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Young mother prepares for evacuation at 2526 Buchanan Street. She was born in this country. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.<lb/> Photographer: Lange, Dorothea<lb/> San Francisco, California.
[recto] Young mother prepares for evacuation at 2526 Buchanan Street. She was born in this country. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration. ; Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ; San Francisco, Californi
[recto] Young mother prepares for evacuation at 2526 Buchanan Street. She was born in this country. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration. ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  San Francisco, Californi
[verso] Young mother prepares for evacuation at 2526 Buchanan Street. She was born in this country. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration. ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  San Francisco, Californi
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