazine, and photocopies.
Box 14, Folder 8

Monument to Astronaut 78123 1980-1990s

Scope and Content

Photocopies, notes, and a magazine.
Box 14, Folder 9

Credit 78124 1990 December 22

Scope and Content

A draft.
Box 14, Folder 10-11

Little Tokyo Public Art Walking Tour 78125 1992-1993

Scope and Content

Index cards, notes, and drafts for Little Tokyo guidebook.
Box 14, Folder 12

'Clouds of Steel' newspaper clippings 78126 1988

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping.
Box 14, Folder 13

Biography- Glenna Boltuch Avila 78127 1990 November 8

Scope and Content

Box 14, Folder 14

Senzo Mural located in Japanese Village Plaza 78139 1978-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs, drafts, and notes.
Box 14, Folder 15

Friendship Knot relationship between U.S.A. and Japan 78140 1972-1998

Scope and Content

Drafts, notes, photos, and an invoice.
Box 14, Folder 16

Tokyo Villa 78141 1980s

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 17

Ninomiya Kinjiro 78142 1980s

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, notes, photocopy of a book, and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 18

Memorial to Stephen Mallory White 78143 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 19

Unity mural 78144 1983-1987

Container Summary: Photographs

Scope and Content

Box 14, Folder 20

Kazuko Kayasuga Matthews 78145 1981-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs, letters, photocopies, and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 21

Towers of Peace, Prosperity, and Hope 78146 1988-1993

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, proposal, notes, and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 22

Stonerise by Seiji Kunishima 78147 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, and drafts.
Box 14, Folder 23-25

CRA Map 79293 undated

Scope and Content

Brochures, map, notes, and paperwork.
Box 15, Folder 1

Role of Government in Public Art 78148 undated

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 2

Civic Center Guide 78149 undated

Scope and Content

Notes and a draft.
Box 15, Folder 3

Introductions- El Pueblo Historic Park 78150 1990 December 14

Scope and Content

A draft.
Box 15, Folder 4

Freeway Sculpture 78151 1988-1992

Container Summary: Newspaper clippings

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 5

Route 101/ Freeway Art 78152 1990

Scope and Content

Drafts and newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 6

Cesar Chavez Memorial 78153 1995

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings and an agenda.
Box 15, Folder 7

101 Freeway Bridge 78154 1999

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 8

Miyako Hotel Little Tokyo 78155 1990

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 9

Sunshine Pacific Center 78156 1990

Scope and Content

Notes and newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 10

Dave Russel Inner City Mural 78157 1974

Scope and Content

A photocopy and a photograph.
Box 15, Folder 11

Los Angeles percent for Art 78158 1991

Scope and Content

A letter, newspaper clippings, and a brochure,
Box 15, Folder 12

City West 78159 undated

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 13

Brunswig Square- Silver Tower 78160 1991

Scope and Content

Drafts, letters, memorandums, and an agenda.
Box 15, Folder 14

Michael Todd 78161 1970-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs, magazine, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 15

SAH/SCC 78162 1990-1991

Scope and Content

Notes, newsletter, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 16

Central Core Series, No. 10 (Compassion) Pamela Burgess 78163 1991

Scope and Content

Two printouts.
Box 15, Folder 17

Fifty-one Bees 78164 1996

Scope and Content

Drafts, photographs, and photocopies.
Box 15, Folder 18

Eastside Markets- Clothes, toys, and produce 78165 1978-1998

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings of the Eastside Market.
Box 15, Folder 19

Loft District 78166 1995

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 20

Margaret Garcia 78167 1986

Container Summary: Newspaper clipping

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping.
Box 15, Folder 21

World Cup Mural 845 Figueroa 78168 1994

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 22

PTA Building 78169 1984

Container Summary: 2 photographs

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 23

Adam Leventhal- East of Main 78170 1992

Scope and Content

Article clippings.
Box 15, Folder 24

Esperanza Gardens 78171 1995-1999

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, photographs, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 25

Hope Street Terminus- The Garden of Conversion-South Park 78172 1990-1997

Scope and Content

Drafts, letters, photographs, and invoices.
Box 15, Folder 26

Mineko Grimmer 78173 1990s

Scope and Content

Photographs, negatives, drafts, and letters.
Box 15, Folder 27

Michael Several Book Proposal 78174 1990

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, and book proposal.
Box 15, Folder 28

Hope Street Promenade 78175 1992

Scope and Content

Box 15, Folder 29

Bridges 78176 1994

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 30-31

Del Prado 78177 1989

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, memorandums, and photographs.
Box 15, Folder 32

Del Prado- Ed Carpenter 78178 1994

Scope and Content

Drafts and photocopies.
Box 15, Folder 33

Del Prado- Christopher Lee 78179 1987-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 34

Del Prado- Mario Bartels 78180 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Drafts and photocopies.
Box 15, Folder 35

Del Prado- Plaques 78181 1994

Scope and Content

Letters, memorandums, and invoices.
Box 15, Folder 36

El Prado 78182 1993

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, notes, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 37

Citicorp Garage Harbor Freeway Overture 78183 1992

Scope and Content

Photographs and newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 38

Figueroa Corridor 78184 1997

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 39

Seventh Street 78185 1980

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 15, Folder 40

Seventh Street- Atter piece 78186 1983-1994

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, and a magazine.
Box 15, Folder 41

Los Angeles Marathon Mural 78187 1997

Scope and Content

Newspaper clipping.
Box 15, Folder 42

442 Memorial by Marlee Wilcomb 78188 1986-1993

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, and photocopies of books.
Box 15, Folder 43

Noguchi Plaza 78189 1978-1983

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, memorandums, letters, notes, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 44

Little Tokyo 78193 1984-1996

Scope and Content

Photocopies, notes, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 45

Little Tokyo Historic District: Street Improvement Project 78194 1991-1998

Scope and Content

Photographs, notes, newspaper clippings, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 46

State Office Building- Ronald Reagan 78196 1986-1992

Scope and Content

Memorandum, newspaper clippings, and drafts.
Box 15, Folder 47

State Office Building- Angelic Duet 78195 1979-1987

Scope and Content

Notes, program, and photocopies.
Box 15, Folder 48

Title Insurance Building 78197 1989

Scope and Content

Photographs and drafts.
Box 16, Folder 1

Victor Clothing Co. Murals 78206 1981-1999

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, letters, and notes.
Box 16, Folder 2

Broadway 78207 1980-1999

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings and a magazine.
Box 16, Folder 3

Tim Hawkinson-Grand Central Market 78208 1995-1998

Scope and Content

Photocopies of articles.
Box 16, Folder 4

Broadway Mural- Johanna Poethig 78209 1993

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, photographs, and a brochure.
Box 16, Folder 5-6

Art and law 78212 1996-1998

Scope and Content

Newsletter, newspaper clippings, and drafts.
Box 16, Folder 7

R and T Development 801 South Figueroa St. 78213 1989-1995

Scope and Content

Photographs, newspaper clippings, letters, and photocopies.
Box 16, Folder 8

Wells Fargo Outlet 78214 1975-1986

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, drafts, and magazines.
Box 16, Folder 9

L.A. County Sculpture condition Survey 79530 1997 October 8

Scope and Content

L.A. County Sculpture condition survey drafts.
Box 16, Folder 10

Cameron, David G. 79532

Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings.
Box 16, Folder 11

City of Pasadena 79534 1920-1989

Scope and Content

Photocopies of articles.
Box 16, Folder 12

Photographs and Negatives 79536 1991-1996

Scope and Content

Photographs and negatives.
Box 16, Folder 13

Condition Survey of Outdoor Sculptures in LA 79538 1998

Scope and Content

Draft on the Condition Survey of outdoor Sculptures in Los Angeles.
Box 16, Folder 14

Cover Letters to owners of sculptures 79561 1998

Scope and Content

Box 16, Folder 15

Outdoor sculpture in Los Angeles 79800 undated

Scope and Content

List of outdoor sculptures in Los Angeles.
Box 16, Folder 16

Urban Arts Sculpture Finalists 79802 1996

Scope and Content

List of Urban Arts Sculpture finalists.
Box 16, Folder 17

Brochures 79806 undated

Scope and Content

Box 16, Folder 18

SOS! Grant 79810 1996

Scope and Content

Notes, newspaper clippings, and a list of outdoor sculptures for conservation in priority order.
Box 16, Folder 19

Correspondence 79812 1996

Scope and Content

Photocopies, drafts, letters, and memorandums.
Box 16, Folder 20-21

Correspondence 79813 1997

Scope and Content

Letters, drafts, and notes.
Box 16, Folder 22

Correspondence 79816 1998

Scope and Content

Letters, drafts and a postcard.
Box 16, Folder 23

Reservation 79817 1998

Scope and Content

Letters and a book The Future of the Past: Historic Preservation in the Next Century.
Box 16, Folder 24

Los Angeles Open Festival 82998 1990

Scope and Content

Correspondence, bulletins, and articles related to the festival.
Box 16, Folder 25

Los Angeles Fringe Festival 83000 1987-1993

Scope and Content

Letters, brochures, issues, press lists, and publications related to the festival.
Box 16, Folder 26

Public Art Gardens - Article Draft 83005 1991

Scope and Content

Photos, manuscripts, and publications related to the gardens.
Box 16, Folder 27

City of Los Angeles Public Art Panel 83006 1991

Scope and Content

Audiocassette, newsletter, letters, and forms related to the public art panel.
Box 16, Folder 28

Los Angeles Public Art - Book Proposal 83007 1985

Scope and Content

Included are photos, resumes, and publications related to Several's book proposal.
Box 17, Folder 1

Barbara Kruger 83008 1987-1992

Scope and Content

Banner stickers, letters, and publications related to Barbara Kruger.
Box 17, Folder 2

KCET Magazine Program on Public Art 83009 1988-1989

Scope and Content

Cards, letters, graphs, and publications related to KCET Magazine.
Box 17, Folder 3

City Hall Doors 83010 1984-1990

Scope and Content

Photos, a book entitled Los Angeles City Hall 1928, and publications related to the City Hall Doors.
Box 17, Folder 4

Federal Courthouse 83011 1990-1996

Scope and Content

Letters, inventory forms, publications, and articles related to Federal Courthouse.
Box 17, Folder 5

City Hall Mall Lions 83012 1976-1977

Scope and Content

Articles related to the City Hall Mall Lions.
Box 17, Folder 6

Los Angeles Star Newspaper 1851-1864 83013 1995

Scope and Content

Articles related to the Los Angeles Star Newspaper.
Box 17, Folder 7

Bella Union Hotel 83017 1991

Scope and Content

Articles related to the hotel.
Box 17, Folder 8

City Hall Mall 83018 1972-1990

Scope and Content

Photos and meeting reports related to the mall.
Box 17, Folder 9

Eleanor Chambers Fountain 83019 1972-1990

Scope and Content

Articles and meeting reports related to the fountain.
Box 17, Folder 10

City Hall - Decorations 83020 1989-1996

Scope and Content

Photos, cards, posters, publications, meeting reports, and articles related to the decorations.
Box 17, Folder 11

Fireman's Memorial 83021 1990

Scope and Content

Photo, meeting report, and summary related to the memorial.
Box 17, Folder 12

Flint Fountain 83022 1990s

Scope and Content

Cards, letters, photos, meeting reports, and articles related to the fountain.
Box 17, Folder 13

Victor Manuel Contreras Let Us Fly Together Proposal for Civic Center Mall 83023 1989

Scope and Content

Photo and publication related to the Civic Center Mall.
Box 17, Folder 14

Frank Ackerman Vietnam Memorial 83024 1985

Scope and Content

Resume and articles related to the memorial.
Box 17, Folder 15

Bernard Rosenthal Family Group 83025 1997

Scope and Content

Photos and articles related to the group.
Box 17, Folder 16

Los Angeles City Hall Mall 83037 1970s-1990s

Scope and Content

Articles, meeting reports, publications, and floor plans related to the mall.
Box 17, Folder 17

Hall of Records 83038 1963-1983

Scope and Content

Photos and articles related to the hall.
Box 17, Folder 18

Richard Haines Murals Federal Office Building 83039 undated

Scope and Content

Photos, letters, articles, and publications related to the building.
Box 17, Folder 19

Parker Center (Los Angeles Police Department) Joseph Young Mosaic 83040 1960

Scope and Content

Publications and articles related to the center.
Box 17, Folder 20

Morace Farmer Los Angeles Police Memorial 83041 1960s-1990s

Scope and Content

Photos, meeting reports, and articles related to the memorial.
Box 17, Folder 21

Tom Van Sant Los Angeles Civic Mall 83042 1989

Scope and Content

Resume and articles related to Tom Van Sant.
Box 17, Folder 22

Robert J. Stevenson Fountain Los Angeles Mall 83050 1970s-1980s

Scope and Content

Photos, articles, meeting reports, and letters related to the fountain.
Box 17, Folder 23

Jan Peter Stern Untitled Los Angeles Mall 83051 1970s-1990

Scope and Content

Photos, articles, and meeting reports related to the mall.
Box 17, Folder 24

Hanns Scharff Gingko Leaf Pattern Los Angeles Mall 83052 1980s-1990s

Scope and Content

Photos, articles, and publications related to the mall.
Box 17, Folder 25

Joseph Young Triforium 83053 1977-1992

Scope and Content

Articles and meeting reports related to the Triforium.
Box 17, Folder 26

Japanese Village Shopping Plaza Little Tokyo 83054 1984

Scope and Content

Publications and articles related to the shopping plaza.
Box 17, Folder 27

Koyasan Buddhist Temple 83064 1989-1994

Scope and Content

Photos, articles, and publications related to the temple.
Box 17, Folder 28

Public Art Review Article about Public Art in Little Tokyo 83065 1996

Scope and Content

Photos, articles, and letters related to public art.
Box 17, Folder 32

Joel Shapiro, Los Angeles Federal Center 83069 1987

Scope and Content

Biographies, memos, and articles related to Joel Shapiro.
Box 17, Folder 29

Little Tokyo Public Art Guide Grant and Contract 83066 1990-1994

Scope and Content

Letters, articles, contracts, and publications related to public art and Several's work.
Box 17, Folder 30

Tom Otterness, Los Angeles Federal Center 83067 1989-1996

Scope and Content

Letters, meeting reports, publications, and articles related to the federal center.
Box 17, Folder 31

Jonathan Borofsky, Los Angeles Federal Center 83068 1990-1992

Scope and Content

Articles, memos, and resumes related to Jonathan Borofsky and the federal center.
Box 17, Folder 33

Los Angeles Federal Center I 83070 1985-1989

Scope and Content

Publications, letters, and articles related to the federal center.
Box 17, Folder 34

Los Angeles Federal Center II 83071 undated

Scope and Content

Publications and floor plans related to the federal center.
Box 17, Folder 35

Drafts of Guides to Los Angeles Public Art and Murals 83072 1991

Scope and Content

Articles, letters, and publications related to the guide about El Pueblo de Los Angeles.
Box 18, Folder 1

Arroyo Arts Collective, Highland Park 1990-1999

Box 18, Folder 2

Celebrating Los Angeles, America's City of Festivals 1990

Box 18, Folder 3

CRA 1981-1992

Box 18, Folder 4

CRA Downtown Art Collection 1980s

Box 18, Folder 5

CRA 8th Annual WOrk Program 1984

Box 18, Folder 6

CRA Map of Down6ton Los Angeles 1984

Box 18, Folder 7-10

Grand Hope Park 1980s

Box 18, Folder 11

Maura Sheehan, Intervention 1991

Box 18, Folder 12

Michael Several, articles on public art 1988-1989

Box 18, Folder 13

Steven Rose, Buckle Up! mural 1970s-1980s

Box 18, Folder 14

Michael Several

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, photograph, address list, resume.
Box 19, Box 20, Box 21, Box 22, Box 23, Box 24, Box 25

Unprocessed materials