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Jane Oi from Granada Relocation Center, Sally Fujimoto, from Manzanar, and Harrio Najima from Tule Lake, visit the Lincoln Memorial. All three are working for the War Relocation Authority in Washington.<lb/> Photographer: Van Tassel, Gretchen<lb/> "Washington, D.C.", .
"[verso] Jane Oi from Granada Relocation Center, Sally Fujimoto, from Manzanar, and Harrio Najima from Tule Lake, visit the Lincoln Memorial. All three are working for the War Relocation Authority in Washington. ; Photographer: Van Tassel, Gretchen ; ""Washin"
[recto] Jane Oi from Granada Relocation Center, Sally Fujimoto, from Manzanar, and Harrio Najima from Tule Lake, visit the Lincoln Memorial. All three are working for the War Relocation Authority in Washington. ;  Photographer: Van Tassel, Gretchen ;  Washin
"[verso] Jane Oi from Granada Relocation Center, Sally Fujimoto, from Manzanar, and Harrio Najima from Tule Lake, visit the Lincoln Memorial. All three are working for the War Relocation Authority in Washington. ;  Photographer: Van Tassel, Gretchen ;  ""Washin"
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