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Courtesy of UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography


Cuba - Province of Matanzas - Near Cardenas: A few miles outside of Cardenas, second port city of the Province, is extensive farm lands, some of it owned by small farmers and some of it by large sugar interests. This bohio is owned by the farmer who, on his horse, is just ready to return to the fields of his small farm after the noonday period of rest and lunch. The bohio house used by farm people in the country is built with the high, steeply pitched roof made of palm fronds. The old style in bohio construction called for side walls made of palm bark with the palm frond roof, but today they are generally built with side walls of wood clapboard like this one of stucco. The tall bohio roof still tops them for it is a great protection against the tropical heat of the island, keeping the interior of the house and its occupants much cooler than it is outside.


James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast



Contributing Institution:

UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography