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Social given by Omaha Y.M.C.A. for the evacuees. Refreshment time. Seated from left to right are Howard Hoshida, Ruth Foland, Betty Schuster, Setsuo Dairiki, Auzella Yamamoto, Paul Tosaya, and Marie Yamamoto.<lb/> Photographer: Okano, Tom K.<lb/> Kansas City, Missouri.
[verso] Social given by Omaha Y.M.C.A. for the evacuees. Refreshment time. Seated from left to right are Howard Hoshida, Ruth Foland, Betty Schuster, Setsuo Dairiki, Auzella Yamamoto, Paul Tosaya, and Marie Yamamoto. ; Photographer: Okano, Tom K. ; Kansas C
[recto] Social given by Omaha Y.M.C.A. for the evacuees. Refreshment time. Seated from left to right are Howard Hoshida, Ruth Foland, Betty Schuster, Setsuo Dairiki, Auzella Yamamoto, Paul Tosaya, and Marie Yamamoto. ;  Photographer: Okano, Tom K. ;  Kansas C
[verso] Social given by Omaha Y.M.C.A. for the evacuees. Refreshment time. Seated from left to right are Howard Hoshida, Ruth Foland, Betty Schuster, Setsuo Dairiki, Auzella Yamamoto, Paul Tosaya, and Marie Yamamoto. ;  Photographer: Okano, Tom K. ;  Kansas C
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