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George Nagamatsu, a farmer with 15 years' experience and former resident of Santa Ana, California, is shown with two month old tomato plants. These plants are ready for transplanting. George's family owned and operated a 300 acre farm at Santa Ana.<lb/> Photographer: Stewart, Francis<lb/> Rivers, Arizona.
[verso] George Nagamatsu, a farmer with 15 years' experience and former resident of Santa Ana, California, is shown with two month old tomato plants. These plants are ready for transplanting. George's family owned and operated a 300 acre farm at Santa Ana. ; P
[recto] George Nagamatsu, a farmer with 15 years' experience and former resident of Santa Ana, California, is shown with two month old tomato plants. These plants are ready for transplanting. George's family owned and operated a 300 acre farm at Santa Ana. ;  P
[verso] George Nagamatsu, a farmer with 15 years' experience and former resident of Santa Ana, California, is shown with two month old tomato plants. These plants are ready for transplanting. George's family owned and operated a 300 acre farm at Santa Ana. ;  P
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