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Davis (Senator Ed) Collection
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Box 1, Folder 1

Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority: "Economic Benefits Study," Henningson, Durham and Richardson, Santa Barbara, June 1983

Box 1, Folder 2

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Booklet, 1986

Box 1, Folder 3

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: California Journal, September 1986

Box 1, Folder 4

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Correspondence, 1985-1986

Box 1, Folder 5

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Crime Victims for Court Reform, Announcements and Newsletters, 1986

Box 1, Folder 6

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Death Penalty Act, 1986

Box 1, Folder 7

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: "Justice Denied," Radio Announcements, 1986

Box 1, Folder 8

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Mailings, 1986

Box 1, Folder 9

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Membership Lists, 1985-1986

Box 1, Folder 10

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Newsletters, 1985-1986

Box 1, Folder 11

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Research Documents, 1986

Box 1, Folder 12

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Reviews of Death Penalty Cases

Box 1, Folder 13

Californians to Defeat Rose Bird: Statements and Speeches, 1986

Box 1, Folder 14

Community Development: 1980 Census Ethnic Data for Los Angeles, Community Analysis & Planning Division, Community Development Division, City of Los Angeles, 1980

Box 1, Folder 15

Education: "A Review of Funding Alternatives for Commission of Teacher Credentialing," Legislative Report, State of California, December 1985

Box 1, Folder 16

Education: "Serrano v Priest: The Decision, The Implications," California Council on Intergovernmental Relations, September 1972

Box 1, Folder 17

Emissions Inspection Program: Manual, 1980

Box 2, Folder 1

Hazardous Wastes: "A Problem That Cannot Be Buried," Time, October 14

Box 2, Folder 2

Hazardous Wastes: California Adminstrative Code, Title 22, Social Security, Division 4, Environmental Health, Chapter 30, Minimum Standards for Management of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Wastes, Department of Health Services, State of California

Box 2, Folder 3

Hazardous Wastes: California State Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Control Law, Excerpt from Health and Safety Code Division 20, 1984

Box 2, Folder 4

Hazardous Wastes: Financing California's Hazardous Waste Management Programs, Department of Health Services, State of California, 1986

Box 2, Folder 5

Housing Discrimination: Division in the Midst of Diversity: Continuing Discrimination in Housing, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, April 1986

Box 2, Folder 6

International Association of Chiefs of Police: Executive Directors Report, May 1986

Box 2, Folder 7

International Association of Chiefs of Police: Executive Directors Report, May 1986

Box 2, Folder 8

Natural Resources: A Rural Development Agenda for California, Senate Office of Research, State of California, January 1986

Box 2, Folder 9

Natural Resources: Oil and Gas Lease Applications, Los Padres national Forest Evenironmental Assessment, Part IV, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

Box 2, Folder 10

Natural Resources: Seaweed and Sagebrush Robbery: State Revenue Losses from Offshore and Onshore Federal Lands, Senate Office of Research, State of California, October 1984

Box 2, Folder 11

Natural Resrouces: Wilderness Recommendations: Central California Study Area, Final Environmental Impact Statement, United States Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

Box 2, Folder 12

Parks and Recreation: Proposed Budget for Land Acquisition, Department of Parks and Recreation, State of California, April 1986

Box 3, Folder 1

Proposition 13: No-Property-Tax Cities after Proposition 13, Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, State of California, 1980 November 6

Box 3, Folder 2

Proposition 13: Overview of State Assistance to Local Governments Since Proposition 13, Assembly Local Government Committee, State of California, February 1983

Box 3, Folder 3

San Fernando Valley Basin: Groundwater Quality Management Plan, Department of Power and Water, City of Los Angeles, 1983 July 1

Box 3, Folder 4

Social Security: Report by the Auditor General of California, P-070, August 1982

Box 3, Folder 5

Toxic Substances: Background Articles, Documents, and Pamphlets, 1986

Box 3, Folder 6

Toxic Substances: Health Effects of Toxic Substances: A Dictionary of References and Resources, Department of Health Services, State of California, 1986

Box 3, Folder 7

Toxic Substances: Legislation, 1979-1986

Box 3, Folder 8

Toxic Substances: Legislation, 1979-1986

Box 3, Folder 9

Toxic Substances: Toxic Substances Control Division FY 1985-86 Workplan, Department of Health Services, State of California, 1985 March 1

Box 3, Folder 10

Transportation, Highways: Correspondence, 1984

Box 3, Folder 11

Transportation, Highways: San Fernando Valley

Box 3, Folder 12

Ventura County: Social Service Resource Directory, 1986

Box 3, Folder 13

Ventura County: Ventura County Government Serving the Citizens, Chief Administrative Office, Ventura, CA, December 1985

Box 4, Item 1

Photo: Portrait of Senator Davis and his Wife, Bobbie