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Oakland, Calif. (1117 Oak Street)--Evacuees at the WCCA station awaiting evacuation bus for Tanforan Assembly Center under Civilian Exclusion Order No. 28. Woman standing in background is a local Caucasian church worker assisting in the evacuation.<lb/> Photographer: Lange, Dorothea<lb/> Oakland, California.
[verso] Oakland, Calif. (1117 Oak Street)--Evacuees at the WCCA station awaiting evacuation bus for Tanforan Assembly Center under Civilian Exclusion Order No. 28. Woman standing in background is a local Caucasian church worker assisting in the evacuation. ; P
[recto] Oakland, Calif. (1117 Oak Street)--Evacuees at the WCCA station awaiting evacuation bus for Tanforan Assembly Center under Civilian Exclusion Order No. 28. Woman standing in background is a local Caucasian church worker assisting in the evacuation. ;  P
[verso] Oakland, Calif. (1117 Oak Street)--Evacuees at the WCCA station awaiting evacuation bus for Tanforan Assembly Center under Civilian Exclusion Order No. 28. Woman standing in background is a local Caucasian church worker assisting in the evacuation. ;  P
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