Servlet Error: Dynamic

An unexpected servlet error has occurred.


Error in call to extension function {public static java.lang.String org.cdlib.xtf.xslt.FileUtils.humanFileSize(java.lang.Long)}: Exception in extension function java.lang.NullPointerException

Stack Trace:

Saxon Error : XTRE0540: Ambiguous rule match for /mets/dmdSec[1]/mdWrap[1]/xmlData[1]/mods:mods[1]/mods:relatedItem[1]/mods:titleInfo[1]Matches both "mods:titleInfo[1]" on line 451 of file:/apps/dsc/branches/production/xtf/mets-support/xslt/view/common/MODS-view.xsland "*[1]" on line 447 of file:/apps/dsc/branches/production/xtf/mets-support/xslt/view/common/MODS-view.xslSaxon Error on line 198 of file:/apps/dsc/branches/production/xtf/mets-support/./xslt/view/UCB.html.xslt:: Error in call to extension function {public static java.lang.String org.cdlib.xtf.xslt.FileUtils.humanFileSize(java.lang.Long)}: Exception in extension function java.lang.NullPointerException

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