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Courtesy of UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography


Great Britain, Scotland Glasgow: Dixon's Iron Works: - the blast furnace with carloads of scrap in the foreground. in 1839 William Dixon blew in the first blast furnace in Scotland here at what was then called his Govan Iron Works on Govanhill in the fields beyond the city limits. the city has since grown around the plant and far beyond it. Mr. Dixon within a year had increased his one furnace to five, the original one still going on full capacity today. 97 years later a byproduct coke-oven plant was erected and three years later a gas-washing plant added to this. a few days after these pictures were made, the colville steel company of Glasgow purchased the entire Dixon plant (so long known affectionately as "Dixon;s Blazes") and are incorporating the historic, but active works in their field of action.


James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast



Contributing Institution:

UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography