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Closing of the Jerome Center, Denson, Arkansas. Military Police assist evacuees entering the chair cars on the June 13th trip to the Gila River Center.<lb/> Photographer: Mace, Charles E.<lb/> Denson, Arkansas.
[verso] Closing of the Jerome Center, Denson, Arkansas. Military Police assist evacuees entering the chair cars on the June 13th trip to the Gila River Center. ; Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ; Denson, Arkansas.
[recto] Closing of the Jerome Center, Denson, Arkansas. Military Police assist evacuees entering the chair cars on the June 13th trip to the Gila River Center. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Denson, Arkansas.
[verso] Closing of the Jerome Center, Denson, Arkansas. Military Police assist evacuees entering the chair cars on the June 13th trip to the Gila River Center. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Denson, Arkansas.
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