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Irwin (William E.) Photographs of Great Plains Indians
photCL 161  
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Box 1


Box 1, Item 1

Comanche Indian camp near Fort Sill [Comanche man with two children on horse]

Box 1, Item 2

Kiowa Indians drawing rations at the Commission, Anadarko [Oklahoma]

Box 1, Item 3

Comanche Indians butchering a beef

Box 1, Item 4

Kiowa Indian camp near Anadarko

Box 1, Item 5

Little Comanche girls

Box 1, Item 6

Little Kiowa boy

Box 1, Item 7

Gertrude Threefinger. A Chickasaw belle.

Box 1, Item 8

Kiowa papoose

Box 1, Item 9

Little Kiowa boy [Boy with ribbon-wrapped pigtails]

Box 1, Item 10

A young warrior [Toddler boy dressed in breastplate]

Box 1, Item 11

Big Tom, Comanche monte [?] dealer

Box 1, Item 12

Comanche squaw and papoose [Woman sitting outside with infant in lap]

Box 1, Item 13

Cruis and family. Comanches

Box 1, Item 14

Kiowa papoose

Box 1, Item 15

Little Kiowa girls [One girl standing and one girl sitting in animal fur]

Box 1, Item 16

Comanche Medicine Man

Box 1, Item 17

Poor Buffalo in War Costume

Box 1, Item 18

Waterman's Squaw and papoose

Box 1, Item 19

White Buffalo (Kiowa)

Box 1, Item 20

Millie Oytant. Dress val. $1000.00

Box 1, Item 21

Kiowa Annie. Dress val. $500.00

Box 1, Item 22

White Wolf in war costume. Comanche

Box 1, Item 23

Apache girls

Box 1, Item 24

Kokome's daughters. Kiowa.

Box 1, Item 25

Appeahtone and squaw. Kiowa chief

Box 1, Item 26

Atole in his war costume

Box 1, Item 27

Little Bow's teepee

Box 1, Item 28

Kiowa kids [Six Kiowa girls sitting by wagons]

Box 1, Item 29

Geronimo. Apache chief

Box 1, Item 30

Geronimo's interpreter

Box 1, Item 31

Little White Shield (Kiowa)

Box 1, Item 32

Lone Wolf's mother

Box 1, Item 33

Kiowa squaw and papoose [Kiowa woman facing away from camera with infant on her back]

Box 1, Item 34

Lone Wolf dancing the war dance

Box 1, Item 35

Kiowa squaw and papoose [Kiowa woman with child on her back, both facing the camera]

Box 1, Item 36

Comanche papoose

Box 1, Item 37

Daisy Waterman. Kiowa

Box 1, Item 38

Kiowa bride and groom

Box 1, Item 39

Apache squaw carrying wood

Box 1, Item 40

Chief Quanah Parker with two of his wives

Box 1, Item 41

Kiowa squaw and papoose [Woman wrapped in dark blanket holding papoose upright]

Box 1, Item 42

Ponto and Lone Bear. Kiowa warriors

Box 1, Item 43

Wichita Indian grass house near Anadarko

Box 1, Item 44

Indians watering ponies in the Washita Riv. near Anadarko

Box 1, Item 45

Kiowa Indian scouts of Anadarko

Box 1, Item 46

Fort Sill as seen from the top of the hospital

Box 1, Item 47

Cattle grazing near Fort Sill

Box 1, Item 48

Views around Fort Sill [Cowboys on horseback with cows at watering hole]

Box 1, Item 49

Apache Indian camp near Anadarko

Box 1, Item 50

Kiowa Indian camp near Anadarko [Camp with cow hides drying on line]