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Courtesy of UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography


SOUTH CAROLINA Near Charleston: Looking down Magnolia Walk boarded by the brilliantly blooming azalea bushes at Magnolia-on-the-Ashley, more familiarly know now as Magnolia Gardens. Almost three hundred years ago at Drayton of England migrated to Barbados and later to England, acquiring a large tract of land on the Ashley River, including not only this property by several other plantations. Ever Since the Drayton family and its descendants have owned and occupied Magnolia-on-the-Ashley. It was one John Grimke-Drayton, who added his mother's name to his own in order to inherit the lovely place, and is responsible for the beauty of the gardens. He had studied for the ministry, but because of tuberculosis was ordered by his physician to spend his days outdoors. So he turned his attention to the soil and twenty-five acres of gorgeous blooms are the result of his efforts and direction. He lived to enjoy the fruits of his work and had left a garden to which thousands of people come annually during the blooming season which begins the camellias in the fall and end with the azaleas in the spring. Purchased for "M".


James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast



Contributing Institution:

UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography