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Courtesy of UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography


Cuba - Province of Oriente - Santiago De Cuba: Calle Ramados, the principal business thoroughfare of the Capitol of Oriente Province and second port city of Cuba. Most of the city's streets are narrow and very often hilly for the city has not changed greatly since its early days, in general aspect. The Spanish style of architecture of the older buildings prevails, but a few new ones such as the department store just beyond the little plaza are built in the modern manner. But neither these nor the numberless neon signs can take away from the general old-world charm of the city which grew up since its founding by the Spaniards in 1514 on the hilly slopes running down from the mountains which form its background to the Caribbean Sea.


James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast



Contributing Institution:

UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography