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Courtesy of UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography


Cuba - Province of Camaguey - Vanero: Harvest on a sugar plantation in the rich lands in the south-central part of the city of Camaguey and about the same distance from Central Vertientes (the Vertientes sugar mill). This crop will go to that "central" for processing - Central Vertientes, American owned and operated, is probably the largest of all Cuba's 161 "centrals". Cuban sugar fields are seldom if ever burned over to strip the leaves from the cane stalks before cutting. Much of the harvest occurs during the very dry season of Cuba when brisk winds blow which could quickly send the flames out of control. so the cutters have a double job -- first cut the entire stalk, then strip the leaves which fall to the ground, tossing the cane to one side where the sugar carts will later gather it up for the first stage of its journey to the central. the carts go to a near by railroad transfer station where their contents is scooped up by a machine crane and loaded into open freight cars which shortly take the crop on to the central for processing.


James C. Sawders
Gifford M. Mast



Contributing Institution:

UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography