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A crew of poster artists preparing Caution and Fire Hazard posters in an early campaign for the prevention of fire, greatest danger to the initial inhabitants of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center.<lb/> Photographer: Parker, Tom<lb/> Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
[verso] A crew of poster artists preparing Caution and Fire Hazard posters in an early campaign for the prevention of fire, greatest danger to the initial inhabitants of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. ; Photographer: Parker, Tom ; Heart Mountain, Wyo
[recto] A crew of poster artists preparing Caution and Fire Hazard posters in an early campaign for the prevention of fire, greatest danger to the initial inhabitants of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. ;  Photographer: Parker, Tom ;  Heart Mountain, Wyo
[verso] A crew of poster artists preparing Caution and Fire Hazard posters in an early campaign for the prevention of fire, greatest danger to the initial inhabitants of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. ;  Photographer: Parker, Tom ;  Heart Mountain, Wyo
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