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Three evacuees unloading prop charges from a box car at the Sioux depot. The prop charges are placed on a truck and transported to a storage place at the depot.<lb/> Photographer: Aoyama, Takashi<lb/> Sidney, Nebraska.
[verso] Three evacuees unloading prop charges from a box car at the Sioux depot. The prop charges are placed on a truck and transported to a storage place at the depot. ; Photographer: Aoyama, Takashi ; Sidney, Nebraska.
[recto] Three evacuees unloading prop charges from a box car at the Sioux depot. The prop charges are placed on a truck and transported to a storage place at the depot. ;  Photographer: Aoyama, Takashi ;  Sidney, Nebraska.
[verso] Three evacuees unloading prop charges from a box car at the Sioux depot. The prop charges are placed on a truck and transported to a storage place at the depot. ;  Photographer: Aoyama, Takashi ;  Sidney, Nebraska.
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